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Lesson 53 In the public interest 为了公众的利益

New words and expression 生词和短语



In the public interest为了公众的利益

Interest n. 兴趣,爱好;利息;利益;趣味vt. 使……感兴趣;引起……的关心

In one’s own interest为了某人自己的好处In the best interest of对…有最大的利益/好处

Evolve [??v?lv] v. 逐渐形成

1、vi 进化

2、vt&vi使…逐步发展; 逐步发展

evolve into vt. 发展成,进化成

evolve from v. 由…进化, 演化--Man has evolved from the ape(类人猿).

= develop gradually -- He has developed /evolved a new system for running the factory.

evolve a system for doing sth 形成了发展了一套…的体系

evolution n. 发展,演变;进化--The evolution isn’t unexpected.

revolution 革命,重大变革reform v. 改革,革新;重组;(使)改过自新;n. 改革,改良;改正

-ism / socialism / evolutionism / evolutionist / evolutional

evolutionism n.进化论evolutionist n.进化论者evolutional a.发展的,进化的

resolve v. 下决心resolution n.解决

revolve v.旋转,转动

--The earth is round ,and every day and night it is revolving.

involve v. (使)卷入,牵涉,包含involve / be involved in

--He is involved in the case.

High-handed['ha?'h?nd?d] adj. 专横的;高压的

high-handed 霸道的; 不容分说的

High-handed rule 高压统治high-handed measures 高压手段high-handed tactics 高压战术

High-class 极好的,上流社会的high-end 高档的high-performance高性能的high-minded高尚的

Incompetent [?n?k?mp?t?nt] a 不够格的,不称职的

competent : having ability / qualification to do sth.有资格去做某事(有能力的,能胜任的)

competent 指“胜任”,“合格”,或受过专业技术等训练的,但不是超群的能力。

如:A doctor should be competent to treat many diseases. (医生应该能治多种病。)

able 为常用词,指具有做某事所需的力量,技巧,知识与时间等,一般与效率无关,用作定语表示能力超出平均水平。如:A cat is able to see in the dark. (猫在黑暗中能看见东西。)

capable 指满足一般要求的能力,可以是表现出来的,也可是潜在的,搭配是be capable of +doing。用作定语,表示的能力没有able表示的能力强。如:He is capable of running a mile in a minute. (他能在一分钟内跑完一英里。)He is a very capable doctor. (他是一位很好的大夫。)

be competent to do sth..

be competent for sth..

=qualified / fit都可以用介词for和to do

--He is competent / qualified / fit for the job.

incompetent / unfit 同样介词也用for

competent : sufficient / enough adequate足够的

--He has a competent knowledge of French. --He is competent to teach the language.

Competence 能力,胜任力正式用词,侧重指令人满意的业务能力与水平,达到胜任某项工作等的要求。core competence 核心竞争力;核心才能communicative competence 交际能力

professional competence 专业技能language competence 语言表达能力

competence / qualification for / to

--He has the ability to do the job.他有能力做这项工作

--He has the capability / capacity of doing the job.

competence 侧重点在于能够胜任

--He has the competence to do / for the job. 最好的解释是qualification

over-zealously ['ouv? 'zel?sli] adv.过分热情地

zeal [zi?l]热诚,激情((尤指对工作、宗教或政治的) 热衷)for/in

zealous [?zel?s] adj. 热心的,热情的((尤指对政治或宗教理想) 热衷的)

zealously ['zel?sli] 副词

over-zealous adj. 过分热心的

zealous 指对所从事的事表现出的高度热情和积极性。

enthusiastic 指对参与某项活动或对感兴趣的计划或决定表现出的毫无保留的热切心情。

safeguard v./n.保护,保卫(比protect正式,书面语或严肃大的场合下) ~ sth/sb from/against

n、安全条例; 防护措施A safeguard is a law, rule, or measure intended to prevent sb or sth from being harmed safeguard mechanism 保障机制safeguard against 防范;预防

protect v.保护--We must safeguard our motherland. --Keeping clean is a safeguard against disease. safeguard / guard.保安--We need several safeguards.

Bodyguard保镖escort [?esk??t]护卫guard守卫

safeguard / protect our eyes.

shelter 通常指寻找安全地方躲避风雨或使人免遭危害。

guard 普通用词,指保持警惕以防可能的攻击或伤害。

harbour 贬义词,指隐匿或非法保护、窝藏。

safeguard 语气强,指采取积极措施预防可能发生的一切攻击或危险。

defend 普通用词,指用武力或其它措施使人或物不受损害,消除危险。用作比喻时,指坚持某种行动、决定或意见。

shield 语气比protect强,但侧重防止迫在眉睫的攻击或伤害。

protect 普通用词,指用某种手段作为防御工具以防危险或伤害。

Parliamentary[?pɑ?l??mentri] 国会的美国是congressional议会的;国会的

parliamentary system 议会制;议会政体(等于parliamentary government)

parliamentary democracy 议会民主制parliamentary election议会选举

parliament [?pɑ?l?m?nt] 国会,议会

parliament 指英国或加拿大等由上议院和下议院构成的国家立法机关。通常用大写形式。

congress 多用于美国的立法机构,即参议院和众议院。也可指代表大会。

Legislation n立法(正式);法规(具体)legislate [?led??sle?t] vt. 用立法规定;通过立法Amendment n 修正案amend vt. 修改;改善,改进mend 修补,修理

Qualified 合格的(有资格的)

qualify vt. 限定,修饰;使具有资格;证明…合格vi. 取得资格,有资格

be qualified for 有担任…的资格qualified personnel 人才;合格人员

qualified teachers 师资;百分百合格师资qualified candidate 合格的候选人;合资格人员

academic qualification学历资格 a medical qualification医师执照qualification certificate 资格证书driver’s license驾驶执照export permit出口证qualifying match资格赛证明书;结业证书

certify 证明,保证prove

qualification 资格,能力,资质(n.资格,执照,能力)

grievance [?ɡri?v?ns] n.不平,冤屈(委屈; 不满)八级air one’s grievance 诉说

If you have a grievance about sth that has happened or been done, you believe that it was unfair. 委屈; 不满n. 不满,不平;委屈;冤情dissatisfaction , complaint

grief n.极度的悲伤

--I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight because I have to comfort my friend in grief.

--It grieves me to see him in such bad health.

justiteombudsman n. (瑞典的)司法特派员

Ombudsman[??mb?dzm?n] (瑞典和英国的)司法特派员(政府处理民众诉愿的官员)

a government official whose jo

b is to examine and report on complaints made by ordinary people about the government or publi

c authorities

(调查公众对政府或公共机构投诉的) 调查官、申诉专员、监察专员

secretive[?si?kr?t?v] adj. 保密的(八级藏而不露的; 讳莫如深的)

be ~ (about sth)(思想、情感等)不外露的;惯于掩藏自己的;有城府的

secretive letters保密的信件

secret 是就事论事secretive 是针对习惯和性格,而不是一件事情

correspondence n.来往信件(可数);(通信(不可数))keep~ with be in~ with

Someone's correspondence is the letters that they receive or send. 信件

keep up correspondence with保持通信联系

--keep in touch with sb. by writing letters

--We keep up correspondence recently for several years.

correspondence school 函授学校correspondence course 函授课程

correspondence : agreement / similarity 相似,一致,和…相符

in correspondence with sb./sth 与…相一致;与某人有通信

bring sth. into correspondence with sth 使某事与另一事相一致

correspondence between A and B

--We must bring your idea into correspondence with mine.

correspondent n. 通讯员,通信者

correspond [?k??r??spɑ?nd] 1、V If one thing corresponds to another, there is a close similarity or connection between them. You can also say that two things correspond. 相一致; 相对应

2、V If you correspond with someone, you write letters to them. You can also say that two people correspond. 通信

3、corresponding ADJ 相应的[ADJ n]

alter vt .改变: change in character, appearance etc. partly

--The shirt must be altered .It is too large.

change 作及物动词时,则是对本质的,全面的,彻底的改变。如:Can you change the dress?(你能给我更换这件衣服吗?)

alter 作及物动词时,是对局部,表面的改变。如:Can you alter the dress? (你会改做这件衣服吗?) change v.完全,彻底的变化,往往指以新代旧

--Great changes have taken place in our country.

convert v.改变,转变(态度/信仰等)(含有"使某人改变观点"的意思。)

--He converted to Buddhism. 他改信佛教了。--The new house is converted from an old one.

transform v. 改变,转变,指形状、颜色、大小、性质等的改变,尤其指物理能量或电压的改变transformer变压器--We can transform one form of energy into another.

vary v.改变(强调事物在不同时间\条件\状况下的变化,强调多样化),随着什么而变化

--Customs vary with the times.风俗随时代而变化。

turn =change

accusation [??kju?ze??n] 谴责,指控(指责,指控)

the ~ of 介词用of“关于什么的”或against“对谁的”

常和“匿名的”连用anonymous accusation匿名指控

condemn [k?n?dem] v. 强烈谴责(非常正式的用语,eg:国家之间)condemn the brutal and savage crime condemn sth as condemn the war as a crime 指责战争为犯罪

accuse v 控告,指控be accused of accused n被告accuser n原告;控告者;指责者

sue 常与for 搭配。如:Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house.

accuse 指责,指控,常与of 搭配。如:His boss accused him of carelessness.

charge 常与with搭配。如:The police charged the driver with reckless driving.

Prosecute 对…提起公诉; 提起公诉;(原告律师) 起诉prosecutor 检察官;公诉人;[法] 起诉人

ascertain [??s??te?n] v.查出,查明((尤指经过努力) 查明[正式])

=find out / get to know / make certain / make sure

--Let us ascertain when we will hold the party.

detect vt. 察觉;发现;探测正式用词,强调经过周密观察或研究而有所获得和发现,尤指发现有意隐藏之物。

discover 普通用词,指发现本来存在,但示被认识的事物、真理或情况。

ascertain 较正式用词,指有意搜寻与发现。

find 普通用词,可指偶然发现,也可指经过寻找后得到或重新获得已失去的东西。强调动作的结果。

prejudiced [?pred??d?st] a.有偏见的,不公平的

be ~ against sb/sth 对…有偏见/成见

prejudice [?pred?ud?s] n. 偏见,成见pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见

discrimination 歧视,区别对待;鉴赏力,辨识力

prompt adj. 即时的

prompt / swift / rapid / speedy / hasty

Text 课文

The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies.


Peninsula [p??n?nsj?l?] n. 半岛

Balkan [?b??lk?n] adj. 巴尔干半岛的,巴尔干山脉的;巴尔干人的

Apennine Peninsula ['?p?,nain] 亚平宁半岛Iberian Peninsula [a??b??ri?n]利比里亚半岛

for : because of

be admired for因为…而受到羡慕钦佩。--He is admired by us for his humor.

Worldwide 全世界范围内

Enlightened a.开明的(开明的[表赞许])(文明的;进步的;被启发的)

treating people in kind and sensible way and understanding their needs and problems

enlightened opinions开明的观点enlightened slaveholder enlightened society enlightened policy enlightening a 有启迪作用的

enlighten vt. 启发,启蒙;教导,开导(正式用词)普通用词inspire

enlightenment movement启蒙运动

Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from highhanded or incompetent public officers.


Finland [?f?nl?nd] Norway [?n??we?] Denmark [?denmɑ?k]丹麦welfare state 福利国家

Finnish adj. 芬兰的,芬兰语的n. 芬兰人,芬兰语Norwegian Dane 丹麦人Dansk丹麦语

evolve a system for doing sth..形成了发展了一套…的体系

protect 可用safeguard from 替换,更加正规。

--I can’t conceal my amusement. 我不能掩饰我幸灾乐祸的心情。

--Your excitement is beyond me. 你的激动的心情是我难以理解的。


evolve an excellent system for doing sth..

individual adj. 个人的;个别的;n. 个人,个体(强调单个)

The system has worked so well, that it has been adopted in other countries too.


has worked so well : workable切实可行的

adopt / adapt (四级辨析)adopt采纳adapt改编,以适应

adopt 1、vt 采纳,采用n adoption 2、vt 收养,领养n adoption

The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public.


Swede 瑞典人official [??f??l] adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的n. 官员;公务员;高级职员

unsuitable mistakes很不合情理的错误

were the first / second / last / only to do sth.

public officials : publics officers政府工作人员

can make mistakes can在这里是完全的概率而言,存在可能性

in the belief that : believe in都是介词短语或分词结构在这里做状语,它们和make,act相搭配。

--He turned to me for help because he believed that I could help him.(书面语就不要用)

--He turned to me for help in the belief that I could lend him a hand.

--He turned to me for help believing that I could lend him a hand.他向我求助,因为他相信我会帮他。

in the hope : hoping in the thought : thinking

--We come here in the hope that we will learn English well. --We come here hoping to learn English well. under the impression that under the illusion that

--Judges, however wise or eminent, are mortal and can make mistakes.

As long ago as 1809, the Swedish Parliament introduced a scheme to safeguard the interest of the individual.


As long ago as 1809 : dating back to 1809追溯的1809年

Date back to / date from

introduce : bring in 引入---采用---推行

--He introduced science to the game boxing.

--He brought science into the game boxing.


vt 图谋,策划(密谋,表不满)n 表示计划(中性,尤其是政府或机构的大规模的)

scheme to get one’s revenge 图谋复仇Ponzi scheme 庞氏骗局


A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State.


--The statue represented a goddess.


A monitor representing his classmates.

be qualified to do sth. / be competent to do sth. 有能力有资格去做某事

appoint 任命,指派~ sb to be/as2、指定(时间,地点)the date is still to be appointed

suit vi合适,相称vt 适合,使适应suitable 适当的,相配的

land 常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。

state 正式用词,指政治概念上的国家或州,即由政府所代表的国家。

power 特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。

nation 普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。

country 普通用词,侧重国土与人民。

The official title of the person is 'Justiteombudsman', but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J.O.' or 'Ombudsman'.



entitle +宾语+宾补结构name更加普通,只是命名。Entile除了命名以外,还有身份,头衔等。

refer to sb. As 称之为…,提及为…

refer to谈及,提到;与……相关(指的是),涉及;查阅,参考referred referring

refer to...as = regard...as 把...看作为

-- I always refer to him as bookworm(n.书呆子)


the teacher referred him to the dictionary 让他查字典

in/with reference to…关于

refer to 表查阅时的宾语是book dictionary等工具

look up 表查阅时宾语是word, information等内容

reference n. 提到;参考;查阅

The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure.


be subject to sth .(1)表示易受……的影响,to是介词;隶属于,受…的限制

--He is subject to cold during winter.

Subject n 1、话题; 主题2、(试验、研究或调查的) 对象3、(尤指在学校学习的) 科目4、主语

a 1、(可能) 受…影响的[v-link ADJ 'to' n] 2、受…支配/制约/约束的[v-link ADJ 'to' n]


--Your plan is subject to my approval.

--We have a good plan , but the plan must be subject to our teacher’s approval.


be likely to do

He is likely to catch cold during winter.

be liable to do 有责任的,有义务的;有…倾向的;易…的

pressure n 压力

air pressure 气压blood pressure血压exert/put ~ on 施加压力under the ~ of在什么的压力下

He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society.

他听取社会各阶层的各种大小意见,并进行调查。注意拟人的生动表述come to him

complaints large and small 形容词短语作定语通常放在被修饰名词的后面。


--A great many students , boy and girl . went to the party yesterday.

--Many people, old and young , visit the shop.

1. 修饰不定代词时:修饰somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, nothing等复合不定代词的形容词,则必须放在不定代词之后。如:

This isn’t anything important. Let’s talk about something interesting.

2. 形容词短语作定语时:形容词短语作定语必须放在所修饰的名词之后。如:

I think he is a man suitable for the job. We need a place twice larger than this one.

3. 成对的形容词作定语时:有时成对的形容词作定语,考虑到句子的节奏和平衡,可以后置。如:There was a huge cupboard, simple and beautiful. She has many pencils, blue and red.

4. 表语形容词作定语时:当表语形容词作定语时必须放在所修饰的名词之后。如:

He must be the best violinist alive.

有时形容词作定语时,既可放在被修饰名词之前,也可放在被修饰名词之后。当past, last, next, nearby, following等作定语时,既可放在所修饰的名词之前,也可放在所修饰的名词之后。如:

in past years / in years past 过去的年月the following days / the days following 以后的日子


What’s your present feeling? 你现在感觉如何? (present=现在的)

He was the only Englishman present. 他是唯一在场的英国人。(present=在场的)

As complaints must be made in writing, the Ombudsman receives an average of 1,200 letters a year.


In以什么形式,工具,in English in ink in writing

be made in writing : be written down 注意“必须以什么形式”是怎么来的

average n.平均;平均数;平均水平;adj.平均(数)的;普通的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

an average of 平均on average 平均;普通,通常

--I work for 8 hours every day. 几种可以表示“平均”的表达形式

--I work for an average of 8 hours a day.

--We have got 15 students in each class.

但是要注意:Each 两个的平均every 三个以上的平均

each 指两个或两个以上中的每一个,强调个别。I say to each everyone of you.

every 指3个或3个以上的整体中的每一个,侧重于整体,与all接近。

--We have got an average of 15students in each / every class.

He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and examines every single letter in detail.

in detail. / in details 详细地

go into detail(s)详细说明,一一叙述I cant go into details

the details 反义the main points要点

There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.

Be open to 1、对什么开放、对什么公开accessable

2、思想开明;不固执己见的I am open to suggestions

An open question开放的问题have/keep an open mind about/on sth观点,态度

Keep one’s eyes/ears open for sth/ to sb

If a citizen's complaint is justified, the Ombudsman will act on his behalf.


Justified :justice符合事实的,公正的(有正当理由的;合乎情理的;事出有因的;对齐的)

Justify vt 1、证明…有理2、使(文本) 对齐

On one’s behalf(为…的利益;代表)==on behalf of: in his interest 代表他的利益注意介词的应用

The action he takes varies according to the nature of the complaint.


Varies / varied / various


--The refrigerators are useful during hot summer. (错)

--The refrigerator is useful during hot summer.

--Refrigerators are useful during hot summer.

--A refrigerator is useful during hot summer.

According to prep 1、依据、按照2、根据…(变化) accordingly于是、因此;相应的

nature : character特性


2、性质character [C, U] 天性;本性;性格She is very sensitive by nature

3、基本特征basic qualities [sing.] 基本特征;本质;基本性质the changing nature of society

human nature 人性nature reserve 自然保护区nature of life 生活的本质nature of work 工作性质

介词搭配by nature 生就、生来、本来against nature 不自然,违反天性,奇迹般的

He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered.


reprimand ['repr?mɑ?nd]v./n.(正式地)严厉地斥责(vt&n训斥; 谴责[正式])

reprimand :scold officially and severely

blame 责备, 还表示批评(语气程序很弱)

The teacher blamed him for his coming late.

scold 斥责(语气稍重一点)Don't scold me for such a trifle. 不要因为这样的小事责备我。

criticize vt. 批评;吹毛求疵;非难vi. 批评;吹毛求疵;非难

criticism 批评,评论表示辨明某一个人的优缺点

a law ( should ) be altered省略了should

suggest to sb. 像某人提建议

The following case is a typical example of the Ombudsman's work..


--The following case is a typical example of it you can judge by yourself.


A foreigner living in a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been ill-treated by the police, simply because he was a foreigner.


A foreigner living in a Swedish village :=A foreigner who is living in a Swedish village

--A foreigner wrote a letter to the Ombudsman complaining ……

--The editor sent a fax instructing the journalist to get statistics.


There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was justified and the Chief of Police strongly denied the accusation.




1. 主谓关系被修饰的名词或代词实际上是不定式的逻辑主语。如:

We need someone to help with the work. (someone will help with the work)我们需要有人来帮忙干这工作。

2. 动宾关系被修饰的名词或代词是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。如:

I have many letters to write. (to write many letters)我有许多信要写。

3. 同位关系不定式与所修饰的名词指的是一回事。如:

We have made a plan to learn from Lei Feng. 我们制定了一个向雷锋学习的计划。

4. 状语关系被修饰的名词实际上表示动词不定式动作的方式、时间等。这些名词多是抽象名词。如:That's the way to do it. 那样做才对。I have no time to go there. 我没有时间去那儿。


I am looking for a room to live in. 我正在找一间屋子住。There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。不定式作定语且所修饰的名词是time,place或way时,不定式后的介词一般要省去。如:

He had no money and no place to live.他没有钱也没有地方住。


There is nothing to do. 无事可做。(有"无聊感") 强调逻辑主语

There is nothing to be done. 不能做什么了。(即"束手无策"了) 强调逻辑宾语



I borrowed some books to read during my holiday.

用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no, all, any 等限定的中心词。如:

He was the best man to do the job. He was always the first to come and the last to leave.

用来修饰的词是抽象名词时,常见的有:ability, chance, idea, fact, excuse, promise, answer, reply, attempt, belief, way, reason, moment, time 等。如:

Do you have the ability to read and write English ? I have a chance to go sight –seeing.

deny 否认;否定to say that sth is not true deny a charge/an accusation

拒绝承认;拒绝接受to refuse to admit or accept sth

The department denies responsibility for what occurred

VERB 拒绝给予;拒绝…的要求to refuse to allow sb to have sth that they want or ask for

~ sth (to sb) | ~ (sb) (sth)

denial n. 否认,否定;拒绝,拒绝接受

accuse sb. of doing sth. 指责,指控某人做某事charge with

accusation. n. 控告

It was impossible for the Ombudsman to take action, but when he received a similar complaint from another foreigner in the same village, he immediately sent one of his lawyers to investigate the matter.


The matter : the case 事情,事件,问题

The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions.


ascertain that / sth.

=made sure that / made certain that

dealt roughly with= ill-treated很粗暴的对待

deal with 处理,与…有商业关系; 打交道既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。

The fact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recorded in the official files.



be prejudiced against sb. / sth. 对什么有偏见

--If you are prejudiced against sth. , you must take objection to it.

File 1、文件(单一),卷宗(files集合)2、文件夹,文件盒3、vt 使归档4、vt 提交(提交材料)

It was only possible for the Ombudsman to find this out by sending one of his representatives to check the facts.


find this out : to discover it

check the facts : verify the fact s 核对事实


--It is only possible for us to learn the language well if we study hard.

representative n ./ represent v.代表

--a committee representing all political parties 代表各个政党的委员会

representatives 代表了上文的lawyer assistants

The policeman in question was severely reprimanded and was informed that if any further complaints were lodged against him, he would be prosecuted.


in question涉嫌(本意是议论中的,讨论中的,有疑问的)


Out of question 不可能;不允许;不值得讨论

Lodge[l?d?] v.提出=make a statement officially,to make a formal or official complaint, protest比make 更正式

Make/lodge complaint 提出抱怨

lodge a complaint 提出投诉lodge a protest 提出抗议lodge an appeal提出上诉

lodge …against sb/sth with sb 就…向…提出

eg. Some parents lodged a complaint with the headmaster against one of the teachers.向校长提出投诉。

eg. The criminal lodged an appeal against the sentence. 罪犯不服判决而提出上诉。

Prosecute sb for sth/doing sth

The Ombudsman's prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed.


practice : 练习,实践;做法,惯例;(医疗或法律的) 业务; (宗教) 活动

international accepted practice国际惯例视为平常做法的惯例

what the policeman did / the way that he treated with foreigners

put an end to (关键短语)把什么画上了一个句号不妨翻译成停止了,结束了

=stop 也可以make an end to 但是不够生动


--You prevent me from doing the work.

unnoticed是表语.might have gone是系动词,unnoticed 是形容词.might have gone unnoticed 表状态.

--If they had had only one more child , they would have lived in obscurity unnoticed.(45课)


Lesson 53 1c 2d 3c 4b 5a 6c 7a 8a 9c 10a 11b 12b

1、oppression [??pre?n] 压迫,镇压oppress [??pres] vt 压迫,镇压

Eliminate vt 消除,排除(根除,淘汰正式用词)elimination

2、impartial [?m?pɑ??l] 公正的八级侧重对任何人或任何一方没有成见或偏袒。

Partial 部分的,局部的,偏袒的,不公平的

3、rebuke [r??bju?k] vt 谴责,斥责[正式] n. 指责,斥责


5、A 是强调句式,强调瑞典人B是错在没必要用过去完成时

C错在没必要用现在完成时,用过去时,因为你原句就是过去时 D first语意是“首先”=firstly

7、A the next time做特殊连词,本身可以表示推测或虚拟

B “在什么之后”“已经”不是虚拟的语气

C 除非,表达的意思相反

D 而且,不符合语意

8、注意原本表达的意思,might have gone unnoticed。might have done,出虚拟以外还有“不应该”的语意


9、efficient 高效的quick-tempered 性急的,易怒的handy 有用的,手边的,灵巧的

officious [??f???s] 摆官架子的;爱管闲事的;爱指手画脚的

10、B alternates with 与什么相间,交替,轮流发生C与不同;区别于表对象,in表方面D与相一致

11、A bitterly 苦涩地、悲痛地,残酷地,怨恨地;极其,非常,强烈地

B firmly adv. 坚定地,坚决地;坚固地,稳固地 D roughly adv. 粗糙地;概略地,大致地

12、A question vt. 询问;怀疑;审问 B concern vt. 影响,牵扯(某人);关系到,涉及;使担心

D interrogate [?n?ter?ɡe?t] vt. 审问;质问;八级


Lesson 47 Too high a price 代价是否太高 New words and expression 生词和短语 pollution n..污染 相应词型: pollute, polluted, pollution, polluter air pollution water pollution noise pollution information pollution pollutant n.污染物chemical pollutant pollute v.污染 More and more water is been polluted. Pollution is the major problem we are faced with. Gases from cars are one of the polluters of air pollution. eg. Peking is heavily polluted. pollute one's mind 污染心灵 polluter A polluter is someone or something that pollutes the environment. 污染者; 污染源innocent adj.无害的,无污染的an innocent glass of water overpopulated adj.人口多的overpeopled populate v.居住于If an area is populated by certain people or animals聚居; 栖息 eg. The north-east of the U.S.A is populated mainly by farmers.美国东北部的居民主要是农民。densely populated人口多的(人口密度过大的)/heavily populated /thickly populated /over populated sparsely populated [‘spɑ:sli] 人口稀少的稀疏地;贫乏地/thinly populated /under populated shift population流动人口population explosion 人口爆炸 sparsely-populated community 人口稀疏的地区== sparsely-peopled population 人口数量 What’s the population in your country? The city has a population of two million. populous [‘p?pj?l?s] adj. 正式,强调一个地区人口众多,拥挤 The narrow street is populous with people. The most populous province in China is SiChuan. over-industrialized adj.过度工业化的 commercialization 商品化 -(z)ation …化 industrialization 工业化denationalization私有化desertification沙漠化 sheer [???(r)] adj.纯粹的,不掺杂的(只做定语) 1.pure unmixed 纯粹的[ADJ n] [强调] 2.steep [sti:p] 陡峭的; 完全垂直的 It is very difficult for us to climb sheer mountain. The cliff is so sheer that you can’t climb it. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/a64097445.html,plete完全的What are you talking about sheer nonsense? 4.Transparent [tr?ns’p?r?nt]透明的ladies and girls would like to wear sheer silk stockings. sheer luck实在是运气sheer stupidity 太蠢了 the sheer weight 净重the sheer size净尺寸the sheer volume总体积 (use to emphasize how heavy or big something is) eg. The sheer area of China is bigger than the whole Europe. mere 仅仅(程度低) a mere 20 miles 仅20英里 a mere child


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! Lesson 2 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.初步掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词小引 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及肯定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)代词人称代词和物主代词 2)Be 动词 3)一般疑问句 4)主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语 5)一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答

2.语言点: 1)打扰他人 2)表达谢意 3.语音:初步知识,字母、音标介绍六、扩展练习 1.打扰他人的表达 2.表达谢意

Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。Lesson 4 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解并运用主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词形容词性物主代词 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及否定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)否定陈述句 2)Be动词的否定形式 3)代词的功能 4)一般疑问句及否回答 5)形容词性物主代词 2.语言点:

1)询问“是否” 2)表达歉意 3.语音:字母、音标介绍 六、扩展练习 1.询问“是否” 2.向别人道歉

裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记:Lesson 54 What nationality are they

Lesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? New words and expressions: Australia n.澳大利亚Australian n.澳大利亚人Austria n.奥地利 Austrian n.澳大利人 Canada n.加拿大 Canadian n.加拿大人 China n.中国 Finland n.芬兰 Finnish n.芬兰人 India n.印度 Indian n.印度人 Japan n.日本 Nigeria n.尼日利亚 Nigerian n.尼日利亚人Turkey n.土耳其

Turkish n.土耳其人Korea n.韩国 Polish n.波兰人Poland n.波兰 Thai n.泰国人Thailand n.泰国 China--- the People's Republic of China Exercise A: Example: The sun rises early. Does the sun rise early? The sun doesn't rise early. 1.The sun sets late. Does the sun set late? The sun doesn't set late. 2. He likes ice cream. Does he like ice cream? He doesn't like ice cream. 3. Mrs. Jones wants a biscuit. Does Mrs. Jones want a biscuit? She doesn't want a biscuit.


Lesson 1 Excuse me 1. Words 1)excuse (1)重音 (2)与sorry 的区别 Excuse me——在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用;通常在要打扰别人或要打断别人谈 话或要吸引别人注意时使用。 Sorry——在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之后使用,表示歉意。 (3)Excuse 用的不同场景 a. 请别人让路 b. 引起别人的注意 Excuse me, sir, will you tell me the way to the post office? 劳驾,你可以告诉我去邮局的路吗? c. 打断别人的谈话 Excuse me, what you said was wrong. 对不起,你说错了。 d. 可以当n. 借口eg. No excus e. 别找借口,没有借口。(举例) 2)this 重点:/ e /的发音 / e / this that those father mother brother they / θ/ three think mouth thank thing P.S. Something is better than nothing. 3)Your 重点:人称代词与形容词性物主代词 复习: 人称代词(主格)I you he she it we they 人称代词(宾格)me you him her it us them 形容词性物主代词my your his her its our their Now, do exercise: 你的狗我的书他的女友她的爱人它的家我们的儿子他们的钱2. Grammar 1) Yes? 用法:(1)用于回答一般疑问句中肯定的形式:eg. Yes, it is. (2)= What?s up? 什么事?Eg. Child: “Father!” Father:”Yes?” 2)一般现在时的常用用法及一般疑问句 (1)Now, do exercise: a. 这是一个包。 b. 这是我的包。 c. 这不是我的包。 d. 这是你的包吗? (2)一般疑问句的方式即是将be 动词(am is are )提前,其余照抄即可。其语法形态为:Be (am is are )+ 主语+ 其余成分(表/宾) Now, do exercise: a. 这是一只狗。这是一只狗吗? b. 这是他的狗。这是他的狗吗? c. 这是她的CD机。这是她的CD机吗?


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson51~56 新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson51~52 【课文】 HANS: Where do you come from? DIMITRI: I come from Greece. HANS: What's the climate like in your country? DIMITRI: It's very pleasant. HANS: What's the weather like in spring? DIMITRI: It's often windy in March. It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. HANS: What's it like in summer? DIMITRI: It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.

HANS: Is it cold or warm in autumn? DIMITRI: It's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes. HANS: Is it very cold in winter? DIMITRI: It's often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes. 【课文翻译】 汉斯:你是哪国人? 迪米特里:我是希腊人。 汉斯:你们的国家的气候是怎么样? 迪米特里:气候非常宜人。 汉斯:春季的天气怎么样? 迪米特里:3月里常常刮风。4月和5月的天气总暖洋洋的,但有时下雨。


试听课(2010-03-14)初一 【另附】自我介绍、认识学生、课程简介10’(要求笔记记在书上空白处,发给练习本)Lesson 1 - Excuse me! & Lesson 2 - Is this your…? 一、教学重点 1、辨析:Excuse me.和I’m sorry.的用法区别。 2、代词:人称代词和物主代词总表、主格和宾格的区别、四个指示代词、代词与be动词的使用搭配及其缩写形式。 3、语气:陈述句变一般疑问句,及其肯定回答。 4、句型:-Is this your…? -Yes, it is. 二、教学步骤 【第一节课】 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2’ 2、让学生描述图片,中英结合。2’ 3、听一遍音频,掌握大意。1’ 4、生词解读,纠正发音(详见课本)。3’ 5、提出问题:Whose handbag is it? 看一遍视频,解答问题。2’ (屏幕升起) 6、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。25’ 7、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。2’ 8、学生自己大声朗读。3’ 【第二节课】 1、分组角色扮演,朗读课文。10’ 2、借一个handbag,实际表演。5’ 3、Lesson 2的重点句型。2’ 4、Lesson 2的单词解读,纠正发音。3’ 5、根据图片对话演练重点句型。10’ 6、收集一大堆东西,仿照课文,替换练习。10’ 7、抄写句子练习,检查学生的手写体。10’ 【第三节课】(屏幕放下) 1、超级情景背诵图讲解。5’ 2、背课文比赛。20’ 3、听一首英文歌曲《Do Re Mi》。7’ 4、听写Lesson 1的单词,记忆法指点。8’ 5、听写Lesson 2的单词。7’ 6、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。2’ 7、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文 1、Excuse me.和I’m sorry.的用法区别: Excuse me. 打扰,劳驾。常用于事前:引起某人注意、打断、挤过、想进门或离开等。 I’m sorry. 对不起,很抱歉。常用于事后:做错某事、伤害到别人、请求原谅。 【Action】公交车上的场景:挤下车、不小心踩到某人。 2、代词总表:


Lesson 51 predicting the future 一、单词讲解New words and expressions notorious [n???t??ri?s] adj. (尤指因坏事)众所周知的famous for something (声名狼藉,臭名昭著) a notorious bandit 出了名的, 众人皆知的,臭名远扬的, 声名狼藉的 eg. The region is notorious for its terrible snowstorms. 这个地区以大风雪闻名。 notorious 指因劣迹而臭名昭著,含强烈贬义;但有时也作“众所周知的”解。 这组词都有“著名的,知名的”的意思,其区别是: famous 是普通用词,指传播很广,引起人们注意的人或事物。 eminent 指在某方面杰出卓越或突出的人或物。 notable 用于指事件时,侧重其重要、值得注意;用于指人时,与famous同义,但语气较弱。outstanding 侧重指因素质优良,功绩卓著而超过同类的人或物,强调“突出”。 well-known adj.众所周知的(强调众所周知的),但是仅只好的方面 -- She is well-known in the musical world. / This is well-known fact. remarkable adj.不寻常的(包括褒义和客观)(同意词:unusual, uncommon, extraordinary) -- a remarkable event , an extraordinary event 不同寻常的事件 unremarkable remarkably remark vt 谈到、说起(正式评论、谈论on/upon)n. 评论、意见about outstanding(adj.突出的,杰出的,卓越的)-- Our headmaster is an outstanding youth.(n.年轻人, 青少年)Distinguished(adj. 杰出的, 卓越的, 不同非凡的)(非常成功且令人钦佩的) ~ physicist [‘f?z?s?st] Eminent(adj. 显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的, 优良的)[‘em?n?nt] (尤指在某一行业、专业领域中颇有名气的) Distinguished和eminent是同义词(都是用来修饰严肃领域的人) -- a distinguished physicist(n.物理学家), an eminent surgeon(n.外科医生) famous adj.著名的(普通用词,可用于人或物,指声名广为人知且持续很久的,名气大,有名) -- He is a famous movie star. / Luxun is famous for his articles. flagrant [?fle?ɡr?nt] adj. 公然的,明目张胆的八级 very shocking because it is done in a way that is easily noticed and shows no respect 公然的,恬不知耻的flagrant cheating 公然欺骗flagrant abuse 公开侮辱flagrant violation 公然践踏 full-time a. 专职的(a&ad全职的(工作、学习),专职的;全日制的;全部时间的) full-time job 专职工作,全天工作full-time student 全日制学生;全职学生,脱产学生 part-time a&ad 部分时间的; 兼职的 technician n 技师(n.技术员,技术人员someone whose job involves skilled practical work with scientific equipment,;技巧纯熟的人is very good at the detailed technical aspects of an activity) maintenance technician 修理行业的技术人员 laboratory technician 化验员;实验室技师lab technician 实验室技术员;实验技师 engineering technician 工程技术员computer technician 计算机技术人员 “某种职业、地位或特征的人”civilian n. 平民civil 公民的comedian n. 喜剧演员comedy 喜剧mathematician数学家electrician n. 电工historian n. 历史学家politician n. 政客 表形容词,“…国的;…地方的,某人的或某宗教的”Arabian adj. 阿拉伯(人)的Arab 阿拉伯人Canadian adj. 加拿大(人)的Egyptian adj. 埃及(人)的Christian adj. 基督教(徒)的technique 多指具体的某种技术和技巧。表示“技术”,是针对方法和技巧而言的,所以它通常可译为“技艺”或“技巧”等,尤其指音乐、艺术、体育、写作等方面的“技巧”。视含义的具体与抽象可用作可数或不可数名词。手法


Lesson5 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 一、教学任务:Back vowels & special question,特殊疑问句,及小词Nice to meet you. 二、教学目标: 1. 学生掌握特殊疑问句的结构及常用疑问词 2. 会使用This is来介绍他人 3. 掌握后元音的读音 三、教学重点:后元音和特殊疑问句 四、教学难点:特殊疑问词的掌握 五、教学过程: 1. Review the Phonetic alphabet 2. Back V owels <发音时舌后部抬起的音叫后元音> [a:]小汽车car --- 带读--- 点线面---ask字母ar发什么音。 发音规则:嘴巴张得最大,舌身平放后缩,舌尖离开下齿。带读点答 [?] dog 狗--- 带读--- 点线面--- ask字母o发什么音 发音规则:双唇稍稍收圆,舌身尽量降低并后缩(不要突出)带读点答 [?:]ball球---带读--- 点线面--- ask字母al发什么音。 发音规则:舌后部抬得比[?]略高,双唇也收的更圆更小,并向前突出。带读点答 [?]book书---带读---点线面--- ask字母oo发什么音。 发音规则:发音时舌后部抬起,边发音边把下嘴唇往回收。带读点答 [u:]blue 蓝色的---带读--- 点线面--- ask字母u发什么音。 发音规则:发音时舌后部抬的比[u]高,双唇收的比[u]更圆更小。带读点答 A.呈现:---汽车how to say?(car)---letter ‘ar’ how to pronounce?( [a:])<带读,点读,教发音规则,做手势> ---狗how to say?(dog)--- the last le tter ‘o’ how to pronounce?( [?])<带读,点读,教发音规则,做手势> ---球how to say?(ball)---letter ‘al’ how to say?( [?:])<带读,点读><教发音规则,做手势> ---书how to say?(book)---letter ‘oo’ how to say?( [?])<带读,点读><教发音规则,做手势> ---蓝色的how to say?(blue)---letter ‘u’ how to say?( [u:])<带读,点读><教发音规则,做手势> B.总结:---这几个音都是?音(元音)--- Why? (气流没有受到嘴巴的阻碍) ---T: Read the vowels together, what’s the common ground? How about our tongue? (都是舌头后部需要隆起) --- Great, so who can give them a name? (后元音) --- Wonderful, tell me, what is back vowel? (舌头后部隆起的 元音叫后元音)--- I will have a check, 读对几个加几分 C. Word: 拼读---拼写---过关 morning ['m?:n??]早晨student['stju:d?nt,]学生German['d??:m?n]德国人 T: How many vowels, how many syllables(有多少元音就有多少音节) ---Look at this word, How many vowels? (Two) ---How many syllables? (Two) --- What is the first vowel? ([?:]) --- What is the second vowel? ([?]) --- [m?:] how to read?---[??] how to read? ---[n??] how to read? --- 重音在第几个音节(第 一个)--- read them together. ['m?:n??] ---带读,过关--- [?:]which letters? (or) --- [?] which letter? (i) <点答过关> ---[m] which letter? (m) --- [n] which letter? (n) --- [?] which letters? (ng) ---[m?:] which letters?(mor) ---[n??]which letters? (ning) --- [m?:n??] how to spell? (morning ) 3. Grammar 一、Nice to meet/see you! 见到你很高兴!回答:Nice to meet/see you , too见到你也很高兴! 二、将别人介绍给他人时,用this is….. A. 呈现:---T ask Ss: Who want to have a talk with me? --- (S…) --- Hello, what’s your name? (My name is ...) --- Oh, *** , nice to meet you. (Nice to meet you, too)--- (tell another students)This is my friend,****, please remember his name.

新概念英语第一册Lesson 53-54练习题

Lesson 53 and Lesson 54 一、单词拼写。(20分) 1.m______ (温和的) 2. a________ (总是) 3. n________ (北方) 4.e________ (东方) 5. w_________ (潮湿的) 6.w________(西方) 7.s_________ (南方) 8. s__________(季节) 9.b________(最) 10.C___________(中国) 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空(20分) 1. What colour are you going (paint) it? 2. the plane often (fly) under the bridge? 3.The sun (set) late in spring and summer. 4. Jim not (like) autumn or winter. 5. Look, the cats (run) along the wall. 三、根据句意填空(20分) 1. We come from Germany,but Stella comes Spain. 2. You’re Italian. You come from . 3. she come from Norway? 4. He is . He comes from Greece. 5. What are you? I’m Russian. 四、选择填空(30分) ( ) 1. Would you like tea? A. any B. every C. each D.some ( ) 2. It’s mild, but it pleasant. A.always is not B.is always not C. is not always D. always is not ( ) 3. It’s often wet ________ the west. A. on B. in C. / D. of ( ) 4. --Are you going to Jim’s birthday party this Sunday? --Yes,_______________________. A.I’m going to see my grandma this Sunday. B.I’m going there with Tom. C.I have to study for a test. D.I have no time this Sunday. ( ) 5. —Whose notebook is this? —It Jim’s. It has his name on it. A. can’t be B. must be C. can be ( ) 6. is the climate like in your country? A. How B. What C. Which D. How often ( ) 7. Can the cats climb the big tree? A.Yes,it can B. No,it can’t C. No,they can’t D. Yes,please ( )8. Jack new words on the blackboard. A.write B. is write C. is writeing D. is writing


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(54—60) 一.英译汉(20`) 1. in the office ___________ 2.the large size________ 3. 小号___________ 4. envelope___________ 5. change ___________ 6. 去学校___________ 7. on foot ___________ 8.10:00 ___________ 9.stay at home ___________ 10. drink tea ___________ 11. Living room _________ 12. an interesting book _________ 13.in the garden _________ 14. at the moment ___________ 15. 在早上___________ 16. in the afternoon _______ 17. at night ______________ 18. at noon ___________ 19. in spring ___________ 20. in summer _____________ 二.选择正确的词填空。(10分) A.用any, some 填空. 1. T here is _______ water in the glass, but there isn’t _______ milk in the bottle. 2. Is there ________ apples on the table? ---- Yes,there are ________ here. B.用am not aren’t isn’t can’t don’t doesn’t 填空. 1. My father likes coffee, but I ________. 2. Lily likes tea, but Jim _________. 3. He is very tall, but she ________. 4. They are very happy, but we ________. 5. He likes playing football, but he _______ like swimming. 6. I like running, but I _______ like jumping. 7. I _______ like swimming, Lucy _______ likes swimming, too. 8. She can type very well, but I _________. 三.选择填空。(20分) ( ) 1. ________ is this shirt? A. Who B. Where C. Whose D. When

新概念英语第一册Lesson 53课后练习册答案

新概念英语第一册Lesson 53课后练习册答案 Lesson 53 阅读理解 (1)答案与解析 1. 从I have to finish my homework before I go to bed.来看, 作者是在晚上做作业的。要填evening。 2. My mother cleans the dining-room and then she washes the school clothes for me.告诉我们,母亲要做家务事。故应填housework。 3. 由My father says the shops are open now.我们能够得知,父亲认为商店没相关门。要填closed。 4. 从When I got to the Uncle Wang’s shop, he says hello to me.来看,他对“我”很友好。该空应填 friendly。 5. 从They are not expensive. I buy one exercise-book and go home quickly.能够看出,那里的东西不贵。 故应填cheap。 (2)答案与解析 1. B。从My friend Diana is in Class Two, Grade One.能够得知,她是一个学生。 2. A。The first class begins and I leaves their school.已经 告诉我们,她是早上去学校的。

3. B。我们能够从There’re twenty boys and twenty-two girls in her class.了解到,他们有42 个学生。 4. A。从Diana and another girl are on duty.能够了解到,有两个学生在打扫教室。 5. A。由Miss Gao is coming. She teaches them English.能够证实,她是他们的英语老师。 英汉翻译 1. My husband doesn’t like spring and summer. 2. Where do you come from? Are you Australian? 3. What’s the weather like in your hometown? 4. Which season do you like best? 5. The climate is warm, but it isn’t always pleasant. 6. The days are long and the nights are short. 7. We come from Poland. 8. Do you come from France?


题目:《新概念英语》第三册第三十课教案及说课提纲 题目:Teaching Plan and Teaching Presentation for Lesson 30 in New Concept English (Book 3) Teaching Plan Teaching content: Lesson 30 the Death of a Ghost, New Concept English (Book 3) Teaching length: 1 hour I. Teaching objectives: A.Knowledge objective: 1. to guide Ss to learn the new words and phrases in the text and to help Ss to analyze some difficult sentence patterns. 2. to guide Ss to comprehend the main idea of the text. B.Ability objective: 1. to teach Ss how to scan and ski and how to guess the meaning of new words from the context. 2. to cultivate the ability of imagination and critical thinking. C.Moral objective: 1. to edify Ss to think about responsibility. To make sure that Ss understand that one should be responsible to both his country and his family. 2. to guide Ss to believe science rather than ghosts or supernatural


新概念英语单词第一册第55 课:索耶一家人 live [lv] v.住,生活 【派生】 living生 【充】 life生活alive活着的 【搭配】 live on...靠??生活 【例句】 A:Who lives with you? A:你和住在一起? B:Kate and Nancy do. B:我跟特和南希?起住。 stay [ste]停,逗留 【充】 stop over中途停留 【搭配】 stay at home 待在家stay still 静止不stay out of不参与stay up熬夜 【例句】 A: How long do you plan to stay here? A:你打算在儿停留多久? B:I will stay here for about ten days. B:我将在儿待大概10 天。 home [hm] 家 【派生】 homeland 祖国

【单词搭配】 at home 在家 go home 回家 【单词例句】 A:I must go back home where many things are waiting for me to settle B: We're very sorry to see you go. A:我必须回国了,很多事正等着我去处理。 B:您要走了,我们感到非常遗憾。 housework['hauswa :k] 家务 【单词构造】 house(房子) +work(工作) = housework (家务)【单词搭配】 do the housework做家务 【单词例句】 A: My mother always says I spend too much time on watching TV A:我妈妈总是说我把太多的时间花费在看电视上。 B: Then you should finish your homework, and then help your parents with the housework some day. B:那你以后应该先完成家庭怍业,然后帮父母做些家务。 【单词搭配】 get together相聚all together一起 【单词例句】 A: Your roommate is so nice A:你的室友真是太好了。 B: Yes, we get along together very we



Lesson 01 A Puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮 Part One: New words and expression 生词和短语 1、puma n.美洲狮a large cat-like animal lion, tiger, leopard豹, jaguar美洲虎, cougar美洲豹, cheetah 猎豹, lynx大山猫, panther黑豹 2、spot v.看出, 发现 to see or find sth with difficulty不易察觉 = see, pick out, recognize, catch sight of 强调结果, 辨别出, 看见, 识别, 发现 同意词:-- find:强调发现的结果/ find out:查出事实真相-- discover:做出重大发现/ notice:注意到 -- observe:观察/ watch:观察活动中的人或画面observe: to see and notice sth(正式) 观察,观测 discover: to find sth already in existence recognize: to figure out sth/sb known already detect: to disclose sth hidden or in disguise 探测 explore: to examine sth thoroughly in order to test of find about it Internet Explorer Spot 点,斑点 a beauty spot, solar spot, -- There is a white spot on the shirt. spotlight, be in the spotlight Tom Cruse is in the spotlight in American film industry. A leopard will not change its spot. 江山易改,本性难移 on the spot有两个含义: 1> 立刻, 马上(at once, immediately)-- Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.

新概念英语第一册第55课教学设计 - 副本

新概念第55课教案设计 课型:New lesson (2)教学内容与目的要求: 1、Learn Lesson 55 2、Learn Simple Present. (3)重点句型及重点单词、词语: (4)教学准备: ①Recorder ②tape ③phonogram cards ④word cards ⑤stars ⑥poster ⑦phonetic symbol cards ⑧teaching plan ⑨教学流程表⑩Pictures (6)教学程序及教学游戏安排: StepⅠ:Warming up exercise 1.Genral greeting 2.1.go to work, 上班。 3.由动词 go引导的短语课文中还有:go to school(上学), go to bed(上床睡觉)。请注意work, school以及 bed之前不带任何冠词。 4. 2.stay at home, 呆在家里。 5.与 stay home在意思上相差无几。前者中的 home是名词,后者中的home是副词。 6. 3.do the housework, 料理家务。 7.housework是不可数名词。请比较:do the homework(做作业)。 8. 4.at night, 在夜里。 9.如果说某日夜里,则用介词 on: on the night of June 2 在6月2日的夜里 10.语法 Grammar in use 11.一般现在时(2)(请参见 Lessons 47~48语法部分。) 12.一般现在时用于表示一个习惯动作、有规律的行为以及永恒的现象。一般与时间频度副词和时间短语连用。这些时间短语有: 13.every day/week/month/year 每日/周/月/年 14.in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上 15.at noon/night 在正午/夜里 16.第3人称单数的谓语动词需加以变化,这可分为几种情况: 17.(1)一般情况在动词后面直接加 -s,如:want----wants come----comes arrive----arrives 18.(2)以-s, -x, -ch, -sh, -o 结尾的动词加 -es,如:fix----fixes wash----washes go----goes watch----watches do----does 19.(3)以辅音加 -y结尾的动词,把 -y改成 -i,再加 -es;而元音加 -y结尾的动词,只加 -s即可: 20.hurry----hurries carry----carries play----plays stay----stays 21.词汇学习 Word study 22. 1.arrive v. 23.(1)到达;到来: 24.We arrived home early. 我们很早就到家了。
