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李观仪《新编英语教程》(第3版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit 7)【圣才出品



Text I

1.interpreter[]n.one who gives an interpretation解释者;口译人员

2.sculptor[]n.one who produces sculptural artwork雕刻家:

a composition by the sculptor Bernt Notke雕刻家伯恩特·诺特克的作品

3.exterior[]adj.outer;external外面的,外部的:an exterior

policy对外政策【扩展】反义词:interior adj.内部的

4.quintessential[]adj.representing the perfect

example of a class or quality精华的,典型的:Liszt was the quintessential


5.embody[]vt.to represent in bodily or material form体现,使具体

化:Words embody thoughts and feelings.言语具体表现各种思想和感情。

6.mirror[]vt.to reflect as if in a mirror反映,映出:The city mirrors many

of the greatest moments of Western culture.这座城市反映了西方文明中许多


7.streak[]vt.to mark with streaks加上条纹:The Indians used to streak

their faces with paint.印第安人过去常用颜料在脸上涂条纹。

8.frailty[]n.a fault,especially weakness of resolution,arising from

the imperfections of human nature人性或道德上的弱点:Despite increasing

physical frailty,he continued to write stories.尽管身体越来越虛弱,他仍然继


9.framework[]n.a fundamental structure,as for a written

work or a system of ideas框架,结构:within the framework of sth.在某事


10.interreaction[]n.the act or process of interacting相互

作用,相互影响:interreaction of electrons电子的相互作用

11.epoch[]n.a particular period of history,especially

one considered remarkable or noteworthy时代,纪元:mark an epoch in


12.middleman[]n.an intermediary;a go-between中间人,

中间商:He act as a middleman in discussion between the two


13.reinterpret[]vt.to interpret once again重新解释

14.interpretive[]adj.that provides interpretation;


15.distinguish[]v.to perceive as being different or distinct


16.assimilate[]v.a)to incorporate and absorb into the mind

吸收,消化:assimilate knowledge吸收知识;b)to absorb(immigrants or a

culturally distinct group)into the prevailing culture同化:The U.S.A.has

assimilated people from many European countries.美国同化了许多来自欧洲


17.elucidation[]n.an act of explaining that serves to

clear up and cast light on阐明,说明

18.notation[]n.a system of written marks or signs used to

represent something such as music,mathematics,or scientific ideas符号:

musical notation音乐符号

19.transcription[]n.something that has been


20.vague[]adj.not clear;inexplicit模糊的,不明确的:In a fog everything

looks vague.在雾中一切东西都显得模糊。

21.leeway[]n.a margin of freedom or variation,as of activity,time,

or expenditure;latitude余地,余裕:There is enough leeway in the federal


22.omission[]n.the act or an instance of omitting省略,删除:The

omission of the girls was unfair.把女孩排除在外是不公平的。

23.in regard to关于concerning;其同义词组有with regard to,with respect to,as


24.tempo[]n.a characteristic rate or rhythm of activity;a pace节奏,

拍子:the tempo of modern life现代生活的节奏

25.dynamic[]adj.a)of or relating to energy or to objects in

motion动态的;b)continuously moving or changing不断变化的:a dynamic


26.static[]adj.fixed;stationary静止的,静态的:static electricity静电

27.betray[]vt.a)to give aid or information to an enemy of;commit

treason against:背叛,出卖:betray one’s country出卖国家;b)to be false

or disloyal to辜负,不忠于:Don’t betray the people’s trust in you.不要


28.derive[]v.to obtain or receive from a source起源,得自:Many

English words are derived from Latin.许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。

29.refract[]vt.to deflect(light,for example)from a straight path

by refraction折射:Water refracts light.水可使光折射。

30.bespeak[]vt.to be or give a sign of;indicate显示,表明:His

polite manners bespoke the gentleman.他那彬彬有礼的举止显出他是个绅


31.applaud[]v.a)to express approval,especially by such clapping

鼓掌,拍手喝彩:The audience applauses the performers for three minutes.

观众向演员鼓掌喝彩达三分钟。b)to commend highly;praise夸奖,称赞:

The president was applauded for his strong support for the bull.总统由于


32.vigorous[]adj.a)strong,energetic,and active in mind or body

精力充沛的:a vigorous player精力充沛的运动员;b)marked by or done

with force and energy用力的,强劲的:a vigorous attack猛烈的攻击

33.insufficient[]adj.not sufficient;inadequate不够的,不

充分的:insufficient supplies不足的供应【扩展】反义词:sufficient adj.充


34.conventional[]adj.based on or in accordance with

general agreement,use,or practice;customary传统的,惯例的:He often

speaks a few conventional remarks.他总是喜欢说老生常谈的那几句话。

35.sensitivity[]n.the capacity of an organ or organism

to respond to stimulation敏感,灵敏:reaction sensitivity反应灵敏度36.conservative[]adj.a)favoring traditional views and
