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Unit 1


royal adj 王国的,王室的;高贵的 n 王室成员

loyal adj 忠诚的,忠心的,忠贞的 n 效忠的臣民

quarterfinal 四分之一决赛

1) semi-circle 半圆

2) semi-detached 半分离

3) semi-finals 半决赛

4) semi-annual 半年

5) semi-retired 半退休

6) semi-automatic 半自动

7) semi-professional 半职业

8) semi-conscious 半清醒

9) Semi-tropical 亚热带

10) semi-literate 半文盲


It’s a double room really, but I’ll only charge you single. The airlines charge half price for students. 要价,收费

fully charged 使充电

控告,指控,指责 charge sb. with ……



convict sb. of ……

He has twice been convicted of robbery.

wishful 主观愿望的,一厢情愿的

admiration 钦佩,赞美,崇拜

Appreciation 欣赏,感谢,评估

Affection 喜爱,慈爱

glance: look at someone or something quickly

glimpse: see by chance, just for a moment

glare: 怒目而视,强光

Reward 报酬,报答,酬金,赏金


vt. 授予,奖给,判给(比如勋章,衔头)

n. 奖品,裁决

Prize 奖赏,战利品,奖项(比如学业,工作表现)

up and down adv.上下

ups and downs n. 盛衰,沉浮,起伏

now and then :sometimes, not often 频率

on and off:from time to time 断断续续的(某段时间的持续)状态

here and there:in different places (有范围的)

far and near: everywhere (无明确范围的)

Unit 2 manners

acquire 获取

democratic adj 民主的,民主政体的;

democracy n 民主

be destined to …命中注定的

be destined for a place 以。。。为目的地的

disintegrate vt 使某物碎裂 vi 碎裂,崩裂

make strides in …在。。上面有进展

aware (adj.)

be aware of …….; be aware that ……


raise people’s awareness of the significance of ……… takeaway 外卖餐馆,外卖食品

make a blue joke 开下流的玩笑

blue movie 黄色电影

blue music 蓝调忧伤的音乐

blue words 脏话

blue blood 高贵的,贵族的

blue Monday 闷闷不乐的周一

red figure赤字

black tea 红茶

红糖 brown sugar

red-eye 熬夜航班,红眼航班

She was running to catch a red-eye to New York.

green-eyed 嫉妒,眼红

新手green hand

white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡

Would you like black or white coffee? 要不要加牛奶

white lie 善意的谎言

white-collar 白领

white man 白种人;忠实可靠的人

white elephant 累赘

The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.

过奖了!I am flattered.

您先请!After you.

我请客!It’s on me.;It’s my treat.

请便,别客气!Be my guest.

久仰大名!I’ve heard so much about you.

听你的!You are the boss.

我们该走了。We’d better be off.

谢谢款待 Thanks for your hospitality.

请留步!不用送了!I will see myself out, please.

1) gathered up

2) help…out

3) committed

( commit: do (sth. bad or wrong))

4) acknowledge

5) derive …from


6) was destined to …

( be destined to do / be destined for a place)

7) inhabited

8) observed


9) indications

10) chasing


Require;requirement 要求,必要条件,必需品,资格

requisition 征用,征调,请购单


Inhabit 居住于,存在于

Inhibit 抑制,约束

3)striving(努力奋斗的现在分词)、strides ( make strides in …) stripes 的区别

Stripe 条纹例子:The American flag has 13 stripes.

check 格子例子: checked curtains

Strive 努力,奋斗

strive to do … / for sth. 努力做。。事

4)hand down遗留,传递

hand over 交付,交出,交给





fun-loving 爱玩乐的,风趣的




Crisis n 危机,危难时刻

Emphasis 强调





Leading、misleading;pronounce 、mispronounce ;Fortune、misfortune mis- 是wrong, bad的意思



Alaska is the largest of the 50 states that constitute the USA.


The federation was constituted in 1949.


1) 承认

He admitted his guilt.

2) 允许进入, 批准加入

A group ticket admits six people to the zoo and museum.

The Baltic States were admitted to the United States in 1991.


We attached a condition to his admission to our school.


No admission except on business.

not so much…as..



I don’t feel so much angry as sad.

They are not so much friends as lovers.





associate … with…

n. 合伙人,伴侣

adj. 联合的,合伙的,非正式的

2) appreciative


be appreciative of ….



n. commitment

be committed to ……托付,保证,承诺,承担义务

He said the government remained committed to peace.


adj. 忠诚的,坚定的

commitment (承诺,献身,承担义务)




(be particular about

particularized vt. 列举;逐一叙述;详述;特别指出



vt.& vi. (使)增强,(使)加剧;增加(照片图象)的对比度;变强或增强 intensity(不可数)强烈;(感情的)强烈程度;强度;烈度

The pain increased in intensity.



7) relation / relationship




n. 友情关系,浪漫关系;血缘关系

be related to…




vt. 要求,苛求,强求


exactness (正确,准确)

superficial表面的, 肤浅的,一知半解的

interval间隔,幕间休息, 中场休息

The trees stood at regular intervals.England were two goals behind at the interval.

assume: vt. 取得(权力);承担,担任;假设,假定;呈现 n. assumption

U5 happiness

1) speculations (思考,推断)

2) exploded

3) sex/gender

4) economy


(economics 经济学,国民经济情况

economical 节约的;经济的)

5) typical

be typical of


Rainy days are typical of the spring in Guangdong.

6) personal control

7) optimistic

8) extroverted


9) changes/ fluctuates (波动,起伏)

10) genetic makeup


11) close relationships

12) marriage




give a clue to提示


set point设定点,调节点


n. 二中择一,可供选择的事物,取舍

adj.不寻常的;两者择一的,替代的 alternative questions


1)She stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror.


2) The reflection of the lights in the rain made driving difficult.


3)His unhappiness is a reflection of his mistaken marriage.


4) After 30 years as a judge, her reflections on life and justice were

well worth listening to.


v. Reflect



The population exploded to 40,000 during the tourist season. n. explosion探索,研究,勘探


n. exploration





His pictures were shown at the Paris exposition of 1878.

博览会,展览会, 阐述


反义词: conceal隐藏,隐瞒,遮住

over time

gradually during a long period


external (外部的;表面上的;外用的;外国的)

exclude (排除,排斥,不包括)

deprive sb. of ……剥夺、夺取、使丧失


n. 理由,根据

In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism.

v. 动词以…为根据;建立在…基础上

Her argument was grounded in fact.

indulge 纵容;满足;沉溺


dispose处理,处置,安排 dispose of

impose 强加于,征税impose ……on …

capacity for …….capability to ……

competence 技能,(可以胜任的)能力competence of … / in ……derive …… from



deprive sb. of ……






compulsive 强迫性的,令人着迷的


verify 核实,证明,判定

outgrew 因长大而穿不下,因长大而不再..




outnumber 数量多于;比…多


Empower 授权、准许





He was an intellectual, scholarly man.



adj. 定居的,常驻的;固有的,内在的


a resident doctor is a doctor who is receiving a period of specialized training in a hospital after leaving university.

She stayed there as resident designer for seven years.




This blood test will show whether or not you're immune to the disease. be immune to ……




stand on one’s head 倒立

stand on one’s knees 跪下来

lie on one's back 平躺着

lie on one's stomach 趴着

lie on one’s side 侧卧

Squat 排队




work at …….学习,研究,写作,致力于;在……上下功夫(设法解决问题) work on从事(某项具体的工作);对…产生影响(起作用)

work out想出,制定,拟定,算出,解题,理解

work ……into ……插进、穿入、强塞

It's time I carried my intentions of hard work into practice.



The mayor proclaimed Monday as a city holiday.宣布,声明(publicly and officially)



A caller to the radio station claimed responsibility for the bombing. 要求If you are still not satisfied, you may be able to claim compensation.

索赔claim compensation



Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise.

bait: food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals.


bragging 自夸,吹嘘

Offensive 无礼的,冒犯的

related叙述;讲述relate a story: tell a story




Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports.




Restraint n 克制,制止

Angle at a 30 degree angle

Scholarly 勤奋好学的


Overwhelming 势不可挡的,压倒一切的

Proclaimed 正式宣布




He lives on a single parent's allowance of £70 a week.

pocket money


beloved通常用于被动语态,与of、by连用]爱She is beloved of John Swallow 燕子 peacock 孔雀


Lacking adj.

She felt nervous, increasingly lacking in confidence about herself. Lack v.

This section tells about extra help for people who lack basic skills. n.

The project failed due to lack of money.

come / go + v-ing

Jess came flying round the corner and banged straight into me.

He lost his balance on the ice and went crashing into the crowd.


Unit 1 Personality羞怯的痛苦 对许多人来说,羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。各种各样的人——矮的、高的、愚笨的、聪明的、年轻的、年老的、瘦的、胖的——都说自己是羞怯的。羞怯的人会焦虑不安,感到不自然;也就是说,他们过分地关注自己的外表和举止。脑海中不断盘旋着一些使自己不安的想法:我给人留下的是什么印象?他们喜欢我吗?我讲话是不是傻里傻气?我长得难看。我穿的衣服毫不引人注目。很显然这种不安的感觉会对人产生不利的影响。一个人的自我看法反映在自己的行为方式之中,而一个人的行为方式又影响他人的反应。通常,人们如何看待自己对他们生活的各个方面都会产生深刻的影响。例如,具有积极的自我价值观或很强自尊心的人往往表现出自信。而由于自信,他们不需要他人不断地称赞和鼓励,也能使自己感觉良好。自信者热情、自发地投入生活。他们不因别人认为他们“该”做什么而受到影响。有很强自尊心的人不会被批评所伤害;他们不会把批评看作是人身攻击。相反,他们认为批评是一种提醒他们改进的建议。相比之下,羞怯的人自尊心较弱,往往消极被动并且容易受他人影响。他们(是否)在做“该做的事情”需要得到别人的肯定。害羞的人对批评非常敏感;他们觉得批评正好证实了他们比别人差。他们也很难因别人的赞美而高兴,因为他们相信自己不值得称赞。羞怯的人也许会用这样的话来回答别人的赞美之辞:“你这么说只是为了让我感觉好一些。我知道这不是真的。”显然,尽管自我意识是一种健康的品质,过分的自我意识却是不利和有害的。能否彻底消除或者至少减轻羞怯感呢?幸运的是,人们能够通过坚持不懈的努力建立自信从而克服羞怯。由于胆怯和缺少自尊是密切相关的,因此正视自己的弱点和正视自己的优点一样重要。例如,大多数人希望每门功课都得A。如果仅仅因为在某些领域有困难,就把自己列为差生,这不恰如其分。人们对自己的期望必须现实。老是想那些不可能的事情会令自己觉得无能,甚至产生嫉妒。当我们嫉妒比自己成绩好的学生时,我们正在自我否定。如果你害羞,这里有些具体有效的步骤帮助你树立信心并克服羞怯感:1.认清自己的优缺点。每个人既有优点又有缺点。随着对自我的不断认同,羞怯感就会自然减弱。2.确定合理的目标。例如,在聚会时和一群陌生人在一起,你也许会怯场。不要以为你必须和每个人交谈。集中精力,仅和一两个人交谈,你会感到更自在些。3.内疚和羞耻感是消极的情感。不要把时间和精力浪费在这上头。假设你伤害了某人的感情,(光)感到羞愧是无济于事的。相反,应该承认你犯了个错误,并决心在将来更加善解人意。4.所有问题都有许多种解决办法。很少有完全正确或完全错误的意见。要敢于公开表达自己的观点。5.不要对自己做消极的评论。这是一种自我否定。千万别把自己描述为愚蠢的、丑陋的,或者一个失败者。注重自己积极的方面。6.接受批评时要缜密思考。不要把批评理解为人身攻击。例如,如果一位朋友抱怨你的烹饪技术,要把这当成对你的烹饪技术而不是对你本人的评价而接受下来。放心,你们还是好朋友,但你的烹饪技术也许确实有待改进。7.记住,每个人都会经历一些失败和挫折。要把它们作为增长见识的经历,从中受益。挫折往往会成为转机,随之而来的将是一段美妙绝伦的经历。例如,你可能被你所中意的大学拒之门外。然而,


Unit 4 Fresh Start In-Class Reading Fresh Start 新的开端 1当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在校园里该做什么。我决定我最想做的就是平安无事地回到宿舍。我感到似乎校园里的每个人都在看着我。我打定主意:竖起耳朵,闭上嘴巴,但愿别人不知道我是新生。 2第二天早上我找到了上第一堂课的教室,大步走了进去。然而,进了教室,我又碰到了一个难题。坐哪儿呢?犹豫再三,我挑了第一排边上的一个座位。3“欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。天哪,我还以为这里是文学课呢!我的脖子后面直冒冷汗,摸出课程表核对了一下教室——我走对了教室,却走错了教学楼。 4怎么办?上课途中就站起来走出去?教授会不会生气?大家肯定会盯着我看。算了吧。我还是稳坐在座位上,尽量使自己看起来和生物专业的学生一样认真。 5下了课我觉得有点饿,便赶忙去自助食堂。我往托盘里放了些三明治就朝座位走去,就在这时,我无意中踩到了一大滩番茄酱。手中的托盘倾斜了,我失去了平衡。就在我屁股着地的刹那间,我看见自己整个人生在眼前一闪而过,然后终止在大学上课的第一天。 6摔倒后的几秒钟里,我想要是没有人看见我刚才的窘相该有多好啊。但是,食堂里所有的学生都站了起来,鼓掌欢呼,我知道他们不仅看见了刚才的情景,而且下决心要我永远都不会忘掉这一幕。 7接下来的三天里,我独自品尝羞辱,用以果腹的也只是些从宿舍外的售货机上买来的垃圾食品。到了第四天,我感到自己极需补充一些真正意义上的食物。也许三天时间已经足以让校园里的人把我忘在脑后了。于是我去了食堂。 8我好不容易排队取了食物,踮脚走到一张桌子前坐下。突然我听到一阵熟悉的“哗啦”跌倒声。抬头看见一个可怜的家伙遭遇了和我一样的命运。当人们开始像对待我那样鼓掌欢呼的时候,我对他满怀同情。他站起身,咧嘴大笑,双手紧握高举在头顶上,做出胜利的姿势。我料想他会像我一样溜出食堂,可他却转身重新盛一盘食物。就在那一刻,我意识到我把自己看得太重了。

新编大学英语1综合教程练习unit 5

Unit 5 Romance I.Key Words & Expressions absorb broaden correspond delicate disgust fertile glow grateful grip hesitate overseas previous locate margin schedule sensible slim split straighten sustain thoughtful thrust be grateful to sb. for sth. go sb’s way in response to make one’s way more than a little take a chance on sth. Additional V ocabulary live up to one’s expectation 不辜负某人的期望 A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post. 干部要能上能下。 provocative smile 撩人的微笑 more than a little overweight 体重偏胖,体态臃肿 warm and kindly glow 热情善良的光芒 Ill news travels fast. 恶事传千里。 Every man has a fool in his sleeves. 人人都有糊涂的时候。 II. V ocabulary &Structure 1. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a of its economy. A. reaction B. reflection C. response D. revelation 2. During the process, great care has been taken to protect the silk from damage. A. sensitive B. tender C. delicate D. sensible 3. She was so in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door, A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated 4. Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on . A. list B. plan C. arrangement D. schedule 5. We haven' t reserved a table, b ut we will take a chance its not being full. A. at B. on C. about D. of


Unit 1 Vocabulary 1 entertaining / entertainment / entertained /entertainer recognizable / recognized / recognition tempting / temptation / tempt reasoned /reasoning / reasonable / reason analyzed / analytical /analyst /nanlysis valuable / valuation / valued values /value humorist / humor /humorous /humorist understandable /understanding /understand /misunderstand Tanslation 1) Lively behavior is normal_for a four-year-old child. (活泼的举止是正常的) 2) Fast cars appeal to John, but he can’t afford one. (速度快的车对······有吸引力) 3) Dave required a lot of time to study the diverse argument. (多种多样的论据) 4) I asked my boss for clarification, and she explained the project to me again. (我要求我的上司为我解释清楚) 5) Photographic film is very sensitive to light. (对光很敏感) 6) Mutual encouragement can be a great help, especially in the early days. (互相鼓励) 7) Jimmy cried when people made fun of him. (拿他开玩笑) 8) John won’t give up. He persists in his opinion. (坚持他的观点) 9) Ted always wants to be the focus/center of attention. (成为注意的焦点) 10) Is it cheaper if we buy our tickets in advance? (我们提前买票) Unit 2 Translation 1.However the main drawback with this type of search engine (这种搜素引擎的主要缺陷) is its tendency to include too much information. 2. She is very generous with her time(她从不吝惜自己的时间)--- always ready to help other people. 3. You may have known someone else for 20 years and yet they will never be more than a casual acquaintance (他们永远只是泛泛之交). 4. He doubted that the car was hers (他怀疑这车不是她的)because everyone knew she had no money. 5. It’s impossible to forget such horrible events---they will remain in the memory forever (它们会永远留在记忆中). 6. In a world too often filled with uncertainties (在这样一个常常充满各种不确定性的世界上), it is nice to have a safety net, something you can rely on. 7. The earthquake happened a year ahead of the prediction by the research group (比该研究小组的预报提前了一年), but earthquakes are usually difficult to predict. 8. I don’t mind being awakened once or twice in the middle of the night by my roommate so long as she doesn’t make a habit of it (只要她不养成习惯). Unit 3 Vocabulary 1.


新编大学英语(第二版第三册)习题答案 新编大学英语(第三册)习题答案 Unit 1 Personality P14-reading comprehension 1. Understanding the Organization of the text 1) much unhappiness 2) a profound effect usually act with confidence are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others 3) i) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses ii) Set reasonable goals iv) Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view v) Do not make negative comments about yourself vi) Accept criticism thoughtfully viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate ix) Set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly x) Practice being in social situations Vocabulary (P16) 1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth


1. Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. (attention) Correct answer inattention 2. (qualify) Correct answer qualified Correct answer Navigation 4. Correct answer participants 5. Correct answer unconscious 6. Correct answer competence 7. Correct answer inequalities 8. morning. (request) Correct answer

requested 9. Correct answer varied 10. Correct answer partners 2. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition or adverb. 11. Correct answer in 12. Correct answer of 13. Correct answer to 14. accident. Correct answer at 15. Correct answer beyond 16.

Your answer Correct answer from from 17. Your answer Correct answer to to 18. Your answer Correct answer on on 19. Your answer Correct answer in in Your answer Correct answer On On 3. Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best answer from the choices given. 21. The buses, ___________ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. A. most of which B. both of which C. few of them D. those of which 22. There's only one man ____________ the job. A. qualified for


新编大学英语课后答案 Unit 1 Part One PREPARATION 1. Different Kinds of Personal Relationships STEP ONE parent—child employer—employee clerk—customer husband—wife write—reader driver—passenger teacher—student host—guest buyer—seller doctor—patient boyfriend—girlfriend performer—audience STEP TWO co-workers,colleagues,classmates,roommates,schoolmates,seatmates,playmates,lovers,supervisor,neighbors,co-author... Part Two Post-reading Reading Comprehension 1. 1. 1) A 2) B 3)A 4)A 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) C 2. 1) killed 2) wounded 3) arrived 4) girl 5) badly/seriously 6) blood 7) none 8) American 9) type 10) orphans 11) French 12) difficulty 13) frightened 14) would 15) cried 16) Vietnamese 17) dying 18) understand 19) willing 20) friend 3.(略) Vocabulary 1. 1) reply 2) land 3) pat 4) supplied 5) wound 6) pat 7) replied 8) signed 9) wounded 10) supplies 11) sign 12) balance 13) land 14) balance 2. run: 1) D 2) A 3)C 4)E 5) F 6) B match: 1) E 2) B 3)G 4)D 5) C 6) F 7) A 3. 1) Insert 2) in the balance 3) requests 4) relief 5) let out 6) tiny 7) steady 8) stiff 9) occasional 10) misunderstood 11) limited 12) action Translation 1) I'm tired. I should not have gone to bed so late last night. 2) I don't/didn't know Bob very well, but we go/went out for an occasional drink together. 3) We are supposed to meet her at the train station. 4) You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you took no action to save them. 5) Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents. 6) Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. Part Three FURTHER Development 1Grammar Review


UNIT 1 P17 1.你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。(reasonable) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2. 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时侯都更健康,受到了更好的教育。(in general) . In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3. 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。(come along) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4.每天他都留出点时间跟家里人在一起,享受生活。(set aside) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life. 5.我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。(hand in hand) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 6.他最终辜负了父母的期望。(live up to) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations. 7.相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。(in contrast) In contrast ,our use of oil has increased enormously. 8.经过努力,他成功地克服自己的致命弱点。(ovecome)


Unit 1 Personal Relationship In-Class Reading The Gift of Life 以生命相赠 1 炸弹落在了这个小村庄里。在可怕的越南战争期间,谁也不知道这些炸弹要轰炸什么目标,而它们却落在了一所由传教士办的小孤儿院内。 2 传教士和一两个孩子已经丧生,还有几个孩子受了伤,其中有一个小女孩,8岁左右,双腿被炸伤了。 3 几小时后,医疗救援小组到了。医疗小组由一名年轻的美国海军医生和一名同样年轻的海军护士组成。他们很快发现有个小女孩伤势严重。显然,如果不立即采取行动,她就会因失血过多和休克而死亡。 4 他们明白必须给小女孩输血,但是他们的医药用品很有限,没有血浆,因此需要匹配的血型。快速的血型测定显示两名美国人的血型都不合适。而几个没有受伤的孤儿却有匹配的血型。 5 医生会讲一点越南语,护士会讲一点法语,但只有中学的法语水平。孩子们不会说英语,只会说一点法语。医生和护士用少得可怜的一点共同语言,结合大量的手势,努力向这些受惊吓的孩子们解释说,除非他们能输一些血给自己的小伙伴,否则她将必死无疑。然后他们问孩子们是否有人愿意献血来救小女孩。 6 对医生和护士的请求,孩子们瞪大眼睛,一声不吭。此时小病人生命垂危。然而,只有这些受惊吓的孩子中有人自愿献血,他们才能够得到血。过了好一会儿,一只小手慢慢地举了起来,然后垂了下去,一会儿又举了起来。 7 “噢,谢谢,”护士用法语说。“你叫什么名字?” 8 “兴,”小男孩回答道。 9 兴很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精消毒后,针就扎了进去。在整个过程中,兴僵直地躺着,没有出声。 10 过了一会儿,他发出了一声长长的抽泣,但立即用那只可以活动的手捂住了自己的脸。 11 “兴,疼吗?”医生问。 12 兴默默地摇了摇头,但一会儿忍不住又抽泣起来,并又一次试图掩饰自己的哭声。医生又问是不是插在手臂上的针弄疼了他,兴还是摇了摇头。 13 但现在,偶尔的抽泣变成了持续无声的哭泣。他紧紧地闭着眼睛,用拳头堵住嘴,想竭力忍住哭泣。 14 医疗小组此时非常担忧,因为针不会使他们的小输血者一直感到疼痛。一定是哪里出了问题。恰好这时,一名越南护士前来帮忙。看到小男孩在哭,她用越南话很快地问他原因。听了小男孩的回答后,又立即作了回答。护士一边说,一边俯身轻轻拍着小男孩的头,她的声音亲切柔和。 15 一会儿,小男孩不再哭了,他睁开眼睛,用质疑的目光看着越南护士。护士点了点头,小男孩的脸上马上露出了宽慰的神色。 16 越南护士抬起头平静地对两名美国人说: “他以为自己快死了。他误解了你们。以为你们要他献出所有的血,小女孩才能活下来。” 17 “那他为什么还愿意这么做呢?”海军护士问。 18 越南护士把这个问题向小男孩重复了一遍。小男孩简单地回答道: “她是我的朋友。” 19 他为了朋友甘愿献出自己的生命,没有比这更伟大的爱了。


Unit 1 Personality V ocabulary 1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth 6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence 2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K 3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented 4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no comment Translation 1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life. 5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations. 7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. Part Four Writing and Translation 2. Translation Practice


Unit(1) 1.The doctor’s discovery will have a ( profound深度的;知识渊博的) influence on mankind. 2.She was overwhelmed with ( jealousy妒忌) when she heard that he had been given a promotion. 3.I went to the beach ( numerous 很多的) times last summer. 4.You are ( overweight 超重的) and so you should eat less. 5.When you learn a second language you have many difficulties to ( overcome战胜;克服). 6.If you keep practicing ,you might ( eventually最后,终于) become a good dancer. 7.Exercising is one of the ways of keeping ( slim苗条的). 8.She asked us all what we thought of her new hairstyle ,but she was only looking for ( compliments赞美;恭维). 9.The amount of water in the pond will ( diminish减少;减弱) as the dry season continues. 10.Mary’s comforting words provided the ( reassurance恢复自信) I needed . 11.They are worried that their decision might prove to be ( detrimental影响) to the future of the company. 12.When a person has an infectious disease ,he is usually ( isolated孤独;隔绝的) from other people. 13.This type of unsympathetic无同情心的approach can destroy a child’s confidence and ( self-esteem自尊;自负) . 14.Throughout his speech ,he(accented口音;强调) the seriousness of the situation. Unit(3) 1.We are ( constantly不间断的) reminded of his success. 2.The change in leadership will have a huge ( impact影响;作用) on government policy. 3.The financial ( burden重负) will be more evenly shared. 4.( Candidly坦率地;自然的) ,David, I think you’re being unreasonable. 5.Seeing my work completed successfully gives me a strong sense of ( fulfillment完成;履行;实现). 6.The company had 143 ( salaried领薪水的) staff, most of whom it could no longer afford to keep. 7.She expressed ( resentment埋怨;不满) at being interviewed by a social worker. 8.He’s been running the company with the ( assistance帮助) of his son. 9.She needs to ( perfect完美的) her Arabic before going to work in Cairo. 10.Harry could scarcely ( suppress禁止,隐瞒) a smile. Unit(4) 1.I have got the Key ( in case也许;免得) we want to go inside. 2.( Every so often有时;偶尔),she spends a weekend in London. 3.His punishing累人的work schedule had made him ( resort to诉诸于;采取) drugs. 4.Let's(talk over说服;讨论;商量)the problem with our teacher. 5.Maybe we can forget what has happened and (start over重新开始). 6.They were claiming record profits when, (in reality事实上),the company was close to bankruptcy. 7.If we lose the contract, hundreds of jobs are (at stake危险). 8.He(seized on抓住)the suggestions as a way of getting out of his financial difficulties. 9.The bank has offered a reward for any information ( leading to领到) the arrest of the man. 10.After two years spent teaching abroad ,she returned home for a month to (take stock of估计;观察)her life. Unit 5 1.The soldiers(renewed更新的;重建的)the attack after stopping for a little while. 2.The rules of safe driving ( apply运用;申请) to everyone. 3.It's no use being sorry if you (persist坚持)in doing it. 4.The cold winter was (succeeded)by a stormy spring. 5.I can't just (drop使落下;放弃)everything to receive casual visitors. 6.The details of the policy have not been(revealed显示;透露)yet. 7.The sight of the Great Wall filled the visitors with (wonder对……感到疑惑).

新编大学英语1综合教程练习unit 8

UNIT 8 COPING WITH AN EDUCATIONAL PROBLEM I.I. Key words & phrases ability accumulate acquire adequate affect astonish compete complex decline faculty function handful humble idle ignorant jam luxury miracle portable scare slice suggestion swear upset better off break down compete with in amazement make a living by run out of search for sum up Additional Vocabulary scholarship 奖学金 this year’s graduate 应届毕业生 golden collar worker 金领工人 net capital 净资本 academic credit system 学分制 like water off duck’s back 把…当耳边风 netter 网虫 bullet train 子弹头列车 quality of population 人口素质 heuristic education 启发式教育 teach through lively activities 寓教于乐 emeritus professor 名誉教授 degrade oneself 掉(身价) stamp the card 打卡 WAP phone 上网手机 excessive consumption 提前消费 top student 高材生 inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才 human capital 人力资本 intensive training class 强化班 alleviate burdens on students 减负 online love affair 网恋 magnet train 磁悬列车

新编大学英语(第三版浙江大学编著)4视听说教程原文Unit 7

新编大学英语(第三版/浙江大学编著)4视听说教程原文 Unit7 Part1 Listening 1 Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time no see! Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by. Maria: Come in. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? I have Sprite and orange juice. Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been? Maria: Oh, not bad. And you? Dave: Oh, I’m doing OK, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven’t had time to relax. Maria: What’s your major anyway? Dave: Hotel management. Maria: Well, what do you want to do after graduation? Dave: Uh… I haven’t decided for sure, but I think I’d like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you? Maria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but then I realized I might have a hard time finding a job, so I changed to computer science. With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn’t be as difficult. Dave: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school? Maria: Well, fortunately I received a four-year academic scholarship that pays for all my tuition and books. Dave: Wow, that’s great. Maria: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through school? Dave: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus. Maria: Oh, what do you do there? Dave: I’m a cook. Maria: How do you like your job? Dave: It’s OK. People there are friendly, and the pay isn’t bad. Listening 2 1. Do you need a place where you can juggle without breaking furniture? Our club offers a place


Unit 1 Personality (P14) Post Reading 3 Reading Comprehension 1. Understanding the Organization of the Text 1) Introduction (Para. 1): Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. 2) Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect (Para. 2-3) People's self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives. People with high self-esteem usually act with confidence. People with low self-esteem are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. i) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses. ii) Set reasonable goals. iii) Don't waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame. iv) Don't be afraid to speak up and give your point of view. vi) Accept criticism thoughtfully. vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as
