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科技英语课堂例句 (1)

科技英语课堂例句 (1)
科技英语课堂例句 (1)



1.I walk down the hill into town,ignoring the flashes of lightning all around me.


2.He had been accustomed to bathe in that bland sea and to take long walks among the pleasant vinyards. But little by little,grudging the time,he ceased to do so.


3.Having been trained twice, he is safe efficient driver who knows all the possible routes,if sniped. 他受过两次训练,车子开得又快又安全,就算遭到狙击,他也知道所有可能的脱险路线。

4.This(the removal of my shoes)done,I entered one of the low-ceilinged rooms of the little floating house,treading cautiously on the soft tatami matting.


5.Conducting current as well as many metals do,polyacetylene is unfortunately no good for practical use.


6.Having obtained all these details,the central computer sends back to the driver via the buried electronic unit the best possible route.


7.Applying the law that action and reaction are equal and opposite,we see that the forces acting on

a loaded beam are similar to the forces applied in breaking a stick.


8.For an hour or two,she used to walk between the stalls,looking at everything,buying here and there,and watching closely for the bargains thar were sometimes to be had.


9.Bimused,Nalalie stood in the doorway,holding Louis.

Nalalie抱着Louis 在门口呆呆地站着。

10.But she was beginning to learn the language,Farmer’s language.


11.Perhaps he wasn’t the only man who cried wolf and wasn’t listened to at the juncture when the country was falling into the trap of another war.


12.The rain was stopping,and twelve o’clock came almost before I realized.


13.Suddenly a grimy hand was stuck out of the window.


14.As soon as all the facts have been found out,we can begin to formulate a theory.


15.Not much is wasted in this household;All adds and ends are used up for sth.


16.Mistakes must not be covered up.They must be exposed before you can correct them.


17.This product has been inspected before delivery and is full conformity with our standard.


18.In case of roller bearings,the rolling friction is substituted for the sliding frictions.


19.A high octane fuel must be used otherwise detonation is liable to occur.


20.Acceptance and shipment of the products shall be discontinued until corrective action has been taken. 在采取纠正措施之前,应该暂停产品的验收和装运。

21.When the laser beam was turned off,the airplane glided to landing.


22.It is well known that a substance is oxidized when it unities with oxygen of an oxidizing agent. 众所周知,当某一物质和氧化剂中的氧结合时,该物质就是被氧化了。

23.The outer wings and the horizontal stabilizer will be made of carbon-fiber composite materials. 飞机的外翼和水平稳定翼将采用碳纤维复合材料制成。

24.Many advances in computer technology took place in the twenty years after 1950.They are generally classified into four stages or generation.


25.People who live in the areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence should build houses that are resistant to ground movement.


26.A computer is a device that takes in a series of electrical impulses representing information,combines them,sorts them,analyness and compares the information with that stored in computer.


27.Massages directly improves the function of the sebaceous and sweat glants which keep the skin lubricated,clean,cooled.


28.Linux is an operating system that was created as a hobby by a young student,Linux Torvalds,at the University of Helsinki in Finland.

Linux是由芬兰赫尔辛基大学一名年轻的学生Linux Torvalds出于爱好而编写的操作系统。

29.Steady flight means unaccelerated flight in which the velocity does not change.


30.Nanotechnology has been described as a key manufacturing technology of the 21st

century,which will be able to manufacture almost any chemically stable structure at low cost.


31.An immense metropolis,like London,is calculated to make men selfish and uninteresting.


32.I want,by understanding myself,to understand others.I want to be all that I am capable of becoming. 我要透过了解我自己去了解他人,我想成为我希望成为的那个人。

33.I have always argued--as my son Christopher has--that the Greens(members of the Green Party) deserve a fair chance.我和我的儿子一直认为绿党成员应该享有一个公平的机会。

34.If,as happens with increasing frequency in an age of high inflation,the dowry begins to seem insufficient in hindsight,the groom’s family(in India) can always hold out for more--and thrreaten subtly or otherwise,to burn the bride.


35.Although unemployment rose to 4.6 million in 1946,the economy rebounded quickly.


36.Very often you leave home on a bright,sunny morning and come back by lunch time when it is pouring. 你常常可以遇到这种情况,早上出门时还是阳光明媚中午回来时却大雨倾盆。37.We spend a wonderful and creative fall in Sweden and Norway five years ago shooting autumn sonata,a film about a famous pianist and her daughter.


38.Nearly all agreed,at least in private,on the need to strengthen the global institutions,particularly the International Monetary Fund,if they hoped to provide the stability and the discipline that provide banders by themselves could not enforce.


39.He once again imparted to us his great knowledge,experience and wisdom.


40.In every Chinese city,we got into the streets,shops,parks,theatres and restaurants.


41.I never have thought he should have the guts to have my daughter.


42.I don’t trust him.He’s always on the make and his artificial smiles make me sick.


43.Books of voyages and travels became my passion,and in devouring their contents,I neglected the regular exercises of the school.

我最爱读的书就是游记、旅行之类的,读起来就废寝忘食,连学校的日常练习也顾不上。45.After the fall of France,Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground,about equally matched in the air,and gravely inferior at sea.


46.And I do not mistrust the future;I do not fear what is ahead.For our problems are large,but our heart is larger.And if our flaws are endless,God’s love is truly boundless.


47.After the Thanksgiving dinner,when Mike was taking his mother-in-law home,his car stalled on

a railroad track.The old lady got excited and begun to give orders from the back seat.


48.We appear to talk exclusively about people we know who have been committed to

mentals,about people we know who have been booked on drunk driving charges,and about property,particularly about property,land,price per acre and C-2 zoning and assessments and freeway access.


49.The torpedo bomber skimmed low,launching their missiles from just fifty feet off the calm surface of the water.Once these torpedoes hit the water,they drive along under their own power.


50.In 1991,one of the most eventful years of this century,the world witnessed the dramatic and transforming impact on those events of live television by satellite.The very definition of news was rewritten--from something that has happened to something that is happening at the very moment you are hearing it...

These shots heard,and seen,around the world appeared under the aegis of the first global TV news company,Cable New Network...


51.The birch is softly rustling gold,which is now fluttering down like an unending steam of confetti. 白桦树轻轻地摇落着金黄色的叶子,落叶飘啊飘,像不停飞舞的彩纸屑。

52.The innate love of melody,which she had inherited from her balladsinging mother,gave the simplest least music a power over her which could well-nigh drag her heart out of her bosom at times.这种对乐曲的天生爱好是她从爱唱民歌的母亲那里继承的,就连最简单的音乐有时也能对她产生一种荡气回肠,沁人心脾的力量。

53.When the infants had taken its fill the mother sat it upright in her lap, and looking into the far distance,dandled it with a gloomy indifference that was almost dislike;Then all lf a sudden shen fell to violently kissing it some dozens of times,as if she could not leave off, the child crying at the vehemence of an onset which strangely combined passionateness with contempt.


54.Her family of 13 was so poof that a brother once tried to mold a Thanks-giving turkey out og a couple of pounds hamburger.


55.It catered to large appeties and modest purses.


56.The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers,artificial satellites and rockets.


57.This great scientist was born in New England.


58.Would you rather be well brought up and badly educated or the opposite?


59.Those were the words that were to make the world blossom forme,”like Aaron’s rod,with flowers”.把一个美好的世界展现在我的面前,就像《圣经》说的“亚伦的杖开了花”一样。

60.The blond boy quickly crossed himself.这个金发男孩立刻在胸前划十字,祈求上帝保佑。

61.In April,there was the “Ping”heard around the world.In July,the ping”ponged”.


62.As a result,a few token meetings were being set up through Foggy Bottom,the more-than-ever appropriate nickname for the Department of state,It describes Secretary Rogers’influence--foggy and at the bottom.结果在雾谷开了几次象征性的会议,“雾谷”这个绰号今天对于国务院来说是再贴切不过了。它描述了国务卿罗杰斯的影响--虚无飘渺如雾,地位低下如谷。

63.And before you go to beg their pardon,change those trousers for a dress.You know how

your-mother-in-law feels about pants on a woman.She always says,what was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster.在去请求他们的原谅之前,你先用女服换掉男裤。你知道你的婆婆如何看待穿裤子的女人。她总是说:孵出来是母鸡就别想做公鸡。

64.Indeed,the Teheran government’s handpicked delegation to the Copenhagen Conference couldn’t have been better chosen by Allah himself to defend the Islamic revolution.


65.Atomic cells are small and very light,as compared to ordinary dry ones.


66.Cold rolling enables the operators to produce rolls of accuracy and uniformity,and with a better surface finish.


67.It appears that the construction of the dam has had a considerable effect on the ecology of the region.看来,建造水坝对这一地区的生态已经有相当大的影响。

68.The frequency,wave length an speed of sound are closely related.


69.There are a number of devices that give an electric current when light falls on them,without any chemical changes taking place.有许多器件在受到光照射时能产生电流但不发生化学变化。

70.The sun is bright,and the sky is clear.阳光明媚,万里无云。

71.If you don’t go there tomorrow,they’ll get angry.你明天不去,他们会生气的。

72.If I learn to drive a motorcycle,I will certainly buy a new one.


73.For two weeks he had been studying the house at Shotover Grange,looking at its rooms,its electric wiring,its paths and its garden.两个星期以来,他一直在细心察看Shotover Grange的宅第,注意各个房间,电线走向,通道和花园。

74.Slow and careful cooking of meat makes it more digestible and assists in the breaking down of protein content by body.精心炮制,慢火烹调可使肉易于消化吸收,利于蛋白质分解。

75.A photon of solar energy excites a chlorophyll molecule within a plant cell’s chloroplast, causing it to give of an electron.


76.From then on, as electricity was consumed, the meter would either reverse itself or stop entirely.


77.Whenever a current flows through a resistance, a potential difference, a potential difference exists at the two ends of the resistance.


78.Vacuum breakers fail if leaks permit air to enter the interrupting chamber.


79.It takes time before ozone-depleting chemicals can be totally eliminated.


80.The melting point of a substance is the temperature at which the change of state from solid to liquid occurs.


81.There is every indication that algae, along with bacteria and certain fungi, are extremely ancient organisms.


82.The fact that the concrete is slow in setting is no sign that it is of poor quality.


83.Such an engine is called an internal combustion engine.


84.If the atomic nucleus of a heavy element is split, a large amount of energy is released.


85.Apart from the fact that it may become hot, no apparent change occurs in a metal when it is carrying a current.


86.This equipment forms an integral part of many advanced systems.


87.There was a rise in temperature, and as a result, the component failed.



88.There was a block in the pipe and the water could not flow away.



89.We should by no means neglect the evaporation of water.我们决不能忽视水的蒸发现象。

90.All the people were exasperated by his fault-finding.所有人都被他那种吹毛求疵的做法激怒了。

91.His arrogance sent him into isolation,and helplessness.他的傲慢态度使他陷入了孤立无援的境地。

92.Her jealousy is the cause of her failure.她的嫉妒心是她失败的根源。

93.The black people were fighting against the segregation of the government.黑人正在同政府的隔离政策作斗争。

94.The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that area.政府正在竭尽全力缓和地域间的紧张局势。

95.There had been much violence in that region.那个地区发生了很多暴力事件。

96.Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.她的冷漠态度把许多参观者挡在展馆门外。

97.I was practically on my knees,but he still refused.我几乎苦苦哀求,但他仍然拒绝。

98.Since I only got the news at second hand,I took it with grain of salt.这个消息我只是听别人说的,所以并不全信。

99.I’ll break my neck to get this done by Friday,but I can’t promise for sure.我一定会尽全力在周五之前把这些做完,但我并不能保证。

100.Please don’t wake a sleeping dog.请不要惹是生非。

101.I have no head for music.我没有音乐细胞。

102.“I’ll write,”I promise solemnly,Alas,my good intentions produce only imagined letters never embraced by paper,never kissed by stamps.我郑重承诺:“我一定会写的”,啊呀,我良好的打算只是停留在想象中,既没有写在信上,也没有盖上邮戳。

103.I gave him a back rub,marveling at the symmetrical knit of muscle,the organic tension.我给他揉了会背,他那匀称的肌肉,紧绷的身板真令人赞叹不已。

104.Spring are not always the same.In some years,April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leap--and all the stage is filled at once,whole choruses of tulips,arabesques of forsythia cadenzas of flowering plum.The trees grow leaves overnight.年年岁岁春不同。四月的春风携着春之使者华丽亮相--维吉尼亚山上一下子春意盎然起来:高贵优雅的郁金香合唱一曲春之赞歌,爱出风头的连翘不甘落后,连忙奉上一支热烈的阿拉贝斯克舞,引得那平日里淡漠如斯的杨李也禁不住高歌一曲。漫山遍野绿油油的叶芽争相冒出头来,为这精彩的演出喝彩。105.Measuring lengths of a meter or so accurately has always been a problem to engineers. The conventional method is to take what are called length bars, that is, pieces of metal of fixed and accurate length –put them end-to-end and then make up the total length by adding slip gauges –slabs of metal of known thickness.精确测量一米左右的长度一直是工程师们面临的难题。传统的测量方法是用所谓的量棒--一种有固定精确长度的金属棒,先把量棒沿着所要测量的长度首尾相连,然后用一个已知厚度的金属薄片,即小计量杆补足总长。

106.The process is too risky not to be checked in time.这一过程危险性太大,应及时加以制止。107.The polarization of work force eventually led toby the so called”computer literacy”can never be taken too seriously.所谓的“电脑使用能力”导致了工人的两极分化,其严重性是不容低估的。

108.Elliott was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless.



Part I: Translate the Chinese in the brackets into English. (15%) 1. ____________________(爱因斯坦相对论)is the only one which can explain such phenomena. 2. Rate of penetration was found to ____________________ (与……成正比) the net pressure applied by the tool. 3. Being a ______________(非良导体/绝缘体), rubber is often used in cables. 4. Properly speaking, ___________(并非所有的物质) exist in three states. 5. An electric current produces ______________(磁场) around it. 6. With the result of automation, productivity has ___ ___________ (增加了5倍) in that factory. 7. Copper and aluminum are the best conductors of electric current ______________(仅次于银). 8. The neutron has __________________(既不带正电荷,也不带负电荷). 9. When the water temperature is increased, it vaporized more quickly until it reaches ________(沸点). 10. A __________(变压器) is a very useful device, even though it can be sued only with alternating current. Part Ⅱ: Choose the better rendition for each of the following sentences.(20%) 1.由于我在会上发表论文,如蒙介绍有关会议的详细情况,不胜感激。 A) Because I will deliver a thesis at the conference, I shall appreciate it very much if you could introduce to me the detailed condition of the meeting. B) As I will present a paper at the conference, I will be grateful if you could supply me with detailed information about the meeting. 2. 西安附上我提供会议的论文,题目是“动物克隆在中国”,一式三份,如果要发电子邮件以转录软盘,我可以立即发出。 A) I am enclosing herewith my paper of the topic of “Animal Cloning in China” one form in three B) I am enclosing, in three copies, my paper entitled “Animal Closing in China” for the conference. If req uired, I can send an e-mail for the disk right away. 3.核能发电,是在20世纪才发展起来的新事物。不幸的是,建立和维持核发电厂的成本很高,使得建设速度要比原先预料的慢许多。---中国的第一座核发电厂,是于20世纪后期建立在深圳,靠近香港。 A) Using nuclear energy to generate electricity is a new thing developed in the 20th century. What is unfortunate is that the costs of building and maintaining a nuclear power plant are very high, making the speed of construction much slower than previously predicted. ----China’s first nuclear power plant was built in the late 20th century at Shenzhen near Hongkong. B) The production of nuclear power is a new development of the 20th century. Unfortunately, the high costs of building and maintaining a nuclear power plant have led to a much slower rate of growth than was predicted. -----China’s first nuclear power plant was built in the late 20th century at Shenzhen near Hongkong. 4. 不少科学家论证说,三国演义里所说的“木牛流马”,可能是一些有相当复杂性的机器,其工作原理可说类似于今天的某些器械装置。 A) Quite a few scientists say by reasoning that the “wooden cows, running horses” described in the Romance of the Three Kingdo ms could be rather complex machines whose working principles can be said to be like certain mechanical devices of today. B) Quite a few scientists argue that the “wooden cows, running horses” described in the Romance of Three Kingdoms could be machines of sufficient complexity working on principles supposedly similar to certain present-day mechanical devices. 5. 摘要:本文简单叙述和分析了本实验室最近对猪流感病毒所作的两次实验的成果。 A) Abstract: The results of two experiments on swine flu virus are briefly described and analyzed. B) Abstract: this article simply states and analyzes the results of two experimental tests this laboratory recently performed in the research on swine flu virus. 6. 珠江三角洲在中国的南部,气候良好,交通系统效率高,一向工农业都在快速发展。 A) The Pearl River Delta is to the south of China. It has a nice weather and a highly efficient communication system. Both of its industry and agriculture


Materials Science and Engineering arc welding 电弧焊 calcinations 煅烧 casting 熔铸 ceramic 陶瓷 chemical properties 化学性能 cold brittleness 低温脆性 colour liquid crystals 彩色液晶 congruent compound 合熔化合物 constant-deformation tests 定变形试验 Creep Strength 潜变强度 crystal pattern 晶体结构 data quartz fiber 数据石英光纤 die casting 拉模铸造 drawing & stamping 延轧 Dynamics of Forging System 锻压系统动力学 Edge Finish 边缘处理 Engineering Materials 工程材料 nano-material 纳米材料 ceramic 陶瓷 polymer 集合物 composite material 复合材料 biomaterial 生物材料semiconductor 半导体 conductor 导体 insulator 绝缘体 synthetic fabrics 合成纤维microstructures 显微结构 periodic table 周期表 Equipment for Heating Processing 热处理设备 Fatigue Test 疲劳测试 Features of Metal 金属的特性 Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal 铁及非铁金属 forging 锻造 foundry 铸造 High Polymer Material & Processing 高分子材料及加工Impact Test 冲击测试 Intermetallic compound 金属间化物 Ionic Solids 离子晶体 Magnetic Transformation 磁性变态 Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials 工程材料力学性能的测定Mechanical Property of Metal 金属机械性能 Metal Cutting Machine Tool 金属切削工具 Metal Erosion & Protection 金属腐蚀及防护 Metal Material Science 金属材料学 Metallic Solids 金属晶体Metallographic Techniques 金相技术Metallography 金属学 Metallography & Heat Treatment 金属学与热处理


科技翻译练习二 II: 汉译英 VR(虚拟现实)技术可广泛的应用于城市规划、室内设计、工业仿真、古迹复原、桥梁道路设计、房地产销售、旅游教学、水利电力、地质灾害、教育培训等众多领域,为其提供切实可行的解决方案。 在先进制造业领域,站在大飞机发动机的3D影像面前,“可任意拆卸”这个虚拟现实的强项表现得淋漓尽致。操作人员可以把虚拟发动机的许多部件逐一拆下,再进入发动机内部。“虚拟现实”实现了跨平台的交互式设计、虚拟展示、虚拟装配、CAE数据可视化等功能,大幅提高设计团队的设计效率,使研发人员能及时发现、修正设计缺陷和潜在的工艺问题,提高产品开发的制造成功率。 虚拟现实技术在教育培训领域也大有用武之地。为真实实验不具备或难以完成的教学功能创造条件。在涉及高危或极端的环境、不可及或不可逆的操作,高成本、高消耗、大型或综合训练等情况时,虚拟现实技术能提供可靠、安全和经济的实验项目。华东理工大学的G-Magic虚拟现实实验室,就是高校虚拟现实教学的一个范例。该实验室拥有CAVE洞穴式虚拟现实系统,可以把大学生设计的作品投影到墙面、天花板和地面上。比如,学生设计了一间淋浴房,他能利用这套系统把它展现在实验室里,和真实的淋浴房一样大小。营造出这种教学环境后,教师就能与学生更方便地交流各个环节的设计优劣,并随时做出修改。 企业的一些培训项目,同样离不开HYPERLINK "https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ce10417403.html,/view/7299.htm" \t "_blank" 虚拟现实 。以石油化工为例,众所周知,大型石油灌区集中了大量危险化学品,一旦操作不当,便可能引发火灾、爆炸事故,并造成环境污染等次生灾害。因此,政府和企业对大型石油灌区的安全性和操作人员的专业性提出了很高要求。虚拟现实技术可以构建储罐区应急救援及安全培训系统,它不但能向员工呈现操作流程的各种场景,引导他们学习、掌握安全操作技能,还能模拟事故发生、火光熊熊的场面,让员工在沉浸式虚拟影像中开展救援行动。 VR (Virtual Reality) technology can be widely used in many areas,such as urban planning, interior design, industrial simulation, historic restoration, design of bridges and roads, real estate sales, tourism, education, water power, geological disasters, education and training, and provide practical solutions. In the field of advanced manufacturing, standing in front of large aircraft engines of 3D image, The strengths of virtual -"can be arbitrary tear down" express thoroughly.The operators can put a lot of virtual engine parts one by one, and then into the internal engine.Virtual reality achieves many functions, such as,a cross-platform interactive design, virtual display, virtual assembly, and CAE data visualization capabilities, so it increase the team's design efficiency drastically, and researchers can find the corrected design flaws and potential process problems timely and improve product development manufacturing success rate. Virtual reality technology is also very useful in the field of education and training.It creates conditions for the real tests which are not available or difficult to complete the teaching function.When it refers to high-risk or extreme environments, inaccessible or irreversible operation, high cost, high consumption, large or comprehensive training, etc., virtual reality technology can provide reliable, safe and economical experimental projects.G-Magic Virtual Reality Lab of East China University is an example of virtual reality in University Teaching.The lab has a CAVE virtual reality of cave system and college students’design work can be projected onto the walls, ceiling and floor.For example, the student designed a shower room, he can use the system to show it in the laboratory as the same size as the real


2009-2010学年第2学期 《实用科技英语翻译》期末考试题型和复习题 I Answer the following questions related to EST Translation (30’)(2个题) 1. What’s the definition of EST (English of Science & Technology)? EST (English for Science & Technology or Technical English or Scientific English) is a special language variety widely used in the fields of science and technology. It’s believed that it first came to being in the 1950s along with the rapid development of science and technology, and it many researchers and scholars began to conduct investigation of this common feature of this special genre including reading comprehension, writing and even translation. 2. What are stylistic features of EST? Completely different from other genres such as everyday English, literature English, EST has its own stylistic features due to the specialty in content, field and discourse functions, and partly due to the unique habits of EST writers, which are mostly represented in lexical level and syntactical level. 3. What are the general features of Compound Technical Terms? A. accuracy(确切性): accurately reflect the nature of the concept B. monosemy(单义性): one sense for one word C .systematization(系统性):the individual technical terms in a given field should be in a specific level so as to constitute a common system D. linguistically correct(语言的正确性): in accordance with the word-formation in the same language E. conciseness(简明性): concise and easy to remember F. motivation(理据性): just as the name implies, one can know the meaning of the word.


小议科技英语翻译技巧 科技文体崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。科技文章文体的特点是:清晰、准确、精练、严密。那末,科技文章的语言结构特色在翻译过程中如何处理,这是进行英汉科技翻译时需要探讨的问题。现分述如下: 一、大量使用名词化结构 大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization)是科技英语的特点之一。因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实。而非某一行为。 Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发展固体排水的原理。 句中of displacement of water by solid bodies 系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方强调displacement 这一事实。 The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis 使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密。 If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss, can be considerably reduced. 炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。 科技英语所表述的是客观规律,因之要尽量避免使用第一、二人称;此外,要使主要的信息置于句首。 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。 名词化结构the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves 强调客观事实,而"谓语动词则着重其发射和接受的能力。 二、广泛使用被动语句 根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动态。这是因为科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确。第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态,例如:Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine .你们必须注意机器的工作温度。此外,如前所述,科技文章将主要信息前置,放在主语部份。这也是广泛使用被动态的主要原因。试观察并比较下列两段短文的主语。 We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance .It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,


科技英语中专业术语的 翻译 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

科技英语中专业术语的翻译 1.意译:根据科技术语的含义,将其翻译成汉语里和它完全对等的名词就叫意译。对单个词语来说,意译也就是直译。意译法是最常用的翻译方法,它能使读者直接了解术语的含义。例子如下: ①firewall ........ :防火墙 ②data mining .......... :数据挖掘 ③automatic program control ....................... :自动程序控制 2.形译:英语中有些科技术语的前半部分是表示该术语形象的字母或单词,翻译成汉语时可把这一部分翻译成表示具体形象的词,或保留原来的字母,这就叫形译。例子如下: I .-.bar ... 工字钢、工字条;O .-.ring .... 环形圈;twist .....-.drill .....麻花钻;X .-.Ray ...X 光;α.-.brass ..... α黄铜[1] 3.音译:根据英语发音翻译成汉语里相应的词。科技英语中某些有专业名词构成的术语、单位名称、新型材料的名称等,在翻译时都可采用音译法。例子如下: gene .... 基因;quark ..... 夸克;Pentium ....... 奔腾 celluloid ......... 赛璐璐;nylon ..... 尼龙 Hertz .....(Hz )赫兹(频率单位);lumen .....流明(光通量单位) 4.缩写词:英语首字母缩写词在科技新词中占很大比重,这类词如果译成汉语,就显得拖沓冗长,因此很多情况下干脆不翻译。例子如下: CPU ...:.C .entral Processing Unit ....................(中央处理器) ASCII .....:.American S .........tandard ....... C .ode ... for ... I .nformation .......... I .nterchange .......... (美国信息交换标准码) ATM ...:.A .synchronous ........... T .ransfer ....... M .ode ... (异步传输方式) 一些国际组织的缩写也常采用这种办法。例子如下: WTO ...(国际贸易组织);UNESCO ......(联合国教科文组织);WHO ...(世界卫生组织);IOC ... (国际奥委会)


考试日期:05 年12 月31 日 1.为此,必须对电路(circuit)的基本内容有一个很好的了解。 For this purpose, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the fundamentals of the circuit. 2.这个系数(coefficient)有待确定。 This coefficient remains to be determined. 3.现有的教科书均没有提这一点。 None of the textbook available mentions this point. 4.由于反馈(feedback)在电子线路(electronic circuit)中起着重要作用,所以对它的研究极为 重要。 Since feedback plays an important role in the electronic circuit, its study is very important. 5.有迹象表明,计算机的价格将进一步下跌。 There is an indication that the price of computers will fall further. 6.这个方法的确管用,不过到底该在什么情况下使用它尚不清楚。 This method does work, but it is not clear in what condition it is that it should be used. 7.十年前该厂的产量比现在高五倍。 The output of this factory 10 years ago is 6 times what it is now. 8.激光(laser)是二十世纪六十年代引入的一项新技术,它能穿透(pierce)特别硬的物质。 A new technology introduced in the 1960s, laser can pierce very hard substances. 9.为使晶体管(transistor)正常工作,必须给其电极(electrode)加(apply)上合适的电压(voltage)。 For the transistor to work normally, it is necessary to apply a proper voltage across the electrode.


[考研类试卷]2015年中国科技大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉 1 chronic depression 2 diplomatic immunity 3 cyber romance 4 cultural infiltration 5 prudent monetary policy 6 intangible assets 7 military demarcation line 8 disparate development 9 propelling module 10 magnetic suspension train 11 merger and acquisition 12 staff turnover 13 market saturation 14 credit crunch 15 Misfortune may be an actual blessing. 汉译英 16 露马脚 17 爱国民主人士

18 绿地覆盖率 19 拉动经济增长 20 退居二线 21 买一送一 22 百般拖延 23 男女同工同酬 24 单亲家庭 25 乡镇企业 26 茅塞顿开 27 多元文化社会 28 现行规章 29 解决劳动力就业问题 30 截留上缴利润 英译汉 31 In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the "battle of the sexes".


翻译是把一种语言里已经表达出来的事物用另一种语言准确流畅地进行重新表达的过程。与其他题材的文章相比,科技专业文章在内容、表达形式和风格上有很大的差别,具有科技性强、专业性强、逻辑严密、表达要求简练的特点,在翻译上力求准确全面、严谨明确和通顺简练。 1科技英语翻译遵循的基本原则 从科技文章的特点来看,大多具有以下几个特征:述说事理、逻辑性强、结构严密、术语繁多,语言严谨、数据精确。这就要求译文必须概念清楚、条理分明、逻辑正确、数据无误,尤其对定义、定律、公式、图表、结论等更应特别注意。科技英语作为特殊英语的一个分支,在词汇构成、遣词造句等方面都有其自身的特点,其语法结构不十分严密、语言习惯和汉语也有不少差别、词汇量大、词语繁多,因此科技英语翻译起来比较困难。另外,科技文章比较重视叙事逻辑上的连贯及表达上的明晰与畅达; 避免行文晦涩,避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技英语翻译力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词,而是大量使用科技词汇、专业技术用语,译者应尊重客观事实,不能随意改动数据、回避不易翻译的文字,更不能加进自己的主观想象,进行自由翻译。 我国著名翻译家严复提出的“信、达、雅”三准则一直为不少翻译工作者所接受。 “信”指的是译文要忠实于原文,“达”是指译文的通顺达意,“雅”指的是译文的用词修辞。三准则体现了译文和原文信息等值这一基本要领。 “信、达、雅”的翻译准则对各种英语文体的翻译实践都具有指导意义,是衡量一篇译文好坏的标准,也同样适用于科技文献的翻译。由于科技文章特有的文体特征,与其他类文章相比,其“达”和“雅”的内涵不同,它要求在准确传达信息的基础上,使译文更加简洁明快,流畅通顺。2科技英语翻译的基本方法


2018<科技英汉互译教程>上篇期末考试范围 P.23例2 This type of spring is extensively used in electrical instruments, and deserves special consideration. 这种弹簧广泛应用于电工仪表中,因此值得专门考虑一下。 P.24 例3 If the reaction took hours, and not seconds, the fuel costs would be prohibitive. 如果这一反应要花费数小时,而不是几秒钟,燃料费就太高了。 例7 Keep the batteries in dry places, and electricity may not be made to leak away. (如果)把蓄电池放在干燥的地方,就不会漏电。 这种句式中,祈使句表示条件,and后面的句子表示结果,可译为“如果……,就……”,或者“……就”。 P.25例12 In other words mineral substances which are found on earth must be extracted by digging, boring holes, artificial explosions, or similar operations which make them available to us. 换言之,矿物就是存在于地球上,但须经过挖握、钻孔、人工爆破或类似作业才能获得的物质。 例14 The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic field, dragging it out to a long tail. 太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外拉牵,扯出一条长尾。 译文中将分词短语译成了动词并列式分句(或后续分句),即在一个主语下使用两个或两个以上的并列动词,用逗号隔开。 P.26 例17 The substitution of some rolling friction for sliding friction results in a very considerable reduction in friction. 用滚动摩擦代替滑动摩擦,会大幅度减少摩擦力。 例20 An understanding of the essential character of scientific investigation is best acquired from the study of a representative particular science. 要了解科学研究最本质的特点,最好是对特定的典型学科进行研究。 P.27 例23 The moon is a world that is completely and utterly dead, a sterile mountainous waste on which during the heat of the day the sun blazed down with relentless fury, but where during the long night the cold is so intense that it far surpasses anything ever experienced on the earth. 月球完全是一个毫无生气的世界,是一片多山的不毛之地。在酷热的白昼,太阳向它倾泻着无情的烈焰,而浸长的严寒却远远不是我们在地球上所能体验到的。 原句中含有4个分句:由关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰a world;介词on+关系代词which引导的定语从句,修饰a world的同位语a sterile mountainous waste;关系副词where 引导的定语从句,也修饰a sterile mountainous waste;so…that引导的结果状语从句。 例24 Computing machines are essentially machines for recording numbers, operating with numbers, and giving the result in numerical form. 计算机本质上是一种记录数字、运算数字并给出数字结果的机器。

2014级博士英语《科技英语翻译》结业试题(for student)

西南石油大学 博士研究生英语结业考试题 专业名称: 课程名称:科技英语翻译 学生姓名: 学生学号:

Part One Translate the Following into Chinese I Words Translation(例:laser 激光) 1、asbestos 石棉 2、camshaft 凸轮轴 3、resistor 电阻器 4、capacitor 电容器 5、transistor 晶体管 6、chemical 化学制品 7、heat-pipe 热管 8、heat-pump 热泵 9、steroid 类固醇 10、quantum 量子 11、mosaic 马赛克 12、bumper 缓冲器 13、resistance 电阻 14、contact 触点 15、waveform 波形 16、radwaste 放射性废物 17、nukes 核武器 18、LCD 液晶显示屏 19、SMS 存储管理服务 20、anode 阳极

II Sentence Translation (例:Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary direction. 作用力与反作用力大小相等,方向相反。) 1、The automobile with automatic transmission has smooth gear shifting and convenient operation. 装有自动变速器的汽车换档平稳、操作方便。 2、Automation is a concept through which a machine system is caused to operate with maximum efficiency by means of adequate measurement, observation, and control of its behavior. 自动化是一个概念,它是通过大量的测量、观察,控制机器系统运行的最大效率。 3、Larger fiber bandwidth, lower loss and more reliable optical source would make optical fibers competitive in this section. 更大的光纤带宽,较低的损失和更可靠的光源使得光纤更具竞争力。 4、Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude would define the subsurface. 地层是通过地震测量时间和振幅来定义的。 5、The harder the rock, so much the more difficult is the work of drilling, though few types are sufficiently hard to be allowed to remain after blasting without a lining of masonry or concrete. 因为极少有坚硬的岩石能在未灌注水泥情况下保持原样,所以,岩石越坚硬,钻井越困难。 6、For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated. 若已知机器的输入力和输出力,则可以计算其机械优势。 7、Conversion to electric power represents a practical means of transferring geothermal energy. However, the price of the conversion is a substantial loss of energy, and further losses occur in transmission and in the subsequent use of it. 电能转换实际是一种地热能转换的方法。然而,其代价是很大转换能量损失和使用过程中的运输损失。 8、The crust and mantle are separated by a seismically determined boundary known as the Moho-discontinuity. 地壳和地幔的分界面称为莫霍面。 9、The burnish machine is used for surface treatment before the cold rolling for CPD material, and hence is one of the key installations for CPD material production. 打磨机是用于CPD的冷轧材料、涂装前的表面处理,因此是CPD材料生产的关键设备之一。 10、The value of R by (18) may be in error by as much as 20%, as shown in the table. Doctor Jackson will meet his Waterloo if he puts the data into practice. R值(18)可能有高达20%的误差,如表所示。Jackson博士如果将他的数据应用于
