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1. — Does my question sound enough?

— I don’t think so. You can ask more by using “could” instead of “can”.

A. politely; politely

B. politely; polite

C. polite; politely

D. polite; polite

2. It’s not enough an English club.

A. join

B. to join

C. joining

D. to joining

3. — You really went to the park last weekend?

— Yes, I go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.

A. will

B. would

C. do

D. did

4. — I don’t know next. — Let’s ask our teacher for help.

A. what to do

B. what should I do

C. how to do

5. — Would you like to go to the forest park or the water park?

— Oh, it’s hard to choose. are my favorites.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Both

D. All

6. — I wonder we’ll go to the Children’s Park this weekend.

— We can go there by bus. A. how B. when C. where D. if

7. Could you please tell me ?

A. where is the nearest library

B. where the nearest library is

C. where is the nearest bookstore

D. where the nearest bookstore is

8. What did you say just now? — I asked her .

A. where is the hotel

B. where the hotel is

C. where was the hotel

D. where the hotel was

9. — I am worried about the coming speech. I don’t even know .

— What about singing a song?

A. how I can start with

B. what I can start with

C. how should I start with

D. what should I start with

10.Tom never went to bed he finished his homework last night.





11.On my way home,I pass a fruit shop every day.



C.\, by

D.of, for

12.I miss my grandparents very much. I’m seeing them again.

A.looking for

B.looking after

C.looking forward

D.looking forward to

13.It’s always busy, so come earlier to get a table.

A.a bit of

B.a little



14.The bookstore is your right,beside the bank.





15.The expressions they use might whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.

A.instead of

B.lead in to

C.because of

D.depend on

16. — The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.

— You never say no before you try.

A. Forget it!

B. I’m sorry.

C. Come on!

D. Pardon me?

17.Students should learn how ________ problems.

A.solve B.solving C.can solve D.to solve


1.I’ looking forward to (see) you again.

2.Would you like (go)to a ovie with us tonight?

3.We should speak to the old (polite).

4.I don’t know how long he spent (drive) a car to shanghai yesterday.

5.Thank you very much for (tell) e the truth.

6.He drove his car in the (derect) of Beijing.

7.It’s sunny today, let him (go) swimming.

8.She is an (Italy) singer.

9.The flower is ________ (迷人的) at night.

10.It is ________ (方便的) to go shopping in this area.

11.Please speak________ (礼貌地) to the old people.

12.I have enough time ________ (go) to school by bike.

13.Could you tell me how ________ (go) home?

14.It's ________ (polite) to speak loudly in public.

15.There are few people in the street.It's ________ (crowded) at all.

16.I would like ________ (make) a postcard.

17.He is ________ (wonder) if he will go to the Summer Place.

18.Would you mind ________ (open) the door?

19.Could you tell me where the restrooms ________ (be)?

20.I am ________ (excite) to go swimming.

21.You don't need ________ (go) to school.

22.If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we ________ (have) a party.

23.The restaurant is always busy, so come a little ________ (early) to get a table. 三将下列简单句合并为复合句

1.Where is my Chbook? I don't know

.I don't know ______ my Chinese book ____.

2.She studieantian Middle School. Jane says.

Jane says ______ ________ in Lantian Middle School.

3.Do ydy French? Could you tell me?

Could you tell me ____ ______ ________ French?

4.Was first to come here? Please tell me.

Please tell me ____ ____ ______ the first to come here.

5.The earth goes around the sun. The teacher told the students.

The teacher he students ______ the earth ______ around the sun.

A. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。

(such as, ask about, lead in, parking lot, look forward to address walk up, speak)

1. People in the west don’t like to ladies’ ages.

2. I am interested in many Hollywood animations (卡通影片), Up and Frozen.

3. I your reply soon.

4. There is not a near the cinema, so we’d better take a bus instead of driving there.

5. By to a request with a question, you can make others feel more comfortable.

6. Look! The policeman is to us.

7 There will be a speech in the hall. The is a famous scientist.

8.Would you please tell me your e-mail


Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything (1) , believe in yourself!”When I was a young boy, I was too shy to speak to anyone. My classmates often laughed (2) me.

I was sad but could do nothing. Later, something happened, and it (3) my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to take (4) in it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak (5) all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself! You are sure to (6) .” Then mother and I talked about many different topics(主题). At last I (7) the topic “Believe in yourself”.

I tried my best to remember all the speech and (8) it over 100 times. With my mother’s great love, I did well in the contest. I could (9)___________ believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers (欢呼声)from the teachers and students. Those classmates who once looked (10)__________ on me, now all said congratulations to me


A boy and his father went walking in the mountains.Suddenly the boy fell, hurt himself, and cried, “AAAhhhhhhhh!!!” To his surprise, he heard the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain, “AAAhhhhhhhh!!!” Then the boy shouted, “Who are you?” He received the answer, “Who are you?” He got angry at the answer, so he shouted, “Foolish!” He received the answer, “Foolish!”

He looked at his father and asked, “What's going on?” The father smiled and said, “My son, listen,” And then he shouted to mountain, “I love you!” The voice answered, “I love you!” Again the man cried, “You are the best!” The voice answered, “You are the best!”

The boy was surprised, but did not understand.Then the father explained (解释), “People call this Echo, but really this is life.It gives you back everything you say or do.Our life is just a reflection (反映) of what we have done.If you want more love in the world, have more love in your heart.If you want to be successful, work hard.This can be used in everything in life.Life

will give you back everything you have given to it.”

Information Card

六. 书面表达(共1题,计20分)

假设你是Lucy,国庆节期间你将和父母去某城市旅游。你从网上获得了Sunshine Hotel的部分信息。请你写一封电子邮件给该宾馆的经理,介绍你的行程并咨询如下相关细节:


1. 覆盖要点,请补充合理的细节;

2. 80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir,

My family is planning a holiday to your city. I got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e-mail?

Dear Sir,

My family is planning a holiday to your city. I got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e-mail?

We are arriving in your city on October 1st. And we plan to stay in your hotel for 5 days. Would you tell me how far your hotel is from the airport? And we’d like to know how we can get to your hotel. Also, we wonder whether you offer free breakfast. Last but not least, would you mind telling us whether there is a discount for a long stay?

Thanks for your time. I’m looking forward to your reply.


人教版九年级化学上册单元测试题全套(含答案) 第一单元《走进化学世界》单元测试卷 一、单选题(共15小题) 1.化学变化的本质特征是() A.发光发热B.有颜色的变化C.有其他物质生成D.有气体、沉淀产生 2.下列使用酒精灯的操作方法中,错误的是() A.向酒精灯中添加酒精,不超过酒精灯容积的2/3 B.熄灭酒精灯,一般用嘴吹熄C.不能向燃着的酒精灯里添加酒精D.酒精灯不用时盖上灯帽 3.小明发现罩在蜡烛火焰上方的烧杯内壁被熏黑。他的下列做法不正确的是() A.反复实验,并观察是否有相同现象B.认为与本次实验无关,不予理睬C.查找蜡烛成分资料,探究黑色物质成分D.向老师请教生成黑色物质的原因 4.小梅家有一批盆栽的郁金香,过去一直开红色花,现在却开出了紫花,有人认为这是土壤中缺水引起的,但小梅经过一段时间补充水分后,还是开紫花。这说明实验结果与原来的假说是不符合的,最好的处理方法是() A.实验不成功,停止探究 B.修改实验过程,使之与假说相符C.修改结果,使之与假说相符D.修改假说,重新实验 5.下列属于物理变化的是() A.钢铁生锈B.风力发电C.光合作用D.牛奶变质 6.下列物质的用途中,利用其物理性质的是() A.用镁粉制作照明弹 B.液氢常用作航天飞机的燃料C.烧木材取暖 D.金刚石用来切割玻璃 7.胶头滴管在使用过程中不能平放或者倒置的原因是() A.防止试剂腐蚀胶管B.防止试剂腐蚀皮肤C.防止试剂挥发D.防止液体流出 8.古诗词是古人为我们留下的宝贵精神财富。下列诗句中只涉及物理变化的是() A.野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 B.春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干C.只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针 D.爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏 9.设计实验:在蜡烛火焰上方罩上一个冷而干燥的烧杯,观察烧杯壁上的现象;再将烧杯迅速倒置,向其中加入少量澄清石灰水,振荡,观察现象。对上述实验设计思路的描述有以下几点: ①将烧杯罩在火焰上方有利于燃烧产物的汇集;②用冷的烧杯可使变化过程中产生的水迅速凝结; ③将烧杯迅速倒置可避免产生的气体向空气中散逸;④振荡有利于产生的气体与石灰水充分接触。对描述的认识正确的是() A.①②正确③④错误B.③④正确①②错误C.①②③正确④错误D.①②③④都正确 10.下列关于化学变化和物理变化的几种说法中,正确的是() A.在物理变化过程中一定有化学变化 B.化学变化就是生成了新物质的变化,反之则为物理变化C.物理变化和化学变化不会同时发生 D.不加热就发生的变化一定是物理变化,需要加热发生的变化才是化学变化 11.下列有关纸的性质描述中,属于化学性质的是() A.白色B.难溶于水C.可燃性D.易撕碎 12.实验结束后,下列仪器的放置方法正确的是() A.A B.B


新目标英语第8单元测试题 ? 一、根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词。 1. I am very a_____. Give me some food, please. 2. It’s Friday today. Don’t p____ off it any more. 3. He is a v_______, and he often treats some animals. 4. My computer is broken. He is r_____ it for me. 5. His father is able. He can s_____ this problem by himself. 6. There is a s_____. It says“No Smoking!”. 7. His grandfather can’t walk and has to sit in a w______. 8. I love dogs because they never c______ and they’re grateful. 9. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s_____ in many ways. 10. He is my best friend. We all t_____ in him. 二、试试你的判断力,选择正确答案。 1. It’s your turn to _____ the room, Wang Fang. A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off 2. I’m thirsty. I’d like _____ a glass of water. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 3. A: Must I go out for a walk now B: No, you _____. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not 4. Ask him _____ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesn’t D. isn’t 5. It’s twelve now. Let’s have _____ lunch together. A. a B. an C. the D. x 6. I am a League Member. I volunteer my time _____ others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped 7. I don’t know _____ kind of work I can do. A. how B. what C. who D. why


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 单元评价检测(一) 一、单项选择(共10小题;共10分) 1. These kids practice spoken English joining the English club. A. by B. in C. on D. with 2. Martin is lost and his parents are really him. A. interested in B. afraid of C. busy with D. worried about 3. you read it, you can't imagine how moving the story is. A. Unless B. Because C. Although 4. There are so many kinds of mobile phones here. We can't decide . A. what to buy B. to buy what C. which to buy D. to buy which 5. Let's take some exercise outside staying at home and playing computer games all day. A. instead B. instead of C. also D. either 6. I think not difficult English every morning. A. that; keep reading B. it's; keep reading C. that; to keep read D. it; to keep reading 7. --- Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? --- Well, it all the weather. A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. concentrates on 8. When you don't know a word, you can in the dictionary. A. look it up B. set it up C. give it up D. pick it up 9. --- What could I get my mother for Mother's Day? --- getting her some flowers? A. Why not B. What about C. Why don't you D. How 10. --- How do you improve your writing skills, Jim? --- . A. By talking with foreigners B. By listening to tapes C. By watching English movies


九年级化学第一章单元检测题 姓名成绩 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,把正确答案序号填入下表。每小题3分,共45分) 1.下列各组变化中,前者属于物理变化,后者属于化学变化的是 A.铜变成铜锈,自行车胎爆炸 B.灯泡发光,澄清石灰水久置变浑浊 C.蜡燃烧,纸撕成碎片 D.矿石粉碎,分离液态空气制氧气 2.下列四种性质中,有一种与其他三种有本质区别,这种性质是 A.颜色 B.硬度 C.氧化性 D.熔点 3. 通过观察和使用食盐,得出以下不属于食盐性质的是 A.白色固体B.调味品 C.易溶于水D.在空气中很容易变硬 4. 在取用液体药品时,如果没有说明用量,一般应取用的最少量是 A.0.5mLB.1mL~2mL C.3mL~4mLD.5mL~6mL 5. 实验室中,不小心将酒精灯碰倒在桌子上燃烧起来,合理简单的灭火方法是 A.用水冲灭B.用书本扑打扑灭 C.用嘴吹灭D.用湿抹布盖灭 6. 给50mL液体加热,需要使用的仪器是下列中的 ①试管②烧杯③试管夹④酒精灯⑤蒸发皿⑥石棉网 ⑦铁架台(带铁圈)⑧玻璃棒 A.①③④B.②④⑦C.②④⑥⑦D.④⑤⑧ 7. 下列有关蜡烛燃烧的叙述错误的是 A.可观察到蜡烛燃烧产生明亮的火焰,火焰分三层 B.蜡烛熔化产生“烛泪” C.在蜡烛火焰上方罩一个干燥的烧杯,烧杯内壁有层水雾 D.用燃着的火柴去点燃蜡烛刚熄灭时的白烟,蜡烛不能被点燃 8. 振荡试管内的液体时,正确的操作是 A.用手紧握试管,用臂晃动B.用手捏住试管,用腕摇动 C.用手紧握试管,上下晃动D.用拇指堵住试管,上下晃动 9. 下列实验操作正确的是 A.把鼻子凑到容器口去闻气体气味 B.要节约药品,多取的药品放回原试剂瓶 C.块状而又无腐蚀性的药品允许用手直接取用 D.使用托盘天平称量物质时,砝码要用镊子夹取 10. 在探究我们吸入的空气和呼出的气体有什么不同的活动中,其中有一操作如右图,


一.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. The ________(衬衫)is beautiful. I'll take it. 2. The cup is made of ________(玻璃). 3. Miss Zhu wears a ________(银色的)ring and looks more beautiful today. 4. I don't think it is convenient to eat food with a ________(餐叉)and knife. 5. It's relaxing to lie on the ________(草地)in the sun on a sunny morning. 6.My uncle has taught for twenty years at a ________(当地的)school. 7.Jane likes the ________(手提包)very much. She wants to buy it. 8.How was your ________(日常的)life? 9.My mother gave a ________(可移动的)phone as my birthday gift yesterday. 10.The girl comes from ________(法国).She speaks French very well. 11. The workers are paid by the ________(老板)on the last Tuesday of each month. 12. Armstrong was the first person to walk on the s________ of the moon. 13. This winter,my sister gave me a pair of ________.(手套)They kept my hands warm. 14. Alice comes from ________(德国).She speaks German very well. 15. My head is so big,but this ________(帽子)is so small. 16. It took them about three months to ________ (完成)the project. 17. Mike has a lovely pet cat. ________(它的)name is Mimi. 18. Can you feel the ________(热)of the sun on your back? 19. Let's cut this piece of cloth into halves with ________.(剪刀) 20. Ice, snow and steam are different ________ (类型)of water. 21.The tea is ________(种植)by farmers on the sides of mountains. 22.Silk is ________(生产)in Zhejiang Province both in the past and now. 23.Jingdezhen is famous for porcelain. Porcelain is the thin china m________(制造)from a special ________(材料)called clay. 24.Kite flying has been around for over 2,000 years. According to Chinese history,Han Xin first ________ (用)kites to send messages. 25.Chinese clay art pieces are usually cute children or ________(生气勃勃的)characters from Chinese fairy tales or historical stories. 26.China is famous for many ________(产品)-tea,silk,china,kites and other well-known traditional Chinese art ________(形式). 27.The tea is planted in many different areas in China. Anxi and Hangzhou are ________(广泛地)known for their tea. The tea is drunk all over the world. 28.Silk has been around for about 5,000 years But before that,people put on ________(叶子)which always easily fell down onto ________(草地).Silk and ________ (棉花)were first used for making clothes. Later,rich family even used silk to ________(用颜料画). 29.Most western people believe china is one of the symbols of China.________(它的)best-known brand comes from Jingdezhen. The most common things are dishes and plates. 30.Weifang,Shandong is the Kite City in China. The ________(当地的)people there are good at making and ________(加工、处理)kites. An ________(国际的)kite festival is held in Weifang every year. The ________(参赛者、竞争者)from many different parts of the world take part in it. 31.During the Spring Festival,paper cuttings are put on windows,doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. A pair of ________(剪刀and some red paper are used to ________(完成)everything. 32.You'd better buy a ________(棉) blouse. It feels comfortable and it's not expensive. 33.Maria likes to eat beef with a ________(餐叉) and a knife. 34.There are more ________(草) and flowers in the garden. 35.Danny is a ________(邮递员).His job is to collect and deliver letters. 36.________(法国) is a European country. 37.Could you tell me how fast the computer ________(处理)the data? 38.About 200 ________(参赛者)took part in this activity. 39.I can hardly believe it is cut with ________(剪刀). 40.The goods are offered by the ________(当地的)government. 41.His new movie will be ________(完成)in three weeks. 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Jack studies in an ________(internation) school. 2.When did your father take up ________(paint)? 3.Do you know how ________(make) kites? 4.How often ________ the kite festival ________(hold)? 5.The ________(compete) from all over the world took part in Weifang International Kite Festival. 6. The CD can help you know ________(wide) the knowledge of geography. 7. These ________(leaf)turn yellow in autumn. 8. Alice has lived in China for many years and she's been used to using ________(chopstick). 9. The factory ________(produce)two thousand lamps every week. 10. Dandong is ________(know)for its rice and seafood. 11.English ________(learn) as a foreign language in most of Chinese schools. 12.The dogs ________(take) good care of by my mother. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/df3034024.html,ually,my homework ________(not do) in the afternoon. 14.________ the flowers ________(water) every day? https://www.sodocs.net/doc/df3034024.html,puters ________(not sell) well in that shop. 16.________ our school ________(visit) by many people every day? 17.Three languages ________(use) in this country. 18.The workers ________(make) to work 12 hours every day. 19.Such exercises ________ often ________(do) by the students in class. 20.The car ________ always ________(clean) by Mr. Zhang in the morning. 21._________(leaf) begin to fall in October. 22.Yantai is __________(know) for its apple. 23.English is ________(wide) used in the world. 24.It_______(seem) that it will rain . 25.Eating fruit is good for our__________(health). 七年级英语第1页第2页


人教版九年级英语第一单元检测题(含答案) 一、单项选择。(15分) ( ) 1.They_B______speaking English at the English corner to improve their spoken English. A. stopped B. practiced C. finished D. forgot ( ) 2. I’m sorry I can’t __C_____ you. Would you please speak more slowly? A. realize B. impress C. follow D. lose ( ) 3. — How do you come to school every day? — ___B______. It’s good for my health. A. By air. B. On foot. C. By car. D. By bus. ( ) 4. My grandmother found watching TV ___A____ but I enjoyed it very much. A. frustrated B. frustrating C. exciting D. excited ( ) 5. I’m trying to find a better way to __D_____ my old books. A. look on B. find out C. break off D. deal with ( ) 6. What we read usually ___C____ our thinking. A. believes B. regards C. influences D. memorizes ( D ) 7. Many students memorize the new words _______ them many times. A. by repeating B. in reading C. to practice D. for writing ( C ) 8. The meeting will begin in ten minutes. _______ that we will be late. A. I’m happy B. I hope C. I’m afraid D. I believe ( B ) 9. What about _______ his telephone number in my notebook?


A .休祲(jìng) 苟得(gǒu) 唐雎(jū) 负箧曳屣(xǐ) B .蹴尔(cù) 徒跣(xiǎn) 皲裂(jūn) 缊袍敝衣(yùn) C .缟素(gǎo) 耄老(mào) 一豆羹(gēng) 冻馁之患(lěi) D .的卢(dì) 叱咄(duō) 烨然(yè) 燕然未勒(lè) A .万钟于我何加焉(有什么益处) B .援疑质理(询问) . D .安陵君因使唐雎使于秦(派遣). A .休祲降于天 B .或遇其叱咄 . D .非独贤者有是心也. A .贤者能勿丧耳 B .腰白玉之环 .. D .手自笔录. , , , . , 第三单元测试卷 时间:120 分钟 满分:120 分 考查内 容:第三单元 一、积累与运用(30 分) 1.下列加点字的注音全部正确的一项是( B )(2 分) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 【点拨】A 项,“祲”应读 jìn ;C 项 “馁”应读 něi ;D 项 “挠”应读 náo 。 2.下列加点词语解释有误的一项是( D )(2 分) .. . C .寡人谕矣(明白,懂得) 3.下列句子中没有通假字的一项是( B )(2 分) A .故患有所不辟也 B .今虽耄老,未有所成 C .仓鹰击于殿上 D .四支僵劲不能动 4.下列加点词语古今意义相同的一项是( C )(2 分) . . C .余幼时即嗜学 5.下列加点词语不属于词类活用的一项是( A )(2 分) . . C .天下缟素 6.下列说法有误的一项是( B )(2 分) A .序,文体名,一般陈述创作主旨、创作经过等;赠序一般是亲友远行时所作 ,内容多是一些安慰、 勉励的话。 B .《孟子》记录春秋时期思想家孟子的治国思想和政治策略,是孟子和他的弟子记录并整理而成的。 C .《战国策》是一部国别体史学著作,又称《国策》 是西汉刘向根据战国时期史料整理编辑的,共 33 篇,分国编次。 D 《江城子· 密州出猎》中“江城子”是词牌名 “密州出猎”是这首词的题目。 7.古诗文默写填空。(6 分) (1)_长沟流月去无声_。杏花疏影里,吹笛到天明。(陈与义《临江仙· 夜登小阁,忆洛中旧游》) (2)莫听穿林打叶声,_何妨吟啸且徐行_。(苏轼《定风波》) (3)苏轼的《江城子· 密州出猎》中,生动描绘千百猎手漫山遍野围猎的威武气势的词句是:_锦帽貂裘_,_ 千骑卷平冈_。 (4)辛弃疾在《破阵子· 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》中,表明对陈同甫寄予希望且直接表达他的报国情怀和人 生追求的句子是:_了却君王天下事_,_赢得生前身后名_。 8.名著阅读。(5 分) 自此,严监生的病一日重似一日,再不回头。诸亲六眷都来问候。五个侄子穿梭的过来陪郎中弄药。到 中秋以后,医家都不下药了。把管庄的家人都从乡里叫了上来。病重得一连三天不能说话。晚间挤了一屋的


九年级化学单元检测试题 (时间:100分钟 总分:100分) 本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:Na —23 C—12 O—16 H—1 Cl —35.5 Fe —56 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,每小题2分,共30分) 1、下列变化属于化学变化的是( ) A、青铜受热融化后浇铸成各种形状的工艺品 B、保险丝在电路中熔断 C、在铝的表面形成致密的氧化物薄膜 D、利用铁的延展性制铁丝 2、下列家庭常用物质中,属于纯净物的是( ) A .牛奶 B .酱油 C .蒸馏水 D .葡萄酒 3、厨房常用的下列物质与水混合,不能形成溶液的是( ) A .食盐 B .植物油 C .白糖 D .白酒 4、金属、金属材料的性质在很大程度上决定了它们的用途。下列说法中不正确... 的是( ) A .不锈钢抗腐蚀性好,常用于制造医疗器械 B .铁具有良好的导热性,可以用于制造炊具 C .铝合金轻而坚韧,可作汽车、飞机和火箭的材料 D .铅锑合金的熔点较低、电阻率较大,常用于制成发热体 5、垃圾分类回收对资源的充分利用及环境保护有重要意义。下列对垃圾的处理方法 中不合..理. 的是( ) A .将回收的废旧电池单独存放 B .将回收的废旧报纸制成铅笔杆 C .用电磁铁将金属制品分离出来 D .焚烧垃圾用来发电 6、下列物品需采取防锈措施的是( ) A .铁制防盗网 B .不锈钢菜刀 C .铝合金窗 D .金戒指 7、图中不能正确反映题中所描述的变化事实的是( ) 8、某单质X 能从某溶液中置换出Y ,由此推断下列说法中正确的是( ) 加热蒸发稀盐酸 D 固体质量 溶质质量分数 溶质质量分数 时间 溶 质质量分 数接近饱和的氯化钠溶液 中加入氯化钠固体 A 不饱和硝酸钾溶液升温 B 一 定 量水中加入浓 硫 酸 C 0 溶质质量分数


九年级学业水平测试(1-5单元) 英语试题 一、单项选择。(共15小题,计15分) ( )1. ---How much did you _______ on that woolen T-shirt ? ---I _______ 80 yuan for it. A. cost, spend B. spend, paid C. pay, cost D. take, cost ( )2 ---You look _______ sad, Kate. --- Yeah, I have made mistakes in my report. A. a little, a few B. little, few C. a few, a little D. a little, few. ( ) 3. The _______ he is , the he feels. A. busily, happily B. busy, happy C busier , happier D .more busy, more happy ( ) 4.-----I don’t know . Can you help me ? -----I think you should calm down and read texts. A. how to do B. what to do it . C. what to do D. when to do ( ) 5.I’d rather _____ at home than _______ to the movie on weekends . A. staying, going B. to stay, to go C. stay, go D. stayed, went ( ) 6. There is hardly anyone in the street , ________? A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there ( ) 7 The mountain is steep(陡峭的) few people can climb to the top of it A so, that B too, to C not , enough to D so , as


九年级化学第三单元测试题 一、选择题 1、关于钠离子(Na +)和钠原子的认识不正确的() A、它们质子数相同 B、Na+ 的最外层是稳定结构 C、Na比Na+少一个电子 D、它们属于同种微粒 2、分子的观点解释下列事实,其中不正确的是() A.水沸腾后壶盖被顶起——温度升高,分子体积变大 B.春天百花盛开,花香四溢——分子在不断的运动 C.50ml水和50ml酒精混合,液体总体积小于100ml——分子之间有间隔 D.水和过氧化氢化学性质不同——分子构成不同 3、今年1月,广西柳州龙江河发生镉污染。但镉是人类的朋友,如制造“镍-镉”充电电池。镉(Cd)的原子的核电荷数为48,相对原子质量是112。下列有关说法正确的是()A.镉原子的质子数为64B.镉原子的质量为112g C.镉原子核外电子数为48 D.镉原子的中子数为48 4、下列各粒子的结构示意图中,表示同种元素的粒子的是() 28+92828282 ①②③④ A ①②③ B ③④ C ①② D ①④ 5、20l0年4月5日,科学家成功合成了第117号新元素,填补了第116号和118号元素之间的空缺。推测该元素为117号元素的依据是() A.中子数B.质子数C.电子数D中子数和质子数 6、地壳中含量最多的金属元素是() A.硅B.铝C.氧D.铁 7、日常生活中见到的"加碘食盐"、"高钙牛奶"中的"碘、钙"应理解为() A.分子B.原子C.离子D.元素 8、保持二氧化硫化学性质的最小粒子是() A、硫原子 B、氧原子 C、氧分子 D、二氧化硫分子 9、分子、原子、离子等都是构成物质的微粒。下列物质由离子构成的是() A.氯化钠B.黄金C.氦气D.冰 10、右图为元素周期表中钠元素的相关信息,下列说法正确的是() A.钠原子核内质子数为11 B.钠为非金属元素 C.钠原子的实际质量为g D.钠元素的原子结构示意图为


2017-2018九年级化学1—9单元期末综合检测试题 一.选择题 1.在下面的变化中,只有一个变化与其他的本质是不同的,该变化是() A.钢铁生锈 B.纸张燃烧 C.牛奶变酸 D.水蒸发 2. 如下图所示实验操作,正确的是() 3. 下列实验主要的化学现象,正确的是() A.把盛有红磷的燃烧匙伸人盛有氧气的集气瓶中,磷立即燃烧 B.硫在空气中燃烧,发出蓝紫色火焰 C.木炭在氧气中燃烧比在空气中燃烧更旺,发出白光,并放出热量 D.红磷在氧气中燃烧生成白色烟雾 4.区别氧气、氮气、空气最好、最简单的方法() A.用带火星的木条 B.用澄清的石灰水 C.用燃着的木条 D.用燃着的硫粉 5.实验室用过氧化氢制氧气,若实验中忘记加入二氧化锰,其结果是() A.不产生氧气 B.生成氧气的速率变慢 C.产生氧气的总质量减少 D.没有影响 6.保持过氧化氢的化学性质的最小粒子() A.氢原子 B.氢原子和氧原子 C. 氧原子 D. 过氧化氢分子 7.下列关于相对原子质量的说法正确的是() A.相对原子质量是原子质量的简称 B. 相对原子质量是原子质量与一种碳原子的比值 C. 相对原子质量在数值上约等于原子核内质子数和种子数之和 D. 相对原子质量是一个比值,单位为克或千克 8.两个原子核内质子数不同,则它们() A.核内质子数一定不同 B. 相对原子质量一定不同 C.原子质量一定不同 D.一定是不同元素的原子 9.已知镁原子核内的质子数为12,且质子数和种子数相等,则该原子中所含粒子总数为() A.12 C.24 D.36 D.48 10.下列各物质前者属于混合物,后者属于化合物的是() A.水空气 B.自来水氧气 C.高锰酸钾二氧化碳 D.矿泉水冰水混合物 11.砒霜是三氧化二砷(As2O3),有剧毒,As2O3中As的化合价为() A.-3 B.-2 C.+3 D. +2 12.一种兴奋剂的化学式为C20H26O2,下列说法叙述正确的是() A.该兴奋剂是氧化物 B. 该兴奋剂一个分子中20个碳原子、20个氢原子和一个氧分子 C. 该兴奋剂的相对分子质量为298g D. 该兴奋剂中碳氢氧的原子个数比为10: 13: 1 13. 2011年5月初,我市某县一副县长酒后驾车将受到法律追究。交警常用一种“酒精检测仪”检查司机是否酒后驾车。其反应原理为C2H5OH + 4CrO3 + 6H2SO4 = 2X + 2CO2↑+9H2O,反应中红色的CrO3转化为绿色的化合物X,则X的化学式为() A、Cr2O3 B、CrSO3 C、Cr2(SO4)3 D、Cr2S3


人教版九年级英语第十单元检测题(含答案) 一、单项填空。(15分) ( )1. Don’t make a of him. A. fool B. foolish C. fools D. foolishly ( )2.---Which would you like, rice or noodles? --- is OK. I’m hungry. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All ( )3. Our teacher, Miss Chen, English on the radio the day before yesterday. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught ( )4. I think we’ve this subject; let’s go on to the next one. A. exhaust B. exhausted C. exhausting D. exhausts ( )5. Do you know during the coming summer holiday? A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do C. what Tom will do D. what Tom did ( )6.---When did you ? ---I’ve for two months. A. get married; been married B. be married; been married C. get married; got married D. get married; married ( )7. His daughter is going to be married an engineer. A. with B. for C. to D. / ( )8. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are words in it. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ( )9. The camera is expensive I can’t afford it. A. so; that B. such; that C. so; as to D. enough; that ( )10. do you think the population of China is? A. How many B. How much C. What D. Which ( )11. I felt very when I finished the work. A. exhausted B. exhausting C. tire D. tiring ( )12. The boys and the girls often play football in afternoon. A. /; an B. the; an C. /; the D. a; the ( )13. The small boy knows a lot about information in science. A. Latest B. the late C. Late D. the latest ( )14. My watch is broken. I’ll go and buy a new . A. it B. that C. this D. one ( )15. Jack, good boy! Please pass the glasses. I want to read the newspaper. A. you B. me C. him D. her 二、完形填空。(15分) The United States, Great Britain took the war(战争) on Iraq(伊拉克) in late March, 2003. 16 over twenty days, American soldiers were in Baghdad, the 17 of Iraq. They ended the government(政府) of Saddam. 18 Iraqis died in the war. Saddam is 19 . No one knows 20 he’s dead or alive. In some parts of the city, there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food, water and 21 . Many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need to 22 to find their family members. After the war, some Iraqis broke into Saddam’s palace, government buildings and stores. They 23 many things from Iraqi Museums. Other Iraqis are angry that the U.S. soldiers didn’t stop the robbers. So far there is 24 no government of Iraqis. The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are 25 weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器). But by June 6, they hadn’t found any at all. ( )16.A. to B. After C. By D. During ( )17.A city B. town C. capital D. village ( )18. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of ( )19. A. tired B. run C. gone D. forgotten ( )20. A. if B. when C. how D. that
