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NEWSPAPER&MAGAZINE READING The title of teaching:PART 1 STYLES OF NEWS Chapter 1 Headline

Chapter 2 Syntactic Features

Period of the teaching: 2 classes


1.Grammatical features of headline.

2.Differences in Chinese headlines and English headlines.

3.'ABC' principles in news writing .

Key / difficult points:

1.Functions & Categorization of Headlines

2.Characteristics of headlines

Methods of teaching:

1.Interactive teaching method

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e43730704.html,municative Teaching method

Teaching procedures:

1.lead-in introduction:

The content of news writing:

Headline ( sub-headline)

Lead/introduction(5W, 1H)

Body(background, main issue)


To predict

'ABC' principles




Functions of Headlines

Summarizing the story

Arousing the rea der’s interest

Beautifying the newspaper page

Indicating how much importance each news item has Categorization of Headlines

one-column headline---streamer/banner通栏大标题

one-deck headline ---four-deck headline 一层题/二层题/…/四层题


flush-left headline靠左齐头形

drop-line or indented head阶梯下坠形

inverted pyramid form倒金字塔形

centered headline, jump head转页标题

2.Features of headlines

Grammatical features

Lexical features

Rhetorical features

2.1 Grammatical features---- Omission

?Omission of articles / pronoun/ “and” / auxiliary verbs

China launches first ICBM into pacific Boys on cliff rescued Mother, daughter share Fulbright year

Witty, Inventive furniture dominates Milan Exposition

Forecast of Mexican quake accurate, but ignored

Tourist arrested for espionage charges

2.2 Grammatical features---- Tense

?Simple present is the most commonly used tense in headline to give the reader a sense of “timeliness” by giving a vivid,

eyewitness account.

US and Egypt hold air exercises

Women’s soccer calls for support


Unemployment in U.K. increased in October

?Future is always indicated by infinitive “to + do”, or in simple present tense.

Russia to hold Polish border manoeuvres

Shanxi to invest large sums for tourism

2 EC officials to visit U.S. to pave way for trade talks

?“ V-ing” form is often used to indicate an ongoing action.

Radio ,TV coverage widening

Deposits, loans rising in HK

2.3 Grammatical features---- Predicate

?Adjective as predicate

US carmaker ready to cut output

Buenos Aires “close” to deal on f resh IMF loan

EU and China closer to deal on Beijing’s WTO entry

?Participial phrase as predicate

Identities of Hijack suspects released

U.S. Attacked: Hijacked jets destroy twin towers and hit pentagon in day of terror

Fed expected to make a half-point cut in rates

US weather forecasters caught out by storm

Top Pakistan judge dismissed after refusing to take oath

?Infinitive as predicate

Germany to lift ban on transport of N-waste

China to continue fiscal program to aid economy

Japan to help elderly jobless

2.4 Grammatical features ---- Punctuation

Eleven dead, 200 injured in concert blast

Protests sweep Israel, Palestine

Economy grows slowly as unemployment, inflation rise --- economist Kissinger reasserts: Sino-US ties crucial

3.Syntactic features

Omission of "on" and "that"

Using parenthsis

Using long sentences with loose structures(combined sentences) Sequence of tenses

Premodifier( heavy use of attributes)

Structures to show the source of news

3.1 Structures to show the source of news


Not for attribution

Authoritative sources

Document released by...

Semiofficial sources

On lobby terms

According to a source who asked not to be identified...

According to an anonymous source...

It has been proved...

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e43730704.html,parison of news headlines between Chinese and









7 Astronauts die as shuttle breaks apart

Space Shuttle Colombia Confirmed Destroyed Without Survivors ●中文标题常以动词开头,常用形容词或副词加以修饰。




NEWSPAPER&MAGAZINE READING The title of teaching:PART 1 STYLES OF NEWS Chapter 1 Lexical Features

Chapter 2 Discourse Features

Period of the teaching: 2 classes


1.Lexical features of headline.

2.The forms of news report.

3.Differences between news report and feature article . Key / difficult points:

1.Pyramid form & Inverted pyramid form

2.Styles of feature articles

Methods of teaching:

1.Interactive teaching method

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e43730704.html,municative Teaching method

Teaching procedures:

1.Lexical features

One –syllable words/ Short words



Journalistic coinage



Company vies for IT giant

Brazil race goes to second round

New curbs on immigration

Shenzhen SEZ to host Int’l trade meeting

US strives to ease stagflation

Quebec language war is over, n’est-ce pas?

Bush’s “Quid Pro Quo” policy

1.1 Rhetorical features


All Work, Low Pay Make Nurses Go Away.


Do as the Maoris do

A Tale of Two Debtors

Rhyme & alliteration

After the boom everything is gloom

Weather worries

Pei’s pyramids puzzle Paris


Burning questions on tunnel safety unanswered (About the possibility of fires in the Channel tunnel)

Return to gender (About a reoccurrence of sexual harassment in London post offices)

1.2 Imitation words

Alcohol -- alcoholic -- beeroholic, crediholic, workaholic... Generation gap -- credibility gap, communication gap, missile gap...

1.3 Abbreviation

Convict -- vict

Committee -- c'tee

Breakfast lunch -- brunch

Information airport -- infoport

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation -- APEC

World Trade Organization -- WTO

1.4 V ogue word

Henpecked 妻管严

Moonlighting 扒分(上海方言, 赚外快, 兼职)

2.Discourse Features

2.1 News report


●Inverted pyramid form (when, where, what, who, why and how)

●Pyramid form (beginning, body, ending)

2.2 Feature article

The differences between news report and feature article

Range : news report focus on inclusiveness and integrity, feature article focus on special episode.

Aims : the news report focus on the fact, while the feature article focus on not only the fact but also the issue or the person.

Form : the form of news report usually be pyramid form and inverted pyramid form, the form of feature is various.

2.3 The differences between news report, feature article and news comment

News report: panorama ---- inclusiveness, integrity

Features: enlarged close-up ---- news behind the news

Editorial/ review/commentary/ column: argument

(theme, demonstration, conclusion)

3.Styles of feature articles

Personality profile/profile


Locality feature/travelogue

Personal-experience feature/I-account

Premodifier( heavy use of attributes)

4.News comment

4.1 The kinds of news comment:





4.2 Form Theme Demonstration Conclusion 4.3 style tone impersonal


NEWSPAPER&MAGAZINE READING The title of teaching:PART 2 MODEL ESSAY READING Chapter 1 News report -- political news

Anwar Sadat Assassinated at Cario Military Review

Period of the teaching: 2 classes


1.Understanding the long sentences in news report.

2.Characteristics of English news report.

3.Students should be familiar with the current global political,

economic and social situation .

Key / difficult points:

1.Current global political, economic and social situation.

2.The root of the problem

Methods of teaching:

1.Student-centered and student-oriented

2.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words

based on their understanding

Teaching procedures:

1.Background Information

U.S. Army Can Advance Mission Success by Greening


SANTA MONICA, California, September 26, 2008 (ENS)- The

U.S. Army has become increasingly involved with environmental issues in every operationand must be better prepared to deal with them, according to a new RAND Corporation study released this week.

The research showed that environmental concerns can have

far-reaching and significant impacts on the Army, both direct and indirect, especially in terms of cost, current operations, soldier health, diplomatic relations, reconstruction activities, and the ultimate success of the operation or the broader mission.

2.Warming-up Questions

◆War will bring about great disasters towards human being.

◆Can you list some of them? Among these influences, Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems. Why? Give your own solution to this problem.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e43730704.html,anization Analysis

Part I (Para.1)

Better managing environmental issues can help U.S. Army gain tactical and strategic advantages and boost overall mission success. Part II (Para 2—10 )

The reasons why the Army leaders should give more weight to environmental considerations.

Part III (Para 11- 16 )

Environmental issues can also affect soldier health and safety, the costs of an operation, the logistical burden of supporting forces, and diplomatic relations.

Para 11-12 Environmental issues can also affect soldier health and safety

Para 13-14 Environmental issues can also affect the costs of an operation

Para 15 Environmental issues can also affect the logistical burden of supporting forces

Para 16 Environmental issues can also affect diplomatic relations.

4. Organization Analysis

Para.1 Thesis Para. 2-10 The reasons why the

Army leaders should give more weight to environmental


Para 11-16 The influences of

environmental issues

5. Detailed Reading -- Understanding Sentences

5.1 By better managing environmental issues during deployments, Army can boost mission success if commanders give environmental concerns high priority during planning

U.S. Army units can gain tactical and strategic advantages that will help in combat and post-conflict operations, and boost overall mission success, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today. (Para 1)

Comments : "By better managing..." is present participle which is used as the adverbial modifier. "that..." is attributive clause. "will help..."and "boost" are the predicates.

5.2 The study finds that commanders have not usually given environmental concerns high priority during planning, despite the effect environmental conditions can have on troop health, safety and security, and the importance they have for the local


Comments : "find" introduces an object clause, "environmental conditions can have on troop health, safety and security" is attributive clause and it modifies "the effect", "they have for the local population" is another attributive clause and it modifies "the importance".

5.3 Environmental considerations encompass anything related to the environment that affects the planning and execution of military operations or is affected by those operations. (Para 5)

Comments : Pay attention to the use of the past participle phrase "related to the environment" and the attributive clause "that", "related to the environment" is used as post-modification to modify


5.4 Environmental conditions can also extend beyond national borders because air and water pollution may travel great distances, affecting diplomatic relations with countries that could be crucial to the mission's success. (Para 16)

Comments : Pay attention to the use of the present participle "affecting" and the attributive clause "that".

6.Word Study

6.1 deploy v. (para 1)

Military. to spread out (troops) so as to form an extended front or line(尤指军事行动)使展开; 施展; 部署

E.g. The commander deployed his men along the railway. deployable adj.

deployment n.

6.2 boost v. (para 1)

1)to advance or aid by speaking well of; promote力捧<人>; 大事宣传

E.g. She always boosts her hometown

2) to increase; raise提高,哄抬<价格>; 增加<产量>

E.g. The firm is boosting the new product.

boost prices

3)to assist in further development or progress向上推起,提升

6.3 encompass v. (Para 5)

to form a circle about; encircle; surround, to include comprehensively 围绕, 包围

E.g. The enemy encompassed the city.

E.g. He built a moat to encompass the castle.

encompassment n.

辨析: encircle , enclose, envelop

encircle 侧重在某事物周围围成圈状

E.g. It takes the earth one year to encircle the sun.


E.g. The valley is enclosed by tall mountains.


E.g. Fog enveloped the village. 雾笼罩着那村子。

7.Post-Reading -- Comprehension(on textbook)

8.Question on the Article

Why does the author say that the relationship between the Army and the environment is a two-way street?

What are the influences that poor environmental conditions will bring about?


NEWSPAPER&MAGAZINE READING The title of teaching:PART 2 MODEL ESSAY READING Chapter 1 Feature article -- locality feature

Dickens's London Still Lives at Christmas

Period of the teaching: 2 classes


1.Understanding the metonymy in news report.

2.Discussing the possible ways to preserve the sites of historic


3.Students should be familiar with famous writers place in


Key / difficult points:

1.Ways to preserve the old days' Xmas.

2.The root of the current problem in England.

Methods of teaching:

1.Student-centered and student-oriented

2.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words

based on their understanding

Teaching procedures:

1.Background Information

First Lady in the United States with political, social and historical significance, has been controversial in the United States

academia. First Lady as the focus of attention of the public and the media today, and even in every aspect of modern life, plays a special role. First Lady has such following features:

1)First Lady is the unofficial title of the wife of an elected male head in the US government.

2)First lady is not elected and not entitled to any power and official duties, and so she is not paid.

3)First Lady attends many offcial ceremonies and celebrations, and frequently participates in charity work.

4)First Lady usually plays an active role in her husband’s election campaign.

2.Warming-up Questions

How do you balance home and career?

◆Be a full-time working parent and hire a babysitter.

◆Be a stay-at-home parent and take care of home.

◆Be a part-time working parent and spare time on family life.

◆I don't believe balanced days are actually possible.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e43730704.html,nguage Features -- metonymy in news report


Green Berets 绿色贝雷帽(美国的特种部队)

Blue Berets 蓝色贝雷帽(联合国维持和平部队)

Iron Lady 铁娘子(英国前首相撒切尔夫人)

Aimless missile 不定向导弹(西方报刊对利比亚总统卡扎菲的代称)


NO. 10 唐宁街10号,指代英国首相府Washington 既告知了地点又说明了去这个地方的目的another Hillary 媒体对Michelle略带戏谑的批评

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e43730704.html,anization Analysis

Part I (Para.1-2)

Main Idea: Introduction

Para.1 Cherie Blair shows her respect to Michelle Obama for her outstanding performance.

Para.2 The context in which her article was written -- reaction to Michelle Ob ama’s published article.

Part II (Para.3-14)

Main Idea: Suggestions

Para.3-4 Adjusting the relationship between Michelle and her husband, the US president.

课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson20

Lesson 20 East Versus West 东西方观念和思维的差异 classmates chime in. 同学插话。 That kind of collectivism confirms the commonly held belief that learning by organic induction is more effective than rote memorization. 这种集体主义证实了有机归纳学习比死记硬背更有效的普遍信念。 Why do you find, in a music conservatory, a lot of Asian would-be concert pianists but comparatively few Asian opera-singers-in-training? 为什么在音乐学院会有很多想成为钢琴家的亚洲人,而受训的亚洲歌剧演员却相对较少? There's a physical limit to how many hours a day a person can sing, Nisbett says, but not to how many hours one can practice sonatas. 尼斯贝特说,一个人每天唱歌的时间有生理上的限制,但练习奏鸣曲的时间没有生理上的限制。 He attributes these differences to history. 他将这些差异归因于历史。 East Asian agriculture was a communal venture in which tasks like irrigation and crop rotation had citizens acting in concert. 东亚农业是一种公共事业,其中灌溉和作物轮作等任务需要公民协同行动。 In contrast, Western food production led to more lone-operator farmers and herdsmen. 相比之下,西方食品生产导致了更多的孤独的农民和牧民。 Greek democratic philosophy emphasized the individual; the Reformation stressed a personal connection to God; the Industrial Revolution made heroes of entrepreneurs. 希腊民主哲学强调个人;宗教改革强调个人与上帝的联系;工业革命造就了企业家的英雄。 But in Asia, Confucius said virtue hinged upon appropriate behavior for specific relationships, say, among siblings, neighbors or colleagues. 但在亚洲,孔子说,美德取决于对特定关系的恰当行为,比如在兄弟姐妹、邻居或同事之间。 These tidy generalizations are not without critics. 这些整齐的概括并非没有批评。 A San Francisco State University professor who edits the Journal of Cross-Culture Psychology'', David Matsumoto, holds that while Nisbett attaches his observations to fascinating raw data, he takes some conclusions too far. 旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University)教授、《跨文化心理学杂志》(Journal of Cross-Culture Psychology)主编大卫?松本(David Matsumoto)认为,尼斯贝特将自己的观察结果与引人入胜的原始数据结合起来,但他的一些结论有些过头了。 "In cross-cultural work researchers are too quick to come up with some deep, dark, mysterious interpretation of a difference with no data to support it," Matsumoto says. "It's difficult to draw one conclusion [from] a snippet of behavior, and that's what this work tends to do." 松本说:“在跨文化研究中,研究人员在没有数据支持的情况下,总是急于对差异

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress The remaining divisions in American society should not blind us to a half-century of dramatic change By Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom In the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court. Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners? association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association? s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court. But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?” The homeowners didn?t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don?t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.” It?s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well. That?s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another. To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends: A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But it wasn?t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve of

经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第一课 Good policy, and bad

Good policy, and bad Some mitigation policies are effective,some are efficient, and some are neitherDec 3rd 2009 | from the print edition GREENHOUSE-GAS emissions targets can be implemented through three sorts ofpolicy instruments—regulation, carbon-pricing and subsidies. Governmentsgenerally like regulation (because it appears to be cost-free), economists likecarbon prices (because they are efficient) and businesses like subsidies (becausethey get the handouts). Regulation can be useful where the market is not working well. Buildings are rarelydesigned to save energy, because those who put them up do not usually pay thebills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks, not theirenergy-efficiency. The same goes for appliances, most of which do not use enoughenergy to affect consumers' choices. Small regulatory changes (see box, next page)can cut energy consumption without distorting the market much. According toMcKinsey, around one-third of the required greenhouse-gas reductions will actuallysave money. In this special report Getting warmer Is it worth it? The green slump ?Good policy, and bad Vampires on a diet Cap and tirade Who cares? A long game Closing the gaps


英美报刊阅读教程1 Language Features 电子报纸 electronic newspaper = e-paper 电子杂志electronic magazine = e-zine 1.英语新闻报刊的种类:日报、晨报、晚报 周报、半周报 semiweekly 、双周报 biweekly 城市报metropolitan newspaper 报纸newspaper 郊区报suburban newspaper 乡村报rural newspaper 大报quality newspaper 通俗小报tobloid 2.新闻英语的限制因素:大众性、节俭性、趣味性、时新性、客观性 3.拼词缀 (1)前词部首+后词部尾 boat +hotel=botel 水上旅馆 taikong +astronaut=taikonaut 宇航员 medical +suicide = medicide 医助安乐死 digital +literati = digirati 电脑联通网 guess + estimate=guestimate 约略估计 corporation + bureaucrate=corporcrat 公司官僚主义 (2)前词全部+后词部尾 jazz + discotheque = jazzotheque 爵士音乐夜总会 screen + teenager = screenager 屏幕青少年 eye + analyzer = eyelzer 远不测醉器 work +welfare = workfare 工作福利 guess + kingdom = filmdom 电影王国 news + program = newsgram 新闻节目


第一篇 它在1967年以美国139年获得100万人,而只有52年再增加1亿美元,返现,10月的一天,之后只有39的间隔年,美国将声称300多万灵魂。瞬间将被喻为美国的无限活力和独特的生命力的又一象征。它是这样的,当然。不过,这也是事实美国已经成长人口普查局已经采取了测量,开始于1790年,当时创始人计数今天纽约市的人口不足4百万的同胞的,大约有一半的人口每天的时间。 最近的增长飙升已经不同凡响。自2000年以来单,国家已经增加了20万人。与西欧相比,出生率暴跌,还是日本,其人口萎缩,美国只知道增长,增长,更多的增长。它现在拥有的第三大人口在世界上,中国和印度之后。“经济增长是一个问题,我们必须要管理,说:”肯尼思·普鲁伊特,人口普查局前负责人,“但它更易于管理比失去你的人口。” 仔细检查号码,三大趋势出现。首先是迁移。由于工业基地东北部和中西部的下降,数以百万计的美国人已经转移到南部和西部,现在家里一半以上的人口和不断增长强劲。移民是下一个。在过去的四十年里,移民,主要来自墨西哥和拉丁美洲,已经重塑了国家的民族构成;的最新亿美国人,根据皮尤拉美裔中心的杰弗里·帕塞尔,53%要么是移民或他们的后代。最后是大肆宣传的婴儿潮一代,现在许多人对退休的风口浪尖。美国说,非营利性的人口资料局,“越来越大,年龄大了,更加多样化。” 的影响都是巨大而多样,影响美国的文化,政治,和经济性。一个明显的例子就是对移民问题的辩论狂风暴雨涌动大会。另:由于人口流动不断,国会选区重划会随之而来,引爆电力的地域平衡。一个显着的年龄较大的美国也将对政府开支,所有这三个问题提供了新国会产生深远的影响,并太久,一个新总统之前,大量的思考。 THE NEW迁移 博伊西,落基山山麓之间爱达荷州坐向东北和大盆地沙漠南,大天空和沙漠尘土飞扬之间,博伊西一直是先锋镇。在19世纪初,传说,法裔加拿大毛皮捕手来到一个树丛,并惊呼“莱斯布瓦!” - 树林。因此博伊西长大了采矿,伐木,农耕和枢纽,首都在美国最农业州之一。 那些悠闲的日子已经一去不复返了。 1970年的人口普查报告说,爱达荷州已成为农村比城市多;仅仅几年后,美光,是世界上最大的超导生产商,现在该州最大的私人雇主,在这里成立,和惠普的打印机工厂是在路上。主业现在的增长和如何管理它。博伊西都市区的人口增长只是1990年以来洋葱,甜菜农场紧靠细分甚至没有完成一半的79%;在Chinden大道,主要动脉,一个标志,宣布“干草出售”,从一个华丽的广告标语牌新派拉蒙住房开发跨站。 对于城市规划者面临的挑战是困难,因为它是赤裸裸的:找到足够的空间,住房和就业岗位增加一倍以上,或者甚至三博伊西的大都市区的人口,53万,因为它的收费走向2030年,当人口可能达到万人。“我们今天有什么,我们必须找到空间了。......这是艰巨的,”詹姆斯说Grunke,在商会经济发展经理,正在寻找他的第八楼会议室的窗户朝脚下。 也许是艰巨的,但这样的毛白杨丰产林生长最市长的羡慕,虽然说实话不是所有Grunke的

经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第二课 Global Economic Forum to Expand Permanently

Global Economic Forum to Expand Permanently By EDMUND L. ANDREWS Published: September 24, 2009 PITTSBURGH —President Obama will announce Friday that the once elite club of rich industrial nations known as the Group of 7 will be permanently replaced as a global forum for economic policy by the much broader Group of 20 that includes China, Brazil, India and other fast-growing developing countries, administration officials said Thursday. The move highlights the growing economic importance of Asia and some Latin American countries, particularly since the United States and many European countries have found their banking systems crippled by an economic crisis originating in excesses in the American mortgage market. For more than three decades, the main economic group was the Group of 7 — the United States, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. During the Clinton years, Russia was gradually added, not because of the size of its economy, but to help integrate it with the West. Administration officials said the group would still meet twice a year to discuss security issues. But for practical purposes, the smaller group will become more like a dinner club that defers to the broader group on the economic issues that have dominated summit meetings for nearly three decades. The development, as Mr. Obama was hosting a summit meeting here for leaders of the Group of 20 — 19 countries and the European Union—also highlighted the lingering disparity between the elite group of mostly Western powers and the mass of poorer nations. For al l of Mr. Obama’s talk about greater inclusiveness for countries like Brazil and China, the meeting in Pittsburgh remains dominated by the financial crisis that began in the United States and has preoccupied the old boys’ club.


Unit5passage1 But are today's economic times actually worse?One way to measure that is the misery index.That was a gauge of economic trouble developed in the late1970s and 1980s that was supposed to be a more accurate measure of how bad the economy was for the average Joe.The misery index combines the inflation rate with the unemployment rate to come.And indeed those twin fears of joblessness and souring food and gas prices are what seems to be sapping confidence in the economy these days as well. So how does the economy measure up to the1970s based on the misery index. Actually pretty well.The misery index hit19.3at the end of1974,the year I was born. In1980,the index https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e43730704.html,pare that to now and the economy looks positively rosy.Today the misery index would stand at11.Good times,right.Maybe not. But while the misery index may have been a good gauge of economic health in the1970s,it isn't the best measure of economic health at all times and misses the point today.One example,deflation is one of the worse things that can happen to the economy.Wages and income and asset values tumble,while debts stay the same. Bankruptcies galore.Yet,by the misery index,deflation would be a good thing, bringing the index down.And too little inflation,and the fear of deflation,has been one of the things that Bernanke has worried about. That's why Kathleen Madigan,over at the Wall Street Journal,has devised a new misery index that may do a better job of actually comparing today's economic times to back then.While inflation is low,many think it will soon rise,and that along housing prices and the lack of jobs could be what is holding back the economy.So Madigan's new misery index looks at the one year change in the jobless rate,gas prices and home prices.Based on those calculations,Madigan's new misery index scores in at20, up from8.3a year ago.She also finds that Phoenix is not the most miserable place, economy-wise,in the nation to live. So how does our current economic times measure up to the1970s?The earliest I could find for gas price data was1979.At the end of that year,the new misery index would actually stand at-8.So a rating of positively groovy.That's mostly due to the fact that housing prices rose12that year.The reading for1980would be13.2%.So now we are talking some economic pain.But still that's significantly less than Madigan's misery index reads now.So I guess it's time for me to recalibrate what I think the worst of economic times are.And I thought it was just the music that was better back then.


课程代码:212930000 课程名称:英语报刊阅读 英文名称:English Newspaper and Magazine Reading 学时:36 学分:2 开课学期:第五学期 先修课程:《综合英语》《英语阅读》《英语翻译》《英美概况》?《英语写作》等 一、课程的性质、目的与要求 该课程属于英语专业专业课。目的在于培养学生的英语报刊阅读理解能力。通过熟悉英美报刊杂志的文章的一般特点,分析文章的思想观点,篇章布局,语言技巧及文体修辞等,进一步提高学生的阅读理解能力和思想表达能力。本课程要求教学内容选材广泛且具有一定的难度,如英美主要报刊杂志中的时事评论、社论、政论、专题报道等方面的文章,题材涉及社会、政治、经济、战争、环保、人口、国际关系、科学技术等方面。阅读课教学应注重阅读理解能力与提高阅读速度并重。力求在基础阶段的基础上,把原有的语言基本功转化为真正的工具,尽多尽快地获取课堂上所提供的教材内的和课堂以外所读材料的信息。 专业课程教学是实施全面素质教育的主要途径。专业课程教学不但要提高学生的业务素质,而且要培养他们的思想道德素质,文化素质和心理素质。在专业课程教学中要正确处理好业务素质教育和其他素质教育的关系,使它们有机地,和谐地融为一体。 在专业课程的教学中要注重培养学生对文化差异的敏感性,宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性。加强学生思维能力和创新能力的培养。专业课程教学中要有意识地训练学生分析与综合,抽象与概括,多角度分析问题等多种思维能力以及发现问题,解决难题等创新能力。在教学中要正确处理语言技能训练和思维能力,创新能力培养的关系。 二、课程的主要内容和基本要求 最新报刊杂志文章。教学的重点与难点在于文化背景,文章用典,对文章的客观报道和主观报道的把握。 (1)?????? 英语宣传媒体:谈论、询问信息的主要来源;阅读报刊;了解版面、文体格式;阅读新闻事件以及对其的反应。 (2)?????? 英语新闻标题:标题的语言特征。 (3)?????? 文化异同:熟悉新闻标题;指出并比较文化特征与趋向;解释趋向的原因。(4)?????? 教育制度:叙述教育体制;描述成长过程中的一段经历;讨论教育问题;提出解决办法;给报纸写一封表达自己看法的正式信函;比较传统的与现代的教育体制。(5)?????? 和平与发展:描述当前的形势、发展趋势以及变化;谈论未来的发展模式;争辩;写文章总结。 (6)?????? 国际财经。 (7)?????? 环境:查询目录;讨论环境问题;解释原因;提出解决方案;表达恐惧、担忧;批评与辩护;给报纸写批评信。 (8)?????? 社会问题:讨论社会问题;探讨问题的原因;询问、描述未来的局势;交换意见;权衡问题的相对严重性;提出、评价解决措施;写一篇陈述问题、分析其原因并提出一个可能的解决方案的文章 (9)?????? 平等:谈论男女作用;讨论平等问题;比较角色与行为;给杂志写信;陈述问题,给予帮助。 (10)?? 信息高速公路:扩充与信息技术有关的词汇;区分语言的不同功能;学习信息交流的方法;给出结论;陈述论点;论证构思。 三、所用教材:

课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson19

Lesson 19 It's a Glad, Sad, Mad World 主观幸福感 Where you live, as much a show you live, is a key influence on the feel-good factor 你住在哪里,就像你在现场表演一样,是影响你感觉良好的关键因素 By Walter Kirn It's almost impossible for most people in well-off countries to begin to understand how it feels to live in the extreme poverty of Calcutta, surviving in India's third largest city in a shack, or on the street with little access to clean water,food or health care. 对于生活在富裕国家的大多数人来说,他们几乎不可能开始理解生活在印度第三大城市加尔各答的极度贫困中是什么感觉,在一个简陋的棚子里生存,或者在没有干净的水、食物或医疗保健的街道上生存。 The filth. The crowds. The disease. 污秽、人群、疾病。 From the perspective of the comfortably housed and amply fed, these conditions sound hopeless, and the suffering they must breed seems unimaginable. 从那些住得舒舒服服、吃得饱的人的角度来看,这些条件听起来让人绝望,它们所带来的痛苦似乎难以想象。 But not as unimaginable as this: according to a researcher who employs a method of ranking human happiness on a scale of 1 to 7, poor Calcuttans score about a 4, meaning they' reslightly more happy than not. 但没有这么不可思议:根据一位研究人员使用一种方法给人类幸福打分,分值从1到7,贫穷的Calcuttans给出的了4分,表示他们的幸福程度稍微高一些。 And that's certainly happier than one might expect. The assumption behind this finding, of course, is that happiness, like Olympic figure skating, can really be scored numerically at all and that the judges who score it don't even need to come from the same countries or speak the same languages as the people they' re judging. 这当然比人们预期的要快乐。当然,这一发现背后的假设是,快乐,就像奥运会花样滑冰一样,真的可以用数字来打分,给它打分的裁判甚至不需要来自相同的国家或说相同的语言。 Robert Biswas-Diener, has worked extensively with his father, the noted University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener, to evaluate what they term the Subjective Well-Being(SWB) of people around the globe, from Masai warriors in East Africa to Inughuit hunters in Northern Greenland, inviting them to answer questions about their moods and outlook. 罗伯特?比斯瓦斯-迪纳为他的父亲做了大量的工作,指出伊利诺斯州大学的心理学家Ed Diener,评估他们的术语主观幸福感(主客观)世界各地的人们,从东非的马赛勇士极地因纽特人猎人在格陵兰岛北部,邀请他们来回答关于他们的心情和前景问题。 The results have led them to one sweeping conclusion: human beings, no matter where they live, and almost without regard to how they live, are, in the elder Diener’s words,"preset to be happy." 结果让他们得出了一个笼统的结论:人类,无论他们住在哪里,也几乎不管他们如何生活,用老迪纳的话来说,都是“预设的幸福”。

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 38 课文

Lesson 38-Tough Terrain Ahead on Road Map Israeli settlement issue is one among many details to be resolved By Barbara Slavin With his meeting Wednesday with the Palestinian and Israeli prime ministers, President Bush put his personal prestige behind the first real US attempt2 to mediate a Middle East peace agreement in three years. But beyond the photo opportunity of smiling men shaking hands and the upbeat statement they released, real progress will depend on fulfilling a tradeoff first set forth by the United Nations Security Council 36 years ago: Israeli withdrawal from much of the West Bank and Gaza3 in return for Palestinians ending attacks on Israelis. Disputes about the extent of this tradeoff remain intense and were reflected in statements is sued on the windy shore at Aqaba4, Jordan. Bush praised Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon? s pledges to permit creation of an eventual Palestinian state. Sharon said he understood “the importance of territorial contiguity in the West Bank for a viable P alestinian state5” and promised to begin removing “unauthorized outposts6” set up by Israeli settlers in the West Bank since he took office two years ago. But Israel Radio reported that all but 10 of 102 outposts are in various stages of becoming “legal”. Skeptical of success Palestinians, Israelis and others question whether Sharon, the historic architect of a policy that has put 200,000 Israelis deep into the West Bank and Gaza and an additional 200,000 in East Jerusalem, will ever agree to the kind of pull-backs Palestinians say are the minimum required to create a viable Palestinian state.7 And as Sharon made eminently clear, Palestinian failure to end attacks on Israelis will immediately jeopardize the entire effort.8 Although Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas pledged to do his utmost to end the armed intifada9, or uprising, that began in September 2000, Palestinian militant groups vowed Wednesday to continue resistance until the end of Israeli “occupation”. Hamas10, responsible for most of the suicide attacks of the past 32 months, said it would not allow itself to be disarmed. Palestinians who have watched US presidents come and go say they appreciate Bush?s new-found interest in their plight but remain extremely skeptical of Israeli intent ions and US resolve.” At Aqaba, says Khalil Shikaki, a prominent Palestinian pollster, Sharon once again refrained from endorsing in full a US-backed road map for peace and instead spoke only of taking “steps” in the plan.12
