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Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.


She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.

3、与以英语为母语的人交流是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到许多东西。(communicate with)

Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.

4、如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。(have access to)

Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5、他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但她觉得这个要求太过分了。(give up)

He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children.

She feels, however, that this is too much for her.

6、既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。(now that)

Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.


1. 当她要关掉音乐时,她父亲冲进她的房间,朝着她喊道:“难道你就不能把音乐关小一点?”

(Use “as” clause to introduce an action happening at the same time)

As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into he room and shouted at her, “Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?”

2、酒吧的老板一直在看那个姑娘跳舞,一面却装作没有看。(Use “While + doing” structure)

The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to.

3、桑迪如此喜欢摇滚音乐以致不顾父亲的反对而将音量放大。(appeal to)

Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection.

4、像往常一样,当他的父母不喜欢他的衣着时,便开始唠叨他。(as usual)

As usual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start bugging him.

5、在会上,他们讨论了如何保持师生间的沟通渠道畅通。(keep … open)

At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students.

6、一想到这些年幼的男孩和女孩被父母强迫沿街讨钱我就生气。(make one’s blood boil)

It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets.


1、即使报酬并不优厚,我还是决定接受那个新职位。(even though)

I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid.

2、这项工作在实际开始之前,一直被认为是十分简单的。(until + non-finite clause)

The job has been taken to be very simple until (it is) actually started.

3、既然你计划移居加拿大,你就必须努力适应冬季的严寒天气。(now that, adjust to)

Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter.

4、他承诺帮助我们买下那幢房子,但有点勉强。(with reluctance)

He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.

5、这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。(see to it that)

This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it.

6、他是个有经验的商人,做国际贸易已有好几年了。(engage in)

He is an experienced businessman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.


1、她如此专心地读那本书,以至于有人进来她都没意识到。(so… that, be absorbed in, not conscious of)

She was so absorbed in reading the book that she was not conscious of someone coming in.

2、他第一次会议就迟到了将近一小时,给大家留下了一个很糟糕的印象。(Use a “doing” structure)

He was late for almost an hour for the first meeting, leaving a bad impression on everyone.


(consciously or unconsciously, make up one’s mind)

Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes. 4、周教授一生都致力于语言教学事业。(be committed to)

Professor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life.


(constantly, at one’s best)

Many how-to books advise you that if you want to make a good impression, the trick is to be consistently at your best.

6、媒体有时会传递含糊不清的信息,但大多数人相信亲眼所见胜于耳闻。(mixed messages, over)

The media sometimes sends mixed messages, but most people believe what they see over what they hear.


1、我希望我们的努力对预防艾滋病有所帮助。(Use an attributive clause)

I hope that the effort that we’ve made will be of some use to the battle against AIDS.


Despite all the efforts form the local organizations in the battle against AIDS, the number of people in rural areas diagnosed with AIDS has been increasing.

3、请把电视关掉,因为噪音会使她分心,无法专心做作业。(distract somebody from something.)

Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.

4、由于缺乏资金和必要的设备,这家公司经历了很长时间才实施提高产品质量的计划。(lack of)

It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.

5、在报名参加这门课程前,你最好对它有所了解。(sign up for)

You’d better learn something about the course before signing up for it.

6、该政策对推动当地经济发展起着越来越重要的作用。(play a role)

The policy is playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of local economy.


1、爆炸后五分钟警察就到了车站,记者也到了。(Use “so” to introduce an inverted sentence)

The police got to the station five minutes after the explosion, and so did the reporters.

2、即使你不同意她的观点,她的话也是值得一听的。(even if)

Even if you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.

3、负责调查的官员只给新闻记者提供了一些事实真相。(nothing but)

The news reporters were given nothing but bare facts by the officials in charge of the investigation.

4、这个房子装修的很好,但窗帘的颜色与整体风格不太相配。(go with)

The room was well decorated, but the color of the curtain did not go well with the overall style.

5、每次去我丈夫出生的地方,我们总是一家家地拜访他的亲戚。(make the rounds)

Whenever we go back to the place where my husband was born, we always make the rounds of his relatives.

6、与他的希望相反,他女朋友的父母不像他父母那样平易近人。(contrary to)

C ontrary to his hope, his girlfriend’s parents are not as approachable as his parents.


1、警察放大了失踪女孩的照片,这样他们能容易认出她。(Use “have + object + done” structure)

The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged so that they could recognize her easily.

2、我喜欢乘公共汽车上班,而不是自己驾车,那天上午也不例外。(rather than, no exception)

When I go to work, I prefer to take a bus rather than drive and that morning was no exception.


(get to one’s feet, as if)

When he saw his granddaughter coming into the house (Seeing his granddaughter coming into the house), the old man got to his feet and moved several steps unexpectedly as if he could walk by himself.


(focus on, additional details)

At that time we focused our attention on that painting without noticing anything unusual around us, and we can’t offer any additional details.

5、这对夫妇把车停在停车场,然后朝电影院走去。(pull into)

The couple pulled their car into the parking lot and then headed for the cinema.

6、无论这个问题多么令人讨厌,他都是我们必须正视的问题。(no matter how)

It’s a question we have to face no matter how unpleasant it is.


1、这个城市有20所大学,其中有的是世界知名大学。(Use an attributive clause)

There are twenty universities in this city, some of which are world-famous.

2、他越想这件事就越生气。(Use “the more…, the more …” structure)

The more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes.

3、她对那些无辜的受害者充满了同情。(filled with)

She was filled with pity for the innocent victims.

4、他全身心忙于公务,根本没有时间考虑休假。(be occupied with)

He was occupied with his business matters and didn’t have time to think about a holiday.

5、这个国家的经济在一定程度上依赖于原材料的进口。(depend on)

The country’s economy depends to some degree on the import of raw materials.

6、经过委员们数次讨论,新的行动方案初见端倪。(take shape)

After several discussions between the members of the committee, a new plan of action began to take shape.


1、如果对计划有任何疑问,请及时与我们联系。(Use an inversion structure of “should”)

Should you have any doubt about the plan, please feel free to contact us at any time.

2、我们学会了怎样面对现实,而不是回避现实。(instead of)

We have learned how to face reality instead of escaping from it.

3、这就证明,如果没有充分的准备,你就别指望能交出有价值的报告。(turn in)

It just proves that you can’t hope to turn in a worthy report if you haven’t done enough preparation.

4、我们必须接受那种可能性,不管它听起来有多么的不可能。(no matter how)

We have to face that possibility no matter how unlikely it may sound.

5、新来的人们发现很难适应这里的气候。(adapt to)

The newcomers found it hard to adapt themselves to the climate there.

6、我觉得很奇怪,学生被要求在上课前两个小时到校。(strike somebody as something)

It strikes me as odd that school children are required to come to school two hours before class.



I keep the picture where I can see it very day as it reminds me of my university days.


In some countries, what is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.


你He is used to keeping a dictionary at hand so that he can find the meaning of new words he comes across.


When confronted with personal pressure, you should stand firmly for your belief that you will reach your ultimate goal.


In other words, be yourself and face reality, but don’t sell out to convenience.


I don’t like those pe ople who always rely on external factors in order to feel good about themselves.


UNIT1:1.I’ll never forget teacher who showed me that learning a foreign language could be fun and rewarding .Were it not for him , I would not be able to speak English as well as I do now.


2. No other language lets you experience the cultures of the would like English. With a strong knowledge

of the English language, you can have wonderful cultural adventures.


3. Instead of only writing compositions about the subjects that your teacher has given you, do something

enjoyable, like writing emails to a friend.


4. Distance learning courses are courses in which the instructor communicates with students using computer



5. English is not only the most useful language in the world , but it is also one of the easiest languages

to learn and to use.


6. Distance learning courses give students greater freedom of tine management, but these classes require

more self-discipline than other classes.


UNIT2:1. I suppose teenagers walking around town with tattoos and piercing all over their bodies are expressing themselves .


2. The Internet gives us a faster way to reach new and existing customers around the world and to keep

the lines of communication widely open.


3. The problem of communication between parents and their teenage children does not only lie in the

“generation gap”, but also in the fact that neither side fully understands the ideas of the o ther side. 父母与自己十多岁的孩子之间的沟通障碍不仅仅在于“代沟”,而且还在于双方都不完全理解对方的想法。

4. When there is this type of communication barrier between parents and children, the big issues teenagers face can become bigger.


5. It’s not unusual for teenagers to go through a phase when they feel ashamed of their parents, afraid that they might not live up to their friend’s standards.


6. For example, teenagers want to stay out till all hours of the night, but when it comes to getting up in the morning in time for classes, it’s a different story.


UNIT3:1.He made up his mind to talk to the girl about his plan, even though he knew she might very well refuse to listen.


2. Once off that long High Street, he found himself in some very poor parts of the town.


3. When hearing the song, I couldn’t help crying and remembering those difficult days.


4. Finding the right balance between work and play is necessary for a person who wants to lead a healthy life.


5. My first boss was a really nasty person, who seemed to enjoy making life difficult for everyone. I didn’t work for h im long before leaving.


6. Will you please see to it that this work is finished by the end of the week? The head office is considering sending you to London on important business.


UNIT4:1.Professor Smith’s lecture on body language was so important that all of the students took it seriously.


2.Realizing it wasn’t her fault, the chairman smiled at her to lighten the atmosphere.


3.She was so angry that she threw my cup on the floor, breaking it into pieces.


4.By reading his body language, you can tell whether he is being truthful with you or if he is just giving you an excuse.


5.No matter what people are saying to you, remember that sometimes “actions speak louder than words”.不管人们对你说些什么,记住:有时候“事实胜于雄辩”。

6.Body movements are unconscious forms of expressions and they can convey certain information to the audience.


UNIT5:1. The patient’s immune system would reject the new heart as a foreign object.


2. Some people say that many of us eat so badly that we suffer mental and physical damage because of both vitamin and mineral deficiency.


3. Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.


4. The central government has published a five-year action plan meant to encourage all parts of society to join in AIDS prevention and control.


5. Disease symptoms do not usually appear until six to ten years after a person is infected with HIV. 一个人感染了艾滋病病毒,其症状一般要六到十年后才会表现出来。

6. For years, the world stared at the spreading AIDS disaster and argued whether effective AIDS care could ever be practical in poor countries.


UNIT6:1. I asked quite a few waiters, who said nothing but smiled at me, before the message registered that my English was not good enough.


2.The university president was so angry at the dean that he went a step further and removed him from his post .


3.If you ask the question in front of the kid’s friends, he may say “no” even if he wants to say “yes”.如果你当着孩子朋友的面部这个问题,即使他想说是也可能说成不是。

4.If you want to graduate with a degree, you should stay away either from online games or from part-time work.


5.Although he hasn’t received a college education himself, he looks down on those who have no college degree.


6.He suggested quite a few ideas about the managing of the company, but none of them held water.


UNIT7:1.Experience told him that a woman’s natural instinct was to defend her rather than hurt the attacker.


2.The room is looking much better since she had the walls repainted.


3.Teenage crime was out of control in many parts of the country, and this city was no exception.


4.Weeks after the robbery, he was afraid to go outside, fearing that he would come face to face with the robber a second time.


5.The victim described to the policemen how a man, who suddenly emerged from the shrub, robbed her. 受害者向警察描述她是如何突然遭到一个灌木丛中出来的人抢劫的。

6.For many Americans today, weekend wok has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.


UNIT8:1.The taxi company has taken on 50 new drivers, some of whom have just got their driving licenses. 出租汽车公司新雇了50名司机,其中有的人刚拿到驾驶证。

2.The less wit a man has, the less he knows that he wants it.


3.There’s no need to take any action at all for the time being. Sleep on it, and tell me what you think in the morning.


4.The economic situation has been worsening in the past few years: the number of needy Americans seeking emergency food and shelter increased by 7% last year.


5.Our source informed us that there was a possibility of another attack the following week, possibly in the central area of the city.


6.In this medical system, payments to individual physicians are adjusted depending on their costs that month.



1. Should you have any doubt about the plan, please feel free to contact us at any time.

2. We have learned how to face reality instead of escaping from it.

3. It just proves that you can’t hope to turn in a worthy report if you haven’t done enough preparation.

4. We have to face that possibility no matter how unlikely it may sound.

5. The newcomers found it hard to adapt themselves to the climate there.

6. It strikes me as odd that school children are required to come to school two hours before class.

1. 遗憾的是,他也一点英语都不会说,但是如果你想去某个地方,把地址写下来交给他就行了。

2. 下次你若有问题,要考虑怎样改变处境,不要过于担心各种负面因素。

3. 不管什么天气,她平均每天跑15英里。

4. 好的摄影作品和普通的摄影作品最重要的一个区别因素是用光手法。

5. 实际上,大多数员工从不愿意把新产品使用手册坚持看完。

6. 一旦你感到放松后,就把注意力集中在音乐上,看看心中有什么意象出现。


1. I keep the picture where I can see it very day as it reminds me of my university days.

2. In some countries, what is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.

3. He is used to keeping a dictionary at hand so that he can find the meaning of new words he comes across.

4. When confronted with personal pressure, you should stand firmly for your belief that you will reach your ultimate goal.

5. In other words, be yourself and face reality, but don’t sell out to convenience.

6. I don’t like those people who always rely on external factors in order to feel good about themselves.

1. 汤姆相信“为钱而挣钱”,他的许多老同学都认为他的把自己卖给了营利主义。

2. 重要的是,你只有学会了尊重自己,才能赢得别人的尊重。

3. 使他取得成功的是他的决心,他不甘屈服的精神,也可能还有他的正直。

4. 老师表扬了那些学习用功、考试考得好的学生。

5. 通过唱唱歌,散散步,欣赏欣赏自然界的美,我就能使自己感觉良好。

6. 如果你继续这样努力工作,你在任何别的公司都能干得很好。


新视野大学英语1读写教程 Unite 1 一、Words in use 选词填空 Explore(v. 勘探,探测)transmit(v. 传送,传递,传播)resource(n. 资源)emerge(v. 岀现,为? ??所公认)yield(v. 产生,岀产,屈从,让步)pose(v. 摆姿势,导致)assume(v. 认为,假定,假设)confiden ce( n. 信任信赖,自信心)in herit(v. 沿袭,秉承,继承)c omprehe nsive(a. 综合的,多方面的) 1. Give n the cha nee to show his ability, he rega ined con fide nee and bega n to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocea n because some part s are very deep. 3. It was about 30 sec onds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We ofte n assume that whe n other people do the same thi ngs as we do, the y do them for the same reas ons; but this assumpti on is not always

reas on able. 5. There is widespread concern that the risi ng un employme nt may pose a ______ threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich n atural resources an _____________ d a very big populati on. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enou gh food to support at least twice its present population.


新视野读写教程第一册课后答案.txt台湾一日不收复,我一日不过4级!如果太阳不出来了,我就不去上班了;如果出来了,我就继续睡觉!新视野大学英语(第一册)答案 Unit 1 Section A. Learning a Foreign Language 《读写教程 I》: Ex. II, p. 7 1. The kind and patient teacher and her positive method of praising all students often. 2. In junior middle school, his English teacher was kind and patient. He liked to answer questions in class and he made much progress in English. But, in his senior middle school, his teacher punished those who gave wrong answers. He didn’t want to answer questions any more in class. As a result, he did not make much progress in English. 3. In college and junior middle school, his English teachers were both patient and kind, but he didn’t have as many chances to answer questions in college as he did in junior middle school. 4. It requires much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course. 5. Hard work. 6. He could take all the time he needed to consider his ideas and write a reply before posting it on the screen. 7. Learning a foreign language taught him the value of hard work and gave him insights into another culture. 8. He could communicate with many more people than before. 《读写教程 I》: Ex. III, p. 7 1. embarrass


New words tedious a. boring and continuing for too long 冗长乏味的 Telling the story has become tedious, as I have done it so many times. 讲述这个故事已变得单调乏味,因为我已经讲了这么多次了。 oblige vt. (usu. passive) make sb. feel that it is necessary to do sth. 迫使;使负有义务 He felt obliged to help his mother, even if it meant leaving college. 他觉得有责任帮助母亲,即使这意味着他要离开大学。 absorbed a. so interested or involved in sth. that you do not notice anything else 极感兴趣的;全神贯注的;专注的 Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book. 在聚精会神地读一本好书的时候,时间过得非常快。 allergic a. 1 (be ~ to sth.) (infml.) if you are allergic to sth., you do not like it and try to avoid it 不喜欢某事;对某事反感 Most men are allergic to housework. 大多数男人都不喜欢做家务。 2 having an allergy 过敏的 I do not enjoy picnics because I am allergic to grass. 我不喜欢野餐,因为我对草过敏。excursion n. [C] a short journey you take for pleasure 短途出行;远足 It was such a wonderful day that they decided to take a day excursion to the mountain. 这么好的天气,他们决定去山上一日游。 Included in the Beijing tour is an excursion to the Great Wall. 北京之行包括了游览长城。


新视野大学英语第一册课文翻译 Unit 1 1学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 2我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 3到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!”没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 4好在这种情况没持续多久。到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。与高中老师不同,大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭!不过情况却远不尽如人意。由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。我开始产生一种畏惧感。虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 5直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 6网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 7我随时随地都在学习。不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 8学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。 Unit 3 1在我还未成年时,如果有人看到我和父亲在一块儿,我就会觉得难堪。他腿瘸得很厉害,个子又矮。我们一起走路时,他的手搭在我臂上以保持平衡,人们就会盯着看。对于这种讨厌的注视,我打心眼里感到别扭。即使父亲注意到这些或感到不安,他也从不表露出来。 2我们的步伐难以协调一致——他常常停下脚步,而我的步子却显得不耐烦。正因为如此,我们一路很少说话。但每次出门时,他总说:“你按你的步速走,我跟着你。” 3我们通常就在地铁口和家门口之间来回,那是他上班的路线。他生病或天气恶劣时也坚持上班,几乎从不缺勤。他总是准点到办公室,即使别人做不到。这是件可以引以为荣的事。4当路上覆盖冰雪时,即使有人搀扶,他也难以行走。这种时候,我或者我的姐妹们就用一辆带有钢轮的儿童推车拉着他穿过纽约布鲁克林的街道到地铁站口。一到那儿,他就紧抓着地铁口的扶手一直往下走,因为地铁内比较暖和,下面几级台阶没有冰雪。曼哈顿的地铁站直通他们办公楼的地下室,他不用出站(就可到办公室)。下班回家时,我们会去布鲁克林


新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案 新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案Unit 1 Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa!” without any any specific comment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it’s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “road map”and “car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here,“road map”is considered as grammar and “car”as vocabulary. 8、Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, tho ugh in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e53777093.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy : consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly Ex.5 Word building 1.editorial 2.recovery 3.accuracy 4.substance 5.managerial 6.margin 7.assembly 8.Ministry 9.survival 10.tradition 11.consistency 12.efficient Ex.6 Banked cloze 1-5: L C J A I 6-10: O N E H F Ex.7 Expressions in use 1.feel obliged to 2.be serious about 3.run into 4.distinguish between 5.thrust upon 6.was allergic to 7.get lost 8.be attracted to 9.make sense 10.looked upon as Ex.8 Structured writing Some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their “Bible”, Practical English Grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book , but I don’t care about it at all. My assumption is since I have never learned Chinese grammar, what’s the sense of l earning English grammar? In fact, English grammar has always been a big headache to me. English grammar is very complicated because, unlike Chinese, there are many verb tenses. Even


新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives. 4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours. 5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company. Translation VIII. 1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. IX. 1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果


新视野大学英语第三版第二册读写课文翻译 Unit 1 Text A 一堂难忘的英语课 1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子似乎颇为反感。 2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。这个学生刚从欧洲旅游回来。我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?” 3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!” 4 没了。所有希腊文明和罗马建筑的辉煌居然囊括于一个浓缩的、不完整的语句之中!我的学生以“哇!”来表示她的惊叹,我只能以摇头表达比之更强烈的忧虑。 5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。由于这些知识缺陷,他们承受着大部分不该承受的批评和指责,因为舆论认为他们应该学得更好。 6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的stationery(文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。实际上,他们应该说They've just eaten。因此,批评学生不合乎情理。 7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。学校应对英语熟练程度制定出更高的标准。可相反,学校只教零星的语法,高级词汇更是少之又少。还有就是,学校的年轻教师显然缺乏这些重要的语言结构方面的知识,因为他们过去也没接触过。学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架——准确的语法和恰当的词汇——充分地传授给学生。


Unit1奔向更加光明的未来 1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺 将使你们学有所成。 2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。” “等一等 , ”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。” 在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。 3 让我来告诉你们, 一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你 们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过 去扎实的基础上的。 4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着 去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获 这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能 体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世 界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇,她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 6 在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你 隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友 却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成为最要好的朋友。如果有些新的经历让你感觉不那么舒心,不要担心。我保证快乐的经历会多于不快的经历。而且我保证几乎所有这些经历都会给你带来宝贵的经验教训,从而使你的生活更加丰富多彩。所以,带着热切的目光和欢乐的心情,勇敢向前去拥抱这些新的体验吧! 7 我们相信,你们的自我发现之旅和对爱好的寻求带给你们的将不仅仅是个人的进步。我们相信,当你们成为我们的学者群体中的一员时,你们很快就会认识到,大学不仅提供大量自我充实的机会,同时也带来了责任。一位智者说过:“教育代代相传,它就是社会的灵魂。”你们是你们家庭辛勤劳动成果的传承者,也是无数前辈辛勤劳动成果的传承者。他们积累了知识,并把知识传递给你们,而这些知识正是你们取得成功所必需的。现在轮到你们了。你们会获取什么样的知识?你们会发现什么样的兴趣爱好?你们怎样做才能为你们的子孙后代创造一个强大昌盛的未来? 8 我们很高兴能为你们人生旅途中这一重大阶段开启大门。我们很高兴你们将获得许多机会,也很高兴你们将作为社区、国家乃至世界的公民承担起应有的责任。欢迎你们!



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front


1.她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner. 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释? How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6. 我们已经在这个项目上投诉了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续努力。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. 1. 尽管她在家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2. 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。 Mike didn’t come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 3.坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但绝不是什么大作家。 The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4. 他对足球不感兴趣,也不关心谁输谁赢。He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 5. 经理需要一个可信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6.这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。 This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. 1. 你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。 You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 2. 还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。 There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there. 3. 由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。 Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 4. 虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。 Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday. 5. 我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。 I have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 6. 她长得不特别高,但是身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。 She isn't particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height. 1.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar. 2. 不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。 It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.


Unit1 奔向更加光明的未来 1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺将使你们学有所成。 2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。”“等一等,”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。”在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。 3 让我来告诉你们,一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过去扎实的基础上的。 4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇,她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 6 在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成为最要好的朋友。如果有些新的经历让你感觉不那么舒心,不要担心。我保证快乐的经历会多于不快的经历。而且我保证几乎所有这些经历都会给你带来宝贵的经验教训,从而使你的生活更加丰富多彩。所以,带着热切的目光和欢乐的心情,勇敢向前去拥抱这些新的体验吧! 7 我们相信,你们的自我发现之旅和对爱好的寻求带给你们的将不仅仅是个人的进步。我们相信,当你们成为我们的学者群体中的一员时,你们很快就会认识到,大学不仅提供大量自我充实的机会,同时也带来了责任。一位智者说过:“教育代代相传,它就是社会的灵魂。”你们是你们家庭辛勤劳动成果的传承者,也是无数前辈辛勤劳动成果的传承者。他们积累了知识,并把知识传递给你们,而这些知识正是你们取得成功所必需的。现在轮到你们了。你们会获取什么样的知识?你们会发现什么样的兴趣爱好?你们怎样做才能为你们的子孙后代创造一个强大昌盛的未来? 8 我们很高兴能为你们人生旅途中这一重大阶段开启大门。我们很高兴你们将获得许多机会,也很高兴你们将作为社区、国家乃至世界的公民承担起应有的责任。欢迎你们!


新视野大学英语(第三版)第四册读写教程答案Unit 1 Text A Text A: Language focus: Words in use crumbled discern surpass shrewd conversion distort radiant ingenious stumped proposition Text A: Language focus: Word building: Practice 1 delicacy bankruptcy accountancy secrecy vacancy urgency atmospheric magnet metallic gloom guilt mastery Text A: Language focus: Word building: Practice 2 bankruptcies atmospheric delicacies urgency accountancy gloom magnet metallic mastery vacancy guilt secrecy Text A: Language focus: Banked cloze mentioned determine gained 1 / 24

responsible heavily artistic opposite analytical distorted stumped Text A: Language focus: Expressions in use were dripping with in exchange for flared up make an analogy between set a date for make……out of made a pact had appealed to Text AiTranslation: Task 1 亚里士多德是古希腊的哲学家和科学家。他的作品涵盖了许多学科,包括物理学、生物学、动物学、逻辑学、伦理学、诗歌、戏剧、音乐、语言学、政治和政府,构成了第一个综合的西方哲学体系。亚里士多德是第一个将人类的知识领域划分为不同学科的人,如数学,生物学和伦理学。他相信人所有的观念和所有的知识在根本上都是基于感知能力。他对自然科学的看法构成了他许多作品的基础。他几乎对他所处时期的每一个人类知识领域都作出了贡献。他的作品包含了人们所知的最早的关于逻辑的正式研究,即使在今天,亚里士多德哲学所涵盖的方方面面仍是学术研究的重要课题。他的哲学对所有的西方哲学理论的发展有着经久不衰的影响。在去世2,300多年后,亚里士多德仍是最有影响力的哲学家和科学家之一。 Text A:Translation: Task 2 The Doctrine of the Mean is the core of Confucianism. The so-called "mean" by Confucius doesn't mean "compromise" but a "moderate" and "just-right" way when understanding and handling objective things. Confucius advocated that this thought should not only be treated as a way to understand and deal with things but also be integrated into one's daily conduct to make it a virtue through self-cultivation and training. The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism but also an important component of traditional Chinese culture. From the time it came into being to the present, it has played an invaluable role in the construction of national spirit, the transmission of national wisdom, and the development of national culture. TextB Text B: Reading comprehension: Understanding C-A-B-D-B-D-C-A Text B: Language focus: Words in use triggering
