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第4讲 语境与选词

第4讲 语境与选词
第4讲 语境与选词


编号: 15-4 开课单位:外语系授课教研室:翻译写作




(Context and Wording in Translation)

1. Towards context

The concept “context”, since it was raised by the Polish anthropologist B. Malinowski in 1923, has drawn wide attention in many fields such as pragmatics, semantics, logics, anthropological linguistics, socio-linguistics, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics, etc. In the past twenty years, context has been the focus of attention in linguistics. Translation, either as an independent science or a branch of comparative linguistics, should draw on the wealth of context theories so that it may be further enriched and developed.

2. The various definitions of context by different scholars

1). Hu Zhuanglin (2001: 405-406) introduces Firth?s theory as follows:

(1) The internal relations of the text

(a) the syntagmatic relations between the elements in the structure;

(b) the paradigmatic relations between units in the system;

(2) The internal relations of the context of situation

(a) the relations between text and non-linguistic element, and their general effects;

(b) the analytical relations between “bits” and “pieces” of the text (words, parts of words, phrases) and the special elements within the situation (items, objects, persons, personalities, events).

Firth?s student M.A.K. Halliday made still further contribution to the study of context and put forward the notion “register” in 1964 (Wang Dechun, 1992: 129), which is a representation of the context of situation. Features of the context of situation include “things like what is going on, who is taking part, and what the speech act are designed to achieve”(Halliday, 1985: 365).

The three scholars formed the mainstream of London school, and their views on context are said to be static, for they failed to consider communication events in terms of the psychological environment of the speaker and hearer and neglected such personal factors such as the commun icators? experience, knowledge etc.

a more dynamic view

2). With the thrust of pragmatics, a more dynamic view of context emerged.

Mey, in his Pragmatics: An Introduction, defines context as: “Context is a dynamic, not a static concept: it is to be understood as the continually changing surroundings, in the widest sense, that enable the participants in the communication process to interact, and in which the linguistic expressions of their interaction become intelligible (1993, 2001: 39)”.

D. Sperber …s understanding

According to D. Sperber (1986, 2001: 15), a context is a psychological construct, a subset of the hearer?s assumptions about the world. It is these assumptions, of course, rather than the actual state of the world, that affect the interpretation of an utterance. A context in this sense is not limited to information about the immediate physical environment or the immediately preceding utterances: expectations about the future, scientific hypotheses or religious beliefs, anecdotal memories, general cultural assumptions, beliefs about the mental state of the speaker, may all play a role in interpretation.

The two linguists believe that context is a psychological construct that exists only in the hearer?s mind and is constantly changing. It is a variable.

Wang Jianping?s definition of context

3). The Chinese scholar Wang Jianping (1989: 24) gives a very good definition of context. He points out that context comprises those factors manifested as linguistic forms before or after a linguistic expression and those subjective or objective environmental factors on both of which a good grasp of the definite meaning of the linguistic expression depends during the process of communication.语境是人们在语言交际中理解和运用语言所依赖的各种表现为言辞的上下文或不表现为言辞的主观因素。

3. The functions of context: Restrictive and Interpretive Function

1). Restrictive Function

(1). First, let’s see how extra-lingual context restricts people’s way of using language.

The same animal “狗” in Chinese and “dog” in English have different associative and affective meanings in different cultures. In Chinese we have “狗腿子”, “狗头军师”, and “狗屁”. While western people often say “love me, love my dog”, “a lucky dog”, etc.

Restrictive Function(2)

(2). Next, let’s see how intra-lingual context realizes its restrictive function.

Saeed (1997,2000: 182-183) provides a good case in point, where the same text with different titles is understood in different ways.

A Prisoner Plans His Escape

Rock slowly got up from the mat, planning his escape. He hesitated a moment and thought. Things were not going well. What bothered him was being held, especially since the charge against him had been weak. He considered his present situation. The lock that held him was strong, but he thought he could break it.

To be understood in different way for the change of the title:

A Wrestler in a Tight Corner

Rock slowly got up from the mat, planning his escape. He hesitated a moment and thought. Things were not going well. What bothered him was being held, especially since the charge against him had been weak. He considered his present situation. The lock that held him was strong, but he thought he could break it.

2). Interpretive function

(1). First, we will see how intra-lingual context realizes the interpretive function. The word “quick” has many senses. But in the following two sentences, its meaning is definite.

a. He has a quick ear for music.

b. Taxis are quicker than buses.

(2). Para-lingual context also helps to narrow down the meaning of an utterance.

Niu and Chen (1999: 33) give an example to illustrate how intonation helps the interpretation of utterances.

A: It?s lovely weather, isn?t it?

B: Lovely weather, isn?t it?

According to the two authors, if B answers the question with a rising tone, it means B takes a fancy and wants to continue talking with A; if B answers with a falling tone, then probably B is interested in the conversation and wants to end it as soon as possible.

The definition of translation context

Translation context (TC) involves various factors manifested as linguistic forms and subjective and objective factors in both the source language society and culture and target language society and culture that affect the translator?s com prehension of the SLT and reproduction of the SLT in the TLT.

4. Wording in translation

According to Illustrated Oxford Dictionary(1999:961), wording refers to: a form of words used; the way in which something is expressed. In this section, by referring to the above two definitions, we prefer to define wording as: (1). selected words in texts; (2). exact choice and meaning of words used in texts. Why is wording in translation chosen as the focus of study here?

Just as Halliday points out, “a text is a semantic unit, not a grammatical one…

meanings are realized through wordings; and without a theory of wordings…there is no way of making explicit one?s interpretation of the meaning of a text” (2000: 43). So in translation of a sentence, paragraph, or text, comprehension of words always goes as the first step. Translators abandon literal translation only when there are special reasons to do so. Mona Baker holds the same opinion, “ Text is a meaning unit, not a form unit, but meaning is realized through form and without understanding the meanings of individual forms one cannot interpret the meaning of the text as a whole” (1992, 2000: 6).

The second reason is that, as Peter Newmark in A Textbook of Translation states, “the chief difficulties in translating are lexical, not grammatical”(1988: 32), and indeed, most of the mistakes made in translation are lexical rather than grammatical.

To achieve adequate comprehension of wording in the SLT and reproduce it in the TLT, it is necessary to look into the theory of word meaning.

Word meaning is the most fluid, while textual meaning is the most definite.

5. Classification of the word meaning

Seven types of meaning listed by Leech:

1). Conceptual meaning, 概念意义

2). Associative meaning 联想意义

(1)Connotative meaning, 内涵

(2)Social meaning, 社会

(3)Affective meaning, 情感

(4)Reflected meaning, 反映

(5) Collocative meaning), 搭配

3)Thematic meaning. 主题意义

6. Wording across languages: Disparities between languages

What translators are concerned with is largely the difference of meaning aspect of the word between English and Chinese.

Baker (1992, 2000: 21-26) lists eleven kinds of disparities between word-meanings among languages:

1).cultural specific concepts;

2). the source-language concept is not lexicalized in the target language;

3). the source-language word is semantically complex;

4). the source and target language make different distinctions in meaning;

5). the target language lacks a super-ordinate;

6). the target language lacks a specific term ;

7). difference in physical or interpersonal perspective;

8). differences in expressive meaning;

9). differences in form;

10). differences in frequency and purpose of using specific forms;

11). the use of loan words in the source text.

7. Three kinds of discrepancies betweeen English and Chinese words

1). Partial correspondence.

The meaning of a word in Chinese may be narrower or wider than its corresponding word in English. This covers what Baker lists as 4), 5), 6), 7), 8).

English kinship words make no difference between paternal and maternal side, while Chinese kinship terms pay great attention to that. E.g. aunt 姑姑,姨妈,舅妈,伯母,婶子等. Now compare such words as: exclaim 大声说; blurt 脱口而出; stammer 吞吞吐吐地说; whisper 悄声说; ejaculate 突然说; mumble 含糊地说. Chinese has the general word “说”, but no specific words denoting all these different kinds of “说”. English has various kinds of “say”, each should be replaced by a Chinese word plus a pre-modifier.

2). No corresponding words can be found between English and Chinese.

This equals what Baker lists as 1), 2) and 3). English and Chinese are both languages rich in culture. Many words are culture-loaded, e.g. with rich cultural background. The cultural meaning of English words, according to He Shanfen (何善芬,2002: 122-125), mainly comes from their religion, myth, literary works, some historical events, customs, geographical facts, life style, ideology, etc. These are para-lingual and extra-lingual context bound. Also, there are some new terms created in English which have not yet found any corresponding words in Chinese, such as “mascon” (mass concentration: 月球表层下高密度的物质聚积) and beddo (一种多用途的床).

3). Polysemous words in English, each sense matching a corresponding word in Chinese.

This phenomenon is very common and we can come across it wherever translation takes place and no illustration is needed. One thing we have to note is that since most words are polysemous and a single word just provides a range of possibilities for one to choose, then why does one choose the particular meaning of a particular word in the SL text, and how can the translator reproduce it? The key to these questions is the contexts.

8. Intra-lingual context and wording

The intra-lingual context is classified into three subtypes: lexical context, sentential context and discourse context. Lexical context encompasses the syntagmatic relation of collocation and the paradigmatic relation of choice of words. Sentential context involves sentential structure and sentential meaning. Discourse context comprises paragraph, textual and inter-textual context.

1). lexical context and wording


a They were discussing this question, and were almost building up some weak structure of hope on his prolonged absence, when they heard him on the stairs.

b. 他们议论着这个问题,几乎在他迟迟不归上建起了结构脆弱的希望,这时,他们听见他上楼的声音。

c. 他们在讨论这个问题,并且对医生迟迟不归,几乎产生了一线希望,这时,突然听见他上楼的脚步声。

a. He knew what he wanted and he wanted only this: to understand within his limits as a human being the nature of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its functioning.

b. 他知道自己想要什么,他想要的只是:在他作为一个人的能力范围之内理解宇宙的性质以及宇宙运行的逻辑和单纯。

c. 他知道自己渴望什么,他所渴望的仅仅是:在他作为一个人的力所能及的范围之内理解宇宙的性质,了解宇宙功能的规律性,懂得宇宙功能的简易性。a. It was one of those rare December days when the sun was almost as warm as Indian summer.

b. 十二月里有一天,天气反常,几乎跟印度的夏天一样暖热。

c. 那是十二月里一个罕见的日子,阳光几乎暖和得像小阳春天气。

2). Sentential Context and wording

Sentential context involves sentential structure and sentential meaning. Failure to analyze the original sentential structure correctly and failure to grasp the original sentential meaning will result in wrong wording in the version.

3). Discourse context and wording

Meaning is pervasive at any level of language: morphemes, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and the whole text. The interdependent relationship of meaning between these levels is apparent: the smaller units form contexts of each other and together they form a larger context for the interpretation of each unit in it. All these smaller and larger units should be harmonious, consistent, and coherent; they should be in agreement with human experience, or at least acceptable in human mind.


2017英语四级选词填空技巧:确定空白处词性 ? 确定空白处词性 以下情况,空白处为动词: 1 n./pron. vt. n./pron. 前有名后有名,中间谓动 2 n./pron. vi. 前名后无名,谓动不及物 3 n./pron. vi. adv./prep.前名后介副,谓动不及物 4 n./pron. link v./be adj.前名后形容,be动或系动 5 to v. 前有to,后原型 注意:确定空白处为动词,还需根据上下文确定正确形式 以下情况,空白处为分词: 过去分词: 1has/have/had p.p(完成时态) 2be p.p(被动语态) 3p.p n.或 n. p.p(过去分词做形容词,表示被动或已发生) 现在分词: 1be -ing(进行时态) 2-ing n.或n.-ing(现在分词做形容词,表示主动或正在进行) 3prep. –ing(介词宾语) 以下情况,空白处为名词: (名词通常做主语或动词介词宾语) 1a/the n. 前有冠词 2n. V. 空白后为谓语动词 3prep. n. 空白前为介词,则空白处为名词或动名词 (注意:根据空白处前的冠词和上下文判断所填名词的单复数;根据空白处后的谓语动词的形式判断所填名词的单复数) 以下情况,空白处为形容词: 1adj. n. n. adj. 空白前后是名词 2adv. adj. 空白前是副词 3link v./be adj. be动或系动后考虑形容词做表语 以下情况,空白处为副词: 1adv. v.或 v. adv.副词修饰动词,表示程度状态 2adv. adj.副词可修饰形容词 3adv.从句,有些副词做句子的状语,表示转折因果等逻辑关系


2016年12月英语四级选词填空真题及答案 第一套 PARTⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Many men and women have long bought into the idea that there are “male”and“female ”brains,believing that explains just about every difference between the sexes.A new study 26 that belief, questioning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender. In the study, Tel Aviv University researchers 27 for sex differences throughout the entire human brain


2020 年四级选词填空练习及参考译文(4) Section A Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blankfrom a list ofchoices given in a word bankfollowing the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any ofthe words in the bank more than once. Questions 36 t0 45 are based on thefollowingpassage. Judges at last weekend’s Pizza World Championship held in Parma ,Italy,(36)__________the world’s top marghefita pizza title to Australian chef Johnny Di Francesco,owner of the 400 Gradi restaurant in Brunswick,a Melbourne suburb. Di Francesco ,36,beat more than 600 competitors from 35 countries to take ,home the Specialita Traditionale Garantita pizza prize in the(37)__________competition. The win and subsequent publicity has made the small restaurant he owns in his hornetown all(38)__________sensation(知名人物). “It ’s been all amazing reaction,” Di Francesco tells CNN“.Honestly,I just went to Naples to do what I love.I didn ’t think it was going to make such a(39)__________. ”


选词填空技巧汇总 大学英语四级考试的阅读部分,除了传统的两篇仔细阅读和一篇快速阅读,还有一种让考生普遍头痛的考法:选词填空。 选词填空的考察形式是:一篇280词左右的文章,文章中挖出10个空,并统一给出A-O15个备选答案。 选词填空区别于完形填空,有更大的解题难度,原因在于: 1. 完形填空每题都是四选一,选词填空第一题要十五选一,就算用到排除法,最后一题也要六选一,而且在十五个选项中还有五个根本不会用到,难度加大; 2. 完形填空每题的四个选项都是统一的词性,只需要辨析词义、搭配就基本可以作答,而选词填空的十五个选项有多个词性,解题时需要同时判断词性和词义,难度加大; 3. 完形填空每题的四个选项往往都是统一时态,统一形式,而在选词填空中会涉及选项的动词时态、第三人称单数形式、被动主动语态,名词的单复数等的辨析,难度加大。 因此,针对选词填空的解题方法分为三步: 1. 预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 2. 精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 3. 把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 四级考试的常用后缀在判断选项词性时可以有一定帮助作用: 常见名词后缀: -ability usability, capability -ibility visibility, responsibility, stability -age package, shortage, marriage -ance importance, allowance, reliance -ence presence, absence, confidence -ant assistant, accountant, inhabitant -ent president, resident, dependent


大学英语四级选词填空练习(二十七) Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe. I had been abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly __1__ to know my way around the continent. Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was __2__ to a little college French. I hesitated. How would I, unable to speak the language, __3__ unfamiliar with local geography or transportation systems, set up __4__ and do research? It seemed impossible, and with considerable __5__ I sat down to write a letter begging off. Halfway through, a thought ran through my mind: you can't learn if you don't try. So I accepted the assignment. There were some bad __6__. But by the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. And ever since, I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places, without guides or even __7__ bookings, confident that somehow I will manage. The point is that the new, the different, is almost by definition __8__. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you. I've learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a __9__. And I know I'll go on doing such things. It's not because I'm braver or more daring than others. I'm not. But I'll accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can __10__ wonders. [A] accomplish [B] advanced [C] balloon [D] claim [E] constantly [F] declare [G] interviews [H] limited [I] manufacture [J] moments


学生活动设计 语不惊人死不休——选词和炼句 一、学生能力发展目标: 1、在学生预习的基础上,通过学生自学,小组讨论,交流展示,认识选词炼句 在语言表达中的重要作用,把握选词炼句的基本内涵。 2、学习小组通过对课本上典型例句的分析讨论,结合《导与练》的相关补充, 初步掌握选词炼句的基本要求和具体方法,能运用选词炼句的有关知识和方法分析具体题目,提高学生选词炼句的能力。 二、学习重难点: 1、重点是掌握选词炼句的基本方法。 2、难点是简明连贯得体的能力提升。 三、学习课时:3课时(其中选词1课时,炼句1课时,练习处理1课时) 四、预习提纲:40分钟 1、学生自学课本第97-102页和《导与练》第69-70页,勾画基本知识和具体方法。 2、学生自己分析课文中的典型例句,并在此基础上熟悉知识,总结方法。 3、完成课后练习第102页小试身手的一、二、三题。 五、活动设计流程预设: 第一课时 一、导入: 法国著名作家福楼拜告诫其优秀弟子莫泊桑:“无论你所要的是什么,真正能够表现它的句子只有一句,真正适用的动词和形容词也只有一个,就是那最准确的一句,最准确的一个动词和形容词。其他类似的都很多,而你必须把这唯一的句子、唯一的动词、唯一的形容词找出来。”这话什么意思?这里说的就是语言运用的原则:准确、鲜明、生动,简明、连贯、得体,这就是选词炼句的功力,语不惊人死不休。 二、检查预习:巡查、提问。 三、学生活动设计: 活动一:知识抢答 课文中给我们介绍了“一字之师”的故事,你了解“一字师”的出典吗?你还了解哪些“炼字”的佳话? (点到即可,意在引导学生进入课文。赏析留待相应课堂环节进行) 预设:据1、《唐才子传》记载,齐己曾以《早梅》诗求教于郑谷,诗的第二联原为“前村深雪里,昨夜数枝开。”郑谷读后说:“‘数枝’非‘早’也,未‘‘一枝’佳。”齐己深为佩服,便将“数枝”改为“一枝”,并称郑谷为“一字师”。 2、唐代贾岛和韩愈推敲的故事。 3、宋代王安石改诗为“春风又绿江南岸”的故事。 4、郭沫若改话剧《屈原》台词的故事。 活动二:“修饰不只是‘装饰’”


大学英语四级选词填空和快速阅读复习攻略 选词填空: 首先:预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 其次:精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 第三:把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 记背选词填空选项的重点范围: 1.历年曾经考过的复合式听写的单词 2.历年曾经考过的完形填空的选项,仔细阅读态度题的选项 3.历年曾经考过的真题中的高频词汇 快速阅读: 建议做题方法:读题干并确定关键词(中心词)--去原文中定位关键词--分析定位句--分析题干--确定答案。 首先用“打包”方法对付乱序: 把整组题全部一次性吃透,然后去原文从头到尾定位。否则,考生如果按顺序逐题解答,时间会严重不足,最好是文章一遍看下来,能找到所有的信息。此外,考生应该注意定位原文的过程中,一定要脑、眼和手并用:眼是肯定要用的,不用脑会导致忽视同义转换,不用手(笔)会使我们处于走马观花的状态,然后会怀疑自己是不是漏掉了信息而不停地看。 其次:“吃透”题干,准确判断关键词(中心词)至关重要。如果没吃透题干,就无法准确判断关键词或中心词,就可能对原文中的重要信息没感觉。一般来说,题干关键词或中心词为实词以及一些数字、专有名词等。 最后,在解题的先后顺序上,采用先易后难的策略。采用由易到难的解题策略,可以提升考生的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题干细节信息,考生可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,考生可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的段落的主题句(通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句),之后根据段落大意与题干中的细节信息进行匹配。


第四章选词填空 第一节解题技巧 选词填空篇章长度为200—250词,删去若干词汇,然后从所给的选项中选择正确的词汇填空,使短文复原。 (一)解题步骤 时间分配:7分钟= 25 –18 (18 分钟留给Section B的两篇常规阅读,选词填空题要给出7分钟) 第一步:通读全文(1分钟) 通读全文是用较快速度,一行一行地读,目的是把握至少90% 的文章内容。选词填空后面的选项词义互不关联,词性也不同,而且还有5个干扰项,切不可先看选项,乱了脑子。一定要先了解文章大意,带着文章脉络去找选项。所以,务必先沉着地把文章读一遍,尤其注意gap 前后的位置,为寻找正确选项打下铺垫。 提醒:先居高临下,花5秒钟把短文各个自然段的段首扫一遍。 提醒:Banked cloze 的短文(text)第一句是不允许出题的,它对全文起概括、提示的作用。所以,一定要认真看懂第一句。 第二步:整理选项(1分钟) 这一步,公认的做法是先标出15个选项的词性。 标词性时的切入点是后缀,也就是词尾。以ion, age, ness, ty, ship, ace, ance, ancy, ence, ency, dom, itude, um, mony 结尾的大都是名词;以ize, ise, fy结尾的大都是动词;以ive, ent, ant, ful, ous, able, ary, ic, cal, less结尾的是大都是形容词;以ly, s, ways, wise 结尾的大都是副词。 这里有两个问题:一、有的词做名词和做动词都很常见,没有上下文不好判断,这时两个都要标出来,先标你脑子里第一个出现的词性。二、以ing, ed 结尾的词既可能是动词,也可能是分词转变而来的形容词。碰到这种情况,一律看成是动词,包括非谓语动词。 第三步:选词填空(4分钟) 调动语法知识,先确定单词的词性,再去词表中找同一词类的选项,挑出正确答案。 动词的确定:动词最容易确定,因为一个句子没有动词就等于没有谓语,是很明显的缺陷。而且动词的关联性、可比性最差,选这个和选那个有天壤之别。 名词的确定: 1.冠词a, an, the 的后面。 2.介词in, on, from…的后面。 3.形容词(包括指示形容词demonstrative adjectives或称限定词determiners,如this, that, these, those )的后面。 形容词的确定:名词的前面。 副词的确定: 1.动词的附近(指前面或后面)。 真题:…jobs that used to be done primarily by women… 2.形容词的前面。真题:…but they are still not completely sure what leads to it…


《语不惊人死不休——选词和炼句》习题 积累与运用 1.填入下面横线处的句子,与上下文前后连贯、音节和谐的一组是 ( ) 埋伏和照应需要惨淡经营。埋伏处要能轻轻一笔,若不经意;________。要使读者看不出斧凿痕迹,只觉得______,如一丛花,如一棵菜。虽由人力,却似天成。如果看出来这里是埋伏,那里是照应,________。 ①照应处要顺理成章,水到渠成②照应处要水到渠成,顺理成章③清清爽爽,简简单单④自自然然,完完整整⑤便成死症⑥便太浅湿 A.①④⑤B.①③⑥ C.②③⑤D.②④⑥ 解析本题可从音韵和谐的角度来解析。“营”、“成”、“整”、“成”、“症”等字押韵。同时,“水到渠成”是“顺理成章”的结果,句③不能和“如一丛花,如一棵菜”相衔接。 答案 A 2.分别比较下列句子,上下文衔接较好的一项是 ( ) ①远处看,山顶上明显地有座宝塔。可是,走近一看才发现,宝塔并不在山顶上。 ②远处看,宝塔明显地坐落在山顶上。可是,走近一看才发现,宝塔并不在山顶上。 ③他们在工厂里向工人学习排版、印刷、装订等技术活。他们过去不但没有干过这些活,连见也没见过。 ④他们在工厂里向工人学习排版、印刷、装订等技术活。这些活他们过去不但没干过,连见也没见过。 A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④ 解析①叙述角度前后不同,前句是“山顶上”,后句是“宝塔”,文意不够贯通。③句法单调、板滞,不如④用“这些活”与上句宾语(即“这些活”指代的内容)相接,自然、紧凑。答案 D 3.填入下面横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是 ( ) 春夜,一轮晕月映着灿烂的垂樱,这就是闻名于世的园山夜樱花。我早就神往于这般美景了。这天,我赶到园山公园的时候,还见不到月亮,________。花仰望着月,月俯视着花,瞬间,


2011年6月大学英语四级真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people __47__ to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a(n) __48__ effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research. Sean Drummond, a. psychiatrist (心理医生) at the University of California, San Diego, said older people are more likely to suffer from broken sleep, while younger people are better at sleeping __49__ straight through the night. More sleep in old age, however, is __50__ with better health, and most older people would feel better and more __51__ if they slept for longer periods, he said. ―The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to __52__ well does not change,‖ Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego. ―It's __53__ a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were __54__. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from __55__ to get as much sleep as they did in their 30s. That's __56__ from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount as we need at 75.‖ 答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth) 47 N tend 48 L negative 49 H efficiently 50 B associated 51 A alert 52 J function/ 53 F definitely 54 O younger 55 E continuing56 G different 文章大意:本文主要讲述的是关于老年人睡眠的问题:是否老年人与年轻人相比只需要较少的睡眠时间? 2010年12月英语四级考试真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were 47 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology


《选词和炼句》教学案 教学博苑 03-02 1008 《选词和炼句》教学案 1.1教学目标 (1)领悟选词炼句的精妙,培养学生自身的阅读、分析、评价能力。 (2)联系学生写作实际,讨论在语言表达中如何选择和锤炼语句,激发学生对阅读与写作的思考与热爱。 1.2课时安排 本课共2课时。 二、字斟句酌为哪般(第一课时) 2.1导入:都云痴,谁解其中味 请学生阅读引子后说一说类似的选词炼句的例子。 古往今来,文学史上注重选词炼句的故事不胜枚举。“苦吟派”诗人贾岛在驴背上反复“推敲”,王安石一句“春风又绿江南岸”得来不易,曹雪芹“披阅十载,增删五次”而成的“满纸荒唐言”……。那么,为什么会有这么多人为了“吟安一个字”而“捻断数茎须”,甚至“知音如不赏”,就要“归卧故山秋”了呢?选词炼句,究竟有着怎样的魅力呢? 2.2品评:独具慧眼,含英咀华 顾名思义,选词就是从丰富的词汇中选用恰当的词语生动准确地反映客观事物和表达思想感情;而炼句,就是对句子的锤炼,要求我们不仅把句子写得准确流畅,还应该在句子中表现出丰富的意味。同学们可回味一下那些幼时可诵的佳句名篇,试着咀嚼一番,看现在有没有什么新发现。 很多同学喜欢“诗仙”李白,总觉得他只要随口一吟,便是上乘之作。其实,这位所谓天才诗人也“常横经藉书,制作不倦”,才达到了“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”的境界。只是他对文字的“修炼”功夫炉火纯青,故诗风自然而不

见斧凿之痕。以其知名度最高的“床前明月光,疑是地上霜”为例,男女老少张口就来,太通俗了,它有什么妙处呢?这里单说“疑”字,这字乍看极平淡普通,细品又回味无穷。诗人既说“疑”,就说明他知道“地上霜”只是错觉,明明知道那不是霜却还要生疑,可见是诗人自己心里“下了霜”,起了思乡的寒意而觉得孤寂了。 “诗圣”杜甫追求选词炼句的执著几乎尽人皆知,自称“为人性僻耽佳句,语不惊人死不休”。他的《闻官军收河南河北》被后人评为“老杜生平第一快诗”,尾联“即从巴峡穿巫峡,便下襄阳向洛阳”写得一气呵成,将诗人“喜欲狂”之情推至读者目前,几乎使人忘记了这是首“戒律森严”的律诗。这两句包括了四个地名,“巴峡”与“巫峡”、“襄阳”与“洛阳”前后相承,又形成了当句对,之间用“即从”、“穿”、“便下”、“向”贯串起来形成流水对,不可谓不巧妙。 可见,经过千锤百炼的经典名篇,往往需要我们去反复咀嚼,才会不断有新的发现,才会尝到满口的余香。正如鲁迅先生在《不应该那么写》一文中所言:“凡是已有定评的大作家,他的作品,全部就说明着‘应该怎样写’。只是读者很不容易看出,也就不能领悟。”我们应该多多设问,仔细揣摩,看他怎样选词炼句,怎样增删修饰,追寻下笔之时的思索过程,这会“是极有益处的学习法”。 2.3挑战:牛刀小试,一比高下 (1)请同学看一下课本中摘录的朱自清《绿》一文中的几个句子,试着更换其中的加点字,看看不同的词在表达上有什么不同。 朱自清的散文很少有华丽的铺排与藻饰,虽着意锤炼文字,但风格朴素自然,所谓“于平淡之中见神奇”。这几个句子中的加点词当然可以用其他很多动词来代替,但在表达效果上自然会有不同。 (2)请同学快速阅读课本中《生命·生命》选段,然后也写一段话,意思一样,看一看自己在选词用句上与林杏子有什么不同,谈谈感受。 这段文字娓娓道来,没有什么惊心动魄的故事,却在不经意间就打动了我们。没有使用生僻字词,也没有使用纷繁复杂的句式。不能否认,浓妆艳抹是一种美,但这种素面朝天的清新美更值得追求。 注:在这一环节中,要善于发现学生笔下的亮点,而不能急于否定他们的尝试。重点在于引导学生细加辨析,让他们感受到选词炼句的魅力。要知道,脱离语境是很难判断高下的。如“一字师”郑谷改齐己《早梅诗》“前村深雪里,昨夜数枝开”中的“数枝”为“一枝”,原因是“未早也”;而同样是咏梅,王安石的“墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开”中的“数枝”就不能机械地改为“一枝”。 2.4思考:选词炼句,所为何来


四级选词填空专项练习题及答案 The social network will let users“mute”messages from other users on their timelines without the muted person’s knowledge,thereby avoiding the36__________ process of having to unfollow取消关注,or put up with, your37__________talkative IRL friends.Twitter rolled out new38__________to let users better manage the deluge泛滥of tweets they receive. Users can now“mute”people they follow,removing those people’s tw eets and retweets from their own timelines.The muted person won’t know that he or she has been39__________.It’s a stealthy way to read less content from certain users without having to unfollow them.A person can easily be muted or40__________at any time,Twitter said in a blog post. “Mute gives you even more41__________over the content you see on Twitter by letting you remove a user’s content from key parts of your Twitter experience,”the company said. Though Twitter had been experimenting with the feature in recent weeks,it announced that muting will be42__________to all users of the company’s iOS and Android apps,as well as the Twitter website.Some other Twitter applications,like TweetDeck,already allowed muting. The feature is part of Twitter’s43__________strategy to make its service more accessible to a wider range of people.Following a successful initial public offerin9,Twitter’s stock has tumbled in recent months as investors worry about the social network’s44__________to attract new users.CEO Dick Costolo45__________that Twitter would make changes to its interface this year to make it easier to understand and manage.The company overhauled彻底检修user profile pages in April as part of this effort. A.silenced B.awkward C.unmvted


第一节语不惊人死不休——选词和炼句 相传,北宋声誉斐然的文学家苏东坡,一次与他的妹妹苏小妹及诗友黄山谷一起论诗,互相题试。小妹说出“轻风细柳”和“淡月梅花”后,要哥哥从中各加一字,说出诗眼。苏东坡当即道:前句加“摇”,后句加“映”,即“轻风摇细柳,淡月映梅花”。不料苏小妹却评之为“下品”。苏东坡认真地思索后,得意地说:“有了,‘轻风舞细柳,淡月隐梅花’。”小妹微笑道:“好是好了,但仍不属上品。”一旁的黄山谷忍不住了,问道:“依小妹的高见呢?”苏小妹便念了起来:“轻风扶细柳,淡月失梅花。”苏东坡、黄山谷吟诵着,玩味着,不禁拍掌称妙。 这样一改究竟妙在何处?“轻风”徐来,“细柳”动态不显,怎能配得上“摇”“舞”这类较露的动词呢?唯有“扶”字才恰到好处,与“轻”“细”相宜,显得和谐,并且又把风人格化了,形象地描绘出轻风徐来、柳枝拂然的柔态,给人以一种柔美之感。下句中添“映”“隐”也欠贴切。试想,恬静的月亮已经辉满大地,梅花自然没有白天那么显眼,在月光照映下,也就黯然失色了。这样,好一个“失”字,就勾画了月色和梅花相互交融的情景,增强了这一首诗的感染力,真是一字生辉。 我们在选词炼句时,不妨学学古人,好好斟酌一番。 [知识·梳理] 课程内容知识精要 一、选词:准确、生动1.准确:就是用词要精当,选择最能表达你要说的意思的那个词语。 2.生动:不要堆砌陈词滥调,要善于使用新颖别致的词语,形象地表情达意。 3.选词的其他要求:简洁有力,新鲜活泼,形象生动。 4.选择和运用词语的主要方法:精心挑选关键词语,恰当使用修饰词语,注意词语的巧妙配合。 二、炼句:简洁、连贯1.简洁:抓住要害,切中事理。 2.连贯:上下文一个中心,上下句意思要统一衔接,前后要相互照应。 3.在文学写作中选择句式应特别注意以下几种句式之间的关系:短句和长句,肯定句和否定句,陈述句和疑问句,常式句和变式句。


大学英语四级选词填空技巧篇 第一步:通读全文read through (1分钟) 通读全文是用较快速度,一行一行地读,目的是把握至少90% 的文章内容。 要先了解文章大意,带着文章脉络去找选项。所以,务必先沉着地把文章读一遍,尤其注意gap 前后的位置,为寻找正确选项打下铺垫。 提醒:就算是通读,也别拿来就把头埋进去傻读。先居高临下,花5秒钟把短文各个自然段的段首扫一遍。第一句是不允许出题的,它对全文起概括、提示的作用。所以,一定要认真看懂第一句。 第二步:整理选项classify the options (1分钟) 这一步,公认的做法是先标出15个选项的词性(parts of speech),名词前写n, 动词前写v等等。目前四级考试只考实词(notional words)中的四种:名词n 做主语和宾语, 动词v做谓语,形容词adj做定语,副词adv做状语。不考代词pron和数词num;也不考虚词form words(冠词art, 介词prep, 连词conj, 感叹词interj)动词归类要细分为v,ved, ving。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是ing形式要自己根据语法判断。 对于四级的一般文章,选项有如下特点:15个单词中3个名词正确答案+1个名词干扰答案、3个动词正确答案+1个动词干扰答案、3个形容词正确答案+2个形容词干扰答案、1个副词正确答案+1个副词干扰答案。应该说四级大部分文章都存在以上特点,但是有时也不完全一致,希望考生利用以上特点作为答题的一个参考。 四种实词中,考的最少的是副词adv, 不超过两个空。剩下的三种平均每次有三道题。研究样题和真题,我们发现,动词一直是考三个。另外三种词性,有两个的,也有四个的。


《语不惊人死不休──选词和炼句》 教学设计 辉县市第二高级中学刘飞 【学习目标】 1.理解选词炼句在语言表达中的重要性,初步掌握选词炼句的一些基本方法。 2.能运用选词炼句的有关知识分析鉴赏文学作品,体会选词炼句给文学作品带来的 正因为如此,我们的中国文坛上才有了数不胜数的不朽佳作。诗词中的“炼字”已成为高考诗歌考查的热点,课前我们已有布置,相信大家课下已经收集了不少诗词中的精华。和同学交流一下吧。 泉声咽危石,日色冷青松。——唐 ?王维《过香积寺》 “咽”字是动词,“冷”字是形容词,“咽”着重从动态的方面来写,写的是山间的流泉,由于危石的阻拦而发出低弱的吟声,仿佛人的鸣咽之声;“冷”从静态方面来写,写的是披洒在青松上的日色,因为山林的幽暗,似乎显得十分阴冷;诗句中的“咽”“冷”二字一静一动绘声绘色、精炼传神地勾画出了香积寺外山中的幽僻冷寂。

绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹。——宋 ? 宋祁《玉楼春》 作者用一“闹”字,不仅使人觉得杏花绽放得热烈,甚至还让人联想到花丛中蜂蝶飞舞,春鸟和鸣,把一派春意盎然、生机勃勃的景色表现得淋漓尽致。 沙上并禽池上暝,云破月来花弄影。——宋 ? 张先《天仙子》 这句词词少意丰,一语三折。“云、月、花、影”四字写了三物四景,中间又用“破、来、弄”三字写出三种连续的动态:云“破”而有月“来”,月“来”而有花“影”,花“影”引出“弄”字,有“弄”字而有花枝随风摇动、抚弄花影的幽雅姿态。仅仅七个字,从天上写到地下,云横皓月、风弄花影,构成了一幅幽美朦胧的画面,把云、月、花都拟人化了,赋予了 母亲托老乡捎来一双棉鞋。我打开包裹,取出棉鞋时,发现鞋子里塞了一张纸条,上面画着一件棉袄,两床叠在一起的棉被,还有几粒用斜线划去的药丸。看着纸上的铅笔画,隐隐约约的,有擦拭的痕迹,于是想到母亲的手,握着铅笔和橡皮,画了好久才画成。她是在告诉我,天气冷了,多加些衣裳,晚上盖两床被子,记着睡觉前掖好被角,不要着凉感冒了。 我的眼角不觉潮湿了,说不出的一阵心酸。我记得初三那年为了能多些时间在学校复习功课而两个月都没有回家的时候母亲就“写”过像这样的纸条。

大学英语四级选词填空练习 附详细答案

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested inspelling .No school I have taught in has ever _____ spelling or considered it unimportantas a basic skill. There are, however , vastly different ideas about how to teach it , or howmuch _____ it must be given over general language development and writing ability. Theproblem is , how to encourage a child to express himself freely and _____ in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling?If spelling become th e only focal point of his teacher’s interest, clearly a __4__child will be likely to “play safe”. He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choosing to avoid __5__ language. That’s why teachers often __6__ the early use ofdictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing abouta personal experience :“ This work is __7__ !There are far too many spelling errors andyour writing is illegible( 难以辨认的).” It may have been a sharP__8__ of the pupil’stechnical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omittedto read the ess ay, which __9__ some beautiful expressions of the child’s deePfeelings.The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priorities had centredon the child’s ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would havegiven the pupil more __10__ to seek improvement. A)priority B)criticism C)contained D)clearlyE)adventurous F )discourage G)motivation H)terribleI)ignored J)difficult K)encourage L)expressedM)confidently N)bright O)motive L)expressed Answers: 1. 选I )。由该句中的has 可知,此处应填动词过去式,且表达的含义应和后面的consider…unimportant 相近,故应排除contained 和expressed而选择ignored 。 2. 选A )。此处应填名词,但能与后面over 构成固定搭配的名词只有priority ,故排除了criticism 和motivation 。 3. 选M). 由空格前面的and 可知,此处应填副词和freely 并列。从句意来理解,在没有拼写困难的情况下,怎样鼓励学生自由且…… 地表达自己,选项中只有confidently “自信地“符合题意。 4. 选N )。很明显这里应填形容词,选项中terrible ,difficult 后接事物名词something ,只有adventurous 和bright 可用来形容somebody (child ),再由后面的play safe“不冒险”,可排除adventurous而选择bright。 5. 选E )。由前一句中的be likely to “ play safe ”和空格前的avoid可以推知,此处所填词的意思应与play safe表达的意思相反,故选项中只有adventurous符合题意。 6. 选K )。很明显此处应填动词的一般现在时,可选项有encourage和persuade 。由That’s why 知本句与前一句构成因果关系,而前一句说的是学生往往会用他们拼写范围内的词写文章,从而选择避免用那些不会的词,故由此可推知此句应理解为老师鼓励学生用字典,因此排除persuade 而选encourage。 7. 选H )。此处应填形容词。由空格后面的too many spelling errors和illegible可知,这篇文章是写的很糟,而不是很难理解。故排除difficult而选terrible。 8. 选B )。此处应填名词。由后半句中 a sad reflection on the teacher可知,前半句是在指责学生,故选项中只有criticism符合题意。 9. 选C )。此处填动词过去式,本句中由which 引导的从句是对essay的解释,剩余选项中contained 和expressed ,根据句意,文章…… 儿童内心感受的一些好的表达,
