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Word List 1










10.c areless

11.c himpanzee

12.c ollective

13.c onductivity

14.c ongestion

15.c onvince

16.c ouncil

17.c revice

18.c rossing

19.c urriculum

20.d ebate

21.d eficiency 22.d evotion

23.d ischarge

24.d ispute

25.d iverse

26.d octrine

27.e ndless

28.e nforce

29.e ssentially

30.e xpire

31.f are

32.f lat

33.f orward

34.f oul

35.g low

36.g ym

37.h onest

38.i mprove

39.i nterest

40.i nvestigate

41.j uvenile

42.l oad

43.l og

44.m anage

45.m aritime

46.m at

47.o bstruct

48.o vercharge

49.p artly

50.p ollen

51.p redominant

52.p revalent

53.p rotagonist

54.r adiation

55.r ehabilitate

56.r enovate

57.s apphire

58.s catter

59.s ensual

60.s hellfish

61.s huttle

62.s odium

63.s olo

64.s pice

65.s tretch

66.s trive

67.s tylistic

68.s urplus

69.s weep

70.s yllable

71.t emporary

72.t endency

73.t erm

74.t ow

75.t rial

76.u nearth

77.v arnish

78.w ipe

Word List 2










10.c alendar

11.c oil

12.c olleague

13.c omposer

14.c omposition

15.d airy

16.d eadline

17.d eal

18.d eceive

19.d istant

20.d ramatic

21.e rosion

22.e xplosive

23.f orestall

24.f ume

25.i gneous

26.i mmutable

27.i mpetus

28.i ndicate

29.i ndustry

30.i ntelligence 31.i nterpret

32.i ntriguing

33.j ustify

34.l egislative

35.l egitimate

36.l iteracy

37.l ocomotion

38.l ongitude

39.l ower

40.m arked

41.m odulate

42.m onarch

43.m otto

44.m utual

45.o verall

46.o verlook

47.p arallel

48.p aramount

49.p articipant

50.p endant

51.p lanet

52.p lausible

53.p lot

54.p recipitate

55.r adiate

56.r emnant

57.r emoval

58.r enaissance

59.r etire

60.r od

61.s alon

62.s car

63.s hipwright

64.s loth

65.s olitary

66.s pecialize

67.s pecimen

68.s pectator

69.s pill

70.s tate

71.s tem

72.s tring

73.s turdy

74.s ubstantial

75.t owering

76.v ersus

77.w orth

78.w rap

Word List 3










10.c atastrophe

11.c lassic

12.c oarse

13.c ommunicate

14.c ompare

15.c ompel

16.c omprehend

17.c oncentrate

18.c onsent

19.c onsideration

20.c ontrast

21.c oordinate

22.c opious

23.c ount

24.c rusade

25.c ushion

26.c ustom

27.d etectable

28.d raw

29.e difice

30.e mphasize

31.e ngine

32.e nvelop

33.e pisode

34.e quation

35.e xternal

36.f ade

37.f ellowship

38.f ierce

39.f lint 40.f orefront

41.f reeze

42.g rind

43.g room

44.h eading

45.h orde

46.i nactive

47.i nfest

48.i nterior

49.j og

50.L atin

51.m ammal

52.m elanin

53.n omadic

54.n otorious

55.p arameter

56.p athology

57.p henomena

58.p laster

59.p olicy

60.q uench

61.r enew

62.r ipen

63.r oost

64.s almon

65.s cript

66.s heer

67.s piral

68.s taff

69.s teady

70.s trata

71.s uperior

72.s urrender

73.s uspension

74.t herapy

75.t ile

76.u nadorned

77.u tilize

78.v igorous

Word List 4










10.c ohesion

11.c ombustible

12.c omplain

13.c ounterpart

14.d ata

15.d ecade

16.d imensional

17.d iplomatic

18.d isposal

19.d ocumentation

20.d uctile

21.e ngage

22.e nrich

23.e pidemic

24.e vaporation

25.e xpertise

26.e xploration

27.e xplore

28.e xtension

29.f igurative

30.f orage

31.h aunt

32.h omogeneous

33.h urricane

34.i mply

35.i ntoxication

36.l abel

37.l ocate

38.l ogical

39.m aintenance

40.m anifest

41.m aterial

42.m athematics

43.m aximum

44.m emo

45.m old

46.n eoclassical

47.o riginal

48.o rnament 49.o utline

50.o yster

51.p addle

52.p erception

53.p erceptive

54.p retentious

55.p roceed

56.p uncture

57.r ebel

58.r ecall

59.r elevance

60.r emains

61.r esistant

62.r ural

63.r ustic

64.s culpt

65.s elective

66.s hrink

67.s ledding

68.s pontaneous

69.s ticky

70.s uperficial

71.s ynthetic

72.t hrow

73.t rade

74.u ndergraduate

75.v anish

76.v enom

77.v enture

78.v eto

79.v ibration

80.v icinity

Word List 5










10.c onverse

11.c orrosive

12.c ourageous

13.c ousin

14.c redential

15.d efine

16.d enote

17.d etergent

18.d evice

19.d ominant

20.e stimate

21.e xcavation

22.f acilitate

23.f ellow

24.f oremost

25.f renzy

26.f riction

27.h ardware

28.i mprint

29.i nduce

30.i nert

31.i nfection

32.i ntense

33.i ntuitive

34.i solate

35.j elly

36.j olt

37.l aboratory

38.l ament

39.l eftover

40.l ithosphere

41.m anufacture

42.o pposed

43.o verhaul

44.o vertime

45.p ack

46.p ay

47.p erfect

48.p hotodissociation

49.p igeon

50.p oetry

51.p rinciple

52.p rofound

53.p romote

54.p rompt

55.p ropose 56.r eactor

57.r ealization

58.r ecession

59.r eliable

60.r emarkable

61.r eplenish

62.r esponse

63.r evolution

64.s curry

65.s ensible

66.s imulate

67.s luggish

68.s oft

69.s quash

70.s tuck

71.s ubsequent

72.s ubstantiate

73.s uburb

74.s upreme

75.t race

76.v ague

77.v ast

78.v irus

79.v isual

80.w atercourse

Word List 6










10.c arp

11.c elestial

12.c eremony

13.c olonial

14.c omparable

15.c omplementary

16.c ongressional

17.c ornerstone

18.c rew

19.c row

20.d epartment

21.d eserve

22.d esire

23.d igression

24.d irector

25.d isadvantage

26.d istinguish

27.e ccentric

28.e ligible

29.f ile

30.f lagellum

31.f old

32.f oolish

33.f ungi

34.g lacial

35.g rab

36.g rasp

37.i mprovise

38.i nconspicuous

39.i nstitute

40.j ournal

41.l andmark

42.l oose

43.l ost and found

44.l ush

45.m ental

46.m oist

47.n ationalism

48.n ominee

49.n onsense

50.n otation

51.o therwise

52.p alate

53.p hysical

54.p ostcard

55.p resident

56.q uilt

57.r ancher

58.r are

59.r aw

60.r eddish

61.r efreshing

62.r escue 63.r esign

64.r upture

65.s chedule

66.s cholar

67.s eal

68.s heath

69.s helter

70.s pacecraft

71.s pherical

72.s table

73.s ympathetic

74.t ally

75.t enement

76.t issue

77.v acant

78.v erse

79.w aste

80.z ealous

Word List 7










10.a urora

11.a vailable

12.a wesome

13.b acon

14.b alcony

15.b lush

16.b reak

17.b uckle

18.c ardiac

19.c entennial

20.c hagrin

21.c log

22.c ollaborator

23.c ollide

24.c omet

25.c ontent

26.c onverge

27.c ost

28.c ostume

29.c url

30.d esolate

31.d etest

32.e conomy

33.e merald

34.e motion

35.e thnology

36.e xceed

37.e xpect

38.e xpressive

39.f eminist

40.f inancial

41.f orerunner

42.h ike

43.h urry

44.i dentity

45.i mpending

46.i naccessible

47.i ndicative

48.i nventory

49.k een

50.l andmass

51.l atent

52.l ayer

53.m anner

54.m ethod

55.m inimize

56.m onumental

57.n eutron

58.o rchid

59.p atient

60.p enmanship

61.p ermission

62.p low

63.p reponderance

64.p rimal

65.p roject

66.p ropel

67.q uotation

68.r anch

69.r ash 70.r emodel

71.r ender

72.s acrificial

73.s core

74.s ilicon

75.s imply

76.s phere

77.t ranscend

78.t riangle

79.t ypical

80.v iral

Word List 8










10.c anal

11.c hampion

12.c hill

13.c onstruct

14.c onsumption

15.c reativity

16.c uneiform

17.c urrent

18.d emocrat

19.d etect

20.d etermine

21.d isseminate

22.E aster

23.e legant

24.e ngaging

25.e normous

26.e nrollment

27.e xtend

28.e xtreme

29.f asten

30.f ilm

31.f itness

32.f lamboyant

33.f olklore

34.g eneralization

35.g enetic

36.h atch

37.i ncessantly

38.i nstruction

39.j uice

40.l ack

41.l arva

42.l ease

43.m agnificent

44.m elodie

45.m eteorologist

46.m usician

47.n ormally

48.n utrition

49.o mit

50.o rientation

51.p ore

52.p ortrait

53.p refer

54.p rerequisite

55.p rolific

56.p unctual

57.r egardless

58.r elative

59.r epresentative

60.r eschedule

61.r ust

62.s aturate

63.s creen

64.s election

65.s kyscraper

66.s led

67.s lumber

68.s moothly

69.s tereo

70.s trand

71.s ummarize

72.s uspect

73.s wan

74.t end

75.t olerate

76.t uition 77.u nderscore

78.v iable

79.v olcano

80.w arehouse

Word List 9










10.c aptivity

11.c hampionship

12.c hilled

13.c lue

14.c olumn

15.c ommemorate

16.c omponent

17.c osmos

18.c ritic

19.d ehydrate

20.d espoil

21.d iction

22.d im

23.e laborate

24.e ngulf

25.e ternal

26.f air

27.f airly

28.f eudal

29.f unction

30.g radual

31.h eed

32.h ibernation

33.h ollow

34.h orizon

35.i lluminate

36.i mplement

37.i ncense

38.i nsist

39.l aunch

40.l inguist

41.l ongevity

42.m anagement

43.m edal

44.m edieval

45.m eteorology

46.m icroscope

47.m ock

48.n ourishment

49.n umerous

50.o bscure

51.p henomenon

52.p it

53.p lumage

54.p orcelain

55.p ortion

56.p ostpone

57.p residency

58.p roductivity

59.p roponent

60.p rotein

61.r ecognize

62.s alamander

63.s eep

64.s enate

65.s ession

66.s hortage

67.s kip

68.s lice

69.s lip

70.s tatus

71.s train

72.s tride

73.s ubway

74.s urge

75.t erminus

76.t erritory

77.t hereby

78.t opsoil

79.t ransit

80.u npredictable Word List 10










10.b ulb

11.c luster

12.c onsume

13.d ebris

14.d estined

15.d istribute

16.d olphin

17.d rill

18.e lementary

19.e ngraving

20.e ntitle

21.e xpansion

22.e xposure

23.f arce

24.f lexible

25.f ulfill

26.g ender

27.g enius

28.g ospel

29.h amper

30.h ygiene

31.i deology

32.i nconvenient

33.i nfrared

34.i nvasion

35.j unction

36.l aureate

37.l iterary

38.m ammoth

39.m ania

40.m anual

41.m elody

42.m oral

43.m uggy

44.n aive

45.n arrate

46.n otion

47.o ffer

48.o utbreak

49.o verload

50.p artial

51.p opulate

52.p revailing

53.p rohibitively

54.p roofread

55.p rotest

56.q uota

57.r ampant

58.r atio

59.r ecital

60.r eckless

61.r estoration

62.r odent

63.s cholarship

64.s cuba

65.s edimentary

66.s ewerage

67.s hower

68.s ilt

69.s tripe

70.s uppose

71.s ymptom

72.t ension

73.t readmill

74.t ributary

75.u ndertaking

76.u nparalleled

77.v ertical

78.v igilance

79.v ocal

80.w ane


Word List 1word list 1 accomplishment acronym acute adhere aggression artistic awareness balance brochure careless chimpanzee collective conductivity congestion convince council crevice crossing curriculum debate deficiency devotion discharge dispute diverse doctrine endless enforce essentially expire fare flat forward foul glow gym honest improve interest investigate juvenile load log manage maritime mat obstruct overcharge partly pollen predominant prevalent protagonist radiation rehabilitate renovate sapphire scatter sensual shellfish shuttle sodium solo spice stretch strive stylistic surplus sweep syllable temporary tendency term tow trial unearth varnish wipe Word List 2 word list 2 ability accord additive affection alike alternately behaviorism biological budget calendar coil colleague composer composition dairy deadline deal deceive distant dramatic erosion explosive forestall fume igneous immutable impetus indicate industry intelligence interpret intriguing justify legislative legitimate literacy locomotion longitude lower marked modulate monarch motto mutual overall overlook parallel paramount participant pendent planet plausible plot precipitate radiate remnant removal renaissance retire rod salon scar shipwright sloth solitary specialize specimen spectator spill state stem string sturdy substantial towering versus worth wrap word list 3 accent admit alkali asymmetrical authority bargain bony brief buddy catastrophe classic coarse communicate compare compel comprehend concentrate consent consideration contrast coordinate copious count crusade cushion custom detectable draw edifice emphasize engine envelop episode equation external fade fellowship fierce flint forefront freeze grind groom heading horde inactive infest interior jog Latin mammal melanin nomadic notorious parameter pathology phenomena plaster policy quench renew ripen roost salmon script sheer spiral staff steady strata superior surrender suspension therapy tile unadorned unprecedented utilize vigorous word list 4 adventure analogy apply appraisal artifact assure attire biochemical catalyst cohesion combustible complain counterpart data decade dimensional diplomatic disposal documentation ductile engage enrich epidemic evaporation expertise exploration explore extension figurative forage haunt homogeneous hurricane imply intoxication label locate logical maintenance manifest material mathematics maximum memo mold neoclassical original ornament outline oyster paddle perception perceptive pretentious proceed puncture rebel recall relevance remains resistant rural rustic sculpt selective shrink sledding sticky superficial synthetic throw trade undergraduate vanish venom venture veto vibration vicinity


Welfare turtle tournament tide thesis tariff synchronize strap standard spectacle Sparse special sole roll revere resin remote refine proliferate premature Poisonous platelike pictorial perspective patronizing outlying onslaught ongoing Moth mine methane meaning livestock linger lead journalism internship inn Inform incursion humorous halt habitat gothic gene garb funding flexibility Flag fix existence energetic emblem drive distinction detail deplete convention Contagious confederacy concise company commodity closet client classical chaste Calcium botany banner authentic arthritis apartment announcement animate Anecdotal ancestor ambience alternative aggregate visible unconsolidated Turbulent tinker thrifty thread testimony tableland stake span slog skull Situated silicate scenery scan relate reform reconstruction rebellion rattle Rainbow radioactive pursuit projector preference pinpoint oval notate molten Mimic mime melt market maize maglev jewelry jeans irreverent install Informed inflammation inferior indispensable hurl horn haste guideline fracture Fantastic fa?ade exploit evacuation era equal endangered embellish elasticity Eclecticism distract depend delay daylight core convenience continuum command Colonize collectively characteristic caterpillar cape bellows beam basic attract Astronomical amble abound voracious vessel universe underground tundra Traditional taste sustained substitute sponsor splash sow sort shade scale Rhyme resilience request release regenerate prescribe parasite paralyze Oceanographer noted nail mottled mansion liberate leather kernel jogging Intrinsic instructor inspire inflation hue huddle herb hazel gradient fuel


1 L1~3 *L1~3 2 L4~6 *L1~3 *L4~6 3 L7~9 *L4~6 *L7~9 4 L10~12 *L1~3 *L7~9 *L10~12 5 L13~15 *L4~6 *L10~12 *L13~15 6 L16~18 *L7~9 *L13~15 *L16~18 7 L19~21 *L10~12 *L16~18 *L19~21 8 L22~24 *L1~3 *L13~15 *L19~21 *L22~24 9 L25~27 *L4~6 *L16~18 *L22~24 *L25~27 10 L28~30 *L7~9 *L19~21 *L25~27 *L28~30 11 L31~33 *L10~12 *L22~24 *L28~30 *L31~33 12 L34~36 *L13~15 *L25~27 *L31~33 *L34~36 13 L37~39 *L16~18 *L28~30 *L34~36 *L37~39 14 L40~42 *L19~21 *L31~33 *L37~39 *L40~42 15 L43~45 *L1~3 *L22~24 *L34~36 *L40~42 *L43~45 16 *L4~6 *L25~27 *L37~39 *L43~45 17 *L7~9 *L28~30 *L40~42 18 *L10~12 *L31~33 *L43~45 19 *L13~15 *L34~36 20 *L16~18 *L37~39 21 *L19~21 *L40~42 22 *L22~24 *L43~45 23 *L25~27 24 *L28~30 25 *L31~33 26 *L34~36 27 *L37~39 28 *L40~42 29 *L43~45 30 *L1~3 31 *L4~6 32 *L7~9 33 *L10~12 34 *L13~15 35 *L16~18 36 *L19~21 37 *L22~24 38 *L25~27 39 *L28~30 40 *L31~33 41 *L34~36 42 *L37~39 43 *L40~42 44 *L43~45 *单词一天不背就会忘,一个月不背就会前功尽弃。请坚持每天45分钟左右的时间复习3个List,可保无忧! 背一页红宝书单词10个需要5分钟。在背下一页前,立即返回第一个单词,迅速复习一遍。第二页也是如法炮制。用这种方法背过6页以后,立即从第一页开始复习。由于这些单词刚刚背过这一遍复习只需要三分钟。然后用同样的方法背1~12页。整个List大约一个小时。 最佳记忆时间上午9-11、下午3-4. 晚上7-10 本方法进行到中间阶段地时候,是最为关键也是最为痛苦地时候,极其容易半途而废,请一定咬牙挺过去。如果实在坚持不下去了。把一天3个List减少到2个List。从本质上来讲,背单词就是一个与遗忘不断的奋斗的过程,正可谓逆水行舟,不进则退。 人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两种。


Word List 1 1.accomplishment 2.acronym 3.acute 4.adhere 5.aggression 6.artistic 7.awareness 8.balance 9.brochure 10.c areless 11.c himpanzee 12.c ollective 13.c onductivity 14.c ongestion 15.c onvince 16.c ouncil 17.c revice 18.c rossing 19.c urriculum 20.d ebate 21.d eficiency 22.d evotion 23.d ischarge 24.d ispute 25.d iverse 26.d octrine 27.e ndless 28.e nforce 29.e ssentially 30.e xpire 31.f are 32.f lat 33.f orward 34.f oul 35.g low 36.g ym 37.h onest 38.i mprove 39.i nterest 40.i nvestigate 41.j uvenile 42.l oad 43.l og 44.m anage 45.m aritime 46.m at 47.o bstruct 48.o vercharge 49.p artly 50.p ollen 51.p redominant 52.p revalent 53.p rotagonist 54.r adiation 55.r ehabilitate 56.r enovate 57.s apphire 58.s catter 59.s ensual 60.s hellfish 61.s huttle 62.s odium 63.s olo 64.s pice 65.s tretch 66.s trive 67.s tylistic 68.s urplus 69.s weep 70.s yllable 71.t emporary 72.t endency 73.t erm 74.t ow 75.t rial 76.u nearth 77.v arnish 78.w ipe Word List 2 1.ability 2.accord 3.additive 4.affection 5.alike 6.alternately 7.behaviorism 8.biologist


Word list 45: 1,abstract 抽象的;抽象派的adj[bstrkt] 2,activate刺激;使活动v[ktvet] ...a voice-activated computer.声控电脑 3,adjoining 毗连的,邻近的 adj. Suppose that there are three adjoining rooms in a building. 假设在一个建筑物内,有三个相连的房间。 4,affect影响;感动;感染 Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries... 尼古丁会对心脏及动脉功能造成损害 5, affirm 断言;证实vt.& vi. [fm] Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion. The church should have no political alignment... 教会不应与政治结盟。The troops were in perfect alignment. 士兵们排成很直的行列。 7,array陈列;一大批,一系列n[re] There was an impressive array of pill bottles stacked on top of the fridge...冰箱上显眼地摆放着许多药瓶。As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions... 随着最后期限的临近,她开始心绪纷乱,不知所措。8,Babylonian巴比伦的adj[bblonin] 9,basement地下室n 10,bonanza富矿脉;带来好运的事n[bnnz] What a bonanza for the winning ticket holders! 对于手持胜券的人来说,这是多好的运气啊!South Africa's gold and mineral bonanza is beginning to tail off. 南非的丰富黄金矿藏量以及其它矿业资源正在日益枯竭 11,brilliant闪耀的;杰出的adj 12,bulk [blk] n(大)体积;大部分;主体 the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn.一座古老谷仓的巨大阴影The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents...文章的主要部分基本是对这些原始文件的回顾。The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea. 大部分的进出口货物都是通过海路运输的。 13,chant[tnt]n(反复吟诵的)圣歌;不断重复的话 A chant in a single tone. 单音词曲子 14,charcoal 木炭n.[tɑrkol] 15,confirm证实;使巩固;批准v Williams has confirmed his position as the world's number one snooker player. 威廉姆斯巩固了自己世界头号斯诺克选手的地位。You make the reservation, and I'll confirm it in writing.你来预订,我会去函确认。 16.continuation延长;延续n 17.Corporate共同的;公司的adj[krprt] the UK corporate sector.英国企业界 18,deny否认;拒绝v 19,diffusion 扩散;散布,传播[dfjun] There are data on the rates of diffusion of molecules.有关于分子扩散速度的数据。Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。 Culture diffusion文化扩散 Air diffusion空气扩散 20,distasteful(令人)不愉快的;讨厌的adj 21,district区域,管区n 22,endeavor [ndv] v尝试;尽力 n. 努力,尽力 We endeavor to make our customers satisfied. 我们力图使顾客都满意Thereupon, we knew, our endeavor was valuable. 于是,我们知道,我们的努力是有价值的! 23,enterprising[ntpraz]adj.有事业心的;有进取心的 enterprising spirit 创新精神 24,ephemeral短暂的,转瞬即逝的[fmrl] Her success as a singer was ephemeral. 作为歌唱家她取得的成功只是昙花一现 25,eruption爆发;喷发n 26,essay散文;短文;评论n 27,execute执行;处死;完成v[kskjut] One group claimed to have executed the American hostage...一个组织声称已经处决了那名美国人质。We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter.我们将严格施行我们的竞选计划。 I executed the hairpin turn high on the sheer western face of the mountains... 我在山脉西侧陡峭的高处成功地急转弯。 28,expose使暴露;使曝光v Be exposed to...暴露于... We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers. 我们一定要向报社揭露这一无耻行径。


选择困难症必看!托福听力词汇书推荐 在备战托福听力的过程中,同学们依旧逃不开记忆词汇的“噩梦”!那么,备考生们应该如何选择托福听力词汇书籍呢?针对这个疑问,天道小编特地为各位同学准备了今天的文章,希望可以诸位带来一定意义上的帮助!更多新托福听力资讯,尽在天道教育! 托福听力词汇书籍哪个好?相信考过托福听力的人各有各的看法,但总的来说,还是有一些托福词汇书经历无数考生的检验,帮助很多考生掌握了托福词汇。下面,天道小编就来盘点一下! 《TOEFL词汇10000》-词汇量大 相对于其它的新托福听力词汇资料,本资料数量最大。《TOEFL词汇10000》收录二十多年来托福考试所涉及到的所有重点词汇,共计10000个,是包含单词数量最多最全面的一份资料。涵盖托福考试可能考查到的单词、词组。这些词汇不仅是托福考生在参加考试时需要掌握的词汇,也是我们在日常生活中可能频繁使用的单词和词组。 《570个单词轻松征服托福》-高频词汇 本资料主要包含的是托福考试中的高频词汇。这570 个单词是基于历年真题统计出来最高频的570 个单词:对 OG 和 TPO(阅读和听力原文)进行了词频统计,除去 3 千多个基础词汇和一些专有名词以及难的单词,再把剩下的单词进行同根词归类,再按照单词出现的频率排序,就得到了现在的570 个高频词汇表。 《21天突破TOEFL词汇》-核心词汇 本资料主要以备考托福的核心资料为主,这些核心词汇也是同学们备考托福词汇时选用的比较多的一本书,它的特点是最为适合需要短期突破托福考试的考生,这本书涵盖的核心词汇2140个,分为21个list,尽管说是21天突破,很多同学反映,其实有10天左右就可以背掉了,因此很适合短期备考的同学。 《词以类记--TOEFL.ibt词汇》-学科分类词汇 本资料主要是按照托福听力考试所涉及的学科为主进行归类整理,这本书可谓是真正的必备托福词汇书,被称为“新一代的托福红宝书”,也是市面上比较少见的分类编写的托福词汇书籍。因为托福考试的听力和阅读段落学科分类的特点比较显著,分类记忆词汇更贴近真实考试的思维方式。 《TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法》-科学的记忆方法 本资料利用词根联想记忆的方法,对词汇进行整理。它的特点是比较全面,收录了历年托福考试出现过的约4500个核心词汇,总共包括约8000词汇量。并且提供了词根+联想的些记忆方法,背起来不会太枯燥。同时,对于那些不喜欢按ABC顺序往下背的同学,这本书还有“45天突破版”和“乱序版”可以选择。 《TOEFL词汇精选》-背和练相结合


2020 年 21 天突破托福高频词汇 (带翻译 )20 21 天突破托福词汇完整版带翻译:第19 天 单词释义 accomplish v 成就,完成; 贯彻 ( 计划等 ); 达到 ( 目的 ); 实行 adolescent a 青年期的,青春期的n少年 altitude n 高,高度; 海拔 ( 高度 ) apprentice n 学徒 ascend v上升,登高 autonomy n 自治 ; 自治权 barrel n桶,装满的桶,桶装 besiege v围,保卫,围困,围攻 boost v 推,升,提,支援 ; 增加,提升 ; 促动 bubble n 泡,水泡 ; 气泡 ; 泡沫 camp n 野营,露营地 cast "1 v浇铸,铸造 2v 丢弃,抛弃 ; 脱掉 ( 衣服 );( 蛇) 脱( 皮) ,( 鸟) 换( 毛) ,( 鹿) 换( 角);( 树) 落( 叶);( 马) 脱落 ( 铁掌 )" ceremony n 典礼,仪式 circumstance n ( 常[pl])( 周围的 ) 情况,情形,环境 collective a 集合的 ; 共同的 compress v 压缩,浓缩

conjunction n 结合,连接 contribute v 出力,做出贡献 costume n 服装 culminate v 达到极点,达潮 ; 告终 (in) decorate v 修饰,装饰,布置 designate v 指出,指明 discard v 放弃,抛弃 dive v 潜水 ;[ 泳] 跳水 ; 俯冲 dwarf n 矮小的 ( 动) 植物 v 使矮小,使相形见绌elliptic(al) a 椭圆 ( 形) 的 enhance v 提升 ; 增强 escape v逃走,逃脱,逃逸;避免 expertise n专门技能,专门知识 faith n信仰,信心 fist n拳头 fog n雾 frontier n边疆;边界,边缘 generous a宽大的,慷慨的,大方的,丰盛的,丰富的 global a球面的,球状的,世界的,世界的handedness n 惯用左手 ( 右手 )


list1 abandon abbreviate abnormal abound abrupt absence absolutely absorb abstract absurd abundant academy accelerate access accessible accomplish accord account accumulate accuracy accurate accuse accustom acid acknowledge acquire adapt additional additive adequate adjust administer admire admission admit adopt advanced adventure advertise advocate aesthetic affirm afford agency aggressive agreeable alarm list2 alert alien allergy alleviate alter alternate alternative altitude amateur amid amount ample amplify amuse, amusement analysis, analyze ancestor ancient angle announce annual antibiotic anticipate antique apartment apparent appeal appetite applicable appointment appreciate approach appropriate approve approximate architect arrange artifact artificial ascending aspect assert assign associate list 3 assure astronomy athlete atmosphere atomic attach attempt attendance attract, attractive attribute audience audio audition auditorium augment authority authorize automatic automobile available aviation aware, awareness awful awkward bake bald barbecue bare barrel barren barrier basin battery beam beat behave behavior belt beneficial benefit benign beverage bias bill bind biography blade blanket blend list 4 block bloom, blossom blur board boast bold boom boost botany bounce bound, boundary brand breakthroug h breed brief brighten brilliance, brilliant brush bubble buddy budget bulb bump cabin cable cafeteria calculate, calculus calendar campaign candidate capability capacity captive carbon cardiac, cardinal carnivore carve list 5 cast catalog catastrophe category cautious cease celebrate, celebrated, celebrity cell cereal ceremony certificate champion channel character chart chief chimpanzee chip chromosome chronical circuit circular circumferenc


word list 1 accomplishment acronym acute improve interest investigate juvenile load unearth varnish wipe legitimate literacy locomotion longitude lower word list 2 ability adhere aggression artistic log accord marked modulate monarch motto manage maritime mat additive affection alike awareness balance brochure careless chimpanzee collective conductivity congestion convince council obstruct overcharge partly alternately behaviorism biological budget mutual overall overlook parallel paramount participant pendent planet pollen predominant prevalent protagonist radiation rehabilitate renovate sapphire scatter sensual shellfish shuttle calender coil colleague composer composition dairy crevice plausible plot crossing curriculum debate deadline deal precipitate radiate remnant removal renaissance retire deficiency devotion discharge dispute deceive distant dramatic erosion explosive forestall fume sodium solo diverse rod doctrine endless enforce essentially expire spice salon stretch strive scar igneous immutable impetus indicate industry intelligence interpret intriguing justify shipwright sloth stylistic surplus sweep solitary specialize specimen spectator spill fare flat syllable temporary tendency term forward foul glow state gym tow stem honest trial legislative string


acronym n.首字母缩写词 acute a.极度的、剧烈的;严重的adhere v.黏附;坚持 aggression n.侵略 artistic a.艺术家的 awareness n.知道,注意 balance v.使平衡;n。天平;差额;余款brochure n.小册子 careless a.粗心的 chimpanzee n.黑猩猩 collective a.集体的,共同的conductivity n.传导性 congestion n.拥塞 convince v.实确信,说服 council n.理事会,委员会 crevice n。缺口,裂缝 crossing n.横越,交叉口curriculum n.课程 debate v.辩论,争论 deficiency n.不足,缺乏 devotion n.投入;献身,奉献discharge n.放电;释放 dispute n/v.争论;纠纷 doctrine n.教义;学说 endless a.无止境的 enforce v.执行,强迫 essentially ad.本质上,基本上 expire vi.到期;去世 fare n.费用;v.进展 flat a.平坦的;n.平地 forward ad.向前;a.向前的;v.转交foul a.污秽的 glow v.发光 gym n.健身房,体育馆 honest a.诚实的 improve v.改善,进步 interest n.兴趣;权益 investigate v.研究,调查 juvenile n.少年 load n/v.负荷:装载 log n.原木 manage v.操纵 maritime a.海的 mat n.席子 obstruct v.妨碍,阻碍 overcharge v.索价过高;渲染;超载partly ad.部分的;不完全的 pollen n.花粉 predominant a.支配的;主要的protagonist n.主角 radiation n.辐射 rehabilitate v.修复;恢复原状 renovate v.修复 sapphire n.蓝宝石 sensual a.感觉的 shellfish n.贝壳 shuttle n.航天飞机 sodium n.钠 solo a.单独的 spice n.香料;调味品 stretch v.延伸,拉长 strive v,奋斗,努力 stylistic a.格式上的 surplus n.过剩 sweep v.打扫;席卷 syllable n.音节 temporary a.暂时的 tendency n.倾向 term n.学期;术语;条款;v.把称作tow v.拖;牵引 trial n.审讯;实验 unearth v.掘出 varnish v.上清漆 wipe v.擦;抹 ability n.能力 accord n.一致,符合 additive a.添加的;n.添加剂affection n.喜爱;影响 alike a.相同的 alternately ad.交替的 behaviorism n.行为主义 biologist n.生物学家 budget n.预算 calendar n.日历 coil n.线圈;盘绕 colleague n.同事 composer n.作曲家 composition n.成分,构成;作品 dairy n.牛奶场 deadline n.最后期限 deal n.交易,处理,经营 deceive v.欺骗 distant a.遥远的;疏远的 dramatic a.引人注目的;戏剧性的;生动地erosion n.腐蚀;削弱 explosive a.爆炸性的n.炸药 forestall v预防 fume n.臭气v.熏


托福红宝书天突破版本 l i s t电子版 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

Word list 45: 1,abstract 抽象的;抽象派的adj[bstrkt] 2,activate刺激;使活动v[ktvet] ...a voice-activated computer.声控电 脑 3,adjoining 毗连的,邻近的 adj. Suppose that there are three adjoining rooms in a building. 假设在一个建筑物内,有三个相连的房 间。 4,affect影响;感动;感染 Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries... 尼古丁会对心脏及动脉功能造成损害 5, affirm 断言;证实vt.& vi. [fm] Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion. 我所取得的一切似乎都证明那个观点是对的。 6,alignment排列;联合,联盟n [lanmnt] The church should have no political alignment... 教会不应与政治结盟。The troops were in perfect alignment. 士兵们排成很直的行列。 7,array陈列;一大批,一系列n[re] There was an impressive array of pill bottles stacked on top of the fridge...冰箱上显眼地摆放着许多药瓶。As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions... 随着最后期限的临近,她开始心绪纷乱,不知所措。 8,Babylonian巴比伦的adj[bblonin] 9,basement地下室n 10,bonanza富矿脉;带来好运的事 n[bnnz] What a bonanza for the winning ticket holders! 对于手持胜券的人来说,这是多好的运气啊!South Africa's gold and mineral bonanza is beginning to tail


托福核心词汇21天突破(第一天) 第一天 (30分钟,尼玛一共26个单词,难道一分钟背一个你都做不到?)abandon——n.狂热;放任vt.遗弃;放弃 accumulate——vt.积攒vi.累积;积聚 adverse——adj.不利的;相反的;敌对的(名词adverseness,副词adversely)amazing——adj.令人惊异的v.使吃惊(amaze的ing形式) approve——vi.批准;赞成;满意vt.批准;赞成;为…提供证据assemble——vt.集合,聚集;装配;收集vi.集合,聚集 avid——adj.渴望的,贪婪的;热心的 barter——n.贸易;物物交换;vt.以…作为交换;vi.进行易货贸易;讨价还价biography——n.传记;档案;个人简介 boulder——n.卵石,大圆石;巨砾 bulb——n.电灯泡;鳞茎;球状物vi.生球茎;膨胀成球状 can——v.开罐aux.能,可以n.罐头,开罐器 casualty——n.意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室 chance——n.机会;运气,侥幸;可能性vt.偶然发生;冒…的险vi.碰巧;偶然被发现 civilian——adj.民用的;百姓的,平民的n.平民,百姓 conceive——vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有vi.怀孕;设想;考虑consecutive——adj.连贯的;连续不断的 convention——n.大会;惯例;约定;协定;习俗 crab——n.螃蟹,脾气乖戾的人;起重机vt.抱怨;破坏;使偏航vi.捕蟹;发牢骚;抱怨 curriculum——n.课程 defend——v.保卫(国家等);防御,防守,保护…使免于 detect——v.发觉,发现,检定 discipline——n.学科;纪律;训练;惩罚vt.训练,训导;惩戒 divert——vt.转移;使…欢娱;使…转向vi.转移


60个最难记的托福词汇汇总 1 acrophobia 恐高症Acro-高;phobia-恐惧 2 affiliate 支部;分会;子公司 3 aperitif 饭前酒Aperient 泻药 4 appetizer 开胃菜 5 ASAP =as soon as possible 越快越好 6 baggage claim 行李提领处 7 banner 标语;旗帜建筑物禁止(ban)贴标语 8 bill of lading 提货单 9 billiards 台球,撞球Billion和Milliard都是“十亿”的意思 10 boarding pass 登机牌 11 bond 债券 12 brainstorm 脑力激荡,集思广益 13 brochure 小册子Broke+“袖”,把袖子剪破就可以放小册子 14 buckle up 系安全带 15 buffet 自助餐 16 burglar 窃贼;夜间入屋行窃的小偷Burgle-“不够”,盗贼永远都不会满足 17 buyout/buy out 买进全部产权或股权;收购全部 18 checkout 结帐退房的时间check out 办理退房;结帐离开 19 chef 主厨;大厨注意读音有点像“学府”,现在连厨师都要学历 20 choreography 舞蹈设计;编舞Chore 家务,芙蓉姐姐表演过个干家务活舞蹈 21 circular 广告;传单;通告传单到处发太浪费,应该循环利用(circulate)

22 commitment 承诺;许诺 23 concierge 管理员;门房“看戏碍着”,去看戏忘了带票,被看门的拦着 24 consignee 收件人;受托人 25 contagious 接触传染的 26 contractor 立契约人;承包商 27 convertible 敞篷车,可改变的 28 conveyance 运输;交通工具Convey 搬运,传达 29 cost-effective 符合成本效益的 30 courier 递送急件的信差;邮物专递公司Carrier 邮递员 31 crash landing 迫降 32 crave 渴望“魁梧”,渴望长得很魁梧 33 cross-reference 前后参照;(使)前后参照 34 cruise 乘船游览 35 cuisine 烹调 36 curriculum vitae 履历Vita 个人简历,-幕 38 cutting edge 尖刻;尖锐;先锋地位尖端的 39 default 违约;弃权 40 delicacy 佳肴;微妙 41 depreciation 跌价;贬值 42 dissuade 劝阻Dissuade sb. from = Persuade sb. not to do 43 down payment 头期款;预付金;定金 44 embezzle 盗用;挪用;侵占(公款等) “硬逼走”
