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Happy Therapy (诊疗)

Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling.

Then, after returning to tile United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak.

In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night.

The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope.

Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.

He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night.

Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for


After a few months, Mr. Cousins returned to work He had laughed himself back to health.

41 Mr. Cousins got sick after returning from

A a tiring trip to Russia.

B a busy trip to the US.

C a trip around the world.

D a trip to Puerto Rico.

42 How did the doctors respond to Mr. Cousins~ illness?

A They promised to cure him.

B They didn’t think he was really sick.

C They said they were unable to help him in any way.

D They told him not to give up hope.

43 Mr. Cousins attributed the bad chemical changes in his body to

A a severe illness.

B unhappy thoughts.

C weak bones,

D too much sleep.

44 What didn’t Mr. Cousins do in his experiments with laughter?

A Watch funny TV shows.

B Read funny books.

C Take medicine.

D Sleep whenever he felt tired.

45 Mr. Cousins cured his own illness

A by laughing at others.

B by acting in funny shows.

C by writing funny stories.

D by taking a happy therapy.


会计职业资格考试试题(含答案) 一、单项选择题 1.经税务机关确定为混合销售行为或兼营非应税劳务,应当征 收增值税的,非应税劳务所用外购货物或应税劳务的进项税额, ( A )进项税额之中。 A.准予计入当期B.不准计入 C.准予计入下期D.分期计入 2.采用预收货款方式销售货物,其增值税纳税义务发生时间 为( B )。 A.收到预收款的当天B.货物发出的当天 C.货物送达购货方的当天D.签订购销合同的当天 3.会计人员职业道德的他律教育灌输,是职业道德形成的不可 逾越的( B )阶段。 A必要B.首要 C初级D.被动, 4.职业道德( B )的最终目的,在于把职业道德原则和规范逐 步地转化为自己的职业道德品质,从而将职业实践中对职业道德的意识情感和信念上升为职业道德习惯,使其贯穿于职业活动的始终。A.教育B.修养 C.规范D.奖惩 5.( D )可以配合国家法律制度,调整职业关系中的经济利益 关系,维护正常的市场经济秩序。: A.会计职业教育B.会计职业修养 C.会计职业纪律D.会计职业道德: 6.会计行政法规的制定依据是( A )。 A·《会计法》B.《公司法》 C·《立法法》D.《证券法》 37·《企业会计准则——基本准则》和《企业会计准则第1 号——存货》等38个具体准则已于( B )年1月1日起在上市公司范围内施行。 A.2006B.2007 C.2008D.2005

7.在票据当事人中,接受汇票出票人的付款委托同意承担支付 票据义务的人称为( C )。 A.背书人B.付款人 C.承兑人D.保证人 8.根据《会计法》的规定,下列关于单位内部会计监督的说 法,不正确的是( C )。 A.单位负责人负责单位内部会计监督制度的组织实施,对本单 位内部会计监督制度的建立及有效实施承担最终责任 9.按照不同的会计期间,不属于结账的是( A )。 A.日结B.月结 C.季结D.年结 10.汇票付款人承诺在汇票到期日支付汇票金额并盖章的行为称 为( C )。 A.出票B.背书 C.承兑D.保证 11.科目汇总表账务处理程序的缺点是( C )。 A.不利于会计核算分工 B.不能进行试算平衡 C.反映不出账户的对应关系 D.会计科目数量受限制 12.下列属于成本类科目的是( C )。 A.待摊费用D.预提费用 C.制造费用D.管理费用 13.某企业期末“固定资产”账户借方余额为200万元,“累计折旧”账户贷方余额为80万元,“固定资产减值准备”账户贷方余额为30万元,“固定资产清理”账户为借方余额2万元。则该企业资产负债表中“固定资产”项目的期末数应是( D )万元。 A.202B.120 C.92D.90 14.下列不属于会计核算职能的是( A )。 A.做账B.记账 C.算账D.报账


职称英语考试卫生类(B类)试题及答案4 第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题定1个选项。 Happy Therapy (诊疗) Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. Then, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope. Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night, Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt


职称英语考试卫生类(C类)试题及答案6 Happy Therapy (诊疗) Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. Then, after returning to tile United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope. Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night. Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for


2018年初级电工证考试试题 一、名词解释: 1、三相交流电:由三个频率相同、电势振幅相等、相位差互差120°角的交流电路组成的电力系统,叫三相交流电。 2、一次设备:直接与生产电能和输配电有关的设备称为一次设备。包括各种高压断路器、隔离开关、母线、电力电缆、电压互感器、电流互感器、电抗器、避雷器、消弧线圈、并联电容器及高压熔断器等。 3、二次设备:对一次设备进行监视、测量、操纵控制和保护作用的辅助设备。如各种继电器、信号装置、测量仪表、录波记录装置以及遥测、遥信装置和各种控制电缆、小母线等。 4、高压断路器:又称高压开关,它不仅可以切断或闭合高压电路中的空载电流和负荷电流,而且当系统发生故障时,通过继电保护装置的作用,切断过负荷电流和短路电流。它具有相当完善的灭弧结构和足够的断流能力。 5、负荷开关:负荷开关的构造秘隔离开关相似,只是加装了简单的灭弧装置。它也是有一个明显的断开点,有一定的断流能力,可以带负荷操作,但不能直接断开短路电流,如果需要,要依靠与它串接的高压熔断器来实现。 6、空气断路器(自动开关):是用手动(或电动)合闸,用锁扣保持合闸位置,由脱扣机构作用于跳闸并具有灭弧装置的低压开关,目前被广泛用于500V以下的交、直流装置中,当电路内发生过负荷、短路、电压降低或消失时,能自动切断电路。 7、电缆:由芯线(导电部分)、外加绝缘层和保护层三部分组成的电线称为电缆。 8、母线:电气母线是汇集和分配电能的通路设备,它决定了配电装置设备的数量,并表明以什么方式来连接发电机、变压器和线路,以及怎样与系统连接来完成输配电任务。 9、电流互感器:又称仪用变流器,是一种将大电流变成小电流的仪器。


会计证考试会计基础分章节模拟试题及答案(1-4章) 第一章总论 一、单项选择题 1.下列关于所有者权益的说法,不正确的是()。 A.所有考权益包括实收资木(或股木)、资木公积、盈余公积和未分配利润等 B.所有者权益的金额等于资产减去负债示的余额 C.盈余公积和未分配利润又统称为留存收益 D.所有者权益包括实收资木(或股木)、资木公积、盈余公积和留存收益等 2.下列不属于反映企业财务状况的会计要素是()。 A.资产 B.负债 C.所有者权益 D.利润 3.承租企业将融资租入的固定资产视为自有固定资产核算体现了()的要求。 A.客观性 B.重要性 C.实质重于形式 D. —贯性 4.下列不属于会计核算三项工作的是()。 A.记账 B.算账 C.报账 D.杳账 5.下列不属于会计核算的环节的是()。 A.确认 B.记录 C.报告 D.报账 6.下列等式不正确的是()。 A.资产=负债+所有者权益=权益 B.期末资产=期末负债+期初所有者权益 C.期末资产=期末负债+期初所有者权益+木期增加的所有者权益一木期减少的所有者权盘. D.债权人权益+所有者权益=负债+所有者?权益 7.下列属于会计的基木等式的是()。 A.资产=负债+所有者?权益 B.资产=负债+所有者权益+ (收入一费用) C.资产=负债+所有者权益+利润 D.收入一费用=利润 &与计算“营业利润”无关的因素是()。 A.所得税费用 B.销售费用 C.管理费用 D.财务费用 9.下列不属于期间费用的是()o A.管理费用 B.制造费用 C.销售费用 D.财务费用 10?下列说法正确的是()。 A.生产成木均可以肓接计入产品成木 B.制造费用属于期间费用 C.狭义的收入指的是营业收入,狭义的费用指的是营业成木 D.费用表现为企业资产的减少或负债的增加,最终导致企业所有者权益的减少 11?下列属于基本业务收入的是()。


2020年职称英语《卫生类》阅读判断练习5 They Say Ireland's the Best Ireland is the best place in the world lo live for 2005.according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain.s Economist magazine last week. The ambitious attempt to compare happiness levels around the World is based ol3 the principle that wealth is not the only measure of human satisfaction and well-being. The index of 111 countries uses data on incomes.health.unemployment.climate,political stability,job security,gender equality as well as what the magazine calls "freedom,family and community life". Despite the bad weather,troubled health service.traffic congestion(拥挤),gender inequality,and the high cost of living.Ireland scored an impressive 8.33 points out of l0. That put it well ahead of second-place Switzerland,which managed 8.07. Zimbabwe. troubled by political insecurity and hunger,is rated the gloomiest(最差的),picking up only 3.89 points. "Although rising incomes and increased individual choices are highly valued,"the report said. "some of the factors associated with modernization such as the breakdown(崩溃)in traditional institutions and family values in part take away from a positive impact." "Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new with the preservation of


精选考试类应用文档,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 低压电工证考试题库及答案 姓名成绩 温馨提示:同学们,经过培训学习,你一定积累了很多知识,现在请认真、仔细地完成这张试题库吧。加油! 一、判断题库 [ 对]1、交流电流表和电压表测量所测得的值都是有效值。[ 对]2、万用表在测量电阻时,指针指在刻度盘中间最准确。[ 错]3、电流的大小用电流表来测量,测量时将其并联在电路中。[ 错]4、当电容器爆炸时,应立即检查。 [ 对]5、电容器的放电负载不能装设熔断器或开关。 [ 错]6、如果电容器运行时,检查发现温度过高,应加强通风。[ 错]7、日常电气设备的维护和保养应由设备管理人员负责。[ 对]8、企业、事业单位的职工无特种作业操作证从事特种作业,属违章作业。 [ 错]9、取得高级电工证的人员就可以从事电工作业。高级电

工证是指电工等级证,需要电工上岗证 [ 对]10、绝缘棒在闭合或拉开高压隔离开关和跌落式熔断器,装拆携带式接地线,以及进行辅助测量和试验使用。 [ 对]11、使用脚扣进行登杆作业时,上、下杆的每一步必须使脚扣环完全套入并可靠地扣住电杆,才能移动身体,否则会造成事故。 [ 错]12、试验对地电压为50V以上的带电设备时,氖泡式低压验电器就应显示有电。交流 [ 对]13、常用绝缘安全防护用具有绝缘手套、绝缘靴、绝缘隔板、绝缘垫、绝缘站台等。 [ 错]14、当灯具达不到最小高度时,应采用24V以下电压。36v [ 对]15、在带电维修线路时,应站在绝缘垫上。 [ 对]16、白炽灯属热辐射光源。 [ 对]17、验电器在使用前必须确认验电器良好。 [ 错]18、当拉下总开关后,线路即视为无电。 [ 错]19、用电笔检查时,电笔发光就说明线路一定有电。电路中会有感应电的存在 [ 错]20、在高压线路发生火灾时,应采用有相应绝缘等级的绝缘工具,迅速拉开隔离开关切断电源,选择二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器进行灭火。 [ 对]21、电气设备缺陷,设计不合理,安装不当等都是引发火灾的重要原因。


百度文库 会计从业资格考试试题 一、单项选择题(共 40 题,每小题 1 分,共计 40 分) 1.企业会计核算的基础是:(C) A、收付实现制 B、现金收付制 C、权责发生制 D、现收现付制 2.会计六要素的计量中,最基本的是:(C) A、净资产 B、收入 C、资产 D、负债 3.资产计量最重要的基础是:(B) A、现行成本 B、历史成本 C、现行市价 D、可变现净值 4.《现金管理暂行条例》的颁发部门是:(C) A、财政部 B、中国人民银行 C、国务院 D、全匡人大常委会 5.采用托收承付结算方式的,收款人办理托收时,无论采用邮寄划款还是电报划 款的,托收承付凭证的第二联都是:( B ) A、借方凭证 B、贷方凭证 C、回单 D、付款通知 6.某企业于2003 年 5 月 2 日将 3 月 23 日开出并承兑的 6 个月商业汇票到银行贴现,票 据面值为 100000 天、票面利率为10%,银行贴现率为12%,则该企业贴现净额为:(C)元元元元 7.自制原材料完工入库,应填制材料入库单,同时会计分录记为:(D) A、借 : 原材料 B、借 : 原材料 贷 : 管理费用贷:其他业务支出 C、借 : 原材料 D、借 : 原材料 贷 : 制造费用货:生产成本 8.随同商品出售并单独计价的包装物,会计处理时:(B)

A、借 : 营业费用 B、借 : 其他业务支出 贷: 包装物贷:包装物 C、借 : 生产成本 D、借 : 营业外支出 贷: 包装物贷:包装物 9.企业计提存货跌价准备时,应借记:(C) A、营业费用 B、产品销售费用 C、管理费用 D、待摊费用 10. A 公司 2002 年 5 月 2 日以现金购入 B 公司股份20000 股,每股价格15 元,购入过程中支付相关税费2000 元,并准备长期持有, B 公司 2002 年 4 月 1 日宣告分派 2001 年度现金股利,每股元,则 A 公司此项投资的初始成本是:( A ) 元元 元元 11.短期投资转为长期投资时,应怎样结转:( C ) A、投资成本 B、市价 C、投资成本与市价孰低 D、以上都可以 12。企业购入到期还本付息的债券时,按期计提的利息借方科目应记入:( A ) A、长期债券投资 B、应收帐款 C、其他应收款 D、本年利润 13.下面哪项不需计入企业固定资产帐目:( B ) A、融资租入固定资产 B、经营性租入固定济产 C、经营性租出固定资产 D、不需用固定资产 14.无偿调入的固定资产,其贷方应记入:( B ) A、实收资本 B、资本公积 C、盈余公积 D、补贴收入 15. A 公司一项固定资产的原价为12000 元,预计使用年限为 5 年,预计净残值 300 元。按双倍余额递减法计算第四年的折旧额为:( D ) A、2340 元 B、 1296 元 C、 1037 元 D、 1146 元


职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 2011年职称英语考试已于今天结束,2011年职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 一、词汇选项 1. urging (pushing) 2. tolerate (stand ) 3.obsecure ( unclear) 4. trembling (shaking) 5. steady (continious) 6. grasp ( undestasnd) 7. provoked (caused) 8. finds faults with (criticizes) 9. approach (handle ) 10. remarking (saying ) 11. hailed (praised ) 12. asserted (maintained) 13. considerabaly (greatly) 14. scared (afraid) 15. vigorous (energetic ) 二、阅读判断 16-22参考答案BCABACB 标题:Relieving the Pain 主旨大意:运动对于治疗各种痛疼有益处 16. To treat pain, patients should stop moving around

答案:B(wrong:错) 17. Headaches are partly caused by lack of excecise 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 18. Exercise helps to take the pressure off the site of pain 答案:A(right:正确) 19. Doctors often use drugs such as endprphins to treat patients 答案:B(wrong:错) 20. Backache sufferers often end up taking more than one drug to kill pain 答案:A(right:正确) 21. Excercises helps pain sufferers to recover more quickly than traditional treatment 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 22. New pain clinc ask patients to give up drugs completely 答案:B(wrong:错) 三、概括大意与完成句子 23-26参考答案DECA 标题:Owls and Larks 主旨大意:早起的人和晚起的人的差别及形成原因 23. 答案:D (why do we need sleep?) 24. 答案:E (what makes paople owls or larks ?) 25. 答案:C ( which is better,being an owl or a lark?) 26. 答案:A (What should we avoid ?) 完成句子 27-30参考答案:FDAB


2020年职称英语考试卫生类B级阅读判断练习及答案 (3) “We hire talent. ” Those are the words of Rod Franz, a civil service computer technology director, responding to the question of opportunities for women who are interested in pursuing careers as computer technicians. On at least one of three shifts in his operation, the male-female ratio is 50-50. That is not surprising because government and educational institutes are required by the law to make every effort to open hiring opportunities to women and minority workers. What may be even more interesting to young women is that,according to Franz, private industry is hiring women and minorities away from us. And, since private industry pays more, it succeeds. Managers in the rapidly growing computer service field are quick to agree. They strongly encourage women to train for technician jobs, and they actively recruit female technicians across the country. They believe that this career field offers a wealth of possibility for women. A recent study by the Devry Institute of Technology that involved 100 employment managers in the Chicago area showed,too, that the number of women entering the field of computer science is on the rise, and that those already in the field are moving up. A significant increase in the number of women


中级电工证考试试题及答案 一、单选题: 1.金属导体的电阻值随着温度的升高而()。A:增大B:减少C:恒定D:变弱 2.纯电感电路的感抗为()。A:L B:ωL C:1/ωL D:1/2πfL 3.在正弦交流电阻电路中,正确反映电流电压的关系式为()。A:i=U/R B:i=Um/R C:I=U/R D:I=Um/R 4.在有些情况下为了缩短晶闸管的导通时间,加大触发电流(两倍以上)这个电流称为()。A:触发电流B:强触发电流C:掣位电流D:导通电流 5.三相负载接在三相电源上,若各相负载的额定电压等于电源线电压1/ ,应作()连接。A:星形B:三角形C:开口三角形D:双星形 6.单相正弦交流电路中有功功率的表达式是()。A:UI B:UI C:UICosφD:UIsinφ 7.纯电容交流电路中电流与电压的相位关系为电流()。A:超前90°B:滞后90°C:同相D:超前0~90° 8.两个正弦量为 u1=36sin(314t+120°)V,u2=36sin(628t+30°)V,则有()。A:u1超前u290°B:u2比u1超前90°C:不能判断相位差D:

9.射极输出器的输出阻抗(),故常用在输出极。A:较高B:低C:不高不低D:很高 10.二极管半波整流时负载两端的直流电压等于()。A:0.75U2 B:U2 C:0.45U2 D:0.9U2 11.三相变压器的连接组别是表示()。A:原付边线电压的相位关系B:原付边的同名端关系C:原付边相电压的时至中关系D:原付边电流大小关系 12.射极输出器的电压放大倍数约等于()。A:80--100 B:1 C: 13.晶闸管的控制角越大,则输出电压()。A:越高B:移相位C:越低D:越大 14.某正弦交流电压的初相角中,φU=π/6,在t=0时,其瞬时值将()。A:小于零B:大于零C:等于零D:不定 15.已知msinwt第一次达到最大值的时刻是0.005s,则第二次达到最大值时刻在()。A:0.01s B:0.025s C:0.05s D:0.075s 16.U=311sin(314t-15°)伏,则U=()伏。A:220∠-195°B:220∠1950°C:311∠-15°D:220∠-15°17.实际电压源与实际电流源的等效互换,对内电路而言是()。A:可以等效B:不等效C:当电路为线性时等效D:当电路为非线性时等效


历年会计从业资格考试试题及答案 2014年会计从业资格考试真题、模拟题尽收其中,千名业界权威名师精心解析,精细化试题分析、完美解 一、单项选择题 1.某企业5月份资金总额100万元,收回应收帐款10万元后;该企业资金总额为( )。 A.100万元 B.110万元 C.90万元 D.120万元 2.某企业5月1日生产领用材料5000元,误记为:借记管理费用500元,贷记材料5000元。10日发现错误时已入帐。采用的更正错帐的方法是( )。 A.红字更正法 B.补充更正法 C.划线更正法 D.任一更正法 3.企业无法查明原因的现金长款,经批准后记入( )。 A.待处理财产损溢 B.营业外收入 C.其他应付款 D.其他应收款 4.银行汇票的签发人是( )。 A.出票银行 B.收款人 C.付款人 D.收款人或付款人 5.4月15日签发的90天期限的商业票据,到期日是( )。 A.7月12日 B.7月13日 C.7月14日 D.7月15日 6.如果应收帐款有两个明细帐:“应收帐款——甲企业”期末余额在借方为200万,“应收帐款——乙企业”期末余额在贷方为50万,则应提取坏帐基数为( )元。 A.250万 B.150万 C.200万 D.300万 7.预付帐款余额在贷方为( )。 A.资产 B.负债 C.所有者权益 D.不能肯定 8.没收包装物押金收入冲减( )帐户余额。 A.管理费用 B.其他业务支出 C.营业外支出 D.营业费用 9.存货跌价准备的计提方法是( )。

A.总体比较法 B.分类比较法 C.逐一比较法 D.任一比较法 10.下列属于非现金资产的是( )。 A.银行存款 B.其他货币资金 C.现金 D.原材料 11.长期投资减值准备的计提方法是( )。 A.逐一比较法 B.分类比较法 C.总体比较法 D.任一比较法 12.为购建固定资产发生的利息支出,固定资产交付使用前发生的,计入( )。 A.财务费用 B.营业费用 C.固定资产 D.在建工程 13.企业缴纳的下列税款中,不需要通过“应交税金”科目核算的是( )。 A.增值税 B.资源税 C.消费税 D.印花税 14.下列项目中,不通过应付帐款科目核算的是( )。 A.存入保证金 B.应付货物的增值税 C.应付销货企业代垫运费 D.应付货物价款 15.企业接受某公司投入旧机器一批,原价10万元,已提折旧2万元,资产评估价9万元,则企业应贷记累计折旧的金额为( )。 A.10万元 B.9万元 C.2万元 D.1万元 16.某企业某年税前会计利润为1000万元,超过税法规定标准的工资支出为40万元,国债利息收入为10万元,则该企业的应纳税所得额为( )万元。 A.1000 B.1040 C.1050 D.1030 二、多项选择题(下列各小题备选答案中,有两个或两个以上符合题意的正确答案,请将选定的答案按答题卡要求,本类题共30分,每小题2分。多选、少选、错选、不选均不得分) 1.下列各项中,构成一般纳税企业固定资产价值的有() A.支付的关税 B.支付的增值税 C.建造期间发生的借款利息 D.应计的固定资产投资方向调节税 2.企业发生的下列各项支出中,应记入“应付福利费”科目借方的有( )。 A.生产工人的医药费 B.退休人员的医药费


第五篇Tracking Down HIV In the summer of 1980, a patient had a strange purplish spot removed from below his ear. It was Kaposi’s sarcoma, a rare form of skin cancer. This patient also had lymph node swelling and exhaustion. In November 1980, a Los Angeles immunologist examined a young man who had diseases linked to immune system malfunctions. The doctor had a T-cell count taken of the patient’s blood. T-cells are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role1 in immune responses. The patient had no helper T-cells. By the end of 1980, 55 Americans were diagnosed with infections related to immune system breakdown; four had died. A year later the death toll was 74. Intravenous drug users had T-cell abnormalities. People who had received blood transfusions showed symptoms of immune system breakdown. By July 1982, 471 cases of the disease, now called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), had been reported; 184 people had died. In April 1984, American virologist Dr. Robert Gallo isolated the pathogen, or disease producer, responsible for2 AIDS. He called it HTLV-III. In Paris, Dr. Luc Montagnier identified a virus he called LAV. An international panel of scientists determined that both men had found the same virus. It became known as Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Blood banks began screening for HTV in 1985, but by then about 29,000 people had been infected through blood transfusions. Some 12,000 hemophiliacs had contracted HIV through blood-clotting products. By 1995, 477,900 Americans had AIDS; 295,500 had died.


2020年职称英语卫生类阅读判断练习(3) Online Cancer Chat with a Safety Net Cancer Research UK has launched an online chat forum for cancer patients to swap stories and share experiences on how to cope with such a devastating disease. But Cancer Chat is a forum with a difference: it has an information safety net. This means that a Cancer Research UK team will keep a watching brief to ensure that patients are not subjected to rogue "cancer cures" or scientifically unsound information. Anyone can have access to the messages posted on Cancer Chat but if people wish to post a message they will need to register. And Rebekah Gibbs,cancer patient and star of TV's Casualty has pledged her support for the new project."I think Cancer Chat is a brilliant idea," she said."I have written a public diary about what I went through with breast cancer and I have had such a heart-warming response from other people going through the same thing. "The idea of a Cancer Chat forum means you can share information about treatment and side effects and you can really open up about your feelings online in a way that can be difficult when talking to close friends and family.And with Cancer Research UK monitoring the forum people can be reassured about the quality of information being exchanged."


, , , , _, _, _ _, _, _ _ _, _ _, _, _ _ _, _ _,:线名 ,姓 , , , , , , , , , , ,间,理订修,合, 综, :, 间, 车, , , , , , , , , , 装司,公, X X, X X, X X, X X, X X, :,位, 单, , , , , , XXXXXXXXXX公司 2015年维修电工考试试题 使用人员:维修电工考试方式:闭卷 考试时间: 2015.03答题时长:90分钟 阅卷成绩登记表(阅卷、核分填写) 题号一二三总分 得分 一、选择题(共 30 题,每题 2 分,共 60 分) 1.电气图包括:电路图、功能表图和( A )等。 A 系统图和框图 B 部件图 C 元件图 D 装置图 2.生产机械的接线图有:单元接线图、互连接线图和( D )。 A 端子接线表 B 互连接线表 C 位置接线图 D 端子接线图 3.若将一段电阻为 R 的导线均匀拉长至原来的二倍,则其电阻值为( C ) A 2R B R/2 C 4R D R/4 4.电流的方向就是(C)。 A 负电荷定向移动的方向 B 电子定向移动的方向 C 正电荷定向移动的方向 D 正电荷定向移动的反相方向 5.关于点位的概念,(C)的说法正确的是。 A 点位就是电压 B 点位是绝对值 C 点位是相对值 D 参考点的点位不一定等于零 6.电压 Uab=10V 的意义是( B )。 A电场力将电荷从 a 点移到 b 点做的功是 10J B电场力将 1C 正电荷从 a 点移到 b 点做的功是 10J C电场力将电荷从 a 点移到参考点做的功是 10J D电场力将电荷从 b 点移到参考点做的功是 10J 7.一个电阻接在内阻为 0.1? 、电动势为 1.5v 的电源上时,流过电阻的 电流为 1A ,则该电阻上的电压等于(B)V。 A 1 B 1.4 C 1.5D0.1 8. 电阻 R1,R2, R3 串联后接在电源上,若电阻上的电压关系U1>U2>U3 ,


四川省2009年会计从业资格考试《会计基础》试题及答案(上半年) 一、单项选择题(本题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分。从每小题给出的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,请将所选答案的字母填在题后的括号内) 1.会计的基本职能包括() A.核算与监督 B.参与经济决策 C.预测经济前景 D.评价经营业绩答案:A 2.下列不属于企业的资金运动表现的是() A.资金投入 B.资金运用 C.资金转移 D.资金退出答案:C 3.会计等式是() A.资产=负债+所有者权益 B.收入—费用=利润 C.资产=负债+所有者权益+利润 D. 资产=负债+所有者权益+(收入—费用) 答案:A 4.填制凭证时发生错误,应当() A.采用划线更正法 B.采用补充登记法 C.采用重新填制 D.采用红字更正法答案:C 5.单据是() A.记账凭证 B.发票 C.记账凭单 D.原始凭证答案:D 6.下列不是记账凭证的基本内容的是() A.记账标记 B.填制单位签章 C.填制日期 D.凭证编号答案:B 解析:记账凭证的基本内容包括:(1)记账凭证的名称;(2)填制记账凭证的日期;(3)记账凭证的编号;(4)经济业务事项的内容摘要;(5)经济业务事项所涉及的会计科目及其记账方向;(6)经济业务事项的金额;(7)记账标记;(8)所附原始凭证张数;(9)会计主管、记账、审核、出纳、制单等有关人员签章。 7.记账凭证按内容分() A.外来记账凭证与原始记账凭证 B.一次凭证、累计凭证、汇总凭证 C.复式凭证与单式凭证 D.收款凭证、付款凭证、转账凭证答案:D 8.某单位会计部第8号经济业务的一笔分录需填制两张记账凭证,则这两张凭证的编号为() A.8,9 B.91/2,92/2 C.81/2,82/2 D.81/2,92/2 答案:C 9.下列账簿格式中,不属于按用途分类的是() A.活页账 B.分类账 C.日记账 D.备查账答案:A 10.三栏式账簿是设置有()三个基本栏目的账簿 A.日期、摘要、余额 B.日期、借方、贷方 C.摘要、借方、贷方 D.借方、贷方、余额答案:D 11.在我国,单位一般只针对()采用卡片账形式。 A.、库存商品明细账 B.银行存款日记账 C.应交增值税明细账 D.固定资产明细账答案:D 12.账户余额的计算公式是() A. 期末余额=上期期初余额+本期增加发生额—本期减少发生额 B. 期末余额=期初余额+本期增加发生额—本期减少发生额 C. 期末余额=上期期初余额+本期减少发生额—本期增加发生额 D. 期末余额=期初余额+本期减少发生额—本期增加发生额答案:B 13.下列不是常用的账务处理程序的是() A.原始凭证账务处理程序 B.记账凭证账务处理程序 C.汇总记账凭证账务处理程序 D.科目汇总表账务处理程序答案:A 14.不同账务处理程序的主要区别在于() A.登记部分类账户的依据不同 B.会计凭证的传递方法不同
