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项目手册-2016 美国数学竞赛(AMC)

项目手册-2016 美国数学竞赛(AMC)
项目手册-2016 美国数学竞赛(AMC)





1950 年美国数学协会Mathematics Association of America (简称MAA),开始举办美国高中数学考试(AHSME)。在1985年时,MAA又增加了初中数学的考试(AJHSME),2000年以后这些考试统一被称为AMC,AMC总部现设在美国加州內布拉斯加大学林肯校区。每年仅在北美地区正式登记参加比赛的学生就超过60万人次,因此AMC是世界上目前信度最高的数学科测试。此项测试已获美国中学校长们推介为各学校每年的主要活动。








AMC10得分在120分以上或者全球排名前2.5%者,AMC12得分在100分以上或名列全球前5%者,将有资格免费参加美国数学邀请赛(AIME,American Invitational Mathematics Examination)。(每年分数线会根据整体情况有所调整)



















参赛成绩最好的学校可获School certificate of Honor证书。












1)AMC 是国际性的测验与竞赛,对外交流和展示自己,感受不同文化










2016年AMC 10.12比赛时间:2016年2月3日





帐号:1109 1016 0110 501








2011AMC10美国数学竞赛A卷时间:2021.03.03 创作:欧阳学 1. A cell phone plan costs $20 each month, plus 5¢per text message sent, plus 10¢ for each minute used over 30 hours. In January Michelle sent 100 text messages and talked for 30.5 hours. How much did she have to pay? (A) $24.00(B) $24.50(C) $25.50(D) $28.00(E) $30.00 2. A small bottle of shampoo can hold 35 milliliters of shampoo, Whereas a large bottle can hold 500 milliliters of shampoo. Jasmine wants to buy the minimum number of small bottles necessary to completely fill a large bottle. How many bottles must she buy? (A) 11(B) 12(C) 13(D) 14(E) 15 3. Suppose [a b] denotes the average of a and b, and {a b c} denotes the average of a, b, and c. What is {{1 1 0} [0 1] 0}? (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 4. Let X and Y be the following sums of arithmetic sequences: X= 10 + 12 + 14 + …+ 100. Y= 12 + 14 + 16 + …+ 102. What is the value of ?


英语主谓一致专项习题及答案解析及解析 一、主谓一致 1.How your winter holiday? —It great. But I tired now A.was, was, am B.is , was, was C.is, is , am D.is, is , was 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你寒假过得怎么样?--好极了。但是我现在很累。根据语境可知,第一个空用一般过去时态,主语是单数,谓语动词用was;其答语也是用一般过去时态,第二个空是一般现在时态,主语是I,谓语动词用am。根据题意,故选A。 考点:考查be动词的用法。 2.It is reported that the population of China smaller in the past few months. The aging(老龄化) is a big problem. More parents are encouraged to give birth to more babies. A.became B.will become C.have become D.has become 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:据报道,中国人口在过去的几个月里已经变少了。老龄化是一个大问题。鼓励更多的父母生更多的孩子。A. became变成,一般过去时态;B. will become 将变成,一般将来时;C. have become已经变成,现在完成时;D. has become已经变成,现在完成时,第三人称单数。主语是the population,根据语境可知是现在完成时,其结构has done的形式。根据句意,故选D。 3.In our class _____ of the students _____ girls. A.third fifths; is B.third fifth; are C.three fifth; is D.three fifths; are 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我们班五分之三的学生是女孩。 在英语中表示分数,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。五分之三应该是three fifths;另外,分数+名词复数作主语的时候,后面的谓语动词应该用复数。所以选D。 4.(两者之中)任何一个 I don't agree with either of you on these issues. 在这些问题上,你们两个我都不同意。 连接词 conj.


2011AMC10美国数学竞赛A卷 1. A cell phone plan costs $20 each month, plus 5¢ per text message sent, plus 10¢ for each minute used over 30 hours. In January Michelle sent 100 text messages and talked for 30.5 hours. How much did she have to pay? (A) $24.00 (B) $24.50 (C) $25.50 (D) $28.00 (E) $30.00 2. A small bottle of shampoo can hold 35 milliliters of shampoo, Whereas a large bottle can hold 500 milliliters of shampoo. Jasmine wants to buy the minimum number of small bottles necessary to completely fill a large bottle. How many bottles must she buy? (A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 (E) 15 3. Suppose [a b] denotes the average of a and b, and {a b c} denotes the average of a, b, and c. What is {{1 1 0} [0 1] 0}? (A) 2 9(B)5 18 (C)1 3 (D) 7 18 (E) 2 3 4. Let X and Y be the following sums of arithmetic sequences: X= 10 + 12 + 14 + …+ 100. Y= 12 + 14 + 16 + …+ 102. What is the value of Y X ?

主谓一致 参考答案 解析

主谓一致练习题答案解析(30题) 1.Thereisalwaysapossibilitythattheinfectionwillreturn,butsofarthere__beennosignsoftrouble. A.has B.have C.are D.had 答案:B. 解析:在由notonly…butalso…,notjust…but…,or,either…or…,neither…nor…连接主语的句子中及在therebe句型中,谓语动词的单复数按就近原则处理,即按与谓语动词最靠近的那个主语来确定谓 语动词的单复数形式。 2.Thiskindofstories____instructivewhilestoriesofthatkind____harmfultochildren. A.is;seems B.are;seem C.is;seem D.are;seems 解析: 解析:“许解析:当 解析:每年”, 解析: 的, 故第一空格要填like。 7.NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary____tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother. A.is B.are C.am D.be 答案:B. 解析:notonly…butalso…连接两个并列主语时,句子的谓语根据就近的原则处理。 8.One-thirdofthearea____coveredwithgreentrees.Aboutseventypercentofthetrees____beenplanted. A.are;have B.is;has C.is;have D.are;has 答案:C. 解析:“分数或百分数+ofthe+名词或代词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于名词或代词 的单、复数形式。 9.Twohundredandfiftypounds____toounreasonableapriceforasecond-handcar. A.is B.are C.were D.be


身处在瞬息万变的社会中,应该求创新,加强能力,居安思危,无论你发展得多好,时刻都要做好预备.钱 绍兴县教师发展中心 绍县教发[2011] 78号 关于公布绍兴县高一数学竞赛获奖名单的通知 各普通高中: 全县高一数学竞赛已经结束 现将获奖名单公布如下 希望获奖师生再接再历 为进一步提高数学学科的教学质量作出新的贡献 一、 A组(柯桥中学春季班、鲁迅中学柯桥校区春季班) 学校班级获奖学生指导老师获奖等级鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)徐世超骆青一等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9)周洁阳田萌一等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9)王灵微田萌一等奖柯桥中学高一(1)王愿翔陈冬良一等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)孙杰骆青一等奖柯桥中学高一(1)虞楚尔陈冬良一等奖柯桥中学高一(1)夏丹妮陈冬良一等奖柯桥中学高一(2)李智涛陈冬良一等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9)何建春田萌二等奖柯桥中学高一(1)李佳群陈冬良二等奖柯桥中学高一(1)洪哲瑜陈冬良二等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)屠刚亮骆青二等奖柯桥中学高一(2)袁梦娣陈冬良二等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9)赵梦娣田萌二等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)潘竹莹骆青二等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)阮烨玲骆青二等奖柯桥中学高一(2)张露枫陈冬良二等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)郑浙秀骆青二等奖柯桥中学高一(1)冯耀祺陈冬良二等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)徐迪青骆青二等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)秦王颖骆青三等奖柯桥中学高一(1)金恒超陈冬良三等奖柯桥中学高一(1)周洋陈冬良三等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)唐佳强骆青三等奖柯桥中学高一(2)章永成陈冬良三等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9)王镐锋田萌三等奖柯桥中学高一(1)赵飞鹏陈冬良三等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)朱伟东骆青三等奖柯桥中学高一(2)余泽超陈冬良三等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9)宋泽民田萌三等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9)魏愉萍田萌三等奖柯桥中学高一(1)陈肖陈冬良三等奖柯桥中学高一(2)王薇陈冬良三等奖柯桥中学高一(2)王捷睿陈冬良三等奖柯桥中学高一(2)漏小鑫陈冬良三等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)祁雨笑骆青三等奖柯桥中学高一(2)朱钢樑陈冬良三等奖鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10)张霄蓉骆青三等奖柯桥中学高一(2)包宇良陈冬良三等奖 二、B组(其余学生) 学校班级获奖学生指导老师获奖等级鲁中柯桥校区高一(5)方卫栋陈国峰一等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(1)徐鹏骆青一等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(7)夏佳锋陈国峰一等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(4)赵增荣陈少春一等奖柯桥中学高一(10)查文奇许柏祥一等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(4)王强陈少春一等奖柯桥中学高一(12)吴韩超戴春琪一等奖鲁中城南校区高一(5)朱世杰郑建峰一等奖鲁中城南校区高一(10)王奇斌郑建峰一等奖鲁中城南校区高一(2)陈旭东章显联一等奖柯桥中学高一(18)费晓炜沈夏佳一等奖柯桥中学高一(19)尉飞军余继光一等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(6)周晔能陈少春二等奖柯桥中学高一(4)姚华奇沈雪萍二等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(2)金洋王国文二等奖柯桥中学高一(8)冯炜思朱文明二等奖柯桥中学高一(9)宋金彪沈夏佳二等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(3)赵煜烽王国文二等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(7)堵振东陈国峰二等奖鲁中柯桥校区高一(6)张卓利陈少春二等奖柯桥中学高一(5)施佳斌孙坚二等奖柯桥中学高一(12)包晓峰

2018年美国数学竞赛 AMC 试题

2018 AIME I Problems Problem 1 Let be the number of ordered pairs of integers with and such that the polynomial can be factored into the product of two (not necessarily distinct) linear factors with integer coefficients. Find the remainder when is divided by . Problem 2 The number can be written in base as , can be written in base as , and can be written in base as , where . Find the base- representation of . Problem 3 Kathy has red cards and green cards. She shuffles the cards and lays out of the cards in a row in a random order. She will be happy if and only if all the red cards laid out are adjacent and all the green cards laid out are adjacent. For example, card orders RRGGG, GGGGR, or RRRRR will make Kathy happy, but RRRGR will not. The probability that Kathy will be happy is , where and are relatively prime positive integers. Find . Problem 4 In and . Point lies strictly between and on and point lies strictly between and on so that . Then can be expressed in the form , where and are relatively prime positive integers. Find . Problem 5 For each ordered pair of real numbers satisfying there is a real number such that


英语主谓一致专题训练答案及解析 一、主谓一致 1.—It’s a pity that my teachers parents allow me to swim alone. —After all you are too young, safety first. A.either...or B.neither… nor C.both...and D.not only...but also 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——很遗憾,我的老师和父母都不允许我独自游泳。——毕竟你还太小,安全第一。 考查不定代词辨析。A. 要么……要么,表示二者择其一;B. 既不……也不,表示两者都不; C. …和…(两者)都; D. 不仅……而且。根据回答After all you are too young, safety first.可知老师和父母都不允许我独自游泳,故选B。 2.There is only one position. The boss has to choose Jack Tom to be a manager. A.both; and B.neither; nor C.either; or D.not only; but also 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:只有一个位置,老板必须选择或者杰克或者汤姆作为经理。根据句意因为只有一个位置,结合选项,推测意思是老板不得不选择杰克或汤姆当经理,即固定短语either…or…,或者…或者,故答案选C。 点睛:A. both; and两者都…,连接两个不同的词语作主语时,谓语动词用复数;B. neither; nor既不…也不…;C. either; or或者…或者…;D. not only; but also不仅…而且…;B、C、D三个选项在连接两个不同的词语作主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,就是我们所说的“就近原则”。本题根据句意可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。 3.There a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow afternoon. A.is B.has C.will be D.will have 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 句意:明天下午在8班和12班之间将有一场篮球比赛。A. is是,单数;B. has有,第三人称单数;C. will be将是;D. will have将有。这里是there be句型,不能出现have/has,排除BD;根据时间状语tomorrow afternoon.可知用一般将来时,其结构是there will be+主语+介词短语。根据题意,故选C。 4.Smog and haze is a kind of air pollution. It _______ people _____ about their health.

2019AMC 8(美国数学竞赛)题目

2019 AMC 8 Problems Problem 1 Ike and Mike go into a sandwich shop with a total of to spend. Sandwiches cost each and soft drinks cost each. Ike and Mike plan to buy as many sandwiches as they can and use the remaining money to buy soft drinks. Counting both soft drinks and sandwiches, how many items will they buy? Problem 2 Three identical rectangles are put together to form rectangle , as shown in the figure below. Given that the length of the shorter side of each of the smaller rectangles is feet, what is the area in square feet of rectangle ?

Problem 3 Which of the following is the correct order of the fractions , , and , from least to greatest? Problem 4 Quadrilateral is a rhombus with perimeter meters. The length of diagonal is meters. What is the area in square meters of rhombus ? Problem 5 A tortoise challenges a hare to a race. The hare eagerly agrees and quickly runs ahead, leaving the slow-moving tortoise behind. Confident that he will win, the hare stops to take a nap. Meanwhile, the tortoise walks at a slow steady pace for the entire race. The hare awakes and runs to the finish line, only to find the tortoise already there. Which of the following graphs matches the description of the race, showing the distance traveled by the two animals over time from start to finish?

最新 主谓一致考点解析(Word版附答案)

最新主谓一致考点解析(Word版附答案) 一、主谓一致 1.______________ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours? A.It is B.It was C.There is D.There was 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我的自行车出毛病了。我可以用你的吗? 考查there be句型的用法。句型There is something wrong with sb/sth.意思是某人或某物有问题。根据下文“Can I use yours?”一般现在时,可知此句使用一般现在时,故排除D(一般过去时),用there is(一般现在时)。选C。 2.Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money _________ spent on entertainment. A.am B.is C.are D.be 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我每个月零花钱中的50%花费在了娱乐上。am用于主语为第一人称I的时候;is用于主语是单数时;are用于主语是复数时;be是am, is和are的原形。该句的主语为Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money,分数或者百分数+of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式应与名词形式一致,这里money是不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数,故应选B。 3.My sister with my parents _______dumplings when I got home yesterday. A.are making B.is making C.was making D.were making 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:当我昨天下午到家的时候,我的姐姐和我的父母正在包饺子。with连接句子的主语时,应该与with前的主语一致,谓语动词应该用单数形式,根据时间状语可知,这里应该用过去进行时,故选C。 考点:考查动词的时态。 4.Peter with his classmates ____ for the bus when the earthquake happened. A.is waiting B.was waiting C.are waiting D.were waiting 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:地震发生时,彼得和同学正在等公共汽车。选项A/C是现在进行时;选项B/D是过去进行时。根据when the earthquake happened. 地震发生时。彼得和同学正在等公共汽


2003 AMC 10B 1、Which of the following is the same as 2、Al gets the disease algebritis and must take one green pill and one pink pill each day for two weeks. A green pill costs more than a pink pill, and Al’s pills cost a total of for the two weeks. How much does one green pill cost 3、The sum of 5 consecutive even integers is less than the sum of the rst consecutive odd counting numbers. What is the smallest of the even integers 4、Rose fills each of the rectangular regions of her rectangular flower bed with a different type of flower. The lengths, in feet, of the rectangular regions in her flower bed are as shown in the gure. She plants one flower per square foot in each region. Asters cost 1 each, begonias each, cannas 2 each, dahlias each, and Easter lilies 3 each. What is the least possible cost, in dollars, for her garden 5、Moe uses a mower to cut his rectangular -foot by -foot lawn. The swath he cuts is inches wide, but he overlaps each cut by inches to make sure that no grass is missed. He walks at the rate of feet per

主谓一致 答案 解析 (2)

主谓一致练习题答案解析(30题) 1. There is always a possibility that the infection will return, but so far there __ been no signs of trouble. A. has B. have C. are D. had 答案:B. 解析:在由not only…but also…, not just…but…, or, either…or…, neither…nor…连接主语的句子中及在there be句型中,谓语动词的单复数按就近原则处理,即按与谓语动词最靠近的那个主语来确定谓语动词的单复数形式。 2. This kind of stories ____ instructive while stories of that kind ____ harmful to children. A. is; seems B. are; seem C. is; seem D. are; seems 答案:C. 解析:this kind of stories的中心词为kind,是单数;stories of that kind的中心词为stories,是复数,故选C。 3. The number of people invited ____ fifty, but a number of them ____ absent for different reasons. A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were 答案:C. 解析:“the number of+复数名词”意思是“……的数量”,谓语用单数;“a number of+复数名词”意思是“许多……”,谓语用复数。 4. A poet and artist ____ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. A. is B. are C. was D. were 答案:A. 解析:当and连结的两个名词是指同一个人或同一件事,and后的名词前没有冠词,谓语动词应该用单数形式;在and后面的名词前有冠词,谓语就用复数形式。 句意:一位诗人兼艺术家明天下午要来给我们作关于中国文学和绘画方面的报告。 5. The average of students of the school going to university each year ____ over 600. A. are B. has been C. have been D. is 答案:D. 解析:“the average of+复数名词”作主语与单数动词连用,排除A、C。根据时间状语each year“每年”,句子应用一般现在时,选D。 6. Jack, as well as his friends who ____ football games, ____ travelled with the team. A. likes; has B. like; have C. like; has D. likes; have 答案:C. 解析:as well as连接的名词作主语所强调的是它前面的名词,故谓语动词要和该名词保持一致。本题的主语是Jack,故谓语动词要用has travelled;who之后从句的实际主语是先行词his friends的,故第一空格要填like。 7. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____ tired of having one examination after another. A. is B. are C. am D. be 答案:B. 解析:not only…but also…连接两个并列主语时,句子的谓语根据就近的原则处理。 8. One-third of the area ____ covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees ____ been planted. A. are; have B. is; has C. is; have D. are; has

2020年度美国数学竞赛AMC12 A卷(带答案)

AMC2020 A Problem 1 Carlos took of a whole pie. Maria took one third of the remainder. What portion of the whole pie was left? Problem 2 The acronym AMC is shown in the rectangular grid below with grid lines spaced unit apart. In units, what is the sum of the lengths of the line segments that form the acronym AMC Problem 3 A driver travels for hours at miles per hour, during which her car gets miles per gallon of gasoline. She is paid per mile, and her only expense is gasoline at per gallon. What is her net rate of pay, in dollars per hour, after this expense?

Problem 4 How many -digit positive integers (that is, integers between and , inclusive) having only even digits are divisible by Problem 5 The integers from to inclusive, can be arranged to form a -by- square in which the sum of the numbers in each row, the sum of the numbers in each column, and the sum of the numbers along each of the main diagonals are all the same. What is the value of this common sum? Problem 6 In the plane figure shown below, of the unit squares have been shaded. What is the least number of additional unit squares that must be shaded so that the resulting figure has two lines of symmetry


与其到头来收拾残局,甚至做成蚀本生意,倒不如当时理智克制一些. 绍兴县教师发展中心 绍县教发[2011] 78号 关于公布绍兴县高一数学竞赛获奖名单的通知 各普通高中: 全县高一数学竞赛已经结束 现将获奖名单公布如下 希望获奖师生再接再历 为进一步提高数学学科的教学质量作出新的贡献 一、 A组(柯桥中学春季班、鲁迅中学柯桥校区春季班) 学校 班级 获奖学生 指导老师 获奖等级 鲁迅中学柯桥校区 高一(10) 徐世超 骆青 一等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区 高一(9) 周洁阳 田萌 一等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区 高一(9) 王灵微 田萌 一等奖 柯桥中学 高一(1) 王愿翔 陈冬良 一等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区 高一(10) 孙杰 骆青 一等奖 柯桥中学

高一(1) 虞楚尔 陈冬良 一等奖 柯桥中学 高一(1) 夏丹妮 陈冬良 一等奖 柯桥中学 高一(2) 李智涛 陈冬良 一等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9) 何建春 田萌 二等奖 柯桥中学 高一(1) 李佳群 陈冬良 二等奖 柯桥中学 高一(1) 洪哲瑜 陈冬良 二等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10) 屠刚亮 骆青 二等奖 柯桥中学 高一(2) 袁梦娣 陈冬良 二等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(9) 赵梦娣 田萌 二等奖

鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10) 潘竹莹 骆青 二等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10) 阮烨玲 骆青 二等奖 柯桥中学 高一(2) 张露枫 陈冬良 二等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10) 郑浙秀 骆青 二等奖 柯桥中学 高一(1) 冯耀祺 陈冬良 二等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10) 徐迪青 骆青 二等奖 鲁迅中学柯桥校区高一(10) 秦王颖 骆青 三等奖 柯桥中学 高一(1) 金恒超 陈冬良 三等奖 柯桥中学 高一(1) 周洋 陈冬良

主谓一致用法详解及练习题 附答案

.主谓一致 主谓一致是指一个句子的主语和谓语动词保持数的一致关系。英语主谓一致一般要遵循三条原则,即:语法一致原则;意义一致原则和就近原则。 1.语法一致原则 语法一致原则是指谓语动词和它的主语在语法形式上必须取得一致,即主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式,主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式,如: Tom doesn’t like swimming. 汤姆不喜欢游泳。 Jane and Mary look alike. 简和玛丽看起来很像。 2.意义一致原则 意义一致原则是指谓语动词和主语的一致,同由主语所表达的单数概念来决定,而不是根据主语的实际语法形式。 有时主语的语法形式是单数,但所表达的概念是复数意义,这时动词应采用复数形式,如: The football team are having breakfast now. 足球队员们在吃早饭。 The news was exciting. 这条消息令人振奋。 3.就近原则 就近原则指谓语动词的人称和数要在形式上与最靠近它的那个名词或代词取得一致。当一个句子有两个主语而它们又是either...or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…, or 等连接时,谓语动词与靠近它的主语保持一致,如: Either your students or Mr Wang knows this. 你的学生们或王老师知道这件事。 Neither Jim nor his friends were interested in this film. 汤姆和他的朋友们都对这部电影不感兴趣。 主谓一致这三个原则中有很多需要注意的问题, 1.主语为集体名词 (1)某些集体名词既可表示单数也可表示复数。如果集体名词作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中一 个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式,如: Our group were discussing heatedly on the subject. 我们小组成员正对这个问题进行热烈的讨论。(group 指小组成员)Our group is made up of four girls and five boys. 我们小组有4个女孩和5个男孩组成。(group 指小组整体) The population in China is very large, and one third of the population are farmers. 中国的人口很多,其中三分之一是农民。(前一个population 指整体,后一个population 指成员) (2)某些集体名词如people, police, cattle, youth 等常作复数看待,谓语动词与复数形式的谓语搭配,如: The police are searching for him. 警察正在搜寻他。 The cattle were driven away from the hill. 那些牲畜从山上被赶走了。 3.某些名词如equipment(设备),furniture(家具),jewelry(珠宝),clothing(衣服),machinery(机械),表示单数 概念,谓语动词要相应地采用单数形式,如: A lot of equipment has been replaced by the new equipment. 许多旧设备已经被新设备代替了。 All the machinery in the factory was controlled by robots. 这个厂所有的机械都由机器人来控制的。 2.主语为代词 (1).有些代词尽管意义上是多数,但谓语动词要用单数形式,这类代词有:either, neither, each, another, somebody, someone, something, anything, anyone, everyone, everything, everybody, no one, nothing, nobody 等,如: Neither likes the friends of the other. 两人都不喜欢对方的朋友。 Everything around us is matter. 我们周围所有的东西都是物质。 注意: ①在neither of 与either of 的结构中,谓语动词可用单数形式也可用复数形式,如: Neither of them was / were in good health, but both worked hard. 他们俩身体都不好,但工作却都很努力。 ②each 用于单数名词前,谓语动词用单数形式, each 用于复数主语后,谓语动词用复数形式。each of, each one of 后 接复数名词或代词,但谓语动词常用单数形式。 Each (one) of the houses was different. 每座房子都不同。 Each student has been given their own e-mail address. 每个学生都得到了一个自己的电子邮件地址。


2. is the value of friends ate at a restaurant and agreed to share the bill equally. Because Judi forgot her money, each of her seven friends paid an extra $ to cover her portion of the total bill. What was the total bill is in the grade and weighs 106 pounds. His quadruplet sisters are tiny babies and weigh 5, 5, 6, and 8 pounds. Which is greater, the average (mean) weight of these five children or the median weight, and by how many pounds number in each box below is the product of the numbers in the two boxes that touch it in the row above. For example, . What is the missing number in the top row

and his mom stopped at a railroad crossing to let a train pass. As the train began to pass, Trey counted 6 cars in the first 10 seconds. It took the train 2 minutes and 45 seconds to clear the crossing at a constant speed. Which of the following was the most likely number of cars in the train fair coin is tossed 3 times. What is the probability of at least two consecutive heads Incredible Hulk can double the distance he jumps with each succeeding jump. If his first jump is 1 meter, the second jump is 2 meters, the third jump is 4 meters, and so on, then on which jump will he first be able to jump more than 1 kilometer is the ratio of the least common multiple of 180 and 594 to the greatest common factor of 180 and 594 11. Ted's grandfather used his treadmill on 3 days this week. He went 2 miles each day. On Monday he jogged at a speed of 5 miles per hour. He walked at the rate of 3 miles per hour on Wednesday and at 4 miles per hour on Friday. If Grandfather had always walked at 4 miles per hour, he would have spent less time on the treadmill. How many minutes less 12. At the 2013 Winnebago County Fair a vendor is offering a "fair special" on sandals. If you buy one pair of sandals at the regular price of $50, you get a second pair at a 40% discount, and a third pair at half the regular price. Javier took advantage of the "fair special" to buy three pairs of sandals. What percentage of the $150 regular price did he save
