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高二英语上学期Unit 6

人教修订版高二英语Unit 6 Life in the future 说


Design on the blackboard

Unit 6 Life in the future

Transportation: cleaner faster safer Business: E-commerce mall smart cards

Health and medicine: a longer, healthier and active life Education and knowledge: schools on the air / e-schools lifelong learness


现行英语高中人教版教材,强调语言运用,注重能力培养,突出兴趣激发,重视双向交流,重视灵活扩展。本课为该教材Book 2 Unit 6 的第三课时(Reading)“Life in the future”,本课的具体内容涉及未来的交通、商业、医药与健康、知识与教育等。本人根据对学情的分析和教学内容的处理,将目标预设为:


2 通过学习,掌握本单元所学词汇,并能在新的语境下巩固运用;

3 进一步拓展学生的想象力,提升其语言实践能力,让他们意识到只有用自己的智慧和勤劳的双手才能改造社会,为人类造福。


1 学习课文;

2 词汇练习;

3 理解运用;



本课的一个亮点是在教学中注意学生创新能力的培养,在英语教学中注重培养学生的创新能力,使学生形成良好的思维和行为习惯,是我们英语教育工作者义不容辞的责任,求异思维是创造思维的核心。在课堂教学中,本人经常采用课堂讨论的形式,鼓励学生“标新立异”,打破思维定式,敢于“say no”,从而让学生多侧面、多角度地思考问题,用自己的独特见解来回答教师提出的问题。例如,在组织学生学习交通、商业、教育与知识时,就提出了”Use some adjectives to describe the maglev train/the online shopping”的要求和“Do you like tostudy in a school on the air?why?”的问题,让学生各抒己见,展开热烈讨论,自由宽松的学习氛围是学生发展个性的土壤。罗杰斯说“成功的教育依赖于一种真诚的理解和信任的师生关系,依赖于一种和谐和安全的课堂气氛。”师生之间建立亲密融洽的关系有利于学生产生创造的勇气和信心。因此本人在教学过程中非常重视学生自信心的培养,对于学生的成绩,优点以及思维中的合理因素都及时给与鼓励。

本课时的另一个亮点是多媒体课件的使用,利用计算机和网络技术为核心的现代教育技术作为一种创新型教学手段,具有直观性、交互性、生动性等特点,有利于适时拓展教学内容,最大限度地发掘学生的创造力,英语教学可见的制作尤其要注重学生创造性思维能力的培养,并应留给学生一定的思维空间。例如本人在构思“What can you see in these pictures?”这部分课件时,设计了一组图片,给学生展示科技进步给人类生产和生活带来的巨大影响,既开阔了学生的眼界,拓展了学生的思维,同时又对本课时的学习起到一个良好的“序曲”作用。



高二英语 Unit 6 Life in the future 知识精讲教案

高二英语 Unit 6 Life in the future 知 识精讲教案 高二英语 Unit 6 Luture 知识精讲教案 一. 本周教学内容: Unit 6 – Luture 二.教学目标:aatterns and important phra2. Practise expressingLearn about Noun clauses, used as Subject, Object and PredicativWrite a daragraph , using the wordunit to describe lutu三. 教学重点与难点:difficult phrases anda四. 具体内容: Whilblw exactly what the future will be lble to use models and trends to maasts about future develFuture transportagoing to be cleaner, faster and safer. New technologies are being used to develop envally friendly andaansportation, such as the maglev traare also working on new fuels and engThe way we do business will changanies and consumers will dbusiness via the ITurn, will change the way we shop and do buabecoming aant pag and much of what was done by buan now be done bumers and culvAdvadicaland a better understandingles played by diet and exercise will allow us to live longer and be healthier. There

职高英语高二上册Unit 6 第二课时 Seasons

职高英语高二上册Unit 6 第二课时 Seasons(板书) 一、教材分析(the analysis of the contents):中心话题是“谈天气”。叙述了春季的气候特点以及相关方面,与学生生活密切相关。 二、教学目标(teaching aims):[知识目标]:学习本课前两段的hot words和useful expressions。 [情感目标]:1.结合课文对学生进行热爱大自然的教育。2. 培养学生们的合作意识和竞争意识。 〔能力目标〕:根据所学课文,独立表达自己对大自然的认识。 三、教学重点是会用英语表达季节以及相关天气情况。教学难点是了解春季的特点并表达对各季节的看法 四、教学手段(Teaching aids):多媒体辅助教学。 五、教学方法(Teaching methods): 1.任务型语言教学。 2. 自主、合作学习法。 3. 小组竞赛制教学。(我设计了一个爬梯子的比赛活动,把全班分成四组,把学习中的练习分为指定回答和抢答两部分,答对的就前进一格,否则就后退一格) 六、教学过程:(Teaching procedures) 谈论天气尤其是在英国更是人们话题的导火索,每个季节有其独特的天气特征。师生就现在的天气展开讨论:How’s the weather?It’s cool and it’s autumn.引出本课标题----Seasons,进入第一环节(Part One):导入新课(Lead-in)。 引导学生的思想到了Seasons and weather的语境后,进入到第二环节(Part Two):新课呈现(presentation) 词汇是语言大厦的基础,我第一步扫清词汇障碍。本节课新单词和短语15个重要的有hometown ;come out;be good for等,课前我安排了预习,课上我用卡片出示单词,让学生根据拼读规则,看词辨音。接下来,限定5分钟时间记忆单词,比一比看谁背得快。然后各个小组选派代表到台前听写单词看谁是赢家。这时我紧抓时机,精讲其中几个重点词汇。通过这样反复的记忆刺激,学生对词汇的掌握就会熟记于心了。 第二步分段讲解课文。先播放每段的课文录音,再分别让学生朗读或各自细读各段落,完成一些细节知识的练习。 Para One。 1.首先让同学们速读课文,找出该段的主题句: There are four seasons in a year.(板书) 2.播放两遍第一段的课文录音,然后找同学朗读本段。之后用抢答的方式完成下面的判断对错的练习。(抢答) . ( ) There are three seasons in our place. 3.练习完,我讲解其中的重要知识点①There is/are+n+….等的用法。然后让同学们造句来掌握。 Para Two: 1.同样要求学生速读课文找出本段中心句:It is quite cool and windy in spring..(板书) 2.听两遍第二段的课文录音,然后要求学生认真阅读。 3.通过多媒体展示几幅春天特点的图片,如windy、turn green等,要求各小组接龙回答,答不上来的退后一格。 4. 练习完,我讲解本段知识点④begin to grow; come out; be good for的用法,然后让同学们造句来掌握。 第三环节:巩固操练(practice)。做学案上的练习。 1、根据所学课文填空。(每组两次机会,看哪一组做的又快又正确) ①Spring is from to in my hometown. ②Many people like spring because . 2、各个小组推出代表复述课文。 第四环节:思想教育我们家乡有四季,很多人喜欢春天。各小组对这一主题积极合作探讨,使用英语,各抒己见。 该课即将进入尾声,我对各小组的表现进行总结,对表现好的小组大加赞赏,对落后的小组给予鼓励。 课下作业是课堂教学的重要补充和延伸,所以,我的课来到了第五环节:作业(homework):用自己的话表达对春天的热爱。 最后师生一起背诵第二段的中心句“Many people like spring because it brings hope.”,以对未来的无限期望结束本课。 这节课,我主要采用了听说读写四会结合和任务型教学原则,其中穿插了寓教于乐的教学理念,激发了同学们学习英语的兴趣,为学好英语打下了坚实的基础。


人教版高二Unit 6 Life in the future 路桥中学英语组 Period 1 Warming up and listening Period 2 Speaking Period 3 Reading Period 4 Language study Period 5 Integrating skills Period 1 Warming up and listening Teaching aims: 1. To encourage the Ss to use their imagination to talk about life in the future. 2. To improve the listening ability. Teaching important points: How to use imagination to talk about life. Teaching difficult points: How to improve the listening ability. Teaching methods: 1. Listening-and answering activity to help the students go through the listening material. 2. Individual, pair work to make every student work in class. Teaching aids: 1. a tape recorder 2.multi-media computer Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead in 1. Greetings 2. T: As we know, the 28th Olympic Games were held in Athens this summer. Did you enjoy watching the matches? How I wish I could have watched the exciting games there. What about you?


Unit6 单元知识梳理 一、重点单词 1.delicate adj.精致的,精美的;易碎的,脆弱的;微妙的 ①有精致的树叶图案的碟子________________________ ②易碎的瓷茶杯________________________ ③小孩娇嫩的皮肤________________________ ④微妙的问题________________________ 答案:①a plate with a delicate pattern of leaves ②delicate china teacups ③a child’s delicate skin ④a delicate problem 2. splendid adj.壮丽的;极好的;绝妙的;辉煌的 ①壮丽的风景________________________ ②一个绝妙的主意________________________ ③辉煌的胜利________________________ 答案:①splendid scenery ②a splendid idea ③a splendid victory 3. leisure n.空闲,闲暇. ①休闲活动________________________ ②闲暇时光________________________ ③休闲商品________________________ 答案:①leisure activities ②leisure hours ③leisure goods 4. wander v.徘徊;漫游;闲逛;走神 ①四处闲逛________________________ ②某人(尤因年老而)头脑糊涂________________________ 答案:①wander about/around ②sb.’s mind is wandering 5. disturb v.干扰,扰乱 ①.对...感到忧虑________________________ ②非常烦恼________________________ ③受到打扰的睡眠________________________ ④一则令人不安的消息________________________

高中:高二英语Unit 6单词表(教学方案)

( 英语教案 ) 学校:_________________________ 年级:_________________________ 教师:_________________________ 教案设计 / 精品文档 / 文字可改 高中:高二英语Unit 6单词表 (教学方案) Learning English is conducive to making friends, chatting or working together with foreigners, and learning English is very useful for traveling abroad.

高中:高二英语Unit 6单词表(教学方案) 高二英语unit 6单词表人教版 unit 6 cock n 公鸡 shame n 遗憾的事;羞愧 coin n 硬币 shape n 形状;外形 seashell n 海贝 ring n 环形物(如环、圈、戒指等) silver n 银 collection n 收藏品;收集物 penny (pl.pennies )n.便士 look round = look around 仔细查看

mine vt 开采(矿物) bank n 银行 material n 材料;原料 possibly adv 可能地;也许 hide (hid ,hidden ) vt&vi 把……藏起来;隐藏 hand out 分发 here and there 各处;处处whenever conj 每当;无论何时 trade vt 用……进行交换 envelope n 信封 sooner or later 迟早 whatever pron&conj 凡是……的事物;无论什么;不管什么afford vt 担负得起(……的费用) 抽得出(时间);提供


人教版高二英语Unit6知识归纳 知识归纳(BII,U6) 1.in general一般地;大体上 Children in general are fond of candy.小孩子一般喜欢吃糖。 Women in general like to shop for new clothes.女人一般喜欢逛商店买新衣服。 In general he is quite a satisfactory student. 总的说来,他是一位令人满意的学生。 The weather in Florida is warm in general. 总的来说,佛罗里达州的天气是温暖的。 2.Forecast n.预测;预报;预言 The weather forecast said it would be fine tomorrow.天气预报说明天会晴朗。 The forecast that they would fail proved true.顶言他们会失败果然是真的。 vt.预测;预报 forecast the weather预报天气 Snow has been forecasted for tomorrow.预测明天会下雪。 The radio forecasts rain for tonight。广播电台预报今晚有雨。 The weatherman has forecasted that汁will be fine tomorrow.天气预报员预报明天是晴天。 We can hardly forecast what the result will be.我们很难预测结果会变成怎样。 3.energy n.能量;能源;活力;精力 nuclear energy核能 work with energy奋力工作 He is full of energy.他精力充沛。 He is saving his energy for next week's competition. 他正在为下星期的比赛养精蓄锐。

高二英语Unit 6单词表人教版

高二英语Unit 6 单词表 (人教版) 一. 单词列表 下面是本单元中重点单词的列表: 1.earthquake - 地震 2.volcano - 火山 3.tsunami - 海啸 4.hurricane - 飓风 5.drought - 干旱 6.flood - 洪水 7.typhoon - 台风 8.thunderstorm - 雷暴 9.blizzard - 暴风雪 10.tornado - 龙卷风 二. 单词解释和例句 1. earthquake - 地震 解释:一种地壳快速释放能量的自然灾害现象。地震通常由地球板块的运动引起,它会导致地震波的传播,造成地面晃动。 例句: - The city was badly damaged in the earthquake. (这座城市在地震中受到了严重的损害。) - Earthquakes can be dangerous, so it’s important to be prepared. (地震可能会很危险,所以做好准备很重要。 2. volcano - 火山 解释:一座由岩浆、熔岩和火山气体组成的山脉。火山经常会喷发,释放热量和岩浆。

例句: - The volcano erupted and sent a cloud of ash into the sky. (火山爆发,将一团灰烬喷到了天空中。) - Volcanic eruptions can be very dangerous for nearby communities. (火山喷发对附近的社区来说可能非常危险。) 3. tsunami - 海啸 解释:由地震、火山爆发或其他海底地壳运动引起的大规模海浪。海啸通常 在接近岸边时变得巨大并造成严重破坏。 例句: - The tsunami swept away entire villages along the coast. (海啸冲走了 沿海的整个村庄。) - The warning system detected the incoming tsunami and alerted the coastal towns. (预警系统探测到了即将到来的海啸,并向沿海城镇发出了警报。) 4. hurricane - 飓风 解释:一种强烈的气旋性暴风雨。飓风通常伴随着强风、暴雨和低气压。 例句: - The hurricane caused widespread destruction along the coast. (飓风在沿海地区造成了广泛破坏。) - The authorities issued a hurricane warning and advised people to evacuate. (当局发布了飓风警报,并建议民众撤离。) 5. drought - 干旱 解释:指持续一段时间的极端干燥的气候条件。干旱可能导致水资源短缺和 农作物减产。 例句: - The region has been suffering from a severe drought for several years. (该地区连续几年遭受严重的干旱。) - Farmers are struggling to grow crops due to the ongoing drought. (由于持续的干旱,农民们低产农作物。) 6. flood - 洪水 解释:大量的水淹没陆地的现象。洪水通常由暴雨、融雪或水坝破坏引起。 例句: - The heavy rain caused the river to overflow and flood the nearby town. (大雨导致河水溢出并淹没了附近的城镇。) - The government provided emergency relief to the victims of the flood. (政府向洪水受灾者提供紧急援助。)

高二英语 Unit6 PrereadingReading P

得夺市安庆阳光实验学校【英语】大纲第2册 45分钟过关检测 Unit6 Life in the future 课堂训练 Pre-reading,Reading & Post-reading 基础巩固:站起来,拿得到! Ⅰ.单项选择 1.More _______ new discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may _______ changes in the way disease are cured and medicines are made. A.important;lead to B.important;bring in C.importantly;lead to D.importantly;bring in 答案:C 提示:more importantly 副词短语作状语;lead to 意为“导致”。 2.To ______ the child ’s quick recovery,five doctors took turns looking after him day and night. A.ensure B.undertake C.promise D.indicate 答案:A 提示:ensure 意为“确保”。 3.(北京海淀期末,32) Although the teacher did not mention any names,everybody knew who he was _________. A.attending to B.turning to C.referring to D.talking to 答案:B 提示:attend to 指“注意、照顾”;turn to 指“求助于”;refer 指“提到;谈到”;talk to 指“同某人交谈”。 4.______ by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm. A.Attracting B.Attracted C.To be attracted D.Having attracted 答案:B 提示:从语态来看,此空白处应表示被动含义,即被大自然的美所吸引,attracted by the beauty of nature 相当于一个状语从句as they were attracted by the beauty of nature 。 5.We often go to the shopping mall to _______ what we want. A.hire B.purchase C.borrow D.lend 答案:B 提示:purchase 意为“买”。 6.You can shop online without _______ the crowded store,which _______ shopping with fun. A.searching;joins B.searching for;connects C.searching;combines D.searching for;has

高二英语 单元单词短语句型知识梳理 Unit6 第二册

得夺市安庆阳光实验学校Unit 6 理解:要点诠释 单词 1.cure 讲:vt.&n.治愈;治疗;治疗法;治疗药;解决方法 短语:cure sb.of治愈某人的……病;改掉某人的……恶习 例:This medicine will cure your headache. 这药能治好你的头痛。 It seems that nobody can cure me of smoking. 似乎没有人能使我戒烟。 His complete cure can’t be expected. 他完全恢复健康遥遥无期。 An effective cure for cancer has not yet been found. 对付癌症的有效疗法目前尚未发现。 链接·提示 cure不能直接跟双宾,而应用cure sb. of sth.。 练:—People turn pale at the word AIDS. —But I’m sure,at some time in___________future,there will be___________cure for it. A.the;/ B./;the C./;/ D.the;a 提示:本题考查冠词的用法。in the future“将来”;in future“今后”,a cure “一种治疗方案”。 答案:D 2.deal 讲:deal可用作动词(vi.&vt)和名词。主要义项有:作及物动词时意为“分配”。作不及物动词时意为:“处理,应付,涉及,对待,交往,交易,经营”,此时常与介词with连用。作名词是时意为“成交,交易”。 例:She dealt(out)each child a pencil.=She dealt a pencil(out)to each child. 她分给每个孩子一枝铅笔。 This book deals with Middle East. 这本书讨论中东问题。 You should deal fairly with them. 你应该公平地对待他们。 I refuse to deal with him.我拒绝跟他打交道。 The store deals only in trousers. 那商店只卖裤子。 Which firm do you deal with? 你跟哪家公司交易? It’s/That’s a deal.那就成交了/一言为定。 链接·提示 deal with常与how连用,而do with常与what连用。 练:Astronaut as he was,he didn’t know ___________ he had to ___________

高二英语Unit6 Amazing achievements教案

高二英语Unit6 Amazing achievements 教案 高二英语Unit6 Amazing achievements教案 Unit6 Amazing Achiev一、单元分析 ( Unit Analysis ) (一)单元地位 ( Unit P) 1.本课叙述了“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的杰出成就,谈及了他儿时的梦想及为之努力奋斗的过程。他为中国 的农业做出了巨大的贡献。教师可让学生上网查阅有关 袁隆平的资料,将他在国内外所获得的各类主要奖项列 表介绍,让学生对袁隆平在世界杂交水稻领域的贡献进 一步了解,并初步接触一些国际组织和奖项的词汇。 2.围绕本课主题“杰出的成就”,引出“现代科技 让我们的生活更加美好”这一论题,并以此为题写一篇 文章,用到persuasive paragra本课中出现了新的语法现象——倒装句。本单元主要学习以下倒装句型:由或now等引导的,谓语为be, come或go等的句子;由so 或neither/nor引导的倒装。对于这一语法现象,教师 有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的句型操练并辅助一定的 练习。 (二) 单元目标 ( Unit Target ) 1.了解倒装句语法现象,能区别部分倒装和完全倒

装并熟练运用倒装句进行解题。 2.能对社会成功人士的事迹及成就进行简单描述。 3.能讨论20世纪取得的重大科学成就。 (二)单元重点 ( Unit Points ) 1.关键词: ◆语言知识类 be bdevlup with, get involved in, manage to, succeed in, mabuure, cagan. ◆科学术语类 Hybrid rice, FAO, grain output, graagg work 2.功能: 1) Giving examples Talking about success 参考课文120页Useful language Achievvidly real pleasure in lYou have to believe in yourself, that’uTo travel hopefully is a bg than to arrive, and true sulabVictory won’unless I g2) Inversion (倒装句) ●There gbell. ●So will I 二、教学设计 ( Teaching Designs ) 教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考

高二英语UNIT 6A[最新版]

注:尊敬的各位读者,本文是笔者教育资料系列文章的一篇,由于时间关系,如有相关问题,望各位雅正。希望本文能对有需要的朋友有所帮助。如果您需要其它类型的教育资料,可以关注笔者知识店铺。由于部分内容来源网络,如有部分 内容侵权请联系笔者。 高二英语UNIT 6A 重点单词: on the telephone; make up; only just; have time for doing sth; with holes in it; that is ; of the same size; date from; hand out; keep a bank; a kind of; sooner or later; add to; pick up; run into; for sale 重点语法 复习1~5单元所学语法 重点句型: 1)I didn’t know you wanted it. 2)It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier 3)Excuse me for ringing you so late in the evening. 4)It is common to have the head of a famous person on one side. 5)It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe. 6)Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden. 7)However, do keep the envelope if it is the first date when that particular stamp is used. 一单项选择 1. The captain ____ all his soldiers before him, telling them to get ready for the fight. A. collected B. gathered C. selected D. elected 2. He is ____ of his ____ conduct.


Unit 6 Life in the future 一.学习要点 【单元话题】 谈论未来的生活 【交际用语】 学习表达预测 ⇩I would be wonderful if… ⇩It’s possible / impossible to predict… ⇩It would be bad for…if… ⇩No one can predict what /when … 【语法】 学习名词从句 主语从句Who won the test is now known. What you say is quite true. 宾语从句Can you imagine what will happen next? They are careful about what they eat and exercise regularly. 表语从句The question is why we must do it. What many people are worried about is whether we will be able to build a better future. 【写作】 学会写给事物下定义的短文 【词汇与短语】 in general major trend indicate ensure reform keep in touch with purchase remain pay attention to regularly cure hopeful in store reality goods system 二.能力训练 I. 听力理解 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下面一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Which season was it when the conversation took place? A. Spring B. Winter C. Summer 2. When was the fire put out? A. At one B. At four C. At three 3. What does the woman think of the piano lessons? A. They are very worthwhile B. they are too expensive C. They are too easy 4. What does the woman mean? A.Mary won’t come. B.Mary will be late. C.Mary will come at 7:00. 第二节 听下面2段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第5段材料回答5至6题。 5. Where are the two speakers? A. On a ship B. On a plane C. On a train


高二英语Unit6–Lifeinthefuture人教版知识精讲知识精讲 高二英语Unit 6 – Life in the future人教版 【同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容: Unit 6 – Life in the future 二.教学目标: 1. Master some sentence patterns and important phrases. 2. Practise expressing opinions. 3. Learn about Noun clauses, used as Subject, Object and Predicative. 4. Write a defintion paragraph , using the words in this unit to describe life in future. 三. 教学重点与难点: Some difficult phrases and sentence patterns 四. 具体内容: While it is impossible to know exactly what the future will be like, it is possible to use models and trends to make forecasts about future developments. Future transportation is going to be cleaner, faster and safer. New technologies are being used to develop environmentally friendly and efficient means of transportation, such as the maglev train. Scientists are also working on new fuels and engines. The way we do business will change, too. Companies and consumers will do most of their business via the Internet. This, in turn, will change the way we shop and do business. Entertainment is becoming an important part of shopping and much of what was done by businesses can now be done by the consumers and customers themselves. Advances in medical science and a better understanding of


新高二Unit6 New words: 1.prediction –n.预言 predict –vt. to see or describe ( a future happening) in advance预言,预测 She predicted that he would marry a doctor. Can you predict when the work will be finished? predictable –adj. 2.forecast vt. to say with some kind of knowledge(what is going to happen at some future time)预报,预测 比较:predict The teacher forecast that15 of his pupils would pass the examination. Heavy rain has been forecast for tomorrow. 天气预报明天有大雨. 3.1)glimpse –n. 无意识地一瞥,看到的粗略印象, 瞥见,强调结果. catch / get a glimpse of I only caught a glimpse of the thief, so I can’t really describe him.我只是瞥了小 偷一眼,因此我无法把他仔细描述. I caught a glimpse of Meg at the station this morning.我早上在车站看见梅格 了. I caught a glimpse of the Town Hall clock as we drove quickly past. 2)glance –v.匆匆地看一眼或粗略地扫一眼,强调动作 glance at =take a glance at/ take a quick look at He glanced at his watch once again and then looked at the front entrance. n. 一瞥One glance at his face told me he was ill. at a glance看一眼,一眼看出 She saw at a g lance that he’d been crying. 3)gaze –凝视,盯着看gaze at 4)stare—凝视,盯着stare at 5)glare –瞪着glare at


新高二 Unit6 New words: I.predicti on —.预言 predict —t. to see or describe ( a future happening) in advanc 预 言,预测 She predicted that he would marry a doctor. Can you predict when the work will be finished? predictable -adj. 2.forecast vt. to say with some kind of knowledge(what is going to happen at some future time 预报,预测 比较:predict The teacher forecast that15 of his pupils would pass the examination. Heavy rain has been forecast for tomorrow.天气预报明天有大雨 . 3.1)glimpse -.无意识地一瞥石到的粗略印象,瞥见,强调结果 catch / get a glimpse of I only caught a glimpse of the thief, so I can 瞥了小偷一眼 ,因此我无法把他仔细描述 I caught a glimpse of Meg at the stati on this morning 我早上在车站看见 梅格了. I caught a glimpse of the Town Hall clock as we drove quickly past. 2) glanee 匆匆地看一眼或粗略地扫一眼,强调动作 glance at =take a glance at/ take a quick look at He glanced at his watch once again and then looked at the front entrance. n. 一瞥 One glance at his face told me he was ill. at a gla nee 看一眼, 一眼看出 She saw at a glance that he ' d been crying. t re 我只是 cribe him.


高二英语复习学案Unit6(人教版高二英语上册学案设计) I. Word study: 1. forecast ( forecast, forecast;forecasted, forecasted ) (1) v. to tell in advance(what is expected to happen)预言;预测 e.g. The weatherman forecast that it would rain the next day. 气象人员预测明天将会有雨。 forecast the weather 预报天气 (2)n. statement that predicts sth. with the help of information预测 e.g. I listen to ___________________ (天气预报) on the radio every morning. make a forecast make forecasts 预言;预报;预告 2. major (1)adj. bigger; most important; very great 较大的;主要的;重大的;重要的 e.g. Be careful, there is a major road ahead! 当心,前面有一条主要公路。 Liverpool is a major British port. Translation: ___________________ The car needs ________________(大修). (2)vi. to pursue a principal subject or field of study, specialize in 主修;专修 e.g. She __________________________(主修经济学)at university. (3)n. principal subject or course of a student at college or university 主修科目;主修课程;专业 e.g. Her major is French. (4)同义词: important; significant
