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Models: None Properties: None

Editions: TracePro LC, Standard and Expert


In this example you will build a source model for a Siemens LWT676 surface mount LED based on the manufacturer’s data sheet. The dimensions will be used to build a solid model and the source output will be defined to match the LED photometric curve.

Copyright ? 2013 Lambda Research Corporation.

Create a Thin Sheet

First analyze the package to determine the best method of constructing the geometry in TracePro. The symmetry of the package suggests starting from a Thin Sheet and extruding the top and bottom halves with a small draft angle. Construct Thin Sheet in the XY plane.

1. Start TracePro

2. Select View|Profiles|XY or click the View XY button on the toolbar, and switch to silhouette mode, View|Silhouette.

3. Select Insert|Primitive Solid and select the Thin Sheet tab.

4. Enter the four corners of the Thin Sheet in mm in the dialog box, as shown below, and click Insert.

5. Click the Zoom All button or select View|Zoom|All to see the new object.

Selecting a Surface

TracePro uses surface and object selections for many operations.

1. Close the Insert Primitive Solid dialog box. The thin sheet object has only one surface.

2. Select View|Profiles|YZ or click the View YZ button on the toolbar to view the profile of the Thin Sheet.

3. Select the surface using by selecting Edit|Select|Surface (or clicking the Select Surface button), then use the mouse to “pick” the rod end, which is Surface 0 as shown in the figure below, After selecting the surface it will be highlighted in black in the model view.

Use Sweep to Form a Solid

The package has a small angle of about 4 degrees so you will extrude the sheet using Edit|Surface|Sweep.

1. Select Edit|Surface|Sweep or right-click on the surface and select Sweep.

2. Enter a sweep distance of 0.9 mm and a draft angle of 4 degrees.

3. Click Apply. The surface will be swept along the plane’s surface normal, in this case along the Z axis.

4. Make sure Surface 4 is selected for the next sweep to complete the object.

Complete the Solid

Perform two more sweep operations to complete the solid according to the data sheet.

1. Select Surface 4.

2. Sweep by 0.2 with draft=0 to create the central portion of the package.

3. Select Surface 8.

4. Sweep again by 0.9 with a –4 degree draft to complete the construction.

Create a Conical Hole

Next you can add the cone reflector which holds the LED die. To create the conical hole, first create a cone, then perform a Boolean Subtract operation.

1. Select Insert|Primitive Solid and select the Cylinder/Cone tab.

2. Select the Cone option and enter the values shown, then click Insert to create the cone.

Subtract the Cone from the Package

Boolean Operations use a concept of Body and Tools. The Body is the item you wish to keep and the tools are items which will have some effect on the Body. Here you want to remove the volume occupied by the cone from the package. In this example the Body is the package and the Tool is the cone.

1. Select the Package object from the System Tree by clicking on the Thin sheet 1 object.

2. Select the Cone 1 object from the System Tree using Ctrl+Click to add it to the selection.

3. Select Edit|Boolean|Subtract or use the Boolean Subtract button as shown in the figure.

4. Cone 1 will be removed from the System Tree as shown in the bottom figure with 15 surfaces shown in the Thin Sheet Object

You also need to add a diffuser. This will be a thin cylinder joined to the package. You will make the inner surface of the diffuser scattering and the inside of the cone a perfect mirror.

1. Select Insert|Primitive Solid, Cylinder/C one tab.

2. Enter the values shown, Major Radius 1.2, Length .01 and Base Position 1.99.

3. Click Insert to create the cylinder.

Now you will add the LED chip itself. The dimensions are not given, but you can estimate from the data sheet that it is 0.4 x 0.4 x

0.15 mm.

1. From the Insert|Primitive Solid dialog box, select the Block tab

2. Enter the values shown in the Block dialog shown below. Make sure you name the object by typing LED in the Name box

3. The center of the LED has a Z-value 1.175 to position the block so that it is on the bottom of the conical hole.

4. Click Insert to create the block.

5. The other 2 objects could have been named when they were created, but they can also be renamed at any time. Select

each object in turn with 2 slow clicks to get the name in edit mode, then name them “Package”, and “Diffuser”.

Diffusing Surface Property

You will make three assumptions about the optical properties of this LED package. First, that the Diffuser is a perfect Lambertian transmitter with no losses. Second, the inside of the conical hole is a perfect reflector without any losses. Third, the LED is a perfect reflective diffuser. These simple-minded assumptions could be improved with more data from the manufacturer.

1. TracePro includes a Perfect Mirror Surface Property so you only need to add the diffuser property.

2. Select Define|Edit Property Data|Surface Properties.

3. Click the Add Property button, enter the property name Lambertian Diffuser, select ABg for the Scatter Model, and

click the OK button to enter data into the surface property editor spreadsheet.

4. Set the absorptance value to 0.0 (a lossless surface) and select Solve for BTDF (Bidirectional Transmission Distribution

Function) from the drop-down list. The BTDF is the scattering portion of the surface property with three coefficients.

(See the TracePro User’s Manual for information about the ABg scattering model). Make sure you save the property by either clicking on the Save button or selecting File|Save. You should see the completion message that the property was saved successfully as shown in the figure below.

Make the inside surface of the Diffuser the scattering surface.

1. Select Define|Apply Properties to open the Apply Properties dialog box and select the Surface option from the list on

the left.

2. Select the inner surface of the Diffuser by either:

? clicking on it in the System Tree

? Selecting Edit|Select|Surface and clicking on the surface in the model window.

3. You may want to zoom in on the diffuser to see which surface is which (as shown).

4. Select Lambertian Diffuser from the Surface Property Name dropdown list.

5. Click Apply to apply the property to the diffuser.

The next step is to apply a mirror surface property to the base and sides of the conical hole in the package.

1. Select the Package object and select surfaces 0 and1. After selecting one surface, you can add to the selection by holding

down the Ctrl key and selecting additional surfaces.

2. Select Perfect Mirror from the Surface Property Name drop-down list.

3. Click Apply to apply the property to the selected surfaces.

Define LED Source

1. Select Raytrace|Raytrace Options to open the Raytrace Options dialog box.

2. On the Options tab, select Photometric for the Analysis Units type.

3. Click Apply and close the dialog box.

4. Select the top surface of the LED (surface 0).

5. In the Apply Properties dialog box, select the Surface Source menu item.

6. Enter the values and selections shown, 50000 rays, .54 microns

7. Click Apply to create an LED that emits 0.05 lumens in a Lambertian pattern

Perform the Raytrace

Now the model is ready for raytracing.

1. Begin a ray-trace by:

Raytrace|Trace Rays

? selecting

TracePro will perform an Audit of the model and report any invalid properties or geometry, and then the ray-trace will start.

Candela Plot Options

1. Select Analysis|Candela Options.

2. Select the Orientation and Rays tabs.

3. Set the Normal and Up vectors as shown in the top illustration.

4. Select the Candela Distributions tab and enter the settings shown in the bottom illustration.

5. Click Apply to apply the changes to the plot.

Display Candela Plot

The candela plot from TracePro can be compared to the photometric curve from the data sheet. 1. Select Analysis|Candela Plots|Polar Candela Distribution or press the Polar Candela Distribution button. 2. Compare the data from the datasheet with TracePro’s results.


Tracepro 入门与进阶

Tracepro 入门与进阶
内 容 简 介
本书以美国 Lambda Research Corporation 的最新 3.24 版本为蓝本进行编写, 内容涵盖了 tracepro3.24 光学仿真设计的概念、tracepro 软件的配置和用户定制、光 学元件模型的创建、描光、分析等内容。 本书章节的安排次序采用由浅入深,前后呼应的教学原则,在内容安排上,为方 便读者更快、更深入地理解 tracepro 软件中的一些相关概念、命令和功能,并对运用 该软件进行光学仿真设计的过程有一个全局的了解,本书中介绍了单片 LCD 投影机 的仿真设计全过程,同时在本书的最后一章详细介绍了背光源等光学仿真设计过程, 增强了本书的可读性和实用性,摆脱单个概念、命令、功能的枯燥讲解和介绍。 本书可作为光学专业人员的自学教程和参考书籍, 也可作为大专院校光学、 光电专业 的学生学习 tracepro 的使用教材。

Tracepro 入门与进阶

Tracepro 是一套可以做照明光学系统分析、传统光学分析,辐射度以及光度分析 的软件, 它也是第一套由符合工业标准的 ACIS 立体模型绘图软件发展出来的光机软 件。 功能强大的 Tracepro 减轻了光学设计人员的劳动强度,节约了大量的人力资源, 缩短了设计周期,还可以开发出更多质量更高的光学产品。但目前 Tracepro 学习教 程甚少, 不少初学者苦于无参考学习资料而举步为艰。 本人根据从事光学设计的经验 与运用 Tracepro 的体会,汇集成书,目的是使 Tracepro 的初学人员能快速入门,快 速见效,使已入门者能进一步提高 Tracepro 的应用水平和操作能力,从而在工作中 发挥更大的效益,为中国的光学事业作出贡献! 本书乃仓促而成,虽然几经校对,但错误之处在所难免,恳请广大读者朋友予以 指正,不甚感谢! 电子邮箱: cyqdesign@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1a15353625.html,
陈涌泉 2004 年 12 月 4 日


Requirements Models: None Properties: None Editions: TracePro LC, Standard and Expert Introduction In this example you will build a source model for a Siemens LWT676 surface mount LED based on the manufacturer’s data sheet. The dimensions will be used to build a solid model and the source output will be defined to match the LED photometric curve. Copyright ? 2013 Lambda Research Corporation.

Create a Thin Sheet First analyze the package to determine the best method of constructing the geometry in TracePro. The symmetry of the package suggests starting from a Thin Sheet and extruding the top and bottom halves with a small draft angle. Construct Thin Sheet in the XY plane. 1. Start TracePro 2. Select View|Profiles|XY or click the View XY button on the toolbar, and switch to silhouette mode, View|Silhouette. 3. Select Insert|Primitive Solid and select the Thin Sheet tab. 4. Enter the four corners of the Thin Sheet in mm in the dialog box, as shown below, and click Insert. 5. Click the Zoom All button or select View|Zoom|All to see the new object.


准直TIR透镜的TracePro模拟过程 说明:本例只讲解我用TP的模拟过程,不是TP的使用手册之类,讲解有误或不清楚的地方请见谅。本例不讲解透镜的设计方法,请不要追问如何设计透镜。 最后提一个要求:不喜勿喷。 作者:虫洞里的猫 准直TIR透镜,是指在原点的点光源经过透镜后光线能平行出射的透镜,但由于LED的发光面都是面光源,因此LED经过此透镜后不可能是平行光出射,但其出光角度会是最小值。 本实例以已设计好的准直TIR透镜为例,逐步演示TracePro的模拟过程。 1.插入3D文件 TracePro可以打开多种3D格式的文件,最方便的是直接插入零件,但此过程只能使用.SAT格式的文件,如下图的过程。

如果你的3D文件是其它格式,如STEP等,则可以用TracePro直接打开,具体过程为:文件-打开,在打开的对话框的下拉菜单中选择合适的格式。 2.设置光源 2.1 设置档案光源 2.1.1 方法一 设置光源可以有很多方式,但最直接也最准确的是使用光源文件,在TracePro中也称为档案光源,TracePro可用的档案光源主要有.DAT或.RAY格式的。此文件可以从LED厂家的官网上下载,本实例使用的LED为CREE公司的XLamp XP-E。如下图,XP-E Cool White Optical Source Model - TracePro (zip) (42 MB)是适合TracePro使用的光源文件,其网站地址为:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1a15353625.html,/LED-Components-and-Modules/Products/XLamp/Discrete-Directional/XLa mp-XPE。


2020 tracepro实验报告范文Contract Template

tracepro实验报告范文 前言语料:温馨提醒,报告一般是指适用于下级向上级机关汇报工作,反映情况, 答复上级机关的询问。按性质的不同,报告可划分为:综合报告和专题报告;按行 文的直接目的不同,可将报告划分为:呈报性报告和呈转性报告。体会指的是接触 一件事、一篇文章、或者其他什么东西之后,对你接触的事物产生的一些内心的想 法和自己的理解 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 一.实验概况 实验时间: 实验地点:合肥工业大学仪器学院平房实验室 指导老师:郎贤礼 实验要求:1.熟练TracePro软件基本功能及实际操作方法; 2.掌握光学器件设计的原理及一般步骤; 3.会对设计好的光学器件进行数据图像分析; 4.能够自己设计简单的光学器件。 二.实验内容 (一)软件介绍TracePro是一套普遍用于照明系统、光学分析、辐射度分析及光度分析的光线模拟软体。它是第一套以ACISsolidmodelingkernel为基本的光学软体。第一套结合真实固体模型、强大光学分析功能、资料转换能力强及易上手的使用介面的模拟软件。



tracepro实验报告范文 一.实验概况 实验时间: 实验地点:合肥工业大学仪器学院平房实验室 指导老师:郎贤礼 实验要求:1.熟练TracePro软件基本功能及实际操作方法; 2.掌握光学器件设计的原理及一般步骤; 3.会对设计好的光学器件进行数据图像分析; 4.能够自己设计简单的光学器件。 二.实验内容 (一)软件介绍 TracePro是一套普遍用于照明系统、光学分析、辐射度分析及光度分析的光线模拟软体。它是第一套以ACIS solid modeling kernel为基本的光学软体。第一套结合真实固体模型、强大光学分析功能、资料转换能力强及易上手的使用介面的模拟软件。 TracePro可利用在显示器产业上,它能模仿所有类型的显示系统,从背光系统,到前光、光管、光纤、显示面板和LCD投影系统。应用领域包括:照明、导光管、背光模组、薄膜光学、光机设计、投影系统、杂散光、雷射邦浦常建立的模型:照明系统、灯具及固定照明、汽车照明系统(前头灯、尾灯、内部及仪表照明)、望远镜、照相机系统、红外线成像系统、遥感系统、光谱仪、导光管、积光球、投影系统、背光板。 TracePro作为下一代偏离光线分析软件,需要对光线进行有效和准确地分析。为了达到这些目标,TracePro具备以下这些功能:处理复杂几何的能力,以定义和跟踪数百万条光线;图形显示、可视化操作以及提供3D实体模型的数据库;导入和导出主流CAD软件和镜头设计软件的数据格式。通过软件设计和仿真功能,可以: 得到灯具的出光角度:只需有灯具的 3D模块便可通过软件仿真功能预判灯具出光角度,以此判断灯具是否达到设计目标。得到灯具出光光斑图和照度图:可以模拟灯具打在不同距离得到的光斑、照度图分布情况,以此判断灯具出光性能。灯


三、实验步骤 下面以导光管为例: 1.运行Tracepro并用File|New打开一个新模型; 2.打开Insert|Primative Solid对话框,并选择Cylinder/Cone标签; 3.输入主半径为2,长度为30,并按下Insert按钮; 4.按下Zoom All缩放全部或者View|菜单以便看到新物件 5.用Edit|Select|Surface菜单选择棒的右端面right end;用鼠标“选取”棒的端面。 6.选择Edit|Surface|Revolve Surface Selection旋转填料选项; 7.输入角度90°与弯曲半径25; 8.将轴置于点(0,-25,30),并定义轴的指向为空间中的X轴方向; 9.按下旋转填料Revolve Surface按钮来进行弯曲;

10.通过Edit|Surface|Sweep打开表面拉伸填料选项Sweep Surface Selection对话框; 11.在拉伸长度Distance框中输入15,拉伸角度Draft angle为-2°,表面沿着设定长度被拉伸的同时,以2°的角度逐渐变细: 12.用Edit|Select|Object菜单选择导光管,并用鼠标点击导光管; 13.用Define|Apply Properties(设定材料),打开Apply Properties应用特性对话框: 14.选择Plastic目录Catalog,选择名称Acrylic并按下Apply按钮;

15.选择菜单Insert|Lens Element,透镜参数为Surface1 Radius : 25,Thickness 3.5mm,Material BK7,Position (0, 0, -40)在导光管前安置一汇聚透镜,以达到较好的光 路耦合性能。 16.设定光源,菜单选择,Analysis|Grid Raytrace,网格光线沿圆周排列 Annular,半径 Outer Radius 10mm,网格光线圆周数量 Rings : 10, 光线的起点位置 (0, 0, -48).
