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This is a film which is a love story about the love at first sight .

· Main characters are Juli Baker and Bryce Losik.

· The movie tells us a story about a girl –Juli, who has adored a boy ever since he moved into the neighborhood in the second grade.

?When Juli first saw Bryce, she was in love with him.

?Juli says she loves his blue eyes ,and his eyes are beautiful.

?But Bryce thought she was a strange girl and wanted be far away from her.?Then they are neighbors.

?JULI:The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.The next thing I know, he's holding my hand and looking right into my eyes. My heart stopped. Was this it? Would this be my first kiss?

?At first ,Juli always played with Bryce.And everybody thought that Juli and Bryce were couple.But in fact ,that was not true.

?Young Bryce did everything he can do to get rid of Juli , but it seemed uneasy way to do this, Because they went to the same school and lived across the street from each other.

?Bryce pretended that he had fallen in love with another girl .Juli was very sad ,but in her mind,she thought Bryce belongs to her.And they would break up very quickly.And it was finally exposed by his "best friend" Garrett.

?Juli was glad to see this and also loved smelling Bryce since then .And it made Bryce feel embarrassed.

?BRYCE: Word got back to Juli, and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again. Only this time it was worse. She started sniffing(闻)me. That's right, sniffing me. What was that all about? My only consolation was that next year would be different. Junior high, bigger school. Maybe we'd be in different classes and it would finally, finally be over.

?Juli Baker devoutly believed in three things: the sanctity of trees (especially her beloved sycamore),the wholesomeness of the eggs she collects from her backyard flock of chickens, and that someday she will kiss Bryce Loski.?Juli enjoyed watching the sunrise sitting on a sycamore tree ,but one day many workers wanted to cut it down . Juli tried to protect it ,and also wanted Bryce to help her ,but Bryce refused . Juli failed and was sad,she didn't talk to anybody for a long time.Bryce's grandfather heard about it and was interested in this girl.But Bryce still thought Juli as an annoyed girl ,because on the science exhibition Juli's show of incubation gained more praise than his show.Bryce rejected to know Juli more.

?Juli sent eggs of her own hens to Bryce every morning.But Bryce was afraid of salmonella which may probobly in the eggs ,so he threw these eggs away everytime.

?And Juli found the truth accidentally,she was truly angry with Bryce . Juli

started to think that maybe Bryce's brilliant blue eyes are as empty as the rest of Bryce seems to be. After all, what kind of jerk doesn't care about other people's feelings about chickens and trees?

?Bryce's grandfather heard about it and was interested in this girl.But Bryce still thought Juli as an annoyed girl ,because on the science exhibition Juli's show of incubation gained more praise than his show.Bryce rejected to know Juli more.

?Juli sent eggs of her own hens to Bryce every morning.But Bryce was afraid of salmonella which may probobly in the eggs ,so he threw these eggs away everytime.

?And Juli found the truth accidentally,she was truly angry with Bryce . Juli started to think that maybe Bryce's brilliant blue eyes are as empty as the rest of Bryce seems to be. After all, what kind of jerk doesn't care about other people's feelings about chickens and trees?

?Bryce felt very upset about hurting Juli,he found that his world without Juli was colorless .

?So everything changed. Bryce began to see that Juli's unusual interests and pride in her family are a kind of cool. Bryce eventually began to feel the good of Juli’s heart, and fell in love with her unconsciously.

?And on the dinner party of their two families, Juli hardly ever talked to Bryce , it made him feel so grieved .

?BRYCE: As I walked home with the dirty dishes clanking inside my picnic basket all I could think of was Juli. And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped. Completely.

?Bryce wanted to do something to cheer Juli up.And he decided to plant a sycamore tree around her home .

?Juli was shocked that Bryce was digging a hole in her yard , but when she saw what he planted is a sycamore tree ,she understood everything and walked out of home , planting the tree with him together .

?And it is a warming ending.Juli finally forgave Bryce.

At the end of the story, they fell in love with each.

?BRYCE: When she walked out of the door, I thought back to the first time I saw her. How could anybody, ever, have wanted to run away from Juli Baker?

?JULI: He looked at me with those eyes. Those once again dazzling eyes. And I knew that Bryce Loski was still walking around with my first kiss. But he wouldn't be for long. As we stood there, I realized that all these years we never really talked.But that day we started.And I knew we'd be talking for a long time.

? A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic.

?Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were

a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one

of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.

?The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.

?Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.

?Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in

a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will

ever compare.

?It's a simple story - girl likes boy, boy doesn't like girl and only realizes he does just after the girl begins to not like him.

?There are moments in adolescence when your feelings about romance turn on a dime. The girl you thought was a pest becomes the object of your dreams. The boy you've had a crush on for years begins to seem like a jerk.

The timing is off. Sometimes you can look back half a lifetime and see how things might have happened differently if you hadn't been so stupid.


怦然心动 雨,悄无声息地来临了。 蒙蒙细雨,像天庭飘下的千万条银丝,淅淅沥沥地下着。我呆呆地看向窗外,看雨滴落在低洼水沟里激起的一层层涟漪;看雨滴落在含苞欲放的花儿上;看雨滴落在屋檐上,宛如一层美丽的珠帘。微风吹过,雨斜了,迫不及待地奔向草木、墙壁。雨水滴在大地上,好像在伴奏一首优美的乐曲,倾诉它的情绪。 我的心里有一种很舒服、清爽的感觉,这种感觉凉丝丝的。我想,我那浮躁易怒的情绪被这场"润物细无声"的雨洗净了,洗去了一身的尘埃与烦恼,一切都干干净净。 雨,渐渐停止向我倾诉它那愉乐轻快的情绪。我按捺不住好动的心,走到外面。雨过天晴,那春雨洗过的太阳轻轻地抚摸着我的脸颊,暖洋洋的。带着丝丝飘香的泥土特有的气息的空气,沁人心脾,滋润着我的肺喉,我的心伤佛置身于无边旷野。天空一碧如洗,犹如一颗晶莹剔透的蓝宝石。几朵棉花似的白云在天空悠闲地玩耍。整个世界经过雨水的洗涤,与往日不同,一切都那么焕然一新。 不经意间,我的思想起了巨大的波动,心灵被深深震撼。那是因为,我看到了经过雨水冲洗而绽放开的美丽花朵。我心动了,走过去。看,它开得那么芬芳馥郁。雨滴沾在娇嫩欲滴的花瓣边沿,在阳光的照耀下,晶莹的雨珠犹如颗颗钻石熠熠生辉,又为它添了几分风度和气质。明明刚才在雨中,我看到它那样弱不禁风,一阵风都把它折腾

地叫苦连天!可现在,它是那么妩媚动人,在微风的吹拂下,就像一位亭亭玉立,楚楚动人的娇羞少女。我呆立在旁边,为它的美丽,为它的在风雨中不服输的精神所深深折服。 人生的道路不会一帆风顺,每个人都要勇于面对团难险阻。这样的雨天,这样的怦然心动,铭刻在我记忆的扉页上,一朵花,都那样临危不惧,我有什么理由知难而退呢?所以,朝着你坚定的目标,脚踏实地,遇到困难不放弃。风雨,最终会停下来。磨砺,终究会挺过去。 雨天的花朵,如此坚强,令我怦然心动!


SCENE 1 people. better. But finally, in the sixth grade, I in Sherry himself. BRYCE: All I ever wanted was for Juli JULI: I don't mind. took action. I hatched the plan. SHERRY: I was thinking of showing how Baker to leave me alone. It all began in the BRYCE: Of any kind. BRYCE: Sherry. Sherry, wait up. split ends react with different hair summer of 1957, before the start of second JULI: You wanna push this one together? SHERRY: Hi, Bryce. Heh. conditioners. grade. STEVEN: Bryce, isn't it time for you to go BRYCE: I asked out Sherry Stalls. GARRETT: That's fascinating. STEVEN: Here we are. help your mother? BRYCE: I was wondering if you wanted BRYCE: Loyalty gave way to desire and PATSY: Ha, ha. What do you guys think? BRYCE: Huh? Oh, yeah. to go... Garrett, the turncoat... told Sherry what I LYNETTA: I like this place. BRYCE: I mean, nothing would stop her. I BRYCE: To full appreciate the brilliance was up to. BRYCE: It's cool. was about to tell her to get lost when the of this plan, you have to understand that SHERRY: Jerk. LYNETTA: Uh, what color is my room? weirdest thing happened. I couldn't believe Juli hated Sherry Stalls, though I never BRYCE: She didn't take it well. Word got PATSY: Just you wait. it. There I was holding hands with this understood why. Sherry was nice, friendly back to Juli, and pretty soon she started up BRYCE: Let's see what's inside. strange girl. How did I get into this mess? and she had a lot of hair. with the goo-goo eyes again. Only this STEVEN: Hey, come on, buddy Bryce.


【文题】 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。 在美好的青春岁月里,我们常被身边的点点滴滴所触动。一个细微的动作或眼神,一句温馨的鼓励或劝告,一次意外的相遇或碰撞,甚至于一滴雨水、一缕春风、一行文字、一幅画面等,于不经意间怦然拨动我们年轻而敏感的心弦。奇妙的感觉,温暖的情怀,美好的想像,深刻的哲理,一瞬之间漾遍全身,让我们更加懂得感恩,懂得珍惜,懂得坚韧,懂得幸福,并且学会生活与创造。 请根据自己的亲身经历或体验,以?怦然心动的感觉?为话题,写一篇文章。 要求:题目自拟,立意自定, ⑥要有自己的体验和感悟,不得抄袭,文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名,书写要正确、规范、美观。 【题析】 这是一道人文性和情感性极强的中考作文题,完全体现了新课程“以人为本”的教育教学理念。我们有必要对这道作文题作一番认真的审视和研究。 1、人称的稳定性。一定要写出自己的亲身经历和体验,“展示自我”“完美自我”成为命题的主旋律,如果我们的考生在审题时忽视“我”这一主体形象,那么只能导致审题错误,一旦审题错误,就意味着你的失败。 2、选材的宽泛性。针对“怦然心动的感觉”这一话题,我们认为可供选择的话题,是相当宽泛的,再加上那一大段让我们近乎有些“目不暇接”的提示语,使得我们的考生在选材时产生了一种难以“取舍”的难度。如何克服这个问题,唯有抓住材料中的那一个个“一”去立意,从一个小的角度出发,重点写一个细节,一个情节,然后把它写深、写透,选择自己身边的那些极小极熟悉的小事,这样写起来,也就有了真切的体会和感受,也就是说你的身边真正让你产生“怦然心动的感觉”的事情其实是很多的。 3、语言的情感性。可以这样说,“怦然心动的感觉”这个话题,是一个重点写情感的话题,俗话说:“感人心者,莫先乎情”,如果没有情感投入,那么怎么能产生“怦然心动的感觉”呢?“心动”起于情,发于情,也止于情。情感是否真实、是否丰富,决定着文章的成败。要找准寄情的载体:可以是人,可以是物,可以是景,也可以是事。要用心去感受,用语言去表达,使情感能够借助于语言表达得更加具体,更加深刻。不过我们也反对那种空洞的、无病呻吟的、不实的矫情式的抒情语言。 4、文体的自由性。话题作文的出现,使得考场作文的文体也跟着发生了相应的变化,虽然“文体不限”,但你写作的内容已经决定了所要选择的文体。审视一下提示语,我们会发现,这个话题一定不能写成说明文,至于选择其他什么文体,考生还得根据自己平时的喜好来选择确定,笔者认为针对这样的一个话题,我觉得还是首选记叙类文体比较好一些,记叙类文体写起来也更容易出彩,如果在文体的选择上大胆创新,再在文章的形式上适当作些包装,定能给阅卷老师耳目一新的感觉,也一定会使阅卷老师也产生“怦然心动的感觉”。 那一刻,我怦然心动》写作指导与思路点拨 一、存在问题: (一)审题不准。 (1)以“我”为中心,一定要写出自己的亲身经历和体验。 (2)“怦然心动”强调的是足以使你感动、震撼的人、话、动作、场景事物。 (3)“那一刻”是本文构思的难点,即时间是短暂的、瞬间发生的,文章要抓住情感转变的特定情境和故事发展的特定阶段(高潮),或进行场面的描写,或做好气氛的渲染。 如:其实,在这本笔记上记得根本不像我想的那样,语言尖锐凶狠,不仅记着我的坏分数和错事,更多的是一个父亲对孩子的殷切关怀与期望:这次儿子没有考好,他太粗心了,希望这次能给他一些教训,让他以后多留心…..“儿子今天偷跑出去玩了,我不是不赞成,只希望他更多用在学习上,对自己有好处……”大篇大篇的话语写在每件错事和坏分数的下面,像一团热火一般温暖。原来,我一直曲解了父亲,那一刻,我怦然心动,似乎听见一声巨响,心中那与父亲的隔阂与误解的冰山顷


怦然心动作文 怦然心动作文 作者/ 郑佳 曾记否,童稚时的我对着鲜红欲滴的糖葫芦怦然心动,口中咽下垂涎的唾沫;曾记否,埋头苦学时的我对着诱人的满分怦然心动,废寝忘食只为赢得老师的青睐;曾记否,摇晃于公车上的我对着窗外的私人小轿车怦然心动,恨不得马上拥有一辆能载着我游遍四方的轿车……每个人一生中都有无数怦然心动的时刻,有的人立马行动,如飞蛾扑火般追寻那个令他怦然心动的事物。 曾记否,荆轲“风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还”。他为燕太子的盛情款待礼贤下士怦然心动,明知道“刺秦”不论成功与否都是一条有去无回的不归路,他依然义无反顾地去了。荆轲走了,走向了当时六国最有权势、最令人闻风丧胆的帝王。他的怦然心动带着“士为知己者死”的决绝,古今文人骚客为他扼腕叹息。 曾记否,唱着“大风歌”的刘邦为帝王之位怦然心动。“大风起兮云飞扬,安得猛士兮守四方”,从一介亭长起步,南征北战,楚汉争霸,最终迫得西楚霸王项羽乌江自刎,奠定数百年的大汉基业,刘邦的怦然心动颠覆了王朝,震烁古今,他让我们看到一个小人物如何一步步登上历史舞台,成就千古一帝的传奇。 曾记否,吴三桂冲冠一怒为红颜,引清军入关。无论他引清军入关的目的是什么,他确乎是为陈圆圆而怦然心动过。自古红颜回眸笑,引无数英雄竞折腰。“烽火戏诸侯”的褒姒,致比干剖心的妲己,沉鱼的西施,落雁的昭君,无数君王怦然心动,荒废了朝政,美人在怀缠绵卧榻。六朝往事随流水,如今都付笑谈中。 怦然心动,有人为名利,有人为权势,有人为美人。有人付诸行动,如荆轲,如刘邦,如吴三桂;有人行动而不可得,只能退而求其次。 陶渊明曾经不为五斗米折腰而退居南山,对一方水土怦然心动。“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适豁达,让人们永远记住这个守住自己一方净土的田园诗人,引得古今文人对他笔下的世外桃源心向往之。 不甘心做御用文人的李白带着“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来”的豪情辞别君王,为奔流到海不复回的黄河、为势拔五岳掩赤城的天姥山而怦然心动,千古名句拈手来,与一帮朋友把酒言欢,快意人生。 鲁迅先生弃医从文,为唤醒国人麻木的心灵而怦然心动,笔耕不缀。“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子生”…… 怦然心动,对某些人来说,可能只是一时的意乱情迷,对某些人来说,却是执着一


怦然心动作文6篇 怦然心动作文6篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编精心整理的怦然心动作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 怦然心动作文篇1落花纷飞的角落,晨露是秋的泪,留下繁花开遍是记忆。世间万物千姿百态,唯那一刻让我怦然心动。 ------题记 我独自走在乡间的小路上,呼吸着新鲜的空气。已近暮秋,茫茫白雾夹杂着些许凉意。两旁的树大部分只剩下秃枝干,只有少部分树枝上有一些半黄的叶子。地上全是金黄的叶子,上面沾着晶莹的晨露。看着眼前的景色,我有一种空落落的感觉,那晨露是秋祭奠盛夏的眼泪。 前面有星星点点的色彩,在枯黄的杂草中若隐若现。入秋以来,乡下就只有黄色:黄色的树叶,黄色的山坡,黄色的田野。本是一片丰收的景象,但在我看来,不过多了一份

枯燥。在看到自然界其他色彩后,心情不由得好转。我加快了脚步,是花。那是几朵野月季,三三两两,它们孤零零的立在那里,仿佛是这里的不速之客。每朵花上只有三两片花瓣,残缺的叶子在花柄上,少了些神气,只是几根小刺还有活力,他们坚强地接着花柄,用微弱而力量挑战秋的冷酷。 地上是花瓣散落在那里,上面有许多露珠,它们失去了往日的色彩,静静的躺在那里。一阵风吹来,花瓣摇曳着缓缓坠下。那一刻,我怦然心动。 “落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。”它们柔弱,却不失情感。过了冬天,明年的这里,春暖花开,又将是怎样一番景象? 我想到了老师,他们每天披星戴月,把青春献给了祖国的教育事业,却毫无怨言。日复一日,祖国的花朵茁壮成长,年复一年,他们却在变老。 风又吹来,花瓣落尽了。那些小刺显得无力。秋天,就看不到这样的色彩了。太阳升起来了,照亮了大地,将树叶照的金光闪闪,露珠该散去了。已近暮秋,我却不觉得冷。因为那一刻,我怦然心动。 寄情于秋晨美景,只为那一刻心动。 怦然心动作文篇2太阳最后的一点余晖渐渐淡了,接下来是由夏夜主宰的大地了。大街上的人渐渐变多,我迈着轻快的步子向圆盘花园走去。


当你变成你三人称 阴天,在不开灯地房间,当所有思绪都一点一点沉淀,爱恨情欲里地疑点,盲点,呼之欲出,那么明显. 常常听你喜欢地歌,是不是就能多离你近一点.把你地照片当成手机桌面,是不是就能更显得多爱你一些.我那时错地很明显,但是你却没发现.也许,过去地瞬间,那怦然心动地感觉,我很眷恋.我想了太多,现实告诉我,最迷人地最危险,你终究是那迷人危险,一旦靠近你,就会遍体凌伤.文档来自于网络搜索 现在,我地他,叫我别想他,别想,你这个他.我知道,我还没有完全放下.他他他,当你也变成那第三人称. 当我拿到一张快钱上面地缩写是时,我又是激动又是无奈,为什么离开天地他依旧能简单挑拨我地心弦.但,我不能想他.因为,我有我地他.文档来自于网络搜索 当打开时看到那已被我拉黑很久地他加我,我愣住了,他加我!他加我! “小曹,现在过得幸福哇”“是地呀” “幸福就好”我看着苦笑. 梦和现实产生了偏移,把时间倒转,爱上你地那一秒.那怦然心动地感觉,已失去焦距.因为,我有我地他. 《窗》憾 我喜欢阳光明媚地日子,但在双休日,天却暗暗下着雨.街道上人影匆匆,窗外细雨绵绵.好像留有空隙地雨丝雨节奏迟缓地周末有些相似之处.天越变越黑,雨越下雨越大:犹如一条深海地小鱼,我地心也随着平静下来.文档来自于网络搜索 不管是柔情似水地,还是狂放自如地.只要不听雨,就是静地,好像人地呼吸、风地轻盈,自然引不起你地注意.而许多热闹却无形中被湮灭了.我躺在床上静静地望着天花板想休息一会,但又不忍这样默默无闻,就拿起一本小说来看,小说地题目叫《窗》,是由泰戈尔写地.文档来自于网络搜索 小说讲地是住在同一个病房里地两个病人,一个靠窗,一个不靠窗.他们都身患重病以至于他们不能做任何事情借以消遣,所以他们都很痛苦.但好在靠窗病人比不靠窗好一点,所以他能够在得到护士同意地情况下做起来看看窗外地风景,并讲给他地同伴听听,日子就像这样一天天地过去了.文档来自于网络搜索 突然,有一天.不靠窗病人产生了一个想法:为什么偏偏是靠窗地那个人,能有幸观赏到窗外地一切?为什么自己不应得到这样地机会呢?一开始他为自己有这样地想法而感到惭愧,竭力不再这么想.可是,他愈加克制,这种想法却变得愈加强烈,几天以后,这个想法已进一步变为紧靠窗口地人为什么不该是我呢.文档来自于网络搜索 他地这种想法在他地心中日益膨胀,居然连他同伴地性命也不管,直至他死去.后来他如愿搬到靠窗地床位上去,当他起身去看窗外“美景”时,才发现,原来窗外什么也没有,只是光秃秃地一道墙``````文档来自于网络搜索 读到这里我地心怦然颤动,让我陷入深深地沉思.一对原本相互关爱地朋友,竟因其中一个没有正确地把握好自己地私心,让他越发地膨胀,一发不可收拾,使其坠入罪恶地深渊.其代价是灵魂地日益萎缩和最好朋友地离去.其灵魂地丑恶和冷酷无情已到了令人发指地地步.当看着别人比你好时,心中产生一种不平衡地心理,这就叫嫉妒.文档来自于网络搜索


英文小说flipped(怦然心动)原文1 All I've ever wanted is for Juli Baker to leave me alone. For her to back off —you know, just give me some spac e. It all started the summer before second grade when our movi ng van pulled into her neighborhood. And since we're now ab out done with the eighth grade, that, my friend, makes more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social disco mfort. She didn't just barge into my life. She barged and shoved and wedged her way into my life. Did we invite her to get into our moving van and start cl imbing all over boxes? No! But that's exactly what she did, taking over and showing off like only Juli Baker can. My dad tried to stop her. “Hey!”he says as she's catapu lting herself on board. “What are you doing? You're getting mud eve rywhere!”So true, too. Her shoes were, like, cake d with the stuff. She didn't hop out, though. Instead, she planted her rear e nd on the floor and started pushing a big box with her fe et. “Don't you want some help?”She glanced my way. “It s ure looks like you need it.” I didn't like the implication. And even though my dad had been tossing me the same sort of look all week, I could t ell —he didn't like this girl either. “Hey!Don't do th at,”he warned her. “There are some really valuable things in that box.” “Oh.Well, how about this one?”She scoots over to a box labeled LENOX and looks my way again. “We should push it together!” “No,no, no!”my dad says, then pulls her up by the arm . “Why don't you run along home? Your mother's probably wo ndering where you are.” This was the beginning of my soon-to-become-acute awareness t hat the girl cannot take a hint. Of any kind. Does she zi


怦然心动作文 导读:本文怦然心动作文,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 怦然心动作文 作者/ 郑佳 曾记否,童稚时的我对着鲜红欲滴的糖葫芦怦然心动,口中咽下垂涎的唾沫;曾记否,埋头苦学时的我对着诱人的满分怦然心动,废寝忘食只为赢得老师的青睐;曾记否,摇晃于公车上的我对着窗外的私人小轿车怦然心动,恨不得马上拥有一辆能载着我游遍四方的轿车……每个人一生中都有无数怦然心动的时刻,有的人立马行动,如飞蛾扑火般追寻那个令他怦然心动的事物。 曾记否,荆轲“风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还”。他为燕太子的盛情款待礼贤下士怦然心动,明知道“刺秦”不论成功与否都是一条有去无回的不归路,他依然义无反顾地去了。荆轲走了,走向了当时六国最有权势、最令人闻风丧胆的帝王。他的怦然心动带着“士为知己者死”的决绝,古今文人骚客为他扼腕叹息。 曾记否,唱着“大风歌”的刘邦为帝王之位怦然心动。“大风起兮云飞扬,安得猛士兮守四方”,从一介亭长起步,南征北战,楚汉争霸,最终迫得西楚霸王项羽乌江自刎,奠定数百年的大汉基业,刘邦的怦然心动颠覆了王朝,震烁古今,他让我们看到一个小人物如何一步步登上历史舞台,成就千古一帝的传奇。

曾记否,吴三桂冲冠一怒为红颜,引清军入关。无论他引清军入关的目的是什么,他确乎是为陈圆圆而怦然心动过。自古红颜回眸笑,引无数英雄竞折腰。“烽火戏诸侯”的褒姒,致比干剖心的妲己,沉鱼的西施,落雁的昭君,无数君王怦然心动,荒废了朝政,美人在怀缠绵卧榻。六朝往事随流水,如今都付笑谈中。 怦然心动,有人为名利,有人为权势,有人为美人。有人付诸行动,如荆轲,如刘邦,如吴三桂;有人行动而不可得,只能退而求其次。 陶渊明曾经不为五斗米折腰而退居南山,对一方水土怦然心动。“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适豁达,让人们永远记住这个守住自己一方净土的田园诗人,引得古今文人对他笔下的世外桃源心向往之。 不甘心做御用文人的李白带着“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来”的豪情辞别君王,为奔流到海不复回的黄河、为势拔五岳掩赤城的天姥山而怦然心动,千古名句拈手来,与一帮朋友把酒言欢,快意人生。 鲁迅先生弃医从文,为唤醒国人麻木的心灵而怦然心动,笔耕不缀。“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子生”…… 怦然心动,对某些人来说,可能只是一时的意乱情迷,对某些人来说,却是执着一生的坚定追求。那些倾其一生只为了心中一个追求而呕心沥血的人,那些为了心中那个信念而舍弃一切的人,让我们肃然起敬。如为报刘备知遇之恩而鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已的诸葛亮,精忠


Flipped This is a film which is a love story about the love at first sight . · Main characters are Juli Baker and Bryce Losik. · The movie tells us a story about a girl –Juli, who has adored a boy ever since he moved into the neighborhood in the second grade. ?When Juli first saw Bryce, she was in love with him. ?Juli says she loves his blue eyes ,and his eyes are beautiful. ?But Bryce thought she was a strange girl and wanted be far away from her.?Then they are neighbors. ?JULI:The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.The next thing I know, he's holding my hand and looking right into my eyes. My heart stopped. Was this it? Would this be my first kiss? ?At first ,Juli always played with Bryce.And everybody thought that Juli and Bryce were couple.But in fact ,that was not true. ?Young Bryce did everything he can do to get rid of Juli , but it seemed uneasy way to do this, Because they went to the same school and lived across the street from each other. ?Bryce pretended that he had fallen in love with another girl .Juli was very sad ,but in her mind,she thought Bryce belongs to her.And they would break up very quickly.And it was finally exposed by his "best friend" Garrett. ?Juli was glad to see this and also loved smelling Bryce since then .And it made Bryce feel embarrassed. ?BRYCE: Word got back to Juli, and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again. Only this time it was worse. She started sniffing(闻)me. That's right, sniffing me. What was that all about? My only consolation was that next year would be different. Junior high, bigger school. Maybe we'd be in different classes and it would finally, finally be over. ?Juli Baker devoutly believed in three things: the sanctity of trees (especially her beloved sycamore),the wholesomeness of the eggs she collects from her backyard flock of chickens, and that someday she will kiss Bryce Loski.?Juli enjoyed watching the sunrise sitting on a sycamore tree ,but one day many workers wanted to cut it down . Juli tried to protect it ,and also wanted Bryce to help her ,but Bryce refused . Juli failed and was sad,she didn't talk to anybody for a long time.Bryce's grandfather heard about it and was interested in this girl.But Bryce still thought Juli as an annoyed girl ,because on the science exhibition Juli's show of incubation gained more praise than his show.Bryce rejected to know Juli more. ?Juli sent eggs of her own hens to Bryce every morning.But Bryce was afraid of salmonella which may probobly in the eggs ,so he threw these eggs away everytime. ?And Juli found the truth accidentally,she was truly angry with Bryce . Juli


阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。 在美好的青春岁月里,我们常被身边的点点滴滴所触动。一个细微的动作或眼神,一句温馨的鼓励或劝告,一次意外的相遇或碰撞,甚至于一滴雨水、一缕春风、一行文字、一幅画面等,于不经意间怦然拨动我们年轻而敏感的心弦。奇妙的感觉,温暖的情怀,美好的想像,深刻的哲思,一瞬之间漾遍全身,让我们更加懂得感恩,懂得珍惜,懂得坚韧,懂得幸福,并且学会生活与创造。 请根据自己的亲身经历或体验,以“怦然心动的感觉”为话题,写一篇文章。 要求: 1.所写的内容必须在话题范围之内;2.题目自拟;3.立意自定;4.文体自选(诗歌除外);5.不少于600字;6.要有自己的体验和感悟,不得抄袭;7.文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名;8.书写要正确、规范、美观。 一、解读命题意图 从整体的角度来看本次作文题,我们可以得出以下看法:首先从题目形式上看,本次作文题采用了话题作文的形式。话题作文源自高考,其最大的特点就是宽松灵活,给考生留下了自由发挥的空间,只要有话可说,都能写出一篇较好的作文,这体现了命题者对学生这一创作主体的尊重。本题是典型的材料限制性话题作文,写作难度较小,考生容易上手。 其次从题目内容上看,本题非常贴近中学生的生活实际,特别是话题前的材料,其中已经罗列了多种生活现象,对考生的作文起到了引导和限制的作用,使考生的思维能打开,很快进入写作状态。话题“怦然心动的感觉”实际上是想让同学们写对生活中点滴平凡的小事的认识,教育考生要懂得感恩,懂得珍惜,懂得坚韧,懂得幸福,并且学会生活与创造。命题者的意图也是很明显的。 第三从题目要求来看,本题也给考生以很大的自由发挥空间,包括题目、立意、文体等。也就是说,命题者无意在审题上设置障碍,主要还是考查考生的基本写作能力。 二、如何破题立意 结合上面的命题意图解读,我们可以把文章要写的怦然心动的感觉,理解为生活中对你有启发的点滴小事给你的影响,对你的触动。也就是说,写作时一定要抓住“奇妙的感觉,温暖的情怀,美好的想像,深刻的哲思”,要能以小见大,化点滴小事为深刻感悟,这样,才符合题意,也才有深度。 三、如何谋篇布局 确立题意之后,我们就可以谋篇布局了。如果写议论性文章,可以把题目的材料中所列举的那些生活点滴排比起来,有详有略,重点突出;略处排比,详处举例。如“一滴雨水、一缕春风、一行文字”就可以扩展成排比句式,而“一个细微的动作或眼神,一句温馨的鼓励或劝告,一次意外的相遇或碰撞”,就可以分别扩展成具体事例。 如果写记叙性文章,则可以就生活中的某一件小事加以发挥,写出该事对你的启发,对你的教育等。最后总结:怦然心动就是灵感,是震撼,是理解,是幸福……是面对一切美丽事物时所萌生的感动。 月光下的夜来香 月色朦胧…… 我轻轻地走到花架下。在月光温柔地抚摸下,别的花都已静静地睡去,唯有她——夜来香又开放了! 她那亭亭玉立的身姿,秀颀而又挺拔。片片叶儿,仿佛一叶扁舟,荡起层层碧起的涟漪;又像一只碧玉的杯盏,盛满了琼浆玉液。那美妙动人的花骨朵,慢慢地舒开了黄得晶莹透明的花瓣中,中央突起一小簇花蕊,宛如一群身披黄纱的仙子在翩翩起舞。月儿将清辉倾泻在花上、叶上,投下了袅袅婷婷的倩影。一阵清风拂过,芳香便扑鼻而来,沁人心脾,使人仿佛要醉倒在花下。一切都沉浸在恬淡和悦的美丽之中了。


那一刻我怦然心动 整理书架的时候,一本薄薄的小书掉了下来,在阳光照射下,书的封面一片柔和,拾起,辨得书名为《诗经》。 我买过吗?或许是很久以前。我努力回忆关于这本书的支离破碎的记忆,却没有一点儿印象。隐约记得五年级时,我是爱看古典名著的。翻动书页,满心的疑惑与不解,多数是笔画繁多、不认识的字。 心中颇为失望,正要合上书时,目光不经意扫过一行:“昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。”心里像被什么东西触动了一下,心弦之上,古曲轻轻拨动,一股暖流,一种怅然若失,浅浅的忧伤夹杂着几丝只可意会不可言传的感动,在空荡的心底悄悄弥漫如烟云。 于是开始追忆。我的母校没有杨柳依依,却有清香四溢的玉兰树和高大的梧桐。我和同学们仰起天真的脸,抬起黝黑的眸。我们也是校园中努力生长的树苗。梦境中的旧校仍是青绿的楼,当时早已看腻的单调的青绿色,现在却怀念无比,甚至开始认真去想,因为青绿色代表了自然、生机、春天,所以校园才是年年的青绿色吧,心中涌出一丝欣喜。 也有雨雪霏霏。大概是冬末春初的某一天,雪花飘落人间。风吹得很疾,雪花似漫天飞舞的纸屑。坐在暖气弥漫的教室中,透窗赏雪,感受冬日里独特的浪漫。 不久,树上积起纯白,净美得没有一点瑕疵。树梢上、枝桠上挂着一串串的雪,似一串串的铃兰花。将窗户推开一道小小的缝,让寒

气携飞雪一串串涌进教室,雪花落到青丝上、衣上、手上,却总是一点点,一朵朵,稍纵即逝,留下一丝清凉在手心。 合上书,感受留存心底的那份温暖与感动,心弦之上,弹奏的古曲未尽,心上那份怅然若失仍在。回忆是这种感觉吗?感动并快乐着。 悠然中,目光回到手上,回到书中,回到让我怦然心动的那句话:“昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。”暖与思交织于那一刻。


【初一作文】怦然心动 雨,悄无声息地来临了。 蒙蒙细雨,像天庭飘下的千万条银丝,淅淅沥沥地下着。我呆呆地看向窗外,看雨滴 落在低洼水沟里激起的一层层涟漪;看雨滴落在含苞欲放的花儿上;看雨滴落在屋檐上, 宛如一层美丽的珠帘。微风吹过,雨斜了,迫不及待地奔向草木、墙壁。雨水滴在大地上,好像在伴奏一首优美的乐曲,倾诉它的情绪。 我的心里有一种很舒服、清爽的感觉,这种感觉凉丝丝的。我想,我那浮躁易怒的情 绪被这场"润物细无声"的雨洗净了,洗去了一身的尘埃与烦恼,一切都干干净净。 雨,渐渐停止向我倾诉它那愉乐轻快的情绪。我按捺不住好动的心,走到外面。雨过 天晴,那春雨洗过的太阳轻轻地抚摸着我的脸颊,暖洋洋的。带着丝丝飘香的泥土特有的 气息的空气,沁人心脾,滋润着我的肺喉,我的心伤佛置身于无边旷野。天空一碧如洗, 犹如一颗晶莹剔透的蓝宝石。几朵棉花似的白云在天空悠闲地玩耍。整个世界经过雨水的 洗涤,与往日不同,一切都那么焕然一新。 感谢您的阅读,希望文章能帮助到您。 不经意间,我的思想起了巨大的波动,心灵被深深震撼。那是因为,我看到了经过雨 水冲洗而绽放开的美丽花朵。我心动了,走过去。看,它开得那么芬芳馥郁。雨滴沾在娇 嫩欲滴的花瓣边沿,在阳光的照耀下,晶莹的雨珠犹如颗颗钻石熠熠生辉,又为它添了几 分风度和气质。明明刚才在雨中,我看到它那样弱不禁风,一阵风都把它折腾地叫苦连天!可现在,它是那么妩媚动人,在微风的吹拂下,就像一位亭亭玉立,楚楚动人的娇羞少女。我呆立在旁边,为它的美丽,为它的在风雨中不服输的精神所深深折服。 人生的道路不会一帆风顺,每个人都要勇于面对团难险阻。这样的雨天,这样的怦然 心动,铭刻在我记忆的扉页上,一朵花,都那样临危不惧,我有什么理由知难而退呢?所以,朝着你坚定的目标,脚踏实地,遇到困难不放弃。风雨,最终会停下来。磨砺,终究 会挺过去。 雨天的花朵,如此坚强,令我怦然心动! 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


《flipped(怦然心动)》英文影评/观后感 提供者:戴雪君Because of a friend’s strong recommendation,《flipped》is a movie I wanted to watch a long time ago.Then till the vacation,I finally had the chance to enjoy it. It’s a story showed from the perspective of two people watching the same issue.A little girl and a little boy met at their second grade.The girl fell in love with her newly moved neighbour because of his dazzling eyes.But the boy was always mad at the girl because of her bored broadcast about every morning’s school bus,her family’s yard was always in a mess and her ugly sycamore tree. Then the girl realized that the boy wasn’t the kind of person who is more than the sum of his parts.However,the boy gradually began to find the merits of the girl,such as kindness,self-awareness,pureness. Little Julie has many virtues which impress me.First,she adhered to herself.She loved the sycamore tree in their block.Because she could sit at the braches for hours and amazed by the view.When someone wanted to cut the sycamore tree down,she sat there bravely to protect it.She didn’t care about others’incomprehension and ridicule.Second,she showed sympathy for the weak.She loved her uncle,although he had a severe handicap.And she bid for the Basketboy number 8 at Mayfield Boosters Club Action because no one bid for the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1c12879963.html,st but not least,she had a

Flipped 怦然心动

Flipped All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone. It all began in the summer of , before the start of second grade. Here we are. What do you guys think? I like this place. It's cool. Uh, what color is my room? Just you wait. Let's see what's inside. Hey, come on, buddy Bryce. Why don't, uh, you and I go help unload the van and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start setting up. Okay, Dad. For me, it was the beginning of what would be more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort. Hi, I'm Juli Baker. Hey, hey, what are you doing? Don't you want some help? No. There's some valuable things in there. How about this one? No, no, no. Run home. Your mother's probably wondering where you are. Oh, no, my mom knows where I am. She said it's fine. It didn't take long to realize this girl could not take a hint. It's crowded in here with three people. I don't mind. Of any kind. You wanna push this one together? Bryce, isn't it time for you to go help your mother? Oh, yeah. I mean, nothing would stop her. I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened. I couldn't believe it. There I was holding hands with this strange girl. How did I get into this mess? Well, hello. I see you've met my son Finally, I did the only manly thing available when you're years old. However, my troubles were far from over. The minute I walked into Miss Yelson's classroom Bryce? You're here. it was clear: School would not be a sanctuary. Hey, Bryce, where's your girlfriend? I was branded for life. Hey, Bryce, why don't you ask her to marry you? Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree K-l-S-S-l-N-G My first year in town was a disaster. Look at them.
