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罗宾斯管理学课后习题(英文版)--Chapter 5 Quiz

Chapter 5 Quiz

This activity contains 40 questions.

1.Implementation is merely conveying the decision to those affected. True


2. __________ is/are necessary to initiate the decision process to eliminate discrepancies; otherwise, the problem can be put off.

A. Pressure

B. Criteria

C. Standard

D. Weight

E. Alternatives

3. A manager chooses among three alternatives for advertising (billboards, radio, and newspapers) based on research indicating success in sales for the three alternatives. This is a decision under:

A. conditions of certainty

B. goal orientation

C. conditions of uncertainty

D. constant preferences

E. conditions of risk

4. A manager has no idea what alternatives are available for new computer support systems and does not know how she can determine this information. This is a decision under:

A. constant preferences

B. conditions of uncertainty

C. conditions of certainty

D. conditions of risk

E. clear preferences

5. A manager who determines that cost, speed, and enlarging capability are relevant to his decision to purchase a new photocopy machine is an example of the _______________ phase of the decision-making process.

A. identifying the problem

B. identifying decision criteria

C. formulating a problem

D. allocating weights to the criteria

E. developing alternatives

6. A manager with a degree of tolerance for ambiguity, but who want lots of information and considers many alternatives before deciding, is exhibiting a/an ____ style of decision making.

A. analytic

B. behavioural

C. problem seeking

D. conceptual

E. Directive

7.A problem is a discrepancy between an existing and desired state of affairs.



8. Many organizational situations involve ___________, that are new and unusual.

A. satisficing decisions

B. groupthink

C. non-structured problems

D. non-routine decisions

E. non-programmed decisions

9. Behavioural style decision makers:

A. have a low tolerance for ambiguity, are very rational and efficient in their decision styles

B. want information, tolerate ambiguity, and are careful decision makers

C. work well with others, are concerned about the achievement of others, and often use meetings to make decisions while trying to avoid conflict

D. take a broad outlook, examine many different alternatives, and focus on the long run

E. have a high tolerance for ambiguity and an intuitive way of thinking

10. Bill and Bob are brainstorming possible solutions to a staffing problem. They are writing their ideas down without assessing their practicality or ability. Bill and Bob are at what stage in the decision-making process?

A. developing alternatives

B. setting decision criteria

C. choosing an alternative solution

D. allocating weights to the criteria

E. analyzing alternatives

11. Bounded rationality is:

A. behaviour that is rational but limited by an individual's ability to process information

B. the withholding by group members of different views in order to appear in agreement

C. conveying a decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it

D. an explicit statement that tells managers what they ought or ought not to do

E. an unconscious process of making decisions

12. Decision making is a simple act of choosing among alternatives.



13.Decision making is important for only two management functions: planning and leading.



14. Decision making is synonymous with managing.



15. Decision making is:

A. a set of seven steps

B. a comprehensive process

C. highly overstated in importance.

D. simply choosing among alternatives

E. only discussed with reference to individuals

16. Decisions that are routine are called:

A. standard decisions

B. non-programmed decisions

C. well-structured problems

D. programmed decisions

E. ill-structured problems

17. Each alternative in the decision-making process is evaluated by appraising it against the criteria.



18.Evaluating the decision may cause managers to return to an earlier step in the decision process.



19.Programmed decisions mean that the manager doesn't have to go through an involved decision process.



20. Managers must determine what is relevant when making a decision. True


21. Mary can repair a saw at Quality Production Inc. in two hours while it takes Mike five hours to make repairs. Assuming that both workers are present, the manager will always choose Mary to make repairs to the saws. This is a decision under:

A. problem clarity

B. conditions of risk

C. conditions of certainty

D. conditions of uncertainty

E. no cost constraints

22. Most decisions that managers face meet all the tests of rationality. True


23. Not every decision maker possesses criteria that guide his or her decision.



24. One manager's "problem" may be another manager's satisfactory state of affairs.



25. One survey in your text revealed that almost __________ of managers emphasized "gut feeling" over cognitive problem solving and decision making.

A. one-tenth

B. two-thirds

C. half

D. one quarter

E. one-third

26. People with a low tolerance for ambiguity, but who are logical and efficient have a/an _________ decision-making style:

A. analytic

B. creative

C. behavioural

D. conceptual

E. directive

27. Policies, procedures, and rules are developed to help managers deal with:

A. bounded rationality

B. non-programmed decisions

C. structured problems

D. satisficing

E. groupthink

28. Problem identification is a relatively simple and insignificant step in the decision making process.



29. Some discrepancies may not be considered problems because there is no pressure to take action to correct the situation.



30. The control mechanism in the decision-making process is:

A. in the selection of alternatives

B. when you evaluate the decision's effectiveness

C. at the time of setting criteria weights

D. when you identify the problem

E. in the implementation stage of decision making

31. The decision-making process is designed for individual decision making rather than group decision making.



32. Escalation of commitment describes increasing commitment to a decision in view of evidence it might be _________.

A. wrong

B. intuitive

C. wise

D. hasty

E. correct

33. The manager of a retail clothing store just found out that some "name brand" merchandise was brought into the Canada illegally. This is an example of:

A. an unstructured problem

B. A programmed decision

C. a procedure

D. a structured problem

E. satisficing

34. The question: How many employees should I have report directly to me? is related to the __________ management function.

A. motivating

B. organizing

C. planning

D. leading

E. controlling

35. Accepting decisions that are "good enough" is

A. analyzing

B. accepting

C. evaluating

D. intuitive

E. satisficing

36. Allocating weights to criteria is part of the ________ process.

A. pay off matrix

B. decision making

C. evaluation

D. alternative analysis

E. regret matrix

37. The following are examples of _____________in decision making: overconfidence, selective perception, hindsight

A. intuition

B. representation

C. heuristics

D. rules of thumb

E. biases and error

38. When facing a situation of uncertainty, the decision-maker has:

A. some certainty, with limited probability estimates

B. little certainty but some probability estimates

C. good certainty, but no probability estimates

D. neither certainty, nor probability estimates

E. A fair amount of certainty, but no probability estimates

39. Effective decision makers _____________

A. rely on rules of thumb

B. are analytical

C. are quick thinking

D. are well liked

E. practice the five whys

40. Which of the following statements is one of the assumptions of rationality:

A. Preferences are constant and inconsistent.

B. A single set of well-defined goals is to be achieved.

C. Time and cost constraints exist.

D. Options are clear.

E. The problem is clear and unambiguous.

罗宾斯管理学课后习题(英文版)--Chapter 5 Quiz

Chapter 5 Quiz This activity contains 40 questions. 1.Implementation is merely conveying the decision to those affected. True False 2. __________ is/are necessary to initiate the decision process to eliminate discrepancies; otherwise, the problem can be put off. A. Pressure B. Criteria C. Standard D. Weight E. Alternatives 3. A manager chooses among three alternatives for advertising (billboards, radio, and newspapers) based on research indicating success in sales for the three alternatives. This is a decision under: A. conditions of certainty B. goal orientation C. conditions of uncertainty D. constant preferences E. conditions of risk 4. A manager has no idea what alternatives are available for new computer support systems and does not know how she can determine this information. This is a decision under: A. constant preferences B. conditions of uncertainty C. conditions of certainty D. conditions of risk E. clear preferences 5. A manager who determines that cost, speed, and enlarging capability are relevant to his decision to purchase a new photocopy machine is an example of the _______________ phase of the decision-making process. A. identifying the problem B. identifying decision criteria C. formulating a problem D. allocating weights to the criteria E. developing alternatives 6. A manager with a degree of tolerance for ambiguity, but who want lots of information and considers many alternatives before deciding, is exhibiting a/an ____ style of decision making. A. analytic B. behavioural C. problem seeking

组织行为学 罗宾斯英文版PPT整理

Chapter1 Introduction to organizational behavior ✓Organizational Behavior:The systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations ✓Systematic Study of Determinants of Employee Performance: ➢Actions or Behaviors:Productivity, Absenteeism, Turnover , Organizational citizenship ➢Attitudes– Job Satisfaction: a. Possible link between satisfaction and productivity b.Satisfaction appears to be negatively related to absenteeism and productivity c.Humanistic responsibility to provide employees with challenging, intrinsically rewarding, and satisfying job ✓Organization: a. Consciously coordinated social unit b. Composed of two or more people c. Functions to achieve a common goal or set of goals d. Formal roles define and shape the behavior of its members ✓OB Encompasses Behavior in Diverse Organizations: Manufacturing: Service firms Schools Hospitals Churches Military units Charitable organizations Local, state, and federal government agencies ✓Contributing Disciplines(Level of Analysis): ➢Micro (individual): Psychology ➢Macro (group processes and organization) : Sociology, Social Psychology, Anthropology, Political Science ✓Toward an OB discipline P4 1.1 ✓Goals of Organizational Behavior: explanation, prediction, control ✓Challenges and Opportunities: a.Increasing age of typical worker b.More women and minorities in the workplace c.Requirements to meet global competition d.Severed loyalty bonds between employees and employers ✓What is Quality Management? ➢Intense focus on customer →Outsiders -- purchasers of products and services →Insiders -- interact with and serve others in the organization ➢Concern for continual improvement →Commitment to never be satisfied →“Very good” is not good enough →Quality can always be improved ➢Improvement in quality of everything the organization does “Quality” applies not only to the final product, but to →How organization handles deliveries →How rapidly it responds to complaints →How politely the phones are answered ➢Accurate measurement →Uses statistical techniques to measure every critical performance variable in operations


Chapter 5 – Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics True/False Questions 5. The classical view of organizational social responsibility is that management’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits. True (moderate) 7. In the socioeconomic view of organizational social responsibility, maximizing profits is a company's second priority. True (moderate) 9. Socially responsible businesses tend to have less secure long-run profits. False (difficult) 12. The difference between an organization's social obligation and social responsiveness is the legal aspect. False (moderate) 14. Values-based management is an approach to managing in which managers establish, promote, and practice an organization's shared values. True (easy) 15. Though the outcomes are not perfectly measured, the majority of research studies show a positive relationship between corporate social involvement and economic performance. True (easy) 20. The market approach to going green is when organizations respond to multiple demands of stakeholders. False (moderate) 21. The activist approach to going green is when an organization looks for ways to respect and preserve the earth and its natural resources. True (moderate) 25. Ethics refers to the rules and principles that define right and wrong conduct. True (moderate) 26. In the rights view of ethics, decision-makers seek to impose and enforce rules fairly and impartially. False (moderate) 27. The integrative social contracts theory proposes that decisions should be made on the basis of empirical and normative factors. True (difficult) 28. Studies have shown that most business people continue to hold utilitarian attitudes toward ethical behavior. True (moderate) 29. In the preconventional stage of moral development, individuals make a clear effort to define moral principles apart from the authority of the groups to which they belong or society in general. False (moderate) Multiple Choice 35. Which of the following is associated with the classical view of social responsibility? a. economist Robert Reich b. concern for social welfare c. stockholder financial return (moderate)


第五章社会责任和社会道德 社会义务→社会响应→社会道德 社会义务:一个企业承担其经济的和法律的责任的义务,这是法律所要求的最低程度。 社会响应:企业适应变化的社会状况的能力,它强调的是一个企业对社会呼吁的响应。(社会响应是发生在公司为对某种普遍的社会需要作出反应而从事社会活动时。) 社会责任:企业追求有利于社会的长远目标的义务,这种义务不是法律和经济所要求的。 该定义有两个前提条件: ①企业遵守法律并追求经济利益 ②企业是一种道德机构,为社会做贡献时能够分清正确的和错误的行为。企业承担社会责任的方法有以下三种: ①通过消除产生不利影响的活动来承担社会责任 ②把不利社会影响转化成企业的发展机会 ③通过制定各种规章制度,法律法规来限制企业对社会的影响 道德发展阶段:前习俗→习俗→原则 企业为什么要承担社会责任,你认为企业需要承担社会责任吗 ①满足公众期望:社会对企业的期望越来越多 ②增加长期利润:有社会责任的企业能可靠的获取更多的长期利润,企业形象好 ③承担道德义务:是道义要求也是符合自身利益 ④塑造良好的公众形象:通过追求社会目标产生一个良好的公众形象 ⑤创造良好的环境:解决社会问题有助于提高生活质量和改善社会状况 ⑥组织政府的进一步管制:企业承担社会责任可以减少政府管制 ⑦符合股东利益:长期看来社会责任会使企业的股票价格上涨 ⑨拥有资源:企业拥有资源可以为那些需要帮助的公共工程和慈善事业提供支持⑩预防胜于治疗:社会问题必须提早预防 社会责任的古典观和社会经济学观点的区别 ①古典观点主张管理当局唯一的社会责任就是利润最大化; 社会经济学观点认为管理当局的社会责任不只是创造利润,还包括保护和增进社会福利。 ②古典观点认为管理者的主要责任就是从股东的最佳利益出发,管理者将组织资源用于社会公益,就是在增加经营成本。 社会经济学观点认为公司并非只是对股东负责,还要承担社会责任,社会通过法律法规认可了公司的建立,并购买产品和服务对其提供支持。 ③古典观点并不是否认承担社会责任,它支持组织承担社会责任但仅限于为股东实现组织利润的最大化。社会经济学观点认为企业组织不仅是经济机构,社会鼓励企业参加社会事务。


《管理学》 第11版 罗宾斯


我是2014年参加的浙财会计学学硕考试,在考研的路上,也经过了许多波折坎坷,但总是告诉自己,前面就是光明。时间在不断流逝,我们的心是否还依旧平稳,不管如何,希望大家一定要坚持下去,不要让自己后悔,有一段话,献给在考研路上努力奋斗着的童鞋们:贵在主动,重在过程,有心有序,有度有恒,求实求真,躬身力行。我希望在你们挥汗奋斗的日子里,我能够带给你们一定的光明和正能量,相信自己,坚强地走下去。加油! A Blueprint for Achievement Practice while others are complaining. Believe while others are doubting. Plan while others are playing. Study while others are sleeping. Decide while others are delaying. Prepare while others are daydreaming. Begin while others are procrastinating. Work while others are waiting.

Save while others are wasting. Listen while others are talking. Smile while others are frowning. Compliment while others are criticizing. Persist while others are quitting. Progress while others are lagging behind. Then, you will succeed while others are failing.


斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯《管理学》笔记 第五章:社会责任与管理道德 一、什么是社会责任(social responsibility) 1、有关社会责任的两种相反的观点 ①古典观点(classical view):纯粹的或古典的经济学观点,认为管理当局的唯一责任就是利润最大化,即使是承担社会责任,也以股东实现组织利润最大化为中心; ②社会经济学观点(socioeconomic view):主张管理当局的责任远不止于创造利润,还有保护和增进社会福利。 3、从义务到响应 ①社会责任:企业追求有利于社会的长远目标的一种义务,超越了法律和经济所要求的义务,加入了一种道德要求,使人们从事更美好的事情。 ②社会义务(social obligation):指一个企业承担其经济和法律的责任的义务,是法律所要求的最低限度(企业在不违法的前提下追求利润最大化,是古典观点的表现)。 ③社会响应(social responsiveness):指企业适应社会状况变化的能力,强调管理者针对其从事的社会行动作出实际的决策,以满足某种普遍的社会需要,是由社会准则(social norms)所引起的。 二、社会责任和经济绩效 没有足够的证据表明,一个公司的社会责任行动,明显降低了其长期经济绩效。 三、以价值观为基础的管理(values-based management) 1、以价值观为基础的管理:是管理者建立、推行和实践组织共享价值观的一种管理方式。反映了组织赞同什么、信奉什么,它构成了组织文化并影响组织的运营方式和员工行为方式。 2、共享价值观的作用: ①指导管理者的决策和行动(如:我们推崇安全、有效、由天然原料制成的产品) ②塑造员工行为(如环境保护意识与行为)


口选择题 1.认为通过实现利润最大化保护利益相关群体的利益是管理者的主要职责的观点是 ( ) a .古典观点 b .社会经济学观点 C .社会责任 d .问题强度 2.认为企业应该为其所处的更大社会环境承担自己的社会责任的观点反映的是 ( ) a .古典观点 b .社会经济学观点 C .社会义务 d .问题强度 9.对组织决策和活动与组织对自然环境的影响之间的紧密联系的意识称 为( ) 。 a .联结点理论 b .管理的绿色化 c .生态意识 d .利益相关群体的授权 10.以绿化美国为目标的环境敏感度的最高层次是 ( ) 。 a .法律方式 b .活动家方式 c .市场方式 d .利益相关群体方式 11.当意识到管理应绿色化时,大多数组织在 第一阶段采取的是 ( ) 。 a .法律方式 b .市场方式 c .利益相关群体方式 d .活动家方式 12.管理者建立、推行和实践组织共享价值观的管理方式是 ( ) 。 a .社会响应 b .以价值观为基础的管理 C .绿色管理 d .利益相关群体管理 13.管理者发展共享价值观的目标包括 ( ) 。 a .减少成本 b .提高生产率和产品质量 c .影响竞争对手的生产率 d .塑造雇员行为 14.美国管理协会的调查表明, 64%的被访者认为公司的价值观与 ( ) 相关。 a .行业标准 b .职业道德准则 c .绩效评价和薪酬 d . MBO 目标 15. ( ) 是规定行为是非的原则和观念。 a- 社会责任 b .道德 c .利益相关群体 d .控制点 16.道德发展的第一水平是 ( ) 。在这个水平上,一个人的是非选择建立在个人后果的基础上。 a .前习俗水平 b .习俗水平 c .原则水平 d .前认知水平 17.当公司向第三世界国家销售不利于健康的、焦油含量较高的香烟时,具有较高自我强度的管理者很可 能会 ( ) 。 a .认为,因为香烟不利于健康,所以公司不应该销售,并积极阻止公司出售这种香烟 b .认为,因为香烟不利于健康,所以公司不应该销售,但不采取措施阻止公司出售这种香烟 c .不说出自己的想法,只是非正式地建议公司停止出售这种香烟 d .不采取任何措施改变公司的现行做法,尽管也认为这种香烟不利于健康 18.具有 ( ) 的人认为自己能掌握命运。 第五章 3. 斯巴克车辆维修公司的管理者将雇员纳入企业利益相关群体的范畴, 管理者处于组织社会责任扩展的四 阶段模型中的 ( ) 。 .阶段 1 b .阶段 2 c .阶段 3 d 希望吸引、保留、激励优秀员工, .阶段 4 4. 企业提高空气污染标准以达到法律规定的最低水平是在实践 .社会责任 b .社会义务 C .社会响应 d ( ) 。 .问题强度 5. 认为社会责任违背管理古典观点的本质而反对社会责任的人在 基础上阐述自己的观点。 6. 7. .利润最大化的偏离 b .成本 C .权力过大 企业发现自己生产的玩具存在安全隐患时,主动召回该产品是在实 .社会责任 b .社会义务 C .社会响应 d .问题强度 ( ) 强调道德的强制约束,使社会环境变好而不是变坏。 .社会责任 b .社会义务 c .社会响应 d .问题强度 淡化使命 8. 研究表明, ( ) 。 .社会责任与公司利润之间存在负相关关 系。 .社会责任与公司利润之间存在正相关关 .社会责任对公司利润无直接影响。 .社会责任对公司利润的影响依赖于问题强度。


罗宾斯《管理学》习题答案 第一章:管理和组织 1. 什么是管理? 管理是一种通过组织和协调组织内外资源,以实现组织目标的活动。它涉及规划、组织、领导和控制等方面,旨在提高组织的绩效和效率。 2. 管理者的角色有哪些? 管理者的角色包括:决策者、沟通者、协调者、资源分配者、监督 者和激励者等。他们需要在组织内部和外部之间进行协调,以确保组 织的顺利运作。 3. 组织的特点有哪些? 组织的特点包括:目标导向、人员组合、协作和分工、形式和非形 式结构等。组织的特点决定了它的运作方式和效率。

4. 什么是组织文化? 组织文化是指组织内部共享的价值观、信念和行为方式。它是组织的独特文化特征,对组织内部成员的行为和决策产生影响。 5. 管理学的历史和发展 管理学的历史可以追溯到古代,但现代管理学的发展主要起源于20世纪初。管理学逐渐形成了管理理论、管理原则和管理实践等体系,为组织管理提供了理论指导。 第二章:管理环境 1. 管理环境的组成部分有哪些? 管理环境包括内外环境。内部环境由组织的员工、文化和结构等因素组成,而外部环境则包括政治、经济、社会和技术因素等。管理者需要了解和适应环境的变化,以确保组织的成功。

经济环境对管理的影响主要表现为市场竞争、供求关系、通货膨胀和经济周期等方面。管理者需要根据经济环境的变化,制定相应的策略和决策。 3. 技术环境对管理的影响有哪些? 技术环境对管理的影响包括信息技术的发展、生产工艺的改进和自动化等方面。管理者需要不断学习和应用新的技术,以提高组织的效率和竞争力。 4. 政治环境对管理的影响有哪些? 政治环境对管理的影响主要表现为政府政策、法律法规和政府政策等方面。管理者需要遵守相关法律法规,并与政府保持良好的关系。


第1章什么是组织行为学 1.l 复习笔记 一、管理者做什么 管理者通过别人来完成工作,他们做出决策、分配资源、指导别人的活动从而实现工作目标。 1. 管理者的职能 20世纪初,法国工业家亨利·法约尔(Henri Fayol)提出,所有的管理者都发挥五种职能:计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制。今天这些职能简化为四种:计划、组织、领导和控制。 (1)计划 计划活动就是要设定或明确组织的目标,制定实现组织目标的途径或方案。 (2)组织 为了实现计划活动所预定的目标,实施计划活动制定的行动方案。 (3)领导 管理者就运用各种适当的方法,去影响组织的成员,努力营造起一种使组织中的成员能够全心全意、士气高昂地为实现组织目标而努力奋斗的氛围,以便使管理的领导职能得到更大的发挥。 (4)控制 为了确保组织目标的顺利实现,组织的管理者从头到尾地对组织各项活动的进展情况进行检查,一旦发现或预见问题后就要及时采取措施予以纠正,以保证组织活动按计划进行。 2. 管理者的角色 20世纪60年代末,麻省理工学院(MIT)的研究生亨利·明茨伯格对5位高层经理进行了一项精心研究,明茨伯格得出结论:管理者扮演着10种不同的但又互相关联的角色。这10种角色可以归纳为三大类:人际角色、信息传递者角色以及决策角色。 (1)人际关系方面的角色 人际关系角色指所有的管理者都要履行礼仪性和象征性角色。 (2)信息传递方面的角色 信息角色是指所有的管理者在某种程度上,都从外部的组织或机构接受和收集信息。 (3)决策制定方面的角色 在决策角色中,管理者处理信息并得出结论。 亨利·明茨伯格界定的10种管理角色如表1.1所示。

罗宾斯管理学课后习题(英文版)--Chapter 4 Quiz

Chapter 4 Quiz This activity contains 40 questions. 1.A car company that improves their engines so their cars get higher than the legally required minimum standard for miles per gallon is practicing: A. social responsiveness B. social obligation C. the classical view D. issue intensity E. social responsibility 2.A company improving air pollution standards at their firm to meet the minimum levels required by law is practicing: proactive approach accommodative approach obstructionist approach classical approach defensive approach 3.Which of the following is an argument for social responsibility? dilution of purpose violation of profit maximization lack of accountability too much power public expectations 4.A major argument against social responsibility suggests that there are no direct lines of social accountability from the business sector to the public. True False 5.A major argument against social responsibility suggests that business people lack the necessary skills to address social issues. True False 6.A major argument against social responsibility suggests that by allowing business to pursue social goals, it would decrease the power of business. True False 7.A manager who makes decisions to promote workers based on merit because she believes this is fair to everyone accepts the _______________ view of ethics. code of ethics integrative theory of justice utilitarian rights


Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 14e (Robbins/Judge) Chapter 5 Personality and Values 1)According to Gordon Allport,is/are defined as "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment." A)values B)beliefs C)personality D)attitudes E)perceptions Answer: C Explanation: C) The definition of personality we most frequently use was produced by Gordon Allport nearly 70 years ago. He said personality is "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment." Diff: 2 AACSB: Analytical Thinking Quest. Category: Concept LO: 5.1 Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the factors that shape it. 2)is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. A)Talent B)Skill C)Knowledge D)Intelligence E)Personality Answer: E Explanation: E) Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. Diff: 1 AACSB: Analytical Thinking Quest. Category: Concept LO: 5.1 Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the factors that shape it.


1.Discuss Frederick Taylor’s work in scientific management. Next, list Taylor’s four principles of management. ①Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work to replace the old rule-of thumb method②scientifically select and then train ,teach and develop the worker.③heartily cooperate with workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science that has been developed. 2.In a short essay, describe what is meant by the specific and general environments within which organizations operate. The specific environment includes external forces that directly impact managers’ decisions and actions and are directly relevant to the achievement of the organization’s goals. The main forces that make up the specific environment are customers, suppliers, competitions and pressure groups. The general environment includes the broad economic, political/legal, sociocultural, demographic, technological and global conditions that affect an organization. 3.In a short essay, define organizational culture, identify and define the seven dimensions that make up an organization's culture. Organizational culture has been described as the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act. First, culture is a perception .(It’s not something that can be physically touched or seen, but employees perceive it on the basis of what they experience within the organization .)Second, organizational culture is descriptive .(It’s concerned with how members perceive the culture, not with whether they like it. Finally, even though individuals may have different backgrounds or work at different organizational levels, they tend to describe the organization’s culture in similar terms. That’s the shared aspect of culture. ) ①Attention to detail ②Outcome Orientation ③People Orientation④Team Orientation⑤ Aggressiveness⑥Stability⑦Innovation and Risk Taking 4.In a short essay, discuss bounded rationality and satisficing. Bounded rationality which says that managers make decisions rationally but are limited by their ability to process information. Then, it about satisficing. Because the managers can not possibly analyze all information on all alternatives, they satisfice rather than maximize. That is, they accept the solutions are “good enough.” 5.In a short essay, define management by objectives (MBO) and list four elements of this type of goal setting. MBO:A process of setting mutually agreed upon goals and using those goals to evaluate performance. Fourgoals:1goal specificity,2、participative decision making,3、 an explicit time period4、performance feedback. 6.In a short essay, define goals, then list and discuss six characteristics of well-designed goals. ①written in terms of outcomes rather than actions ②measurable and quantifiable③clear as to a time frame④challenging get attain-able⑤written down⑥communicated to all necessary organizational members 7.In a short essay, discuss the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix and explain its usefulness in segmenting businesses. Include a discussion of the characteristics for each of the four categories based on the BCG matrix. BCG.A strategy tool that guide resource allocation decisions on the basis of market share and growth rate of SBUs, providing a framework for understanding diverse businesses and help manager’s establish priorities for resources. The dog should be sold off-dated also managers should milk cash cows for as much as they can, and use cash generated to invest in stars and question marks with strong potential improve market share. 8. In a short essay, describe the strategic management process and identify the six stages in the process. ①Identify the organization’s current mission ,goals and strategies.②do an external analysis.③do an internal analysis.④formulate strategies.⑤implement strategies.⑥evaluate results. 9. In a short essay, describe matrix structure. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this structure? The BCGmatrix introduced the idea that an organization’s businesses could be evaluated and plotted using a2x2matrix to identify which ones offered high potential and which were a drain on organizational resour ces. Some of the strategic advantages of this organizational structure are reduced working capital and process cycle times can be reduced in most cases. It creates checks and balances between competing viewpoints and promotes making trade-off decisions that are best for the company. It also has a number of disadvantages that make it unsuitable for use in many companies. It is very complex to manage and hard to maintain balance between differing lines of authority.
