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cosmetic surgery lead a better life

We are the positive side, and our viewpoint is that cosmetic surgery makes our life better. Cosmetic surgery is ordinary in modern time. Not only women but also men take this surgery for various reasons. It is also called plastic surgery. In the Wikipedia, it is explained as following, Plastic surgery is one of the medical specialties concerned with the "correction" or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic; plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.As we all know, plastic surgery give beauty to everyone , as well as treat patients and leave them confidence. So we are for the statement of cosmetic surgery making the world better.

Having taking the cosmetic surgery, you will look handsome and charming. Because of this, you are more confident,which makes you comfortable and delighted,so bright mood comes after surgery. It is believed that bright mood links to health, so in some degree, cosmetic surgery brings health to us.

Not only health benefit comes, but also wealth benefit. A beautiful guy gets more chances when searching for jobs than ordinary one, and also likely gets higher salary.

Cosmetic surgery is not only for cosmetic, but also for flaws. For example, burned men can get treated by plastic surgery. And also, some illness will be cured in the same way.


正方一辩:Good morning everyone. We will hold a debate about whether we should have cosmetic surgery. I think we should respect cosmetic surgery. Firstly, cosmetic surgery can increase self-confidence and possibility of success. Secondly, the heart of loving beauty exists everywhere. A beautiful appearance will give you more chance to be known about your inner beauty and find better work and marriage. Thirdly, cosmetic surgery has become an industry. Its prosperity can increase taxes for our country.

反方一辩:Our side firmly believe that one shouldn’t have cosmetic surgery. First, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Second, plastic surgery can’t improve one’s nature. One’s inner beauty or qualities like honesty, faithfulness and sense of humor are more important. Third, most employers need skilled employees rather than good-looking ones. Last, plastic surgery is risky.

反方二辩:my fellow debaters ,please allow me to ask ,we can see that cosmetic failure cause countless tragedy, so many people,with a beautiful dream, but had to bear the double blow of body and mind. Can we turn a blind eye to?正方二辩:I disagree what you say , your point is too partial, you see the failure that we saw, we see the success you do not see, is it unfairly?

反方二辩:the other third debate, now, many young people see cosmetic surgery as the key to wealth and love .Does this situation give the young a suggestion that inner beauty is not important at all? I would be glad to hear your opinion.

正方三辩:No, I don’t think so really. cosmetic surgery is just a kind of tool. We agree cosmetic surgery that is not mean we give up inner beauty. As our county , does the

Reform and opening up means we give up socialist?

正方二辩:Excuse me, the other debates, if a person because congenital defects or acquired tried, he disfeatured unbearable caused by other people see his strange taste, so his cosmetic is wrong?

反方三辩:I’m afraid I don’t agree you. This part are minority after all, those cases we agree. But we must see that most of them have cosmetic surgery just for more beautiful.

正方二辩:Excuse me , The other third debate ,love beautiful heart the person all has, we want to let oneself become more beautiful, what's wrong with that?反方三辩:I'm afraid you have a little one-sided.one can through many ways become beautiful, such as, clothes ,make-ups and so on. Why do you have the risk to choose cosmetic surgery ?

自由辩论:正方一辩:it is known that water can carry a boat ,it can also turn over it. Why does cosmetic surgery become more and more popular? Can it develop so fast without the support of the majority of people ?

反方一辩:The public is not always beneficial and right. Our country has taken place the Cultural revolution, is it right? Stars in their own star road, cosmetic again and again, and this causes the fans follow blindly atmosphere.what do you think of this? 正方二辩:If I were a star fans, I just like his appearance or talent, as to his appearance ,I don’t care. A jay don't need million jay to follow . I want to ask If you have a cleft lips and palates, will you go to cosmetic?

反方三辩:oh , That I can really unfortunate, but not all person like me unfortunatly, more people have cosmetic surgery just to become prefect, it is not worth it. Many people in order to cosmetic's purse cost all their money, and you think it is worth?

正方三辩:this case is really exist, but it is minority. Most people would consider their own economic conditions before they do cosmetic surgery. If a person lose his or her job just because of appearance, Isn't it regret?

反方四辩:I don’t think so . I think if he or she do has talent , he will get a job in any company.


For each other's point of view, I summarizeh as three. First, the other friends have been mention cosmetic contend against morality, but I want to say, The Times change, thoughts unable blind conservative. Second, cosmetic have risk, we admit, but we must also admit that normal operation, the risk is small, and with the development of technology, risk will be smaller and smaller. Third, love beautiful heart the person all has, cosmetic provides us change their possible, can help us to realize the white swan dream, why not do it


中国传媒大学播音主持专业部分考题 中国传媒大学初试指定稿件 (一)无人小岛:两个测绘老兵的最后一次生死历险 11月9日清晨,广州军区某测绘大队大地测量队中士杨凯和黄金波,携带一台GPS接收机,乘坐快艇至一座无人小岛执行数据观测任务。按照作业要求,数据接收分为4个时段,每个时段需24个小时。4天4夜风餐露宿的艰苦奋战后,成功近在咫尺。不料,8级大风骤起,带上岛的锅碗瓢盆、煤气炉等被风吹得满地翻滚,露营用的帐篷也被撕烂。 大风掀起4米多高的海浪,一排排向小岛压上来,海浪打在岩石上瞬间“长高”至10米,“赶快保护仪器!”杨凯和黄金波不顾危险,拿起各自的雨衣,迅速套在仪器上,并死死抱紧仪器。3分钟后,数据接收完毕。两人吃力地抬着仪器,躲到最高处的岩石缝内。此时,带上岛的干粮,仅剩下一包方便面。严峻的困境提醒他俩,这包方便面不到最困难时刻绝对不能吃。岸上的战友几次试图出海营救他俩,因风浪太大,都只能无奈返航。 夜深了,岛上的气温直线下降,两人冻得瑟瑟发抖。为了打起精神,他俩不停地互相讲故事和笑话,有的笑话甚至讲了10多遍,直到笑不出声来。即便如此,他俩一直轮流将装备抱在怀里,丝毫不敢放松。因为一旦装备受损,里面的数据就会丢失。3天3夜后,风停了。中队长卢群和战友们赶来救援,看到两人虽然已精疲力尽,怀中的装备却“毫发无损”,眼泪不由地夺眶而出。其实,这场生与死的考验,完全是他俩“自找”的,因为离他俩退伍的日子已进入倒计时,队领导本着“照顾”的原则,并没有安排他俩去。可他俩三番五次请战,态度坚决,最终打动了队领导。这么做为啥他俩笑笑:“就因为我俩是老兵。” (二)草原人民好军医郭纯 郭纯1955年出生,于1970年入伍,毕业于解放军第四军医大学。他扎根边疆少数民族地区,入伍40年、从医35年,坚持把为兵服务和为民服务结合起来,用民族团结的执着追求、赤诚大爱的真挚情感、淡泊名利的道德品质、忘我奉献的敬业精神谱写了爱党、爱国、爱人民的卫士之歌,为维护驻地稳定、促进社会和谐做出了突出贡献。他身患绝症后,每年坚持以虚弱之躯穿林海、涉大漠,为贫困地区群众巡诊送药。多年来,郭纯多次被**部队和内蒙古自治区表彰为先进医务工作者、优秀科技专业干部、优秀共产党员、中青年学科带头人、民族团结进步先进个人和道德模范,荣立二等功1次、三等功2次。 近日,内蒙古草原牧区温度骤降,**内蒙古总队医院院长郭纯带领医疗队冒着严寒到牧区巡诊。 时代先锋牧民巴特:郭院长经常来我们这,给我们老百姓看病,他是我们的赛额木其。“赛额木其”蒙古语的意思是好大夫,但好大夫郭纯却是一位直肠癌患者。 **内蒙古总队医院院长郭纯:我希望自己在有限的生命中能够为更多的患者解除病痛。 为了救治更多的病人,郭纯每天都是第一个出现在医院,最后一个离开,最忙时一天要做12台手术。 **内蒙古总队医院政委郜彬:在病人眼里,郭院长的医术高,而且人品好,把命交给他,放心。 从医35年来,郭纯成功救治各族患者10万多人,带领医疗队巡诊400多次,行程20多万公里,先后建立6个医疗扶贫点,他用自己精湛的医术和高尚的医德搭起了一座民族团结连心桥。 即兴评述: 1.我看超女 2.我的消费观


整形美容的利弊 美容手术潜在的七大危险 所有的整形手术都存在创伤、并发症和疤痕,都会对整容者的身体和心理带来一系列影响,因此人们选择了整容也就选择了风险。然而商家为了吸引消费者,就把风险一一淡化,从而给受术者带来了无限痛苦。 因此,当我们准备选择“变脸”美容时,应先认真了解一下“变脸”美容可能带来的七大潜在祸害: 一.当心留下疤痕败笔 一些不太正规的美容院或变脸时操作不规范,由于技术和条件原因,都有可能给受术者本来光洁的脸上留下疤痕。有些美容手术由于消毒等操作没做好,脸部美容手术后有时会导致痒、痛不适等症状,初期会在脸上发生隆起于皮肤表面,或伴有色素代谢异常,影响外观,严重的会发生挛缩造成脸部畸形。 二.重睑术术后可能引发并发症 虽然重睑术是一个非常小的美容手术,也比较安全,但既然是开刀的手术,总归有发生并发症的可能,在术前、术中以及术后,都有可能发生并发症:如血肿,重睑术中多用压迫止血,如处理不当,严重者可引起视力减退;如感染,应注意术前、术中、术后的消毒和抗感染工作,如果发生感染,后果不堪设想;另外如重睑高度不对称,重睑皱襞过短、过浅,重睑线不流畅,三角眼,重睑线深陷,三重睑以及形成切口瘢痕等都有可能发生。

三.另类整形不美反丑 现在各个大中城市都有极少数“哈韩”“哈日”的年轻人,热衷穿舌环、唇环、削尖耳朵、肚脐变成十字架或桃心等另类整形。 如今,类似在眉骨、鼻翼、舌头嘴唇等部位打洞、改耳形等另类整形在少数年轻人中颇受推崇。但另类整形对美的需求已经超出了正常范围,而且任何美容手术都会给身体造成影响,另类整形手术尤其如此。比如,切割肚脐可能会在肚脐周围留下很大一圈刺眼的伤疤;乱穿耳洞会造成耳部的软骨受伤,引起软骨膜炎;挂鼻环容易造成鼻前庭缩窄,严重的还要进行鼻腔成形手术;挂唇环则容易使嘴唇出血、发炎、肿大、溃烂,进而影响人的进食;钻石镶牙,容易造成消费者的牙釉质损坏,引起牙齿过敏,缩短牙齿的寿命。 四.神经损伤成面瘫 面部美容变脸,手术比较大,有发生损伤神经的可能。媒体曾报道,我国西南某省,一位本来年轻靓丽的女士,在做完变脸手术后,由于手术损坏了面部神经,导致“口眼歪斜”,吃饭时嘴只能张开刚好一条缝,刚好只能放进筷子,给自己的身心健康造成严重伤害,后悔完矣! 变脸手术可能导致两种面瘫 一种是中枢性面瘫,颜面上部肌肉并不瘫痪,闭眼扬眉皱眉均正常,下部肌肉出现瘫痪,病侧鼻唇沟变浅、口角下垂、示齿动作时口角歪向健侧。 另一种是周围性面瘫,分两种情况 一是:导致脸的一侧全部颜面肌肉瘫痪、眼睑不能充分闭合、口角下垂、抬眉受限、额纹变浅或消失、眉毛较健侧低、睑裂变大、眼泪时有外溢、示齿或笑时口

整容利弊辩论赛 整容利弊辩论正方一辩稿

整容利弊辩论赛整容利弊辩论正方一辩稿【--入党申请书总结】 整容作为现如今明星界的潮流,大多数女星都去整容变美,那么整容到底有什么好处呢?今天给大家分享一篇整容利大于弊正方的一辩稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 主席、各位嘉宾,大家好!整容,具体来说就是整形美容,是指运用手术,药物,医疗器械以及其他医学技术方法对人的容貌和人体各部位形态进行修复和再造,进而增强人体的外在美感。我方支持整容,因为整容利大于弊。下面,我将从整容的必要性和可行性两大方面进行论证我方观点。 第一大方面,从整容的必要性来看,整容的好处正越显多样和重要。 1,整容给了每个人平等拥有美丽的权利。对美好事物的追求是人与生俱来的天性。俗话说,爱美之心人皆有之。人们总是希望拥有美丽的外表,注重外表也是人对自己一种恒久关爱的表现。可矛盾在于,并非每个人都像对方辩友如此天生丽质,这些人怎么办?显然,是整容提供给了人么选择美的权利,是整容带给圆她们美丽的梦的机会。

2,整容能促进社会和谐。现实中不少人天生的生理缺陷导致相貌丑陋,或者后天的事故致使毁容,因为容貌丑陋而不被社会接纳甚至歧视和孤立的人,轻则会产生抑郁,自我封闭的性格,重则导致心理变态,并诱发这些人仇恨社会,做出自杀,或暴力报复社会的极端行为。整容是这些外貌丑陋者的福音,它从一定程度上缓解了这种矛盾尖锐化发展。 3,整容能使人适应社会生存和发展的需要。外貌是每一个人递给社会的第一张名片,正如托尔斯泰说的:没有比漂亮的外表更具有说服力的 __。在婚恋和越来越多职业对外貌具有明文要求的今天,通过整容让自己更漂亮难道不是提高自己生存能力的重要可行办法吗?金喜善巩俐等人的成功证明了这一点。 4,整容能促进医疗科技的全面进步。人们对整容的热衷促使整容行业对整容医疗技术的探索和创新,整容间接地促进了医疗科技的进步。 第二方面,从整容的可行性来说,整容的弊端正在逐渐的被弱化。


正方一辩 Good morning, honorable judges ,chairman, ladies and gentlemen. I am great honored to be the first debater of the affirmative side. For our part we support the point that people should improve their appearance through plastic surgery. For the first part, a good appearance makes people more confident. On the one hand, confidence is very important for people’s development. Once they are confident, they will feel good for themselves and live a better life. On the other hand, a confident person can appeal to more people, so that they can make friends with more people. For the second part, in some work fields, such as beauty contest, airline stewardess, the demands of appearance is very high. In other words, good appearance can takes more work chance. For the third part ,we’d like to pay attention to the disabled people. Standing in their way, plastic surgery is very necessary. It will make them get rid of the discrimination of others. Above all, we believe that the plastic surgery is an effective way for people to get a better appearance and a better life. That’s all of what i want to say, thank you! 反方陈述: Good morning, honorable judges, chairman, Ladies and gentleman. I am great honored to be the first debater of the opposition side. For our


cosmetic surgery lead a better life We are the positive side, and our viewpoint is that cosmetic surgery makes our life better. Cosmetic surgery is ordinary in modern time. Not only women but also men take this surgery for various reasons. It is also called plastic surgery. In the Wikipedia, it is explained as following, Plastic surgery is one of the medical specialties concerned with the "correction" or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic; plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.As we all know, plastic surgery give beauty to everyone , as well as treat patients and leave them confidence. So we are for the statement of cosmetic surgery making the world better. Having taking the cosmetic surgery, you will look handsome and charming. Because of this, you are more confident,which makes you comfortable and delighted,so bright mood comes after surgery. It is believed that bright mood links to health, so in some degree, cosmetic surgery brings health to us. Not only health benefit comes, but also wealth benefit. A beautiful guy gets more chances when searching for jobs than ordinary one, and also likely gets higher salary. Cosmetic surgery is not only for cosmetic, but also for flaws. For example, burned men can get treated by plastic surgery. And also, some illness will be cured in the same way. 附:网上有关整容的辩论 正方一辩:Good morning everyone. We will hold a debate about whether we should have cosmetic surgery. I think we should respect cosmetic surgery. Firstly, cosmetic surgery can increase self-confidence and possibility of success. Secondly, the heart of loving beauty exists everywhere. A beautiful appearance will give you more chance to be known about your inner beauty and find better work and marriage. Thirdly, cosmetic surgery has become an industry. Its prosperity can increase taxes for our country. 反方一辩:Our side firmly believe that one shouldn’t have cosmetic surgery. First, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Second, plastic surgery can’t improve one’s nature. One’s inner beauty or qualities like honesty, faithfulness and sense of humor are more important. Third, most employers need skilled employees rather than good-looking ones. Last, plastic surgery is risky. 反方二辩:my fellow debaters ,please allow me to ask ,we can see that cosmetic failure cause countless tragedy, so many people,with a beautiful dream, but had to bear the double blow of body and mind. Can we turn a blind eye to?正方二辩:I disagree what you say , your point is too partial, you see the failure that we saw, we see the success you do not see, is it unfairly? 反方二辩:the other third debate, now, many young people see cosmetic surgery as the key to wealth and love .Does this situation give the young a suggestion that inner beauty is not important at all? I would be glad to hear your opinion. 正方三辩:No, I don’t think so really. cosmetic surgery is just a kind of tool. We agree cosmetic surgery that is not mean we give up inner beauty. As our county , does the

Thesis writing on plastic surgery关于整容手术利与弊的英文写作

Class 1 Eunice 20120201139 Nowadays, more and more people especially women would like to have plastic surgery because they think it can make them more beautiful and attractive. They will have good-looking faces and perfect figures through plastic surgery. However, the society now forms a tendency of taking plastic surgery, young people view it as a shortcut to get jobs and love. It will do great harm to society in both social values and spiritual pursuit. Therefore, plastic surgery does not play a positive role. Plastic surgery, according to wikipedia, is a medical specialty related to the "correction" or restoration of form and function. People who take this kind of surgery will become more confidence because they feel themselves inferior to other beautiful people. Actually, at present a good-looking person does have greater chance to gain jobs or love. Thus, people will dout that doesn’t plastic surgery play a positive role in society? I should say that it will convergence the social aesthetic sense if more and more people take plastic surgery. People will form a same standard to judge beauty, which leads a wrong way to develop aesthetic sense. Originally, people hold different views to beauty but now as many people take plastic surgery they will think that a person with big and bright eyes, a tall nose, a small mouth and a slim figure is beautiful. As a result, the original values of beauty become almost the same, which does a negative impact on the development of social aesthetic values. Besides, as many young people regard good appearance as the key to wealth and love, plastic surgery offers a chance to have good appearance. Therefore, they will not pay much attention to development their inner qualities. With more and more people have plastic surgery, the whole society will worship appearance but ignore spiritual pursuit. However, I still think virtue is more important than appearance. No matter when you are searching for a job or a true love, what really plays a significant role is your good virtue. Take Quasimodo in Les Misérables for example, his story completely proves that virtue is much more important than appearance. People think plastic surgery provides a shortcut to success, gradually the social values will be distorted and the whole society turn to be vacuous because of the lack of virtue pursuit. In conclusion, plastic surgery does not play a positive in society. It will form a wrong sense of aesthetic and people will pay less attention to cultivate good virtue, which are harmful for the development of society.


Everybody has right to go after beauty. But don't forget you are unique in the world whether you are ugly or good-looking. Everyone is unprecedented. Remember that , confidence comes from the approval of yourself. not just a plastic surgery。We live in a world that is image obsessed, and this kind of procedure panders to that. We should promote the idea that appearance is not as important as character. People should be content with themselves and not be so hung up on their looks. Seek job certainly is near"real strenght", the magic power of a person certainly also not is depend a star sort light fresh brilliant of beautiful outward appearance, the accomplishment of more important oneself, spiritual beauty of accomplishment to anyone, all is go to pass important.Because this kind of United States withstands the test of time and environment, acquiring is very not easy, and outside and beautiful but different, even again the beautiful outward appearance is to can not stand a horary test, becoming "bad old man" or"yellow face old woman". Plastic surgery does the magic. Everyone is longing for being charming. Many girls swarm in to the frontier of pursuing beauty----they resort for plastic surgery. Pitifully, tragedies do happen fr om time to time. Girls take the risks to chase beauty, no matter the cost, for they have no idea or ju st ignore the risks. Girls, if you are intended to have the plastic surgery, think twice and take the fo llowing problems into consideration which can happen on the operating table. In additional, scars can make your efforts and sufferings worthless. What’s more, considering that someone decides to do the breast-enlarging operation which means that s he needs slipping something into her breasts, time foes by, these fillers may rupture and turn out to be the body junk since they are not the nature part of body, the fillers may destroy her health. Cosmetic surgery is something that should not be entered into lightly. It is considered a surgic al procedure and therefore will carry risks. But if you are in good general health and decide that co smetic surgery is something that you want to do then it is important that you do research on the pr ocedure so that you are able to make an informed and responsible decision. The advantages of plas tic surgery can be many in the right circumstances. All in all, the advantages of cosmetic surgery can outweigh the risks if it can change your life for the better. Everyone deserves to look their best. As far as I am concerned, even though someone becomes more beautiful through plastic surg ery, it is not he real beauty. In my mind, the real beauty comes from the inner world. For me, natur e is beauty. Beauty is true.


Affirmative: Cosmetic Surgery has positive influence on our society. Negative: Cosmetic Surgery has negative influence on our society. 反方一辩反方二辩反方三辩 H: Good afternoon everyone, today we will hold a debate about whether the cosmetic surgery has positive influence or negative influence on our society. I ,Yuan JianFu, and Cai ZiHao are the affirmative side. Xx, Xx and Xx are the negative side. First, I want to explain the view of our side that Cosmetic Surgery has positive influence on our society. Cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Anyone may have the chance to be a gorgeous woman or a handsome man. We are in support of cosmetic surgery. Firstly, every person has the right to seek for beauty through a cosmetic surgery as long as he can afford the expense. Secondly, after cosmetic surgery people can be more confident and competitive in the job market and daily life. Thirdly, a new face means a new life and we can easily walk into new surroundings. Besides, cosmetic surgery truly beautify ourselves and it will not do harm to others. What’s more, cosmetic surgery has become an industry. Its prosperity can increase taxes for our country. So from the analysis, our side draws a conclusion that Cosmetic Surgery has positive influence on our society. Then let the negative side explains their view. 反方一辩:We hold the view that Cosmetic Surgery has negative influence on our society. Firstly, to have a cosmetic surgery apparently shows that we don’t have confidence in ourselves and we are ugly. Secondly, having a cosmetic surgery can be costly. It may take a lot of time, energy, and money to maintain the beauty after the surgery. Thirdly, there exists a great risk to have a cosmetic surgery. Once failed, we may suffer a lot from it. Finally, trying to improve our appearance by virtue of cosmetic surgery is against our traditional ethics as well as the natural laws. Consequently, we are against cosmetic surgery. H:Then the two sides can ask questions about the opposite side. C:If a person is under heavy pressure because of his appearance and even lose heart to life. And a cosmetic surgery could help him become positive to life. Why couldn't he do that? 反方二辩:As for your opinion, I’ve got two points to refute you. First, lack of confidence of life may result from some other reasons instead of their looks. And the second, there are many ways to make ourselves attractive, through good qualities, through our abilities, or through beautiful clothes, why do we just choose the way of cosmetic surgery? And as we all know, having cosmetic surgeries is at high risk of resulting in a disease or illness. So what’s your opinion on this problem? C:Every coin has two sides. We admit that cosmetic surgery has its weakness; however it also has many good effects. You just see the tragedies it causes but why don't you see the benefits it brings to us? What you said is single-faceted in some way. 反方二辩:I’m afraid deba ter 2 has misunderstood what we mean. We are just describing an impersonal fact, could you ignore those tragedies happening again and again? Besides, the cosmetic surgery rises


论整容 整容是一种改变人的外貌的技术,可以让 人的外貌看上去更漂亮。时下,随着社会的进步,人类技术的进步和文化的繁荣发展,整容 已经逐渐被很多人接受。自整容技术问世以来,无数明星因为整容而走红,无数普通人也因为 整容而实现自己的梦想,无数年轻人因为整容 追到自己的心爱之人,无数毁容的人因为整容 重新找回生活的信心。 有的人,因为一些事故,比如车祸,火灾等,而招致毁容,痊愈后,长相十分难看,遭 人唾弃,在工作和生活中处处不招人待见,受 人排挤。他们虽然能在事故中死里逃生,最终 却也难逃社会的审判,在孤独与绝望中,了结 自己的一生。在这时候整容技术是他们的福音,帮助他们改变自己,变得坚强和自信,和正常 人一样融入社会。 在这个看脸的时代,有一副好容貌的人, 时常处处受益。在街上,遇到困难时,漂亮的 女人往往更容易得到男人的帮忙;在求职时,

长相更好的人,往往更容易得到面试官的青睐;在工作单位中,有着符合领导口味的长相的人,往往能够很短的时间内就攀至高位。因为所有 陌生人时刻在意的往往是漂亮的人,而相貌平 平的人,只能被淹没在茫茫的人海之中。即使 千好万好,不能引人注意,一切也只是徒劳无功。 似乎整容有千好,而无一弊,有千利,而 无一害。但是,有些人还是对整容有所顾虑。 互联网上,有一个视频,专门介绍了整容的具 体过程。在改造脸型时,脸部有多块骨骼被削掉,还有很多骨骼被移位。无论胖瘦变化,时 过日迁,骨头都不会有太大变变化,骨头就是 一个人的基本。动骨头这种事情,就是在动身 体的本质了,骨头都被改造了,人就不再是同 一个人了。再说,毕竟整容是一种手术,手术 毕竟有风险,万一出什么问题,岂不是得不偿失?哪里能够这么轻易就决定整容。 在我看来,身体发肤,受之父母,不是逼 不得已,不能随意去动它。长相也是一样,一


整容之利弊 导读:整容(cosmetic surgery)真是让人又爱又恨。能变成美丽灵药,当然也能变成致命的砒霜。可即便有风险,仍有越来越多的人愿意铤而走险,这究竟是“完美强迫症”驱使,还是“丑陋恐惧症”作祟?我们又该如何正确认识自己,追求“美丽效应”呢? The tragic death of celebrity Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular. 近日,超女王贝整容殒命的新闻使得人们愈加意识到越来越流行的整容手术的风险性。 Denny Chen, a 27-year-old Beijing hairdresser, dropped his plans for vision-correcting laser surgery because of the news. "I`m afraid the same thing might happen to me, so I`ve decided to forget the surgery," he says. 来自北京的27岁的发型师丹尼·陈,就是因为这则新闻而打消了做激光矫正视力手术的想法。他说:“我害怕同样事件发生在自己身上,所以决定不做这个手术了。” It seems the aspiring singer Wang Bei has finally achieved the fame and influence that eluded her during her lifetime. 如此看来,似乎这位满怀抱负的歌手王贝有生之年默默无闻,殒命后却名声大噪。 A common thread of online discussion is why someone considered beautiful was so dissatisfied with her looks. Some netizens said Wang was a victim of society`s unrealistic ideal of beauty: double eyelids, an aquiline nose and the pointed chin typical of Western celebrities. Others said her death underscores the limits to which people will go to achieve fame and fortune. 如今,网络上讨论着一个共同话题:为什么那些长相漂亮的人都不满意自己的外表呢?大众的审美标准并不切实际:双眼皮、鹰钩鼻、尖下巴——典型的西方人面孔。一些网友说王贝正是该审美标准的牺牲品。也有的人说她的死也为那些想通过整容获得名誉和财富的人敲响警钟。 Wang`s death highlights the fact that cosmetic surgery has become one of China`s biggest beauty secrets. Last year an estimated 15 billion yuan ($2.2 billion) was spent on cosmetic surgery
