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美国伊利诺伊州2010版驾照考试笔试 (permit) 题库

美国伊利诺伊州2010版驾照考试笔试 (permit) 题库
美国伊利诺伊州2010版驾照考试笔试 (permit) 题库










1. When you come to a stop sign, you must stop your vehicle:

__ As close to the stop sign as possible.

__ At a place near the intersection providing you come to a complete stop.

__ At a marked stop line, before entering the crosswalk, or before entering the

intersection if there is no crosswalk.

2. When headlights are required, they should be dimmed at least 500 feet before meeting

and 300 feet before overtaking another vehicle.

__ True __ False

3. When driving along the highway and the front right wheel of your vehicle runs off the pavement, you should:

__ Quickly swing back onto the pavement at your normal speed.

__ Grasp the steering wheel tightly and take your foot off the accelerator.

__ Apply the brakes immediately and swing back onto the pavement quickly.

4. Most rear end collisions are caused by:

__ Dangerous road conditions. __ The vehicle in front stopping too fast.

__ The vehicle in back following too closely.

5. Which of the following is the single greatest factor in fatal motor vehicle accidents?

__ Alcohol. __ Mechanical problems.

__ Bad weather conditions. __ Bad road conditions.

6. When a right turn against a red signal light is allowed, the proper way to make the

turn is to:

__ Stop, give right-of-way to any persons or vehicles within the intersection; then

cautiously make your turn.

__ Turn quickly to get out of the way of other vehicles.

8. When passing another vehicle, you should not cut back into the right lane until you

can see the vehicle that you just passed in your rearview mirror.

__ True __ False

9. When a school bus is stopped on a two-lane highway and its red warning lights are

?ashing and its stop signal arm is extended, you must:

__ Slow down, sound your horn and pass the bus with caution.

__ Stop your vehicle before reaching the bus.

__ Pass the bus on the left if there are no vehicles approaching from the opposite


10. A person may never drive a motor vehicle (even if borrowed or rented for a short period of time) unless the operator holds a valid drivers license which is properly classi?ed

for that kind and type of vehicle.

__ True __ False

11. When there are ?ashing signals at a railroad crossing and the train clears the crossing, how soon should you proceed?

__ Follow the vehicle ahead of you.

__ After you check to make sure another train is not approaching on another track.

__ Just as soon as the train clears the crossing.

12. When a two-lane pavement is marked with a single, solid yellow line on your side of the center line:

__ Construction work is going on ahead, slow down.

__ You must not cross the yellow line to pass another vehicle.

__ You must slow down and proceed with caution.

13. Which of the following laws and safety rules apply to bicyclists?

__ Bicyclists should travel in the opposite direction of other vehicles.

__ The safest hours for operation are during times of poor visibility.

__ Bicyclists are entitled to the same right-of-way as other vehicles.

14. When making a left or right turn in a business or residential district, a continuous

signal to turn must be given:

__ Not less than 100 feet before turning.

__ Only when vehicles are coming toward you.

__ At least 50 feet from the intersection.

15. When an authorized emergency vehicle which is using its siren and ?ashing lights

approaches your vehicle, you should:

__ Increase your speed. __ Continue at the same speed.

__ Pull over to the right hand edge of the highway and stop, if possible.

16. If your vehicle starts to skid on water (hydroplane), you should:

__ Take your foot off the accelerator and let your vehicle slow down.

__ Turn your wheel slightly to the right and brake gently.

__ Turn your ignition off and coast to a stop.

17. If you are convicted of passing a school bus that is receiving or discharging passengers, you may lose your drivers license for at least 30 days.

__ True __ False

18. The road surface of a bridge may be dangerous in winter because:

__ The bridge surface is warmer.

__ There may be ice on bridges even when other pavements are clear.

__ Neither of these.

19. A ?ashing red traf?c signal light at an intersection means:

__ An emergency vehicle is approaching from your rear.

__ You should be careful when going through the intersection.

__ Exactly the same thing as a stop sign.

20. It is permissible for you to pass on the shoulder of the road.

__ True __ False

21. When required to stop at railroad crossings, vehicles must stop:

__ Within 25 feet, but not less than 15 feet from the nearest railroad crossing.

__ Within 50 feet, but not less than 15 feet from the nearest railroad crossing.

__ Within 75 feet, but not less than 25 feet from the nearest railroad crossing.

__ Within 100 feet, but not less than 50 feet from the nearest railroad crossing.

22. In order to reinstate full driving privileges after a DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (DUI) revocation, a person must:

__ Carry high-risk auto insurance for three years.

__ Be approved for reinstatement by a Secretary of State Hearing Of?cer and pay a

$60 reinstatement fee.

__ Submit to a professional assessment of alcohol and/or drug use and attend a remedial

or rehabilitation program.

__ Wait a minimum of one year.

__ All of the above.

23. It is unlawful for any person to leave the roadway and travel across private property

to avoid an of?cial control device.

__ True __ False

24. When driving on a slippery road and the rear end of your vehicle starts to skid, you should

__ Apply the brakes quickly.

__ Turn the front wheels in the direction of the skid.

__ Hold the wheel ?rmly and steer straight ahead, braking gradually.

25. when a traf?c light shows both a red light and a green arrow in the direction you wish to

turn, you:

__ Have the right-of-way over pedestrians in turning in the direction of the arrow.

__ May proceed in the direction of the arrow with caution.

__ Must stop and remain stopped until the red light has changed.

26. The "2-Second Rule" works like this: when the vehicle ahead of you passes a ?xed object

like a tree, etc., if you begin counting, "one thousand one, one thousand two"; then if

you reach the same tree before you have ?nished saying "one thousand two", you are

following too closely.

__ True __ False

27. Illinois law requires children under age 6 to be secured by a restraint system or seat

belt when traveling in a motor vehicle:

__ In the front seat only. __ Anywhere in the vehicle.

__ In the back seat only. __ Never, this is not a law.

28. A driver moving out of an alley, private road, or driveway within an urban area must:

__ Sound your horn and exit quickly.

__ Stop only if there are vehicles coming down the street.

__ Stop before reaching the sidewalk and yield to pedestrians and vehicles before


29. If you MUST drive during foggy weather, you should turn on the low-beam headlights and: __ Flash your lights routinely.

__ Keep your foot on the brake pedal so your tail lights will be seen more easily.

__ Drive at a speed that will allow you to stop within your ?eld of vision.

30. When approaching a blind pedestrian carrying a white cane or accompanied by a guide dog: __ You may pass if you slow down and sound the horn.

__ You must yield the right-of-way.

__ You may pass if there are no vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.

31. Motorcycles, though smaller and lighter in weight, have the same right-of-way privileges

as other vehicles. Special observance should be given to motorcyclists when they

approach an intersection, a railroad crossing, bridge or when bad weather occurs.

__ True __ False

32. When you are driving and one of your tires has a blowout, you should:

__ Quickly steer onto the right shoulder.

__ Apply the brakes quickly to reduce speed.

__ Grip the steering wheel ?rmly, take your foot off the gas pedal, and let the

vehicle slow down before you drive onto the shoulder.

33. The driver and front-seat passengers (age 6 and above) are required to wear seat

safety belts while riding in a motor vehicle on Illinois roadways. Violators are

subject to:

__ A $50 ?ne plus court costs. __ Suspension of their drivers license.

__ A $25 ?ne plus court costs. __ None of the above.

34. You are waiting at an intersection and the traf?c signal light changes to green,

you may then go ahead:

__ When you think it is safe to do so.

__ After ?rst yielding the right-of-way to any persons or vehicles which are within

the intersection.

__ Immediately.

35. A person who REFUSES to submit to a chemical test, or tests, of his/her blood, breath

or urine for the purpose of determining the level of alcohol and/or drug content:

__ Will receive a drivers license suspension for 12 months for second or more refusals

within a 5-year period.

__ May have this used as evidence against him/her in court if charged with DRIVING

UNDER THE INFLUENCE of alcohol and/or drugs (DUI).

__ Will receive a drivers license suspension for six months on ?rst offense.

__ All of the above.

36. Your driving privileges will be revoked in the State of Illinois if you are convicted:

__ Drag racing.

__ Driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the in?uence

of alcohol or other drugs (including prescription drugs which may impair driving

ability) and/or combinations, thereof.

__ Leaving the scene of an accident in which you are involved as a driver, if the

accident results in death or personal injury.

__ None of the above.

__ All of the above.

37. When approaching a railroad grade crossing which does NOT have ANY warning system (such as electric ?ashing lights or gates) you should:

__ Continue at your normal speed.

__ Look, listen, slow down in case you have to stop, and proceed when safe to do so.

__ Increase speed and cross tracks as quickly as possible.

38. Unless posted otherwise, it is permissible for drivers on a one-way street to turn left

on a red light into another one-way street that moves traf?c to the left after making

a proper stop and yielding to traf?c or pedestrians within the intersection.

__ True __ False

39. Motorcycles are entitled to use the full width of a traf?c lane, the same as a vehicle.

Therefore, when you are driving a vehicle and want to pass a motorcycle, you should:

__ Follow the motorcycle without passing it.

__ Cautiously pass the motorcycle, sharing the same lane that it is using.

__ Not pass the motorcycle in the same lane that it is using, but change lanes and pass

the way you would pass another vehicle.

40. Your drivers license will be suspended if: after arrested for DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE of alcohol and/or drugs (DUI).

__ You take a chemical test (breath, blood or urine) and register an amount equal to or

over the legal level intoxication (.08%)

__ You refuse to take a chemical test (breath, blood or urine).

__ You take a chemical test and register .04%

Answers of the sample test


The sequence character is marked on alternatives in the order of that from left to right, from top to bottom, that is

Question 1 : The question goes here.

Alternatives: __ Answer A __ Answer B

__ Answer C __ Answer D

Question 2 : The question goes here.

Alternatives: __ Answer A __ Answer B

__ Answer C

Question 3 : The question goes here.

Alternatives: __ Answer A

__ Answer B

__ Answer C

__ Answer D

Sign Match

From left to right:

10, 15, 1, 9, 8

7, 6, 14, 3, 2

11, 5, 4, 12, 16


1. C, Chapter Seven: Roadway Signs/Regulatory Signs

2. True, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Special Driving Situations/NIGHT DRIVING

3. B, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Special Driving Situations/DRIVING OFF THE PA VEMENT

4. C, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Vehicle Following Distances

5. A, Chapter Four: DUI

6. A, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Right-of-Way

8. A, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Passing

9. B, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/ Special Stops/School Buses

10. True, Chapter One: The Illinois Driver’s License/Classi?cations

11. B, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Vehicles and Trains/SECOND TRAINS

12. B, Chapter Eight: Traf?c Signals and Pavement Markings/Pavement Markings

13. C, Chapter Nine: Sharing the Road/Bicyclists

14. A, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/ Signaling and Turning

15. C, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Right-of-Way

16. A, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Special Driving Situations/SKIDDING

17. False, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Special Stops/School Buses

18. B, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Weather Conditions/WINTER DRIVING

19. C, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Right-of-Way

20. False, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Passing

21. B, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Special Stops/Railroad Crossing

22. E, Chapter Four: DUI

23. True, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Lane Usage

24. B, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Special Driving Situations/SKIDDING

25. B, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Right-of-Way & Pedestrian Right-of-Way

26. True, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Vehicle Following Distances

27. B, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Child Passenger Protection Act & Air Bag Safety

28. C, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Right-of-Way & Special Stops/Alleys and Driveways

29. C, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Weather Conditions/FOG

30. B, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Pedestrian Right-of-Way

31. True, Chapter Nine: Sharing the Road/Motorcyclists

32. C, Chapter Ten: Safe Driving Tips/Equipment Failure

33. D, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Safety Belt Law

34. B, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Right-of-Way

35. D, Chapter Four: DUI

36.E,Chapter Six:License Revocation,Suspension,Denial and Cancellation/Revocation

37. B, Chapter Eight: Traf?c Signals and Pavement Markings/Railroad Grade Crossings

38. True, Chapter Three: Traf?c Laws/Right-of-Way

39. C, Chapter Nine: Sharing the Road/Motorcyclists/LANE SHARING

40. A & B, Chapter Six: License Revocation, Suspension, Denial and Cancellation/Sus-pension

Additional Questions

When a school bus is stopped on a two-lane or four-lane highway and its red warning lights are flashing and its stop signal arm is extended, you must:

( ) Stop before meeting or overtaking a school bus loading or unloading passengers on a two-lane highway.

( ) You do not always need to stop when meeting a stopped school bus on a roadway with four or more lanes if at least 2 lanes of traffic travel in the opposite direction.

( ) You do not need to stop if you are traveling on a four-lane highway in the opposite direction of a school bus, but you should drive cautiously.

(√) All of the above

Drivers are NOT permitted to wear headsets or have a television receiver visible from the driver’s seat.

(√) True

( ) False

Headlights are required:

( ) From dusk to dawn.

( ) During periods of poor visibility.

( ) When weather conditions require the use of windshield wipers.

(√) All of the above.

Many intersection accidents occur because drivers FAIL to slow down and look carefully to the left and right before entering the intersection.

(√) True

( ) False

You are required by law to yield the right-of-way to any authorized vehicle engaged in highway construction or maintenance that is displaying amber (yellow) oscillating rotating or flashing lights.

(√) True

( ) False

If you are convicted of passing a school bus that is receiving or discharging passengers, you may lose your driver’s license for at least 3 months.

(√) True (PDF中17题跟这题只有时间的差别(30days和3months),注意这里答案是True)

( ) False


·只要出现All of the above选项,一定是正确答案。



It is legal for you to pass on the shoulder of the road.

( ) True


好多小伙伴们赴美留学都应该向往美东的大城市,尤其是作为华尔街中心的纽约。而纽约州一共拥有2所常春藤大学(Ivy League Universities),比其他任何州都要多。如果你想到纽约州留学,你肯定不会是孤独的,根据美国门户开放报告2015 Open Doors Report 的数据显示,纽约州的大学生中有8%都是留学生,而超过这一比例的只有马萨诸塞州(麻省)以及华盛顿特区。其中,位于纽约城的知名大学有哥伦比亚大学Columbia,纽约大学NYU,以及康奈尔大学Cornell等,而整个纽约州还有好多所著名的高校。 微信搜索公众号:美国研究生留学快讯 下面讯哥就带大家简单的了解一下这15所学校。 U.S.News美国大学排名 学校 4 哥伦比亚大学 15 康奈尔大学 32 纽约大学 33

罗切斯特大学 41 伦斯勒理工学院52 叶史瓦大学 61 雪城大学 66 福特汉姆大学 75 史蒂文斯理工学院89 纽约州立宾汉姆89 纽约州立石溪 89

纽约州立环境林业学院 99 纽约州立布法罗分校 127 新学院 129 纽约州州立奥尔巴尼 1. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University) 哥大,综合排名4,常青藤盟校之一,美国现任总统奥巴马的母校。哥大在各个学科领域的学术水平都处于领先地位。根据Faculty世界大学排名,其艺术与人文和社科管理类专业排名前15,自然科学及生命科学医学类专业排名前30,工程和科技类专业排名前60。并且哥大的学生和老师均是高度多样化,每年会接收来自150多个国家的7000名国际生。哥大主校区位于曼哈顿上西区,距离中央公园和百老汇非常近。 2. 康奈尔大学(Cornell University) 纽约的最高学府,综合排名15。康奈尔大学是常青藤盟校之一,无论在学术研究方面还是职业课程方面都非常出色,是美国第一个设立兽医药学学位的学校,另外也是第一个教授远东语言的学校。


美国考驾照的流程 关于笔试: 25道题全部是选择题,每题三个选项,基本上都是common sense,即使完全没学习过,直接考试也有一半以上机率能过。大多数地区不需要 预约,到DMV机车管理局直接考试,当即打分,当即拿到上路练车许可。考试费用我们这 边是10美元。整个流程耗时20分钟。笔试通过后,如果你副驾驶上坐个持有驾照2年以 上的人,你就可以开车了。如果你想自己单独开车上路,需要路考通过,在美国开车和国 内习惯可不一样,很多身边的例子告诉我们越是国内老司机,坏习惯越多,可能越难通过。 路考内容: 1.确保前座位上两个人都记上安全带后,才可以启动车。调整左右外侧视镜,后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势左转丶右转丶停车。测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒 转弯车,紧急刹车; 2.上路考试,左转,过十字路口丶转右转丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶路边停车等等。 3.注意事项:看到停车路标时候一定要停稳,换路线等。动作一定要明显,左看右看 前后看,要考官看到你的明显动作。要注意小细节,不妨把工作做的夸张些,比如上车是 否系安全带,发动车时是否环顾了四周,后视镜,转弯是否打转弯灯,见到行人是否远远 就刹车。 4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。 路考注意事项: 1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。 2.考官会要求你把车钥匙转到ON,但是不启动车,检查你的刹车丶转向灯丶雨刷丶除雾器丶大灯丶喇叭等。 3.如果你的车上有的部件不能正常工作的话,考官是不会让你路考的路考前,把座位 调大点空间,美国人比较胖,让考官坐得舒服了,考试时也会心情好些。考官坐上车后, 等他发指令你再启动车。 4.Stop sign一定要停满三秒。遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full


????a 1. A diamond shaped sign means ????(a) warning. ????(b) stop. ????(c) yield right of way. ????c 2. An upside-down triangle means ????(a) warning. ????(b) stop. ????(c) yield right of way. ????b 3. An octagon shaped sign means ????(a) warning. ????(b) stop. ????(c) yield right of way. ????b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should ????(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car. ????(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe. ????(c) slow down and proceed when safe. ????d 5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection? ????(a) Slow down and proceed with caution. ????(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection. ????(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed. ????(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe. ????b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is: ????(a) Point the arm and hand down.


美国各港口及对应的州名 阿比林,得克萨斯州(Abilene, Texas) 阿克伦,俄亥俄州(Akron, Ohio) 奥尔巴尼,纽约州(Albany, New York) 阿尔伯克基,新墨西哥州(Albuquerque, New Mexico) 阿伦敦,宾夕法尼亚州(Allentown, Pennsylvania) 阿马里洛,得克萨斯州(Amarillo, Texas) 安克雷奇,阿拉斯加(Anchorage, Alaska) 阿什维尔,北卡罗来州(Asheville, North Carolina) 亚特兰大,佐治亚州(Atlanta, Georgia) 大西洋城,新泽西州(Atlantic City, New Jersey) 奥斯汀,得克萨斯州(Austin, Texas) 巴尔的摩,马里兰州(Baltimore, Maryland) 巴吞鲁日,路易斯安那州(Baton Rouge, Louisiana) 比灵斯,蒙大拿州(Billings, Montana) 伯明翰,亚拉巴马州(Birmingham, Alabama) 俾斯麦,北达科他州(Bismarck, North Dakota) 博伊斯,爱达荷州(Boise, Idaho) 波士顿,马塞诸塞州(Boston, Massachusetts) 布里奇波特,康涅迪格州(Bridgeport, Connecticut) 布朗斯维尔,得克萨斯州(Brownsville, Texas)

布法罗,纽约州(Buffalo, New York) 伯灵顿,佛蒙特州(Burlington, V ermont) 卡里布,缅因州(Caribou, Maine) 卡斯珀,怀俄明州(Casper, Wyoming) 查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳州(Charleston, South Carolina) 查尔斯顿,西弗吉尼亚州(Charleston, West Virginia) 夏洛特,北卡罗来州(Charlotte, North Carolina) 查塔努加,田纳西州(Chattanooga, Tennessee) 夏延,怀俄明州(Cheyenne, Wyoming) 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州(Chicago, Illinois) 辛辛那提,俄亥俄州(Cincinnati, Ohio) 克利夫兰,俄亥俄州(Cleveland, Ohio) 科罗拉多斯普林斯,科罗拉多州(Colorado Springs, Colorado) 哥伦比亚,南卡罗来州(Columbia, South Carolina) 哥伦布,佐治亚州(Columbus, Georgia) 哥伦布,俄亥俄州(Columbus, Ohio) 康科德,新罕布什尔州(Concord, New Hampshire) 科珀斯克里斯蒂,得克萨斯州(Corpus Christi, Texas) 达拉斯-沃斯堡,得克萨斯州(Dallas Ft Worth, Texas) 代顿,俄亥俄州(Dayton, Ohio) 代托纳比奇,佛罗里达州(Daytona Beach, Florida) 丹佛,科罗拉多州(Denver, Colorado)



[转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV) [转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV) 原文地址:(NewJerseyDMV)">美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)作者:GV格诺博 原文地址: (NewJerseyDMV)"> 美国驾照笔试题 (NewJerseyDMV) 作者:GV格诺博 Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ) 美國駕駛執照书面测试样題(新泽西州) 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of: 1.农业的执照(许可证)允许的操作︰ A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only. 答︰农场登记的车辆仅用于农业。 2. The shape of a Yield sign is: 2.让步标志的形状是︰ A: Triangle. 答︰三角形。 3. A green light means: 3.绿灯意味着︰ A: Go when safe. 答︰开过去当安全时。 4. At the time of your road test you must present: 4.在你的道路考试时,必须出示︰ A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insuranceID, Examination permit. (the answer is “above all is right”) 答︰有效的车辆登记证许可证,保险ID,考试许可证。(答案是"以上一切的就是正确的")5. 1 & ? ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as: 5.1 & ? 盎司的86 proof(43度)的酒包含相同数量的酒精是︰ A: 12 ounces of beer. 答︰ 12 盎司的啤酒。 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could: 6.如果一个人在你的家里喝醉了,离开你的家后,还有机动车事故,你就能够︰ A. Become involved in a Lawsuit. A.卷入一场官司。 7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking: 7.研究表明,最多的人因醉酒驾驶被捕时喝的酒是︰ A: Beer. 答︰啤酒。 8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: 8.如果一个人一直在喝酒,下列哪一项能够给她们清醒: A: Time. 答︰时间。


加州驾照模拟试题 1. 对年满21岁以上的驾驶者而言﹐合法的血液酒精浓度(BAC)是多少? 百分之零点八(0.80) 百分之零点零八(0.08) 百分之零点零五(0.05) 2. 有关煞车的研究表明﹐以时速55英里速度行驶的大型卡车所杀车距离为一般汽车的___. 同样的距离 俩倍 三倍 3. 在雾中或雨中驾车时﹐最好﹕ 经常使用您的泊车讯号灯 经常使用您的紧急讯号灯 打开您的前灯 4. 在销售或转让您的车辆的多少天之内您必需向DMV报告﹖ 5天 10天 15天 5. 如果您遇到红色交通信号灯﹐但一位治安官员或消防队员指示您继续驾驶﹐您应该﹕ 等待录色讯号灯 按照其指示作 将车使至路缘并停车 6. 涂上色的路缘意味停车或泊车是﹕ 仅供救急车辆用 仅供乘客用 仅限于一定的时期一要看标志或街道标记标明的时限 7. 当来到有停车标志的转交处﹐您首先必需停车﹕ 在距离行人横道线四英尺处﹐然后您可进入交叉路口 在足以看到两边来往交通的地方 在行人横道线前 8. 如果发生车祸﹐并且其中一辆车所受损失超过$500﹐在以下情况下﹐您必需向DMV提

出意外报告(SR1) 只有在您有过错的情况下 无论是谁的错 只有在另一辆车中有人受伤或死亡的情况下 9. 正确系上的座椅安全带﹕ 是法律的规定 将防止车祸 将制止您移动您的身体 10. 在进入一条车道前﹐为确保该车道是通畅无阻的您应该﹕ 转头观察您想进入的车道 看左侧反光镜 看后向反光镜 11. 如果您被判乱扔废弃物﹐这一判决是否会记入您的驾驶档案﹖ 是﹐如果您未满18岁 是﹐无论您的年龄多大 否﹐除非您年满18岁以上 12. 当您舆其他车辆同时到一个没有交通信号灯或停车标志的转交时﹐您应该给以下哪一个人先行权﹕ 您右边的驾驶者 您左边驾驶者 您对面的驾驶者 13. “默示同意的法则”指明您已同意在下述情况下对您的血液酒精浓度进行检验﹕ 您在加州驾车的任何时候 经律师同意 如果发生了车祸 14. 在转角处横越街道的行人在以下情况下有先行权﹕ 只有在街道上划出行人在以下情况下有先行权 只有在行人交通管制装置运作正常的情况下 无论街道上是否划出行人横道线 在管制车辆交通的讯号灯失灵的情况下 15. 为避免突然的“最后一刻行动”﹐在扫视道路看是否有危险时﹐您看前方多远的距离﹖4到5秒钟的行车时间 6到8秒钟的行车时间 10到15秒钟的行车时间

第13讲洛克纳诉纽约州 案例摘要

洛克纳诉纽约州 (Lochner v New York) Fact: 纽约州通过了一项关于限定面包师的最长工作时间为每天十小时或每周六十小时的法律,理由即在于过长的劳动时间危害工人的身体健康。面包房主洛克纳认为这一法律侵犯他所享有的受宪法第十四修正案保护的合同自由(任何一个州都无权干预订立合法合同的权利),违宪,因此上诉至最高法院。 Issue: 制定法是否违反宪法第十四修正案保护的合同自由原则。 Holding: 制定法侵犯合同自由权。 Rationales: 大法官佩克汉姆(Peckham)宣布法院判决: 这个法律必然干涉了雇主和雇员之间订立合同的权利,这项权利涉及到了雇员在雇主的面包店里的工作时间。 一、劳动合同自由权与治安权 1、劳动合同自由权:根据第十四条修正案,对于自己的事务签订合同的普遍权利(包括购买或出卖劳动力的权利)是个人自由权的一部分,除非存在排除该项权利的情形。 2、州有权阻止个人签订某类合同,并且联邦宪法并未对签订这类合同提供任何保护。 治安权因涉及公众的安全、健康、道德和普遍福利而成为州在行使管理权时可以强加的限制。合同违反联邦或州的制定法,或者一项合同是出租其财产以实现不道德的目的,或者为任何其他违法行为,则该项合同就无法归入个人自由或合同自由而获得联邦宪法的保护。 3、决定哪项权利优先极为重要——是个人自己选择劳动时间的劳动权利,还是州限制个人劳动或限制个人签订超过州定劳动时间的劳动合同的权利。 4、对州治安权的有效行使应当有所限制。 A、在诸多案件中,法院已经承认了州拥有治安权并支持其运作。但是Holden v. Hardy(1898)案中,该法仅仅适用于特定阶层。因此,完全没有必要讨论和决定立法机关是否能够确定其他雇用劳动中的劳动时间,Holden v. Hardy案不适用于本案。 B、立法应为州政府合理地、适当地行使其治安权,而不能是不合理地、不必要地和恣意地干涉个体对其人身自由的权利,或者干涉个体签订对供养他自己和家人所适当而必要的劳动合同的权利 二、本案中对劳动时间的限制并不在治安权的权限之内 1、本案中所涉法律仅仅影响到从事这个职业的个人,不涉及安全问题和道德问题、公共福利问题、公共利益 2、本案中,个人的人身自由与契约自由的权利优先于州制定该项法律的权力。本案中治安权的行使已经超出其权限:这个健康法对于保护公众健康或从事面包师行业的个人健康不是必要的和适当的。 A、面包师这一行业就其本身而言,并不是对健康具有很大危害的行业,不能仅仅基于某一


?百分之零点八(0.80)?百分之零点零八(0.08)?百分之零点零五(0.05) ?同样的距离 ?等待录色讯号灯 ?按照其指示作 ?将车使至路缘并停车 ?仅供救急车辆用 ?仅供乘客用

?仅限于一定的时期一要看标志或街道标记标明的时限 ?在距离行人横道线四英尺处﹐然后您可进入交叉路口?在足以看到两边来往交通的地方 ?在行人横道线前 ?看后向反光镜 ?是﹐如果您未满18岁 ?是﹐无论您的年龄多大 ?否﹐除非您年满18岁以上

?您右边的驾驶者?您左边驾驶者?您对面的驾驶者 ?时速15英里?时速20英里?时速25英里

?加速以远离其它车辆 ?将车开到一个安全的地方﹐停车休息 ?通过经常变换车道来帮助您保持清醒 ?在机械讯号装置后十英尺处停车 ?停车﹐然后在安全时继续行驶 ?在穿过铁路交叉路口前要减速 ?在进入前要减速 ?在进入前要停车﹐然后在安全的情况下继续行驶?要等待绿灯亮 ?否﹐方向盘可能被琐住﹐然后您可能失去对车的控制?否﹐除非您想在下坡时滑行 ?是﹐但是当您急踩煞车踏板时﹐要对车打滑有所准备

?急踩煞车踏板 ?猛然拐入您侧边的车道 ?把您的脚移离油门踏板 ?如果该轻型卡车装有座椅系统而且坐在后面的人使用座椅系统的安全带?如果该轻型卡车侧围的高度至少为24英寸 ?如果该轻型卡车有固定在车架上的座椅

?在您获得另一副眼镜前仅仅在您熟悉的道路上行驶 ?在您获得另一副眼镜前不要驾驶 ?仅在紧急情况下驾车 ?您只需要向您的保险公司报告 ?您必需在该车上留下一张字条﹐并且向当地执法机构或CHP书面报告?您应该安排将该车辆拖到修车行修理 ?否-在低速行驶时安全带没有效果 ?要观察您视力所能看到的前方的情况 ?要观察您跟随著的前面一辆车的情况 ?要观察所有的情况


美国驾照笔试题(New Jersey DMV)(附个别名词解释)来源:CSSA会报的日志 美國駕駛執照考題Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ) 1. 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of: A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only. 1. 2. The shape of a Yield sign is: A: Triangle. 1. 3. A green light means: A: Go when safe. 1. 4. At the time of your road test you must present: A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insurance, ID, Examination permit. (the answ er is “above all is right”) 1. 5. 1 & ?ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as: A: 12 ounces of beer. 1. 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, af ter leaving your home you could: A. Become involved in a Lawsuit. 1.7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk drivin g have been drinking: A: Beer. 1.8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: A: Time. 1.9. Implied Consent Law means: A: On request of a police officer you agree to take a breath test to determine Bloo d Alcohol Content.


美国纽约州社区大学盘点 社区大学是美国高等教育的重要组成部分.社区大学为学生提供职业技术教育,也为打算读本科的学生提供一年级和二年级的课程。社区大学最大的优势是为国际学生提供了一个进入美国大学的体系的便捷方式。美国社区大学有哪些呢?下面来看一下美国纽约州社区大学有哪些? School Total Enrollment Tuition and Fees Adirondack Community College Queensbury,New York 3,987$3,973 (in-state) $7,637(out-of-state)American Academy of Dramatic Arts-New York New York,New York 195$30,650ASA College Brooklyn,New York 4,691$12,094Broome Community College Binghamton,New York 5,952 $4,301 (in-state)$8,121(out-of-state)Cayuga County Community College Auburn,New York 4,314 $4,560 (in-state)$8,510(out-of-state)Clinton Community College Plattsburgh,New York 2,249 $4,153 (in-state)$8,833(out-of-state)Columbia-Greene Community College Hudson,New York 2,124 $4,122 (in-state)$7,914(out-of-state)Corning Community College Corning,New York 4,966 $4,440 (in-state)$8,390(out-of-state)CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College New York,New York 24,537 $4,218 (in-state)$6,558(out-of-state)CUNY Bronx Community College Bronx,New York 11,287 $4,254 (in-state)$6,594(out-of-state)CUNY Hostos Community College Bronx,New York 6,455 $4,255 (in-state)$6,595(out-of-state)CUNY Kingsborough Community College Brooklyn,New York 18,934 $4,250 (in-state)$6,590(out-of-state)CUNY LaGuardia Community College Long Island City, New York 19,287 $4,242 (in-state)$6,582(out-of-state)CUNY Queensborough Community College Bayside,15,711 $4,240 (in-state)


页码,1/22(W)驾照模拟试题Samples of Driver Written Tests 1 您打算从一条仅限右转的车道上右转,这时您注意到您的车道有一个黄色箭头。您应当: 准备遵守下一次出现的交通信号 检查是否有行人,然后小心转弯 停下,任何情况下都不能转弯 2 您如何为紧急车辆让路? 尽量停靠在道路右沿,然后停下 转入右车道,慢慢驾驶,直到紧急车辆过去 立即停车,即使您是在交叉路口也是如此 3 在转弯之前务必小心注意摩托车,因为: 摩托车必须占用一整条车道 摩托车在交叉路口总是拥有优先权 摩托车比较小,因此不太容易看到 4 您什么时候可以绕过铁路平交道安全栅栏? 任何情况下都不可以 在您能够清楚看到两边方向时 安全栅栏好像功能不正常时 5 21岁或年龄更大人士开车时血液酒精浓度达到多少或超过以下那一种即为非法。 0.08%-百分之零点零八 0.10%-百分之零点一 0.05%-百分之零点零五 6 您打算在一条私人车道上左转。您打算转入的道路在街道中间有一条车道。该车道外沿有一条实线,内沿有一条虚线。 您 可转入该车道,然后并入正常车流 必须使用该车道,然后并入正常车流 在左转时不得转入该车道 7 您被牵涉到车祸中,有人受伤。您必须向谁作出书面车祸报告: 加州公路巡逻队(CHP) 机动车厅(DMV) 您的保险公司 8 您正在接近交叉路口。信号灯是闪动的黄灯。您应当怎么办? 保持速度,但是当心其他车辆 在通过交叉路口前停下 减速并小心通过 9 在以下情况下,您应当扩大您的汽车与前面的车辆之间的距离: 跟随小轿车

页码,2/22(W)后面的车盯得很紧而拥挤 行车速度低于公布的限速 10 一个黄色菱形信号显示一个左转箭头。这一信号的意思是: 道路左转 您不能左转只能在出现绿色 箭头时左转 11 您在一条左转车道之上看到一个信号说:「左转在绿灯亮时让行。」这一信号的是什么意思? 您只能在绿灯亮时左转 您可在绿灯亮起并且安全时左转 您必须等到信号灯全绿时左转 12 除非另有标志说明,在住宅区限速是多少? 每小时35哩 每小时25哩 每小时30哩 13 信号指向右边并显示「单向」,意思是: 右转单车道道路 单向街道一车辆右转所有车 辆在前方都必须右转 14 出现浓雾或沙尘时最好怎么办? 在情况改善前不要开车 不要开得太慢,因为其他司机可能会撞上您 轮流打开远光灯和近光灯,以提升能见度 15 如果在铁路旁停下,您可在下列情况下穿过铁路: 只有在您能够看清两侧方向时 火车通过您的道路即可 只有在火车完全消失时 16 一个黄色菱形信号显示绕过一个障碍物。这一信号的意思是: 前方道路可能比较滑 前方的公路有分隔带 前方道路有障碍物 17 您的行驶方向有两条车道。您在左车道行驶,有许多辆车从右边超车。您应当: 继续在自己的车道行驶,以便不阻挡车流 停在左边路肩上让他们超车 在安全时改换到右车道 18 黄线分离开: 单向公路的各条车道 双向公路的正反两个方向 常规车道和共乘车道 19 如果您卖了自己的汽车,必须在5天内通知: 您的保险公司 您的银行或信用联盟 机动车厅


此文档下载后即可编辑 最全的美国驾照路考常用英文(中英文对照) 一.路考内容与细节: 路考考试前考官会检查你的汽车是否一切正常,考官发指令你就照做。(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期) 保持輕鬆,不要緊張。監考官極為注意安全觀念,開車技術則為次要。新手可不必太過擔心技術問題。 1.确保前座位的两个人都系上安全带后才可以启动车。调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车; 2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等。 3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。动作一定要明显,左看右看前后看,要考官看到你的明显动作。要注意小细节,不妨把工作做的夸张些,各項動作須碓實操作,不可馬虎。例如:上车是否系安全带,发动车时是否环顾了四周,看了后视镜,转弯是否打转弯灯,左右換線時頭必須轉向觀察。见到行人是否远远就刹车。Parking 時须記得要拉手煞 4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。 二.路考过程注意事项: 1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。 2.考官会要求你把车钥匙转到ON,但是不启动车,检查你的刹车丶转向灯丶雨刷丶除雾器丶大灯丶喇叭等。如果你的车上有的部件不能正常工作的话,考官是不会让你路考的。

美国伊利诺伊州2010版驾照考试笔试 (permit) 题库

PLACE THE CORRECT NUMBER IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW THE SIGN 1. DO NOT ENTER 9. CROSSROAD 2. RAILROAD W ARNING 10. REDUCTION IN LANES 3. SIGNAL AHEAD 11. MERGE 4. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 12. SCHOOL ZONE AND CROSSING 5. SLOW MOVING VEHICLE 13. SIDE ROAD 6. NO PASSING ZONE 14. NO ‘U’ TURN 7. YIELD RIGHT-OF-W AY 15. ROAD CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE 8. STOP 16. NO RIGHT TURN 1. When you come to a stop sign, you must stop your vehicle: __ As close to the stop sign as possible. __ At a place near the intersection providing you come to a complete stop. __ At a marked stop line, before entering the crosswalk, or before entering the intersection if there is no crosswalk. 2. When headlights are required, they should be dimmed at least 500 feet before meeting and 300 feet before overtaking another vehicle. __ True __ False


美国各洲区号 区号201 - 299 201 → 纽泽西州,Hackensack ,Morristown 和Newark 202 → 哥伦比亚,华盛顿 203 → 肯乃迪克州,Bridgeport ,New Haven 和Stamford 204 → 加拿大,曼尼托巴全区 205 → 阿拉巴马州,伯明罕和Huntsville 206 → 华盛顿,西雅图和塔科马 207 → 缅因州全区 208 → 爱达荷全区 209 → 加州,夫勒斯诺和Stockton 210 → 德州,圣安东尼奥 212 → 纽约州,纽约市( 只有曼哈坦) 213 → 加州,洛杉矶 214 → 德州,达拉斯 215 → 宾州,费城和Quakertown 216 → 俄亥俄州,克里夫兰 217 → 伊利诺州,Springfield 和中伊利诺州 218 → 明尼苏达州,杜鲁司 219 → 印地安那州,盖瑞,哈蒙德,密西根州市和South Bend 242 → 巴哈马 250 → 加拿大,哥伦比亚省,温哥华郊区 281 → 德州( 超出713 之区号) 区号301 - 399 301 → 马里兰,Silver Spring 和腓特烈 302 → 德拉瓦州全区 303 → 科罗拉多,丹佛 304 → 西维吉尼亚全区 305 → 佛罗里达州,Key West 和迈阿密 306 → 加拿大,萨斯卡万州全区 307 → 怀俄明州全区 308 → 内布拉斯加州,North Platte 和Scottsbluff 309 → 伊利诺州,Bloomington ,Normal 和Peoria 310 → 加州,贝芙丽希尔 312 → 伊利诺州,芝加哥( 仅市中心) 313 → 密西根州,底特律和安娜堡 314 → 密苏里,圣徒路易斯 315 → 纽约州,Syracuse 和Utica 316 → 堪萨斯州,Coffeyville ,Dodge City 和Wichita 317 → 印地安那州,印第安那波里和Kokomo 318 → 路易斯安那州,Lake Charles 和Shreveport


以下是为大家收集的美国考驾照笔试题目102道,都附有答案,方便大家查阅。 a 1. A diamond shaped sign means (a) warning. (b) stop. (c) yield right of way. c 2. An upside-down triangle means (a) warning. (b) stop. (c) yield right of way. b 3. An octagon shaped sign means (a) warning. (b) stop. (c) yield right of way. b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should (a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car. (b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe. (c) slow down and proceed when safe. d 5. What should you do when you com e to a STOP sign at an intersection? (a) Slow down and proceed with caution. (b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection. (c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed. (d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe. b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is: (a) Point the arm and hand down. (b) Hold the arm and hand up. (c) Put the arm straight out. (d) Make a circular motion the arm. c 7. The han d signal for left turn is:


美国驾照的中文法规笔试题,不考驾照也应知道! 1 当你到达十字路口而看到黄色的闪灯时,你一定要: 停,如果你想转右 1.保持同样的速度行驶 2.停车,如果你想转左 3.慢驶,然后小心前进 ④ 2 当你在变线行车路上驾驶,听到紧急信号的车,法律上要求你怎样 做? 1.加速,尽快离开 2.打灯号,让驾驶者超越 3.尽快驶向路的最右方停下 4.保持同一速度行驶 ③ 3 当需要车头灯时,在什么情况下开低灯? 1.与最接近你的车辆相距一公里(0.6哩)内 2.与最接近你的车辆相距150公尺(500呎)内 3.与最接近你的车辆相距300公尺(1000呎)内 4.这是为安全而设,并不是法律规定 ②

4 当你驶近“停牌”时,你应: 1.慢驶,鸣笛然后前进 2.慢驶,当安全才继续前进 3.停车,鸣笛然后前进 4.停车,当安全才前进 ④ 5 除非有标志指明,不然在城市、市镇、乡村或发展区内最高的驾驶 速度应是: 1.每小时30公里(20哩) 2.每小时50公里(30哩) 3.每小时40公里(25哩) 4.每小时60公里(35哩) ② 6 当亮红灯时,你想驶过十字路口,你一定要: 1.停车,让行人有优先权,然后小心前进 2.停车,当交通安全才前进 3.慢驶,交通安全才前进 4.停车,直至灯号转绿色,同时安全才前进 ④

7 当驶入高速公路时,你应该: 1.停在加速线,看准有安全的位置才尽快驶入高速公路 2.加速达到高速公路的速度,然后驶入公路交通中 3.慢车,然后用直角方向驶入高速公路 4.慢驶,随时准备停下来应付公路的交通 ② 8 在公路,驾驶者不准在其汽车所拖的露营车或拖船上载有: 1.枪械 2.容易燃烧原料 3.人(乘客) 4.家畜 ③ 9 在双程路上,你想转左之前,你应在什么位置? 1.靠近路的右手边 2.靠近路的左手边 3.尽量在最接近中线的右边行车路上 4.没有关系,只要打灯号便可 ③


[转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV) [转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV) 原文地址:(NewJerseyDMV)">美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)作者:GV格诺博 原文地址: (NewJerseyDMV)"> 美国驾照笔试题 (NewJerseyDMV) 作者:GV格诺博 Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ) 美國駕駛執照书面测试样題(新泽西州) 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of: 1.农业的执照(许可证)允许的操作︰ A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only. 答︰农场登记的车辆仅用于农业。 2. The shape of a Yield sign is: 2.让步标志的形状是︰ A: Triangle. 答︰三角形。 3. A green light means: 3.绿灯意味着︰ A: Go when safe. 答︰开过去当安全时。 4. At the time of your road test you must present: 4.在你的道路考试时,必须出示︰ A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insuranceID, Examination permit. (the answer is “above all is right”) 答︰有效的车辆登记证许可证,保险ID,考试许可证。(答案是"以上一切的就是正确的")5. 1 & ? ounces of 86 pr oof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as: 5.1 & ? 盎司的86 proof(43度)的酒包含相同数量的酒精是︰ A: 12 ounces of beer. 答︰ 12 盎司的啤酒。 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could: 6.如果一个人在你的家里喝醉了,离开你的家后,还有机动车事故,你就可以︰ A. Become involved in a Lawsuit. A.卷入一场官司。 7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking: 7.研究表明,最多的人因醉酒驾驶被捕时喝的酒是︰ A: Beer. 答︰啤酒。 8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: 8.如果一个人一直在喝酒,下列哪一项可以给他们清醒: A: Time. 答︰时间。



6.图<3>表示什么? 2

11.若驾驶时突然爆驮,应该如何? A.立即停车看 B.立即稳定驮盘 C.按喇叭 D.打上指挥灯 12.让路标志表示什么意思? A.依照正常速度前进,但要察看两旁道路情况 B.完全停止车子 C.减低速度,必要时准备停止车子 D.只对负有紧急任务的车辆让路 13.停止标志表示什么? A.只在交叉路口(Intersection)有车辆时方停止 B.车子完全停止(Full stop)至少要等候一分钟 C.对方有车来时方停止 D.完全停止,如果没有危险时再行前进 14.当高速公路入口线很短时进入交通行列最安全的方法是: A.逐渐加速,以使其他来车看见你 B.利用公路左线,以达车行速度 C.等候较长的交通间隔,再立刻加速进入 D.尽量利用入口加速道以达公路速度 15.那种车祸,你必须向公路局报告? A.有人受伤 B.有人受伤或者死亡 C.有人死亡 D.有财物损失,不论它的价值是多少 16.在纽约如有一辆校车停在路边上下学童车的红灯闪烁发亮,这是表示什么? A.你不行从任何方向超车 B.如果路上没有学童,可以超车 C.如果你和校车同在一条车路上面,可以超车 D.如果中间隔有一条安全小岛可以超车 3

17.当驾驶时,听见救护车警报声音,应? A.减低车速,但在你看见救护车之前不用停车 B.一直开车,直到你看救护车为止 C.加速并在下一交叉路口转弯 D.将车开到路边,直到确定救护车,不在你的所行街道上为止 18."慢行车辆"标志如何? A.四方红色 B.圆形绿色 C.三角形橙色 D.菱形黄色 19.公路中央有条白色断线,表示什么? A.只有你的车子转入交叉路口时方可超过此线 B.只有你超过他人车子时方可超过此线 C.如果不妨害交通,你可超过此线 D.只有你的车子转入车场出入道口(Drive way)或小巷时方可超过此线 20.长方形的标志是表示? A.停车标志 B.火车平交通标志 C.速度限制或不准泊车标志 D.学校平交通标志 21.有一辆校车停在路旁,司机挥手让你前进,你该如何? A.暂停,等校车开走后再行前进 B.如果校车尾灯停止闪烁,再行前进 C.警察指挥你走时,再行前进 D.小心驾驶前进 22.如果你要在一条狭窄街道调头,第一步应该如何? A.先打右转讯号,车子再开到马路右边 B.用方向灯打一左转讯号 C.车子紧靠马路右边,用手打一停止讯号再行停止 D.看下镜子,然后左转开向对面路边 4
