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Karst tunnel technology

Abstract:Karst is a geological phenomenon, which is often encountered in Tunnel Construction.it will easily lead to gushing water excavation face suddenly mud, rock

and supporting structure deformation, crack and collapse, the impact of the construction progress, endangering the safety of construction, the destruction of the surrounding environment. In this paper, the principle of the karst, explore the tunnels of different types of karst treatment, in addition, and the engineering example is introduced.

Key words : Tunnel; Karst; Example projects

1 Overview

Karst is an overview of surface water and groundwater for soluble rock (carbonate rocks, sulfuric acid rock, halogen salts, etc.) for chemical erosion, and the role of the collapse of mechanical damage, handling, formed by deposition of surface and subsurface erosion phenomenon known. Since then, we can see the definition : Karst have three major conditions : first, soluble rock Karst is the material basis. For example, the tunnel through limestone, dolomite, marl, and gypsum, mirabilite, rock salt and other strata, subject to possible ground water erosion, dissolved limestone in the main role. Dolomite mainly through infiltration - dissolution - decomposition - leaching-collapse occurred destruction. Second, the geologic structure and the formation of a vastly different set of karst types of diversity. Rock structure, structure and stratigraphic occurrence, exposure, thickness, fractured, folded, joints, fractures, weak layers, degree of weathering and other geological features of karst decision and magnitude different. Under normal circumstances, the syncline structure than anticline structure karst strong syncline structure of the nuclear karst strongly than wings, anticline structure than the two wings of the nuclear karst strong; When the tunnel through the Karst formation of joints, fractures, fault structure discontinuities, the easy solution gap encountered, control solution, caves, cavities or underground river. Third, the surface water and groundwater recharge, runoff, infiltration and the cycle is karst formation and development of the necessary conditions. Valley, depression, karst basins, shaft, funnel water sink in Liuzitian site, surface water pooling, infiltration, Stratum easily in the runoff with the horizontal and vertical seepage zone and stay with the deep, and the groundwater recharge cycle karst formation to create the necessary conditions for free when groundwater or erosion of CO2, SO4- the larger content, enhancing the development of karst.

2001 started the Chongqing-Huaihua line length 624.523km, there were more than 20 tunnels Block 7km tunnel over which seven, the majority of tunnel through

the karst carbonate strata encountered different sizes of the solution, caverns underground river, a number of water, mud sudden accident, construction to bring a lot of harm, on the environment to a certain extent, should arouse our serious attention.

2 Tunnel on the principle

According to the large number of karst tunnel construction and operation experience of the project, and in the light of relevant foreign Karst of literature, karst treatment should be followed to the main dredging, plug exhausting conditions, General principles of governance.

Mainly to dredging is to try not to change the karst water runoff and seepage path, and maintain the original groundwater circulation and storage, thereby reducing the loss of groundwater to ensure construction safety and the environment, to build a green project objectives.

Plugging row combination, in accordance with the tunnel Inflow size, silt content, and consider the operation of the tunnel safety and the environment, drainage and water shutoff will combine decided governance programs. Blocking or is likely to have for the working face of the emission of karst water or filling for plugging improve the mechanical properties of rock. rock permeability increase capacity and ensure safe and tunnel excavation after the completion of anti-leakage levels. But blocking is not the whole block, as long as the blocked tunnel of karst water infiltration to the main access road will be, Strengthening the scope of its general outline of the tunnel excavation lines (0.5) D. For larger dry cave or underground river, when plugging difficulties, can be taken in the construction of the external drainage tunnel or tunnels or the construction of culvert bridges across both reached the drainage purposes, ensures the safety of the construction and operation.

Local conditions, comprehensive management, which is the tunnel under the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions and the surrounding environment, adopt various methods in comprehensive fashion. For example, when a large amount of water was blocking the tunnel excavation outside, the right of partial leakage of water can take to the main block, limit emissions measures, and through the advance of tent Radial grouting and rock bolts and other aids in strengthening the rock top of the tunnel to prevent collapse; through replacement, bored piles, DJM, Christopher Pile, grouting methods reinforcement of the soft rock bottom, and enhance its overall strength, prevent basement settlement.

3 Solubilization of water treatment

3.1 connectivity method of Solubilization

In order not to change the groundwater flow pattern, the dissolution of the water should be the first choice of treatment programs connectivity. Through various means of geological, proven solution of the tunnel around the development direction for the flow path clearer solution of water, If indeed dissolution of the tunnel will be cut off, through the vault, or the bottom sidewall appropriate location to increase the auxiliary channel solution of connectivity, Groundwater does not change the overall trend in mobile. As the general solution of water containing a large number of silt and may be affected by atmospheric rain, So such a pipeline supporting the one hand, there should be greater cross section, on the other hand there is a slope, prevent silt deposition.

Ease of use advantages are : avoid using the first method of plugging various projects and the cost multiplied DELAY second, can prevent the tunnel surrounding water pressure increases, additional stress structure.

3.2 the method of plugging grouting

Tunnel construction in karst areas, such as advanced exploration holes show working face in front of more development solution, When exploring water hole, water pressure and larger, in order to prevent water burst suddenly soil, in accordance with the dissolution of the development of location and direction Pregrouting using partial closure and the whole section Pregrouting sealing;

If it is allowed to explore a water hole, water pressure or Q>20m3h P>1.0MPa. consider the use of full-face closure grouting.

If it is allowed to explore a water hole stood out 10

Explore how a water-hole stood out 2.0

Pregrouting as working face of the construction and structural safety, appearance less affected, dissolution of the treatment, should first consider the whole process of excavation section Pregrouting surrounding pre-grouting, local grouting, added grouting program.

3.3 Act emission limits

If exploring water hole Q ≤ 2.0m3h P ≤ 0.2MPa. When able to identify drainage tunnel will not affect the construction schedule and the surrounding environment, the safety of adjacent buildings. disposal options available. But with the tunnel operators to extend the time for the tunnel behind the drainage system and the accumulation of silt more often plug especially in the freezing cold because of inflation, a more serious phenomenon, there are karst water emissions should be strictly limited.

4 Cavernous processing

4.1 Full-face closure grouting methods

If the cave, larger internal filling a lot of silt, which is rich in underground water, once exposed, could occur suddenly the law of water, mud suddenly, the whole section should be employed pre-grouting reinforcement methods Grouting should be reinforced to tunnel excavation contour line 1-2 times the diameter, grouting long should take about 30m, Grouting diameter should be "90mm~108mm, grouting pressure on the termination of the water pressure should be 2-3 times serous 0.5~2.0m radius of proliferation. Under pressure, only the first cycle of concrete slurry wall thickness for 2471a. Grouting under pressure size hole ease, Soletanche used

back-grouting and installation of sub-orifice forward-grouting, grouting material may choose to use cement-water glass slurry and the average liquid slurry, grouting after grouting test results When the excavation reached at the request of each cycle can

25~27m excavation, as the only remaining 5m slurry wall. If there is weak after excavation site, or using a short length of pipe Local added grouting.

4.2 the method of replacement grouting

As for the water tunnel face powder compact sand or clay, sand clay, using permeation grouting, compaction grouting, Splitting grouting are very difficult times, use replacement grouting, grouting in the tunnel face for the project, grouting holes at a distance of about 2m set aside a few holes and install drainage pipe and valve orifice to remove silt appropriate, with serous filling the gap left their play reinforcement stratigraphic purposes. This method can reduce the grouting pressure, and promote the proliferation of serous.

4.3 Filled closed

If Tunnel Arch, or the bottom sidewall small dry cave or cavity, the internal almost infill, anhydrous, they can aggregate, Inquire stones, dry-laid stone tablets, cement mortar and concrete aggregate thickness all filled, when necessary for grouting reinforcement. If the cavity of a small amount of water flow, it should not be filled completely blocked off groundwater water channel.

4.4 substrate processing

If the bottom of the tunnel loose soft plastic or clay-like sand or clay sediments, To prevent trains running process of the settlement structure, we should strengthen the base, Crossing the bottom of the treatment available grouting reinforcement replacement, pile method.

a) basement replacement

If the basement cavity filling thickness of less than 2.0m (2.0m following is the bedrock of the city or stratigraphic) consider using replacement method for the choice of fill material made of mortar and stone, concrete and so on.

b) basement grouting reinforcement

If the basement cave filling thickness of the tunnel following 2.0~10.0m Invert may consider strengthening grouting method. Drilling depth of about 393 3.0m, 2.0m of the hole spacing and selection of appropriate grouting of seamless steel tubes, diameter "76mm~108mm, grouting material to use an ordinary cement slurry or ultrafine. grouting pressure should not exceed 0.9 MPa, grouting and possession of the top Invert be linked Supporting to enhance the structural strength and stiffness.

c) pile handling

If substrate thickness reinforcement over 10.0m may consider bored piles, bored piles or other DJM reinforcement. Concrete reinforcement thickness and extent determined by the design units.

7 Conclusions and Experience

(1) Karst handling is a complex technology, be adapted to local conditions, comprehensive management. While treatment programs should be considered on the surrounding environment and the residents of production and life, and on the other, should be a radical, leave no troubles to ensure that the tunnel construction and operation safety.

(2) Accurate, advanced geological prediction means for the treatment cave is very important. Currently, using geological drawings, digital imaging, and advanced

drilling, infrared, ground-penetrating radar, TSP202. CT acoustic means of working face in front of Karst and around the size, scale, development, filling of prediction, forecast, but domestic and international applications, the use of non-destructive methods for detection of karst, in principle, or detection methods, means and the detection accuracy of the results, the need to be further studied, rich and the development and perfection and advanced drilling is one of the most intuitive and effective democracy and the legal construction should pay close attention.

(3) Karst should try to avoid dealing with the rainy season and heavy rain. Depth of the tunnel smaller, cavernous Inflow is often subject to the atmosphere than in the rain, under normal circumstances, The continuous rains surface several hours after the cave water had increased significantly; greater depth of the tunnel, caverns water and surface water may have some water contact. Therefore, even the sunny weather a few days (usually more than one week), the cave is a better time.






1 概述



2 隧道岩溶处理的原则






3 溶管水的处理

3.1 溶管连通方法



3.2 注浆封堵法






3.3 限量排放法


4 溶洞的处理

4.1 全断面注浆封堵方法


4.2 置换注浆方法


4.3 填充封闭


4.4 基底处理


a) 基底换填


b) 基底注浆加固

如基底溶洞充填物的厚度为隧道仰拱以下 2.0~10.0m,可考虑采用注浆加固法,。钻孔深度应深入基岩3.0m左右,孔间距为1.0~2.0m,注浆管宜选用无缝钢管,直径为<76mm~108mm,注浆材料宜选用普通水泥或超细水泥浆,注浆压力不应大于1.0MPa,注浆管上端应和仰拱相连,以提高支护结构的强度和刚度。

c) 桩基处理


7 结论与体会





第一课 土木工程学土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。他们建造供水和废水处理厂,设计空气净化器和其他设备以最小化甚至消除由工业加工、焚化及其他产烟生产活动引起的空气污染。他们也采用建造特殊倾倒地点或使用有毒有害物中和剂的措施来控制有毒有害废弃物。此外,工程师还对垃圾掩埋进行设计和管理以预防其对周围环境造成污染。


Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processing Abstract The crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure. Keyword: Concrete crack prevention processing Foreword Concrete's ising 1 kind is anticipate by the freestone bone, cement, water and other mixture but formation of the in addition material of quality brittleness not and all material.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, defend Shen and


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


一、根据所给内容写一封求职信 说明:假设你是LI MING,根据下列内容写一封求职信。 写信日期:2016年1月10日 内容: 1) 从2016年1月8日在《中国日报》上获悉ABC公司招聘总经理职位的信息; 2) 毕业于上海学院(注:专业自拟),获得几种技能证书; 3) 曾在DDF公司兼职,熟悉办分室工作,熟练使用电脑; 4) 随信附上简历; 5) 希望能获得面试机会。 注意信函格式! Dear Mir I was very interested in your advertisement in China Daily January,8,2016。 I want to apply for the position of general manager assistant at ABC company. I graduated from Shanghai College ,majoring in computer. I have got several certificates.I worked part-time in DDF company. I am familiar with office work and skilled in using computers. I think I am capable of the job. If your would like me to attend an inteview,I will try my best. Enclosed is my resume. I am looking forward for your letter. Your sincerely, Li Ming


第一课土木工程学 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。


Part IV:Commonly Used Professional Terms of Civil Engineering development organization 建设单位 design organization 设计单位 construction organization 施工单位 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 pile 桩 steel structure 钢结构 aluminium alloy 铝合金 masonry 砌体(工程)reinforced ~ 配筋砌体load-bearing ~ 承重砌体unreinforced ~非配筋砌体 permissible stress (allowable stress) 容许应力plywood 胶合板 retaining wall 挡土墙 finish 装修 finishing material装修材料 ventilation 通风 natural ~ 自然通风 mechanical ~ 机械通风 diaphragm wall (continuous concrete wall) 地下连续墙 villa 别墅 moment of inertia 惯性矩 torque 扭矩 stress 应力normal ~ 法向应力shear ~ 剪应力 strain 应变 age hardening 时效硬化 air-conditioning system空调系统 (air) void ration(土)空隙比 albery壁厨,壁龛 a l mery壁厨,贮藏室 anchorage length锚固长度 antiseismic joint 防震缝 architectural appearance 建筑外观 architectural area 建筑面积 architectural design 建筑设计 fiashing 泛水 workability (placeability) 和易性 safety glass安全玻璃 tempered glass (reinforced glass) 钢化玻璃foamed glass泡沫玻璃 asphalt沥青 felt (malthoid) 油毡 riveted connection 铆接 welding焊接 screwed connection 螺栓连接 oakum 麻刀,麻丝 tee三通管 tap存水弯 esthetics美学 formwork 模板(工程) shoring 支撑 batching 配料 slipform construction (slipforming) 滑模施工 lfit-slab construction 升板法施工 mass concrete 大体积混凝土 terrazzo水磨石 construction joint 施工缝 honeycomb蜂窝,空洞,麻面 piled foundation桩基 deep foundation 深基础 shallow foundation浅基础 foundation depth基础埋深 pad foundation独立基础 strip foundation 条形基础 raft foundation筏基 box foundation箱形基础 BSMT=basement 地下室 lift 电梯electric elevator lift well电梯井 escalator 自动扶梯 Poisson’s ratio 泊松比μ Young’s modulus , modulus of elasticity 杨氏模量,弹性模量E safety coefficient 安全系数 fatigue failure 疲劳破坏 bearing capacity of foundations 地基承载力bearing capacity of a pile 单桩承载力 two-way-reinforcement 双向配筋 reinforced concrete two-way slabs钢筋混凝土双向板 single way slab单向板 window blind 窗帘sun blind wind load 风荷载 curing 养护 watertight concrete 防水混凝土 white cement白水泥 separating of concrete混凝土离折segregation of concrete mortar 砂浆~ joint 灰缝 pilaster 壁柱 fire rating耐火等级 fire brick 耐火砖 standard brick标准砖



英语作文自我介绍带翻译 【篇一:英文版自我介绍翻译(共4篇)】 篇一:面试用英语自我介绍怎么说 面试用英语自我介绍怎么说? 面试过程中自我介绍是在所难免的,中文自我介绍尚且难倒了很多人,更何况是英文自我介绍呢,但是面试用英语自我介绍在一些外资企业或者和英语相关岗位也是不可避免的。今天我们就说一说面试用英语自我介绍怎么说? 其实自我介绍大体都是一样的,简单的基本介绍,个人情况和兴趣爱好的一个阐述,话不多说先举一个例子吧。(先英文后中文吧) hello, everybody, my name is xxx, my personality alacrity is bright, i like to make friend, enjoying to read some books about philosophy usually, i like discussing problems with my friends together, i feel very happy to know everyone, hoping to get along with everyone delectation in the day of aftertime. 大家好,我是xxx,我的性格活泼开朗,喜欢交流,日常生活中我喜欢看一些哲学性的书,很喜欢和朋友一起探讨问题,非常高兴认识大家,在之后的生活里能够和大家相处融洽。大家在做英文自我介绍过程不用担心和害怕,并不是所有的面试官英文水平都很好,有些可能根本就听不懂你在说什么,在这个面试过程中你最重要的是要保持微笑和自信,无论多么蹩脚的英文你首先要保证流利和自信就可以了。 篇二:考研英语自我介绍及各个专业所对应的英语翻译 考研英语自我介绍及各专业所对应英语翻译自我介绍 (self-introduce)


土木工程专业英语常用 词汇 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

Part IV:Commonly Used Professional Terms of Civil Engineering development organization 建设单位 design organization 设计单位 construction organization 施工单位 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 pile 桩 steel structure 钢结构 aluminium alloy 铝合金 masonry 砌体(工程) reinforced ~ 配筋砌体load-bearing ~ 承重砌体 unreinforced ~非配筋砌体 permissible stress (allowable stress) 容许应力plywood 胶合板 retaining wall 挡土墙 finish 装修 finishing material装修材料 ventilation 通风 natural ~ 自然通风 mechanical ~ 机械通风 diaphragm wall (continuous concrete wall) 地下连续墙 villa 别墅 moment of inertia 惯性矩torque 扭矩 stress 应力 normal ~ 法向应力 shear ~ 剪应力strain 应变 age hardening 时效硬化 air-conditioning system空调系统 (air) void ration(土)空隙比 albery壁厨,壁龛 a l mery壁厨,贮藏室 anchorage length锚固长度 antiseismic joint 防震缝 architectural appearance 建筑外观architectural area 建筑面积 architectural design 建筑设计 fiashing 泛水 workability (placeability) 和易性 safety glass安全玻璃 tempered glass (reinforced glass) 钢化玻璃foamed glass泡沫玻璃 asphalt沥青 felt (malthoid) 油毡 riveted connection 铆接 welding焊接 screwed connection 螺栓连接


A Type Wooden Ladder A字木梯 A-frame A型骨架 A-truss A型构架 Abandon 废弃 Abandoned well 废井 Aberration of needle 磁针偏差Abnormal pressure 异常压力abnormally high pressure 异常高压Abort 中止 abrasion 磨损 Abrasion surface 浪蚀面 abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机Abrasive Cutting Wheel 拮碟abrasive grinding machine 研磨机Abrasive Grinding Wheel 磨碟abrasive particle 磨料颗粒 Absolute address 绝对地址Absolute altitude 绝对高度Absolute damping 绝对阻尼Absolute deviation 绝对偏差Absolute flying height 绝对航高Absolute gravity 绝对重力 absolute permeability 绝对渗透率absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率absolute temperature 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性;吸附性absorption 吸收 abutment 桥墩 abutting end 邻接端 acceleration 加速 acceleration lane 加速车道Acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceleration pedal 加速器踏板accelerator 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂acceptance criteria 接受准则 access 通路;通道 access door 检修门;通道门access lane 进出路径 access panel 检修门 access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道access road 通路;通道 access shaft 竖井通道 access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯 access step 出入口踏步 access tunnel 隧道通道 accessible roof 可到达的屋顶accessory 附件;配件accident 事故;意外 accidental collapse 意外坍塌 accommodate 装设;容纳 accredited private laboratory 认可的私 人实验室 accumulator 储压器;蓄电池 accuracy limit 精度限制 acetylene cylinder 乙炔圆筒 Acetylene Hose 煤喉 Acetylene Regulator 煤表 acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机 acid pump 酸液泵 acid tank 酸液缸 acidic rock 酸性岩 acoustic couplant 声耦合剂 acoustic coupler 声音藕合器;音效藕 合器 acoustic lining 隔音板 acoustic screen 隔声屏 Acoustic wave 声波 acrylic paint 丙烯漆料(压克力的油漆) acrylic sheet 丙烯胶片(压克力的胶片) active corrosion 活性腐蚀 active earth pressure 主动土压力 active fault 活断层 active oxidation 活性氧化 actual plot ratio 实际地积比率 actuator 促动器;唧筒;激发器 adapt 改装 adaptor 适配器;承接器;转接器; addition 增设;加建 additional building works 增补建筑工 程 additional horizontal force 额外横向力 additional plan 增补图则(附加的平面 图) additional vent 加设通风口 additive 添加剂 Address 地址 adhesive 黏结剂;胶黏剂 adhesive force 附着力 Adhesive Glue 万能胶 Adhesive Reflective Warning Tape 反 光警告贴纸 adit 入口;通路;坑道口 adjacent construction 相邻建造物 adjacent level 相邻水平 adjacent site 相邻基地 adjacent street 相邻街道 adjoining area 毗邻地区 adjoining building 毗邻建筑物 adjoining land 毗邻土地 adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物 adjustable 可调校 Adjustable Wrench Spanner 昔士 adjuster 调节器 adjustment 调校;调整 Administrative Lawsuit 行政诉讼 Administrative Remedy 行政救济 admixture 掺合剂;外加剂 advance directional sign 前置指路标 志;方向预告标志 advance earthworks 前期土方工程 advance warning sign 前置警告标志 advance works 前期工程 aeration 曝气 aeration tank 曝气池 aerial 天线 Aerial mapping 航空测图 aerial photograph 航测照片 Aerial photography 航照定位 aerial rapid transit system 高架快速运 输系统 aerial ropeway 高架缆车系统 aerial view 鸟瞰图 aerofoil 翼型 aerosol 悬浮微粒;喷雾 aerosphere 大气圈 affix 贴附 aftercooler 后冷却器 afterfilter 后过滤器 aftershock 余震 agent 作用剂;代理人 aggradation 堆积 aggregate 骨材;集料;碎石 aggregate area 总面积 aggregate grading 骨材级配 aggregate superficial area 表面总面积 aggregate usable floor space 总楼地板 空间 agitator 搅拌器;搅动机 air bleeding 放气(空气渗出) air blower 鼓风机 air brake 气压制动器 Air chambor 气室 air circuit 空气回路 air circuit breaker 空气断路器 air cleaner 空气滤清器


2012级土木工程(本)专业《土木工程英语》课程论文 论文题目:高层建筑防火的研究 Research of high-rise building fire prevention 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学号: 论文成绩: 评阅教师: 2015年11 月14 日

(一) 基于性能化防火设计方法的商业综合体典型空间防火优化设计研究 正文:改革开放以来,我国市场经济蓬勃发展,各种类型的商业建筑如雨后春笋般涌现。然而人们在享受高效便捷的购物消费和休闲娱乐的同时,商业综合体及其建筑群的巨大规模、多样功能、众多人数、复杂流线、与城市多层面多点衔接等特点,极大程度地增大了灾害风险,特别是城市和建筑中最易发生的灾种——火灾的风险。传统的建筑防火设计以“条文式”的防火规范为依据,无法满足部分现代商业综合体迅速发展的设计需要,当因结构、功能、造型等方面的特殊要求,出现现行国家消防技术规范中未明确规定的、现行国家消防技术规范规定的条件不适用的、依照国家消防技术规范进行设计确有困难的情况时,将采取针对性更强、更加先进、经济、合理、有效的性能化防火措施进行建筑和规划设计。与此同时,性能化防火设计方法以其在火灾场景和人员疏散模拟等方面的突出优势,也将被更多地运用于优化“条文式”防火设计规范框架内的规划与建筑方案设计。可见研究大型商业综合体的性能化防火设计措施,并利用性能化防火设计的方法调整优化规划与建筑设计以避免和减轻火灾危害是亟待解决的重要课题。本论文共分为十章,分别介绍了课题的研究背景与意义,国内外商业综合体性能化防火的研究现状,要素构成及火灾危险性,建筑的火灾机理与性能化防火设计参数,五大类商业综合体典型空间的防火优化措施,最后提出结论与展望。本文的核心研究内容是结合商业综合体空间要素构成特征的火灾特点以及建筑防火设计中的三个重要指标(防火分区、疏散距离、疏散宽度),提炼五大类商业综合体的典型空间,即密集空间、竖向贯通空间、超大水平开敞空间、狭长通道空间和地下空间,以建筑学和城市规划学的视角,一方面运用计算机技术,对“超规范”的设计方案进行性能化防火设计安全评价,另一方面对条文式规范框架内的设计方法进行优化。性能化防火策略作为消防设计乃至贯穿整个建筑、规划设计全过程的设计思路,已初步为我们展现出应用领域的美好前景,本文旨在进一步完善和发展以数字技术为基础的性能化防火设计方法,为建筑和城市减灾防灾目标的实现提供更有力的保障。


第一课 土木工程学土木工程学作为最老工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境管理。此处环境涉及建筑符合科学规范所有构造,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其她当代社会和大量人口集中地区基本公共设施。她们也建造私有设施,例如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其她设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径大型构造。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整都市和乡镇,并且近来始终在规划设计容纳设施齐全社区空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把她非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位军事工程师工作而采用名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设工程师,尽管其包括领域更为辽阔。 领域。由于包括范畴太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量技术专业。不同类型工程需要各种不同土木工程专业技术。一种项目开始时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学实验以拟定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对本地影响,涉及对空气和地下水也许污染,对本地动植物生活影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环保需要。交通工程专家拟定必须不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程导致对本地公路和其她交通网络承担。同步,构造工程专家运用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和阐明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家工作进行监督和调配则是施工管理专家。依照其她专家所提供信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工数量和耗费,所有工作进度表,订购工作所需要材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外监督工作以保证工程能准时按质完毕。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了当代土木工程师必备品,由于它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需大量数据从而拟定建造一项工程最佳办法。


土木工程专业英语课文原 文及对照翻译 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

Civil Engineering Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities. 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities. 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 The word civil derives from the Latin for citizen. In 1782, Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time. Since then, the term civil engineering has often been used to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 Scope. Because it is so broad, civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. Depending on the type of project, the skills of many kinds of civil engineer specialists may be needed. When a project begins, the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement—water, sewer, and power lines. Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project. Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and
