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TEM 2019

11. Moving from beginning to end by order of time, narration relies on a more natural pattern of organization than ________.

A. will other types of writing

B. do other types of writing

C. On other types of writing

D. other types of writing

12. ________ the attempted rescue mission, the hostages might still be alive.

A. If it not had been for

B. If had it not been for

C. Had it not been for

D. Had not it been for

13. Members of the Parliament were poised ________ ahead with a bill to approve construction of the oil pipeline.

A. to move

B. moving

C. to moving

D. at moving

14. Writers often coupled narration with other techniques to develop ideas and support opinions that

otherwise ________ abstract, unclear, or unconvincing.

A. may remain

B. could remain

C. must have remained

D. might have remained

15. Protocol was ________ enabled him to make difficult decisions without ever looking back.

A. who

B. what

C. which

D. that

16. The woman had persuaded him to do ________ he was hired never to do -- reveal the combination for the lock on the entrance.

A. one thing

B. such one thing

C. any one thing

D. the one thing

17. The bad news was that he could be a very dangerous person ________ he choose to be.

A. should

B. could

C. might

D. must

18. “If not us, who? If not now, when?” These two questions are used as a ________.

A. sign of anger

B. call for action

C. refusal to change

D. denial of commitment

19. What is the function of the present progressive in “They are always calling me by the wrong name”?

A. To express unfavorable feelings.

B. To alleviate unnecessary hostility.

C. To indicate uncertainty.

D. To dramatize a fact.

20. “Harry was compelled to resign and to come down to London, where he set up as an army coach.”

The relative clause in the sentence serves to ________.

A. supply additional information about London

B. describe the antecedent “London”

C. put restrictions on the identity of Harry

D. narrate a sequential action taken by Harry

21. A group ________ casinos has urged officials not to grant a license to a facility in the city.

A. opposed to

B. objected to

C. posed against

D.protested against

22. After the war, he worked on an island in the Pacific, helping the natives and medical ________ understand each other’s behavior and cultures.

A. faculty

B. persons

C. members

D. personnel

23. The subject of manners is complex. If it were not, there would not be so many ________ feelings and so much misunderstanding in international communication.

A. injurious

B. injured

C. injuring

D. injury

24. To illustrate the limits of First Amendment free speech, many have noted that the Constitution does

not give you the right to falsely ________ “Fire!” in a crowded theater.

A. yelp

B. yank

C. yell

D. yield

25. The company announced that it has achieved its mission to create a local food economy that is

________ to any environment.

A. Adoptable

B. amendable

C. alterable

D. adaptable

26. Although Patterson acknowledges the disappointing season he had with the Vikings, he has no

second ________ about how he went about his business.

A. thoughts

B. opinions

C. concerns

D. reasons

27. Electronic cigarettes should be subject ________ the same taxes and limitations on public use as

traditional tobacco products.

A. about

B. at

C. to

D. on

28. FC Barcelona, ________ the most iconic club in world soccer, beat Manchester United 2-0 to claim the UEFA Champions League title.

A. controversially

B. arguably

C. debatable

D. finally

29. The store sells liquid vitamins ________ designed for children under 3.

A. explicitly

B. specially

C. speculatively

D. specifically

30. The three law ________ officers on the plane came to the rescue of a fellow passenger who was allegedly trying to kill herself.

A. enforcement

B. reinforcement

C. imposition

D. coercion

TEM 2018

11. The Bent Pyramid outside Cairo __________ ancient Egypt’s first attempt to build a smooth-sided pyramid.

A. has been believed to have been

B. was believed to be

C. is believed to have been

D. is believed to be

12. U.S. News ____________ rankings of colleges since 1983. They are a very popular resource for students looking to apply to university campus.

A. maintains

B. is maintaining

C. maintained

D. has been maintaining

13. He was lured into a crime he would not ____________have committed.

A. actually

B. accidentally

C. otherwise

D. seldom

14. She was once a young country wife with chickens in the backyard and a view of _____________ mountains behind the apple orchard.

A. blue hazy Virginia

B. hazy blue Virginia

C. Virginia hazy blue

D. Virginia blue hazy

15. I long to alleviate __________, but I cannot.

A. the evil

B. evil

C. evil

D. an evil

16. Indeed, it is arguable that body shattering is the very point of football, as killing and maiming ______________.

A. war

B. are war

C. of war

D. are of war

17. At ____________, photography is a chemical process, during which a light-sensitive material is altered when exposed to light.

A. its most basic

B. its basic

C. the most basic

D. the basic

18. She hired a lawyer to investigate, only to learn that Gabriel had removed her name from the deed. The infinitive verb phrase “only to learn” is used __________.

A. to express an intended purpose

B. to indicate a high degree of possibility

C. to reveal an undesirable consequence

D. to dramatize a stated fact

19. Which of the following italicized words DOES NOT carry the metaphorical meaning?

A. I wonder what’s behind this change of plan.

B. Jim turned to speak to the person standing behind him.

C. This work should have been finished yesterday. I’m getting terribly behind.

D. I suppose I’m lucky because my parents were behind me all the way.

20. My mother was determined to help those in need and she would have been immensely proud of what has been achieved these last 20 years. The italicized part in the sentence expresses _______.

A. a hypothesis

B. a suggestion

C. a contradiction

D. a surprise

21. When the police officers who took part in the King beating were first brought to ___________, their lawyers used the videotape as evidence against the prosecution.

A. justice

B. testimony

C. trial

D. verdict

22._________, the most controversial candidate in the election campaign, he has been strongly criticized for his crude comments about women.

A. Questionably

B. Arguably

C. Contentiously

D. Debatably

23. Prices have recently risen in order to __________ the increased cost of raw materials.

A. cut

B. buoy

C. offer

D. offset

24. The celebrity says in court papers she “has no __________ of giving any authorization to anyone to proceed with a divorce.”

A. recommendation

B. recording

C. recollection

D. recognition

25.What actually __________ a good angle — or a good selfie overall — is rooted in what we consider beautiful.

A. consists

B. constitutes

C. composes

D. constructs

26. The school is going the ________ mile to create the next generation of sporting stars thanks to its unique development program.

A. final

B. further

C. supplementary

D. extra

27. The teachers’ union _________ a lawsuit against the district calling for repairing “deplorable” school conditions.

A. fired

B. filed

C. fined

D. filled

28. Last March the __________ of a 19th century cargo ship was found by an underwater archaeological team.

A. debris

B. ruins

C. remains

D. wreck

29. She’s worn his designs on __________ occasions from red carpets to movie premieres.

A. countless

B. countable

C. numerical

D. numeral

30. A leading ___________ intelligence and operations company has released its analysis of worldwide reported incidents of piracy and crime against mariners.

A. oceangoing

B. oceanic

C. marine

D. maritime


TEM 2016 11. How can I concentrate if you __________ continually __________ me with silly questions? A. have… interrupted B. had… interrupted C. are… interrupting D. were… interrupting 12. Among the four sentences below, Sentence __________ express the highest degree of possibility. A. It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. B. It might take a long time to find a solution to the problem. C. It could take a long time to find a solution to the problem. D. It should take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 13. She is a better speaker than __________ in the class. A. all the girls B. the other boys C. other any girl D. any boy 14. Nobody heard him sing, __________? A. did they B. did he C. didn’t they D. did one 15. I can’t put up with __________. A. that friend of you B. that friend of yours C. the friend of you D. the friend of yours 16. There has been an increasing number of __________ in primary schools in past few years. A. man teacher B. men teacher C. man teachers D. men teachers 17. This is one of the issues that deserve __________. A. mentioning B. being mentioned C. to mention D. for mention 18. The audience __________ excited on seeing__________ favorite star glide onto the stage. A. were… its B. were… their C. was… their D. was… one’s 19. __________ your advice, I would have made the wrong decision. A. Hadn’t it been for B. Had it not been for C. Had it been for D. Had not it been for 20. The sentence I wish I had been more careful in spending money express the speaker’s __________. A. hope B. joy C. regret D. relief 21. The Attorney General ordered a federal autopsy of Brown’s body, seeking to __________ the family and community there would be a thorough investigation into his death. A. ensure B. assure C. insure D. ascertain 22. The police department came under strong criticism for both the death of an unarmed and its handling of the __________. A. consequence B. outcome C. result D. aftermath 23. The Foreign Secretary tried to __________ doubts about his handling of the crisis. A. dispel B. expel C. repel D. quell 24. Mutual funds are thus best for investors who don’t want to take the time to study stocks in detail or who __________ the resources to build a portfolio. A. deprive B. lack C. yearn D. attain


三语文质量监测语言知识和语言表达练习 第一章识记现代汉语普通话的字音A 训练要点提示:语音题的取材坚持了这样的原则:取自日常生活中经常使用却容易读错的词语。据此,语音部分的复习重点应该落在识记上,识记的范围包括如下六个方面:①容易读错的多音字;②容易读错的形声字;③容易读错的形近字;④同义多音字;⑤成语中的难读字;⑥专称异读字。高考测试的重点是根据所给语境(词语或成语)正确认读。训练时,要注意据字定音,因境定音。 1、选出划线的字注意完全正确的一项() A、荫庇(bì)镌(juān )刻沮丧(sāng)煤屑(xiè) B、给(jǐ)予阴霾(mái)勉强(qiǎng)桎梏(kù) C、裨(pí)将虔(qián)诚悭(qiān)吝整畦(qí) D、诡(guǐ)奇整饬(chì)角(jiǎo)色冠(guān)冕 2、下列词语中划线字的读音全部正确的一组是() A、沮(jū)丧鞭挞(tà)言简意赅(gāi)横(hèng)征暴敛 B、遒劲(jìng)倾轧(yà)如法炮(páo)制熏陶渐(jiān)染 C、糟粕(bò)颤(chàn)栗面面相觑(qù)胜券(quòn)在握 D、荫(yìn)庇轻佻(tióo)堆砌(qì)呆板处(chù)心积虑 3、下列词语中划线的字,字音完全正确的一组是() A、恫吓(hè)流言蜚(fēi)语穿凿(záo)附会起哄(hòng) B、斡(wò)旋炽(zhì)热金蝉脱壳(qiào)成吉思汗(hàn) C、澎(péng)湃初隽(jùn)秀才提(dī)防团花簇(chù)锦 D、木讷(nà)崚嶒(léng céng)圆凿方枘(ruì)美不胜(shèng)收 4、下列词语中划线字读音不完全正确的一组() A、露(lù)骨屏(bǐng)除呕心沥血(xuè) B、勒(lè)令氛(fēn)围沐猴而冠(guàn) C、应(yìng)用寒伧(chen)前倨(jù)后恭 D、骨(gǔ)气号(háo)丧拾(shí)级而上 5、下面划线的字读音都正确的一组是() A、打烊(yàng)系(xì)念折(shé)本从(cóng)容 B、僭(jiàn)越晌(shǎng)午妊娠(shēn)剖(pāo)析 C、内疚(jiù)拙(zhuō)笨恣(zī)睢反诘(jié) D、悚(song)然盘缠(chón)折(zhē)腾熟稔(rěn) 6、下列划线字注音全对的一组是() A、怯(qiè)弱否(pǐ)泰殷(yān)红伺候(sì) B、湖泊(pō)闷(mēn)热档(dàng)案悄(qiǎo)然 C、饿殍(fú)烙(lào)印哺(bǔ)育押解(jiè) D、友谊(jí)慰藉(jiè)膝(xī)盖弄(lòng)堂 7、选出注音全对的一项() A、抹(mǒ)煞信笺(jiàn)狙(jū)击繁文缛(rù)节 B、诡谲(jué)拓(tuò)本星宿(xiù)日薄(bó)西山 C、穴(xué)位癖(pǐ)好赝(yàn)品抢(qiāng)呼欲绝 D、狡黠(xié)卷帙(zhì)弹(tán)压亭台轩(xuān)榭 8、选出下列词语中划线的字注音无误的一项()


英语学科知识与能力精 编W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

第一章英语语言基础知识 第一节中学英语语音知识 一,字母,音素(phoneme)和音标(phoneme symbol): 1. 根据发音时是否受到发音器官的阻碍以及阻碍程度,将26个英文字母分为 元音字母: a e i o u 半元音字母:w y 辅音:其他 (注)区分元音vowels的方法: 舌头抬起的高度——高中低 舌头最高部分的位置——前中后 元音的长度或紧度——长元音短元音 唇的圆展度——圆唇非圆唇 2.英语音素: (注)英语音标发音方法巧记: · /p/ ,/t/,/k/,/f/ ,/s/,/b/,/d/,/g/,/z/,/h/,/r/,/m/,/n/,/j/,/ w/与汉语拼音了的声母发音一致。 · /θ/像一张嘴,咬住舌头,正是这个音标的发音。/e/与之相同,只不过清浊有变 化。 · /v/就是拼音的w(乌)。 · /?/是拼音的sh(师)。

· /ts/是拼音的c(次)。 · /t?/是拼音的ch(吃)。 · /tr/发音像汉字“戳” · /?/是拼音的r(日)。 · /dz/很难表达啊...有z(资)的音,但是前面浊化了。· /d?/是拼音的zh(知)。 · /dr/读“捉” · /?/是拼音的ng(就是ang eng ing ong的后半部分)

二,语音的变化: 1.音节:一个音节至少有一个元音字母 1)重读:Stressed 2)连音:liaison 辅音+元音 R/re+元音 辅音+半元音 元音+元音 4)音的同化:assimilation 1 因唇形的影响而发生的同化: (1)[n], [d], [t]在双唇音[m], [b], [p]前面被同化,如ten men (十个人) 音 鼻辅音 舌侧音 (浊辅音) [l]齿 龈边音 [r]舌尖 齿龈后部 摩擦音 半元音 (浊辅音) [w]舌 后软颚半元音 [j]舌前硬颚半元 音 双唇音:bilabial 软腭:velar 齿槽:alveolar 上颚:palatal 齿音:dentals


英语学科知识与能力 一、考试目标 1. 英语学科知识与能力具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言能力,具备从事初中英语教学所需要的英语语言能力;能理解有关英语国家的语言、历史和文化等相关知识。 2.英语学科教学知识与能力掌握基本的、适合初中英语教学的学科教学知识和英语课程标准知识,并能用以指导初中英语教学。 3.英语学科教学设计能力能够根据英语学科特点,针对初中学生的认知特点、语言水平和学习需要选择并设计合理的教学内容,形成完整合理的教学方案。 4. 英语学科教学实施能力理解初中英语课堂教学实施的基本原则和方法,具备实施语言课堂教学的基本能力;能够依据教学设计,根据教学实际情况,采用恰当的教学手段,引导学生进行有效学习。 5.英语学科教学评价知识与能力了解初中英语课堂教学评价的基本知识和方法,能够对学生的语言学习进行恰当的评价;了解教学反思的基本方法和策略,能够对自己的课堂教学实践进行反思,提出改进的思路。 6.二、考试模块内容与要求 (一) 语言知识与能力 1.掌握英语语言的基础知识,了解语言研究中与英语教学相关的基本概念和内容,并能在课堂教学中加以运用。 2.具有良好的英语语言运用能力,包括用英语进行书面表达、获取教学资源和信息、表达能够筛选并改编适合初中学生英语水平的教学材料。 3. 能在语篇中理解英语国家的语言、历史和文学等相关的社会文化知识。 (二)语言教学知识与能力 1.了解英语教学基本理论,包括语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观等对初中英语教学的指导作用。 九月开学季,老师你们准备好了吗?幼教开学准备小学教师教案小学教师工作计...初中教师教案初中教师工作计. 2.理解《全日制义务教育普通初级中学英语课程标准(实验)》的目标内容(语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识),以及课程标准的其他相关知识,并能在教学设计与实施中运用。 3.掌握英语语言知识(语音、词汇、语法等)的教学基本原则、讲解和练习方法。 4.掌握英语语言技能(听、说、读、写)的教学原则和训练方法。 5.能结合英语社会文化语境,设计并实施英语知识和技能的教学与训练。 (三)教学设计 1.了解初中学生的认知特征、已有的英语知识、语言能力和学习需求,能够说明教学内容与学生已学知识之间的联系。 2.理解课程标准的目标要求,能够根据学生的特点选择恰当的教学内容。 3.掌握根据恰当的教学内容,设定合理、明确与具体的教学目标。 4.能根据教学目标,创设教学情景、设计有效的教学活动、安排合理的教学过程、编制辅助教学材料。 5.能够根据教学内容和教学过程,设计有效的学习评估活动。 (四)教学实施与评价


2017年英语专业四级真题及答案 III. 语言知识: 11. ___B_____ combination of techniques authors use, all stories---from the briefest anecdotes to the longest novels ----have a plot. A. Regarding B. Whatever. C. In so far as D. No matter 12. She followed the receptionist down a luxurious corridor to a closed door, ____B______ the women gave a quick knock before opening it.. A. wherein B. on which C. but when D. then 13. Ms Ennab is one of the first Palestinian ______C____ with seven years’ racing experience. A. woman drivers B. women driver C. women drivers D. woman driver 14. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.”The past tense in the sentence refers to a __B___. A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentativeness C. present event for uncertainty D. past event for politeness 15. “If I were you, I wouldn’t wait to propose to her.” The subjunctive mood in the sentence is used to ____D______. A. alleviate hostility B. express unfavorable feelings C. indicate uncertainty D. make a suggestion 16. “It’s a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word.” The modal auxiliary SHOULD express __B_____. A obligation B disappointment C future in the past D. tentativeness 17. Timothy Ray Brown, the first man cured of HIV, initially opted against the stem cell transplantation that _____D______ history. A. could have later made B. should have made later C. might make later D. would later make 18. Some Martian rock structures look strikingly like structures on Earth that are known ___C___by microbes. A. having been created B. being created C. to have been created D. to be created 19. At that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as ______ if I ____A_______alone. A. would have been …had been B. should be … had been C. could be … were D. might have been… were 20. You must fire __C____ incompetent assistant of yours A. the B. an C. that D. whichever 21. Some narratives seem more like plays, heavy with dialogue by which writers allow their


《英语学科知识与教学能力》(初级中学) 一、考试目标 1. 英语学科知识与能力 具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言能力;具备从事初中英语教学所需要的英语语言能力;能理解有关英语国家的语言、历史和文化等相关知识。 2.英语学科教学知识与能力 掌握基本的、适合初中英语教学的学科教学知识和英语课程标准知识,并能用以指导初中英语教学。 3.英语学科教学设计能力 能够根据英语学科特点,针对初中学生的认知特点、语言水平和学习需要选择并设计合理的教学内容,形成完整合理的教学方案。 4. 英语学科教学实施能力 理解初中英语课堂教学实施的基本原则和方法,具备实施语言课堂教学的基本能力;能够依据教学设计,根据教学实际情况,采用恰当的教学手段,引导学生进行有效学习。 5. 英语学科教学评价知识与能力 了解初中英语课堂教学评价的基本知识和方法,能够对学生的语言学习进行恰当的评价;了解教学反思的基本方法和策略,能够对自己的课堂教学实践进行反思,提出改进的思路。 二、考试模块内容与要求 (一) 语言知识与能力 1.掌握英语语言的基础知识,了解语言研究中与英语教学相关的基本概念和内容,并能在课堂教学中加以运用。 2.具有良好的英语语言运用能力,包括用英语进行书面表达、获取教学资源和信息、表达思想情感和与学生良好沟通的能力;能够筛选并改编适合初中学生英语水平的教学材料。 3. 能在语篇中理解英语国家的语言、历史和文学等相关的社会文化知识。

(二)语言教学知识与能力 1.了解英语教学基本理论,包括语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观等对初中英语教学的指导作用。 2.理解《全日制义务教育普通初级中学英语课程标准(实验)》的目标内容(语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识),以及课程标准的其他相关知识,并能在教学设计与实施中运用。 3.掌握英语语言知识(语音、词汇、语法等)的教学基本原则、讲解和练习方法。 4.掌握英语语言技能(听、说、读、写)的教学原则和训练方法。 5.能结合英语社会文化语境,设计并实施英语知识和技能的教学与训练。 (三)教学设计 1.了解初中学生的认知特征、已有的英语知识、语言能力和学习需求,能够说明教学内容与学生已学知识之间的联系。 2.理解课程标准的目标要求,能够根据学生的特点选择恰当的教学内容。 3.掌握根据恰当的教学内容,设定合理、明确与具体的教学目标。 4.能根据教学目标,创设教学情景、设计有效的教学活动、安排合理的教学过程、编制辅助教学材料。 5.能够根据教学内容和教学过程,设计有效的学习评估活动。 (四)教学实施与评价 1.掌握英语课堂教学的基本步骤与方法,能够创设教学情景,激发学习动机,引导学生参与语言学习活动。 2.掌握指导学生学习的方法和策略,能依据英语学科特点和学生的认知特征,根据教学实际情况,恰当地运用语言讲解、互动练习、提问、反馈等方法,帮助学生有效学习。 3.掌握课堂管理基本方法,熟悉课堂活动常用组织形式,能在教学活动中以学生为中心组织教学,能在课堂教学的不同阶段中发挥教师的作用。 4.掌握课堂总结的方法,能适时地对教学内容进行归纳、总结与评价,科学合理地布置作业。


如何正确处理素材中语言知识与语言技能之间的关系? 英语教学中,语言基础知识是指语音、词汇和语法等方面的规则、定义、概念和用法等,言语能力是指运用语言进行听、说、读、写的交际能力。英语课要着重培养言语能力,又要教给学生必要的语音、词汇和语法知识。但教给学生语言基础知识的目的是指导他们的语言实践,培养他们实际运用语言的能力。如何正确处理素材中语言知识与语言技能之间的关系? ⑴ 英语要作为交际工具来教、来学、来用 培养和校验学生使用英语这种交际工具的能力,主要依赖于语言实践,要在使用语言的过程中来实现。教学中教师必须把英语作为交际工具来教,学生必须把它作为交际工具来学,课堂内外必须把它作为交际工具来使用。 ① 英语课堂教学交际化。 教学时不仅要多给学生开口的机会,还要尽可能多的用教具创造适当的情景,用英语作交际性的、真实性的或逼真的演习,鼓励学生在说英语的时候带着表情,并伴随手势、动作等。 ② 培养学生使用英语交际的能力,从教英语的第一天起就应该这样做,并坚持到底。例如教单词,教师可利用模型和图片;教日常交际用语,要注意经常和学生交流;教课文可利用连环画、幻灯片或创设情境,通过反复的口头、笔头训练,训练学生提问、对话、连续说英语的能力。 ⑵ 精讲语言知识,加强语言实践 ① 语言知识和语言实践的关系在教学活动中直接表现为讲与练的关系。前者是讲授语言知识的过程,解决由不知到知,有不理解到理解的矛盾;后者指把知识运用于时间的过程,解决由知到能,由不熟练到熟练的过程。 ② 正确处理二者的关系。要注意一条原则,那就是要做到精讲多练。课堂上必须以语言实践为主,大部分时间要用于实践,使学生得到充分的听、说、读、写的训练。年级越低练习时间应该越多。精讲是为了指导实践,讲授的范围、深度、方法和时机要由语言实践和教学来决定。低年级可以直接通过反复练习达到熟练掌握的程度,不需要讲授语言知识和语法规则;随着语言项目的增多和语言现象的复杂,教师要从一些语言材料里总结和归纳出必要的语法规则,让学生能够理解与掌握,即使这样,还是要坚持精讲多练! ⑶ 机械性操练、有意义的操练和交际性操练相结合


高考语文“语言基础知识及运用”复习有规可循 益阳市大通湖区一中刘艳球 我们在高考语文迎考复习时,一般分“语言基础知识及运用”“诗歌鉴赏” “文言文阅读”“现代文阅读”“作文辅导”等几大板块,在这些板块中,一般人认为最枯燥无味、心中最没底的是“语言基础知识及运用”的复习,师生们曾经这样慨叹:“老师教之无味,学生学之无方,考试考完无底,只留哀叹一片。”其实,基础知识的复习并不如人们想象中的那么难,它是有规律可循,有方法可依的。 一、识记现代汉语普通话常用字的字音 纵观近年高考语文试题,主要考查多音字、形近字、形声字、同音字、统读字、方言字和生僻字的读音。该考点重点考查的是社会和人们的日常生活联系紧密、使用频率较高而又容易误读的字。 1.形近字误读。有很多字字形相近,读音却不相同。如06年湖北卷“湍、瑞、喘、揣、惴”字形相近,容易误读。 2.音近字误读。有些字读音相近,只是声调不同,经常造成误读。如06年湖南卷中的“参与(y?)”应为“参与(yù)”等。 3.多音字误读。汉语中的许多多音字,往往“音随义转”,一有疏忽,就易误读。如“拾级而上”的“拾”(shé)误读作“shí”. 4.习惯性误读。有些汉字在语言交际中有一些误读习惯,如09年全国卷Ⅰ中的“.梵文(fán)”应为“.梵文(fàn)”等。 字音的识记重在积累、辨析,复习时要注意音、形、义结合,可以从下面几个方面进行: 1.多音字可以音义结合。多音字的读音往往与表达的意义是一致的,所以,记忆多音字时,可以结合意义记忆。应关注词义的区别(如“靡”表浪费时读mí,表倒下时读m?)、词性的不同(如“幢”作量词时读zhuàng,作形容词时读chuáng)、口语与书面语的区别(如“血”在口语中读xiě,在书面语中读xuè)等。 2.形声字可以辨析声旁。由于古今语音的演变,许多汉字的读音与它声旁的读音不尽相同,所以要谨防因为形声字的声旁读错字音的情况。如魑魅读chīmèi不读lí wèi. 3.注意矫正方言。由于我市考生受方言土语的干扰,有些字音容易误读其声母或韵母,如:贿赂(huìlù)读成(huìluò),刽(guì)子手读成刽(kuài)子手,复习时要十分关注这个方面。 再者语音题只要求认读,不要求拼写。材料多取自教材基本篇目或课外读本。备考时要重视积累,平时要养成勤查字典、词典的习惯,建立自己易读错的词语表,在复习过程中对读错的字要随时发现随时记录,并分析自己读错的原因,然后再经常抽一些时间去读一读这些词语。做题时一般用排除干扰项法,未见过的词往往是正确的。 二、识记现代常用汉字的字形 字形考查对象主要是使用频率高且错误率高的词语,也就是我们常说的“三


2017年高考语文语言表达知识点总结 仿写题属于表达应用能力层级(D级)的考查题目,它有如下一些特点: (1)具有开放性,它不规定答案,所答的内容符合题目要求就行;(2)具有综合性,涉及知识运用的方面很多,语法知识的运用,修辞知识的运用等;涉及能力考查的方面也很多,首先要理解所提供的语言环境的特点,弄清题目暗含的要求,其次要根据题目中显性的和隐性的要求,选择合适的内容,最后还要组织语言正确地表述出来。 一、类型讲解: 句子的仿写已经成为一个热点,是对考生语言表达的综合测试。从修辞角度看,主要有比喻句、排比句、对比句、对偶句等形式;从句式角度看有假设句、因果句、条件句、转折句等形式,也就是侧重于整句。 1.嵌入式 所写句子夹在已供材料中间,一般限定了句子表达的思维空间,要求与前后语句搭配得当,句式或前或后要相同。如: 例1:在横线处仿写前面的句子,构成一组排比句。(4分) 每一汪水塘里,都有海洋的气息;,; ,。所以诗人才说:"一株三叶草,再加上我的想像,便是一片广阔的草原。" 参考答案:每一片树林里,都有森林的奥秘;每一块绿地里,都有草原的辽阔。(仿写出的句式结构与前面所给句式一致,构成排

比,给2分。每句的内容具有小中见大的逻辑性,给2分。仿写出的句式结构与前面所给句式不完全一致,扣1分。语句生硬,不通顺,扣1分。) 2.续写式 根据例句的内容和句式,续写一个或多个句子。如: 例2:根据语意仿写。要求比喻恰当,句式相近。 我向往一种生活状态,叫做一-安详,安详就像夕阳下散步的老人,任云卷云舒;我也憧憬另一种生活状态,叫做--________, _____________________,_______________。 参考答案:我也憧憬另一种生活状态,叫做--快乐,快乐就像朝阳下跳跃的孩童,如朝霞似火。 3.对联式 例3:请为图书馆的对联补拟下联。 上联:学问藏今古下联:______________________________ 参考答案:翻阅忘晨昏(把"学问"当作动词)知识贯中外智慧包天下才识贯中西(把"学问"当作名词) 4.命题式 例4:(**年江苏卷)设定一个语言材料,再另外命题确定内容,按照例句式仿写。如: 在"橡皮"、"圆规"、"直尺"中任选两种,仿照例句,各写一句话。(句式、字数可以和例句不同)(4分) [例句]粉笔:身躯缩短了,生命的轨迹却延长了。解析:仿句题是很能见考生功力的一种题型,纵观这几年的高考试卷,仿句题已经

英语语言学 框架知识 中文版

一、绪论 语言学的定义 语言学的研究范畴 几对基本概念 语言的定义 语言的甄别特征 What is linguistics? 什么是语言学? Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 语言学是对语言科学地进行研究的学科。语言学所要研究的不是某一种特定的语言,而是人类所有语言的特性。 The scope of linguistics 语言学研究的范畴 Phonetics语音学\Phonology音系学\Morphology形态学\Syntax句法学\Semantics语义学 \Pragmatics语用学\Sociolinguistics社会语言学\Psycholinguistics心理语言学\Applied linguistics应用语言学 Prescriptive vs. descriptive 规定性与描述性 Descriptive:a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use. Prescriptive: it aims lay down rules for "correct" behavior. Modern linguistics is descriptive; its investigations are based on authentic, and mainly spoken data. Traditional grammar is prescriptive; it is based on "high" written language Synchronic vs. diachronic 共时性与历史性 The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study In modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study. Speech and writing 口头语与书面语 Speech enjoys priority over writing in modern linguistics study for the following reasons: (1) speech precedes writing in terms of evolution


2017英语专四真题Language Knowledge 11. ________ combination of techniques authors use, all stories---from the briefest anecdotes to the longest novels ----have a plot. A. Regarding B. Whatever. C. In so far as D. No matter 12. She followed the receptionist down a luxurious corridor to a closed door, __________ the women gave a quick knock before opening it.. A. wherein B. on which C. but when D. then 13. Ms Ennab is one of the first Palestinian _________ with seven years’ racing experience. A. woman drivers B. women driver C. women drivers D. woman driver 14. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.” The past tense in the sentence refers to a _______. A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentativeness C. present event for uncertainty D. past event for politeness 15. “If I were you, I wouldn’t wait to propose to her.” The subjunctive mood in the sentence is used to __________. A. alleviate hostility B. express unfavorable feelings C. indicate uncertainty D. make a suggestion 16. “It’s a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word.” The modal auxiliary SHOULD express _______. A. obligation B. disappointment C. future in the past D. tentativeness 17.Timothy Ray Brown, the first man cured of HIV, initially opted against the stem cell transplantation that ___________ history. A.could have later made B. should have made later C. might make later D. would later make 18. Some Martian rock structures look strikingly like structures on Earth that are known ______by microbes. A. having been created B. being created C. to have been created D. to be created 19. At that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as ______ if I ___________alone. A. would have been …had been B. should be … had been C. could be … were D. might have been… were 20. You must fire ________ incompetent assistant of yours A. the B. an C. that D. whichever


项目名称:迎接大学语言教学的挑战-强化英语和汉语的 语言知识和运用能力 主要负责大学:香港城市大学 参与的教资会资助大学:香港浸会大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学 项目负责人:香港城市大学 韩礼德语言研究及智能应用中心主任/ 翻译及语言学系教授 卫真道教授 计划旨在提升大学生的中、英语文知识和运用能力,协助大学生达到高等教育的语文要求。计划由四个互容互补的研究子项目组成,提供多元的、能兼顾教和学的需求的平台,帮助学生提升中英文能力。 第一个研究子项目致力开发一个智能网上写作系统,让大学生能够更熟练地完成英语写作,并为应对更具挑战性的职场和学术写作任务作好准备。透过本项目,学生将能全面掌握理解和应用英语的技巧,其内容涵盖面广,从日常用语到论文写作都有所囊括。 第二个研究子项目期望学生能够透过对中、英文有效使用的自主探索,提升语言能力,并对语言学习产生深远的影响。要达到以上目标,学习必须涵盖以下五个模块:学习动机(Motivation)、参与感(Engagement)、关联性(Relevance)、创意(Innovation)及知识传播(Transferring of knowledge)。这个MERIT课程鼓励学生主动参与,在探索创新的学习活动当中发现问题,并利用创意寻找解决方案,以达到知识传递的目标。学生将合作建立名为“我有答案"(Ask-Me-Why)的网站,分享和公布学习成果。 第三个研究子项目以提高成年人的汉语水平(包括书面语和口语(粤语及普通话))和沟通技巧为目标,建立名为“国际汉语沙龙"(International Chinese Language Salon,ICLS)的线上多媒体学习平台。该平台将提供互动说话训练和在线写作指导,每名学生都会收到学习反馈。此外,平台上还能找到各式各样的在线学习资源,例如影片教学、录音教材、实用的语法和语音参考指引等等。 第四个研究子项目的目标是撰写《香港学生英语发音指南》An English Pronunciation Guide for Cantonese Students in Hong Kong一书,书的内容包括:(1)


英语语言学基础知识 一、绪论语言学的定义语言的定义语言学的研究范畴语言的甄别特征 几对基本概念 (2) a large amount of communication is carried out in speech than in writing What is linguistics? 什么是语言学? (3) speech is the form in which infants acquire their native language Language and parole 语言与言语 Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 语言学是对语言科学地进行研究的学科。语言学所要 研究的不是某一种特定的语言,Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 而是人类所有语言的特性。 Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use The scope of linguistics 语言学研究的范畴 Competence and performance 能力与运用 Phonetics语音学\Phonology音系学\Morphology形态学\Syntax句法学\Semantics语义学\Pragmatics语用学Chomsky defines competence as the ideal users’ knowledge of the rules of his language \Sociolinguistics社会语言学\Psycholinguistics心理语言学\Applied linguistics应用语言学 Performance: The actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Prescriptive vs. descriptive 规定性与描述性 What is language? 什么是 语言? Descriptive:A linguistic study describes and analyzes the

高二英语语言知识及应用 ( 4 )

高二英语语言知识及应用( 4 ) 一.完形填空 If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a 1 reason, such as your job or your studies? Or perhaps you are interested in the 2 , films or the music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a knowledge of the language. Most people learn best using a variety of 3 , but traditional classes are an ideal start for many people. They provide an environment where you can practice under the 4 of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead 5 lives and learning a language takes 6 . You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a 7 . It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming 8 in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes a lot less. Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too 9 ,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more 10 than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any 11 . And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I’ve also heard people 12 about the mistakes they make when 13 . Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes and you’re much less likely to make them again. Learning a new language is never 14 . But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be 15 by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in their own language. Good luck! 1. A. technical B. political C. practical D. physical 2. A. literature B. transport C. agriculture D. medicine 3. A paintings B. regulations C. methods D. computers 4. A. control B. command C. pressure D. guidance 5. A. busy B. happy C. simple D. normal 6. A. courage B. time C. energy D. place 7. A. theory B. business C. routine D. project 8. A. bored B. fluent C. interested D. devoted 9. A. old B. nervous C. weak D. tired 10. A. closely B. quickly C. privately D. quietly 11. A. school B. speed C. distance D. age 12. A. worry B. hesitate C. think D. quarrel 13. A. singing B. working C. bargaining D. learning 14. A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy 15. A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed 二.语法填空 My most embarrassing moment occurred last month. I was invited to attend an interview for a job as a hotel receptionist. I arrived on time and was shown into the manager’s office by an 16 (assist). I was 17 nervous that I didn’t catch the manager’s name.18 interview began. “Do you have any previous experience in hotels?” asked the manager. “No sir,” I said. The manager frowned. “Are you good at using computers?” “Yes, Sir. I am familiar19 most popular kinds of software.” The manager frowned again. 20 didn’t look a friendly person. The interview continued. Every answer I gave 21 (receive) by a frown from the manager, even though I told him about my communication skills, my knowledge of French and so on. 22 (obvious), I was doing very badly. At last, the interview c ame to a close. “One final question,” said the manager. “How good is23 eyesight?” “Excellent, sir,” I replied. “Very well,” said the manager, “thank you for coming.” I stood up 24 (shake) hands. When the manager stood up as well, I realized 25 I had been doing wrong. The gentleman I had been calling “sir” during the whole interview was wearing a skirt! The manager was a woman! I didn’t get the job. 16.17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 23. 24. 25.
