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项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/


All goods of the PO shall be delivered completely to the Carrier nomin ated by the Buyer no later tha

n xxxxxxxxxxx.



(1) 1套正本增值税专用发票, 增值税专用发票的内容必须与报关单相一致。卖方必须在收到

买方发出的开票通知后 7天内将此正本增值税专用发票提交买方经办人。 如果由于卖方不

能及时提交增值税专用发票或出具的发票不符合要求, 由此产生的损失由卖方承担, 买方


One set of original Value Added Tax (VAT) Invoice(s) submitted by the Seller. The content of VAT

Invoice(s) must be in accordanee with the Customs Declaration. The Seller shall submit the VA T In voices to the Buyer dur ing seve n (7) days after receiv ing the Buyer ' s Notice about the In voice issu ing. All the losses arise n from late submissi on or in correct ness of the VAT In voices shall be borne by the

Seller. The Buyer has the right to deduct the corresp ondent losses directly from the payme nt un der the Con tract;

(2) 3份正本和3份副本装箱单(中英文对照),装箱单要求详细注明订单号、 件号、货物名称、


3 origi nals of Pack ing List and 3 copies in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage, issued by the

Manufacturer or the Seller with indication of PO No., package number, the name of Goods, specificati on. Package dime nsions and weight (net and gross), List of Items

with qua ntity and tag Number t, type of pack ing;

(3) 制造商签署的3份中英文对照的质量证书原件,3份正本检验报告原件。

Three (3) origi nal Quality Certificates and T est and In specti on Reports in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage issued by the Manu facturer;

(4) 1份由当地商检局出具的出境货物换证凭条 (单)。(如需商检,商检费用已包括在总价里)

One original Inspection Certificate issued by local Import and Export Commodity In specti on Bureau of the P .R.Chi na;

(5) 工厂验收测试(FAT )报告正本1份。

Certificate of factory accepta nee test.

(6) 1份由买方出具的运输释放通知

Shipp ing Release Note issued by the buyer.

(7) 1份由买方指定承运人签发的收货单原件。

One origi nal and two copies of Cargo Receipt issued by the Buyer appo in ted Freight Forwarder;

(8) 卖方与合同签订后一周内提交报批图纸。 MR 、补遗等相关文件中规定的最终文件 ,包括图

纸、数据表、技术手册等相关文件的 9份硬拷贝和6份CD 软拷贝。

Other technical documents, including but not limited to the following, drawing, data sheets and tech ni cal manual in 9 hard copies and 6 CDs;

9套硬拷贝和6套软拷贝(CDs )的最终文件邮寄到买

方办公室。 项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/

合同货物必须在 XXXXXXXXXX 前交至买方指定的承运人处。 如果分批运输,则分批付


The Seller shall finally send VENDOR FINAL DOCUMENTA TION with a number of 9 sets of Hard Copies and 6 sets of Soft Copies (CDs) by DHL/TNT to the Buyer' s Office

within two (2) weeks after the approval.



The qua ntities and contents of the above men ti oned docume nts shall be complete and correct. If the

Buyer fails to apply to customs, pass the customs clearanee, take over the Goods in time and fails in

drawback due to the Seller ' not having provided the documents specified as above, all losses should be borne by the Seller.


1. 合同规定的所有货物必须采用出口标准包装,并适合空运、海运及长距离和恶劣条件下的




The Goods shall be export packaged suitable for air transportation, ocean shipping and long and rough inland transport in Sudan, and shall be packaged in conformity to the RFQ Document “ the Export

Packing and Preservation Requirements ” . The Seller shall bear any damage, loss and corrosion to the Goods after delivery due to improper packagi ng and in

adequate or improper protective measures that shall be provided and take n by the Seller, and shall bear all the expe nses in curred.

2. 货物运输标识要求见买方询价文件《运输和标识说明》。卖方必须将唛头、箱号、货物毛


Shipp ing and Marking requireme nts shall be as per the Con tract Attachme nt 3

“ Shipp ing and Mark ing In structi ons to Ven dors ” The Seller shall mark on the four adjace nt sides of each cubic package or two opposite sides of colu mned package with printed Shipping Mark, Package No., Gross Weight, Net Weight, Dimensions, Port of Desti nati on and Con sig nee. Package mark ing

shall be prin ted, faste ned or sticked in clea nn ess, fast ness and marked ness.

唛头为Shipping Mark:

Provision of EPCC Services for Keyi FPF project

Con tract No.: Petro-E nergy/ 11/ 2008-5250

PO Title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PO Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Con sig nee: Petro-E nergy E&P Co. Ltd.

Notify: ASA WER OIL & GAS.

Shipper: Shen zhe n Vicom T ech no logy Co., Ltd.



(1) 卖方所提供的货物必须按技术协议及买方MR文件及技术澄清的要求制造。

The goods provided by the Seller must accord with the T ech ni cal Agreeme nt and MR

documents and technical clarifications, and shall be tallied with all specifications 项目合同编号POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/

required in the Engineering Requisition and technical confirmation.

(2) 本订单中规定的货物价格是双方约定的固定价格,不受订单期限的延长和/或卖方完成现


The prices set forth herein are fixed and firm not subject to escalation for the duration of the PO and /or

completion of the Seller's on-site services.

(3) 订单价格是综合报价,包括一切可能存在的为履行本订单而产生的材料、人力、制造、检验、商检、包



The PO Price shall be comprehe nsive and in clude all and any possible expe nses in connection with

materials, man power, manufacture, test and in specti on. Commodities

In spect ion, export pack ing, tran sportati on and in sura nee before delivery, Draw ing and docume ntati on, and all and any age nt fees for the Buyer to provide the Goods un der

the PO,. The Prices quoted by the Seller shall also in clude V alue-added tax, and other

taxes in accorda nee with the tax laws in effect in China.

(4) 卖方应保证本合同项下的货物为全新出厂、无质量缺陷并按照国际、行业标准及买方要求生产。

The goods supplied agai nst this order shall be new and free from defects in desig n, material and

workma nship and shall comply with all applicable codes and man datory regulations and meets the

specifications and quality standards relating to the said goods


原产地国(Country of Origin) : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

制造商(Manufacturer) : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



The Seller shall in sure all the Goods un der this PO to be delivered safely and completely to the Carrier nominated by the Buyer in due time with no damage and losses. The Seller shall bear at his own risk and expe nses all damage and losses caused in any cases before delivery. The Seller shall bear the expe nses of inland carriage and in sura nee before delivery.




The Warra nty Period for the Goods un der the Order shall be 18 mon ths from the date of Goods arriv ing at Suda n, or 12 mon ths from the date of Check and Accepta nee Certificate signed by the representatives of the two Parties after the Goods being checked and or in spected and or tested to be con firmed their con formity to the Order by the Buyer' s representative(s) on jobsite, whichever period shall first expire.


(1) 卖方应在订单签订后7天内向买方提交详细的生产计划、设计图纸报批。

The Seller shall propose within 7 days from date of PO, their detailed manu factur ing schedule and

Desig n draw ings for approval.

(2) 卖方须在工厂验收测试前6周将检验及试验计划、FAT计划及FAT程序文件提交给买方


In spectio n and Test Pla n (ITP), FAT Schedule and FAT Procedures for

Buyer/C on tractor/ Owner in formatio n and approval shall be submitted 6 weeks prior to the date of the FA T.

(3) 对于需要买方/总包方/业主在场的工厂验收检测,卖方须在合理期限内预先通知并为买方


Seller shall provided sufficie nt adva nee no tice for the applicable Factory Accepta nee

Test (FAT) that may be witnessed by Buyer /Contractor/Owner and shall provide all services and facilities to Buyer /Con tractor/Ow ner represe ntatives in side Factory premises.

(4) 不管买方在货物发运之前是否对货物进行检验,制造方在发货之前都应对货物的质量、规格、性能和数



No matter the Buyer make inspection or not before the Good shipment, the Manu facturer shall, for the

purpose of deliveri ng the Goods, con duct a precise and comprehe nsive check ing and in spect ion as

regards the quality, specificati on, performa nee and qua ntity/weight etc. and issue certificates as

required certifyi ng that the Goods are in conformity with the stipulations of this PO. The checking and

Inspection certificates shall form an integral part of supporting documentation required by payment, but

shall not be considered as the final in respect of quality, specification, performa nee and qua ntity/weight.

(5) 如果货到买方施工现场因验收发现货物与订单规定不符或在质保期内因为任何原因被证实有缺陷,包括


Should the quality and specifications of the Goods be found not in conformity with the PO on the Buyer' sobsite, or should the Goods prove defective within the Warranty Period for any reas on, in cludi ng late

nt defects or the use of un suitable materials, the Buyer shall arrange for a survey to be carried out by

the third party inspectorate appo in ted by the Buyer, and have the right to claim aga inst the Seller on

the stre ngth of the Survey Report.




After the arrival of the Goods at the Buyer ' sobsite in Sudan, should the quality or specificati ons found not in con formity with the stipulati ons of the Con tract, the Buyer shall have the right to claim for replaceme nt with new Goods, or for compe nsati on, and all the direct and in direct expe nses (such as in specti on charges, freight for retur ning the Goods and for sending the replaceme nt, in sura nee premium, storage and loadi ng and uni oadi ng charges, etc.), and all losses arisen from the negative effect on the Buyer ' Construction Schedule due to the incon formity with the Con tract shall be borne by the Seller.


The Inspection certificates so issued shall be accepted as the basis of a claim. The Seller, in accordanee with the Buyer ' s claim shall be responsible for thimmediate elimination of

the defect(s), replacing all or some defective goods or depreciating the prices according to the damage

degree. Where necessary, the Buyer will eliminate the defects itself at the Seller ' expenses. Should the Seller make no reply to the Buyer within one month after receipt of the aforesaid claim, the claim shall be regarded as hav ing bee n accepted by the







The Seller shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of the Goods due to Force Majeure such as war, serious fire, flood, typho on and earthquakes or other events agreed upon by both parties, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Seller

shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrenee mentioned above and within fourteen (14) days


the Seller shall send by courier to the Buyer for their acceptanee a certificate of the accide nt issued by the Compete nt Gover nment Authorities where the accide nt occurs as evidenee thereof. Under such

circumstances, the Seller, however, is still under the obligati on to take all n ecessary measures to expedite the delivery of the Goods. In case the accident lasts for more than ten (10) weeks, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the con tract.



周或不足一周,买方有权从未支付货款中直接扣除迟交货货款的 2.5%作为违约金,违约金总


消合同,不管合同是否被取消,卖方仍要不推迟地交纳前述违约金。买方有权扣留合同金额的10%,直到收到合同项下的所有货物(包括图纸和相关技术资料) 。

Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the con tract, with excepti on of Force Majeure causes specified in Article 15 of this Con tract, the Buyer has the right to deduct the Liquidated Damage(apply at a rate of 2.5% per week)directly from the unpaid value of the Goods. The Liquidated Damage, however, shall not exceed 10% of the total value of the Goods in volved in the late delivery. The rate of Liquidated Damage is charged at 1% for one week or part there of. In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten (10) days later tha n the time of delivery stipulated in the Con tract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Con tract and the Seller, in spite of the can cellati on, shall still pay the aforesaid Liquidated Damage to the Buyer without delay.

The Buyer reserves the right to holdback Ten (10) percent of the total value of this Purchase Order until receipt of complete Purchase Order (including Drawings and Data requirements) at respective destinations, has bee n made.




Any dispute aris ing from or in connection with this Con tract shall be settled frie ndly through n egotiati ons of the two Parties. In case no settleme nt can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to Chi na Intern ati onal Econo mic and Trade Arbitrati on Commissio n for arbitrati on which shall be con ducted in accorda nee with the Commissi on ' s arbitrati on rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party. The arbitration shall be in Shenzhen.





The Seller has the resp on sibility to train people from the buyer in 7 days for free.

10.2 现场服务S ITE SERVICE




This con tract shall come into force from the date of sig nature of the con tract by both Parties.





电话(TEL) : +

传真(FAX): +

联系人Contact: /陈进






联系人Con tact : XXXXXXXX




The PO shall be writte n in Chin ese and En glish. Both Ian guages are equally authe ntic. In the eve nt of any discrepa ncy betwee n the two aforeme nti oned vers ions, the Chin ese vers ion shall prevail.




Seller shall make himself fully aware and well in formed with any sanctions imposed on compa nies con duct ing bus in ess related to the works or in conn ecti on with supplies to Suda n, Seller shall assess such imposed san cti ons and shall assume any risk, liability or consequenee as stated above, Seller should avoid purchasing of materials and

equipment from any country imposing sanctions against Sudan or freighting materials and equipme nt via those country ' s con trolled shippi ng routed.


IN WITNESS THEREOF this con tract is sig ned by both parties in four origi nal copies; each party holds two origi nal copies.



The followi ng attachme nts of this Con tract shall be an in tegral part of the Con tract have

and the same force as the Con tract.

1. 《运输和标识说明》Shippi ng and Marki ng In structio ns to V en dors.

2. 《出口包装和保管要求》the Export Pack ing and Preservati on Requireme nts.

3. MR 文件Material Requisition xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

4. 卖方的报价表、技术和商务投标文件

The Seller ' s QuotaticTechnical and Commercial Proposal.

订单(英文范本)Purchase Order

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] [Your Company Slogan] [YOUR ADDRESS] [YOUR ADDRESS 2] [YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR ZIP/POSTAL CODE] [YOUR COUNTRY] Phone: [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] Fax: [YOUR FAX NUMBER] Purchase Order The following number must appear on all related correspondence, shipping papers, and invoices: P.O. NUMBER: 100 To: Name Company Address City, State ZIP Phone Ship To: [NAME], [TITLE] [YOUR COMPANY NAME] [YOUR ADDRESS] [YOUR ADDRESS 2] [YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] 1. Please send two copies of your invoice. 2. Enter this order in accordance with the prices, terms, delivery method, and specifications listed above. 3. Please notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. Authorized by Date


Please supply us with the following sample of product: *Packaging: The goods shall be packed suitable for air/inland transportation. *Deliver as soon as possible; *Please send an order confirmation by e‐mail ; *Please place our order number on the invoice; *The packing list should indicate the weight of a balk and the quantity of bales; *Please send the following files by e-mail for our customs clearance and inspection: Purchase Order PO20180117 Xi'an Hardis Import and Export TradingCo.,Ltd. Purchase Date : NO.114,No.1 Fengcheng Road, Purchaser: Weiyang District, Xi’an City,Shaanxi Province, China. Mobile:+86 - Tel:+86‐29‐ Page 1/2 E‐mail: Purchase from: Delivery Address: Fitzgerald Industries International Xi'an Hardis Import and Export TradingCo.,Ltd. 30 Sudbury Road, Suite 1A N, No.1 Building, Acton, MA 01720 South Area of XianFeng Garden, USA. East Section of NO.1 FengCheng Road, T: Weiyang District, Xi ’an City, Shaanxi Province, E: China. W: T: +86‐29‐ M:+86- E‐mail: SKU Product Name Catalog Quantity Unit Price(USD) Amount(USD) CRP protein 30‐AC05PP 5mg Sample Complement 3 antiserum 88R-7581 5mg Sample Complement 4 antiserum 20C-CR2019SP 5mg Sample Immunoglobulin A antiserum 20C-CR6043SP 5mg Sample Immunoglobulin A antiserum 31C-CP1034I 5mg Sample Immunoglobulin G antiserum 20C-CR6050SP 5mg Sample Goat anti Human IgM antibody (mu chain) 41-XG59 5mg Sample Premium for express delivery(USD) Total (USD) :

Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO)电子版(中英文版)

Date Issued: September , 2011 To: Attention: Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO) Buyer Ref. No.: We, ( importer name) , as buyer, hereby confirm with full legal and corporate responsibility and under penalty of perjury that we are ready, willing and able to enter into a contract for the purchase of the commodity specified below, that funding is available any import/export permits needed to fulfill this purchase have been obtained. Specification: Product Packing: Quantity Total: MT(+/-5%) or more Shipping Schedule: The 1st shipment will be MT and the next 11 months of supply will be MT/Month. Delivery schedule to be given by the buyer. Delivery: Within days of receipt of payment instrument at seller’s Bank counter. Origin: Price: USD per MT (will be given in the soft corporate offer) Product Destination:Port of China Inspection: SGS or like company shall at the port of loading confirm weight and that the product conforms to the following specifications. Inspection at port of discharge by buyer at buyer’s expense. Payment: Terms can be transferable or non transferable, non-divisible DLC, OR BG Performance Bond: 2% issued by seller’s bank. Buyer Banking Details: Name of the Bank: Bank Account No: Bank Account Name: Bank SWIFT Code:



For M/S : 华瑞益通 Name:Date: 本订单合同由买方和卖方共同签署,双方同意按本合同各项条款,买方购买且卖方出售合同规定的货物并提供相应服务。 The Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the Goods and provide services as covered and described hereunder. SECTION 1 - 供货范围 SCOPE OF SUPPLY: You have discussed all technical requirements for this project and confirmed the compliance to the same. 卖方已经了解此项目的所有技术要求并确认完全满足所有要求: 序号Item 货物描述 Description / Scope of Supply 单位 Unit 数量 Qty 单价 Unit Price 总价 Total Prices According to (MR编号及设备名称) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Start-up and Commissioning Spare Included 7Inspection , testing and Factory Acceptance Certificate(FAT) Included 8Design, Drawing, Documentation and Manual(Required Quantity) Included 9Export Packaging Included 10Inland Transportation Included 11Commodity Inspection(if needed) Included 总价(至买方指定港口)


苏丹 XXX 项目:PROVISION OF PCC SERVICE S FOR PROJECT 项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/ (2) 交货期 DELIVERY SCHEDULE All goods of the PO shall be delivered completely to the Carrier nomin ated by the Buyer no later tha n xxxxxxxxxxx. (3) 交货事项 DELIVERY POINT SECTION 3- 文件 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: (1) 1套正本增值税专用发票, 增值税专用发票的内容必须与报关单相一致。卖方必须在收到 买方发出的开票通知后 7天内将此正本增值税专用发票提交买方经办人。 如果由于卖方不 能及时提交增值税专用发票或出具的发票不符合要求, 由此产生的损失由卖方承担, 买方 有权从货款中直接扣除。 One set of original Value Added Tax (VAT) Invoice(s) submitted by the Seller. The content of VAT Invoice(s) must be in accordanee with the Customs Declaration. The Seller shall submit the VA T In voices to the Buyer dur ing seve n (7) days after receiv ing the Buyer ' s Notice about the In voice issu ing. All the losses arise n from late submissi on or in correct ness of the VAT In voices shall be borne by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to deduct the corresp ondent losses directly from the payme nt un der the Con tract; (2) 3份正本和3份副本装箱单(中英文对照),装箱单要求详细注明订单号、 件号、货物名称、 规格尺寸、毛重、净重、包装类型。 3 origi nals of Pack ing List and 3 copies in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage, issued by the Manufacturer or the Seller with indication of PO No., package number, the name of Goods, specificati on. Package dime nsions and weight (net and gross), List of Items with qua ntity and tag Number t, type of pack ing; (3) 制造商签署的3份中英文对照的质量证书原件,3份正本检验报告原件。 Three (3) origi nal Quality Certificates and T est and In specti on Reports in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage issued by the Manu facturer; (4) 1份由当地商检局出具的出境货物换证凭条 (单)。(如需商检,商检费用已包括在总价里) One original Inspection Certificate issued by local Import and Export Commodity In specti on Bureau of the P .R.Chi na; (5) 工厂验收测试(FAT )报告正本1份。 Certificate of factory accepta nee test. (6) 1份由买方出具的运输释放通知 Shipp ing Release Note issued by the buyer. (7) 1份由买方指定承运人签发的收货单原件。 One origi nal and two copies of Cargo Receipt issued by the Buyer appo in ted Freight Forwarder; (8) 卖方与合同签订后一周内提交报批图纸。 MR 、补遗等相关文件中规定的最终文件 ,包括图 纸、数据表、技术手册等相关文件的 9份硬拷贝和6份CD 软拷贝。 Other technical documents, including but not limited to the following, drawing, data sheets and tech ni cal manual in 9 hard copies and 6 CDs; 9套硬拷贝和6套软拷贝(CDs )的最终文件邮寄到买 方办公室。 项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/ 合同货物必须在 XXXXXXXXXX 前交至买方指定的承运人处。 如果分批运输,则分批付 卖方应在两周内用特快专递方式将


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 sap系统计划协议批量导入 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

sap系统计划协议批屋导入 篇一:5.sap-mm-计划协议及交货计划 sap秀才-mm学习指南-5.计划协议及交货计划 20xx-06-1115:14:15| 分类:|标签:|字号大中小订阅 schedulingagreementanddeliveryschedule : 1. 创建计划协议(tcode:me31l ) path:logistics->materialmanagement->purchasing->out lineagreement->schedulingagreement ->create->Vendorknown 创建schedulingagreement 也有彳艮多的方式: manual > copydocument > ReferencetopReq、ReferencetoRFq、Referencetocontract 。 agreementtype : lp-> 手工创建deliveryschedule lpa->mRp 自动仓【J建deliveryschedule 输入采购组织和采购组,enter , 意思是设置阶段没有指定采购组织和公司代码的关系, 在这里输入公司代码,enter , 输入Validityend=209-12-30 , enter ,

输入必要的信息,save , 系统提示创建了计划协议5500000001。 使用me35l批准计划协议(否则不能做库存收货), 点击Release+save批准计划协议。 2. 维护交货计划deliveryschedule (tcode:me38 ) path:logistics->materialmanagement->purchasing->out lineagreement->schedulingagreement ->deliveryschedule->maintain enter , 选中行,点击deliveryschedule 按钮(或者F2), 假设企业对物料b-16mnR-12的需求是均衡的,每个月 计划交货100kg , save。 说明一下,这里秀才犯了一个错误,前面计划协议的targetquantity=7000 ,但是这里的交行计划合计数只有700 (本意是每个月1000),这属于低级失误。不过不影响后续工作。 3. 收货(tcode:migo_gR ) path:logistics->materialmanagement->inventorymanage ment->goodsmovement->goods


收货组ReceivingTeam; 收货区ReceivingArea; 散装区BulkStorage; 货架区RackStorage; 入库Entry; 入库单"Warehouseentry;"; 收货单ReceivingNote; 收货产品ReceivingProduct; 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate;物品数 仓库收发存专用的英语大全 收货组ReceivingTeam 收货区ReceivingArea 散装区BulkStorage 货架区RackStorage 入库Entry 入库单"Warehouseentry" 收货单ReceivingNote 收货产品ReceivingProduct 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate 物品数量总计GoodsTotalMaterialQuantity重量weight 毛重GrossWeight 净重NetWeight 最大重量MaximumWeight

最小重量MiximumWeight 总计容量TotalCapacity 出库单DeliveryList 拣货PickingGoods 拣货区PickingArea 转储单TransferOrder 检验报告单InspectionDocument 物料清单BillofMaterial 料号PartNumber 电子单据ElectronicsNote 码盘Pallet-Sorting 分拣Picking/Sorting 采购订单PurchaseOrder(PO)手写单HandNote 到货通知ArrivalNotice 报关到货ImportingGoods 检验单InspectionNote 入库扫描EntryScanning 扫描Scan 存货InStock 库存Inventory/Stock 库存清单StockList 发货区ShippingArea 发货单Deliverysheet

采购合同 采购订单Purchase Order

采购订单Purchase Order 订单编号Order No: 采购单位(以下简称甲方): 电话: 联系人: 地址: 供货单位(以下简称乙方): 电话: 联系人: 地址: 甲、乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的基础上,经双方共同协商一致,特订立本合同,供双方共同遵守:第一条、甲方采购的物品内容及成交价格如下:(本合同金额单位:人民币元) No. 序号Cargo/ Equipment Name 货物/设备名称 Specification & Model 规格、型号 Quantity 数量 Unit Price 单价 Amount 总价 Notes 备注 01 02 03 合计: 大写金额:小写金额:¥ 第二条、交付 1、交付时间:年月日(或之前)。 2、交付地点:甲方工厂或甲方指定地点。 第三条、验收 乙方交货时,甲方应进行验收,验收中如发现有不合格的产品,乙方应在三天内免费更换合格产品,直到全部产品验收合格甲方才收货。 第四条、货款结算 产品验收合格后于七个工作日内一次性付清。 第五条、品质保证与维护 1.质量要求:按甲方向乙方所提供的图纸为准(图纸编号为:TD-ZC2-003R1,TD-ZC2-006R2);有打样的,以甲方最终书面确认的样品为准。公差范围按甲方要求。 2.包装要求:以不影响产品质量为前提,因包装原因造成货物变形、损坏或丢失等,乙方应当负责补回并按未准时交货处理。 3.乙方因产品包装不符合合同规定,必须返修或重新包装的,乙方应负责返修或重新包装,并承担支付的费用。甲方不要求返修或重新包装而要求赔偿损失的,乙方应当偿付甲方该不合格包装物低于合格包装物的价值部分。 第六条、违约与赔偿 (1)如甲方不按照本合同支付款项时,应从规定付款日的次日起,每日向乙方偿付逾期付款部分总值的千之三的


购货合同 于____年___月___日,_______先生___________有限公司(以下简称售方),_______先生_______________公司(以下简称购方),鉴于售方同意出售,购方同意购买________________(以下简称合同货物),其合同货物的质量、性能、数量经双方确认,并签署本合同,其条款如下:1.合同货物:___________________________ 2.数量:___________________________ 3.原产地:__________________________ 4.价格:________________________F.O.B.5.装船:第一次装船应于接到信用证后30天至45天内予以办理。从第一次装船,递增至终了,应在12个月内完成。 6.优惠期限:为了履行合同,若最后一次装船时发生延迟,售方提出凭证,购方可向售方提供30天的优惠期限。 7.保险:由购方办理。 8.包装:用新牛皮纸袋装,每袋为_______公斤;或用木箱装,每箱为_________公斤。予以免费包装。 9.付款条件:签订合同后5天(公历日)内购方通过开证行开出以售方为受益人,经确认的,全金额100%的,不可撤销的,可分割的,可转让的,允许分期装船的信用证,见票即付并出示下列证件: (1)全套售方商业发票;

(2)全套清洁、不记名、背书提单; (3)质量、重量检验证明。 10.装船通知:购方至少在装货船到达装货港的7天前,将装货船到达的时间用电传通知售方。 11.保证金: (1)通知银行收到购方开具的不可撤销信用证时,售方必须开具信用证_____%金额的保证金。 (2)合同货物装船和交货后,保证金将原数退回给售方。若出于任何原因,本合同规定的第12条除外,发生无法交货(全部或部分)按数量比例将保证金作为违约予以没收支付给购方。 (3)若由于购方违约或购方不按照本合同第9条规定的时间内,(第12条规定除外)开具以售方为受益人的信用证,必须按保证金相同的金额付给售方。 (4)开具的信用证必须满足合同所规定的条款内容。信用证所列条件应准确、公道,售方并能予以承兑。通知银行收到信用证后,通知银行应给开证银行提供保证金。 12.不可抗力:售方或购方均不承担由于不可抗力的任何原因所造成的无法交货或违约,不可抗力的任何原因包括战争、封锁、冲突、叛乱、罢工、雇主停工、内乱、骚动、政府对进出口的限制、暴动、严重火灾或水灾或被人们所不能控制的自然因素。 交货或装船时间可能出现延迟,购方或售方应提出证明予以说明实情。 13.仲裁:因执行本合同所发生的一切争执和分歧,双方应通过友好协商方式解决。若经协商不能达成协议时,则提交仲裁解决。仲裁地点在__________________由___________________仲裁委员会仲裁,按其法规裁决。仲裁委员会的裁决是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用应由败诉方承担。除进行仲裁的那


仓库专业术语参考中英文 对照 Prepared on 24 November 2020

收发存专用的英语大全; 收货组ReceivingTeam; 收货区ReceivingArea; 散装区BulkStorage; 货架区RackStorage; 入库Entry; 入库单"Warehouseentry;"; 收货单ReceivingNote; 收货产品ReceivingProduct; 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate;物品数仓库收发存专用的英语大全 收货组ReceivingTeam 收货区ReceivingArea 散装区BulkStorage 货架区RackStorage 入库Entry 入库单"Warehouseentry"

收货单ReceivingNote 收货产品ReceivingProduct 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate 物品数量总计GoodsTotalMaterialQuantity重量weight 毛重GrossWeight 净重NetWeight 最大重量MaximumWeight 最小重量MiximumWeight 总计容量TotalCapacity 出库单DeliveryList 拣货PickingGoods 拣货区PickingArea 转储单TransferOrder 检验报告单InspectionDocument 物料清单BillofMaterial 料号PartNumber 电子单据ElectronicsNote

码盘Pallet-Sorting 分拣Picking/Sorting 采购订单PurchaseOrder(PO)手写单HandNote 到货通知ArrivalNotice 报关到货ImportingGoods 检验单InspectionNote 入库扫描EntryScanning 扫描Scan 存货InStock 冻结的BlockedStock 库存Inventory/Stock 库存清单StockList 发货区ShippingArea 发货单Deliverysheet 盘点Count 日盘DailyCount


采购订单 PURCHASE ORDER 本订单合同由买方和卖方共同签署,双方同意按本合同各项条款,买方购买且卖方出售合同规定的货物并提供相应服务。 The Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the Goods and provide services as covered and described hereunder. SECTION 1 - 供货范围SCOPE OF SUPPLY: You have discussed all technical requirements for this project and confirmed the compliance to the same.

SECTION 2- 付款及交货PAYMENTS AND DELIVERY TERMS: (1) 付款方式TERMS OF PAYMENT The Buyer shall pay valid invoices 60 days following the date of the invoice by wire transfer to the Supplier’s nominated bank account. 买方应在发票开具日后的xx天内根据有效发票通过电汇方式支付至供货方指定的银 行账户。 (2) 交货期DELIVERY SCHEDULE 合同货物必须在xxxx年xx月xx日前交至买方指定的承运人处。允许分批运输,则 分批付款。 All goods of the PO shall be delivered completely to the Carrier nominated by the Buyer no later than December 31, 2016. Partial delivery is allowed, and payment will be followed. (3) 交货事项DELIVERY POINT SECTION 3- 文件REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: (1) 1套正本增值税专用发票,增值税专用发票的内容必须与报关单相一致。卖方必须在收到 买方发出的开票通知后XX天内将此正本增值税专用发票提交买方经办人。如果由于卖方不能及时提交增值税专用发票或出具的发票不符合要求,由此产生的损失由卖方承担,买方有权从货款中直接扣除。 One set of original Value Added Tax (VAT) Invoice(s) submitted by the Seller. The content of VAT Invoice(s) must be in accordance with the Customs Declaration. The Seller shall submit the VAT Invoices to the Buyer during seven (7) days after receiving the Buyer’s Notice about the Invoice issuing. All the losses arisen from late submission or incorrectness of the VAT Invoices shall be borne by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to deduct the correspondent losses directly from the payment under the Contract; (2) 3份正本和3份副本装箱单(中英文对照),装箱单要求详细注明订单号、件号、货物名称、 规格尺寸、毛重、净重、包装类型。 3 originals of Packing List and 3 copies in both Chinese and English language, issued by the Manufacturer or the Seller with indication of PO No., package number, the name of Goods, specification, Package dimensions and weight (net and gross), List of Items with quantity and tag Number t, type of packing; (3) 制造商签署的3份中英文对照的质量证书原件, 3份正本检验报告原件。 Three (3) original Quality Certificates and Test and Inspection Reports in both Chinese and English language issued by the Manufacturer; (4) 1份由买方指定承运人签发的收货单原件。 One original and two copies of Cargo Receipt issued by the Buyer appointed Freight Forwarder; 以上文件的数量和内容必须完整和正确。如果由于卖方未提供上述文件造成买方不能及时报关、清关、退税和提货,全部损失由卖方负担。 The quantities and contents of the above mentioned documents shall be complete and correct. If the Buyer fails to apply to customs, pass the customs clearance, take over the Goods in time and fails in drawback due to the Seller’s not having provided the


外贸的实习报告内容 实习报告是指各种人员实习期间需要撰写的对实习期间的工作学习经历进行描述的文本。以下是我收集的外贸的实习报告内容,欢迎查看! 2月12日到4月28日,大四下学期开学,我在广州阿菲卡鞋业有限公司外实习。经过为期两个月多月的实习,我渐渐明白有时实际要比理论简单直接的多,但大多数情况下实际操作还是比理论要复杂。通常是我在别人的实际操作中领会到了自身所学理论的重点及要旨。 值得庆幸的是在这一个月的时间里,公司的同事给予了我热情的指导和帮助,而我也虚心向他们请教学习,把大学所学的知识加以运用,在理论运用于实践的同时,也在实践中更加深刻地理解了以前没有理解透彻的知识。经过这些天的实习,我对贸易公司也有了更深刻的了解,也初步熟悉了进口业务的实际操作。更重要的是,这是我踏入社会的第一步,虽然只有两个多月的时间,但是也让我看到了自身的很多欠缺,让我深知,在社会上我还需要很多学校里学不到的能力,年少的我们,还应该更加努力。这次实习给了我一次成长的机会,让我受益匪浅。以下是对自身在实习期间的简单汇报: 一、公司简介 公司座落于得天独厚的站西路西域大酒店鞋业批发市场内,公司占建筑面积300多平方米。公司拥有一支高素质的员工队伍,而公司内部也建立了严密的科学管理体系,明确的操作程序,严格的质量管理制度,并实行岗位制及定期员工培训制度。公司在信息与开发方面特别加强力度,在销售方面,公司是以"欢迎您,世界的朋友"为主体,力求满足世界各地之朋友及客商的需求。

该公司是出口鞋类产品为主的国际贸易公司,主要产销国是欧洲、中东、非洲等国家,该公司有一个业务部,一个财务部还有一个质检部组成了贸易主体。 二、实习内容 我是在业务部门进行实习,业务部主要负责进口鞋子跟单的进口工作。在实习期间,我了解了基本的贸易业务知识,熟练运用办公软件,学会了电脑制作外贸销售合同,以及按信用证要求制作商检、报关、压汇及交单单据,还有提供给客户的出货清单、对帐单等,熟悉了客户通电和业务人员按工厂要求对外报价,了解了很多关于制鞋方面的知识。同时了解了专业外贸公司目前的现状,感受了外贸业务的艰难。 第一天去公司实习,我怀着惴惴不安的心情,踏进办公室,只见几个陌生的脸孔。我微笑着和他们打招呼。从那天起,我养成了一个习惯,每天早上见到他们都要微笑的说声“早晨”或“早上好”,那是我心底真诚的问候。我总觉得,经常有一些细微的东西容易被我们忽略,比如轻轻的一声问候,但它却表达了对同事对朋友的关怀,也让他人感觉到被重视与被关心。仅仅几天的时间,我就和同事们打成一片,我担心变成“透明人”的事情根本没有发生。我想,应该是我的真诚,换取了同事的信任。他们把我当朋友,也愿意把工作分配给我。 作为一名实习生初涉社会,进入一个陌生的机构,接受一份新的工作,面对一些完全不熟悉的人和事,要想应付得体绝非易事。无论在学校取得了多么大的辉煌,到了一个新的环境中,你都是一个新手,除了自身的努力外,还需要周围人的帮助。想得到领导的赏识、同事的首肯,要有勤奋学习、虚心好问的精神。不懂装懂是最要不得。我很庆幸自身到了一个比较好的环境,遇到了一个比较好的老师,无论我有什么问题(当然是工作上的),只要我提出,周围的人都会耐心

Purchase Order模板

P.O. No.: Issue Date: Effective Date: Our Ref.: XX XX XX MR number Project Name: Project Contract No.: Supplier Ref.: Provision of Project Petro-Energy Offer number or Quotation dated on…..
P.O. Title: P.O Amount: Payment Terms:
XX XX XX Delivery Terms: XX
For 中原.
Prepared by Project Manager Procurement Manager
For M/S : 华瑞益通
Name: Date:
采购订单编号 Purchase Order: xxxx- xxx-xxx-xxx 采购订单名称 xxxxxxx
Page 1 of 9


订单英文 P u r c h a s e O r d e r The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] [Your Company Slogan] [YOUR ADDRESS] [YOUR ADDRESS 2] [YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR ZIP/POSTAL CODE] [YOUR COUNTRY] Phone: [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] Fax: [YOUR FAX NUMBER] Purchase Order The following number must appear on all related correspondence, shipping papers, and invoices: . NUMBER: 100 To: Name Company Address City, State ZIP Phone Ship To: [NAME], [TITLE] [YOUR COMPANY NAME] [YOUR ADDRESS] [YOUR ADDRESS 2] [YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] 1. Please send two copies of your invoice. 2. Enter this order in accordance with the prices, terms, delivery method, and specifications listed above. 3. Please notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. Authorized by Date

订单(英文范本)Purchase Order

订单(英文范本)Purchase Order [YOUR COMPANY NAME] [Your Company Slogan] [YOUR ADDRESS] [YOUR ADDRESS 2] [YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR ZIP/POSTAL CODE] [YOUR COUNTRY] Phone: [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] Fax: [YOUR FAX NUMBER] Purchase Order The following number must appear on all related correspondence, shipping papers, and invoices: P.O. NUMBER: 100 To: Name Company Address City, State ZIP Phone Ship To: [NAME], [TITLE] [YOUR COMPANY NAME] [YOUR ADDRESS] [YOUR ADDRESS 2] [YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR PHONE NUMBER]

订单(英文范本)Purchase Order SHIP. & HANDLING TOTAL 1. Please send two copies of your invoice. 2. Enter this order in accordance with the prices, terms, delivery method, and specifications listed above. 3. Please notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. Authorized by Date
