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1.Sentences About Photographs



The first part of TOEIC consists of twenty numbered photographs that are in your test book. For each photograph, you will hear on the audio program four sentences that refer to it. Y ou must decide which of the sentences best describes something you can see in each photograph.

The photographs are pictures of ordinary situations. Around two-thirds of the photographs involve a person or people; around one-third involve an object or a scene without people.

The sentences are short and grammatically simple. They generally deal with the most important aspects of the photographs, but some focus on small details or on objects or people in the background.

Each item is introduced by a statement that tells you to look at the next numbered photograph. The pacing for this part is fast: There is only a five-second pause between items, and there is no pause between sentences (A), (B), (C), and (D).



1. Always complete each item as quickly as possible so that you can preview the photograph for the next item. Don't wait for the statement that says, "Now look at photograph number __. "

2. If you are previewing a photograph that involves a person or people, look for aspects of the photographs that are often mentioned in the sentences:

* What are the people doing?

* Where are they?

* Who are they? (Is there a uniform or piece of equipment or anything else that indicates their profession or role?)

* What distinguishes them? (Is there a hat, a mustache, a puree, a pair of glasses, a tie, or anything else that differentiates the people?)

* What do the people's expressions tell you? (Do they look happy? Unhappy? Excited? Bored? Upset?)

3. If you are previewing a photograph of an object, focus on these aspects:

* What is it?

* What is it made of?

* What -- if anything -- is it doing?

* Where is it?

4. If you are previewing a photograph of a scene, focus on these aspects:

* Where is it?

* What is in the foreground (the "front" of the picture)?

* What -- if anything -- is happening?

* What is in the background (the "distant" part of the picture)?

5. Don't mark an answer until you have heard all four choices. When you hear a choice that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on your answer sheet. If you change your mind and hear a sentence that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice. Once you have heard all four sentences, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on. (This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)

6. Try to eliminate choices with problems in meaning, sound, and sound + meaning.

7. Most correct answers involve verbs in the simple present ("The furniture looks new.") or present progressive tense ("The woman is riding a bicycle."). Be suspicious of answer choices involving any other tenses.

8. Never leave any blanks. Always guess before going on to the next item.

9. As soon as you have finished marking the answer, stop looking at and thinking about that photograph and move on to the next item.

* Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises

A. Sentences with Meaning Problems

B. Sentences with Sound Problems

C. Sentences with Sound and Meaning Problems





This part of TOEIC consists of thirty items. Each item consists of a question on the audio program followed by three possible responses (answers) to the question, also on the audio program. Y our job is to decide which of these three best answers the question. Between each item is a five-second pause. Part II problems do not involve any reading skills; therefore, this part is considered a "pure" test of listening skills. Y our test book simply tells you to mark an answer for each problem.



1. There are no answer choices to consider before or while the item is being read. Y ou should just concentrate on the question and the three responses on the audio program, and pay no attention to the test book.

2. Try to identify the type of question (information question, yes/no question, alternative question, and so on). The correct response, of course, often depends on the type of question being asked.

3. Try to eliminate distractors.

4. Don't mark an answer until you have heard all three responses. When you hear a response that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on the answer sheet. If you change your mind and hear a response that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice. Once you have heard all three responses, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on. (This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)

5. If you hear all three responses and none of the three seems correct, take a guess and get ready for the next item.

6. There is very little time (only five seconds) between items in Part II. Y ou need to decide on an answer and fill in the blank quickly to be ready for the next item.

* Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises

A. Information Questions

B. Y es/No Questions

C. Other Types of Questions

D. Recognizing Sound/Meaning Distractors

E. Recognizing Other Types of Distractors

托业七大题型详解(3)Short Conversations

3.Short Conversations



This part of TOEIC consists of thirty short conversations, either between a man and a woman or between two men. The conversations airs three-part exchanges: The first speaker says something, the second speaker responds, and the first speaker says something else. Two typical patterns airs given below:

Speaker 1: Asks a question. Speaker 1: Makes a statement.

Speaker 2: Responds to the question. Speaker 2: Questions the statement.

Speaker 1: Comments on the response. Speaker 1: Responds to the question.

In your test book, each question is written out, followed by four possible answer choices. Y our job is to decide which one of these best answers the question. Then you need to mark the corresponding answer on your answer sheet.



1. Between each conversation theirs is an eight-second pause. This may not sound like a long time, but you can actually accomplish quite a bit during this pause. Y ou need to mark the answer for the item that you just heard and then preview the next item. Previewing the item consists of reading the question -- this tells you what to listen for -- and of quickly looking over the four answer choices.

2. While listening to the conversation, keep your eyes on the answer choices. Don't close your eyes or look away. Try to evaluate the four choices as you airs listening.

3. Remember that distractors are sometimes mentioned in the conversations but are not answers to the question. Don't choose an answer just because you hear a word or two from the answer in the conversation.

4. If the correct answer is not obvious, try to eliminate answers that seem to be incorrect. If more than one answer choice is left, take a guess.

5. Mark your answers as quickly as possible so that you can preview the next item.

6. Never leave any answers blank. If you are not sure, always guess.

* Testing Points and Skill--Building Exercises

A. Overview Questions

B. Detail Questions

C, Inference Questions

托业七大题型详解(4)Short T alks

4.Short Talks



In Part IV, you will hear a number of talks on the audio program. There are two, three, and sometimes four questions for each talk. The questions are written in your test booklet. There are four answer choices following each question. Y ou have to choose the best answer to the question based on the information that you hear in the talk. Before each of the talks, there is an introductory statement.

Examples of introductory statements:

Questions 80 and 81 are based on the following announcement:

Questions 93 to 96 refer to the following lecture:

Following each talk, you'll hear instructions to answer particular questions, with eight-second pauses between each of them. (Y ou do not have to wait for these announcements to answer the questions.)

Because this part of the test consists of both spoken material on the tape and written questions and answer choices, it tests both listening and reading skills.

1. The talks: The talks are all monologues -- that is, they are delivered by one speaker. They are fairly short -- most are less than one minute long.

2. The questions: Three main types of questions are asked about the talks: overview questions, detail questions, and inference questions.

* Overview questions require a general understanding of the lecture or of the situation in which it is given. Overview questions ask about the main idea or purpose of the lecture, or about the speaker, the audience, or the location where the talk is given. Some typical overview questions:

Who is speaking?

What is the purpose of the talk?

What kind of people would probably be interested in this talk?

What is happening in this talk?

Where is this announcement being made?

* Detail questions relate to specific points in the talk. They begin with question words: who, what, where, why, when, how, how much, and so on. Some ars negative questions; they ask what was not mentioned in the talk:

Which of the following is NOT true about... ?

* Inference questions require you to make a conclusion based on the information provided in the talk. These questions often contain the word probably or forms of the verbs imply or infer:

What is probably true about... ?

What does the speaker imply about... ?

What can be inferred from this talk?

3. The answer choices: All the answer choices are plausible answers to the questions, in many cases, the distractors are mentioned in the talk. Just because you hear an answer choice mentioned in the talk does not mean it is the correct answer for a particular question.



1. Listen carefully to the introductory announcement that is given before each talk. It will tell you what kind of talk you are going to hear (an announcement or a commercial, for example) as well as which questions to look at during that talk.

2. Always look at the questions as the talk is being given on the audio program. Do not look away or close your eyes in order to concentrate on the spoken material. Y ou must focus on both the talk and the written questions.

3. Because the questions ars written out, you can use them to focus your listening for particular information.

4. Do not mark your answer sheet while the talk is going on, even if you know the answer. The act of answering a question may cause you to miss the information you need to answer the question or questions that follow.

5. Do not wait for the speaker on the audio program to instruct you to answer the questions. In fact, you should ignore those announcements. Begin answering as soon as the talk is over, and answer all the questions related to that talk as soon es you can. If you have a few seconds left before the next talk begins, preview the next few questions in your test booklet.

6. Never continue working on the questions about one talk after another talk has begun.

7. If you are not sure of an answer, eliminate unlikely choices and then guess.

8. Always answer each question. Never leave any blanks.

* Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises

A. Public Announcements

B. News, Weather, and Public Service Bulletins

C. Commercial Messages

D. Business Talks

E. Recorded Messages

托业七大题型详解(5)Sentence Completion

5. Sentence Completion



This section consists of forty sentences, each missing one or more words. Below each sentence are four words or phrases. Y our job is to decide which of these four choices produces a complete, grammatical, and logical sentence when it is put into the sentence.



1. Begin by reading each item carefully. Try to guess what word or words are missing. Look for these words or similar words among the answer choices.

2. The most common testing point in Part V involves word choice. Y ou can identify these items because the four answer choices look alike or have similar meanings. Use the context of the sentence to help you choose the answer, and look for any grammar clues that help you eliminate distractors.

3. The second most common type of item in Part V involves word form. Y ou can recognize these because the answer choices are all forms of the same word. Use the endings of the words to determine which choice is correct in the context of the sentence.

4. V erb problems are the third most common item type in Part V. The answer choices for these items are four forms of the same verb. Look for time words and other clues.

5. If the correct choice is not obvious, eliminate choices that are clearly incorrect and guess. Put a mark by items that you found difficult so that you can come back to them if you have time. Never leave any items unanswered.

6. Never spend too much time on any one item.

7. As soon as you finish Part V, go on to Part VI.

* Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises

A. Word Choice

B. Word Forms

C. Word Choice/Word Forms

D. V erbs

E. Prepositions

F. Connecting Words

G. Gerunds, Infinitives, and Simple Forms

托业七大题型详解(6)Error Recognition

6. Error Identification



Section VI of TOEIC tests your ability to recognize mistakes in grammar or usage in written sentences. It consists of twenty items. In each item, four expressions -- usually one or two words each -- are underlined. Y ou have to examine all four items and decide which one must be rewritten (it can't simply be omitted) to form a correct sentence. In other works you need to find the underlined expression that contains a mistake.



1. Read each item word for word. Don't just look at the underlined portion of the sentences because the error is often incorrect only because of the context of the sentence.

2. Don't read too quickly. If you do, your eyes may skip over errors, especially those involving "small words" (prepositions, pronouns, articles). Try to pronounce each word in your mind as you read. This will help you catch errors that "sound wrong."

3. If you are unable to find an error after the first reading, look at the verbs in the sentence to see if they are used correctly, since verb errors are the most common errors in Part VI. Check the verb's tense, form, and agreement with the subject.

4. If the verb seems to be used correctly, check for other common errors: word choice, word form, preposition use, and so on.

5. If you still cannot find an error, eliminate choices that seem to be correct. If more than one choice remains, make a guess. Put a mark on your answer sheet next to items that you are not sure of so that you can come back to these items if you have time at the end of Section VI. (Be sure to erase all these marks before the end of the test.)

6. Never spend too much time on any one item.

7. Never leave any blank answers. Always guess.

8. As soon as you finish Part VI, go on to Part VII. Keep in mind that Part VII (Reading Comprehension) takes more time to complete than either Part V or Part VI.

*Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises

A. V erb Errors

B. Word-Choice Errors

C. Word-Form Errors

D, Preposition Errors

E. Errors with Gerunds, Infinitives, and Simple Forms

F. Errors with Pronouns

G. Errors with Singular and Plural Nouns

H. Errors with Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives

I. Errors with Articles

J. Word-Order Errors

K. Errors with Connecting Words

L. Errors with Participial Adjectives

托业七大题型详解(7)Short Readings

7. Short Readings



Part VII is the longest part of TOEIC. It's also the last part, so you may be starting to get tired. However, you need to stay focused on the test for a little longer. (Of course, if you want, you may work on part VII before you work on parts V and VI.)

Part VII consists of short reading passages followed by questions about the passages. There are four possible answer choices for each question. Y ou must pick the best answer choice based on the information in the passage and then mark that answer on your answer sheet.

The Passages

There are from twelve to fifteen passages. Most are quite short. Some consist of only three or four sentences; the longest have around 150 words. The passages deal with a wide variety of topics and involve many different types of written materials.

There are from two to five questions per passage for a total of 40 questions. They include these three main types:

1. Overview questions

2. Detail questions

3. Inference questions

* Overview questions occur after most of the passages. To answer overview questions correctly, you need a "global" (overall) understanding of the passage. The most common overview question asks about the purpose or the main topic of the passage:

What does this article mainly discuss?

What is the purpose of this letter?

Why was this notice written?

Some ask about the best title or heading of a passage:

What is the best heading for this announcement?

Which of the fo/lowing is the best title for the article?

Other overview questions ask about the writer of the passage, the readers of the passage, or the place of publication:

In what business is the writer of the passage?

What is the author's opinion of ____ ?

Who would be most interested in the information in this announcement?

For whom is this advertisement intended?

Where was this article probably published?

* Detail questions, the most common type of Part VII question, ask about specific points in the passage. Y ou will usually have to scan the passage to find and identify the information. Sometimes the answer and the information in the passage do not look the same. For example, a sentence in a passage may read "This process is not as simple as it once was." The correct answer may be "The process is now more complex."

Some detail questions are negative questions. These almost always include the word NOT, which is printed in uppercase (capital) letters:

Based on the information in the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

Negative questions usually take longer to answer than other detail questions.

* A few questions in Part VII are inference questions. The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the passage. Instead, you must draw a conclusion about the information that is given. Some typical inference questions:

Which of these statements is probably true?

Which of the following can be inferred from this notice?

Answer Choices

All are believable answers to the questions. Incorrect choices often contain information that is presented somewhere in the passage but does not correctly answer the question.

A Note About V ocabulary

Most of the vocabulary in the passages consists of relatively common English words and phrases, but there will certainly be expressions that you do not know. However, you can understand most of a reading and answer most of the questions even if you don't know the meaning of all the words. Also, you can guess the meaning of many unfamiliar words in the passages through context. In other words, you can use the familiar words in the sentence in which an unfamiliar word appears to get an idea of what the unfamiliar word means.



1. First, look at the passage quickly to get an idea of what it is about.

2. Next, read the questions about the passage. Y ou should not read the answer choices at this time. Try to keep these questions in the back of your mind as you read the passage.

3. Read the passage. Try to read quickly, but read every word; don't just skim the passage. Look for answers to the questions that you read.

4. Answer the questions. For detail and inference questions, you will probably have to refer back to the passage. Use the eraser-end of your pencil as a pointer to focus your attention as you look for the information needed to answer the question.

5. If you are unsure of the answer, eliminate answer choices that are clearly wrong, and then guess.

6. Don't spend too much time on any item. If you find a question or even an entire passage confusing, guess at the answer or answers and come back to these items later if you have time.

7. If you have not answered all the questions and only a few minutes ere left, read the remaining questions without reading the passages, and choose the answers that seem most logical.

* Types of Readings and Practice Exercises

A. Articles

B. Business Correspondence

C. Advertisements

D. Announcements

E. Non-Prose Readings


托业考试单词练习95题 1. Please have these suits dry cleaned and in time for tonight's reception. A. torn B. smudged C. pressed D. deserted D. remodeling 2.C 句意:他担心他的车可能需要彻底检查,因为它发动不起来。overhauling 彻底检查,大修,need doing结构。overhaul彻底检查。handle触摸;操作,处理。remodel改装,重新塑造。 3. Almost 500 people were killed in a plane .

A. clash B. crash C. crush D. crack 3.B 句意:在空难中,有将近500人丧生。crash坠毁,碰撞。clash冲突,抵触。crush压坏,碾碎,及物动词。crack裂痕,噼啪声。 4. The unit's design minimizes wind resistance. A. circulation B. circulate C. circulatory D. circular 4.D 句意:这组圆形装置的设计,能将风的阻力减至最小。circular圆形的。circulation循环;发行量。circulate(使)循环,(使)传播。circulatory循环的。 5. Investigators were able to the crime based on the evidence at the scene. A. commit B. visit C. reconstruct D. misunderstand


TOEIC托业考试,机考满分990经验分享 经验分享 很早以前就想,如果自己能考过900,就来分享下备考经验,并不是为了炫耀成绩,而是觉得自己的备考过程最后达到了自己的目标,所以应该对以后要考试的同学会有些参考意义。而且针对这次是第一次全面机考,很多同学应该非常需要听听机考的经验和注意事项。 知道今天出成绩,远在峨眉山金顶的时候我就在想着赶快回来查成绩,结果成绩真的在我意料之外,竟然考了满分990.所以也顾不上爬山过后有多累了,赶紧趁着我还记得自己的备考过程,写下来跟大家分享,希望对筒子们有所帮助。 首先说说我自己的情况,我今年研二,大二考过六级后(六级570),大三上学期整过一段时间托福,没复习多久就放弃结果托福裸考了一次。从此英语基本上属于荒废状态。研一想要考BEC中级,但是时间还早,所以决定先考个托业热热身。势必要把荒废的英语捡回来。利用了两个月的时间进行复习,参加了2011年8月28日的机考,在成都考试。 报考前也在犹豫,由于是第一次机考,网上完全搜不到机经或经验,而且针对机考听力不能提前读题的情况,大家也是表现的很慌乱,但是,思前想后觉得如果报九月份的机考势必要耽误我准备BEC的时间,所以还是决定报考这全球第一次统一的机考。 托业考试报名流程如下: 第一步、考生登录托业官网:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3913020304.html,,托业考生注册基本信息; 第二步、选择考试的类型:“托业LR听读考试--校园优惠598元”; 第三步、输入优惠券号:PIQTCJ,点确定。可得到10元的优惠; 第四步、选择考试时间、选择考试城市(考点选大学城或者市区均可,不受影响) 第五步、通过网银付款,或者到就近的银行、邮局付款; 备注 ·使用优惠券后,账户信息可得到更好的管理。报名出现问题能得到快速解决; ·考前一周,在官网上下载并打印准考证,贴两寸彩色照片,蓝、白背景 ·考试时需携带准考证、身份证,缺一不可进场; ·考试结束后,两周登录官网查询成绩,五周邮寄证书; 再来列举下我用的参考书: 1托业全真题库part1234 2新托业听力详解及实战试题(人民大学出版社) 3新托业阅读详解及实战试题Part7,8(人民大学出版社) 4新托业superb全真模拟题(人民大学出版社) 5新托业superb2全真模拟题(人民大学出版社)


101. To get ready for ------- presentation, Mrs. Warren spent the afternoon memorizing her prepared speech. (A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself 102. In the event ------- bad weather, the marathon will be postponed to the following Saturday. (A) of (B) against (C) with (D) by 103. Mr. Johnson requested his intern ------- the report on his desk by the end of the day. (A) type (B) was typing (C) will type (D) to type 104. The conference center is unavailable every day between six ------- seven o’clock due to cleaning and maintenance. (A) and (B) of (C) if (D) yet 105. ------- 80 percent of Fine Diamond's clients are wealthy jewelry collectors from the North American continent. (A) More (B) Higher (C) Over (D) Further 106. Prior to any meetings with clients, the vice president ------- researches the competition to make sure his company is offering the best on the market. (A) nearly (B) well (C) always (D) far 107. Ms. Dorsey ------- finished her twentieth


托业口语考试试题范例 Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time:15 seconds Response time:45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can't replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A monthly ticket enables one to go from almost any part of the city to another by bus or subway. Second, the bus and subway schedules are well planned and seldom does one have to wait very long to catch them. Third, they have comfortable seats and some of them are air-conditioned. Therefore, public transportation should be encouraged.


很早以前就想,如果自己能考过900,就来分享下备考经验,并不是为了炫耀成绩,而是觉得自己的备考过程最后达到了自己的目标,所以应该对以后要考试的同学会有些参考意义。而且针对这次是第一次全面机考,很多同学应该非常需要听听机考的经验和注意事项。 知道今天出成绩,远在峨眉山金顶的时候我就在想着赶快回来查成绩,结果成绩真的在我意料之外,竟然考了满分990. 所以也顾不上爬山过后有多累了,赶紧趁着我还记得自己的备考过程,写下来跟大家分享,希望对筒子们有所帮助。 首先说说我自己的情况,我今年研二,大二考过六级后(六级570),大三上学期整过一段时间托福,没复习多久就放弃结果托福裸考了一次。从此英语基本上属于荒废状态。研一想要考BEC中级,但是时间还早,所以决定先考个托业热热身。势必要把荒废的英语捡回来。利用了两个月的时间进行复习,参加了2011年8月28日的机考,在成都考试。 报考前也在犹豫,由于是第一次机考,网上完全搜不到机经或经验,而且针对机考听力不能提前读题的情况,大家也是表现的很慌乱,但是,思前想后觉得如果报九月份的机考势必要耽误我准备BEC的时间,所以还是决定报考这全球第一次统一的机考。 再来列举下我用的参考书: 1 新东方《托业考试官方指南》(北京语言大学出版社) 2 新托业听力详解及实战试题(人民大学出版社) 3 新托业阅读详解及实战试题Part 7,8(人民大学出版社) 4 新托业superb全真模拟题(人民大学出版社) 5新托业superb2全真模拟题(人民大学出版社) 6 新托业题库本领书(机械工业出版社) 7 新托业考试官方指南标准试卷(外研社) 接下来是备考过程了: 词汇 由于前面也说到,我大二过后英语基本荒废,所以想全部捡回,最开始首先是要背单词,我花一个月的时间把英语六级的词汇背完。注意,不是说这一个月全都用来背单词,而且托业复习的过程中同步背单词。有的同学可能觉得准备托业只要背托业词汇就好了,但是我觉得六级词汇都算是基本词汇吧。只有基本词汇都会,才能更好得听和读吧。当然,也要背托业词汇,其实都背过来发现很多六级词汇都把托业词汇囊括了。这就让我背托业词汇简单了很多。托业词汇大家网上很多整理的版本,下一个整理的比较完整的在复习过程中背下就好,不用刻意花很长时间背诵。 听力 大家听到机考之所以会慌张,绝大多数人都是因为听力吧,因为part3、4不能提前读题了。这仿佛使得听力的难度一下增加了很多,让大家觉得没底。 针对这种情况,我来给大家说说我准备听力的过程吧。 首先,我很早就关注托业官网,知道的考试改成机考了,所以,考试之前练习听力的时候,都是没有提前看题,严格按照机考的标准练习的。 在这建议准备时间很充裕的同学去猛听《托业全真题库》part1~4 那本书后面所附的19天的高频句子就按照书上写的方法听,坚持完19天,你会发现自己的听力会有个质的飞跃。


历年托业考试真题填空题目及答案 Part V Direction:In this part of the test has incompletesentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D)are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the onethat best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet,find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now, we have seen a marked inattendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river isarranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation's R&Dcenter was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee.(A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) instructural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement forjob-related courses taken with a supervisor's . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, hasimpeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) bequalified 106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment,the local health clinic will be offering free flu


学习托业英语,现在就101题至152在做题过程中的一些需要注意的问题以及自己在学习部分时的经验与大家一起分享: 我个人把该部分的题目总共分为8个板块,也就是8个类型的题目,只要在每道题做题的时刻能想到这是哪个板块的,我想,你离正确答案已经只有一步之遥: 1.固定搭配题:在这一类题目中,大家尽可能的多记忆一些最近几年考的 真题里的固定搭配,比如:be expected to do,in addition to +doing,be distributed/attributedto(p26-105),overcome difficulty,in conclusion,be responsible/eligible(p26-102) for,be likely to do,inform sb of sth,so/such….that,be aware of sth/doing sth,另外有一些后面连接doing 的名词: recommand,consider,mind,enjoy,giveup,avoid,putoff,finish,admite,advoc ate,stop,suggest,include,discontinue;另外一些常识比如介词后面必须 跟doingp26-101等。 2.指示代词类:这类词汇,你只需要明白,比如:her是形容词性指示代 词,它只用于修饰名词,如her book ,her studing hard;而hers是名词 性指示代词,它自身就可以看做一个名词,做名词的成分,如this book is hers;还有做宾语的代词:us,them等(p27-108);最后还有一个反身 代词,也就是。。。。自己,这种词多用于by oneself,还有do sth oneself. 3.缺成分:分为缺少名词,形容词,副词,动词:对于名词,很简单,只 需注意一下单复数,对于形容词,就要多留意一下,有些选项,只有 一个形容词就很好选,但是四个都是形容词时,就需要判断意思,还 有就是由分词(-ing、-ed)引申来的形容词,需要判断其主动被动 (p30-137);对于副词,也是同理(p29-128);最后是动词,因为他就是 句子的谓语,在这里多考一些单复数即可:and,but,or 必须保证前后 一致。 4.条件句:第一种是由介词+名词或者名词短语构成的条件句;第二种是由 分词(-ing,-ed)+sth,sb……,该结构考的很多,需要多留意分词与sb之 间的主动被动关系即可做题;第三种是直接由if ,provided,given等词 后面连接一个完整的句子(p27-113);第四种就是由with/without+名词 短语或者动名词短语。 5.让步的句子:even if/though……still 6.时态标识:完成时一般会有:since1963……,over3 months.等标志性词汇。 7.虚拟语态:在一些词如:request,suggest,necessary,essential等词后面引 导,后面为(should)+动词原形p27-107 8.根据意思作答,这种题目很少。


2018年托业考试(TOEIC)阅读试题及答案 1.The factory must be torn down because it is not allowed in _______ area. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 这工厂必须拆除,因为在住宅区禁设工厂。 答案: residential 2.The cowboy looked ________ in that strange-looking hat. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 那位牛仟戴着怪模怪样的帽子,看起来很可笑。 答案: ridiculous 3. It's too ______ to do the bungee jumping from the cliff. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 从悬崖上做高空弹跳太冒险了。 答案: risky 4.Don't believe him. What he said just now was _______. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 不要相信他。他刚刚说的都是废话。 答案: rubbish 5. Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as ________ books. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 「圣经」与「可兰经」都被视为圣书。 答案: sacred


“托业考试(TOEIC)常见问题答疑”提供给各位考生备考,希望对大家有所帮助! 什么是TOEIC? TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication(职场英语标准)。是针对在国际工作环境中使用英语交流的人们的英语能力的测评。每年在120 多个国家有六百多万人次参加TOEIC 考试,10,000 多家国际化的公司或机构承认并使用TOEIC 考试成绩。因为TOEIC 考试能对人们使用英语进行交流的能力做出公正客观的测量,所以它成为当今世界上顶级的职业英语能力测评。 TOEIC(托业)考试的内容: 托业(TOEIC)考试的试题是从世界上所有在工作环境中使用英语的国家收集,从口语和写作语言的样本中开发出来的,托业考试内容涵盖了广泛的日常商务活动,其主题包括:商务会见、合同、谈判、市场营销、产品销售、企划、会议、制造、工厂管理、装配线、质量控制、金融、预算、银行、投资、税收、会计、账目、研究、产品研发、董事会议、电话会议、传真与电子邮件,办公室程序、求职、采购、购物、订购、航运、发票、电子、科技、电脑、实验室、技术规格、旅行、酒店、外出就餐、宴会、客户沟通。这些场景设置仅为托业试题提供参照情景——不要求

应试者掌握专业商务和技术词汇。 TOEIC(托业)考试的分类: TOEIC(托业)考试适用于在国际环境中工作的人群,主要考察他们在跨国文化的环境下去执行工作或是日常活动的语言能力。托业考试从四个方面考察应试者的英语交流技能,分别是听力、阅读、口语、写作。 常见问题: 1. 什么人适合参加TOEIC(托业)考试? 母语为非英语的人士可以通过参加托业考试获得能客观反映其英语交流能力的证明,在其求职、职位升迁、海外派遣等场合使用。 2. 什么企业\机构接受TOEIC(托业)考试结果? TOEIC(托业)考试结果被全球范围的企业机构、政府机构和院校等承认。 企业通过TOEIC 测试成绩来追踪英语培训项目进展、招募及晋升员工、制定职位统一标准。 政府机关通过TOEIC 测试成绩来追踪英语培训项目进展、招募及晋升员工。


06年指导托业托普英语介词翻译技巧经验谈2 (3)分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此汉译时,有的可以拆句分译。 ①译成并列分句。 the porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就象一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。 ②译成让步分句。 with all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.这个设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。 ③译成真实或虚拟条件分句。 mans warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some kind warmth.人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以长期在海水中生活。

④译成原因分句。 we cannot see it clearly for the fog.由于有雾,我们看不清它。 the machine is working none the worse for its long service. 这部机器并不因使用的时间长而性能变差了。 ⑤译成目的分句。 this body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound..为了便于研究起见,通常将这门学科分为力学、热学、光学、电学和声学。 (4)不译:不译或省略翻译是在确切表达原文内容的前提下使译文简练,合乎汉语规范,决不是任意省略某些介词。


2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持 (非听力部分) Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy ] 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve 105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified 106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend. (A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented 107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match. | (A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident 108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows cl ients to manage to employees‘ files. (A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly 109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.


新托业分析及备考建议 听力篇 TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication(国际交流英语考试),亦被称做“商业托福”,是针对英语非母语人士所设计的英语交流能力测试。TOEIC成绩反映人们在国际工作环境中使用英语与他人交流的熟练程度。 近年来,大学毕业生的出路日益多元化。由美国ETS (Education Test Service)1979年开发的一种职场英语——TOEIC考试正受到广大考生越来越多的关注和认可。 与具有相同性质的剑桥商务英语(BEC)相比,TOEIC似乎还是一个新鲜事物。其实,无论是从其开发历史方面还是从认可程度上,TOEIC(托业)都是一个成熟的有含金量的认证。从认可企业的名录上就可以看出这一点,如宝洁公司、三星电子、可口可乐、麦当劳、BMW、Nike等企业。现在,它已经成为当今世界上顶级的职业英语能力考试。 新TOEIC(托业)考试变革 新托业(New TOEIC)将在今年的11月正式登陆中国。那么,这个消息对于那些准备参加TOEIC考试的考生,以及那些希望获得职业英语认证的广大学生朋友和职场人士来说,到底意味着什么呢? 首先,目前的TOEIC考试由两大部分组成:听力部分(Listening Section)和阅读部分(Reading Section),听力部分45分钟,阅读部分75分钟,总时长120分。每次考试开始前的30分钟需要填涂问卷调查。 针对听力部分的变化通过下表可以表明: 题型增加选考部分:加入口语和写作部分作为选考部分。

其余诸如考试流程、得分机制等元素,依然保持不变。 考试形式的改变,使有的考生开始担心起来。的确,无论是减少听力语篇数量以增加单篇考查量,还是双语篇阅读题,都是我们原来所不熟悉的考试形式。但是从ETS以往改革的经验来看,大家完全没有必要恐慌。为了保证证书具有同等效力,考试的难易程度不会出现大幅度的变化。而且对现有的样题进行分析之后,笔者得出的结论是考查的能力并没有本质的差别,只是方法和表现策略略有不同。因此,不必去抢报10月份之前的考试。 托业二忌 依笔者长期辅导托业考试的经验分析,中国考生在准备考试时存在的最突出的两大问题如下:听力部分注意力集中训练不足和轻敌大意。 一方面,从上面的题型分析可以看出,不管新老托业如何改变,听力部分的时长为45分钟,超过了几乎目前所有的英语考试的听力设置时间。因此对考生的注意力集中程度提出了很大的挑战。而如果想要在托业考试中取得好成绩,听力成绩保证在450左右是一个前提条件。 另一方面,第二个考生容易犯的毛病是:轻敌大意。因为从单道题角度来看,托业考试的难度和托福考试还有一定的差距。但是问题恰恰就出在“单道题”思路。托业作为一门商务考试,考查的是考生的实用英语的能力。而在实际生活中,使用英语的要义就是简单明了。因此,如果仅仅做某一道题或者某几道题,就会得出错误的结论。托业考试真正的特点就是题量大,考查考生快速阅读的能力。有很多考生甚至出现不复习就去考试的情况,分数比较低就不足为奇了。 听力部分的应考策略 下面就针对托业的听力部分做一个针对性分析。托业考试的听力部分是相对较难的考试环节。主要原因是听力时间偏长,中国考生很不适应。 Part I: 图片题(Photographs) 简单的来说,就是看图说话。你会看到一张图片,你需要听出来的是四个选项中哪一项最好的描述了这张图片。 Part II: 问答题(Question-Response) 这部分的题目给考生带来的困扰来源于从考题获得的信息量偏少。你需要设身处地从题干的角度来选择恰当的回答。中国的同学已经习惯从选项中推测对话的内容,做到心中有数。但是这里你没有办法这么去做,因此对于你的实际环境里的交流能力作出了测试。 Part III: 对话题(Conversations) 这部分是中国考生最熟悉的类型。听取一段对话,大约4句,然后回答2-3道问题。


托业考试(TOEIC)听力和阅读真题精选及详解(二) LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. PART 1 Directions:For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example:


托业考试词汇练习题 1.v. to plan; to scheme; to send; to dispatch; to throw (a) project (b) host (c) suspend (d) oversee 2.v. to delay; to obstruct; to hinder; to prevent; to thwart (a) impede (b) halt (c) inflict (d) bulk 3.v. to grant a license to an individual or group; to grant the right to vote (a) pipe (b) spread (c) enlighten (d) franchise 4.v. to demolish; to ruin; to destruct; to erase (a) diet (b) finalize (c) destroy (d) go along with 5.v. to elevate; to lift; to excite; to arouse; to cause

(a) harness (b) search (c) respond (d) raise 答案:aadcd 6.v. to recover (a) accompany (b) get over (c) envision (d) evict 7.v. to go on a journey; to move; to go from one place to another (a) link (b) envision (c) travel (d) coach 8.v. to support; to provide for; to finance; to assist; to encourage (a) wait (b) sustain (c) occur (d) carry out 9.v. to channel; to centralize (a) funnel (b) classify


今天参加了托业考试,虽然复习的时间比较短,但是因为一直是比较严格的遵循考试的时间安排,用计时表把做题时间控制在规定的范围中,所以考试下来,没有出现题目没做完的情形。也许是因为考试准备时间短的缘故,自己比较关注技巧方面的东西。考试前面的时间,特地看了关于商务写作和销售写作两本书,以了解关于商务题材方面的内容。个人觉得如果有意识的了解或背诵有限的这方面的题材对于短期准备有相当的作用。主要是因为,托业听力,阅读都围绕这方面展开的,特别注入感谢信,索赔信,感谢信等等,这些内容格式都相对固定,其他的诸如订单,询盘,景点介绍都有一定的帮助。此外觉得《toeicti success》一套听力不错,声音和真题比较接近。不过对于不喜欢英语讲读的人来说,官方托业模拟听力 更加适合(,这个论坛有,我就是从大家论坛下载的) 1.听力 第一部分:这个部分应该是所有的听力板块难度最小的一个。因为有图片可以相对比较,所以能够相对较快的锁定正确的答案。我在做这个部分的时候,在试音结束后,朗读DIRECTION 时,快速的浏览了每个图片的大概内容,以希望能够迅速的获得简略的图片信息。通常情况下,只要自己听到了合意的答案,就可以迅速的选择,不要等待后面的的选项完毕。另一方面就是遇到自己感到不能确定的选项,可以在迅速排除明显错误项后,采取权衡的办法来选择正确的答案。而且对于托业而言,一般来说,选项的正误性非常明显,而且在短暂的时间,对于前面不敢肯定的选项有一个迅时的记忆,从而能够提高命中率。另外,采取肯定后就选择有一个好处,就是利用短暂的时间对后面的图片的信息作出判断,不要等所有的选项都读完了,才去判断。虽说托业考试的图片朗读有好几秒的时间,但这些时间可以增加后续的答题正确率。 第二部分:这部分主要是对于考生的商务情景的理解的程度。感觉这类题目的一个明显的特征就是信息很少,比较明显,而且托业考试的听力语速还不算快。我在这个题目的时候,主要是同个关键词来命中答案的。托业考试的试卷在这部分非常明显。典型的表现如下: 针对“who”提问:the meeting is on,will tom arrive on time? i do not know, maybe i need give him a call.通常情况下,针对这个题目有两个信息点,一是“WHO”,另一个不出意外会是“WHAT”前者问谁,如“who are the speakers exp ect to turn up?”后者会是“what will the second speaker do?” 针对“what time”一般这个题目会对时间,什么时候出现,发生等等。 针对“where”这类主要针对地点,如“have you see the film The Smiths,it will on in the Dongfanghong Cinema?I have watched it many times”提问可能是,“Where will the film be on ?”上面都是非常典型的问答模式,关键词很明显,都是诸如:WHEN ,WHERE,WHO,WHAT,等:托业考试中这类题型的另一中形式就是不直接出现这类关键词,而是有“Could you pass me the salt?it is out of my reach.”"will the manager arrive on time?""i do not know how to operate the machine. the mannual is not here"等等,这类题目的观点通常需要有一定的背景知识,能够对于该情势下的回答作出判断。如醉前面的答案,会是“Yes”或“nO”,抓住这个点,我们一般能够排除不相关的一项,就是那些没有这两个词的回答(当然得视情况)。感觉托业也会注意到这类具有明显特征性的词汇,所以时不时会在“YES”或“NO"后面加另外的内容来区分的词汇。因此,考生就得对后面的回答内容继续进行区分啦。 因为第二部分的选项只有三个,所以在出题信息有限,而且有许多的特征词汇的指引下,能够迅速的命中答案的。 (呵呵,讲错了,这部分应该是先更一个情景的描述,然后又三个选项来回答。不过前面讲


2018 年 Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持 (非听力部分) Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101.For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102.Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand C orporation‘ s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘ s . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve 105.Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified 106.Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend. (A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented 107.Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match. (A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident 108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files. (A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly
