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初一(下) 课文 (翻译) Unit 1 My grandma奶奶,外婆 我的奶奶是个头发灰白的矮个子女人。她性格开朗。她是一个很不错的厨师。她做的菜可能是世界上最好的!我永远不会忘记那些(菜的)味道和气味。 奶奶照顾着我的家人。她真的很善良而有耐心。她去世两年了,我非常想念

她。 My grandma was a short矮的 woman 女士with有着 grey[gre?]灰色的 hair头发. She was always总是 cheerful ['t???f?l; -f(?)l]快乐的. She was a very good cook[k?k]厨师. Her dishes[d??] 盘子;一道菜were probably['pr?b?bl?]或许;很可能 the best最好 的 in the world! I will never永不 forget忘记 the taste[te?st]味道;品尝, and the smell [smel] 闻;气味as well也. Grandma took care of 照顾my family家人;家庭. She was really真的 kind种类; 善良 and patient['pe??(?)nt]有耐心的;病人. She died去世 two years ago两年前 and I miss[m?s]错过;想念 her very much. —— Ben Alice Alice 是我最好的朋友。她是一个高大的女孩,戴着眼镜。她经常给我讲笑话逗 我笑,但她从不嘲笑别人。 Alice 是一个聪明的女孩。她擅长数学。我们经常一起学习、打乒乓球。我希望 我们永远是朋友。 Alice is my best最好的 friend. She is a tall 高的girl with glasses戴着眼镜. She often 经常tells me jokes [d???k] 笑话to make使me laugh[lɑ?f]笑, but she never 从不 makes fun of others取笑别人. Alice is a smart [smɑ?t]聪明的 girl. She is good at 擅长Maths[m?θs]数学. We often study学习 and play table tennis ['ten?s] 打乒乓球together一起. I hope希望 we will 将always一直 remain[r?'me?n] 保持;仍然friends. Mr. Li 李老师是我的数学老师。他又高又瘦。他的课总是充满了乐趣。他在他的教学 中大量地利用游戏。 李老师对我们的学习要求很严格,但他总是鼓励我们,给我们支持。他常说:" 永远不要放弃,你就会成功。" Mr. Li is my Maths数学 teacher. He is tall and thin[θ?n]瘦的. His classes 课are always full of 充满fun乐趣. He uses 使用lots of许多 games 游戏in his teaching['ti?t???]教 学. Mr. Li is strict about[str?kt] 严格our studies, but he always encourages (encourage [?n'k?r?d?; en-])鼓励us我们 and gives us support[s?'p??t]给我们支持. He often says, "Never从不give up 放弃and you'll be successful[s?k'sesf?l; -f(?)l]成功的." --Amy Mother's Day 母亲节

牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上 1A教案完整版

—-可编辑修改,可打印—— 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式

一年级英语教案设计2012-2013年度第一学期 设计: 李爽 内容:牛津英语一年级上册 班级: 一年级(3、4、5)班

一年级(3、4、5)班英语教学工作计划 2012-2013学年度第一学期李爽 本人这学期担任一年级(3、4、5)班的英语教学工作。为了更好的完成本学期的教学任务和提高学生的学习效率,制定以下教学计划。 一、学生基本情况分析 一年级新生,面临着学习习惯,生活习惯的培养,学生的能力也各不相同,有的上过幼儿园,有的没有接受过任何教育,这给教学带来了很大难度。新教材难度大,对学生要求高,听说读写都要掌握,家长要重视和配合,共同努力培养学生的良好的学习习惯和方法。 二、教学要求 本学期使用的教材是新教材,本套教材根据牛津英语教材New English First! , New On Target! 和New Oxford English, 由上海市中小学(幼儿园)课程改革委员会和牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司合作改编、为了使教材更加的适合深圳学生的实际情况,又由深圳市教育科学研究院对现行英语教材(牛津上海版)进行适当改编。教材提供两本书,一本学生用书和一本活动手册。本教材一共有4个模块,每个模块包括三个学习单元和一个复习单元。每一单元分Let's act. Let's talk. Let'slearn . Let'act . Let's play. Let's enjoy六个版块。整本书教学内容与学生生活紧密联系,围绕“文具,身体部位,家庭,数字,动物,颜色,食物”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。每一单元穿插字母音和形的学习。本学期要求学生掌握的基础知识有: 1、学会问候语,自我介绍; 2、部分文具得名称; 3、学会身体部位名称; 4、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友; 5、学会10以内的数字和简单的水果名称; 6、学会几种食物的名称动物的名称; 7、学会问颜色; 8、学会简单的祈使句; 9、学会用what's this?问话。 三、学期教学总目标:1 激发小朋友学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,并具有一定的语音、语调,及良好的学习习惯和英语交际的能力,为以后学习打下良好的基础。2 能听懂、理解Let's act.中的句子,并能根据指令,做出动作反应。3能说Let's talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流.4.能认读Let's learn中的单词.5 能做一些英语小游戏。6 能唱Let's enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。 四、具体措施 为了能够更有效的完成以上的教学任务,并给学生打下坚实的英语基础,现制定以下几项措施:1. 对于单词,要求学生起码做到听、读过关,然后就是写和运用于句型当中。主要通过单词游戏来检测。 2. 关于句型,要求他们熟练掌握书上的句式和句子并作简单的运用;对于基础较好的学生要求他们能够灵活运用。主要通过短剧表演的形式来提高他们对于运用英语和他人沟通的兴趣与信心。 3. 因为新教材更贴近学生的真实生活,应多鼓励他们在日常生活中运用学过的知识和他们的朋友、家长进行沟通。


初中英语词汇 初中三年级全一册Chapter 1 1.﹡disappointment n. 失望 2.employee n. 职工;雇员 3.﹡agency n. 服务机 构;代理机构 4.﹡travel agency n 旅行 社 5.well-dressed adj. 穿着 考究的 6.enter v. 进入 7.﹡glance v. 匆匆一看 8.﹡greet v. 和…打招呼 9.sigh v. 叹气 10.senior adj. 级别高的 11.prefer v. 更喜欢 12.chance n. 机会13.gesture n. 手势 14.appearance n. 外貌 15.﹡rest v. 托 16.impression n. 印象 17.﹡contact n. 接触 18.﹡eye contact目光接触 19.hesitation n. 犹豫 20.without hesitation 毫 不犹豫地 21.remind v. 提醒 22.﹡recognize v. 识别 23.﹡ballet n. 芭蕾舞 24.﹡graceful adj.优美的 25.﹡classical adj.古典的 26.century n. 世纪 27.beauty n. 美人 28.﹡muscle n. 肌肉 29.pronunciation n.发音 30.false adj. 假的 31.false teeth 假牙 32.﹡bless v.祝福;保佑 33.﹡underneath adv.在 下面 34.uniform n. 制服 35.date v. 注上日期 36.﹡sign v. 签名 37.﹡reminder n.提示信 38.﹡closing n. 结束语 39.﹡membership card 会员卡 40.regards n.致意问候 41.invitation n. 邀请函 Chapter 2 1.round adj. 圆形的 2.heart-shaped adj.心形 的 3.advertisement n.广告 4.﹡hairstyle n. 发型 5.suit v. 合适 6.hairbrush n. 发梳 7.﹡hairdryer n.吹风机 8.﹡leaflet n. 传单 9.﹡lifestyle n.生活方式 10.promise v. 保证 11.on top of the world 幸福到极;心满意足12.expert n. 专家13.depend on 取决于 14.﹡sociable adj. 好交 际的 15.balanced adj. 均衡的 16.shine v. 闪亮 17.wide adj. 聪明的;明 智的 18.effective adj.有效的 19.damage v. 破坏 20.﹡loosen v. (使)松散 21.﹡dirt n. 污垢 22.gently adj. 轻轻地 23.note down 记录 24.appointment n. 预约; 约会 25.﹡detail n. 细节 26.﹡stylist n. 设计师 27.﹡exclamation n. 感叹 语 28.﹡intonation n. 语调 29.furniture n. 家具 30.scissors n. 剪刀 31.on average 平均起来 32.miss v. 错过 33.﹡notify v. 通知 34.﹡specialist n. 专家 35.dentist n. 牙医 36.regret n. 遗憾 Chapter 3 1.﹡twist v. 曲折 2.chain n. 一连串; 一系列 3.take shape 成形 4.lie v. 位于 5.base n. 底座 6.﹡dome n. 穹顶 7.﹡bronze n. 青铜 8.﹡calligraphy n. 书法 9.painting n. 绘画 10.﹡fascinate v.使着迷 11.﹡reflection n. 倒影 12.path n. 小路 13.nearby adj. 附近的 14.view n. 景色15.﹡tram n. 有轨电车 16.journey n. 行程 17.﹡Edinburgh n.爱丁堡 18.﹡Amsterdam n.阿姆 斯特丹 19.﹡Berlin n. 柏林 20.﹡Brussels n.布鲁塞尔 21.﹡Zurich n. 苏黎世 22.﹡Venice n. 威尼斯 23.﹡Rome n. 罗马 24.﹡Barcelona n. 巴塞 罗那 25.﹡Lisbon n. 里斯本 26.﹡Madrid n. 马德里 27.extra adj. 额外的; 多余的 28.﹡highlight v.使显著 29.case n. 盒子 30.﹡fake n. 假货 31.cheat v. 欺骗 32.make n. 牌子 33.﹡ride n. 供乘骑的 游乐设施 34.flight n. 航班 35.appreciate v. 感激 36.﹡contact v. 联系 37.in advance 预先 38.﹡request n. 请求 39.﹡state v. 陈述 Chapter 4 1.question v. 询问 2.﹡counsellor n.顾问 3.﹡extract n. 摘录

牛津深圳版英语七下Unit 1主题阅读

七年级下学期Unit 1主题阅读 (龙华新区高峰学校七年级英语教研组) 一、语法填空题。(共10小题,每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 I have a great mother. She is a short woman 1______ grey hair. She is always 2_______(cheer). She cooks for the family and I think she is 3______best cook in the world. I will never forget the taste and the smell as well. She takes care 4_______my family and cares much about me in my life and study. She is 5_______(real) hardworking and patient. She gets up early 6______(make ) breakfast for me every day. When I am playing 7________ piano, she stays with me . But now, she tells me to do it by 8________(I). Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. She also asks me to learn more things because she wants me to be 9________(success) in the future. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish 10________(do) my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot. I love my mother. 二、完形填空。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分) Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a 1________ building in the 2________ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He 3________ a lift(电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard.He 4________ to work early. Every day he leaves his 5________ and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It 6________ him down to the first floor. He gets out of the 1ift. Then he walks to 7________ bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from 8________ home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes 9________. He works in a factory about 10 ________from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home before half past five. ( )1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. 1arge ( )2. A. country B. town C. city D. village ( )3. A. makes B. uses C. does D.mends ( )4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes ( )5. A. home B. building C. office D. room ( )6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings ( )7. A. an B. a C. the D. / ( )8. A. his B. he C. him D. himself ( )9. A. by plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air ( )10. A. ten meters B.ten-minutes walk C. ten-minute walk D. ten hours walk

新版深圳牛津英语九年级 课文-Reading

Unit1Archimedes and the golden crown One day in ancient Greece,King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown.At first,he was very happy with it. “It’s a nice crown,isn’t it?”he asked his https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c13674349.html,ter,however,he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown.“Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered.He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth. “This problem seems difficult to solve.What should I do?”thought Archimedes. Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water.When he got into the bath,some water ran over. “That’s it!”shouted Archimedes.“I know how to solve the king’s problem!” Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king.First,he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight. Next,he put two pots into big bowls and filled both pots with water.He put the gold into one pot,and some water ran into the bowl.Then he put the crown into the other pot.This time,even more water ran into the bowl. “Look at this,”said Archimedes to King Hiero.“A crown made completely of gold displaces less water than a crown made of gold and another metal.This crown displaced more water than gold of the same weight,so I’m certain that it’s not completely made of gold. “The crown maker tricked me,didn’t he?What a bad man he is!”shouted King Hiero.He then sent the crown maker to prison. 第1页共9页


Unit1 People around us 一、本单元重要单词: 名词:person, smell, care, joke, support, member, paragraph 形容词:cheerful, hard-working, patient, smart, strict, successful 动词:forget , miss, laugh, remain, encourage 副词:probably Exercises 词形变化练习: 1. encourage ___________(n) 2. care__________(adj)___________(形容词的反义词) 3. successful____________(n) ____________(v) 4.patient n__________ adj____________ 二.本单元重要短语: as well ___________ take care of ___________ tell jokes ___________ make fun of ___________ be strict about/with ___________give up ___________ all day and all night ___________ 随堂练习: (A)根据提示写单词 1. Mary is a __________(勤奋的) student. 2. He ____________(放弃) drinking two years ago. 3.Our teacher uses some games in her_________(教学). 4. The _______(气味) of the flower is sweet. 5.The oranges________(尝起来)sweet. 6.We should_________ students to speak English in the class(give…. lots of hope). 7. He _________silent for a short time. (still kept). 8.The young people had_________ at the party(enjoyment, pleasure). (B) 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. Who is the ______(young) student in your class? 2. There comes the teacher with some ______(book) in his hand. 3. My father _______(go) to work by bus every day. 4.Your ___________(support) means a lot to me in Shenzhen these years. 5.Mike will ___________(probable) come to our house next week. 6.My uncle likes___________(play) table tennis at weekends. 7.Susan often tells interesting stories to make me _________(laugh). 8. He was ___________(success) in his studies. More practice 词汇 1. celebrate 庆祝 2. special adj 特殊的,特别的

九年级英语全册 第3单元教案 牛津深圳版

学员编号:年级:九年级 课时数: 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师: 授课类型T 九年级第3单元 教学目标1、使学生能够基本掌握深港版九年级 Unit3中的基础词汇及重要句型; Step One: Warming Up Hello! Could you tell me something about the places you have ever traveled? T同步-九年级U3基础知识梳理 1

Step Two:Key points and analysis 一、单词和短语Words and Expressions 1. lie 1) 作动词“位于;躺”,过去式和过去分词分别为 lay,lain. 现在分词为lying. 2)作动词“撒谎”,过去式和过去分词灰为lied,现在分词为lying. 3)作名词“谎言”,常用词组tell a lie 说谎 white lie 善意的谎言。 lie in =be located in=be in 位于 典型例题 Wenchuan lies in the center of China. 汶川位于中国的中部。 I lay on the grass,looking at the clear and blue sky. 我躺在草地上看着清澈而湛蓝的天空。 He said he had nothing to do with the theft but we all knew he was lying. 他不承认和那起偷窃事件有关,但是我们都知道他在撒谎。 Don't tell a lie,tell me the truth. 不要说谎,告诉我真相。 2.base 作名词底部;总部 base 作动词基于;以~~~为依据 be based on 以~~~~为基础; basic 作形容词. 基本的;根本的。 典型例题 The base of the lamp is very beautiful. 这个灯塔很漂亮。 The company's base is in HongKong. 这个公司的总部在香港。 Theories are always based on practice. 理论总是以实践为基础的。 His basic salary was very low when he started working. 他参加工作时基本工资很低。 2


7B Unit 7 Poems 重点单词: Poem n.诗ordinary adj.平凡的,普通的feeling 感觉,情感order 命令,订购advice(不可数n.) 劝告,建议aloud 副词出高声地group 集体名词:群,组crow n. 集体名词人群;v.聚集,挤满 agree 同意disagree 不同意complete 完成 well n.井,adv.很好地shower淋浴narrow n.海峡,adj.狭窄的height n.高度high adj.高的superman 超人 Seller售货员smile 微笑rush充进 常考短语: (not) at all 一点也(不),完全也(不)(放在句末或者在否定词后) (be)worried about 为···担忧 rush out 冲出去 a crowd of 一群be crowded with 挤满; 经典句型: 1.It is ```to do``` 2````too```to 太···(以致于)不能·· 详细讲解: 1.read a poem aloud in a group. aloud 副词出声地,高声地 注意:强调出声时,与“read、speak、thing”等连用;Please read the text aloud。 强调大声时,与“cry、laugh、shout、call”连用。The boy is crying aloud。 2.agree page88: agree to 同意··意见to 后加计划、建议、安排、 决定等 Do you agree to that plan? agree with 同意某人(说的话)with 后加人I agree with you in all your views. agree on (两人以上)取得 一致意见主语一般为复数,宾语只 能是表示某件事、计划 We agreed on a price for the car. 3.Pomes can tell stories. 诗歌可以讲故事page88 Tell 后面常跟双宾语,有tell sb.sth.或者tell sth. to sb 告诉某人某事 Tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事否定形式是:Tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事tell 告诉,后接双宾语My grandma often tells stories to us。 say 强调说的内容Can you say the word in English。 speak 及物v.:说某种语言Can you speak English? 不及物v.:说话的能力He wanted to speak to me. talk 不及物v.交谈,谈话Who are you talking to?


班级____________ 姓名_____________ 座号_____________ 牛津深圳版小学英语一年级下册单元测试卷 Unit 1 Look and see 听力部分(40%) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(12分) 1.()A.one B.two C.three 2.()A.four B.five C.six 3.()A.seven B.eight C.nine 4.()A.ten B.green C.see 5.()A.what B.colour C.look 6.()A.it B.is C.a 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(8分) ()()()() 三、判断图片与录音内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(8分) ()()()() 四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(8分)

1.()A.What colour is it?B.What do you see? 2.()A.I am a frog.B.It's a frog. 3.()A.It's a tiger.B.It's a rabbit. 4.()A.It's a bear. B.It's a panda. 五、听句子,选答语。(4分) 1.()A.I see a frog.B.It's green. 2.()A.I see a rabbit. B.It's white. 笔试部分(60%) 一、看图,选词,填字母编号。(16分) A.bear B.rabbit C.bird D.panda E.frog F.bee G.monkey H.tiger ()()()() ()()()()二、找出不同类的一项。(10分)


第一单元:阿基米德和金皇冠 古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位皇冠工匠给他制作一顶金皇冠。起初,他对皇冠感到非常高兴。 “这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?” 他问仆人。然而后来他开始怀疑皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠。“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着。他把皇冠送到了阿基米德 那里,叫他搞清楚真相。 “这个问题似乎很难解决。我该怎么办?”阿基米德想。 当阿基米德往浴池里倒水的时候他仍然思考着这个难题。当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来。 “就是如此”阿基米德喊道,“我知道如何解决国外的难题了!” 阿基米德直接去到了宫殿觐见国王。首先,他称了皇冠,然后像国王要了同等重量的金子。 接着,他放了两个罐子到两个大碗里,然后把罐子注满了水。他把金子放入其中一个罐,一些水跑到了碗里。然后他把皇冠放入另一个罐。这一次,更多的水跑到了碗里。 “快看” 阿基米德对国王说道。“一个完全由金子制作的皇冠比一个由金子和其他金属制作的皇冠要取代更少的水。这顶皇冠比同等质量的金子取代更多的水, 所以我确定这不是纯金的。 “金匠骗了我,对不对?这个大坏人!”海尔罗国王喊道。然后他把金匠投入了 监狱。 第二单元:两位天才 许多人认为阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (1879-1955) 是一位天才。关于他的这个故事表 明他也很有幽默。 爱因斯坦经常收到邀请,去不同的大学阐述他的学说。在这些旅途中。他的司机汉斯经常对他说:“爱因斯坦博士,给一位像你这样的天才开车真是一件令人高兴的事情。”有一天晚上,在他们去一所大学的路上,爱因斯坦说:“我很疲劳。汉斯,我多么希望今天晚上不做演讲,但我又不想令我的听众失望。” “我知道怎么办。”汉斯说,“我可以替你演讲。你可以相信我,我听过你这么多次演讲,英语短文我已经背过了。在这所大学没有人认识你,所以他们不会知


七年级上册深圳牛津版英语复习资料 单元同义释句 Heis keen on reading storybooks. 1. He is very interested in reading storybooks. 热衷于 2. Mike failed the English exam yesterday. 考试不及格 Mike didn’t pass the English exam yesterday. 3. A car consists of more than 15,000 parts. 由…组成 A car is made up of more than 15,000 parts. 4. The little girl always follows her mother. 跟着 The little girl always goes after her mother. 5. I always walk to school. 走路去 I always go to school on foot. 6. You can melt the bars of the cage with the laser torch. 用…去融化 You can use the laser torch to melt the bars of the cage. 7. Mr. Green went to his office at once. 立即 Mr. Green went to his office immediately. 8. The monster saw nothing. 什么都没有看见 The monster didn’t see anything. 9. Don’t let the lion escape from the cage. 逃跑 Don’t let the lion run away from the cage. 10. Gork was foolish. He killed all the aliens. 愚蠢地做了某事 It was foolish of Gork to kill all the aliens. 11. I had to interrupt him because I have something to say.打断某人的话 I had to stop him speaking because I have something to say 12. My father works as an engineer. 从事…工作 My father is an engineer 13. The light went out suddenly. 不财闪耀 The light stopped shinning suddenly. 14. The fire has gone out. 火灭了 The fire has stopped burning. 15.We must hurry up. Otherwise, we won’t catch the bus. 不然的话We must hurry up, if not, we won’t catch the bus. 16. Amy owns that computer. 拥有 That computer is Amy’s. 17 What’s the trouble with you? 出了什么事? What’s the matter with you? 18. Do you know his address? 他住哪 Do you know where he lives? 19. Moments later, the teacher came with a smile. 过了一会儿 After a while, the teacher came with a smile. 20. What’s your age? 多在年纪 How old are you?

2014年深圳牛津版英语七年级 下学期期末试题

光明新区2013-2014学年度第二学期期末调研测试卷 七年级英语 2014.7 笔试部分 1、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分) (A) 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。 21. My grandparents are always cheerful when we visit them on holidays. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. interesting 22. The air conditioners make our lives convenient. A. easy B. difficult C. cool D. boring 23. Jason enjoys replying to teachers’ questions. A. asking B. telling C.reading D. answering 24. Water is very valuable in our daily livs. A. dirty B.clean C.cheap D. Useful 25. My father takes care of my grandpa. A. looks after B.looks like C. Looks up D. Looks at (B)从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。 26. The little girl found ____ old photo in her bedroom this morning. ____ photo was of her grandma. A. A; The B.an; A C.a; A D.an; The 27. The girl ____ glasses likes playing ____ drum every day. A. with; the B.in; a C.with; a D.in;the 28. --There are ____ eggs and _____ milk in the fridge. -- Let’s buy some this evening. A. a few; little B.a few; a little C.few; little D. few; a little 29. I sit _____________ the car, so I can see a dog lying _____ the ground. A. in the front of; in B.in front of; over C.in the front of; on D.in front of; at 30. --Listen! Linda ______ in the next room. --I know. His voice _______ sweet. A. sings; sounds B.sings; smells C.is singing; sounds D.is singing; feels 31. --Do you ____ a bus to school? --Seldom. Usually _____ my bike. A. by; by B.take; on C.on; take D.take; take


Unit 1 adj. 金的;金色的 n.* 王冠;皇冠 n.[pl.] 奥运会 n.同意;应允 n.* 证实 n.罐 v.不能肯定;对??无把握 adj. 真的;正宗的 n.真相;实情 v.好像;似乎 v.解决;处理 v.装满;注满 n.碗;盆 v. * 取代;替代 det. (与不可数名词连用)较少的;更少的 n.金属 adj. 确定的;肯定的 n.监狱;牢狱 n.拳击(运动) n.赛马(运动) n.* 摔跤运动 v.(,) (用手或器具)击;打 adj. 勇敢的;无畏的 n.* 标点符号 adj. 准确无误的;正确的 n.错误 (对某人或事物)满意的 用??把??装满 溢出 把??关进监狱 确保;设法保证

Unit 2 n.聪明人;富有才智的人 n.天文学家 n.* 天才 v.认为;觉得 n.理解力;判断力 n.幽默 n.邀请 n.* 学说;论;说 n.(综合性)大学 n.乐事;快事 v.避免;避开 n.讲座;演讲 adv. 在今夜;在今晚 n.观众;听众 v.信任;信赖 n.座位 n.* 鼓掌;喝彩 adj. 苍白的 n.成就;成绩 n.宇宙 n. * 哲学家 v.服从;遵守 v.减少;缩小 adv. 精确地;准确地 n.(故事、戏剧中的)情节 幽默感 使失望 单凭记忆;能背诵 坐下 轻而易举参 加;加入丝 毫不知道 倒霉;处于困境 跟某人开玩笑;捉弄某人 转折点 一系列

n.一顿饭 v.把自己的想法(或经历、感情)告诉(某人) n.决定;抉择 n.[pl.] * 个人财产;私人物品 v.要求;指望 adv. 在国外;到国外 n.商务;公事 adj. 个人的;私人的 v.(,) 安排;确定;决定n.女儿 v.介意 adj. * 流行的;时髦的 n. * 流行款式;时兴样式 adj. 过时的 v.(用熨斗)熨;烫平 n.公开活动 v.(根据所知)认为 adv. (用于否定词组后)也 n.关系;联系 v.邀请 v.(,) 需付费;价钱为n.类型;种类 帮着做 出差 对??没有兴趣
