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Unit 2 单词短语句子背默清单高二上学期英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册




https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4019231571.html,rm v.通知,告知

2.dread v.畏惧,惧怕

3.rarely adv.很少,难得

4.rejection n.拒绝,否决

5.nevertheless adv.然而,不过

6.criticism n.批评,职责

7.classic n.名著,经典作品

8.endurance n.(忍)耐力

9.guarantee v.保证,确保

10.delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的

11.worthwhile adj.重要的,值得做的12.enthusiastic adj.热心的,热衷的

13.contest n.比赛,竞赛

14.upset adj.心烦意乱的,烦恼的

15.elect v.选举,推选

16.appreciative adj.感激的

17.worthy adj.值得尊敬的;值得赞赏的

18.mere adj.仅仅,只不过

19.delight n.使人高兴的事

20.revelation n.展现,显示

21.delightful adj.令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的

22.literary adj.文学的

23.embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的


1.pace n.速度,进度

2.dread v.畏惧,惧怕

3.overnight adv.突然,一下子

4.persevere v.锲而不舍,坚持不懈

5.manuscript n.手稿,底稿

6.best-seller n.畅销书,畅销产品

7.outcome n.结果,后果

8.blanket n.毯子,毛毯

9.beaver n.河狸,海狸

10.cucumber n.黄瓜

11.blessing n.幸事,幸运

12.worthy of值得……的

13.gentleness n.和蔼,温和https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4019231571.html,panionship n.友谊,友好交往

15.fingertip n.指尖

16.outline n.外形,轮廓

17.intoxicate v.使兴奋,使陶醉

18.pageant n.盛大的(露天)演出

19.the pageant of(历史事件的)缤纷场景

20.probe v.调查,探究

21.dawn n.黎明,破晓

22.workaday adj.平凡的,平淡的

23.amid prep.在……之中

24.haunt n.(某人)常去的地方

25.permanent adj.长久的;永久的

26.descend v.降临;来临

27.mighty adj.强有力的,雄伟的

28.orchestra n.(大型的)管弦乐队

29.tactile adj.触觉的

30.perfume n.香味31.relish n.享受,乐趣

32.morsel n.(尤指食物的)一小片,一小块


https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4019231571.html,rm v.通知,告知→ information n.消息

2.rare adj.稀少的;罕有的→ rarely adv.很少,难得

3.reject v.拒绝接受;不予考虑→ rejection n.拒绝,否决

4.critic v.批评,指责→ criticism n.批评;指责

5. delight n.使人高兴的事vt.使高兴,使欣喜→ delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的

→ delighted adj. 令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的6.elect v.选举,推选→ election n.选举,推选

7. appreciate v.欣赏;感激→ appreciative adj.感激的→ appreciation n.感激;欣赏

8. mere adj.仅仅,只不过→ merely adv.只是;仅仅;只不过

9. gentle adj.温柔的;文静的→ gently adv.温和地;轻柔地→ gentleness n.和蔼,温和10. companion n.同伴,旅伴→ companionship n.友谊;友好交往

11. embarrass v.使尴尬;使为难→ embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的→ embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的,令人难堪的→ embarrassment n.尴尬,难为情

12. literature n.文学→ literary n.文学的


1.regret to do sth. 后悔做某事

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4019231571.html,e back 回来;

3.give up 放弃;投降

4.free time 空闲时间;空暇

5.take for example 以…为例;譬如

6.have sth. in common 有共同之处

7.be interested in 对…感兴趣;

8.turn sb. down 拒绝某人

9.translate…into… 把……翻译成……

10.along with 和…一起

11.struggle to do sth. 努力去做某事

12.refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4019231571.html,lions of 成千上万的…,无数的…

14.dream of doing sth 梦想做某事

15.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励(某人)去做(某事)

16.ought to do sth. 应该做某事

17.stop doing sth. 停止做某事

18.stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事

19.be enough to do sth. 足以做某事

20.be delighted to sth. 很高兴做某事

21.recommend sb. to do sth. 推荐某人做某事

22.at the age of 在…岁时

23.due to 由于;因为

24.achieve one’s goal 实现目标

25.enjoy doing sth. 享受做某事

26.choose to do sth. 选择做某事

27.at first 起初,当初

28.get out of 摆脱;逃避

29.even though 即使,纵然;虽然;

30.make effort 作出努力

31.join in 参加,加入

32.be made up of 由…组成

33.as well as 和…一样;除…以外还;

34.have a positive effect on 有积极的影响

35.make sure 确保;设法保证

36.pass on 传递;去世;

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4019231571.html,e across 偶然发现,偶然遇见

38.fail in 在…方面失败了;缺乏…,在…方面不足

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4019231571.html,pete against 与…抗争

40.have a good time 过得愉快

41.why don’t you 你为什么不?

42.be proud of 因...而骄傲、自豪

43.cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来44.show concern for sb. 表达对某人的关心

45.contribute to 促成;有助于

46.be different from 与…不同;不同于

47.make use of 使用,利用;

48.daily life 日常生活

49.now and then 有时;偶尔

50.return from 从…返回

51.take a long walk 走很长一段路

52.as if 似乎;好像;仿佛

53.be applied to 适用于;应用于;

54.care about 关心;担忧;关怀

55.fail to do sth. 做某事失败

56.pick up 拿起;提起;捡起;取走;

57.decide to do sth. 决定做某事

58.advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做什么

59.be aware of 意识到,察觉到

60.respond to 对…作出反应;对…有某种反应

61.turn down 拒绝

62.challenge oneself 挑战自我

63.survive on 靠……生存

64.work on 从事于,继续工作

66.be made up of 由……组成

65.stick to 坚持


1.“We regret to inform you...” These are the words that every writer dreads receiving, but words every writer knows well.


2.Despite rejections from several publishers, J.D. Salinger refused to give up

即使被多家出版商回绝,J.D. 塞林格也从未放弃。

3.While a lot of hard work and a touch of luck play a part, perseverance is the key.不懈的努力和一点点运气固然很重要,但坚持不懈才是关键。

4.On the first day, I should want to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship have made my life worth living.


5.Only when darkness had again descended upon me should I realize how much I had left.


6.But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again. Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the forest. Curious and brave, she tiptoed into the dark forest. With every step careful, she had no idea where she was. Feeling disappointed,she had to stay alone for another night.



Unit 1laugh out loud 1 mood /mu?d/ n._________ 2 circus /?s??k?s/ n. ________ 3 amusement /??mju?zm?nt/ n. ________ 4 amusement park ________ 5 curly /?k??li/ adj. ________ 6 wig /w?ɡ/ n. ________ 7 badge /b?d?/ n________ 8 ankle /???kl/ n. ________ 9 clown /kla?n/ n. ________ 10 entertain /?ent??te?n/ v. ________ 11 health care________ 12 cheer up________ 13 do the trick________ 14 examine /?ɡ?z?m?n/ v. ________ 15 advertisement /?d?v??t?sm?nt/ n. ________ 16 employer /?m?pl???(r)/ n. ________ 17 essential /??sen?l/ adj. ________ 18 impress /?m?pres/ v. ________ 19 grin /ɡr?n/ v. ________ 20 deserve /d??z??v/ v. ________ 21 long face________ 22 laughing stock________ 23 crack a smile________ 24 practical joke ________ 25 fame /fe?m/ n. ________ 26 linguist /?l??ɡw?st/ n. ________ 27 witty /?w?ti/ adj. ________ 28 medieval /?medi?i?vl/ adj. ________ 29 emotive /??m??t?v/ ________ 30 mischievous /?m?st??v?s/ adj. ________ 31 remark /r??mɑ?k/ n________ 32 interaction /??nt?r??k??n/ n. ________ 33 barber /?bɑ?b?/ n. ________ 34 shave /?e?v/ n. ________ 35 fellow /?fel??/ n. ________ 36 brand /br?nd/ n. ________ 37 brand of humor________ 38 concept /?k?nsept/ n. ________ 39 spot /sp?t/ n. ________

Unit+2单词短语默写乱序版(英译汉) 高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册

选择性必修三unit2单词测试乱序版Unit 2 1 apt adj. __________ 2 timeless adj. __________ 3 sedately adv. __________ 4 modest adj. __________ 5 essay n. __________ 6 back down__________ 7 the cutting edge(of sth)__________ 8 think outside the box__________ 9 break new ground__________ 10 fascination n. __________ 11 comprise v. __________ 12 trial n. __________ 13 by trial and error __________ 14 craftsmanship n. __________ 15 spotlight n. __________ 16 fashion n. __________ 17 uncomplicated adj. __________ 18 faraway adj. __________ 19 celebrity n. __________ 20 craft n. __________ 21 harsh adj. __________ 22 prosperous adj. __________ 23 courtyard n. __________ 24 precious adj. __________ 25 antique n. __________ 26 polish v. __________ 27 gigantic adj. __________ 28 bark v. __________ 29 flap v. __________ 30 intricate adj. __________ 31 maximum n. __________ 32 painstaking adj. __________ 33 workshop n. __________ 34 melody n. __________ 35 restoration n. __________ 36 crimson adj. __________ 37 workplace n. __________ 38 timepiece n. __________ 39 spin v. __________ 40 dominate v. __________ 41 architecture n. __________ 42 ambitious adj. __________ 43 associate v. __________ 44 analysis n. __________ 45 atomic adj. __________ 46 exaggeration n. __________ 47 metaphor n. __________ 48 nonetheless adv. __________ 49 artisan n. __________ 50 preserve v. _________ 51 acclaim n. __________ 52 shun v. __________ 53 lens n. __________ 54 pose v. __________ 55 grocery n. __________ 56 grocery store__________ unit 2短语 1.nothing more than 2.pose for 3.fascination with 4.devotion to 5.put.....into 6.regardless of 7.not once 8.approach to 9.have a passion for


Unit 2 Let’s celebrate! 重点句式 1....is to honour a person. (教材P13) ……是纪念一个人的节日。 【词汇精讲】句中的honour是及物动词,意为“向……表示敬意,尊敬”;honour还可以作名词,意为“荣誉,荣耀,荣幸”。 2. People prepare decorations with flowers and dance around maypoles. (教材P13) 人们用鲜花做装饰品,围着五朔节花柱跳舞。 【词汇精讲】句中的decoration是名词,意为“装饰物”。 3. That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. (教材P14) 这就是为什么《圣诞老人的信》对那些将圣诞节视为一年中的特殊时刻的人来说是一本完美的书。 【词汇精讲】句中的regard是及物动词,意为“认为,看作”;regard也可作名词,意为“尊重;关注”。 4. In another letter, Father Christmas complained about how he could not stop his helpers playing games with the toys instead of wrapping them up. (教材P15) 在另一封信中,圣诞老人抱怨说他无法阻止他的助手们玩玩具,而不是把它们包起来。 【词汇精讲】complain意为“抱怨,不满,发牢骚”。 5. That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. 1/ 5

2019外研版高中英语选择性必修三Unit2 单元知识梳理 (2)

Unit2 解透单元写作 主题写作——一生的工作 1.写作任务 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友J i m在发给你的邮件中提到他对中国历史很感兴趣,并请你介绍一位你喜欢的中国历史人物。请你给J i m回信,内容包括: (1)该人物是谁; (2)该人物的主要贡献; (3)该人物对你的影响。 注意: (1)词数80左右; (2)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jim, _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li H ua 2.写作构思 (1)一审:确定写作体裁和主题 体裁:应用文 主题:给朋友回信介绍一位你喜欢的中国历史人物 (2)二定:确定时态和人称 时态:一般现在时和一般过去时 人称:用第一人称和第三人称 (3)三明确:明确写作要求 内容要求: a.开篇点明写信缘由;

b.结合写作要点介绍你喜欢的历史人物及其主要贡献; c.结合写作要点叙述对你的影响; d.书信结束语。 词数要求:80左右。 (4)四分段 结合要点分为三个段落。 3.素材整理 (1)关键词语 ①感到自豪feel proud ②我最喜欢的人物my favourite figure ③一定是must be ④在清代末期in the late Qing Dynasty ⑤介绍某物introduce sth. ⑥睁眼看世界open one’s eyes to the world ⑦激励某人做某事inspire sb.to do sth. ⑧主修英语major in English (2)重要句型 ①至于在中国历史上我最喜欢的人物,一定是晚清伟大的思想家魏源。 As for my favourite figure in Chinese history,it must be Wei Yuan,a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. ②他在他的书《海国图志》(世界地图与记录)中向中国介绍了现代技术和思想。He,in his book,Haiguo Tuzhi(Maps and Records of the World),introduced modern technologies and ideas to China. ③它使当时的人们开眼看世界。 At that time,it opened people’s eyes to the world. ④事实上,他激励我在大学主修英语,成为一座连接中国和世界的桥梁。 In fact,he inspires me to major in English in college and to be a bridge between China and the world. ⑤有兴趣了解更多吗?我可以给你找些书!只需告诉我。 I nterested in knowing more? I can find you some books! Just let me know.


Unit2知识-清单破 I.核心单词 (A)写作词汇——写词形 1.__________ v.改变,转换 2. __________ n.截止时间,最后期限 3. __________ adj.恰当的,合适的 4. __________ adj.替他人着想的 5. __________ adj.终身的 (B)阅读词汇——明词义 1. detox n. ________ 2. moderator n. ________ 3. fundraising n. ________ 4. profile n. ________ 5. towel n. ________ 6. procrastination n. ________ 7.spit v. ________ 8. headphone n. ________ 9. bin n. ________ 10. headline n. ________ 11. district n. ________ 12. toothpaste n. ________ 13. soap n14. item n. ________ 15.jar n. ________ 16. vision n. ________ 17. likewise adv. ________ 18..nail n. ________ 19. objectively adv. ________ (C)拓展词汇——灵活用→ 1._______ n.安全→_______adj.安全的;可靠的→_______adv.安全地

2. _______v.激发,激励_______→n.动力;动机;积极性→_______adj.积极的;主动的 3. _______v.占用,占去(时间)→_______n.占领;占用;职业→_______adj.已被占用的;忙于……的 4. _______v.分散(注意力),使分心使→_______n.人分心的事→_______adj.注意力分散的;思想不集中的 5. _______adj.连续的;不断的→_______adv.持续不断地;经常地 6. _______n.接触的机会→_______adj.可进入的;易得到的;易接近的 7._______v.(为生活或生存而)依赖→_______adj.可靠的;值得信赖的→_______adv.可靠地 8. _______v.澄清;讲清楚,阐明→_______n.澄清;阐明 9. _______v.促进,增进→_______n.促进 10. _______n.必需品→_______adj.必需的;必要的→_______adv.必然地;不可避免地 11. _______n.财务→_______adj.财政的;金融的→_______adv.财政上;金融上 12. _______v.投资→_______n.投资 13. _______v.使有知识和技能,使能够胜任→_______n.设备;装备 14. _______n.益处;利益→_______adj.有裨益的;有利的 15. _______v.使尴尬→_______adj.令人尴尬的→_______adj.尴尬的 16. _______n.价值;价值观→_______adj.很值钱的;宝贵的 17. _______v.选择→_______n.选择 18. _______adv.空前地→_______adj.空前的 II.重点短语 1.____________ 充分利用 2.lose one's temper____________ 3.junk food____________ 4.on average____________ 5. ____________社交媒体 6.switch on____________ 7.miss out____________


Unit 2 重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型练习 (知识点全覆盖) 重点单词变形 1 inform v.通知,告知;____________n.通知 2 rarely adv.很少,难得;_____________adj.稀少的 3 rejection n.拒绝,否决;_____________v.拒绝 4 persevere v.锲而不舍,坚持不懈;__________n.毅力,坚持不懈 5 criticism n.批评,职责;_____________v.批评 6 classic n.名著,经典作品;________adj.古典的,经典的 7 endurance n.(忍)耐力;______________v.忍耐 8 delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的;___________n.使人高兴的事;__________adj.令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的 9 enthusiastic adj.热心的,热衷的;______________n.热情,热心 10 elect v.选举,推选;____________n.选举 11 blessing n.幸事,幸运;__________v.祝福 12 appreciative adj.感激的;__________v.感谢,感激;___________n.感谢,感激 13 worthy adj.值得尊敬的;值得赞赏的;___________n.价值 14 mere adj.仅仅,只不过;____________adv.仅仅 15 gentleness n.和蔼,温和;___________adj.温和的;_________adv.温和地 16 literary adj.文学的;____________n.文学 17 embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的;________adj.使人难堪/尴尬的;____________n.尴尬 答案:information;rare;reject;perseverance;criticise;classical;endure;delight,delightful;enthusiasm;election; bless;appreciate,appreciation;worth;merely;gentle,gently;literature;embarrassing,embarrassment 一、用单词的适当形式完成句子 1.My teachers keep parents _____________ (inform) of children’s performance in the kindergarten by sharing videos on WeChat. 2.The________(embarrass) look on her face showed that she hadn’t expected my arrival. 3.In this chapter, I will attempt ________ (explain) what led up to cultural difference. 4.As we all know, newspapers, magazines and radios as well as television broadcasts can keep us _______ (inform) of what is happening around the world. 5.Once I realized I was in control, I quit______ (try)to get more of it. 6.As a child, sometimes social occasions were __________for me. I would feel __________when among

外研版2019高中英语选择性必修2 unit 2 短语句型

U nit2 Book5 1.national security 国家安全 2.raise funds 筹集资金 raise/collect money 筹集资金 3.switch on= turn on 打开 switch off=turn off 关闭 switch sth.with sth. 与某人交换某物 4.motivate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事 be motivated by 受到…激励 5.occupy a city 占领一座城市 be occupied with sth. 忙于某事 be occupied in doing sth. 忙于做某事 6.be distracted from the lesson 上课溜号 be distracted by 被…分心 distract attention from 分散对…注意力 focus on=concentrate on 集中精力于 7.throw in the towel 认输 8.have access to 利用;接近 9.rely on the masses 依靠群众 rely on=depend on=count on 依靠 10.meet the deadline 赶上截止日期 11.Don’t spit on the ground. 不要随地吐痰。 spit it out 有什么尽管说 12.considerate adj 体贴的 considerable adj 相当大的;相当多的 considering prep 考虑到;鉴于 13.promote economic growth 促进经济发展 be promoted to editor 被提升为编辑 14.clarify his position 阐明他的立场 15.max out the credit card 刷爆信用卡 16.in contrast to 与…形成对比 17.invest in stocks 投资股票 18.have little vision in one eye 一只眼几乎看不到 19.persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事 persuade sb. not to do sth.=persuade sb. out of doing sth. 劝说某人不要做某事 persuade sb.of sth. 使某人信服某事 persuade sb. that 使某人相信 20.mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 mean a lot/much 意义重大 mean nothing 没有意义 be meant for 为…设计;为..准备 21.on reflection 经再三考虑 reflect on 思考;回想 be reflected in 映在…中 reflect light 反射光线 22.miss out 错过;错失 miss a train 误了火车 miss sb. 想念某人 23.be up to sth. 忙于某事;正在做某事 up to ten people 多大十人 up to now=up to date=up to the present 直到现在 It’s up to sb. to do sth. 由某人决定做某事 up to standard 达到标准 24.avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 25.have/get/gain access to 有权使用;可以接近 be accessible to 可以进入;可以使用26.what’s worse=even worse=worse still 更糟糕的是 what’s more 此外 27.catch up on news 看新闻 catch up on sports result 了解比赛结果 catch up with sb. 赶上某人 catch on 流行 ccatch one’s eyes 吸引某人的注意 28.other than prep 除了;不同于 rather than conj 而不是 29.step away from 远离 keep away from 远离 break away from 脱离;戒掉 look away from 把目光从…移开 1


Unit 2 Improving yourself Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas 重点词汇 1.security n._______ 2.switch v._______ 3.profile n._______ 4.towel n._______ 5._______v.激发,激励→_______n.动机,动力 6._______v.占用,占去(时间)→_______adj.被占领的,忙于……的 7._______adv.持续不断地;经常地→_______adj.持续不断的 8._______n.接触的机会→_______adj.可接触的,可得到的 9._______v.(为生活或生存而)依赖→_______adj.可依靠的 重点短语 1.make full use of_______ 2.share sth.with sb._______ 3.lose one’s temper_______

4.on average_______ 5.switch on_______ 6.be occupied with_______ 7.throw in the towel _______ 8._______最终 9._______打开 10._______更糟糕的是 11._______老实说 12._______妥协,屈服 13._______疲惫不堪 14._______依赖,依靠 Section B Using language 重点词汇 1.deadline n._______ 2.clarify v._______ 3._______adj.恰当的,合适的→_______adv.恰当地,合适地 4._______v.促进,增进→_______n.促进,提升

2019外研版高中英语选择性必修三Unit2 单元知识梳理 (1)

Unit2 单元知识梳理 一、重点单词 1.pose v.(使)摆好姿势;造成 ①为……摆姿势__________ ②带来许多问题__________ ③引起,造成(其他表达法)__________ ④摆好模特姿势__________ ⑤所有的被试者都摆好了姿势。 All the subjects______ ______ ______. 答案:①pose for... ②pose many problems ③bring about/lead to/result in/ give rise to ④pose a model⑤are well posed 2.trial n.试验,试用;审判,审讯;磨难;考验 ①反复试验__________ ②在试验中__________ ③使某人受审__________ ④充满了磨难__________ ⑤为……受审判__________ ⑥免费试用__________ ⑦公司任命的新职员在试用中发现不诚实。 The new clerk newly appointed by the company______ ______was found dishonest.答案:①by trial and error② be on trial③bring sb. to trial = put sb. on trial ④ be full of trials⑤be on trial for sth. ⑥free trial⑦on trial 3.acclaim n.表扬,赞赏ν.称赞,喝彩 ①获得好评__________ ②称赞某人为__________ ③国际认可__________ ④广泛赞赏__________ ⑤赞叹不已__________

Unit 2 单词短语检测 -2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册

外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册各单元单词短语检测 Unit 2 A Life’s work 一、单词拼写(根据首字母提示或中文提示写出正确的单词) 1 A c______________ is someone who is famous, especially in areas of entertainment such as films, music, writing, or sports. 2 Bill Cunningham, a world-famous street and fashion photographer, called a cultural ________________ (人类学家), passed away at age 87. 3 Qian Xuesen was experienced in rocketry and highly accomplished in his field, so he won him _____________ (赞赏). 4 The clock restoration master, Wangjin(王津) has spent more 40 years repairing ______________ (钟表) in the Palace Museum. 5 The society was set up to p_____________ endangered species from extinction. 6 It is no _______________ (夸张) to say that most students have never read a complete Shakespeare play. 7 Victims of the disease found themselves ______________ (避开) by society. 8 “Love at first sight” is a very _____________ (恰当的) description of how he felt when he saw her. 9 The little bird f____________ its wings and flew off. 10 Most of us appreciate the beauty of a full moon ______________ (安静地) moving across the night skies. 11 Dirty streets and homelessness are no advertisement for a ______________ (繁荣的) society. 12 Chocolate making is an ________________ (错综复杂的) art as much as it is an exact science. 13 The problems are not serious. N________________, we need to tackle them soon. 14 The researchers then followed the ________________(食品杂货店) shopping habits of 1,000 households over six months. 15 One way is to select _________________ (不复杂的,简单的) backgrounds that will not steal attention from your subjects(主题). 16 You’ll get the results when the ________________(分析) is complete. 17 Make sure that your clothes are clean and ironed for the office. And don’t forget to p______________ your shoes as well. 18 I think this is impossible. The world is always _______________ (支配) by the law of value.

2019外研版高中英语选择性必修一Unit2 词汇语法专项训练

Unit2 词汇语法专项训练 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 刷单句填空 答案详解P134在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. All of you have to know that you may face ________(reject)in your future’s hunting for jobs. 2. He felt a little ________(embarrass)when he came to work here at first,as most of the workers are women. 3. We ________(rare)made our reservation six months earlier. 4. He has created a great ________(enthusiastic)for writing novels. 5. They felt ________(delight)that they would buy a new house once Larry changed jobs. 6. I need to pay off all my ________(debt)before I leave the country. 7. In my opinion,happiness is not about pursuing wealth ________(mere)but about admiring the beautiful things in life. 8. Her literary ________(critical)focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas. 9. For many who made it to Dawson,however,the rewards were worthy ________ the difficult trip. 10. We ought not to stop ________(practise)it if we truly want to master the knowledge we have learnt. 11. We need time to inform ourselves completely ________ the problem. 12. New industries,business patterns and products are constantly emerging and forming ________ a fast pace.[China Daily] 13. She feels upset ________ this score. After all,she has prepared it for a long time. 14. Scientists have responded by ________(note)that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集)around human settlements,leading to the illusion(错觉)that populations are higher than they actually are.[课标全国I 2019·改编] 15. Just at this time NASA decided ________(test)some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone.【江苏2019,改编】


Unit2 结构-情景破 知识点1 with的复合结构 With the detox now finished,they've switched on their devices and they're back online.(教材P14)现在脱瘾结束了,他们打开了设备,又重新上线了。 With the detox now finished是with的复合结构,其中the detox是介词With 的宾语,过去分词finished是宾语补足语。 情景导学 With a lot of work to do,he wasn’t allowed to go out. 因为有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。 With prices going up so fast,we can’t afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起奢侈品。 With all the things she needed bought,she went home. 买了她需要的所有东西后,她就回家了。 He often sleeps with the windows open. 他经常开着窗户睡觉 On the first day of my first grade,I stood by the door with butterflies in my stomach.在我上一年级的第一天,我站在门口,心里七上八下的。 归纳拓展 ①with的复合结构由“with+______+_______”构成,常在句中作______表示伴随、时间、原因等。with的复合结构也可作_______。 ②with的复合结构中的宾语补足语通常由_________(表示将来的动作)、___________(表主动或正在进行的动作)、___________(表示被动或已完成的动作)、形容词、副词、介词短语充当。 链接高考 单句语法填空 1-1(2019课标全国I,完形填空,★★☆) Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ________(ruin)the atmosphere of peace? 1-2(2019天津,完形填空,★★☆)In my husband's hand was my wallet,with not


Unit 1 IaUgh Ollt IOUd 1________________ n.心情 2________________ n.马戏团 3________________ n・娱乐,消遣 4___________________ 游乐场 5________________ adj.卷曲的 6__________________ n.假发 7_________________ n・徽章 8________________ n.脚踝 9________________ n.小丑 10 ________________ V.使快乐 11 _______________ 医疗保健 12 ______ (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 13 _______________ 奏效,达到预期效果 14 ________________ V.检査(身体) 15 ________________ n・广告 16 ________________ n.雇用者,雇主 17 ___________ ddj.极其重要的,必不可少的 18 ______________V.使钦佩,使留下深刻印象 19 ________________ V.露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑 20 ________________ V.应得,应受到 21 ________________ 愁眉苦脸 22_______________ 料,笑柄 23 _________________ 了起来 24 __________________ 恶作剧

25 ________________ n.名声,声誉 26 ________________ n.语言学家 27 ___________ Bdj•说话风趣的;妙趣横生的 28 ______________ adj.中世纪的,中古时期的 29 ________________ 使情绪激动的 30 ________________ adj.调皮的,淘气的 31 ________________ n.言论,意见,评论 32 ________________ n.交流 33 ________________ n∙男理发师 34 ________________ n.刮脸,刮胡子 35 ________________ n.男人,家伙 36 ________________ n.品牌,牌子 37 ________________ 种类型的幽默 38 ________________ n.概念;观念 39 ________________ n.地点,处所 40 ______________ (故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪 41 ________________ adj.残忍的 42 ________________ V.哄笑,大笑 43 ________________ adv.温和地;轻柔地 44 ________________ 责,责骂 45 ________________ V.照亮,照明 46 ________________ n・等式,方程 47 ________________ adj.难处理的;难懂的 48 ________________ V.结束,终止 49 ________________ n・作曲家
