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【第二轮专项精炼精析 高考复习方案】2015届高考英语二轮专题限时训练:人物型阅读理解 Word版含解析]

【第二轮专项精炼精析 高考复习方案】2015届高考英语二轮专题限时训练:人物型阅读理解 Word版含解析]
【第二轮专项精炼精析 高考复习方案】2015届高考英语二轮专题限时训练:人物型阅读理解 Word版含解析]



Henry Ford grew up on an un-electrified farm, and as a young man he followed Edison's career as the inventor became a national role model. Ford took a job at the Edison Illuminating Company, working his way up to chief engineer.

In 1896 Ford was thirty-three and, though still working for Edison Co., he had created his first experimental automobile—the Ford Quadricycle2 during his off-time. At an Edison company party in New York, Ford had his first chance to meet his hero Edison and was able to explain his new automobile to the great inventor. Edison_was_impressed._Edison_is_said_to_have_slammed_his_fist_down_and_shouted,“Young man, that's the thing! You have it! Your car is self-contained and carries its own power plant.”Edison himself had been working on the idea, but had only been considering electricity as the power source, so the idea of a gas engine was a somewhat new one.

The words comforted Ford greatly, who immediately set out building a second car which was to become the Model-T.6. The two men became friends and would go on camping trips together.When Edison later became limited to a wheelchair, Ford brought an extra one to his house so they could race.At the 50th anniversary of the invention of light bulb, Ford honoured Edison.When Edison spoke he ended his speech directed at Ford, “As to Henry Ford, words fail to express my feelings.I can only say that he is my friend.”Therefore it is no surprise that Ford wanted something to remember Edison by after he passed away in 1931.

Once, Ford asked Thomas Edison's son Charles to sit by the dying inventor's bedside and hold a test tube next to his father's mouth to catch his final breath. Ford was a man with many strange behaviours (as was Edison) including some interest in reanimation and spiritualism(复活通灵术)and some say that he was attempting to catch Edison's soul as it escaped his body in hopes of later bringing the inventor back to life.

The test tube itself didn't turn up until 1950 when it was listed in the Ford's possessions after Clara Ford's passing away, and then lost again until 1978 when it was discovered in an exhibit entitled“Henry Ford—A Personal History”in the Henry Ford Museum. It would then be discovered that the tube was labeled “Edison's Last Breath”.

There is a further mystery of this “last breath” test tube.It would seem as if Edison had quite a last breath indeed, as the Edison Estate holds a collection of 42 test tubes all supposedly containing Edison's last breath.

Regardless of the excitement over the last breath, the test tube is quite touching in its meaning.Although both men were known for all sorts of poor behaviour towards their loved ones and mistreatment of employees, between them at least, there was clearly a deep respect and admiration.

1.The purpose of the author writing this passage is to ________.

A.remind the readers of the importance of the two inventors

B.stress the importance of friendship

C.tell the readers some stories about the two inventors

D.show that love can lead to some poor behaviours

2.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2, we can learn that________.

A.Edison envied what Ford had achieved

B.Edison was annoyed that Ford did better than him

C.Edison was angry because Ford stole his idea

D.Edison was extremely amazed at Ford's new idea

3.“The ‘last breath’ test tube”can probably be regarded as________.

A.a symbol of a friendship and memory

B.a witness to a scientific breakthrough

C.a failure to bring Edison back to life

D.a sign of the two inventors' poor behaviour

4.It can be learned from the last paragraph that “________.”

A.Great minds think alike

B.Nobody is perfect

C.Two heads are better than one

D.A friend in need is a friend indeed


JANE AUSTEN(1775—1817)is often regarded as the greatest of English women novelist on the strength of her six completed novels.Known particularly for their social comedy and accurate description of human relationships,they are still as widely read today as they have ever been.

As the seventh child of a country priest(牧师),Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 at Steventon in Hampshire.Her father,the Reverend George Austen,was an intelligent and sensitive man who encouraged Jane in her love of reading.From an early age she was familiar with the works of Henry Fielding,Sir Walter Scott,Richardson,Frances Burney and the poet George Crabbe.Her early attempts at writing include burlesques(滑稽作品) of popular romances.When her father retired in 1801 the family moved to Bath, which was later to feature in her novel Northanger Abbey(published in 1818).After his death in 1805 the family moved first to Southampton and then in 1809 to Chawton in Hampshire, where Jane Austen is known to have written her last three novels:Mansfield Park(1814),Emma(1816)and Persuasion(also published in 1818).Although her other novels were written much earlier,it was not until 1811 that Sense and Sensibility was first published. Pride and Prejudice,which followed in 1813,features Jane Austen's own favourite hero,Elizabeth Bennet.

Surrounded by her lively and warm family and wholly buried herself in her writing and housework,Jane Austen led a life often known for its lack of events.She did,however,attract several admirers and even accepted a proposal of marriage from one admirer—only to change her mind the following morning.Jane Austen's independent life often seems reflected in her novels,which seem to display the world in miniature(缩影).Sir Walter Scott praised Jane Austen for“that unique touch which makes ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting”,while Somerset Maugham claimed that she had at her command “the most precious gift a novelist can possess to keep the readers' interest”.Jane Austen died in 1817.

5.The underlined word“touch”in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to “________”.A.style B.contact

C.taste D.attitude

6.Which of Jane Austen's novels were published after her death?

A.Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park.

B.Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.

C.Pride and Prejudice and Emma.

D.Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion.

7.We can infer from the passage that Jane Austen had a gift for________.

A.attracting admirers

B.reflecting her own life in all her novels

C.making dull things and characters interesting

D.holding the readers' interest

8.This passage is most probably a________.

A.collection of women novelists and their works

B.comment on Jane Austen and her works

C.brief introduction of Jane Austen

D.description of Jane Austen's road to success


Personal Background

Steve Jobs

Apple Computer

3-year return: 26%

Age: 42

CEO since: 1997

Here's a guy with enough knowledge, ability and brainpower to effectively hold down two CEO jobs at once and do a pretty amazing job at both. We've listed him for his post at Apple, but of course Steve Jobs also runs Pixar, the animation studios. Coming in after a I billion loss in fiscal 1997,Jobs turned a 106 million profit-38 per cent above Wall Street's consensus target. A lot of credit goes to a very simple idea: make computers in different colours. Jobs was the only one who thought to make it happen. The colourful mid-priced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility (兼容性) problem. Apple positioned it as the machine for the Internet, where compatibility questions are no big deal. Behind the scenes, Jobs streamlined the product line,and also did a whole series of work for improving and selling the production. Meanwhile, over at Pixar, A Bug's Life nabbed a total 159 million in domestic box office,the highest domestic animated take since Toy Story and third highest ever after Toy Story and the leader, The Lion King.

Business philosophy:The technology isn't the hard part. The hard part is: Who's going to buy it? How are they going to buy it? How do you tell them about it?

How he got the job: The Apple board begged him to return.

Management Style: At Apple, Jobs is a micromanager-some say nanomanager who changes mood suddenly and unexpectedly. Virtually every decision goes by him. “At any time, 10,000 employees are wondering,‘What would Steve say?’not‘What is the right thing to do?’”,said a former Apple executive. At Pixar, realizing that he isn't a film visionary, he leaves the experts to their research.

Financial reward: His Apple rewards are minimal—a salary of one dollar a year so that his family is eligible for the health plan. But his 69 per cent share of Pixar is worth about 1.3 billion.

—selected from a newspaper

9.According to the passage, the following adjectives can be used to describe Jobs EXCEPT________.

A.creative B.easy-going

C.demanding D.distinguished

10.We can learn from the passage that________.

A.Jobs can work well in every field

B.the colourful iMac is accepted for its low price

C.Jobs makes a big difference at Apple as a designer

D.the technology is more important than business idea

11.The underlined word “nabbed” in the text probably means“________”.

A.pulled up B.brought in

C.went through D.handed over

12.What does the author mainly want to tell us?

A.Jobs is the richest man in the world.

B.Jobs is a giant of electronic products.

C.Jobs spends most of his time at Pixar.

D.Jobs can get much money a year as his salary.





2.D细节推断题。根据第二段的“‘Young man,that's the thing! You have it! Your car is self-contained and carries…’”“…electricity as the power source,so the idea of a gas engine was a somewhat new one.”可知,爱迪生对于福特的新的想法很是吃惊,故选D项。

3.A细节推断题。根据倒数第二段的“It would seem as if Edison had quite a last breath indeed,as the Edison Estate holds a collection of 42 test tubes all supposedly containing Edison's last breath.”可知,这好像是爱迪生最后的呼吸,以此表明两人的关系很是深厚,故选A项。

4.B主旨大意题。根据最后一段的“Although both men were known for all sorts of poor behaviour towards their loved ones and mistreatment of employees,between them at least,there was clearly a deep respect and admiration.”可知,虽然他们对待家人与员工有不好的地方,但他们之间有深深的尊重和欣赏,故没有人是完美的,选B项。



5.A词义猜测题。根据“Sir Walter Scott praised Jane Austen for‘that unique touch which makes ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting…’”可知,沃尔特·斯科特伯爵赞扬简·奥斯汀,是因为她那独一无二的化平凡无奇为生动有趣的手法,故选A项。

6.B细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Northanger Abbey(published in 1818)”和“Persuasion(also published in 1818)”,以及“Jane Austen died in 1817.”可知,Northanger Abbey 和Persuasion这两本小说是在简·奥斯汀死去之后才出版的,故选B项。

7.D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的“…Somerset Maugham claimed that she had at her command‘the most precious gift a novelist can possess to keep the readers' interest.”可知,萨默塞特·毛姆称她(简·奥斯汀)有一种极为珍贵的她自己能灵活运用的天赋,那是一个作家能够把握读者兴趣的天赋,故选D项。






11.B词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“…a total 159 million in domestic box office…”可知,这里是指赚到这些钱。bring in意思是“使赚到”,与画线词同义,故选B项。



高考英语复习策略 我校属于三星级普通高中,学生的英语基础普遍较差。在省教育部门“五严”规定的大背景下,思考如何在有限的时间内提升英语复习的效能,在查漏补缺的同时全面提高学生的综合素养就显得特别重要。因此,我们必须要在思想上做好充分准备,扎扎实实抓好高考英语复习工作,打一场有备之战。 一.指导思想 我们认为,不管课程怎么改革,不管江苏高考英语的题型怎样变化,总原则是“得益课内,迁移课外,能力立意,综合运用”。在高三英语复习中我们努力贯彻落实教研室冯毓旗主任提出的“用问题引领课堂”的指导思想,即高三的英语复习不能只着眼于所谓的高考重难点,更应该把目光聚焦在学生存在的问题上,用学生的问题来引领我们的教学行为。当然要解决学生的问题首先要解决好高三教师自己的问题,教师自己的问题解决好了,学生的问题自然会迎刃而解。 二.复习中存在的问题 1.理念上的问题 我们有部分教师纠结于高三英语复习要不要拿课本,这里存在着两种极端的现象。有的教师在复习教学中片面地认为复习便是把近似于新授课的教学内容按教材编排的顺序重新给学生快速过一遍,再做一些配套的练习即可,根本不重视知识的归类梳理。还有的教师为了节约教学时间,赶进度,提前进入复习总攻,再加上高三教材生词多内容深,就把高三教材内容进行大幅度的删减。在后期的复习中,他们又完全抛开教材进行以资料为主要载体的复习教学。这种在教材上耗时太长或者完全脱离教材进行复习教学的做法都是不可取的,很难达到高三复习和高中英语教学的要求。 其次,在高考目标的压力下,有些教师急功近利,片面地追求高考的结果,高考考什么,怎么考,平时就怎么教,让学生也怎么练。部分教师让学生在高三复习中只练这几种高考题型,其余的都省去。实际上,这种完全高考模式化的单调训练既违背了语言学习规律,也不符合《英语课程标准》 中规定的英语学习目


英语高考备考复习方案 近几年来高考英语试题的原则是“平稳过渡,无偏、难、怪题”,虽然考题一直保持命题平稳的思路,然尔在短短不到一年的时间里,高三师生既要学完高三的新课教学内容又要复习以前所学知识,还要进行专项及综合能力训练,在这么短的时间内想复习到位困难程度之大,这使很多老师和学生感到困惑和不安。那么如何克服时间少而内容多的矛盾呢? 总结了先前几轮高三备考的经验,我知道教师自己首先应确保把握复习节奏而不慌乱,其实我想我和在座的大多数老师一样,从带高一起其实我们就在为高考做方方面面的备考工作。比如说备考资料的收集和整理,比如说高考专题的研究,再比如说学生的阅读训练等等。总体说来,我的备考基于以下几点: 一、明确复习目的,理清思路 高考复习首先要明确目的。目前高考英语试题在重视英语基础知识的同时,突出考查语言运用能力,形成了以篇章阅读为主体的试题布局。新题型语法填空也是基于语篇而设置的重在检测学生语言运用的能力。由此可见,高三复习的最终目的是提高学生的语言运用能力。 我们都知道知识是能力的基础,对能力的测试不可避免地要结合对知识的测试,如果学生英语词汇知识贫乏,或是英语语法知识不扎实,就理解不了结构复杂的句子,看不懂篇章内容,更谈不上阅读能力的提升。同样,没有一定量的词汇知识和语法知识,就谈不上正确的英语表达,就写不出通顺的英语短文。2015届我复习的思路就是将阅读教学做为英语教学的核心。 二以培养阅读能力为中心,促进语言技能全面提高 培养阅读能力一直是高中英语教学的重点。阅读理解能力也一直是高考英语测试的主题,几乎所有高考题型都在一定程度上对学生的阅读能力进行了考查。阅读理解能力的提高,既可以帮助学生顺利地解答高考英语中的阅读理解试题,也有助于解答完形填空,语法填空试题,其基础都是阅读理解能力。通过阅读理解训练,学生既可以巩固和加强各项英语基础知识,又可以学习到许多英语表达的方法和技巧,这些东西又成了书面表达的能力基础。近年来高考逐年增大了阅读理解试题的难度,文章长反增加,生词、多义词、兼义词增加,长句、难句增加,等等。所以,我们主张在英语复习的整个过程中,要始终以培养和提高阅读理解能力为中心,以此带动英语复习质量的全面提高。

高考英语二轮 专题复习词汇系列(一)

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习词汇系列(一) 【必会词汇】 时刻:dawn, deadline, instant, moment, by the time, from now on, in time, on time 时段:age, century, decade, future, interval, period, stage; contemporary, permanent, temporary, forever, meanwhile, for a time/ while, for the time being 频度:annual, daily, frequent, occasional, regular, monthly, weekly, yearly, occasionally, once, seldom, twice, at a time, at times, time and time again, now and then 时序:final, former, previous, afterward(s), ago, eventually, ever, first, gradually, immediately, just, last, late, later, next, shortly, since, soon, then 相关:介词: after, at, before, by, during, for, in, on, since, throughout, until, upon 动词: last, pass, run, take 连词: after, as, as soon as, before, hardly…when, no sooner…than, once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while 天气:寒冷天气:frost, ice, snow, wind, freeze, cold, freezing, snowy, windy, 温热天气:heat, warmth, clear, dry, fine, fresh, hot, mild, sunny, warm 云雨天气:cloud, downpour, rain, rainbow, shower, storm, thunder, thunderstorm, lightning, pour, cloudy, cool, damp, rain, wet 雾:fog, mist, foggy 其他:climate, forecast, weather, changeable, terrible 自然灾害:名称:earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane, volcano, typhoon, 相关动词:blow, burn, burst, destroy, die, erupt, predict, rescue, ruin, shake, supply, survive 其他:ash, damage, danger, death, disaster, nature, survival, victim, dangerous, muddy, natural 天气(Weather) 相关话题 天气与人类的生活息息相关,谈论天气,是老百姓最关注的话题之一。在写作中weather涉及的主要内容有:a. Describing weather ( sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc.) b. Understanding weather reports (conditions, temperature, rain, snow, wind, sun, cloud) c. Dressing for the weather (coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, windbreaker, etc.) d. Extreme weather (storms, gales, hurricanes, etc.) 1. 常见描述天气状况的词汇有: rainfall(降雨), snowfall(降雪), storm(暴风雨), sandstorm(沙尘暴 ), temperature(气温 ), bright, clear, fine, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy(有雾的 ), cool, hot, dry, wet, warm, cold, chilly(寒冷的), freezing, frost(霜冻)etc. 2. 谈论天气常用的句型: 1). Asking about the weather(询问天气情况) a). What’s the weather like today?/How is the weather today?/How is it today?今天的天气怎么样? b) How do you like our weather? 你知道我们这儿的天气怎么样? c). Is the weather always like this? 天气总是这样吗? d). Is it always as cold as this? 天气总是这样冷吗?


2012届高三英语二轮专题复习----七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) Are you truly happy? 1 These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life. ● Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you h appy.Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value. ●Surround yourself with happy people. 2 On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious. ●When something goes wro ng, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity.Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor. ● 3 These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness. ● 4 You can treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance.Then you will be subconsciously(下意识地)putting yourself in a better mood. ●Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness.Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy. ●Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness. 5 A.It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way.B.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. C.Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? D.It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. E.Is true happiness hard to reach for most of us? F.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. G.Speak your trouble out to your close friends openly. (2) You can never be too sure these days in the United States of your neighbours or even your customers!


高考英语复习备考方案 我们高三年级即将进入了第一轮复习。那么究竟应该怎样充分利用时间,高效地完成复习任务,全面梳理知识点呢?下面我针对本年级学情,谈谈我的复习备考方案以及实施的效果和其间出现的问题。 一.学情分析 根据学生的反映以及几次考试的情况分析,当前学生所面临的问题如下: 1.多选题失分多,说明词汇掌握不牢不准,同时也有读不懂句子意思的因素。 2.文章读不动,说明词汇量不够,阅读理解能力差。 3.完成句子得分低,说明句法意识欠缺。 4.答题时间不够,说明缺乏训练。 二.复习方案 这一阶段是单元同步复习阶段,也就是以教材为本,以考试说明、新课标为指导开展的复习。它是整个高三复习的必要阶段,直接影响着学生是否能够构建系统的知识网络,并完成从知识到能力的顺利迁移。时间较长,内容较细。 1.词汇方面:按模块分单元复习,归纳总结各单元重点词汇,短语及句型。在 单元复习的同时注重整个高中相关知识的链接。力求做到由点到面,由浅入深,循序渐进,把原来分散在各单元中的词汇、知识点加以梳理、归纳,构筑完整的中学英语知识体系;再以题型为线索,掌握答题方法和技巧,完成由知识记忆向能力运用的成功过渡,为语言运用能力的形成和提升打好词汇基础。以复习材料《高考365》为基础,适当增加相关内容。 2.语法方面:穿插分类进行语法复习。先句法后词法。首先让学生掌握英语的 基本句子结构,对英语语法学习的系统有一个初步的了解。然后再根据每单元的语法要求系统的复习每一个语法项目,使学生对于英语语法学习能够形成自己的知识体系。以复习材料《高考365》为基础,根据高考以学生的实际掌握情况,做出适当的删减。 3. 在掌握基础词汇和语法的同时,穿插写作和阅读方面的练习,写作训练从简 单句开始,到并列句、复合句,到措辞技巧,再到段落、篇章循序渐进地进行。 4. 在对课本基础知识进行复习的基础上,利用周练和月考的机会,对已复习过 的知识进行检测,及时查漏补缺,巩固和提高。并每个单元的重点词汇及短语进行考查。 三.复习效果及存在的问题 通过高二期末的复习,一部分同学找到了感觉,尤其是完成句子,正在逐步形成句法观,词汇也得到了一定程度的巩固,部分同学对英语学习有了信心。但问题也很突出: 1. 复习速度慢,课拉不动。一个早自习复习一个单元的词汇完不成,语言点、 句型最少两节课,课时训练一节课,两单元一次测试,评讲两节课,一周充其量能复习完两个单元。 2. 该记的内容记得慢,忘得快,复习的效率不高。好不容易复习完一个项目, 前面的又忘了。


2018届高考英语二轮复习专题 mother died ____ hungry and cold Afrom,of Bof,from Cfrom,from Dofof 6 If you run ____ two hares you will catch neither Ainto Bafter Coff D out of 7 This is a mon mistake ____ students A between Bover C among D about 8 My father began to work ____ a bus driver when he was twenty years old Afor Bto Cat Das 9 _____ hearing the news, I was wild ____ joy A At, in B On, with C After, by D /, over 10I don’ t think Xiao Li is ____ the other students ____ mathematics A after, on B after, with C behind, in D behind, at 11 Nobody knows it ____ me A except for B except that C besides D but 12 The windois never opened ____ in summer A but B except C except for D but for 13 It happened ____ the Long March A during Bin Cat Dfor 14 We go to school ____ a bike Ain Bon Cby Dove 15 It’s very kind____ you to repair the bike ____ me Aforfor Bof,of Cof,forDfor,of 16 Fresh air is good ____ your health Aat Bfor Cof Dto 17The boy is waiting ____ his sister and they will go to


高三英语一轮复习方案 一、主要任务:认真研读高考评价体系,注重知识的横向联系,避免单一性,做到以点带面,点面结合,有效地突破重点、难点,由浅入深,循序渐进,把原来分散在各单元中的知识点加以梳理、归纳,构筑完整的英语知识体系。1、复习模块1-8,共24个单元的词和句子; 2、掌握基本的语法规则可以自然表达自己的意思。二、目标达成:夯实基础,梳理知识,查漏补缺,系统归纳与提高。1、模块复习目标:①能够将课标词汇音、形(含各种变形)、意烂熟于心,掌握其重要用法,并能在不同语境中灵活运用;②能够掌握教材中的重点句型,并能正确、灵活运用;③能够辨析易混词、短语、句型并且正确使用。2、语法复习目标:①掌握各项语法的基本概念及用法;②熟练掌握并能够在不同语境中灵活运用各项语法功能。 3、能力目标:①重视基础知识的正确、灵活运用;②重视并坚持听力、阅读、写作训练。三、复习进度:原则上每大周复习两个单元的重点词汇和句型;每大周复习一项语法(重点班及以上班级任务)。考纲3500词汇书复习同步进行。具体如下:周计划:周一:复习上周知识+习题讲解+ 词汇验收。周二:复习早读任务+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周三:复习周二知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周四:复习周三知识+语法+词汇验收。周五:复习周四知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周六:复习周五知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。注:各班级结合各自情况做微调。四、每周作业安排:1.每单元英语测试卷一张,教

师全批改。2.单元周周清一张,教师做好查缺补漏。3.听力训练每隔一天进行一次,时间是晚饭后。五、目标达成的保障:1、抓基础、重应用、强化词句的积累和运用。 要求学生重视并充分利用每单元学案、课本上的重点词汇、短语和句型,以及每单元的综合训练,认真对其辨析、总结和归纳,查漏补缺,坚持积累,最重要的是能够在合适的语境中正确、灵活地运用。保证课堂高效。2、抓课堂、重效率、要求学生紧跟老师的节奏。一轮复习是将重点知识提炼,容量大,速度快。所以,学生的思路必须时时刻刻跟随着老师的思路,要快速地用脑思,用心听、用嘴说,用手写,才能达到高效。课下及时、反复复习,巩固课上成果。同时,高三的每节课都进行习题讲评,除了听知识讲解,老师更需要传授解题思路和方法指导。总之,课堂是第一主阵地。只有抓住课堂,才能抓住高考!3、抓自习、重过程、增强得分的意识。学案都是在规定的时间内完成,重视规范的做题步骤,重视思考过程。更重要的是,做完题后要对做过的题目进行反思、整理。大量的、甚至可能是枯燥的训练是做题速度和准确度的保证。希望老师要保证所有同学从每套题中都获得最大收获。4、抓阅读、重反思、全面提高成绩。得阅读者得天下。阅读是强化英语思维的最佳途径之一。一轮复习中,重视基础知识的同时,要坚持阅读训练,促进英语成绩的整体提高。5、抓时间,重效果,扎实做好每个复习环节。一轮复习时间紧,任务重,需要同学们充分抢抓时间,利用时间,紧跟复习进度。同时,重视复习效果,做到做一件事,有一点收获。英语成绩的进步并非一蹴而就,

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习 精选资料集合完形填空22

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习精选资料集合完形填空(22)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Dahlia was running around the house screaming and crying. “I hate her! I hate her! I will _1__ play with her again!” Finally, her steps slowed. __2__ she told her father what had happened. He listened attentively. __3__ she stopped, he asked, “Is there __4__ else?” Dahlia added more details and began __5__ bitterly again. Father listened. When Dahlia _6__ talking, he said, “It must __7__ to be made fun of like this by y our best friend Tina.” Dahlia __8__ her father embraced(拥抱) and support as she cried __9__ more in his arms. Then as __10__ as the storm of tears began, she was finished. She got up and __11__ announced, “Daddy, did you know that tomorrow Tina and I are going together to the beach? We are __12__ a log house there with Adam and Tom, I will tell Tina before we go that I __13__ ruin her work again, and I’m sure she will be __14__ to me.” Why was this encounter (sudden meeting) so successful? How did Dahlia __1 5__ her upset so completely and realize her responsibility in the matter __16__ her own? There were three main parts in her father’s reaction that __17__: (A) Attention (B) Respect (C) Trust. He gave his daughter __18__ attention and took her seriously as she __19__ her feelings. He respected her by not coming with words of wisdom, advice or help. He validated(证实)the feeling she __20__. And he trusted her to do and say what she needed in order to lead herself toward resolution of her emotions. 1. A. hardly B. seldom C. ever D. never 2. A. so B. but C. and D. then 3. A. Before B. When C. While D. Since 4. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 5. A. crying B. shouting C. talking D. saying 6. A. kept B. started C. stopped D. hated 7. A. hurt B. ache C. injure D. wound 8. A. got B. received C. accepted D. admitted 9. A. many B. some C. any D. no 10. A. soon B. quickly C. suddenly D. fast 11. A. surprisingly B. angrily C. sadly D. cheerfully 12. A. building B. buying C. making D. repairing 13. A. shouldn’t B. won’t C. daren’t D. can’t 14. A. polite B. cruel C. rude D. nice 15. A. get over B. get away C. get along D. get through 16. A. for B. on C. by D. of 17. A. did B. followed C. went D. worked 18. A. full B. incomplete C. half D. undivided 19. A. sent out B. threw out C. put out D. poured out 20. A. expressed B. showed C. hid D. strengthened


高三英语复习计划方案 一、指导思想 面向全体学生,打好共同的语言能力基础。《牛津高中英语·学生用书》根据高中学生认知能力、情感态度的特点和国家对人才培养的需求,在义务教育英语课程学习的基础上,进一步发展学生的基本 语言运用能力,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,努力培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力,使每位 高中学生都具有基本的英语语言素养,为未来发展和终身学习创设平台和条件。同时,教师应采用启发式,创造性教学方式,运用多样化的教学方法和生动活泼的教学活动进行复习,鼓励学生动脑筋,大胆想象,主动参与,动手实践。并应该根据学生特点,有目的、有计划有组织地对学生所学的知识进行和复习,以便对今年的高考做好充分的准备。 二、情况分析 1.教材情况 《牛津高中英语·学生用书》分必修模块和选修模块。必修模块重视全体学生的共同基础,强调基础知识和基本语言能力的训练。选修模块给学生提供多种选择,以满足不同学生的发展需求,为每个 学生创造自主选择和自我发展的机会。《牛津高中英语·学生用书》介绍外国文化的同时宣传中国文化,并把所导入的中外文化内容和学生所学的语言内容密切联系起来。语言材料涉及中外的历史、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术和价值观念等。与以往不

同,根据08年高考英语学科要求、词汇量应达到3500词,比07年多1000词。 2.学生情况 本届学生共401人,大部分同学基础较差,同时缺乏良好的学习习惯和学习方法,导致英语成绩不是很理想,甚至部分同学对学习英语已失去信心,感觉前途无望,完全放弃了英语的学习,必须充分调动他们的主动性和积极性,提高他们的英语成绩。但另一部分学生对英语学习的兴趣较高,对这部分同学,就应当给予鼓励,以取得更好的成绩。从历年期末平均成绩与区平均来看,差距比较大。虽然每次都排在区前几名,但与黄埭、陆慕平均成绩相距甚远。原因有几个方面:一方面,学生基础相对较差,中考入校成绩很低;其次,学生学习能力低下,在理解和接受能力上都不是很理想,甚至8、9班部分同学未能通过学业水平测试,在高三刚刚开学期间就有退学的念头。在高二期末统考中,英语学科及格率很低,只有一位同学成绩优秀;第三,部分学生产生厌学、怕学的情绪,自暴自弃;最后,很多学生在学习过程中没有探索精神,怕问、怕想。总体上,很多同学对基本的听说读写掌握欠佳,基础知识不够牢固,做题错误率较高。英语的学习必须靠平时的积累,和广泛的知识,同时要适当的练习,但有些同学不仅缺乏英语知识,而且缺乏课外知识,以致做阅读理解时有很多的困难。由于平时知识不够牢固,语法和改错方面也较薄弱,听力与写作也有待提高。 三、教学进度安排


高三英语复习计划 导读:范文高三英语复习计划 【范文一:高三英语复习计划】 一、指导思想 以教学大纲,考试说明为依据,以新课程标准为准绳,以人教版新教材为依托和基础,我们制定全面的、科学的、系统的、针对性强的复习计划,来充分提高我校学生的英语基础水平。并且密切关注今年的高考动态,联系学生的实际情况,充分发挥学生潜能,学生非智力因素,调动学生学习积极性,扎扎实实抓好双基,通过综合训练,培养学生运用知识的能力,努力提高学生的综合素质和解题技巧,以适应新的高考形式和要求。 二、情况分析 由于我们现在的学生大部分属于艺术生范畴,由于高二下半年提早安排了高三的第一轮复习,现在高三上学期已经开始了第二轮复习。本届学生虽然已经经过完成了高三第一轮复习,但情况仍不容乐观,基础不够扎实,完形填空,阅读理解和书面表达等综合能力堪忧,且相当一部分学生不重视英语,所以在对学生全面强化督促的同时,如

何抓好基础,强化针对性,有的放矢提高讲和练的方法及效益,成为专项与整体复习中的一大挑战。 三、总体安排 第一轮复习:本学期完成高中的语法系统复习,并结合课文知识点进行复习,且进行词汇复习,为第二阶段复习打好基础。资料采用《高考调研》及其配套练习。 第二轮复习:自行粘贴阅读文章,加强阅读能力的培养。同时对学生进行语法专项技巧的指导。后阶段加强综合训练,全面提高学生的解题能力以及思维能力。 第三轮复习:查漏补缺,挖掘学生能力。 四、教学安排与措施 1、安排好课本复习。高三英语与总复习有一定的关系,教材丰富,信息量大,具有较强的实用性和交际性,语篇数量增多,词汇量也明显增加,是提高学生阅读能力的好材料。课文教学速度加快,课文用两课时分析篇章结构,中心思想等。主要让学生自己分析,老师从旁指导。普通班学习《高考调研》。

高考英语二轮专题总复习 单项选择精选(二)

高考英语二轮专题总复习单项选择精选(二) 1. The appearance of Yao Ming and T-Mac has_____ the fans of a sure victory for the Huston Rocket in the coming NBA contest. A. accused B. expected C. convinced D. persuaded 2. She put some soil in the box, then sowed the seeds carefully, and covered it with more soil. _______ she kept the box in the shade. A. First B. Finally C. Generally D. gradually 3.. The workmen made so much _____ that Mrs. Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards. A. trouble B. damage C. mess D. nuisance 4.. They have held several meetings to _____ next year's production plans. A. set down B. make out C. work up D. draw up 5. How can we get this language point _____ to the students. A. down B. round C. across D. into 6.. This book gives a brief _____ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall. A. outline B. reference C. article D. outlook 7.. Dress warmly, _____ you'll catch cold. A.on the contrary B.or rather C. or else D. in no way 8. Kate's ambition to become a nurse _____ from a desire to help others. A. prompted B. promoted C. programmed D. proceeded 9..The island where these rare birdsnest has been declared a _____. A.observation B.reservation C. preservation D.conservation 10.. Although John was the eldest in the family, he always let his sister _____ charge of the house. A. take B. hold C. make D. get 11.At the age of twenty Steve left his hometown, _____ to return without making his mark. A. determining not B. not determined C. determined not D. not determining 12. The captain determined to be with the ship forever and never _____ to disappointment even when the ship sank. A. gave off B. gave over C. gave way D. gave up 13.. The child enjoyed _____ up the wooden bricks then knocking them down. A. adding B. pushing C. piling D. forming 14.It isn't quite _____ that he will be present at the meeting. A. sure B. right C. exact D. certain 15. Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. A. opportunities B.realities C.necessities D. probabilities 16.. The members of the club wouldn't run a _____ in entrusting(委托) the organization to an unreliable person. A. danger B. risk C. hazard D. chance 17.. The meeting was _____ when the chairman fell ill.



高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解(97) 阅读理解 A Goldie's Secret She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. "We're moving house.'; "No space for her any more with the baby coming." "We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present." People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen. I called her Goldie. If I had known what was going to happen I would have given her a more creative name. She was so unsettled during those first few days. She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owner's. But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down. Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire. That's why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk. We were a long way from home, when she started barking and getting very restless. Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could. By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw her licking (舔) the four puppies (幼犬) I


甘肃省庆城县陇东中学20XX届高三英语复习备考方案 科学复习提高质量 一、指导思想和目标 本届高三英语复习的指导思想定为:把握英语教学规律,认真学习和研究《新课程标准》和近三年全国和全国II卷《考试说明》和高考试题,深刻领会双纲精神,明确高考要求,以《考试说明》为依据,以巩固和落实基础知识为中心,以培养读写能力为重点,反对低层次的重复操练,代之以阅读能力培养为主线,突破词汇学习,以“学生自学为主,教师讲解为辅”为方法,认真做好高三英语复习教学,努力提高平均分和上线人数。 坚持“重视基础、突出语篇、强调应用、注重实际”的原则,以课本为依托,以《新课程标准》和《考试说明》为依据,循序渐进,知能并重,全面提高以读和写为重点,侧重阅;读能力的英语综合运用能力的提高;以语言运用能力为主导,重视对知识与技能、情感与态度、价值观及综合人文素养等多维目标的引导,把握语言学习的本质,以一个中心(阅读),两个基本点(知识和技能)为主线,实施三轮次复习,四线并进(阅读、写作、语法、词汇)的策略。 二、主要措施 1. 树立“四为主”意识。 没有思想,就没有行动;没有正确和先进的思想,就没有正确的行动,甚至造成严重的失误。我们要有强烈的“四为主”意识,即:教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线,思维为主攻。不仅要考虑复习什么、怎么复习,而且更要研究学生怎么学,如何调动学生的积极性,特别要把学生的主体地位落到实处。在备课、上课、作业布置和批改、课余辅导、命题和阅卷各个环节以及材料选择中都要充分考虑大部分学生的实际。及时,认真做好小组备课,根据不同的教学(复习)内容、不同的教学(复习)阶段,制订不同的教法和学法,根据教情和学情进行教学。 2.树立正确的英语教材观。 对现行教材和复习材料要精心选择,删除重复和不必要的,增加符合语言规律的材料,并且要及时供应、不间断。要充分认识到教材只是一种载体,要充分、合理地利用教材但不拘泥于教材来全面培养学生的听说读写译的能力,使学生能灵活运用这门语言。 3.认真贯彻执行年级要求,服从安排听指挥
