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2011级工公英语2班: Quiz details 图例:Right or marked by instructor Wrong

A. The man's wife heads the mobile phone division.

B. The man's wife is up for the next promotion.

C. The man's wife wasn't promoted.

D. The man's wife promoted someone with more experience. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage.


A. To gain access to the person's money.

B. To make up fake IDs.

C. To use another person's identity.

D. To get a social security number.

Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage.


A. Another person has the woman's card.

B. The new card may bring some trouble.

C. The new card is really easy to use.

D. Another person is pretending to be the woman. Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage.


A. Dealing with real people at the bank.


A. His teacher has spoken about his subject.

B. His teacher will give the man a good grade.

C. The man has responded to his teacher's comments.

D. The man has shown interest in his subject.


A. Give him a good grade.

B. Respond to his questions.

C. Comment upon what he says.

D. Show interest in his topic.


A. Friendly.

B. Easy.

C. Personal.

D. Quick.


A. A classroom.

B. A post office.

C. A phone company.

D. A friend's home.

________ in other ways.

A. payable

B. respectful

C. grateful

D. rewarding

4.I'm in no ________ this evening to listen to popular music.

A. feeling

B. attitude

C. mood

D. tendency

5.He is one of the most ________ singers in his country.

A. preferred

B. known

C. favorable

D. popular

6.Jack will ________ his nervousness once he's in front of the


A. get away

B. get off

C. get through

D. get over

7.I didn't know what to do but then an idea suddenly ________

to me.

A. happened

B. entered

C. occurred

D. hit

8.He has been ________ of murdering the Japanese visitor.

A. blamed

B. charged

C. accused

D. arrested

9.We've ________ salt. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some.

A. run away with

B. run down

C. run off

D. run out of

10.Regardless ________ his appearance, he is innocent.

A. to

B. in

C. of

D. for

11.________, I've decided to travel by sea, as it is obviously

cheaper and more comfortable.

A. At second thought

B. On second thought

C. In second thought

D. From second thoughts

12.Nobody knows the age of the earth ________ certain.

A. by

B. in

C. with

D. for

13.The government is believed to be considering ________ a law

making it a crime to import any kind of weapon.

A. to pass

B. have passes

C. passed

D. passing

14.________ half way through the exercise, the teacher changed

his mind and collected all our papers.

A. When only

B. Being only

C. When we were only

D. Having been

15.Austin did not have time to go to the concert last night

because she was so busy ________ her trip to America.

A. to have prepared for

B. to prepare for

C. preparing for

D. being prepared for

16.The capital gathers in many of the elite (精英) of China, yet

some cannot ________ their talents into full play because of

the fierce competition.

A. carry

B. bring

C. hold

D. take

17.Some newly-married couples think that it will give them a

sense of achievement to properly rear a child and to see him or

her ________ to be a useful person.

A. fall out

B. turn out

C. carry out

D. take out

18.Universities are being given job ________ by companies and

individuals and set out to approve their reliability and

reputation before accepting service requests.

system. There are some other countries with economies stuck

in 4.

5. 6.

information superhighway a reality, some concrete steps need

to be taken to get the 7.

For instance, Hungary has 8.

by allowing the sale of 30% of its own National telephone company to Western companies. Another Western

non-domestic company has also been given a(n) 10.

operate an advanced 11.12.


Most industry experts 14.

the wrong steps. They say that the country is trying to take


mobile phones use the most modern technology. This

technology is simply too 16.

however hope to both have an information technology

advantage 17.


make further investment in the near future, they will not have to spend money later. By going for next-generation technology

now, Vietnamese officials also say they'll be able to keep 20.

During the first half of the nineteenth century much thought was given to building the Panama Canal. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 brought an increased demand for a transportation link across Panama. A railroad line was completed after six years of hard labor in the swamps (沼泽) and jungles. Over two thousand workmen died from yellow fever and malaria (疟疾). In 1881 a French organization tried to build a canal across the Isthmus (巴拿马地峡). For eleven years workmen struggled against heat and disease. At least 15,000 died before the French gave up their attempts to build the canal. For years the abandoned machinery lay in the jungles. At the close of the Spanish-American War the United States bought a strip of land ten miles wide across the Isthmus. Immediate attention was given to the control of diseases. In two years yellow fever was completely eliminated. Because of the work of American medical heroes, it was possible to build the splendid Panama Canal.

1.Prior to the successful completion of the Panama Canal,


A. France bought a strip of land across the Isthmus of Panama

B. Malaria was wiped out as a killer disease

C. one country failed in its attempts to build a canal

D. American doctors were honored for their work

2.The building of the Panama Canal represents ________.

A. man's unyielding desire for progress

B. man's unceasing thirst for danger

C. man's ability to resist disease

D. man's spirit of invention

3.What was given priority by the United States?

A. Buying a strip of land.

B. Starting the building the canal immediately.

C. the prevention of illness.

D. the Spanish-American War.

4.The author presents details according to ________.

A. order of importance

B. spatial (空间的) order

C. simple listing

D. time order

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The elimination of yellow fever.

B. The discovery of gold in California.

C. The efforts recorded in the building of the Panama Canal.

D. The work of American medical heroes.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

At one time a traveler could learn about a region by looking at the houses. For example, he or she could understand what building materials were available. In areas with many wood houses, the traveler would have guessed that there were nearby forests. Stone houses would have indicated that stones were easy to get. However, a closer look at the houses would have told the traveler even more about the area.

People used to build houses that fitted the climate of their areas. For example, in desert regions there is a big difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures. Therefore, many desert

people built houses with very thick walls. These thick walls served a

useful purpose in the houses. For example, in the winter the thick walls absorbed the sun's warmth during the day and radiated the heat at night. Desert people were relatively comfortable in their homes, or residences, at all times because they built them to fit the desert climate.

Then the supply of fuel for electricity became both cheap and easy to get. The effect on housing was immediate. People began to build their homes according to fashion instead of utility. Houses no longer reflected the availability of building materials or climate.

Houses with steep roofs could be found in the tropics, the warm regions of the Earth, even though these pointed roofs originated in snowy regions of the world. Heavy snow falls off a slanted (歪斜的) roof. Another example is the use of glass. Houses made almost completely of glass could be found in very cold places. Yet ordinary glass does not insulate (绝缘) well because it neither keeps out cold air nor keeps in warm air. As long as fuel was cheap and easy to get, people could build any type of house any place.

6.What are two things that a traveler could learn about an area

by looking at the houses?

A. The climate is poor and so are the people living in it.

B. The climate in the area and the kind of building materials

easy for the people to reach.

C. There is a forest nearby and they are on the top of a


D. They are near a house and its owner is not there at the


7.The main idea of Paragraph 1 is that ________.

A. wood is a forest product

B. there are no stones in forests

C. houses used to tell about a region

D. people used to travel to learn about houses


《计算机网络》中英文对照 Chapter 1 End system P28 端系统 Modem P29 调制解调器(俗称:猫) Base station P29 基站 Communication link P30 通信链路 Physical media P30 物理介质 Coaxial cable P30 同轴电缆 Fiber optics P30 光纤 Radio spectrum P30 射频频谱 Transmission rate P30 传输速率 Packets P30 (数据)包,或分组 Routers P30 路由器 Link-layer switches P30 链路层交换机 Path P30 路径 ISP (Internet Service Provider) P30 网络服务提供商 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) P31 传输控制协议 IP ( Internet Protocol) P31 网际协议 Intranets P31 内网 API (Application Programming Interface) P32 应用程序编程接口Network edge P35 网络边缘 Access Networks P38 接入网 Ethernet P42 以太网 Network core P48 网络核心 Circuit Switching P50 电路转换 Packet Switching 分组交换 FDM (frequency-division multiplexing) P50 频分多路复用 TDM (time-division multiplexing) P50 时分多路复用 Statistical Multiplexing 统计复用 Store-and-forward 存储转发 Queuing delays P53 排队延迟 Transmission delay P60 传输延迟,或发送延迟 Propagation delay P60 传播延迟 Throughput P59 吞吐量 Internet backbone P57 骨干网 Delay P59 延迟,或时延 Loss P59 丢包 Packet-Switched Network P59 分组交换网络 Nodal processing delay P60 节点处理延迟 End-to-end delay P66 端到端延迟 Instantaneous throughput P68 瞬时吞吐量


知之、乐之、好之进而迷之 诚如斯言:“知之者不如乐之者,乐之者不如好之者。”可我还要进一步补充的是:“好之者不如迷之者”。孩子们能在幼儿期间知、乐、好、迷的游戏中去探索、去发现、去学习、去交往,让幼儿自然、全面、有序、和谐的发展。这就是我认为的高效课堂追求的境界。 一、师生和谐构建高效课堂 教育家巴特尔说:“教师的爱是滴滴雨露,即使枯萎的心灵也能苏醒,教师的爱是融融春风,即使冰冻的情感也会消融。”因此一个让幼儿喜爱的教师首先应该是一个爱幼儿的教师,这种爱不是一种静态的爱,而是一种流动的、浸润在日常言行中的能让幼儿感受到的爱。 首先,要热爱幼儿、关心幼儿、了解幼儿。能真正的深入幼儿中去。只有让幼儿喜欢你了,接受你了,才能更有效地开展教学活动。 其次,教师幽默的性格,绘声绘色的语言和恰到好处的肢体动作,也是教师组织活动时不可缺少的人格魅力。活动中事无巨细,要关注每一个环节,每一个细节,努力让幼儿从一接触你,一接触你的教学活动,直到结束你的所有教学活动过程为止,都喜欢你的活动。 一个让幼儿喜爱的教师还应该是一个贴心的、具有个人魅力的教师,是一个用自己的爱心感动幼儿、用自己的贴心感染幼儿、用自己的言行折服幼儿的教师。 课堂是儿童自我发展和实现的“苗圃”,儿童就是“苗圃”中的生命体,而我们教师则是“园林师”。关注生命体成长,使其在和谐自由的环境中获得心灵的滋养是我们“园林师”的职责所在。 二、培养注意力,激发学习兴趣,构建高效课堂 1.游戏活动为构建高效课堂注入不竭动力 我国著名学前教育家陈鹤琴先生曾说过:“游戏是儿童的心理特征,游戏是儿童的工作,游戏是儿童的生命。” 由此可见,积极深入的学习研究幼儿园游戏课程,为构建高效的课堂寻求一条科学的游戏课程实施方案,是幼儿园发展的必经之路。 2.环境创设为构建高效课堂奠定坚实基础 儿童与环境的互动过程是教师了解儿童的主要途径。只有在观察儿童的基础上创设和改变环境,在尊重儿童的基础上给予适当的帮助,支持引导儿童与环境积极互动,才能让儿童获取更多新的认知经验“让环境说话”说的不是成人的话,


新视野大学英语4网络答案 【篇一:新视野大学英语第二册第4册网络试题答案】ts. d. ones special abilities. 4. b. the man never thinks about acting. c. many people dont like acting. d. many people think the mans a good actor. 5. b. the man hasnt taught the woman anything. c. the woman is proud of winning the race. d. the woman believes she is a loser. 6. b. they are well-paid. c. they work outside homes. d. they have good jobs. 7. b. father and daughter. c. husband and wife. a. mother and son. a. they have rights. a. the man doesnt think second place is good. a. the man is a professional actor. c. the history of war. d. a battle station. 2. b. in 1978. c. in 1983. d. in 2005. 3. a. the last group of episodes coming out before the first group. b. a man, like the one in the movie, who wears a black suit. c. a battle station that has the ability to destroy a planet. d. a group of movies that seems confusing to peopl e. 4. b. han solo. c. princess leia. d. luke skywalker. 5. b. the man is exciting. c. the man likes star wars. a. the man was influenced by star wars. a. darth vader. a. in 1999.



论网络英语教学资源的利用 1.机遇与挑战同在 现在,网络英语教学网站数量之多,内容之丰富让不少学校和教师都跃跃欲试,试图将网站上的英语教学移入课堂。网络英语教学的号召力可以给学校带来许多好处,比如,生源迅速增加,大大缓解优秀教师师资不足的压力,同时,多媒体网络给学生提供了一个真实的英语学习环境,提高了学生的学习兴趣。在交互式网络教室里,学生能自由地表达观点,这就大大提高了学生口语和书面表达能力。 然而,网络英语课堂给我们带来的挑战是不言而喻的。各种问题会扑面而来,给教学的顺利进行造成很大压力。我们许多教师却对此估计不足。看来我们必须赶在开展网络英语教学的尝试之前,对网络英语课堂这一新课题在诸方面给我们带来的挑战进行全面而深入的讨论,使其能够尽快地成为英语教学的有效手段。 2.对教师的挑战 网络英语教学是建筑在以“学”为中心的新理念上的一种学习模式。它的主要特点就是每个学生在教师的指导下,选择适合自己的内容,按照适合自己的节奏学习。有人将这种方式归纳为五个“任何”式,即“任何学习者可以在任何时间、任何地点,选择网络上的任何课程中的任何章节进行学习”。因此教师将自己的角色由“教”而转变为“咨询、指导”就显得十分重要。 但是,我们多数的教师对电脑知之不多,更不用说英特网和英语教学网站了。因此教师们显得信心不足,他们在网络课堂里失去了权威性和安全感。即便是那些有电脑和网络经验的教师也缺乏网络课堂教学的有效方法,生往往只是在电脑上点击这个,点击那个,除了了解了一些信息之外,我们很难说学生真正学到了什么语言知识。 这实际上暴露了网络英语的一个既是优点又是缺点的问题,即网站太多,网络上内容和信息的过于丰富刺激了学习者的浮躁感。他们总是期待着发现更好的,更适合自己兴趣和特点的网站和语言活动去不停地做网站搜索,而不愿静下心来把一个


[A] Alphamosic Graphics字母镶嵌图形Active Directory动态目录 ADSI动态目录服务接口Autosizing自动调整大小Anonymous FTP 匿名文件传输Access Control 访问控制 ARP地址解析协议 API 应用程序界面 ACL 访问控制表 Attenuation 衰减 ARP 地址解析协议 Adapter 适配器 Average seek time 平均寻道时间Authorization 授权,认证 Adapter 适配器 A3D 3D定位音效技术 Acrobat Adobe阅读软件 AC97 音响数字/模拟转换 ACL 访问控制表 A3D Aureal声音技术 ATAPI AT附件包接口 aliasing 混淆 utoexec.bat 自动批处理文件API 应用程序设计接口 ASP服务器开发专用脚本 ADSL 非对称数字用户线路 AVI 影音文件 ADSL 非对称数字用户环线 Algorithm 算法 Alpha DEC公司微处理器 Authorwsre Authorware 多媒体创作软件AMI BIOS BIOS基本输入/输出系统AGP 加速图形接口 Aactive matrix 动态矩阵 Aactive Network 动态网络Authentication and Authorization 鉴别与授权 Auditing 审计,计审 At Work Architecture,Microsoft Microsoft 的At Work体系结构 [B] BISDN宽带综合业务数字网 BRI基本速率接口 BIS商务信息系统 Bundled Software捆绑软件 Bluetooth蓝牙 Back Door 后门


Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题: 分) Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

discount assoon feature confront indicate superwise fasennate stimilading fertige alert dereation review asemble insure confire

A. The woman has an angel. B. The woman is a new mother. C. The woman is perfect. D. The woman is like a baby. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. The baby has to worry a lot about little accidents. B. The man has baby-proofed his home. C. An unsafe home is good for a baby. D. The woman is more worried about her baby. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog. 3. A. People are more similar than different. B. Chinese people seem different to Americans. C. Chinese people are very different from Americans. D. People all around the world try to be honest. Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage or dialog. 4. A. The sound of languages. B. The singing in different countries. C. The Chinese way of speaking.


网络环境下的英语教学 网络环境下的英语教学在这以计算机和网络通讯为核心的教育时代,网络在社会各个领域中得到了广泛的应用。同样在教育教学中网络环境也起了很重要的作用。因为网络环境在综合处理和控制符号、语言、文字、声音、图像等方面具有高超的能力,可使抽象的难以理解的知识具体化、实物化,从而化难为易。在教育教学中,正确合理地应用网络环境协作式学习、探究式学习、多维互动式学习研究可以更有效地提升课堂教学效果。就这一问题作了一些探讨。一、网络环境的定义网络环境是指将分布在不同地点的多个多媒体计算机物理上互联,依据某种协议互相通信,实现软、硬件及其网络文化共享的系统。环境总是与一定的空间或范围有关,有大有小。从小的角度看,网络环境可以理解为“学习者在追求学



互联网背景下的英语学习 一.语言与文化之水乳交融 文化一词,含义极其宽泛。依社会学家和人类学家所言,文化,即一个社会所具有的独特的信仰、习惯、制度、目标和技术的总和,是人类创造的,经由历史积淀的物质和精神财富。语言为水,文化作舟,唇齿相依。Jesperson曾言“Learningaboutthecultureisthehighestpurposeoflanguagelearning.(了解文化是学习语言的最高目的)”。语言孕育了文化,文化又成就了语言的表达方式和内容的发展与丰富。语言是人类社会进化的产物,是该民族文化的重要体现。表达方式因人而异,语言的使用却有其一定的规则可循。 不同国家、不同地域的文化,因为各自异彩纷呈的鲜明个性必然会有所区别甚至大相径庭。“己所欲,施于人”是人类语言交流过程中的一种倾向性,人们总是习惯于以自己的表达方式诠释对方的话语,以至于对对方的话语得出不恰当的结论,进而产生文化碰撞。交谈双方若不能就所谈内容达到绝对的认同,误解或歧义随之而来。语法的错误显而易见,语用失误则不尽然。语法错误纵然令人不快,却不会被归结为粗鲁或敌意。

二.互联网之异军突起 英语,作为大不列颠王国的母语,在全球的扩张,皆因历史上大不列颠殖民强权和现而今美利坚合众国经济强权。互联网在我国乃至世界以迅雷不及掩耳之势飞速普及,其触角业已伸展到日常生活中衣食住行的方方面面。毫无疑问,互联网已成为当今世界影响面最广、时效性最强的媒体。而互联网自诞生之日起,和英语的关系就是血脉相连、浑然一体。美国学者海斯科拉在《因特网上的文化霸权》一文中写道,世界上90%的网站是一以英文注册,网络的搜索引擎更是英语的天下。以google为例,输入汉字“大学”出现的字条是11亿8千万,而输入“uni-versity”出现的字条为21亿9千万,天壤之别一目了然。 宛若一夜之间,地球之上芸芸众生都被internet这张无形的大网所裹挟,疏而不漏却又无所遁形。英语教学,作为传播英语言文化的前沿阵地,将互联网的优势与英语结合,责无旁贷。 三.英语教学之文化碰撞 语言,人际交往的重要手段。语言的表达作用,贯穿语言活动始终。不同的地域滋养了不同的文化,人们对外界事物的看法和认识注定会因文化相异而不同,最终带来了千差万别的思维模式。西方文化


1. A. The woman is a talented singer and impressed the man. B. The man would like to go to a talent show. C. The man liked the show better than the woman. D. The woman had no interest in the show at all. 2. A. He feels he isn't good enough. B. He feels he isn't a kid anymore. C. He can't make it on the 12th. D. He doesn't like trying. 3. A. One's own values. B. One's hard work. C. One's personal contacts. D. One's special abilities.

4. A. The man is a professional actor. B. The man never thinks about acting. C. Many people don't like acting. D. Many people think the man's a good actor. 5. A. The man doesn't think second place is good. B. The man hasn't taught the woman anything. C. The woman is proud of winning the race. D. The woman believes she is a loser. 6. A. They have rights. B. They are well-paid. C. They work outside homes. D. They have good jobs. 7. A. Mother and son.


网络环境下的中学英语教学 Abstract The 21st century is the information age, it symbolizes that the humanity stride in the epoch. But this time most remarkable characteristic is the network popular and the rapid popularity. The Internet is affecting and is changing people’s study way and the working by the unprecedented speed. With the development of information technology, the Internet is playing a more and more significant role in teaching and learning processes. The traditional Secondary School English teaching course does not provide students with a non-obstruction classroom communication environment. Students’ elaborative faculty has not been well developed. The Internet in secondary school has not been fully used. This paper focuses on the use of the Internet as an educational tool to instruct English teaching and learning in secondary schools. To show both the benefits and limitations and discussed the significance of the new method. Key word: network teaching network environment secondary school English 摘要 21世纪是信息时代,它象征着人类的时代跨越。但是,这一次最显着的特征是网络的迅速流行和普及。互联网正在以前所未有的速度影响和改变人们的学习式和工作方式。随着信息技术的发展,互联网正发挥着越来越重要的作用,互联网正在以前所未有的速度影响和改变人们的学习方式。传统的初中英语教学没有为学生提供一个无障碍的课堂交流环境。学生的思维能力并没有得到很好的开发。网络教学在中学教学中还没有得到充分利用。本文讨论的重点是利用因特网作为一种教育工具,来指导初中英语教学。同时还探讨了这种方法的优点和局限性,并讨论了新方法意义的。 关键词:网络教学网络环境初中英语 一、全面阐述网络教学 1.1网络教学的定义 1.2网络教学的特点 1.3为什么要进行网络教学 1.3.1中外网络教学的现状


英语网络培训会学习心得 英语网络培训会学习心得 今天,葛天中学全体英语老师参加了人教版义务教育教科书网络培训会,通过这次培训活动,使每一位老师在思想和业务理论上都受益匪浅,同时也看到了差距。作为一名面临新课改的英语老师,为了能更好的跟上课改的潮流,适应新的课程改革,要不断的更新自己的教学理念,提高自己的教育教学水平。 上午吴萍老师讲解了阅读方面的问题,新课标对学生的阅读提出了循序渐进的要求,吴老师向我们介绍了阅读课的理解和设计,她建议学生多朗读课文,阅读字数达到四万词,相当于三级水平。吴老师又给出了阅读环节分析:Warming---up pre---reading while---reading and post ---reading 通过这些技巧,有助于我们英语老师在讲阅读课时提高教学效率,把课堂还给学生。培养学生的自主能力,养成良好的习惯和有效的学习方法。 下午庄力老师针对课本实际,对每一个环节都做了深入细致的讲解,解决了很多老师的困惑,真是如沐春风,受益匪浅。 会后,我们全体英语老师召开了一个座谈会,结合我们本校实际和学生状况制定了一系列务实、求真的英语教学方案及策略。 一、加强专业知识学习,做专业型教师。 每个不同年级的学生要规定不同的阅读量。作为一名教师要更爱好学习,充实自己,如果想给学生一碗水,自己必须有一桶水,甚至是

源源不断的活水,所以必须加强专业知识的学习。 二、认真备课,多创设问题情景,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。 备课,备教材,备学生,备好课,是每一位老师的本职工作。听过报告之后,让我们更加认识到备好一节课需要做多个资料的收集,学生学习的积极性不高,教师要想法设法激发学生的兴趣,创设情境,设置层层入扣的游戏,达到“玩与学”相结合的目的,引导学生自主研究的学习,这将是我们以后工作的重中之重。 三、创设情境,多用直观教学。 由于初中生年龄较小,生活经验不丰富,知识范围有限,作为一名英语老师在课堂上需要更生动的表演、丰富的表情,使学生进入一个美丽的童话世界。 四、鼓励学生互相协作,对学生做有效的评价。 英语是一门实践性、操作性很强的学科,新课程核心理念就是参与、合作。通过合作性学习,使学生互相学习帮助,及时有效的评价可以使学生认识自我、树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己的学习过程。五、营造学习英语的氛围,使英语学习成为教师和学生的共同爱好。教师应该在潜心教学中的同时让学生尽可能多的使用英语,达到学以致用,营造浓厚的英语学习氛围,让学生体会英语的语言魅力。 总之,通过这次培训使每一位教师对新课标有了更深一步的理解,令人耳目一新,让我们更进一步理解和感悟了人教版教材编写的真谛,真切的感受到了新课程的精彩,在以后的教学中,转变自己的思维方式,走在英语新课改的最前列。


Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题:1 分) Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17. 注意事项 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. A. The man taking something from her. B. The man stealing from her grandmother. C. The man stealing from his grandmother. D. The man telling his grandmother that she steals. 2. A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society. B. The woman doesn't know what's important in society.


Computer Network Test Paper 1.Who invented IP and some related Internet protocols? B a)Vinton Cerf and Bob Metcalfe b)Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn c)Bob Metcalfe and Ivan Sutherland d)Bob Metcalfe and David Clark 2.In the OSI reference model, 3.The upper layers of the OSI model are, in correct order B a)Session, application, presentation b)Session, presentation, application c)Session, application, presentation, physical d)Application, presentation, session 4.The lower layers of the OSI model are, in correct order D a)physical, system, network, logical b)physical, logical, network, system c)physical, transport, network, data link d)physical, data link, network, transport 5.The Internet Protocol (IP) generally corresponds to which OSI layer? A a)Network (layer three) b)Transport (layer four) c)Data link (layer two) d)Session (layer five) 6.MTU stands for C a)Minimum Transfer Unit b)Minimum Transmission Unit c)Maximum Transmission Unit d)Maximum Transfer Unit 7.What layer of the OSI model is designed to perform error detection functions? B a)Physical b)Data link c)Network d)transport 8.Which of these network devices primarily functions at the OSI Network layer (layer 3)? C


【摘要】全球化时代,英语学习的研究中心已经从学习方法转变到学习者的特征以及在英语学习的过程中学生心理过程的变化上。同时,随着计算机科学技术的发展和网络的普及,互联网快速发展并进入英语学习领域,从而越来越多的人利用网络学习英语。网络为英语学习提供了全新的环境,同时也为不同层次的英语学习提供了丰富的课程资源。网上英语学习资源丰富,可适时交流,学用结合。有效开发和利用网络资源,以促进学生英语语言能力和学习能力的提高,已经成为中学英语课程实施中的重要组成部分。 【关键字】英语自主学习;网络环境;面临的问题;建议 [Abstrac t] Nowadays, the research center of learning English has changed from learning method into the characteristics of learner and the mental process of learning English. At the same time, with the development of computer science, the internet develops quickly and get into the realm of learning English, which form a great impact to traditional learning methods and educational contents, thus more and more people use internet to learn English. The internet provides all new environments for learning English, and also provides abundant course resources for learning English. [Key-words] English self-study; network environment; facing problems ;advice

寓教于乐读“知之者不如好之者 好之者不如乐之者 ”有感

读“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”有感 耒师附小刘爱民 【原文】 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 【译文】 孔子说:“懂得它的人,不如爱好它的人;爱好它的人,又不如以它为乐的人。” 【赏析】 《论语》中的“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”句,主要讲学习的三个层次,以知之者突出好之者,再紧承好之者突出乐之者。这就如同数学中的逻辑推理,层层推进,使说理更加透彻,令人信服。 孔子这句话为我们揭示了一个怎样才能取得好的学习效果的秘密,那就是对学习的热爱。不同的人在同样的学习环境下学习效果不一样,自身的素质固然是一个方面,更加重要的还在于学习者对学习内容的态度或感觉。正所谓“兴趣是最好的老师”,当你对一门科目产生了兴趣之后,自然会学得比别人好。 【感悟】 孔子提到的"乐之者"就是对"它"感兴趣,第一篇《学而》中说,“学而时习之,不亦说乎!”那个“习”字就是要“好之”。如果学生不

感兴趣,也就谈不上喜欢,更谈不上了解了。可见"兴趣是最好的老师"?那么,在语文课堂上如何来激发学生的兴趣呢? 教师是学生学习的引路人。在教学中,培养学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量,关系到语文教学质量的提高,更关系到学生人文素养的熏陶,因此,语文教学一定要注重学生兴趣的激发、培养。这样可以化学生的被动为主动,有了学生的积极配合,更能调动教师的教学热情,达到教学相长的目的。那么如何激发学生学习语文的兴趣,提高学生的语文能力呢? 下面谈谈自己的几点肤浅做法:???? 首先,做个受学生喜爱的好老师。在具备了专业知识的基础上,严格要求自己,处处为学生做典范,尽自己最大的努力,用心去与学生交流,做一个受学生喜爱的老师,这是双方交流的基础。一个美国教育学家作过一次有趣的调查,想了解学生喜欢什么样的老师。结果显示,有如下缺点的老师都不受学生的欢迎:1、经常训人;2、过严;3、情绪不稳定和不好;4、留做不出来的作业;5、没有耐心和同情心;6、不和学生在一起;7、讨厌学生;8、服装不整齐;9、不笑;10、爱说坏话;11、体罚学生;12、不公平;13、一名学生出事,责备大家;14、偏爱;15、教学方法不好;16、不易接近。 如果在教学过程中,注意一些交流上的细节,让自己成为受学生喜爱的老师,可以事半功倍!我平时比较注意与学生的交流,我发现学生的周记是一个很好的交流平台,从学生写第一篇周记开始,无论多忙,我都坚持每个人的每篇周记后面给一段评语,或激励,

新视野网络英语4 8-1

Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. A. People disapprove of it. B. People consider it popular. C. People enjoy it. D. People only like it in movies. 2. A. There is discrimination in hiring. B. Blacks get jobs as cleaners and food servers. C. Black teachers don't have much practice. D. White and Indian teachers get all the jobs. 3. A. He's been using makeup. B. He's changed what he eats. C. He's on a diet. D. He refuses to use makeup.

A. The man is old. B. The man was in the Olympics. C. The man is very special. D. The man is quite a runner. Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations(每小题: 1 分; 满分:4 分) (In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.) 小 题 得 分 对 错 学生答案Correct 1.1 A 2.1 A 3.1 B 4.1 A Subtotal: 4 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.


疫情下小学网络英语教学方法 2020年的新冠疫情影响着各行各业,我们的教学当然也要开启一个新的教学模式。随着互联网技术的普及,电脑使用已经深入到学校和家庭。但是,作为语言教学的英语,在网络教学上却发展缓慢,我们教师仍旧习惯于传统的教学模式,对网络英语教学研究不多。因此,在当前这种情况下,教师教学需要结合小学生的学习特点,更新教学理念,最大化网络给教学带来的便利性和开放性,引导学生科学合理利用网络学习,提高小学英语课堂教学水平。 一、中小学英语教学的特点 (一)激发学生的英语学习兴趣。 兴趣是最好的老师。小学生的年龄特点,正是贪玩的时候,所以对于英语的学习,小学生无所谓喜欢还是不喜欢,总之是要比语文、数学等更难一些的,因为我们目前还无法创建一种更加优化的英语学习氛围。所以小学生对英语的学习,更多的是兴趣,培养小学生的兴趣,他们就会喜欢学习。很显然,那种灌输式的教学,学生是不喜欢的。因此,英语教学就是要符合小学生的身心和成长特点,培养学生的兴趣,激发学生们的好奇心,进而让他们喜欢学习英语、爱好学习英语。 (二)运用多种教学方式教学。

由于小学生年龄的特点,他们对语言中的一些抽象性的东西认 识较低,他们的抽象思维还不够发达。所以在教学中,不能简单的 进行语言的灌输,不能重复性的进行单词、语句的背诵,这样都是 违背中小学生成长特点的。所以,在教学中,教学方式必须多样性,比如通过图画、英语歌曲、英语故事甚至英语的动画片来激发兴趣。这样中小学生就会慢慢的喜欢上英语的学习,从而达到学习效果。 二、网络英语教学模式的探讨 网络教学模式,并不是抛弃传统的教学方法,而是在传统的 教学方法的基础上,融入计算机、手机等网络,形成一种新的教学 模式。 (一)课堂教学。 教师在讲授英语知识的同时,可以通过网络英语资源将单词、 图形、声音、图像、故事等集中在一起,形成立体式教学,这样可 以充分的激发学生的感官,激发学生的学习兴趣,这样学生们就喜 欢学习、乐于学习。比如,英语故事或者简单英语儿歌舞蹈,这是 小学生最喜欢的,在英语课上完全可以通过网络融入这些,学生们 为了看懂内容,就得细心的听、细心的看,看后教师再尽心指导。 对爱唱歌的学生,能把英语歌曲学会,这也是对英语有很大的提高。每节课开始之前全班同学起立一起常常英语歌,跳跳舞,活跃气氛。网络英语动画配音,也可以带入课堂教学。


有效利用网络资源学习英语 当今的时代是网络信息的时代,随着网络的普及,社会生活的信息化及经济活动的全球化,越来越多的英语学习网站出现在教育舞台上,网络教育作为现代教育的一种方式正以惊人的速度在发展,这使得教育资源出了一印刷材料,视频材料为主的信息载体外,又出现了依托网络平台的信息载体。互联网的迅速普及为教育提供了广阔的网络而社会的信息化和经济的全球化是外语特别是英语日益成为我国对外开放和各国交往的重要工具。随着中国加入WTO英语学习网络更是有了他前所未有的发展契机。 英语学习网站以其信息多维化而得到越来越多的使用者。作为新时代主任的我们更应该充分利用这一方便、信息量大、互动性强、人文化强的学习工具。是我们的的学习过程变得丰富多彩,学习成绩突飞猛进。 互联网在英语学习中的潜在作用:一是能直接获取最新英语学习资料(电子期刊、出版物、英语学习游戏、文件、课程资料、授课方案、教学论文等);二是可借助于多元化的手段学习英语(收听英语网络广播、观看英语网络电视、欣赏英语歌曲、接受远程教育、浏览各种英语学习网站、查阅网上图书馆等);三是可长期处于自然纯正的英语环境中,养成用英语思维的良好习惯;四是能获得即时帮助(如使用网上词典、翻译软件、向以英语为母语的人士直接咨询语言问题、接受 AAB 教师免费辅导、在 33C 上张贴学习困难、与全世界的英语学习爱好者交流学习体会和经验等);五是可扩充。其六,直接涉猎国外英语学习网站,体验全英文的学习气候。 因特网是一个巨大的资源库,关于英语学习各个方面的资料在网上不计其数,为自学英语提供了相当便利的条件,但是很多学生对英语学习的网站不熟悉,觉得大海捞针太耽误时间,于是就放弃了利用因特网学英语的念头。 因特网是一个庞大的信息资源库,利用因特网可以开拓新的学习方式,并具有开放性与全球化!学习过程的交互性!学习内容选择的自主性和个性化!内容形式的多媒体化等特点。网站强大的交互性以及鲜明的个性化的学习方式,将彻底改变传统的以课本为中心的单一教学模式。可以想象,若措施得当,必将提高广大学生学习英语的积极性,从而促进英语水平的提高。 一、利用网络资源学习英语的优势 1资源丰富 因特网上的信息可以说是一个取之不尽的信息海洋,一台连网的多媒体计算机,就象一名任你支配的英语老师,可以说他有求必应,有问必答,无所不知,无所不能,神通广大;他让你不出屋便遍知天下事,遍交天下友,遍通天下信,成为你学习英语的得力帮手" 2交互性强 所谓交互性,就是在学习过程中学生不只是单纯地被动学习,而是可以参与到教学过程中去"以前人们采用学习英语的辅助手段是录音机放磁带,放像机放录像带,基本上是被动听和被动看;对机器控制也只能是简单的停!倒!录!放,交互性很差;而使用计算机软件和网络资源,却可以对文字!声音!图像等任意选择,只要用计算机的鼠标器一点,非常简便"交互性好,还表现在可以使你进入一个真实的或近似真实的语言环境中进行交流"在因特网上,你可以和世界上任何一个在线的人交谈(只要他愿意和你谈),加一个小摄像头,甚至还可以看到各自的口型,这是真正的语言交流,而不是模拟"这种相互交流,互相作用的语言环境,是任何其它学习手段不可比拟的" 3知识新
