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第二版 新视野大学英语4读写教程 词汇

<1>chase vt. run after sb. or sth. in order to catch them 追逐;追赶

<2>cruelty n. [C, U] behavior that makes people or animals suffer 残酷;残忍

<3>pessimistic a. expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that sth. will have a bad result 悲观的

<4>conquest n. 1. [U] the process of gaining control over sth. through great effort 征服;控制
2. [sing., U] the act of taking control of a country, city, etc. by force 征服;攻占

<5>bankrupt a. without enough money to pay what one owes 破产的

<6>motive n. [C] a reason for doing sth. 动机

<7>worship vt. admire and love sb. very much 崇拜;敬重;仰慕

<8>spur vt. encourage sb. or make them want to do sth. 鼓励;刺激

<9>lure n. [C] sth. that attracts people, or the quality of being able to do this 诱惑

<10>drown v. 1. have a very strong feeling or a serious problem that is dificult to deal with 沉浸于
2. die from being under water for too long, or to kill sb. in this way (使)淹死

<11>imperial a. 1. great and magniicent 壮丽的;宏大的

2. relating to an empire or to the person who rules it 帝国的;皇帝的

<12>agent n. 1. [C] sb. whose job is to help an actor, artist, etc. ind work 经纪人
2. [C] a person or company that represents another person or company, esp. in business 代理人;代理商

<13>hasten vt. make sth. happen sooner or more quickly 加快;加速

<14>elevator n. [C] a machine that carries people or goods up and down in a building 电梯

<15>blur n. [C] sth. that one cannot remember or see clearly 模糊的记忆;模糊不清的事物

<16>idle a. not working or producing anything 不工作的;闲着的

<17>bore vt. make sb. lose interest and become tired and impatient 使厌烦

<18>bored a. tired and impatient 厌烦的

<19>continuity n. [U] the state of continuing for a period of time 连贯(性);连续(性)

<20>sustain vt. make sth. continue to exist for a period of time 维持;使...持续

<21>minute a. very small 极小的

<22>discount vt. 1. regard sth. as unlikely to be true or important 忽视;低估
2. reduce the price of sth. 降低价格;打折

n. [C] a reduction in the usual price of sth. 折扣

<23>plot n. 1. [C] the story of a book, film, play,

etc. (小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节
2. [C] a secret plan 阴谋;密谋

<24> moviemaker n. [C] sb. who makes ilms, esp. a director or producer 电影制作人

<25>distinct a. 1. clearly different or belonging to a different type 明显不同的;独特的
2. able to be clearly seen, heard, smelled, etc. 清晰的;清楚的;明显的

<26>spotlight n. [C] 聚光灯

<27>jungle n. [C, U] a thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together (热带)丛林

<28>fraud n. [C, U] the crime of deceiving sb. in order to get money or sth. illegally 欺诈;诈骗

<29>contaminate vt. make sth. dirty or poisonous 污染;弄脏

<30>underline vt. 1. draw a line under a word to show that it is important 在...下划线
2. emphasize; show that sth. is important 强调,使突出

<31> uncompromising a. unwilling to change one's opinions or behavior 不妥协的;不让步的

<32>object vi. oppose or disapprove of sth. 反对;不赞成

<33>accuse vt. say that sb. is guilty of a crime or of doing sth. bad 指控;控告

<34>banquet n. [C] a formal dinner for many people on an important occasion 宴会

<35>sue vt. make a legal claim against sb., esp. for money 起诉;控告

<36>attorney n. [C] a lawyer 律师

<37>second vt. support a suggestion made by another person in a meeting 支持;附议

<38>fine vt. make sb. pay money as a punishment 罚...的款

<39>expel vt. force sb. to leave a school or organization 开除;驱逐

<40>justify vt. show that there is a good reason for sth. that other people think is unreasonable 证明...有道理;为...辩护

<41> single-minded a. having one clear aim and working very hard to achieve it 一心一意的;专一的

<42>novelist n. [C] sb. who writes novels 小说家

<43>musician n. [C] sb. who performs or writes music, esp. as a job 音乐家;乐手

<44>desperate a. 1. needing or wanting sth. very much 极需要的;极向往的
2. very worried and willing to do anything to change a bad situation 绝望的;拼命的

<45> desperately ad. 1. very much 非常
2. in a worried or angry way 绝望地;拼命地

<46>alas ad. unfortunately 不幸的是;遗憾的是

Phrases and Expressions

<47>at best even when considered in the most positive way 充其量;至多

<48>run a

/the risk be in a situation in which sth. bad could happen 冒险;有...风险

<49>remain /be true to continue to be loyal to sb. or sth. 忠于

<50>object to oppose or disapprove of sth. 反对;不赞成

<51>accuse sb. of sth. say that sb. has done sth. wrong or is guilty of sth. 指控;控告

<52>throw out make sb. leave a place, school, organization, etc. because they have done sth. against the rules 开除;

<1>ankle n. [C] the part which connects the foot to the leg 踝;踝关节

<2>comic a. causing laughter; funny 喜剧的;滑稽的
n. [C] a comedian 喜剧演员

<3>rag n. 1. (usu. pl.) old torn clothes 破旧的衣服
2. [C, U] a torn piece of old cloth 破布;碎布

<4>applause n. [U] the sound made by people applauding a performance, speech, etc. 鼓掌;掌声

<5>comedy n. [C, U] a film, play, etc. that is intended to entertain people or make them laugh 喜剧

<6>scout n. 1. [C] sb. whose job is to look for people with particular skills, esp. in sport or entertainment 物色新秀者;星探

2. [C] a soldier sent out to get information about the enemy 侦察兵

<7>crude a. 1. rude and offensive 粗鲁的;粗俗的
2. simple and not skillfully done or made 粗制的;粗陋的
3. in the natural state; not reined 天然的;未加工的

<8>clap v. applaud 鼓掌;拍手

<9>revolt vi. refuse to accept sb.'s authority or obey rules, laws, etc. 反抗;不服从

<10>heel n. 1. [C] the raised part of a shoe underneath the back of the foot 鞋跟
2. [C] the back part of the foot 脚后跟

<11>moustache n. [C] (also mustache) hair growing on a man's upper lip 小胡子

<12>coarse a. 1. rude and offensive 粗鲁的;粗俗的
2. rough and not smooth 粗糙的

<13>nationality n. 1. [C, U] the legal status of belonging to a particular country 国籍
2. [C] a large group of people with the same race, language, culture, etc.


<14>postpone vt. delay sth. to a later date or time 推迟,延迟

<15>nonsense n. 1. [U] speech or writing that has no meaning or cannot be understood 无意义的话或文字
2. [U] ideas, opinions, statements, etc. that are untrue or stupid 荒谬的想法、观点、说法

<16>doubtful a. 1. probably not true or not likely to happen 难以预料的,未定的
2. having doubts about sth. 有疑问的,感到怀疑的

<17>immense a. extremely large in size or degree 巨大的;无限的

<18> immensely ad. to a very great extent; extremely 非常,很

<19>extraordinary a. very unusual or surprising 不寻常的;令人惊奇的

<20>rouse vt. produce a particular feeling or attitude 激起;激发

<21>script n. [C] the written form of a speech, play, film, etc. 底稿;讲稿;剧本

<22>pepper n. 1. [U] 胡椒粉;辣椒粉
2. [C] 辣椒

<23>execute vt. 1. do or perform sth., esp. in a planned way 实施;执行;履行
2. kill sb. as a legal punishment 将...处死

<24>betray vt. not be loyal to one's country or a person 背叛;出卖

<25>collision n. 1. [C, U] a strong disagreement or conlict 冲突
2. [C, U] an accident in which a person or vehicle strikes against another violently 碰撞(事件)

<26>sunset n. [U] the time when the sun goes down and night begins 日落(时分);黄昏

<27>surround vt. be all around sb. or sth. on every side 围绕;包围

<28>spark vt. make sth. happen 触发;引起

<29>Christmas n. [C, U] 圣诞节

<30>burial n. [C, U] the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave 埋葬;葬礼

<31>clumsy a. awkward in movement or manner 笨拙的;不灵活的

<32>cop n. [C] a police oficer 警察

<33>incident n. [C] sth. that happens, esp. sth. that is unusual 事件

<34>memorial n. [C] sth., esp. a stone with writing on it, that i

s intended to remind people of sb. who has died 纪念物;纪念碑

Phrases and Expressions

<35>cut down reduce the size of sth. such as clothing, writing, etc. 改小;缩短

<36>for good for ever 永久地

<37>trip up 1. cause sb. fall by putting the foot in front of them when they are moving 绊,绊倒
2. make a mistake, or force sb to make a mistake by tricking them (使)出错

<38>make up invent a story, etc. in order to deceive sb. 虚构,捏造,编造

<39>come down in the world become poorer or less successful than used to be 落魄,潦倒;失势

<40>to a degree partly 有些;在某种程度上

<41>go along advance; move further with sth. 进行;前进

<42>find one's way into arrive or get somewhere 到达;进入

<1>raw a. not processed, treated, or cooked 未经加工的;天然的;生的

<2>wheelchair n. [C] a chair on wheels for people who can't walk to get around 轮椅

<3>pension n. [C] an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a company to sb. who no longer works because of age or illness 养老金;抚恤金

<4>caseworker n. [C] a social worker who works to help people with social problems 社会工作者

<5>rent n. [C] an amount of money sb. pays regularly for the use of a room, house, car, etc. that is owned by sb. else 租金

v. pay money regularly for the use of a room, house, car, etc. 租用

<6>opt vi. make a choice 选择;决定

<7>drum v. make a continuous sound by hitting a surface 不停敲击
n. [C] 鼓

<8>temptation n. [C, U] a desire to do or have sth., esp. sth. that is bad for you 诱惑,引诱

<9>profile n. 1. [C] the public image of a person or organization 形象;印象
2. [C] a side view of a person's head (人头部的)侧面;侧影

<10> high-profile a. attracting a lot of public attention 引人注目的

<11>bow vi. bend one's body forward, esp. to show respect 鞠躬
n. [C] the act of bowing 鞠躬

<12>compensation n. 1. [C, U] sth. used to balance or reduce the bad effects of a damage, loss, injury, etc. 补偿;弥补
2. [U] money that sb. receives because sth. bad has happened to them 补偿金;赔偿金

<13>liberal n. [C] sb. who accepts different opinions or

ways of behaving 思想开明的人
a. willing to accept different opinions or ways of behaving 心胸宽广的;开明的

<14>detective n. [C] sb. who tries to discover information about a crime and ind the criminal 侦探

<15>shorts n. (pl.) short trousers ending at or above the knees 短裤

<16>paste vt. stick sth. to sth. else or in a speciied place 粘贴
n. [U] a kind of glue made of lour and water 浆糊

<17>receipt n. [C] a written statement showing that you have paid for sth. 收据,收条

<18>donation n. [C] money or goods that you give to a person or an organization in order to help them 捐赠物;捐款

<19>hip n. [C] the part on each side of human body between the top of the leg and the waist 臀(部);髋(部)

<20>crawl vi. 1. move along on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground 爬行;匍匐前进
2. move slowly 缓慢行进

<21>spine n. [C] the row of bones down the middle of the back 脊椎;脊柱

<22>spinal a. relating to the spine 脊椎的;脊柱的

<23>cord n. [C, U] a piece of thick string or thin rope 细绳;粗线

<24>screw n. [C] 螺丝钉

<25>roller n. [C] 滚筒;轧辊

<26>bearing n. [C] 轴承

<27>brake n. [C] a device for reducing the speed of a vehicle and bringing it to a stop 闸;制动器;刹车

<28>notify vt. tell sb. oficially about sth. 通知,告知

<29>certify vt. state that sth. is correct or true 证明,证实

<30>bid n. [C] an offer to pay a certain price for sth., esp. at an auction 出价;投标
v. offer to pay a particular price for sth., esp. at an auction 出价;投标

<31>alert vt. make sb. notice sth. important or dangerous 提醒;引起对...的重视
a. 1. paying attention to what is happening and ready to react if necessary 警觉的,警惕的
2. able to think quickly and clearly 机敏的,机警的

<32>appliance n. [C] a piece of equipment, esp. an electrical one that is used in the home 家用电器

<33>maid n. [C] a female servant 女佣,女仆

<34>roast a. cooked in an oven or over a ire 烤过的,烤制的

v. cook sth., such as meat, in an oven or over a ire 烤,烘

<35>oven n. [C] 烤炉;烤箱

<36>helicopter n. [C] 直升飞机

<37>provision n. 1. [C] a part of an agreement or law that deals with a particular problem 条款,条文;规定
2. [U] the act of providing sth. 提供,供应

<38>champion n. 1. [C] sb. who publicly supports, defends or fights for a belief, right, etc. 支持者;捍卫者
2. [C] sb. who has won in a game, competition, etc. 冠军

<39>chemist n. 1. [C] sb. who prepares and sells medicines 药剂师
2. [C] a scientist who studies chemistry 化学家

<40>urine n. [C] 尿,小便

<41>senator n. [C] 参议员

<42>governor n. [C] sb. in charge of a particular political unit 州长;总督;行政长官

<43>thrive vi. become very successful or very strong and healthy 兴旺;繁荣;茁壮成长

<44>convict vt. prove or declare sb. guilty 证明...有罪;宣判...有罪

n. [C] sb. who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison 囚犯

Phrases and Expressions

<45>be faced with meet sth. bad or dificult 面对,面临

<46>drum up get sth. by asking a lot of people for help or support 竭力争取;兜揽

<47>under the table in a secret way 背地里,私下

<48>get/be involved in be part of or included in sth. 卷入;参与

<49>deep down in one's true feelings 在内心深处,在心底

<50>make a fool of sb. trick sb. or make them appear stupid in some way 愚弄某人

<51>talk back reply rudely 顶嘴

<52>break down fail to work; stop working 发生故障;坏掉

<53>get around move or travel around 四处走动

<54>look into examine the facts about a problem or situation 调查

<55>build up make sth. develop or form 建立;开发

<56>lend itself to be suitable for being used in a particular way or result in sth. bad easily 适宜于;会造成

<57>convict... of declare sb. guilty of a crime 判决...有罪

<1>telecommunications n. [U] the sending and receiving of messages over distance, esp. by telephone, radio and television 电信

<2>dumb a. unable to speak 哑的,不会说话的

<3>investment n. [C, U] the act of investing money in sth. 投资

<4>Latin n. & a. [U] 拉丁语(的);拉丁语系(的)

<5>utility n. [C] (usu. ~ties ) a service used by the public, such as electricity or gas supply 公用事业;公用设施

<6>optical a. connected with sight or light 视觉的


<7>diameter n. [C] 直径

<8>millimeter n. [C] (Bre. millimetre ) 毫米

<9>cable n. [C] a set of wires covered in plastic or rubber, used to carry electricity 电缆

<10>copper n. [U] 铜

<11>transmission n. 1. [U] the act or process of sending out an electronic signal or message or of broadcasting a radio or television program 播送;发射;传输

2. [U] the process of passing sth. from one person, place or thing to another 传播

<12>parade n. 1. [C] a series of people or things that seems never to end 一连串,一系列
2. [C] a line of people, vehicles, etc. moving forward in order, often as a celebration of some event 游行

<13>urban a. of or in a city or town 城市的,都市的

<14>spider n. [C] 蜘蛛

<15>condense vt. make sth. shorter or smaller 缩短;压缩

<16>intensive a. involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time 密集的;集中的;加强的

<17> labor-intensive a. (of work) needing a lot of people to do it 劳动密集型的

<18>rust v. become covered with a reddish-brown substance that forms on iron and steel 生锈
n. [U] the reddish-brown substance that forms on iron and steel 铁锈

<19>antique n. [C] sth. made long ago that is valuable or interesting 古董

<20>lick vt. 1. easily defeat sb. or deal with sth. 击败;克服
2. move one's tongue over sth. 舔

<21>strategic a. done as part of a plan, esp. in a military, business, or political situation 战略(上)的;策略(上)的

<22>recession n. [C, U] a period during which there is a decline in economy and prosperity 经济衰退

<23>scratch vt. rub a surface slightly with sth. sharp or rough 抓,挠

<24>mainland n. [sing.] (the ~) the main area of land of a country 大陆

<25>provincial a. of a province 省的;省级的

<26>infrastructure n. [C, U] the basic systems and structures that a country or organization needs in order to work properly 基础设施

<27> superhighway n. [C] a large, wide road on which trafic travels at high speed 高速公路

<28>log vt. make an oficial record of events, facts, etc. 记录

v. cut down trees 伐木

<29>invest v. spend money on sth. in the hope of making a proit 投

vt. use lots of time, energy, or effort to do sth. 投入(时间、精力等)

<30>investor n. [C] sb. who gives money to a company, business, or bank in order to get a proit 投资者

<31>import n. 1. [U] the act of bringing a product, service, etc. into one country from another 进口;输入
2. [C] a product or service that is brought into one country from another 进口商品
vt. bring a product, service, etc. into one country from another 进口;输入

<32>stake n. 1. [C] money that sb. invests in a company 股份
2. [C] a pointed piece of wood, metal, etc. that is pushed into the ground to support sth. or mark a particular place 桩;柱

<33>lease v. use or let sb. use sth., esp. property or equipment, in return for rent 租借;出租
n. [C] an agreement which allows sb. to use sth. in return for rent 租约;租契

<34>ridge n. [C] a long narrow raised part of land, esp. at the top of a mountain 脊;山脊

<35>reliable a. able to be depended on or trusted 可靠的;值得信赖的

<36>tag n. [C] a piece of paper or other material attached to sth. to identify it or give information about it 标签

<37>width n. [C, U] the distance from one side of sth. to the other 宽度;阔度;广度

<38>breadth n. [C, U] the width 宽度;阔度

<39>nowhere ad. not in, at or to any place; not anywhere 任何地方都不

<40>disposal n. [U] the act of getting rid of sth. 处理;消除

<41>revenue n. [U] the income that a government, company, etc. receives regularly 财政收入;收益

<42>electron n. [C] 电子

Phrases and Expressions

<43>give sb. an advantage over make sb. more likely to succeed than others 使具有优势

<44>be stuck with have sth. you do not want because you cannot get rid of it 无法摆脱,解脱不了

<45>push ahead continue trying to achieve sth. 推进;推行

<46>a matter of sth. sth. that needs or depends on sth. else 是...问题

<47>date from have existed since a particular time in the past 始于

<48>be stuck in be in an unpleasant situation and unable to change it or get away from it 陷入

<49>scratch the surface deal with only the simple or obvious parts of sth. 仅触及表面;浅尝辄止

<50>log on do the necessary actions that allow you to begin using a computer system 登录(计算机)系统

<51>at one's disposal available for one to use 供某


<52>make use of use sth. or sb. in order to get an advantage 使用;利用

<53>keep pace with move, increase, change, etc. at the same speed as sb. or sth.else 齐头并进;并驾齐驱

<54>lag behind fail to achieve as much as sb. else; fail to remain level with others 落后;滞后

<1>solitary a. tending to spend a lot of time alone 独自的;喜欢独处的

<2>tame vt. make sb. or sth. easy to control 驯服;控制

a. (esp. of animals) not afraid of people, and used to living with them (尤指动物)温顺的,驯化的

<3>pond n. [C] a small still body of water formed naturally or created artiicially 池塘

<4>inspiration n. [C, U] a sudden good idea about what to do or say 灵感

<5>solitude n. [U] the situation of being alone 独居,孤独

<6>commodity n. 1. [C] sth. that is useful or necessary 有用的东西;必需品
2. [C] a substance or product that can be bought or sold 商品,货物

<7>sunlight n. [U] the light that comes from the sun 阳光,日光

<8>benign n. [C] a soft bag to make a seat more comfortable 坐垫;垫子

<9>cushion n. [C] a soft bag to make a seat more comfortable 坐垫;垫子

<10>creep vi. move slowly and quietly 潜行;蹑手蹑脚地移动

<11>poetry n. [U] poems in general 诗,诗歌

<12>dictate v. 1. say sth. for sb. else to write down 口授;口述
2. tell sb. exactly what to do or how to behave 命令;指使

<13>kettle n. [C] a container with a lid, handle and a spout used for boiling water 水壶

<14>priest n. 1. [C] (high ~) a person who is famous for being the best at sth. 代表人物
2. [C] 神父;牧师

<15>reliance n. [C] [U] the state of depending on a particular person or thing 依靠,依赖

<16> self-reliance n. [U] the state of doing or deciding things by oneself rather than depending on others 自立;自力更生

<17>hut n. [C] a small, simple building 小屋

<18>axe n. (AmE ax) [C] a tool with a handle and a metal blade used for cutting down trees or cutting wood into pieces 斧子

<19>saucer n. [C] a small curved plate on which one puts a cup 茶托,茶碟

<20>laundry n. 1. [U] the clothes and sheets which need to be or have just been washed 待洗或刚

2. [C] a place where clothes, sheets, etc. are washed 洗衣店

<21> companionable a. friendly and pleasant to be with 友善的,友好的

<22>ego n. 1. [C] the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are 自我
2. [C] your sense of your own value and importance 自我价值感

<23>humble a. 1. having a modest opinion of oneself 谦逊的,谦虚的

2. having a low social class or position 地位或身份低下的

<24>inadequate a. not enough or not good enough for a particular purpose 不充分的;不足的

<25>plural a. of a word or form which expresses more than one 复数的

n. [C] a word or form that shows you are talking about more than one thing, person, etc. 复数(形式)

<26>apology n. [C] a word or statement to say you are sorry for having done sth. wrong or for upsetting sb. 道歉

<27>soak vi. spend a long time taking a bath 长时间泡浴

v. make sth. very wet or become very wet 使湿透;浸湿

<28>pint n. [C] 品脱(液量单位)

<29>waterproof a. not allowing water to go through 防水的,不透水的

<30>slippery a. dificult to hold or to stand on, drive on, etc. because it is smooth, wet or polished 滑的

<31>observation n. 1. [C] a spoken or written remark about sth. you have noticed 评论
2. [C, U] the process of watching sb. or sth. carefully for a period of time 观察;注意

<32>choke v. 1. become unable to speak because of a strong emotion 说不出话来
2. be unable to breathe properly, or be made unable to breathe properly (使)窒息;(使)呼吸困难

<33>parcel n. [C] an object or collection of objects wrapped in paper, etc. so that they can be sent by post 包裹

<34>parrot n. [C] 鹦鹉

<35>sportsman n. [C] sb. who plays sport, esp. one who is good at it 运动员

<36>skate vi. move, dance, etc. on skates 溜冰,滑冰

<37> skater n. [C] a person who skates 溜冰者,滑冰者

<38> self-centered a. only interested in oneself and one's own activities 自我为中心的,自私的

<39>seal vt. (also seal up) close a container or space by covering it with sth. 封;密封

Phrases and Expressions

<40>on purpose

not by accident; deliberately 故意,特意

<41>cast out make sb. leave a place, or refuse to accept sb. as part of a group 赶走,驱逐

<42>speak highly of express a good opinion of sb. or sth. 对...给予高度评价;赞扬

<43>seek out ind sb. or sth. by looking for them in a determined way 找到;找出

<44>set forth start a journey 出发,动身

<45>stretch out 1. lengthen sth. by pulling 拉长,伸长

2. lie down, usu. in order to relax or sleep 躺平;舒展

<46>back up 1. (cause to) block up (使)积压; (使)拥塞

2. support sb., esp. in an argument 支持

<47>at length 1. for a long time and in great detail 长久地;详尽地

2. after a long time 最终,终于

<48>in line in a row of people standing one behind the other while waiting for sth. (排)成一行,(排)成一队

<49>settle down become quiet and calm or make sb. do this (使)安定下来

<50>for the time being for a short period of time from now, but not permanently 暂时,眼下

<51>might as well used to suggest that sb. should do sth. because there is no good reason to do anything else 只好;还是...为好

<1>bribery n. [U] the act of giving or taking bribes 行贿;受贿

<2>ethic n. [C] a general idea or belief that influences people's behavior and attitudes 道德;伦理

<3> ethics n. (pl.) moral rules or principles of behavior 道德准则;伦理标准

<4> quick-witted a. able to think and understand things quickly 聪颖的;机敏的

Phrases and Expressions

<5>on the increase increasing 在增长

<6>way of life the behavior, habits, customs, etc. of a particular society or person 生活方式

<7>pay up pay all the money that one owes 付清欠款;还钱

<8>stand by 1. remain faithful to a promise, etc.; keep to 遵守;履行

2. stay loyal to sb. and support them, esp. when they are in trouble 支持;忠于

<9>in practice in reality 实际上,事实上

<10>accuse sb. of sth. say that sb. has done sth. wrong, illegal, etc. 指控;指责

<11>in private with no one else present; secretly 私下里,秘密地

<12>a fact of life a situation that cannot be changed, esp. one that is unpleasant 生活现实;残酷的事实

<13>throw out get rid of; make sb. leave because of a fault 抛弃;驱除

<14>close a deal complete a transaction successfully 完成交易;生意成交

<15>speed up ma

ke sth. happen or move more quickly (使...)加快速度

<16>hit upon/on think of an idea unexpectedly 忽然想出(主意等)

<17>amount to have the same effect as 等于;相当于

<18>behave oneself based on act in a way that people think is correct or proper 表现得体

<19>be caught in based on be in a situation that one cannot easily get out of 陷入;被卷入

<20>be on the take be willing to do sth. wrong in return for money 受贿;贪赃枉法

<21>square... with... make two ideas, facts , etc. agree with each other; agree or be consistent with another idea, fact, or situation (使)与...一致(相符)

<1> genetics n. [U] a branch of biology dealing with heredity and genetic variations 遗传学

<2>superiority n. [U] the quality of being better, more skillful, etc. than other people or things 优越(性);优势

<3>bias vt. unfairly in fluence attitudes, choices, or decisions 使有偏见
n. [sing.] a tendency to consider sb. or sth. more favorably than others 偏见;成见

<4> biased a. preferring one person or thing to another 有偏见的;偏袒一方的

Phrases and Expressions

<5>to date until now 至今,直到现在

<6>nothing less than used to emphasize how important or surprising sth. is; exactly 简直是;完全

<7>be conined to be kept within certain limits 限制于,局限于

<8>as of/from starting from (the time stated) 从...起

<9>in effect in reality in fact 事实上,实际上

<10>in combination with together with 与...一起;共同

<11>be descended from be related to sb. who lived long ago 为...的后裔

<1> gatepost n. [C] a post to which a gate is ixed 门柱

<2> riverboat n. [C] a large passenger boat which travels up and down a river 内河船;内河客轮

<3>prop vt. support sth. by leaning it against sth., or by putting sth. else under it 支撑

<4> knife-blade n. [C] the lat cutting part of a knife 刀刃

<5>fragrance n. [C, U] a pleasant smell 香味,芳香

Phrases and Expressions

<6>up to until 直到

<7>peer at look carefully at 仔细看,凝视

<8>in passing by the way; casually 顺便;附带

<9>in that for the reason that; because 因为,原因是

<10>give of sth. give other people money, time, etc., without expecting anything in return 提供;献出

<11>disapprove of not approve of sb. or sth. 不赞同;不喜欢

<12>at one's elbow nearby; close

by 在手边;在近旁

<13>pay the price (for sth.) do or give sth. in order to get what one wants (为...)付出代价

<14>in the main in general; on the whole 基本上,大体上

<15>prop up prevent sth. from falling down by putting sth. else under or against it 支撑;顶住

<16>in company with together with 与...一起

<1>contend vt. argue or state that sth. is true 声称;认为

vi. compete against sb. in order to gain sth. 竞争

<2>contemplate v. think carefully about sth. for a long time 思量;仔细考虑

Phrases and Expressions

<3>shave off remove hair with sth. sharp 剃掉

<4>take sb. to court begin a case against sb. 起诉某人

<5>put sth. before sth. consider sth. more important than sth. else 认为...比...更重要

<6>for all despite 尽管,虽然

<7>come into begin to be in a state 开始进入某种状态

<8>so far until now; up to this point 到目前为止;迄今为止

<9>in response to as a reply or reaction to an event or sth. that is said 作为对...的答复;作为对...的反应

<10>in a lash quickly or suddenly 转眼间

<1>incorporate vt. make sth. a part of sth. larger 纳入;使并入

<2>trigger vt. make sth. happen 使发生;引发

Phrases and Expressions

<3>sort through look for sth. among a lot of similar things, esp. when one arranges these things into an order 从...中查找

<4>aim at intend or try to achieve sth. 旨在;力争达到

<5>in the act of doing sth. while doing sth. 正在做某事

<6>take note of notice sth. 留意(到);注意(到)

<7>set aside save or keep money, time, etc. for a particular purpose 拨出;留出

<8>keep at it continue doing sth. 坚持
