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《Sister Carrie》

The author of the book is Theodore Dreiser, a famous realistic writer in Amaican literature history .Realism follows the rule of nature “survival of fittest”.《Sister Carrie》 is a representative of realism which describes a poor countryside girl′s life c hange after her arrival to ,cruel reality makes Carrie feel lonely and she cohabited with Drouet,a young

playboy ,Drouet offered her a easier life .Later,she married with

Hrustwood ,who had didn′t have a better life in New York. after they spent the money Hurstwood stole from his ex-wife .At the end of the book, Hrustwood died in a shabby little hotel,and Carrie became a famous star and be in high social classes.

Lost the job in shoe-making factory is just the turning point in Carrie′s life ,the turning point of her final success and survie she had to rely on someone .On the surface, writer is describing Carrie′s miserable suffering telling readers that is always very hard for woman .However ,to explore the deep meaning .Carrie is just a representative of the people from working-class who are oppressed by the capitalist .Dreiser shows sympathy to them and reveals the social ′s success is driven by dream and wants to change her destiny she is eager to climb into the high social matter how pimping you

are ,dream is important and essential to future success because dream or ambution has the power to drive you forward.

It is right to pursue for material life , but not everything,In fact it is never wrong to pursue for high standard and high class life.

Analysis of Sister Carrie英语论文写作

Analysis of Sister Carrie Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to prove that a person’s nature is influenced by his living environment through analyzing the changing of the leading role of Sister Carrie. Keywords: Sister Carrie literature desire change Sister Carrie, written by Theodore Dreiser, was his first novel. Dreiser was one of the principal American exponents of literary Naturalism. A critics once said, "No other author has withstood so much vehemently negative criticism and retained such a high status."1 As his first novel, Sister Carrie faced the same situation. Because the readers are shocked by the heroine, a "fallen woman", Sister Carrie got poor sales. Several years later, Sister Carrie was received favorably in England, and was reissued in the United States. Someone said, "Sister Carrie was unique in American fiction, departing sharply from the gentility and timidity of Howellsian realism."2 Certainly, Sister Carrie gets a very important position in American Literary history. Carrie, the heroine of the novel, has the most ideas and emotion of the author. Therefore, we can know what's the thesis of the novel through analyzing the leading role--Carrie. I think that a person's nature is influenced by his living environment and people’s requirement towards life is limitless.

嘉莉妹妹和美国梦Sister Carrie and American Dream

Sister Carrie and American Dream What is American Dream? The so-called American Dream , is a belief that as long as the United States after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life.That is, people have to work through their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination to move towards Prosperity, rather than rely on specific social classes and other assistance,and life should be better and richer . Sister Carrie was originally a pure rural girl. When she was young, she dreamed of the fairy tale palace and a variety of luxurious .So when Carrie grow up ,she with no hesitation to pick cities to meet her own satisfaction . As she grew ,she begin to be tired of the village boring, dull and depressive life.So she said goodbye to her parents alone and to her sister?s home in Chicago to find her own happy life. On her way to Chicago ,she encountered Drouet on the train for Chicago and after getting off the train, Drouet asked for taking the package for Carrie, she said, "very kind of you." and felt that it is really lucky to get the such complaisant care in strange land. But Carrie didn't know Drouet was a person who only relies on the strong desire and adoration for women and made women happy. She came to Chicago to stay with her sister and brother-in-law?s home and had to look for a job by herself, and then when she got a job, she must pay for the fees of meals to her sister. After her arrival ,she went out to look for a job, run the whole day, finally found a shoe factory.However,the salary is extremely low , working hours is extremely long ,and working conditions are extremely terrible, but she endured.After a few weeks she was ill and lost her job. After she was unemployment, she was not welcomed, they proposed her to return home.In face of unemployment, sickness, relatives and other practical indifference, prompted her to abandon the original conviction. The First Reality and Dreams Shattered Rural girl Carrie was born in a poor family,but her vanity is very stong and yearn for city life .So she farewelled to her parents and came to Chicago looking for big city dreams and to find her own happy life . However,bustling Chicago


Word文档恢复、备份、自动保存设置 方法一:用“文档恢复”功能恢复文档 Word带有自动恢复功能,当应用程序错误突然关闭程序,或系统出现故障突然重启系统时,再次打开Word时,Word会自动分析并处理文件错误,然后尝试恢复数据,并且会将恢复的文件保存下来,这时用户可以根据需要选择对应的Word文档进行保存。 第1步、重新启动电脑后,首先重新启动Word。 第2步、Word将自动激活“文档恢复”任务窗口,在窗口中列出了Word程序停止响应时处于打开状态的文档,如图1所示。

第3步、选择需要恢复的文件,从右侧的倒三角箭头下拉菜单中选择“另存为”命令,一般选择替换为原有文档即可保存退出Word时未保存的文档。 方法二:打开并修复文档 当程序或系统出现故障重启系统后,首先后动Word程序,单出Office快速启动按钮,选择“打开”菜单项,弹出“打开”对话框。选择需要打开的Word文档,单击“打开”按钮右侧的小三角,选择“打开并修复”菜单项,如图2所示,Word在打开文档前会自动修复文档。 方法三:打开文件——信息——管理版本——恢复未保存的文档,然后选择想要恢复的文档即可。

方法四:使用历史打开文件记录找回 打开word (可以随便哪个word文档),点击左上角的文件菜单,在弹出的下拉列表中默认选中的就是打开选中,在右边可以看到最近使用的文档,可以找到在忘记没有保存的文件;

方法五:备份文档副本 依次单击【文件】选项卡【选项】,在弹出的【Word选项】对话框中选择【高级】选项卡,在【保存】区域里勾选【始终创建备份副本】复选框,单击【确定】按钮。如下图


第十七讲:设置文件自动保存时间 使用Word 2003时会遇见忽然停电或程式停止响应等情况。如果文件没有保存,可能会造成非常大的损失。通过设置让Word文件每隔一定时间自动保存,能让这类损失降低到最小限度。 一、设置自动保存时间间隔 1.单击Word 2003“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,打开“选项”对话框的“保存”选 项卡(也能在“另存为”对话框的“工具”菜单里执行“保存选项...”命令打开)。 2.选中“自动保存时间间隔”项。 3.在右侧设置自动保存的时间间隔(范围:1-120分钟)。Word 2003将按所 设置的时间间隔自动生成文件的恢复文件。设置以5-10分钟为宜,太短将频繁占用内存,太长则可能在出现意外后有较多的内容不能被自动保存。 4.单击“确定”按钮退出对话框。 二、恢复操作 Word非正常关闭后,再次运行Word 2003,程式会自动打开“文件恢复”任务窗格,左侧列出了出现问题时正在编辑的文件。当鼠标指针移到文件名称上,将出现“这是原始文件”和“这是自动恢复版本”的提示。其中“原始文件”是最后一次手动保存的文件,而“自动恢复版本”来自恢复过程中已恢复的文件,或在“自动恢复”保存过程中已保存的文件。 单击列表中需要保留文件右侧的下拉按钮,打开菜单,选择“打开”命令能直接打开被恢复的文件继续编辑;选择“另存为”命令能打开对话框换名存盘或覆盖原文件。如果任务窗格中显示了多个自动恢复文件,所有需要的文件都要按照上述方法“打开”或“另存为”。没有进行如此操作的文件在Word 2003退出时都将被自动删除。 提示: 1.“自动恢复”功能不能替代“保存”操作,处理完文件后,还应该保存文件。 2.如果重新启动程式以后没有看到自动恢复任务窗格,能采用手工方法恢复 文件。存放恢复文件的位置一般位于C:\DocumentsandSettings\用户名\ApplicationData\Microsoft\Word,如果存放恢复文件的目录中含有后缀名为asd的文件,他就是Word 2003自动保存的恢复文件,我们只要将文件的后缀由asd改为doc,即可用Word打开。 附:其他主要保存选项的说明: 1.保留备份:选择此选项,修改存盘时会生成一个名为“备份属于”+原文件的 扩展名为.WBK的文件作为备份。备份副本和原文件保存在同一个目录中,是最后一次修改存盘的上一次备份。每次保存文件时,新的备份都会取代已有的备份。 选择“保留备份”选项,Word 将自动清除“快速保存”复选框,因为只能在进行完整保存时创建备份。 2.允许快速保存:选择此选项,只记录对文件所作的修改,由于保存的内容 较少,因此保存速度非常快。但由于每次保存都记录了文件的更改,文件的大小会随着更改次数的增加而增大,同时文件中隐藏者保存着文件的修改信息。完成文件的编辑后,可清除此项,以便完整地保存文件。完整保存会减小文件大小,但需要相对较长的保存时间。

读后感Sister Carrie

Natural Selection and the Survival of the Fittest This term I have read a book Sister Carrie. It is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser and it is about a rural girl who came to the big city to find well-being. The general plot is this: Carrie was a beautiful girl and she loved the life of cities, so she came to Chicago to make a living, hoping that her sister would help her. However, grim reality shattered her. Her sister didn’t help her and she only found a job with low salary, What’s more, after a period of time in Chicago, she experienced unemployment and disease. When she was in desperation, she met a salesman Drouet and she then decided to be his mistress and later as a result of a greater desire, she became the mistress of Hurstwood, a hotel manager. Then, to some reasons, Hurstwood took her to New York, and after they came to New York, as a result of chance and her efforts, she became a star, got the upper reaches of society and realized her dream. After reading this novel, I found something interesting—the trajectories of Carrie’s and Hurstwood’s life are totally reversed. Carrie, although she was born in a poor condition and the path to pursue her better life was full of difficulties, she struggled to survive, to have batter life and finally she became a famous star of Broadway, getting a better life. But Hurstwood, at first he at Chicago, he was a glorious man, having a decent job and having a relatively good life. However, after his elopement with Carrie to Chicago, he could not adapt himself to this new environment well, so his life was deteriorating day by day. When I was read some book reviews, I knew that the author, Theodore Dreiser is one of the outstanding American naturalistic writers and his writing is greatly influence by Darwin and suddenly, something jumped into my mind: the different life trajectories of Carrie and Hurstwood, to some extent, reflects the Darwinism. I am interested in this topic and try to find more about how Darwinism is represented in the book. Carrie, her life can be divided into three periods according to the change of environment. The first period is when she stayed with her sister in Chicago. In this period, she experienced the lowest point of her life. As a newcomer in cities, she was lack of experience and skills so when she tried to find a job, she was thwarted at every turn. When it the weather got colder and colder, she didn’t have thick clothes, got a serious illness and lost her job. Under this kind of circumstance, she met Drouet and lived on her. When she lived with him, her life came into the second period. She experienced the life of rich people, began to adorn herself with finery and even started to act like a rich man. Though, in this period, she seemed to just know to depend on others and live an upper-crust life. However, actually in this period, she learned a lot. She was good at thinking and summarizing. And the process of thinking and summarizing was actually the process of adapting herself. Through Drouet, she got to know Hurstwood and they were attracted by each other. And then for some reasons, Hurstwood took Carrie to New York. She came into her third period of her life. After came to New York, Hurstwood’s poor condition was a big blow but at the same time, it forced her to find a job, forced her to support herself, and forced her to become stronger and stronger. At that moment, she was not what she used to be. She was not the woman who depended on others and didn’t know anything about the city life. After her experiences in Chicago, she knew her advantages—nice appearance, youth and encourage, which were all her capital to peruse her dream. Through her efforts, she soon found a job and seized the every opportunity to develop. Finally, she became one of the most popular actresses and adapted herself to upper-class life of New York. Looking back on her life, though she had depended on others in some times, the most important of her success was her struggle and her self-adaptive. Even when she was dependent on others, she was learning and adapting.

Analysis of Sister Carrie’s character嘉莉妹妹性格分析

Analysis of Sister Carrie’s character “Sister Carrie” is the first novel of famous American novelist Theodore Dreiser in the 19th century. It is also a remarkable naturalist one of his works. Carrie is the major character of this book. The story took place in the United States in the late 19th century, when the emerging industrial and commercial city were rising. There was a large number of rural population pouring into the city. Carrie, an eighteen years old, smart and simple girl, in order to get rid of poverty, she took on a train to Chicago with only four dollars. However, the reality broke her dream. She became the mistress of the salesman. Then she met a hotel manager, Hurstwood, who was attracted to Carrie’s simplicity and beauty. Later he stole the money from the hotel, and deceived Carrie to make her elope with him to New York. In New York, Hurstwood lost the money, and he couldn’t find a job because of steal. Carrie had to find a job as an actress to earn their livings, then she became a famous actress and squeezed into the upper class. She abandoned Hurstwood and pushed him unconsciously to despair and death. Although she owned the fame, she felt very lonely. In my opinion, Carrie is an innocent, simple, hard-working and romantic girl. Also she is realistic, enterprising but vainglorious. First, her simplicity and naivete. She is easy to be moved by man’s complaisance. On the train to Chicago she met Drouet, and when she got off the train, Drouet offered to help her take the package. She said,”very kind of you.” and felt that it was very lucky to get care in strange place. Carrie didn’t know Drouet was a person who liked to be adored by women and make them happy. When Carrie couldn’t find job after an illness, she met Drouet again. He invited Carrie to dinner and gave her 20 dollars to buy clothes. Carrie felt ashamed and refused him, but she accepted at last under the lure of money. Then she thought Drouet was a generous and good person, but she didn’t know he was only a man who took the pursuit of


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修改Word 文档和模板等默认自动保存路径的方法 当然这个路径我们可以自己去设置。既可以节省手动修改保存路径时间,又可以让所以的Word文档保存到一个地方,查找起来也方便。 本次操作采用Word演示 ①单击Word菜单栏的工具,选择最下面的选项命令; ②在弹出的选项对话框中单击文件位置,然后选择文件类型中的文档单击下面的修改按钮开始修改Word文档的默认保存路径; ③若需要修改模板的默认保存路径,可以选择下面的用户模板然后单击修改按钮修改默认路径。 : 1.Word2007怎么设置默认保存格式为doc 2.如何恢复word默认模版 3.Word 2016中怎样设置文档自动恢复功能 4.怎样设置word默认模板 5.如何在ppt中设置默认保存路径 在Word2010文档中怎样修改剪贴画关键字通过编辑Word2010剪贴画的关键字... word文档下划线怎么打下划线怎么输入下划线大家经常接触到的一般用在... word文档手动制作的目录右对齐的方法是什么在文档中有


ABSTRACT Theodore Dreiser is one of the most important writers in the literature history of America. He has 7 novels and other literature works such as short stories, autography, dramas, and political essays and so on. Sister Carrie is his first long novel and it was once considered to be immoral. In one hundred years after its publication, times are changing, and people’s opinion is being changed. The traditional critics regard Carrie as a fallen woman. But with the development of sorts of thoughts, the perspectives of study on this heroine is changing. In the eye of the critics, Carrie is considered to be a rebellious woman. Joseph Frank is one of the most outstanding contributors to the founding of the theory of narrative space. In the 40s of the 20th century, in his essay "Spatial Form in Modern Literature", Frank presents his general conception of the spatial form for the first time which begins the theory of narrative space. And then the spatial theories developed quickly, so did the theory of space narrative. Gabriel Zoran’s Towards the Theory of Space in Narratives has constructed the model of space theory which is considered the most valuable in practical use so far. He distinguished vertically three levels (topography, Chronotope,text) which are composed in space and in horizontal direction he put sforward the units of space measurement and different spatial structures showed by kinds of combination. Lefebvre propose the concept of social space. He thinks social space includes three levels: the spatial practice, the representation of space, and the representational space. As a representative of modernist writers, Dresser overthrows the traditional linear narrative pattern in Sister Carrie, and forms a new system of time and space. Modernist writers "try to make the readers understand their work in one moment from the space rather than the order" (Makaryk, 1993: 629). So does Dresser. His creative style tallies with spatial effect constructed by narrative space theory. The theory of narrative space plays a more and more important role in western literary criticism in the twentieth century. It relates to and influences major forms of modern criticism and theory. This thesis will mainly use Frank’s spatial form theory, the topograpgical theory of Gabriel Zoran and Lefebvre’s social space theory to analyze Sister Carrie from four aspects: the physical space, the psychological space, the textual space and the perceptional space, Thus the thesis tries to I


设置文档自动保存时间 一、设置自动保存时间间隔 1.单击Word 2003“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,打开“选项”对话框的“保存”选项卡(也可以在“另存为”对话框的“工具”菜单里执行“保存选项...”命令打开)。 2.选中“自动保存时间间隔”项。 3.在右侧设置自动保存的时间间隔(范围:1-120分钟)。Word 2003将按所设置的时间间隔自动生成文档的恢复文件。设置以5-10分钟为宜,太短将频繁占用内存,太长则可能在出现意外后有较多的内容不能被自动保存。 4.单击“确定”按钮退出对话框。 二、恢复操作 Word非正常关闭后,再次运行Word 2003,程序会自动打开“文档恢复”任务窗格,左侧列出了出现问题时正在编辑的文档。当鼠标指针移到文档名称上,将出现“这是原始文档”和“这是自动恢复版本”的提示。其中“原始文档”是最后一次手动保存的文件,而“自动恢复版本”来自恢复过程中已恢复的文件,或在“自动恢复”保存过程中已保存的文件。 单击列表中需要保留文件右侧的下拉按钮,打开菜单,选择“打开”命令可以直接打开被恢复的文档继续编辑;选择“另存为”命令可以打开对话框换名 存盘或覆盖原文档。如果任务窗格中显示了多个自动恢复文件,所有需要的文件都要按照上述方法“打开”或“另存为”。没有进行如此操作的文档在Word 2003退出时都将被自动删除。 提示: 1.“自动恢复”功能不能替代“保存”操作,处理完文档后,还应该保存文档。 2.如果重新启动程序以后没有看到自动恢复任务窗格,可以采用手工方法恢复文档。存放恢复文件的位置一般位于C:\ DocumentsandSettings\用户名\ApplicationData\Microsoft\Word,如果存放恢复文件的文件夹中含有后缀名为asd的文件,它就是Word 2003自动保存的恢复文件,我们只要将文件的后缀由asd改为doc,即可用Word打开。 附:其他主要保存选项的说明: 1.保留备份:选择此选项,修改存盘时会生成一个名为“备份属于”+原文件的扩展名为.WBK的文件作为备份。备份副本与原文档保存在同一个文件夹


《Sister Carrie》 The author of the book is Theodore Dreiser, a famous realistic writer in Amaican literature history .Realism follows the rule of nature “survival of fittest”.《Sister Carrie》is a representative of realism which describes a poor countryside girl′s life change after her arrival to ,cruel reality makes Carrie feel lonely and she cohabited with Drouet,a young playboy ,Drouet offered her a easier life .Later,she married with Hrustwood ,who had didn′t have a better life in New York. after they spent the money Hurstwood stole from his ex-wife .At the end of the book, Hrustwood died in a shabby little hotel,and Carrie became a famous star and be in high social classes. Lost the job in shoe-making factory is just the turning point in Carrie′s life ,the turning point of her final success and survie she had to rely on someone .On the surface, writer is describing Carrie′s miserable suffering telling readers that is always very hard for woman .However ,to explore the deep meaning .Carrie is just a representative of the people from working-class who are oppressed by the capitalist .Dreiser shows sympathy to them and reveals the social ′s success is driven by dream and wants to change her destiny she is eager to climb into the high social matter how pimping you are ,dream is important and essential to future success because dream or ambution has the power to drive you forward. It is right to pursue for material life , but not everything,In fact it is never wrong to pursue for high standard and high class life.


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