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海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 1 - 1 海南航空股份有限公司 大新华航空乘务员客舱广播词 1.引导入座广播 尊敬的旅客朋友们 你们好 欢迎您选乘大新华快运轻松之旅请您对照手中登机牌上的号码对号入座您的座位号位于行李架边缘或下方大件行李可以放在行李架上水果及小件物品建议您放在您前排座椅下面。在安放行李的同时请您稍微侧一下身以便其海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 2 - 2 他旅客顺利通过。 谢谢 Baggage Arrangement ladies and gentlemen Welcome aboard GCE. Please take your seat according to your seat number. Your seat number is on the edge of the rack. Please make sure your hand baggage is stored in the overhead locker. Any small articles can be put under the seat in front of you. Please take your seat as soon as possible to keep the aisle clear for others to go through. Thank you! 2确认航班信息广播 旅客朋友们 欢迎您乘坐大新华快运的航班很高兴与金鹏俱乐部的会员再次相聚。我们温馨提示您,本次航班是由前往中途降落的GS ,由到的飞行时间为。请您确认手中的登机牌以免误乘飞机。 谢谢 Re-checking of Boarding Pass Good morning (afternoon/evening)ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard GCE flight GS( NO. ) formto (via),it takes abouthour(s)andminutes in the flight. We will extend our warm welcome to Fortune Wings Club members. Would you please check your ticket and boarding pass again to make sure you're boarding the correct flight. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 3 - 3 Thank you! 3.限制使用电子装置广播 女士们、先生们 你们好 欢迎您乘坐大新华快运的班机旅行。现在舱门已经关闭为了避免干扰通讯导航系统请您将手机包括具有飞行模式的手机及电子用品全部关闭。请系好安全带收起小桌板调直座椅靠背打开遮光板。我们提醒各位旅客为了客舱环境的清洁和安全在客舱内禁止吸烟及使用如烟等同类产品。祝您旅途愉快 谢谢 Restriction of Electronic Devices Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard GCE. The cabin door has been closed. To be safe, please turn off your mobile phones and all electronic devices. Please fasten your seat belt, ensure that your tables and seat backs are in an upright position and open the window shades. Smoking is not permitted during the whole flight. We wish you a pleasant trip. Thank you! 旅客朋友们 由于的原因我们正在等待起飞的命令请您稍加休息感谢您的理解。如果您有任何需要我们很乐意为您提供服务。 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 4 - 4 谢谢 【①航空交通管制、②航路军事禁航、③机场跑道繁忙、④机械故障、⑤天气

、⑥装货、⑦行李卸载、⑧飞机除冰、⑨跑道除冰】 Wait For Order From ATC Ladies and Gentlemen: Due to,we are now waiting for departure, please remain seated and wait for a moment. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. Thank you! [1.air traffic control 2.the military ban along the route 3.the busy runway 4.mechanical trouble 5.bad weather 6.loading of cargo 7.baggage loading 8.deicing of the aircraft 9.deicing of the runway 旅客朋友们 我们的飞机很快就要起飞了乘务员将进行客舱的安全检查工作。为了您的安全请您检查手机电源已经关闭并请系好安全带收起小桌板调直座椅靠背打开遮光板。 谢谢 Re-checking of security Broadcast Ladies and Gentlemen: We will take off shortly. Our flight attendants will cheek the security, please turn off your mobile phones and fasten your seat belt, ensure that your tables and seat backs are in an upright position and open the window shades. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 5 - 5 Thank you! 旅客朋友们 飞机即将起飞为了您的安全请您检查您的安全带已经扣好、系紧手机电源处于关闭状态。 谢谢 Secure Broadcast Ladies and Gentlemen: We will take off shortly. Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened and keep your mobile phones power off. Thank you! 旅客朋友们 我们的飞机正在上升高度可能会有颠簸。为了您的安全请暂时不要离开座位请您系好安全带。 谢谢 Ascending Notice Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please! We are climbing now and we may encounter some turbulence. For your safety, please remain seated and fasten your seat belt. Thank you! 旅客朋友们 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 6 - 6 请您系好安全带我们的飞机现在有些颠簸洗手间暂停使用。同时正在使用洗手间的旅客请您注意抓好扶手。 颠簸期间我们将暂停服务工作感谢您的理解。 谢谢 Turbulence Ladies and Gentlemen, Please fasten your seat belt because we are encountering some turbulence. Lavatory is not to be used. When you are using lavatory, please hold the handle tightly. (During turbulence, we will stop the cabin service.) Thank you! 1.落地前30分钟 旅客朋友们 飞机将在分钟后到达。现在是北京时间早上/中午/下午/晚上/凌晨点分。目前天气晴朗、有雨、下雪地面温度是零下摄氏度。请您注意温差变化提前整理好随身物品洗手间大约在分中后关闭。同时请将用完的毛毯和枕头交还给乘务员以便及时清洁与回收。 谢谢 30 Minutes before Landing(Domestic) Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing atAirport in aboutminutes. Now it is (time).The weather is (clear/rainy/snowy) and the temperature isdegrees centigra

de.(Please pay attention to the change of temperature.) Please arrange all your belongings in advance. The lavatory will be closed 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 7 - 7 afterminutes. Please return your blankets and pillows to the flight attendants. Thank you! 2.落地前20分钟广播 旅客朋友们 我们的飞机已经下降了洗手间停止使用。同时乘务员将进行客舱的安全检查为了您的安全请您系好安全带、收起小桌板、调直座椅靠背坐在靠窗的旅客麻烦您将遮光板打开。请关闭手提电脑、MP3等小型电子用品。 下降期间客舱压力会发生变化如果您感觉耳痛可以通过吞咽动作来缓解。 谢谢 20 Minutes before Landing (Domestic) Ladies and Gentlemen, We are descending now, the lavatory has been closed. To be safe, please fasten your seat belt, bring your seat back and table (and footrest) to the upright position and open the window shades. All electronic devices should be turned off. During descent, your ears may feel uncomfortable because of the changing of air pressure in the cabin, and you can overcome it by swallowing. Thank you 3.飞行下降阶段旅客起身或在客舱中走动时提示广播 旅客朋友们 请您不要离开座位请系好你的安全带。因为我们的飞机正在下降高度可能会遇到颠簸。 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 8 - 8 谢谢 Descending Notice Ladies and Gentlemen: For your safety, please sit down and fasten your seat belt. We are descending now and we may encounter some turbulence. hank you! 4.落地前再次确认广播 旅客朋友们 飞机即将着陆为了您的安全请检查您的安全带已经扣好、系紧手机电源处于关闭状态。 谢谢 Secure broadcast Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing shortly. Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened and keep your mobile phones power off. Thank you! 1.落地广播 尊敬的亲爱的旅客朋友们 长途旅行大家一路辛苦了。我们已经来到机场距离市区公里。 现在飞机还在滑行中请您不要离开座位提拿行李同时请不要打开手机电源以免干扰到机组与地面的通信联络。下机时请拿好全部手提物品。您托运的行李物品下机后请到候机楼出口处领取。 继续前往的旅客朋友们请您先在座位上休息我们将尽快广播诉您后续的海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 9 - 9 具体安排。 感谢您选乘大新华快运的班机我们期待着与您再一次相聚。 谢谢 Landing Ladies and Gentlemen: We have arrived in, the distance betweenand downtown is kilometers. Please remain seated and keep your mobile phones power off until the airplane has come to a complete stop. Please be sure to take all your belongings when you are disembark .your checked baggage may be claim in the terminal building.

(Passengers continuing to are requested to stay in your seat until we have further information for you) Thank you for flying with GCE and see you next time! 1. 中转广播 继续乘坐大新华快运GS海航HU航班中转到其他城市的旅客请注意 请您带好全部手提行李下机根据地面工作人员的指引或中转标示在隔离区内办理换乘手续祝您旅途愉快 谢谢 Transfer Passengers continuing to other cities with GCE (HNA) should take all your carry –on luggage and disembark .Please contact our ground staff for transfer procedures. Thank you! 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 10 - 10 2.过站旅客不下飞机 旅客朋友们 继续前往的旅客请注意请您不要下飞机在座位上休息一下我们会尽快安排的旅客上飞机。休息期间请您不要吸烟需要帮助时请与我们联系。 乘务换组时很荣幸能伴随各位旅客共度这段美好的时光后续航班将由另一个优秀的乘务组继续为您服务祝您旅途愉快。 谢谢 Wait on board Ladies and Gentlemen: Passengers continuing toare requested to stay on board .We will take off shortly .Please don′t leave the cabin and smoking is not permitted .If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. (There will be a change of cabin crew here .On behalf of my team ,I would like to wish you a pleasant journey .) Thank you! 3.过站旅客下飞机 继续前往的旅客请注意 接下来我们将安排大家在机场休息等候大约分钟的时间。请您拿好您的登机牌或机票贵重物品麻烦您随身携带您的小件物品可以放在行李架上。在候机楼休息期间请您留意再次登机的广播。 乘务换组时很荣幸能伴随各位旅客共度这段美好的时光后续航班将由另一个优秀的乘务组继续为您服务祝您旅途愉快。 谢谢 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 11 - 11 Waiting in the Terminal Ladies and Gentlemen: Please take your boarding pass or ticket with you and wait for aboutminutes in the terminal .Carry on luggage may be left on board ,but we suggest you take all valuables and important documents with you .Please pay attention to the re-boarding broadcast . (There will be a change of cabin crew here .On behalf of my team ,I would like to wish you a pleasant journey .) Thank you! B、起飞后 1.飞行上升阶段提示广播 1.1旅客起身或在客舱中走动时广播 旅客朋友们 我们的飞机正在上升高度可能会有颠簸。为了您的安全请暂时不要离开座位请您系好安全带。 谢谢 Ascending Notice Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please! We are climbing now and we may encounter some turbulence. For your safety, 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 12 - 12 please remain seated and fasten your seat belt. Thank you! 1.2旅客按呼唤铃

时广播 旅客朋友们 我们的飞机正在上升高度可能会有颠簸。等飞行稳定后我们将立即为您提供服务。 谢谢 Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please! We are climbing now and we may encounter some turbulence. For your safety, please fasten your seat belt. We will serve you soon. Thank you! 2、航线及服务介绍广播 尊敬的亲爱的旅客朋友们 现在飞机正在前往 我们将共同度过_______小时_____分钟的空中时光。 (ERJ-190)您现在乘坐的是由巴西航空工业公司生产的ERJ-190型客机客舱内共有106个座位洗手间位于客舱的前部和后部。 (EMB-145)您现在乘坐的是由巴西航空工业公司和哈尔滨安博威公司联合生产的EMB-145型客机客舱内共有50个座位洗手间位于客舱的后部。 (Dornier-328)您现在乘坐的飞机是Dornier-328型客机是目前最新型、最先进的小型喷气式客机。 在接下来的时间里您将享用到_______早餐/午餐/晚餐/点心/小吃和茶水、咖啡、矿泉水我们提前祝您用餐愉快。 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 13 - 13 我们预计在上午/中午/下午/晚上/凌晨_______点_______分到达______旅途中可能会遇到颠簸请您就座时系好安全带。祝您有一个温馨而愉快的旅程。 Introduce the flight route and service item(Domestic) Ladies and Gentlemen, We have left _____for______. It takes about ______hours(s) and ______minutes in the flight. (ERJ-190)The plane you are taking is ERJ-190. There are 2 lavatories in the cabin, one in the front and one in the rear. (ERJ-145)The plane you are taking is EMB-145.the lavatory is located in the rear of the cabin. (Dornier-328)The plane you are taking is Dornier-328.It is one of the most advanced small jet plane in the world. We will serve you breakfast (lunch/dinner/snack/peanut) and drinks soon. We are expected to arrive at (airport) at (time).we may encounter some turbulence, please fasten your seat belt when you are seated during the whole flight. Wish you a pleasant journey! Thank you! 3. 颠簸广播预录 旅客朋友们 请您系好安全带我们的飞机现在有些颠簸洗手间暂停使用。同时正在使用洗手间的旅客请您注意抓好扶手。 颠簸期间我们将暂停服务工作感谢您的理解。 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 14 - 14 谢谢 Turbulence Ladies and Gentlemen, Please fasten your seat belt because we are encountering some turbulence. Lavatory is not to be used. When you are using lavatory, please hold the handle tightly. (During turbulence, we will stop the cabin service.) Thank you! 4.夜航及长航线休息广播 旅客朋友们 为了使您由一个舒适的休息环境接下来我们将关闭客舱音乐调暗客舱灯光。休息时请您系好安全带需要服务时请您

按呼唤铃并请保持客舱安静。 谢谢 Flying at Night Ladies and Gentlemen: To ensure a good rest for every passenger, we will turn off the video system and dim the cabin lights. Please fasten your seat belt. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. Thank you! C、落地前 1.落地前30分钟 旅客朋友们 飞机将在 分钟后到达 。现在是北京时间早上/中午/下午/晚上/凌晨 点 分。目前天气 晴朗、有雨、下雪地面温度是零下 摄海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 15 - 15 氏度。请您注意温差变化提前整理好随身物品洗手间大约在 分中后关闭。同时请将用完的毛毯和枕头交还给乘务员以便及时清洁与回收。 谢谢 30 Minutes before Landing(Domestic) Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing at Airport in about minutes. Now it is (time).The weather is (clear/rainy/snowy) and the temperature is degrees centigrade.(Please pay attention to the change of temperature.) Please arrange all your belongings in advance. The lavatory will be closed after minutes. Please return your blankets and pillows to the flight attendants. Thank you! 2.落地前20分钟广播 旅客朋友们 我们的飞机已经下降了洗手间停止使用。同时乘务员将进行客舱的安全检查为了您的安全请您系好安全带、收起小桌板、调直座椅靠背坐在靠窗的旅客麻烦您将遮光板打开。请关闭手提电脑、MP3等小型电子用品。 下降期间客舱压力会发生变化如果您感觉耳痛可以通过吞咽动作来缓解。 谢谢 20 Minutes before Landing (Domestic) Ladies and Gentlemen, We are descending now, the lavatory has been closed. To be safe, please fasten your seat belt, bring your seat back and table (and footrest) to 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 16 - 16 the upright position and open the window shades. All electronic devices should be turned off. During descent, your ears may feel uncomfortable because of the changing of air pressure in the cabin, and you can overcome it by swallowing. Thank you 3.飞行下降阶段旅客起身或在客舱中走动时提示广播 旅客朋友们 请您不要离开座位请系好你的安全带。因为我们的飞机正在下降高度可能会遇到颠簸。 谢谢 Descending Notice Ladies and Gentlemen: For your safety, please sit down and fasten your seat belt. We are descending now and we may encounter some turbulence. hank you! 4.落地前再次确认广播 旅客朋友们 飞机即将着陆为了您的安全请检查您的安全带已经扣好、系紧手机电源处于关闭状态。 谢谢 Secure broadcast Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing shortly. Please make sure that your seat belt is 海南航空股份有限公司

乘务员广播词- 17 - 17 securely fastened and keep your mobile phones power off. Thank you! D、落地后 1.落地广播 尊敬的亲爱的旅客朋友们 长途旅行大家一路辛苦了。我们已经来到  机场距离市区 公里。 现在飞机还在滑行中请您不要离开座位提拿行李同时请不要打开手机电源以免干扰到机组与地面的通信联络。下机时请拿好全部手提物品。您托运的行李物品下机后请到候机楼出口处领取。 继续前往 的旅客朋友们请您先在座位上休息我们将尽快广告诉您后续的具体安排。 感谢您选乘大新华快运的班机我们期待着与您再一次相聚。 谢谢 Landing Ladies and Gentlemen: We have arrived in , the distance between and downtown is kilometers. Please remain seated and keep your mobile phones power off until the airplane has come to a complete stop. Please be sure to take all your belongings when you are disembark .your checked baggage may be claim in the terminal building. (Passengers continuing to are requested to stay in your seat until we have further information for you) 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 18 - 18 Thank you for flying with GCE and see you next time! 1. 中转广播 继续乘坐大新华快运GS海航HU航班中转到其他城市的旅客请注意 请您带好全部手提行李下机根据地面工作人员的指引或中转标示在隔离区内办理换乘手续祝您旅途愉快 谢谢 Transfer Passengers continuing to other cities with GCE (HNA) should take all your carry –on luggage and disembark .Please contact our ground staff for transfer procedures. Thank you! 2.过站旅客不下飞机 旅客朋友们 继续前往 的旅客请注意请您不要下飞机在座位上休息一下我们会尽快安排 的旅客上飞机。休息期间请您不要吸烟需要帮助时请与我们联系。 乘务换组时很荣幸能伴随各位旅客共度这段美好的时光后续航班将由另一个优秀的乘务组继续为您服务祝您旅途愉快。 谢谢 Wait on board Ladies and Gentlemen: Passengers continuing to are requested to stay on board .We will take off shortly .Please don′t leave the cabin and smoking is not permitted .If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 19 - 19 (There will be a change of cabin crew here .On behalf of my team ,I would like to wish you a pleasant journey .) Thank you! 3.过站旅客下飞机 继续前往 的旅客请注意 接下来我们将安排大家在 机场休息等候大约 分钟的时间。请您拿好您的登机牌或机票贵重物品麻烦您随身携带您的小件物品可以放在行李架上。在候机楼休息期间请您留意再

次登机的广播。 乘务换组时很荣幸能伴随各位旅客共度这段美好的时光后续航班将由另一个优秀的乘务组继续为您服务祝您旅途愉快。 谢谢 Waiting in the Terminal Ladies and Gentlemen: Please take your boarding pass or ticket with you and wait for about minutes in the terminal .Carry on luggage may be left on board ,but we suggest you take all valuables and important documents with you .Please pay attention to the re-boarding broadcast . (There will be a change of cabin crew here .On behalf of my team ,I would like to wish you a pleasant journey .) Thank you! E、航班特殊情况 1、延误广播有明确原因或时间等待的预计等待时间超过30分钟 旅客朋友们 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 20 - 20 我们非常抱歉的通知您由于______的原因我们的飞机还不能起飞。根据最新得到的消息我们的飞机预计需要等待 时间 / 没有预计的起飞时间机长正在积极地联系争取尽快起飞/我们的机务人员正在排除故障。…… 机上休息请您在作为上休息在等待期间乘务员会为您提供饮料/点心/正餐如果您有任何需要我们很乐意为您提供服务。 到候机楼休息现在请您带好全部手提物品准备下飞机/你的手提物品可以放在飞机上但贵重物品请您随身携带好。请跟随地面服务人员到候机室休息等候广播通知上飞机。 由于航班延误给您带来的不便在此我们向您深表歉意。多谢您的谅解和协助 【①航空交通管制、②机械故障、③天气、④等待转机旅客、⑤等待餐食、⑥装货、⑦行李装载、⑧飞机除冰、⑨跑道除冰、⑩旅客临时取消行程地面工作人员正在查找他们的行李】 Wait For order From ATC Ladies and Gentlemen: Due to ,we are now waiting for departure. according to the latest information, we have to wait for hours/minutes for departure./we still didn’t get the exact departure time.Our captain is now communication with the airport staffs./Our maintenance staffs are dealing with the mechanical troubles… (a )Wait on board Please remain seated and wait for a moment. (We will serve you 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 21 - 21 drinks/dessert /dinner soon ) If there is anything we can do for you ,please let us know . (b )Wait in the terminal building Please take all your belongings with you /Your carry-on luggage can be left on board .Please take care of your valuables .Please wait in the terminal building and wait for re-boarding notice. We apologized for the inconvenience. Thank you! 【①air traffic control ②the military ban along the route ③the busy runway ④mechanical trouble ⑤bad weather ⑥loading of cargo ⑦baggage loading ⑧deicing of the aircraft ⑨deicing of the runway ⑩some passe

ngers cancelled their plan ,our ground staffs are removing their checked baggage 】 2、除冰广播 女士们、先生们 刚刚收到机长的通知由于______机场名称天气异常寒冷导致机身结冰为确保飞行安全我们正在进行除冰工作。我们的航班将推迟______分钟起飞请各位旅客在座位上休息等候有进一步的消息我们会及时通知你。 谢谢 Deicing Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just been informed by the captain that our departure will be delayed for ______minutes ,because ice may have formed on the aircraft 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 22 - 22 because of the cold weather .The aircraft is now being de iced .Please remain in your seats .We will provide you with more details as soon as they because available . Thank you! 3、备降广播 3.1备降前广播 女士们、先生们 由于______原因我们无法降落在目的地机场______现在我们正飞往______做短暂停留。大约______后我们将到达______乘务员将进行客舱的安全检查为了您的安全请您系好安全带、收起小桌板、调直坐椅靠背坐在靠窗的旅客麻烦您将遮光板打开 谢谢 【①机场关闭、②机场跑道结冰、③沙尘暴、④降落地天气不好能见度低、】 Ladies and Gentlemen: Due to ______, we can’t land at ______Airport. We are now flying to ______.After hours /minutes ,we will arrive at ______.Our flight attendants will check the cabin security .Please fasten your seat belt ,ensure that your tables and seat backs are in an upright position and open the window shades . Thank you! 【①airport closed ②icing on the runway ③the sandstorm ④the unfavorable weather conditions ,poor visibility .】 3.2备降落地后广播 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 23 - 23 女士们、先生们 本架飞机已经降落在______机场。现在飞机还在滑行中请您不要离开座位提拿行李同时请您不要打开手机电源以免干扰到机组与地面的通信联络。 在进一步消息传来之前请旅客们在座位上耐心等候我们将随时为您通报有关情况 谢谢 Detour Landing Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just landed at ______Airport .Please keep you seat belt fastened and remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop .P lease keep your mobile phones power off .We’ll have further information for you shortly . Thank you! 4、空中盘旋广播 女士们、先生们 非常抱歉的通知大家我们刚刚接到通知 由于______机场天气不好能见度很低飞机暂时无法降落为了安全我们正在机场上空盘旋等待天气好转。如有进一步的消息我们将随时通知您。 谢谢 Circling Ladies and Gentlemen: Duo to unfavorable weather conditions at ______Airport ,we have been ordered to circle over ______until we

receive new instructions . 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 24 - 24 Thank you! 5、返航广播 女士们、先生们 我们非常抱歉的通知您由于 原因为确保飞行安全我们决定返回 机场。飞机将于 后到达 机场。有进一步的消息我们会及时通知您。对于给您造成的不便我们深表歉意希望能得到您的谅解。 谢谢! 【①机械故障、②机场跑道结冰、③沙尘暴、④机场关闭、⑤降落地天气不好能见度低、】 Return (mechanical trouble) Ladies and Gentlemen: We are sorry to inform. you that we will return to ______Airport due to ______.We expect to land at ______Airport at (time). We apologize for any inconvenience .Your understanding will be very much appreciated. 【①mechanical trouble ②icing on the runway ③the sandstorm ④airport closed ⑤the unfavorable weather conditions ,poor visibility .】 6、航班取消广播 女士们、先生们 我们非常抱歉的通知您由于 原因我们决定取消今天的飞行将在 过夜。请您带好全部行李下飞机。起飞时间定于明天 (时间) /起飞时间另行通知。 对于给您造成的不便我们全体机组人员向您表示歉意并希望能得到您的谅解。 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 25 - 25 谢谢 【①机械故障、②天气不好、③飞机调配、④机场关闭、】 Cancel and Stay Overnight (Bad Weather) Ladies and Gentlemen: We are sorry to inform. you that the flight has been cancel due to ______.We will have to stay overnight at Airport .Please take all your belongings with you while leaving the plane. The plane will take off at (time) tomorrow. (We’ll have further information for you later.) We apologize for any inconvenience .Your understanding will be very much appreciated. Thank you! 【①mechanical trouble ②the unfavorable weather conditions③airport allocation ④airport closed 】 7、换乘广播 旅客朋友们 非常抱歉的通知大家由于机械故障/飞机调配为了确保大家的旅途安全现在决定换乘另一架飞机。请您带好全部手提物品随同地面工作人员下飞机。对于给您造成的不便我们深表歉意感谢您的理解。 谢谢 Change of Aircraft Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please! 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 26 - 26 We regret to inform. you that we will have to transfer to another aircraft due to mechanical trouble /aircraft allocation .Please take all your belongings when you disembark and follow our ground staff to the new aircraft. We apologize for any inconvenience .Your understanding will be very much appreciated. Thank you! 辅助广播 1、广播找医生 旅客朋友们 现在飞机上有位重病旅客/有位旅客需要使用机上处方药如果哪位旅客是医生或护

理人员请马上与乘务员联系。对您的帮助我们深表谢意 谢谢 Call for Doctor Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please! There is a sick passenger on board /There is a sick passenger who need to use prescription drug .If you are medical personnel, please contact us. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 27 - 27 Thank you! 2、清点人数广播 旅客朋友们 现在我们需要重新核对机上旅客人数请您在座位上做好请不要使用洗手间同时请不要在客舱内来回走动。 谢谢 Head-checking Ladies and Gentlemen We are going to make a check of the number of passengers on board. Please remain in your seat and do not use the lavatory. Thank you! 3、对号入座广播 旅客朋友们 为了飞机的配载平衡确保您的安全请你按照手中登机牌的号码对号入座。 谢谢 Taking Assigned Seats Ladies and Gentlemen We must keep the balance for the aircraft. Please take your seat according to your seat number. Thank you! 4、清舱广播 女士们、先生们 由于本架飞机有旅客临时退票/临时终止旅行为了确保飞行安全机场工作人海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 28 - 28 员将对飞机进行安全清舱工作请您给与协助。… (a)现在请各位旅客协助工作人员指认客舱中自己的行李 (b)请所有旅客带上您的全部手提行李下飞机在廊桥上等候/重新进行安全检查。 对于给您造成的不便我们深表歉意。 谢谢 Clear Cabin Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please! Because some passengers deplane earlier without notifying us (some passengers require to refund their tickets ),the ground staff of the airport will make a safety check of the cabin according to the regulation of CAAC. (a)Please assist the ground staff to identify all your belongings in the cabin. (b)Please carry all your belongings to disembark and (wait on the air bridge /go through the security check at the terminal) We apologize for any inconvenience .Your understanding will be very much appreciated! 5、高原飞行提示广播 5.1拉萨机场高原飞行提示广播 机组给出3000米信号时 女士们、先生们 现在飞机座舱高度已经达到3000米受高原气候影响有些旅客可能会感到轻微的不适请您不要紧张在座位上坐好并确认安全带是否系好我们特别提海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 29 - 29 醒各位旅客请不要在客舱内走动。 谢谢 Ladies and Gentlemen: The cabin altitude is 3 thousand meters no .you’ll feel a little uncomfortable due to the plateau climate .But don’t be nervous .Please remain in your seat and keep your seat belt securely fastened .Thank you for your cooperation ! 5.2高原飞行提示广播落地广播后——所有高原机场都需要广播

女士们、先生们 为了使您能及早适应高原缺氧的气候我们提醒您注意当您下飞机时请您动作轻缓避免因剧烈运动产生不适的高原反应。祝您______之行顺心如意。 谢谢 Before Landing In Plateau Ladies and Gentlemen: We’ll be landing at ______airport .Because of the high altitude in ______, you must take certain precautions to adjust to the altitude slowly in order to avoid altitude sickness .We hope your stay in ____will be happy! Thank you! 6、寻物启示广播 女士们、先生们 现在广播寻物启示如有旅客拾到______丢失物品的数量、名称及外型样式请按头顶上方的呼唤铃与乘务员联系我们谨代表失主向您表示感谢! 谢谢 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 30 - 30 Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please !Any passenger who has found ______,please contact our flight attendant immediately ,or press the call button overhead .Meanwhile ,other passengers who have been the article please offer us relevant clues . Thank you! 7、失物招领广播 女士们、先生们 我们现在拾到______,如果是您遗失的请与乘务员联系。 谢谢 Lost Items Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention please! We just found a ______.The passenger who has lost it, please contact our flight attendant. Thank you! G、紧急情况 1、客舱灭火广播 1.1灭火时广播 女士们、先生们 现在客舱内出现火情我们正在组织灭火请大家不要惊慌听从乘务员指挥我们将调整火源附近旅客的座位其他旅客请不要在客舱内走动。 Fire in the Cabin 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 31 - 31 Ladies and Gentlemen: A fire has broken out in the cabin .We are managing to put it out .Please remain seated and keep calm .Passengers sitting near the fire source are requested to change your seats. 1.2灭火后广播 女士们、先生们 我们的灭火工作已经结束。(飞机处于良好状态。) a非常抱歉此次意外给您带来的不安我们将继续飞行非常感谢您的合作 b但飞机仍需要尽快着陆以便进一步检查。我们预计______后到达______机场。 谢谢 Fire Extinguished Ladies and Gentlemen: The fire has now been completely extinguished .The plane is cruising as scheduled and there will be no change in arrival time .We expect to land at ______Airport at (time). We are sorry to have interrupted you and we thank you for your cooperation! Thank you! 2、客舱释压广播 2.1释压时广播 女士们、先生们 现在客舱发生释压请您用力拉下氧气面罩将面罩罩在口鼻处进行正常呼吸。如果您是与儿童相邻而座请帮儿童戴上氧气面罩。飞机正在紧急下海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 32 - 32 降。请不要惊慌系好安全

带。请不要走动。 谢谢! Decompression Ladies and Gentlemen, Please give me your full attention! The aircraft is now descending due to decompression. Please fasten your seat belt and stay calm. When you see the mask drop, reach up and pull the mask towards your face and cover your mouth and nose, slip the elastic band over your head and breathe normally. Thank you! 2.2到达高度后的广播 女士们、先生们 我们的飞机已经到达安全高度请将用过的氧气面罩放在您前排座椅背后的口袋里。请您仍在原座位坐好系好安全带。乘务员将进行客舱检查需要帮助的旅客请与乘务员联系。 谢谢 Ladies and Gentlemen, Our aircraft has now reached a safe altitude, you may now breath normally. Please put all used oxygen masks into the seat pocket in front of you. Please remain seated and keep your seat belt fastened. We are going to check the cabin in a while. If you need any help, please let us know. Thank you! 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 33 - 33 3、有充分准备的水上/陆地撤离广播 3.1广播迫降决定接替机长广播 女士们、先生们 我是本架飞机的乘务长。如同机长所述飞机将在 分钟后进行水上/陆地迫降。 我们全体乘务员都受过良好的专业训练有信心、有能力保证全体旅客的安全请您听从乘务员的指挥。落地后请迅速脱离飞机撤离到安全地带。 Ladies and Gentlemen, This is your chief purser speaking. Our situation is as the captain has announced. We will be landing /ditching in minutes. Our crew members have been well trained for this kind of situation. So please follow their instructions. After landing, please leave the plane as soon as possible. 3.2取下尖锐物品并安全检查 女士们、先生们 为了您的安全请取下您随身的尖锐物品。如项链、耳环、钢笔、圆珠笔、手机等摘下领带脱下高跟鞋和带钉子的鞋把它们放在您的行李包内或听从乘务员的指挥。 Ladies and Gentlemen, We will explain the personal preparations for your safety. Please remove necklace, earring, pen, tie, mobile phone, high-heeled shoes and other sharp objects. Please keep them in your baggage or follow the instructions of the flight attendants. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 34 - 34 3.3示范救生衣仅限水上 女士们、先生们 请注意!请听从乘务员的指挥取出救生衣经头部穿好。将带子扣好、系紧。在离开飞机时打开充气阀门但在客舱内不要充气。 Ladies and Gentlemen: Attention please! Please follow the instructions of the flight attendants. Take out your life vest and slip it over your head, then fasten the buckles and pull the strap tight around your waist While leaving the aircraft, please inflate your life vest by pulling the inflation tabs with a bit o

f force. Do not inflate in the cabin. 3.4介绍应急出口位置脱出区域划分 女士们、先生们 请注意现在由客舱乘务员向您介绍紧急撤离路线。在飞机的左、右侧都设有紧急出口请按乘务员所指的方向撤离。在指定的门不能脱出时请尽快转移到其它出口。 Ladies and Gentlemen Attention please There are emergency exits on each side of the aircraft. Please locate you exit by following the cabin attendant's direction. If the exit cannot be used, please quickly move to another one. 3.5示范防冲击安全姿势 女士们、先生们 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 35 - 35 请扶直椅背系紧安全带。我们将向您演示安全姿势。 第一种两臂伸直交叉紧抓前面座椅头俯下两脚用力蹬地。 如果您无法抓住前面座椅靠背或前面没有座椅靠背请采取 第二种防冲击姿势。身体前倾头贴在双膝上双手紧抱双腿两脚平放用力蹬地。 Ladies and Gentlemen, Please bring your seat to full upright position and fasten the seat belt tightly. We'll show you the brace positions. First Stretch both your arms and cross them on the seat back in front of you. Place your feet firmly on the floor. If you can’t hold the seatback, or there isn’t seatback in front of you, please use the way as follow: Second, fasten your seat belt. Bend the upper part of your body forwardput your head on your kneesclasp both legs with your two hands and place your feet firmly on the floor. 3.6补充广播 女士们、先生们 当机长发出命令时您要做好防撞击姿势。当飞机未完全停稳时请您仍保持防撞击姿势。当飞机停稳后请按乘务员的指挥进行紧急撤离。 Ladies and Gentlemen, Attention please! You must brace for impact when the captain orders. Please remain in brace position until the aircraft comes to a complete stop, and then proceed 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 36 - 36 to the emergency exits as directed by the flight attendants. 3.7 选择援助者调整座位 女士们、先生们 如果你是航空公司雇员执法人员、消防员或军人的话请与乘务员联系我们需要你的帮助。因撤离时需要我们将调整一些旅客的座位。 Ladies and Gentlemen If there is any airline employee, law enforcement, fire rescue or military personnel onboard, please identify yourself to flight attendant. We need your help .We will also be asking some of you to change seat to better help those needing assistance or to be close to an exit to help evacuate. 3.8调整客舱灯光广播 女士们、先生们 为了使您在撤离时能适应机外光线我们将调暗客舱灯光。 Ladies and Gentlemen We will now dim cabin lights. 4、有准备时限的水上/陆地撤离广播 4.1广播迫降决定接替机长广播

女士们、先生们 我是本架飞机的乘务长。如同机长所述飞机将在 分钟后进行水上/陆地迫降。 我们全体乘务员都受过良好的专业训练有信心、有能力保证全体旅客的安全请您听从乘务员的指挥。落地后请迅速脱离飞机撤离到安全地带。 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 37 - 37 Ladies and Gentlemen, This is your chief purser speaking. Our situation is as the captain has announced. We will be landing/ditching in minutes. Our crew members are well trained for this kind of situation. So please follow their instructions. After landing, please leave the plane as soon as possible. 4.2取下尖锐物品并安全检查 女士们、先生们 为了撤离时安全请取下您随身的尖锐物品。如项链、耳环、钢笔、圆珠笔、手机等摘下领带脱下高跟鞋和带钉子的鞋把它们放在您的行李包内。假牙、眼镜、助听器请在安全演示结束后摘下并放在袜套或外衣口袋中。 请大家将所有行李放在行李架内调直座椅靠背打开遮光板收起小桌板及脚蹬系紧安全带不要吸烟。 Ladies and Gentlemen Please remove necklaces, earrings, pens, ties, mobile phones, high-heeled shoes and other sharp objects. Please keep them in your baggage or follow the instructions of the flight attendants. After safety demonstration please remove glasses, dentures, hearing-aid, and put them in your sock or pocket. Please put all your baggage in the overhead locker. Bring your seatback to the upright position, open the window ship ,stow all tray tables and (footrests), make sure your seat belt is fastened tight and lowand do not smoke. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 38 - 38 4.3示范救生衣仅限水上 女士们、先生们 请注意!请听从乘务员的指挥取出救生衣经头部穿好。将带子扣好、系紧。在离开飞机时打开充气阀门但在客舱内不要充气。 Ladies and Gentlemen: Attention please! Please follow the instructions of the flight attendants. Take out your life vest and slip it over your head, then fasten the buckles and pull the strap tight around your waist While leaving the aircraft, please inflate your life vest by pulling the inflation tabs with a bit of force. Do not inflate in the cabin. 4.4介绍应急出口位置脱出区域划分 女士们、先生们 请注意!本架飞机的前、中、后部都设有紧急出口并标有紧急出口的明显标记这个出口可能就在你周围请确认至少两个以上的出口。安装在地板上的应急灯光将引导您到出口处出口指示灯为红色。 Ladies and Gentlemen Attention please! Emergency exits are located in the front, middle and rear of the cabin, and all the exits are clearly marked. The lights on the floor will lean you to those exitsThe red ligh

t indicates the exits. 4.5示范防冲击安全姿势 女士们、先生们 请扶直椅背系紧安全带。我们将向您演示安全姿势。 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 39 - 39 第一种两臂伸直交叉紧抓前面座椅头俯下两脚用力蹬地。 如果您无法抓住前面座椅靠背或前面没有座椅靠背请采取 第二种防冲击姿势。身体前倾头贴在双膝上双手紧抱双腿两脚平放用力蹬地。 Ladies and Gentlemen, Please bring your seat to full upright position and fasten the seat belt tightly. We'll show you the brace positions. First Stretch both your arms and cross them on the seat back in front of you. Place your feet firmly on the floor. If you can’t hold the seatback, or there isn’t seatback in front of you, please use the way as follow: Second, fasten your seat belt. Bend the upper part of your body forwardput your head on your kneesclasp both legs with your two hands and place your feet firmly on the floor. 4.6补充广播 女士们、先生们 当机长发出命令时您要做好防撞击姿势。当飞机未完全停稳时请您仍保持防撞击姿势。当飞机停稳后请按乘务员的指挥进行紧急撤离。 Ladies and Gentlemen, Attention please! You must brace for impact when the captain orders. Please remain in the brace position until the aircraft comes to a complete stop, and then proceed to the emergency exits as directed by the flight attendants. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 40 - 40 H、节日广播 1、欢迎词航线及服务介绍广播前加入) 尊敬的旅客朋友们 欢迎您乘坐大新华快运的班机旅行我们全体机组人员谨代表大新华快运向您致以节日的问候恭祝您 。 现在飞机正在前往 …… 谢谢 【1.新年快乐2.春节快乐3.元宵节快乐4.情人节快乐5.所有女性朋友节日快乐6.劳动节快乐7.青年节快乐8.端午节快乐9.所有母亲节日快乐10.各位小朋友儿童节快乐11.所有父亲节日快乐12.七夕情人节节日快乐13.建党节快乐14.建军节快乐15.中秋节快乐16.全体教师节日快乐17重阳节快乐18.国庆节快乐19.圣诞节快乐。】 Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard GCE! On behalf of GCE, we wish you all a ______. Now we have left ……. 【1.Happy New Year /2.Happy Spring Festival /3.Happy Lantern Festival 4.Happy Valentines Day /5.Happy Women’s Day /6.Happy Labor Day /7.Happy Youth Day 8.Happy Dragon Boat Festival /9.Happy Mother’s Day /10.Happy Children’s Day /11.Happy Fathometer’s Day /12.Happy Chinese’s Day /13.Happy Party’s Day /14Happy Teacher’s Day /15.Happy Mid Autumn Festival /16.Happy Teacher’s Day /17.Happy Double Ninth Festival /18.Happy National Day /19.Merry Christmas 】 2、再次恭祝在落地广播后加入 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 41 - 41

……我们期待着与您在一次相聚。并再次恭祝您 . 谢谢 【1.新年快乐2.春节快乐3.元宵节快乐4.情人节快乐5.所有女性朋友节日快乐6.劳动节快乐7.青年节快乐8.端午节快乐9.所有母亲节日快乐10.各位小朋友儿童节快乐11.所有父亲节日快乐12.七夕情人节节日快乐13.建党节快乐14.建军节快乐15.中秋节快乐16.全体教师节日快乐17重阳节快乐18.国庆节快乐19.圣诞节快乐。】 Ladies and Gentlemen: ……Thane you for flying with GCE and We wish you all a _____.see you next time ! 【1.Happy New Year /2.Happy Spring Festival /3.Happy Lantern Festival 4.Happy Valentines Day /5.Happy Women’s Day /6.Happy Labor Day /7.Happy Youth Day 8.Happy Dragon Boat Festival /9.Happy Mother’s Day /10.Happy Children’s Day /11.Happy Fathometer’s Day /12.Happy Chinese’s Day /13.Happy Party’s Day /14Happy Teacher’s Day /15.Happy Mid Autumn Festival /16.Happy Teacher’s Day /17.Happy Double Ninth Festival /18.Happy National Day /19.Merry Christmas 】 I、专、包机、首航广播 1、首航欢迎词航线机服务介绍广播前加入 旅客朋友们 你们好欢迎乘坐大新华快运由______前往______的首航航班。我们全体机组成员对搭乘本次航班的旅客表示最热忱的欢迎。 我们相信, 至 航线的开通将进一步促进两地之间经济和文化交流更加增海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 42 - 42 进两地人民之间的友谊。 ……现在飞机正在前往______, Good morning (afternoon /evening) Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard GCE from ______to ______.Today is our Maiden Flight Day. We believe the opening of the route flight will highly promote the communication between ______and _______. ……now we have left _____for ______. 2、专、包机欢迎词航线及服务介绍广播前加入 旅客朋友们 您好欢迎乘坐大新华快运的航班前往_______。能为您提供服务我们感到无比荣幸。在此我们预祝_________成功召开并衷心的祝愿您身体健康工作顺利 ……现在飞机正在前往______ Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard GCE. We feel honored to have the opportunity to serve you and we wish _________ a great success. ……We have left ______ for______. 3、会议保障广播 31迎送两会代表广播 31.1赴京欢送词航线及服务介绍广播前加入 尊敬的_____届_____次人大代表和政协会议的委员们: 你们好!欢迎您乘坐大新华快运的航班前往_____。参加两会的代表都时常年战斗在各条战线上的杰出人士,我们有机会为您服务感到非常的荣幸。在此我海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 43 - 43 们预祝大会召开成功并祝代表北京一行工作树立、身体健康。 ……现在飞机正在前往_____。 Welcome (to Be

ijing) Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard GCE. As is known to all, you are the standouts in all walks of life to make your presence at the ________session of NPC and CPPCC in Beijing. We feel honored to have the opportunity to serve you and we wish the conference a great success. ……We have left ____for____. 3.1.2返程欢迎词航线及服务介绍广播前加入 尊敬的_____届_____次人大代表和政协会议的委员们: 你们好!欢迎您乘坐大新华快运的航班返回_____。我们为有机会给您服务感到非常荣幸。______届______次人大、政协会议已于___月____日在北京胜利闭幕。在此我们祝贺两会圆满成功并向在北京期间辛苦工作的代表们致以崇高的敬意。 ……现在飞机正在前往________。 Welcome (to Haikou) Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard GCE. We feel honored to have the opportunity to serve you again. The ______session of NPC and CPPCC has come to a successful end. We’d like to extend our congratulations and regards to all the representatives of Hainan. ……We have left _____ for_____. 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 44 - 44 3.2党代会广播词航线及服务介绍广播前加入 女士们、先生们 你们好欢迎您乘坐大新华快运的航班。 我们非常荣幸能有机会为您服务。乘坐本次航班的有参加中国共产党第____次全国代表大会的代表在此我们机组全体人员衷心祝愿党的_______大会取得圆满成功并祝各位代表身体健康工作顺利。 ……现在飞机正在前往______。 Welcome CPC National Congress Representatives Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard GCE. As is known to all, you are going to make your presence at the _______CPC National Congress in Beijing. We feel honored to have the opportunity to serve you and we wish the conference a great success. ……We have left ______for_____. 4、运送广播 4.1迎送劳模广播航线及服务介绍广播前加入 女士们、先生们、尊敬的劳模代表们 你们好欢迎您乘坐大新华快运的航班前往_________。各位劳模代表都是常年辛苦战斗在各行各业的杰出人士我们有机会为宁服务感到非常荣幸。在此我们预祝各位代表们北京一行身体健康、顺心如意。 ……现在飞机正在前往_________。 Welcome Labor Models Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard GCE. We feel honored to have the opportunity to serve 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 45 - 45 the labor models. We wish all of you here healthy. ……We have left ________for________. 4.2送新兵入伍广播航线及服务介绍广播前加入 尊敬的中国人民解放军指战员 你们好您为了保卫祖国维护祖国的团结和安定告别了家乡和亲人告别舒适和安宁的生活奔赴边疆、守卫边疆

您是当代最可爱的人我谨代表全体机组全体人员对于您为祖国的安定团结所做出的贡献表示最崇高的敬意。并衷心的祝愿您在新的战斗岗位中为人民立新功。 ……现在飞机正在前往_______。 Ladies and Gentlemen, dear labor models, Your Excellency Liberation Army of People’s Republic of China, Welcome aboard GCE. We feel honored to be able to serve you. Please allow me to extend our warm greeting and regards to the army officers and soldiers on board, for your contribution to the country. ……We have left ________for_________. 4.3迎接老兵复原广播航线及服务介绍广播前加入 敬爱的中国人民解放军指战员 你们好本次航班的机长携全体机组成员欢迎您选乘大新华快运的班机旅行我们非常荣幸的为您服务。您为了保卫祖国维护民族团结和国家安定告别了家乡和亲人告别舒适和安宁的生活守卫边疆您辛苦了您时当代最可爱的人我谨代表全体机组人员对于您所做出的贡献表示最崇高的敬意。 ……现在飞机正在前往__________。 Ladies and Gentlemen, dear labor models, 海南航空股份有限公司乘务员广播词- 46 - 46 Your Excellency Liberation Army of People’s Republic of China, Welcome aboard GCE. We feel honored to be able to serve you. Please allow me to extend our warm greeting and regards to the army officers and soldiers on board, for your contribution to the country. ……We have left ________for_________.
