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Penny: Oh, hey, Sheldon. What's going on?

Sheldon 怎么了 ?

Sheldon: I need your opinion on a matter of semiotics.



1 、 semiotics: 记号

Penny: I'm sorry?

什么 ?

Sheldon: Semiotics. The study of signs and symbols. It's a branch of philosophy related to linguistics.

符号学 , 研究符号和象征。是语言学基本理论的分支。


1 、 sign: 符号

2 、 symbol: 象征

3 、 branch: 分支

4 、 philosophy: 哲学

5 、 linguistics: 语言学

Penny: Okay, sweetie, I know you think you're explaining yourself but you're really not.

亲爱的 , 你以为自己在解释 , 但其实你没有。


explain: 解释

Sheldon: Just come with me. Well?

跟我来。怎样 ?

Penny: Well, what?

什么怎样 ?

Sheldon: What does it mean?

什么意思 ?

Penny: Oh, come on, you went to college.

得了 , 你上过大学的。

Sheldon: Yes, but I was 11.

我 11 岁上的。

Penny: All right, look, a tie on the doorknob usually means someone doesn't want to be disturbed. Because, they're... you know, getting busy.

好吧 , 是这样 , 门把手上挂条领带,意思是不想被打扰。因为 ...因为在忙活


1 、 tie: 领带

2 、 doorknob: 门把手

3 、 disturb: 打扰

Sheldon: So you're saying Leonard has a girl in there?

就是说 Leonard 跟个女孩在房间里 ?

Penny: Well, either that or he's lost his tie rack and gotten really into Bryan Adams.

不然就是他丢了领带架,还疯狂地喜欢上了 Bryan Adams 。


1 、 tie rack: 领带架 rack: n. 架 , 行李架 , 拷问台 ;v. 折磨 , 使 ...痛苦 , 加以拷问

2 、 get into: vt. 进入 ( 陷入 , 从事于 , 研究 , 习惯于 , 变成 )

Leslie: Oh, Leonard, you magnificent beast.

Leonard ,你这了不起的野兽 !


magnificent: 壮丽的,了不起的

2 、 beast: 野兽

Penny: We really shouldn't be standing here.

