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京剧Peking opera

秦腔Qin opera


太极Tai Chi


木偶戏puppet show


折子戏opera highlights


相声witty dialogue comedy


苏绣Suzhou embroidery

泥人clay figure


中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting

中国结Chinese knot

中国古代四大发明the four

great inventions of ancient China




指南针the compass

青铜器bronze ware

瓷器porcelain; china 唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of

the Tang Dynasty


武术martial arts


儒家文化Confucian culture







老子Lao Tzu

庄子Chuang Tzu

墨子Mo Tzu

孙子Sun Tzu

象形文字pictographic characters

文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)

《大学》The Great Learning

《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》The Mencius

《孙子兵法》The Art of War

《三国演义》Three Kingdoms

《西游记》Journey to the West

《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions 《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes

《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror

《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals 《史记》Historical Records

《诗经》The Book of Songs

《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes

《礼记》The Book of Rites

《三字经》Three-character Scriptures 八股文eight-part essay

五言绝句five-character quatrain

七言律诗seven-character octave


中山装Chinese tunic suit

唐装Tang suit

风水Fengshui; geomantic omen

阳历Solar calendar

阴历Lunar calendar

闰年leap year


春节the Spring Festival

元宵节the Lantern Festival

清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day

端午节the Dragon-boat Festival

中秋节the Mid-autumn Day

重阳节the Double-ninth Day

七夕节the Double-seventh Day

春联spring couplets 庙会temple fair


年画(traditional) New Year pictures

压岁钱New Year gift-money

舞龙dragon dance

元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings

花灯festival lantern

灯谜lantern riddle

舞狮lion dance

踩高跷stilt walking

赛龙舟dragon boat race


长城the Great Wall of China

烽火台beacon tower

秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses 大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda

丝绸之路the Silk Road

敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes

华清池Huaqing Hot Springs

五台山"Wutai Mountain

九华山Jiuhua Mountain

蛾眉山Mount Emei

泰山Mount Tai

黄山Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain

故宫the Imperial Palace

天坛the Temple of Heaven

午门Meridian Gate

大运河Grand Canal

护城河the Moat

回音壁Echo Wall

居庸关Juyongguan Pass

九龙壁the Nine Dragon Wall

黄帝陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi

十三陵the Ming Tombs

苏州园林Suzhou gardens

西湖West Lake

九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley

日月潭Sun Moon Lake

布达拉宫Potala Palace

鼓楼drum tower

四合院quadrangle; courtyard complex 孔庙Confucius Temple


乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha

十八罗汉the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha



风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen

阳历 Solar calendar

阴历 Lunar calendar

闰年 leap year

十二生肖zodiac 春节 the Spring Festival

元宵节 the Lantern Festival

清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day

端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival 中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day

重阳节 the Double-ninth Day

七夕节 the Double-seventh Day

春联 spring couplets

庙会 temple fair

爆竹 firecracker

年画(traditional) New Year pictures

压岁钱 New Year gift-money

舞龙dragon dance

元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings 花灯 festival lantern

灯谜 lantern riddle

舞狮 lion dance

踩高跷 stilt walking

赛龙舟 dragon boat race


山东菜 Shandong cuisine

川菜 Sichuan cuisine

粤菜 Canton cuisine

扬州菜 Yangzhou cuisine

月饼 moon cake

年糕 rice cake

油条 deep-fried dough sticks

豆浆 soybean milk

馒头 steamed buns

花卷 steamed twisted rolls

包子 steamed stuffed buns

北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck

拉面 hand-stretched noodles

馄饨 wonton (dumplings in soup) 豆腐 tofu? bean curd

麻花 fried dough twist

烧饼 clay oven rolls

皮蛋 100-year egg; century egg

蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg

糖葫芦 tomatoes on sticks

火锅hot pot

长城 the Great Wall of China

烽火台 beacon tower

秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses

大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda

丝绸之路the Silk Road

敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes

华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs

五台山"Wutai Mountain

九华山 Jiuhua Mountain

蛾眉山Mount Emei

泰山 Mount Tai

黄山 Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain 故宫 the Imperial Palace

天坛 the Temple of Heaven

午门 Meridian Gate

大运河 Grand Canal

护城河the Moat

回音壁Echo Wall

居庸关 Juyongguan Pass

九龙壁 the Nine Dragon Wall

黄帝陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi

十三陵 the Ming Tombs

苏州园林 Suzhou gardens

西湖 West Lake

九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley

日月潭 Sun Moon Lake

布达拉宫Potala Palace

鼓楼 drum tower

四合院quadrangle; courtyard complex

孔庙 Confucius Temple

乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha

十八罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha


转世灵重 reincarnated soul boy 中药 traditional Chinese medicine 《黄帝内经》Emperor Huangdi,s Canon of Traditional Chinese Medicine

《神农本草经》Shennong,s Herbal Classic

《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica

针灸 acupuncture

推拿 medical massage

切脉 feeling the pulse

五禽戏 five-animal exercises

旧石器时代 the Paleolithic Age

新石器时代 the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age

母系氏族社会matriarchal clan society


朝代 dynasty

秦朝 Qin Dynasty

汉朝 Han Dynasty

唐朝 Tang Dynasty

宋朝 Song Dynasty

元朝 Yuan Dynasty

明朝 Ming Dynasty

清朝 Qing Dynasty

秦士台皇帝Emperor Qinshihuang; the First Emperor of Qin

皇太后 Empress Dowager

汉高祖刘邦Liu Bang, Emperor Hangaozu, founder of the Han Dynasty

成吉思汗Genghis Khan 春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period

文成公主 Tang Princess Wencheng 慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Ci Xi

皇帝,君主 emperor; monarch


皇妃 imperial concubine

丞相,宰相 prime minister

太监 court eunuch

少数民族 ethnic minority

祭祀 offer sacrifices

西域 the Western Regions

战国 the Warring States

中华文明 Chinese civilization

文明的摇篮 cradle of civilization 秦始皇统一中国 unification of the country by Emperor Qinshihuang

鸦片战争the Opium War

太平天国the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

戌戌变法 the Reform Movement of 1898

辛亥革命 the 1911 Revolution

新民主主义革命New-democratic Revolution

五四运动 the May 4th Movement of 1919

南昌起义 Nanchang Uprising

918 事变 September 18th Incident

长征 the Long March

西安事变 Xi"an Incident

南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre

抗日战争the War of Resistance Against Japan

毛泽东 Mao Tse-tong

孙中山 Sun Yat-sen

蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek

国民党 Kuomingtang

中华人民共和国the People’s Republic of China (PRC)

满族 Manchu


士大夫 scholar-officials

学者 scholar

诗人 poet


社会地位social status


多元文化论 cultural pluralism

文化适应 acculturation

社会保障 social security

班车 shuttle bus

相定迁户 a relocated unit or household

大龄青年 single youth above the normal matrimonial age

独生子女 the only child in a family 单亲 single parent 福利彩票 welfare lotteries

家政服务household management service

民工 migrant laborers

名人 celebrity

农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor/laborers

青春期 puberty

全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign

全国人口普查 nationwide census

社会保险 social insurance

暂住证temporary residence permit/card

青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency 性骚扰 sexual harassment

走私 smuggling

*性另歧视gender/sexual discrimination

年龄歧视 age discrimination

工作歧视 job discrimination


文盲 illiteracy

贫富分化disparity between the rich and the poor

盗版 pirated/illegal copies

一国两制 One Country, Two Systems 三个代表the Three Represents Theory

两会(人大、政协)Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC)

南南合作 South-South Cooperation 南北对话 North-South Dialog

人大常委会People’s Congress Standing Committee

法制观念 awareness of law

法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system

改革开放 reform and opening-up

公务员 civil servants

官僚主义作风the bureaucratic style of work

和谐并存 harmonious coexistence 计划生育 family planning

计划生育基本国策 the basic state policy of family planning

4青才申文明建设 the construction of spiritual civilization

居委会 neighborhood committee

科教兴国national rejuvenation through science and education

可持续发展sustainable development

廉洁高效honesty and high efficiency

两岸关系 cross-straits relations 两岸谈判cross-straits negotiations 领土完整 territorial integrity 民族精神 national spirit

普选制 general election system

求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences

人大代表NPC member

物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilization

小康社会 a well-off society

小康水平 a well-off standard

一个中国原则the one-China principle

与时俱进 keep pace with the times 综合国力overall national strength

共同愿望common desire

“走出去”(战略)going global

不结盟 non-alignment

单边主义 unilateralism

多边政策 multilateralism

多极世界 multipolar world

人口老龄化 aging of population 人口出生率birth rate

社区月服务 community service

道德法庭 court of ethics


成人夜校 night school for adults 在职进修班on-job training courses

政治思想教育political and ideological education

毕业生分酉己 graduate placement; assignment of graduate

充电 update one’s knowledge

初等教育 elementary education

大学城 college town

大学社区 college community

高等教育 higher education

高等教育“211 工程” the “211 Project” for higher education

高等学府institution of higher education

综合性大学comprehensive university

文科院校colleges of (liberal) arts

理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering

师范学院teachers’college; normal college

高分低能high scores and low abilities

高考(university/college) entrance examination

高校扩招the college expansion plan

教育界 education circle

教育投入 input in education 九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education

考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools

课外活动extracurricular activities

必修课 required/compulsory course 选修课 elective/optional course 基础课 basic courses

专业课 specialized courses

课程表 school schedule

教学大纲teaching program; syllabus

学习年限 period of schooling

学历 record of formal schooling 学分 credit

启发式教学 heuristic teaching

人才交流 talent exchange

人才战competition for talented people

商务英语证书Business English Certificate (BEC)

适龄儿重入学率enrollment rate for children of school age

升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rate

硕博连读 a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate

and doctoral study

素质教育quality-oriented education

填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching

希望工程Project Hope

走读生extern; non-resident student


研究生graduate student; post-graduate (student)

应届毕业生graduating student; current year’s graduate

校园数字化 campus digitalization 校园文化 campus culture

学汉语热enthusiasm in learning Chinese

学历教育 education with record of formal schooling


学前教育 preschool education

学生减负 alleviate the burden on students

应试教育 exam-oriented education 职业道德work ethics; professional ethics

爷己者招待会press conference

国家教委State Education Commission 国家统计局State Statistical Bureau

职业培训job training

职业文盲 functional illiterate

智力引进recruit/introduce (foreign) talents

智商 intelligence quotient (IQ) 助学行动 activity to assist the impoverished students

网络世界cyber world

网络文化cyber culture

网络犯罪cyber crime

网上购物 online shopping

高产优质high yield and high quality

高科技园 high-tech park

工业园区 industrial park

火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology) 信息港info port

信息革命 information revolution 电子货币e-currency

人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)

生物技术 bio-technology

克隆 cloning

基因工程 genetic engineering

转基因食品genetically modified food (GM food)

试管婴儿 test-tube baby

基因哭变 genetic mutation


三维电影 three-dimensional movie 光谷 optical valley

虚拟银行virtual bank

信息化 informationization

信息高速公路information superhighway

新兴学科 new branch of science; emerging discipline

纳米 nanometer

个人数字助理personal digital assistant (PDA)

生态农业environment-friendly agriculture

技术密集产品technology-intensive product

数码科技 digital technology

同步卫星 geostationary satellite 神舟五号载人飞船manned spacecraft Shenzhou V

风云二号气象卫星Fengyun II meteorological satellite

登月舱 lunar module

多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)

多媒体短信服务Multimedia Messaging Service ( MMS) 电子商务 e-business; e-commerce 电子管理e-management

办公自动化 Office Automation (OA) 信息高地 information highland

信息检索 information retrieval

电话会议 teleconference

无土栽培 soilless cultivation

超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice

科技发展scientific and technological advancement

重点项目key project

国家重点工程national key projects

南水北调South-to-North water diversion

西电东送West-East electricity transmission project

西气东输West-East natural gas transmission project

网络造谣fabricating online rumors

恶意侵害他人名誉maliciously harming the reputation of others 停止月服务closure/shutdown of service

公司歇业 closure of business

道路封闭road closure

人为操作差错 man-made operational mistakes

生态系统 ecosystem

森林生态系统forest ecosystem

海洋生态系统marine ecosystem

垄断价格 to monopolize the price 垄断市场to monopolize/forestall/captive/cor ner the market

限购私用汽车 to curb the purchase of vehicles for private use

汽车限购vehicle purchase restrictions

汽车购买配额vehicle purchase quotas

车牌摇号 a lottery for license plates

牌照单双号限行 odd-even license plate system

黑名单制度 a blacklist system

执业医师practicing physician; licensed doctors

二代身份证2nd-generation ID cards

防伪技术 anti-forgery technology 非法交易 illegal transaction

冒名顶替 identification fraud

洗钱 money laundering

挂失 to report the loss

补办 to re-apply/post-register 户籍 household registration 居住证 residence permit

山洪暴发flash floods

水位 water level

低洼地区 low-lying areas

淹没农田 to inundate crops

大桥蜂塌 bridge collapse

最严重受灾地区worst-hit/worst-stricken area

直接经济损失direct economic loss 应急系统emergency response system

闯红灯 running red light

遮挡、污损号牌blocking or defacing license plates

扣分处罚point penalty

酒驾 drunk driving

终身禁驾 lifetime ban from driving


2017年12月英语四六级翻译真题 英语四级翻译真题:泰山 泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500余米,方圆约400平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观,而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有72位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文,艺术家也来此绘画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。 英语四级翻译真题:华山 华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。华山是秦岭的一部分。秦岭不仅分割陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同。华山过去很少有人光临。因为上山的道路极其危险。然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多药草,特别是一些稀有的药草。自上世纪90年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。 英语四级翻译真题:黄山 黄山位于安徽省南部。它风景独特,尤以其日出和云海著称。要欣赏大山的宏伟壮丽,通常得向上看。但要欣赏黄山美景,就得向下看。黄山的湿润气候有利于茶树生长,是中国主要产茶地之一。这里还有许多温泉,其泉水有助于防治皮肤病。黄山是中国主要旅游目的地之一,也是摄影和传统国画最受欢迎的主题。 英语六级翻译真题:青海湖 青海湖位于海拔3205米、青海省省会西宁以西约100公里处。是中国最大的咸水湖,面积4317平方公里,最深处25.5米,有23条河注入湖中,其中大部分是季节性的。百分之八十的湖水源于五条主要河流。青海湖位于跨越亚洲的几条候鸟迁徙路线的交叉处。许多鸟类把青海湖作为迁徙过程中的暂息地,湖的西侧是著名的“鸟岛”,吸引着来自世界各地的观鸟者。每年夏天,游客们也来这里观看国际自行车比赛。 英语六级翻译真题:洞庭湖 洞庭湖位于湖南省东北部,面积很大,但湖水很浅。洞庭湖是长江的蓄洪池,湖的大小很大程度上取决于季节变化,湖北和湖南两省因其与湖的相对位置而得名,湖北意为“湖的北边”,而湖南则为“湖的南边”。洞庭湖作为龙舟赛的发源地,在中国文化中享有盛名。据说龙舟赛始于洞庭湖东岸。为的是搜寻楚国爱国诗人屈原的遗体。龙舟赛与洞庭湖及周边的美景,每年都吸引着成千上万来自全国和世界各地的游客。 英语六级翻译真题:太湖 太湖是中国东部的一个淡水湖,占地面积2250平方公里,是中国第三大淡水湖,仅次于鄱阳和洞庭,太湖约有90个岛屿,大小从几平方米到几平方公里不等。太湖以其独特的“太湖石”而闻名,太湖石常用于装饰中国传统园林。太湖也以高产的捕鱼业而闻名。自上世纪70年代后期以来,捕捞鱼蟹对沿湖的

最新 大学英语四级翻译新题型模拟练习及答案:喝茶-精品

大学英语四级翻译新题型模拟练习及答 案:喝茶 在中国,喝茶是一种仪式(ritual),一种精致品味(refined taste)的展示。人们在饮茶的同时,也领略着(take delight in)品茶的情趣之意。喝茶聊天是中国人中最流行的打发时间的方式。过去,他们是以进有名的茶馆(teahouse)而开始一天的生活的。中国的茶馆相当于法国的咖啡馆和英国的酒馆。人们到这里不仅是为了喝茶。也是为了议论当地的新闻或对话题进行激烈的(furious)争论。 参考译文 Tea drinking in China is a ritual and a demonstration of the refined taste. While drinking tea, people also take delight in the essence of tea itself. Chatting over a pot of tea is a very popular way of pastime among Chinese. In the past, they would start the day with a visit to a well-known teahouse. Chinese teahouses would be the equivalent of French cafes and English pubs. People come here not just for tea, but also to discuss local news or to have furious political debates. 难点注释 1.汉语形散神聚,英文结构紧凑。处理第一句时,可以将几个小短句合译为一句结构严谨的英文。先确定句子的主谓宾,其中Tea thinking作句子主语,is可作系动词,本句中有两个并列表语,即“仪式”和“展示”,分别译为:ritual,demonstration。 2.第二句中,“领略”可以译为:take delight in;“品茶的情趣之意”可以译为:the essence of tea itself。 3.第三句中的“打发时间的方式”可以理解为“消遣、娱乐方式”,可译为:a way of pastime. 4.第四句中的“相当于”可以用短语be the equivalent of来表达。 搜索公众微信号"",获取最新四六级报名、备考信息!

大学英语六级翻译练习 答案精编版

Passage 1北京大学 北京大学于1898年成立,原名为京师大学堂(the Imperial University of Peking)。该大学的成立标志着中国近代史上高等教育的开始。在中国近代史上,它是进步思想的中心,对中国新文化运动、五四运动及其他重要事件的发生颇有影响。今天,国内不少高校排行榜将北京大学放入国内顶尖大学之列。该校重视教学和科学研究。为提高本科生教育和研究生教育质量、保持其领先研究机构的地位,学校已做出很大努力。此外,学校尤以其校园环境及优美的中国传统建筑而闻名。 Originally known as the Imperial University of Peking, Peking University was established in 1898. The establishment of the University marked the beginning of higher education in China's modem history. In modem history of China it was a center for progressive thought and was influential in the birth of China's New Culture Movement May Fourth Movement and many other significant events. Today, Peking University was placed by marry domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in China The university lays emphasis on both teaching, and scientific research. It has made great efforts to improve the undergraduate and graduate education, and maintain its role as a leading research institution In addition, the University is especially renowned for its campus environment and the beauty of its traditional Chinese architecture. Passage 2 中国的民族 中国以其人口密集、疆域辽阔而著称。作为一个多民族国家,中国共有56个民族,总人口约14亿人。汉族是中华民族的主体民族,约占全国人口的92%.主要分布在东部和中部。而其他少数民族居住相对分散,主要分布在中国的西南、西北和东北部地区。每个少数民族都有与众不同的特点、悠久的传统文化和独特的风俗习惯。中国政府长久以来一直提倡和发展平等、团结的民族关系,强调各民族共同发展、共同繁荣。 以……而著称be noted /famous for 少数民族ethnic minority; minority ethnic group 人口密集dense population 与众不同的特点distinctive character 疆域辽阔vast territory 独特的风俗习惯unique convention 多民族的国家a multinational country 提倡advocate; propose 汉族the Han Nationality 强调highlight; emphasize 分布distribute China is noted for its dense population and vast territory. As a multinational country, China is home to 56 ethnic groups with a total population of about l.4 billion The Han Nationality is the majority, accounting for 92% 0f the total population which distributes mainly in the east and middle of China; while the ethnic minorities dwell extensively all over China distributing mainly in the southwest, the northwest and the northeast. Each of the minority ethnic groups has a distinctive character, long traditional culture and unique conventions. Chinese government has long been advocating and developing an equal and united ethnic relationship, highlighting the common development and prosperity of all ethnic groups. Passage 3 中国桥梁 中国的桥梁建设有着悠久的历史中国古代桥梁以木材和石头为主要建筑材料,形式多样,极富特色。中国现存最古老的桥梁为隋代建造的安济桥,位于河北省赵县安济桥又名赵州桥,桥长50.82关,桥宽9米,为国家重点保护的文物(cultural relic). 清朝末年,兰州黄河铁桥建成,标志着中国桥梁建设进入了以钢铁和混凝土( concrete)为主要材料的时期:如今,中国的桥梁建设保持着多项世界记录,中国跻身于世界桥梁建设强国行列. 桥梁建设bridge construction/building 末年late years; last years: final years 有着悠久的历史boast/have a long history 进入了……的时期step into an era of___ 形式多样vary in forms 世界记录world record


1 红包 红包,又叫“压岁钱”,是用红色信封或纸包着钱的红纸包儿。红包,通常是用于中国农历新年或喜庆时馈赠的礼金。派:“红包”,是中国人过年的一种重要习俗。中国人喜爱红色,因为红色象征吉祥与好运,所以, 红包总是用红色的信封或纸来包。派红包或给压岁钱,是长辈们给未成年的晚辈。据说,压岁钱可以袪邪压祟,因为“岁”与“祟”谐音,晚辈得到压岁钱,就可以平平安安地度过一生。 Hong-Bao or Red Packet is also known as "a packet of lucky money", or simply "lucky money". Hong-Bao usually refers to a gift of money offered during the Chinese Lunar New Year and other celebrations/Giving or offering a Hong-Bao has been a traditional custom during the Chinese lunar New Year. Chinese people love the colour red as it is seen to represent good luck. A Hong-Bao is therefore usually made of red paper. Hong-Baos are normally given by seniors to the younger generation. It is said that lucky money helps drive away evil, because year and evil spirit sound alike. This means youngsters can protect themselves through the year. 2 北京 北京是有着三千多年建城史和八百五十多年建都史的历史文化名城。它荟萃伪(blend)由了元、明、清以来的中华文化,拥有众多名胜古迹和人文景观,是世界上拥有世界文化遗产(heritage sites)最多的城市。北京每年有超过一亿四千万的国内和国外旅客。北京城市面积为1.64万平方公里,常住人口约2000万。Beijing has a history of over three thousand years as a city, and over eight hundred and fifty years as a capital. It is a famous place that not only blends cultures of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, but also boasts many historical, cultural and beautiful scenic places. In fact, Beijing now has more cultural heritage sites than any other city in the world. Each year, Beijing receives over 140 million visitors from China and abroad. Beijing covers some 16.4 thousand square kilometers and has a population of about 20 million. 3中国农历 相传在4000多年俞的夏朝,即中国历史上第一个奴隶制王朝就幵始有了历法(calendar),后人把当时中国古老的传统历法叫“夏历”。夏历是按月亮的运赶周期(rotating cycle)制定的,故又称作“阴历”。由于夏历中有一年四季节气的变化和农事安排,所以后世又习惯称之为“农历”,字面上的意思是农事月相日历(moon calendar),也就是今天所说的“中国阴历”。 A ccording to legend, China's first slave dynasty in history — the Xia Dynasty dating back over 4000 years ago developed the first calendar. The ancient traditional Chinese calendar was later known as the "Xia Calendar". Since it was based on the rotating cycle of the moon, it is also known as the "Lunar Calendar". As the Xia revolves around farming arrangements based on the seasons, it is commonly called "Nong Li", literally the farming moon calendar, also known as the China Lunar Calendar. 4中国传统婚俗


[翻译技巧] 名师总结2011四六级考试翻译主要考点 四级翻译部分为汉译英,共5个句子,一句一题,句长为15-30词,句中的一部分已用英文给出,考生需根据全句意思将汉语部分译成英语,考试时间5分钟。翻译题重点考察考生对语法结构及常用英语表达习惯的掌握情况。若考生语法功底较好且句型和词组储备丰富,那么此题不会太为难。和作文相比,翻译虽只是个把句子,但来路不明难以猜测。作文尚可背诵模板以备执笔急需之用,而翻译则全无,它微小零星却锋利难防,并将考生模板式作文的画皮扯下,暴露其撰句能力的真实面目,所以令人可畏。 根据近几年的翻译真题来看,针对某项语法重复考察率比较高,所以对曾经考察过的语法点依然不可松懈。下面所提一些重点语法项目,并提出一些建议,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。 (1)句型以及其倒装使用 2008年6月翻译真题第91题: __________________________(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. (Key:Not until he accomplished / finished the mission ) 建议:以此类推,掌握如下常用句型(以倒装方式给出) Not only ……..but also…… So ( Such )…that…….. Not until………. Neither…..nor…….. Hardly …..when…….. No sooner ……than……. Only by /through /in …., ………….. 例:Not only __________ (他向我收费过高)but he didn’t do a good repair. (key:did he charge me too much) (2)从句 a. 定语从句 2008年12月翻译真题第87题:


英语四六级新题型——【段落翻译】 1、狮舞(Lion Dance)是中国最广为流传的民间舞蹈之一。狮为百兽之首,在中国传统中,狮子被视为是能带来好运的吉祥物(mascot)。古人将狮子视作是勇敢和力量的化身,能驱赶邪恶、保护人类。据记载,狮舞已拥有了2,000多年的历史。在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),狮舞就已经被引入了皇室。因此,舞狮成为元宵节(the Lantern Festival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。 The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China. The lion is the king of animals. In Chinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck. Ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of braveness and strength, which could drive away evil and protect humans. The dance has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was already introduced into the royal family of the dynasty. Therefore, performing the lion dance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom where people could pray for good luck, safety and happiness. 2、中国将进一步发展经济、扩大开放,这对海外企业(enterprises)意味着更多的商机。改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业一直积极开展经济技术合作,并取得了巨大成就。海外企业不仅帮助了中国企业的成长,而且也在合作中获得了收益。中国政府将继续提供有利的政策和条件,推动中国企业与国外企业进一步开展合作。 China will develop its economy further and open itself wider to the outside world, which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since China’s reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises have been cooperating with overseas enterprises in terms of economy and technology, and have scored great achievement. Overseas enterprises have not only helped Chinese enterprises with their growth, but also benefited from the cooperation. Chinese government will continue to offer favorable policies and conditions to promote the further cooperation between Chinese and overseas enterprises. 3、假日经济的现象表明:中国消费者的消费观正在发生巨大变化。根据统计数据,中国消费者的消费需求正在从基本生活必需品转向对休闲、舒适和个人发展的需求。同时,中国人的消费观在蓬勃发展的假日经济中正变得成熟。因此产品结构应做相应调整,来适应社会的发展。另一方面,服务质量要改善,以满足人们提高生活质量的要求。 The phenomenon of holiday economy shows that Chinese people’s consumption concept is undertaking great changes. According to statistics, the demands of Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and personal development. Therefore, the structure of products should be adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development. On the other hand, services should be improved to satisfy people’s demand for an improved quality of life.


英语四级考试新题型翻译专项练习 备注:To be continued:请大家每次花5分钟认真做完一份,然后对照参考答案,找出问题,作出总结,这样才能真正起到作用,是英语翻译水平有实质的提高!祝大家考试顺利!1:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 1: What upset me was ______________________________________.(不是他所说的话,而是他说话的方式)。 2: In the conference, the mayor _________________________(反复强调了)the importance of environmental protection. 3: He is opposed to the plan for the simple reason __________________________(这个计划目前暂不可行). 4: __________________________(还要多长时间)before you graduate from college. 5: He is such a stubborn boy that _________________________________(劝他不要沉迷于电脑游戏没有用). 2:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 1: ____________________________(不管是什么种族,宗教信仰), we are all equal. 2: John obeyed his wife ___________________________________(惟恐她发脾气). 3: It’s the first time she came to Beijing; __________________________(难怪她充满着好奇). 4: Many of those who violate the laws never think of themselves as lawbreakers, _________________________________________(更不用说犯罪分子了). 5: John is not well-grounded in mathematics, but he _______________________________________(取得了难以置信的进步). 3:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 1: He felt excited at __________________________(一直想他的童年) in the countryside. 2: On the whole, ______________________________(很少有人不抱怨自己的工作单调乏味的). However, they will feel more bo red if they don’t work. 3: I ________________________(对他的请求不好拒绝), for whenever I asked him for help, he had always obliged. 4: The production of the auto factory is __________________________(逐步增长). 5: It is strange that _______________________________________(他昨天居然什么也没说就走了). 4:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 1: _________________________(我刚刚到家) than the telephone rang. 2:The old man regretted __________________________(一事无成) in his life. 3:____________________(他五十多岁), but he looks younger than his age. 4:Many big cities in the world ________________________(正面临淡水资源短缺). 5:He said nothing, leaving me _____________________ (对他的计划毫不知情). 5:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 1: How I even you! ___________________________________(要是我也能像你一样去一趟巴黎该多好)!


贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持! 炳璋精品系列 追求卓越品质 更多精彩请关注824135830空间! 1 备战大学英语四六级系列-翻译突破练习(004) 编者:李炳璋---全国唯一一位曾经连续三年命中过高考试题中理科和文科一些试题的人,擅长高考辅导,英语四六级辅导,网络达人! 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。 016:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 87.I didn’t even speak to him, ___________________(更不用说与他讨论事情). 88.Because of the economic depression, real estate agents are in the dilemma of ___________________________(或降低房价或减少销售量). 89. __________________________(尽管非常喜欢汽车). Many people appeal to the extensive use of the public transport system, which can cut down on traffic congestion. 90.Alex has the habit of reading a newspaper _________________________(在吃早饭的时候). 91.__________________(每当天气不好时), he takes whatever umbrella he can find. 017:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 87.He worked very hard, but ___________________(得不到父母所期盼的好成绩). 88.Look at the bread left over on the table, ___________________________(把这些事物浪费掉多可惜)! 89.Professor Clark was a bit strict with us, __________________________(但我们确实从他那里学到了很多). 90.Some young people would rather try hard themselves to go through life than _________________________(求助于他们的父母) with a sense of guilt. 91.Now that you have told me a little about your past, ______________________(你不妨把全部情况都告诉我). 018:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes) 87.He has done so much for the poor in his community that ___________________(再怎么赞扬他都不过分). 88.The spokesman admitted that the government’s thoughtless policy had caused a crisis that ___________________________(根本就不该发生).


?During the meeting,hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him 他一开始说话,就被听众打断了 ?surrounded by the police, the kidnappers had no choices but to surrender on the spot (没有选择,只能投降) 若是everything 等则不加 to ?The concerned mother thrilled at the news of his son's having been admi tted to the university(她的儿子被大学入取了) ?The lecture was so boring that the students couldn't help yawning(学生忍不住打起哈欠) ?I‘ll be very grateful if you could be kind enough to give me a ride to school (好心载我一程去学校) ?(除非你和保险公司签订了货物保险合同)Unless you sign a contract with the insu rance company for your goods, you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery. ?It is reported that local health organization was established 25 years ago(据说当地的卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr.Mark became its first president. ?Mrs.Smith shut the window lest 以免 the noise outside (should) interfere with h er son's sleep(外面的噪声会影响她儿子睡觉)虚拟语气 ?The new mayor was charged with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate(未能履行他降低通货膨胀率的承诺) ?When confronted with such question, my mind goes blank(每当我遇到这类问题,我脑袋一篇空白),and I can hardly remember my won date of birth. ?The customer complained that no sooner had he started the computer than it sto pped working(他刚启动计算机,它就不运转了) ?What upset me was not what he said but the way he said it.(不是他说的话,二十他说话的方式) ?This piece of writing is more like a news report than a short story.(与其说是短篇小说,还不如说是新闻报道) ?The court ruling deprive him of his political right.(剥夺他的政治权力) ?Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depen ds mostly on instinct.(然而动物的行为主要依靠本能)。


筷子(chopsticks)是一种中国传统餐具(eating utensil),由两根同等长度的小细棒组成,用于夹起食物。筷子一般由竹、木、金属或塑料制成。它轻巧灵活,使用方便。早在三千多年前的商代(the Shang Dynasty),中国人就开始使用筷子了。 筷子是反映中国饮食文化的重要组成部分,可谓是中国文化的代表。作为一种独特的餐具,筷子被西方人誉为“东方的文明”。 中国人的境外奢侈品消费(overseas luxury consumption of Chinese)指的是越来越多富裕的中国人到境外购买奢侈品的现象。随着财富的增加,中国消费者会追求更多的高端(high-end)商品。世界上1/4的奢饰品是中国人消费的,中国是全球第二大奢侈品消费国。但是中国奢侈品消费中有6成是在国外实现的,奢侈品消费是出境游(outbound tourism)的一个重要部分。造成这一现象的原因是境外的奢侈品价格较低、品质较高和产品丰富。 Overseas luxury consumption of Chinese refers to the phenomenon that an increasingnumberofrichChinesepurchaseluxuriesabroad.Withgrowingwealth,Chinese consumersarepursuingmorehigh-endproducts.Chineseconsumeaquarterofluxuries of the world, making China the second largest luxury consumption countryworldwide. But 60% of Chinese luxuries are bought from foreign countries. Luxuryconsumptionisone importantpartofoutboundtourism.Factorscontributingtothephenomenon are lower price, higher quality and more varieties of overseas luxuries.中国国旗(Flag of China)又被称为“五星红旗”。旗面为红色,象征革命。旗面左上方有五颗黄色五角星,黄色较白色明亮美丽,表示中华民族为黄种人。五颗五角星中一颗相对较大,代表中国共产党(Communist Party of China)的领导。 另外四颗较小,代表中国社会中的四个阶级。四颗小五角星各自有一尖对着大星的中心点,象征共产党领导下的中国人民大团结。 中国书法(Chinese calligraphy)是一门古老的汉字书写艺术,它是中国最高的艺术形式。书法是在洁白的纸上,靠毛笔(brush)的运动留下水墨印记。它不仅表现了线条和结构的美,也能传达书写者的观念、思维和精神。汉字与


1. A lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back, ( 主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的). 2. More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and___________________________ ( 超过250 万的家庭已经摆脱贫困). 3. __________________________________(除主席之外的所有成员都投票赞成我的建议)to set up a branch office in the suburbs. 4.The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are _____________________________________(为中国的国内外贸易提供了新的增长机遇). 5. The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before______________________________________ (发达国家尤为如此). 6. A thin and weak girl susceptible to diseases, she ______________________________________ (以她坚强的毅力写出来一部部催人奋进的小说). 7. The violent tornado that struck in August last year _________________________________(已经引起全球科学家的高度重视). 8. Having returned to the village, Liu Yucui felt ______________________________(自己好比是住进了监牢里). 9. When he agrees with someone, ______________________________(英雄所见略同) is his tag. 10. It shows he ______________________________(没有真正下决心跟他的姐姐学); his mind is still confined to his own small circle. 11. They all dislike him, because ______________________________(他向他们发号施令,就好 像是对他的仆人似的). 12. All members of the labor union ______________________________(不会冒险把整个组织 交给一个二十来岁的年轻人). 13. Fortunately, ______________________________(她是这次飞机失事中唯一的幸存者). 14. Though passing away for many years, ______________________________((戴安娜王妃优 雅的举止总是留在人们的记忆中). 15. Women, by contrast, ______________________________(对家庭以及家中的各种东西怀有 更深厚的感情).

大学英语四级翻译习题 (新题型)

“你要茶还是咖啡?”是用餐人常被问到的问题。许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶。相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病,在明清(The Qing Dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美。 如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中国的瑰宝,也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。 信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速的发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该与时俱进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。 很多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技术和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物,肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡。所以中餐美味又健康。 中国结最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。在古代,人们用它来记录事件,但现在主要是用于装饰的目的。“结”在中文里意味这爱情丶婚姻和团聚,中国结常常作为礼物交换或作用饰品祈求好运和辟邪。 这种形式的手工艺代代相传,现在已经在中国和世界各地越来越受欢迎。 中国将进一步发展经济、扩大开放,这对海外企业(enterprises)意味着更多的商机。改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业一直积极开展经济技术合作,并取得了巨大成就。海外企业不仅帮助了中国企业的成长,而且也在合作中获得了收益。中国政府将继续提供有利的政策和条件,推动中国企业与国外企业进一步开展合作。 狮舞(Lion Dance)是中国最广为流传的民间舞蹈之一。狮为百兽之首,在中国传统中,狮子被视为是能带来好运的吉祥物(mascot)。古人将狮子视作是勇敢和力量的化身,能驱赶邪恶、保护人类。据记载,狮舞已拥有了2,000多年的历史。在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),狮舞就已经被引入了皇室。因此,舞狮成为元宵节(the Lantern Festival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。 假日经济的现象表明:中国消费者的消费观正在发生巨大变化。根据统计数据,中国消费者的消费需求正在从基本生活必需品转向对休闲、舒适和个人发展的需求。同时,中国人的消费观在蓬勃发展的假日经济中正变得成熟。因此产品结构应做相应调整,来适应社会的发展。另一方面,服务质量要改善,以满足人们提高生活质量的要求。 端午节,又叫龙舟节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。屈原是一位忠诚和受人敬仰的大臣(minister),他给国家带来了和平和繁荣。但最后因为受到诽谤(vilify)而最终投河自尽。人们撑船到他自尽的地方,抛下粽子,希望鱼儿吃粽子,不要吃屈原的身躯。 几千年来,端午节的特色在于吃粽子(glutinous dumplings)和赛龙舟,尤其是在一些河湖密布的南方省份。 中国人饮茶,注重一个"品"字。"品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略
