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Britain’s Guardian newspaper, in 1986, estimated the size of the average person’s vocabulary as developing from roughly 300 words at two years old, through 5,000 words at five years old, to some 12,000 words at the age of 12.


The Guardian’s research suggested that it stays at around this number of words for the remainder of most people’s lives—adding that this is roughly the same number of words as those drawn on by a popular newspaper in the course of producing its daily editions—while a graduate might have a vocabulary nearly twice as large (23,000 words). Shakespeare had one of the largest recorded vocabularies of any English writer at around 30,000 words.


Francis and Kucera (1982) suggest that the 2000 most frequent word families of English make up 79.7% of the individual words in any English text, the 3000 most frequent word families represent 84%,the 4000 most frequent word families make up about 86.7%,and the 5000 most frequent word families cover 88.6%.





一、选择题 1.—Why did Jim look so happy? —It________ him that he had a good choice even if he failed in the job interview. A.learned B.broke C.hit D.received 2.That path ________ directly to my house.You won't miss it. A.leads B.forms C.repairs D.controls 3.— Sorry, I can't afford to go abroad. — What about having a country travel with a little________ price? A.cheaper B.higher C.lower D.less 4.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 5.Gina didn’t study medicine. ________, she decided to become an actor. A.Instead B.Again C.Anyway D.Also 6.When you are________, you should listen to music to cheer you up. A.shy B.afraid C.strict D.down 7.We should learn_______ each other. A.to B.from C.for D.of 8.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 9.You should be careful to pay over the Internet, ________it’s not always safe. A.so B.because C.after D.as soon as 10.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 11.— Is your home close to the school, Tom? — No, it's a long way, but I am________ late for school because I get up early daily. A.always B.usually C.never D.sometimes 12.I once worked for a travel magazine for one year and the ________ helped me get a job as a reporter. A.experiment B.information C.experience D.instruction 13.He wrote his phone number ________ a piece paper. A.on B.for C.in D.from 14.—Does she have a ________? — Yes, she ________ in a food shop. A.job; work B.job; works C.work; job 15.—Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying? —It is to the . The flight to Wuhan is boarding now.


2013届高三高考英语词汇表(测试词汇) A 1.abandon vt. 放弃 2.ability n. 能力 3.abnormal adj. 反常的不正常的变态的 4.aboard adv 在船上,上船 5.abolish vt. 取消,废除(制度等) 6.abroad ad. 到(在)国外 go abroad 出国 7.absorb v. 吸收吸引受 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 8.absent a. 缺席,不在 absence n. 缺席缺乏 be absent from …缺席 9.absolute a. 绝对的完全的独立的 10.abstract t a. 抽象的,深奥的 n. 摘要抽象概念 11.abundant a. 丰富的充分的大量的 be abundant in 富含,富有 12.abuse n. & vt. 滥用,虐待,辱骂 13.accelerate v. 加速使增速使加快 14.accent n . 口音,音调 15.accept vt. 接受承认同意 16.access n.通路/入口接近/进入使用权 vt. 访问/接近 have access to sth. 有权利/机会做/接近… 17.accessible a. 易接近的可进入的可使用的 18.by accident 碰巧,偶然 =by chance 19.accommodation n. 膳宿,住处 20.accompany vt. 陪伴伴 vi. 伴奏伴唱 21.accomplish vt. 完成达到实现使完美 22.account n. 账目,描述 23.accuracy n. 精确,正确 accurate a..准确无误的 24.accumulate v. 积累积聚积攒 25.accuse v.指责谴责控告accuse sb.of sth.指控某人有罪 26.accustomed a. 惯常的,习惯了的 be accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 27.achieve vt.达到,取得 achievement n.成就 28.acid a. 酸的,酸性的 29.acre n. 英亩 30.acknowledge vt. 承认,答谢 31.action n. 行动 take action to do 采取行动 32.active a.积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 33.actual a. 实际的,现实的 34.adapt vt. 使适应改编 vi. 适应 adapt to (doing) sth. 适应(做)某事 35.add vt. 添加,增加补充说 add to增加 add…to把…….添加到


高考英语词汇量测试题 1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. A.idle B.solar C.extinct D.temporary 2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rain A.steam B.stream C.scream D.dream 3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person? A.apply B.reply C.supply D.imply 4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. A.recite B.purchase C. invest D.account 5.The in the bookstore is only available to students. A.discount B.recreation https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5e11659383.html,edy D.blank 6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. A.oral B.moral C.significant D.charming 7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. A.search B.source C. resource D.research 8.Please us with a song or dance A. define B.cheat C.entertain D.bless 9.It is difficult to to a new culture and language. A.enter B.adjust C.generate D.disclose 10.The of the criminal act was two years in jail A.consequence B.stress C.basis D.affects 11.George can explain to you whatever information you need in about our program. A .fancy B.detail C.tone D.promotion 12.Ben is a friend of mine;Ican trust him with all of my secrets. A.loyal B.royal C.pleasant D.awful 13.It really me to see how much food we waste every day. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5e11659383.html,mands B.depresses C arises D.recommends 14.There was not enough to prove him guilty of crime


词汇量测试量表 (注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真实词汇量无关系) Level 1 1.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不认识 4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不认识 5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不认识 9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不认识 Level 2 11.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不认识 14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车 C.雄心 D.歧义的 E.不认识 15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧 C.氢 D.氯 E.不认识 16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒 C.矿坑 D.进餐 E.不认识 17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的 C.惊喜的 D.剩余 E.不认识 18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员 C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不认识 19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置 C.开始 D.安置 E.不认识


来源:网络资源 2009-08-10 15:52:10 [标签:试卷词汇英语][当前4168家长在线讨论]高中英语词汇测试试卷(一) 1、communicate A. vi. 交往;vt.传送 B. n. 小包裹 C. n. 主人 D. vt. 随身携带 2、beancurd A. n. 豆腐 B. adj. 国内的 C. n. 地震 D. n. 奖章奖牌 3、conceited A. adj. 错误的 B. adj. 接收到的 C. n. 进入 D. adj. 骄傲自满的 4、athlete A. adj. 必要的,必需的 B. n. 病,疾病

C. vt. 发音 D. n. 田径运动员 5、employ A. vt. 雇佣 B. vt. 吮吸, 舔食 C. n. 自用的(食物等) D. vt. 利用, 剥削 6、operate A. n. 歌剧 B. vt. 急救 C. vt. 经营, 管理 D. vt. 利用 7、fetch A. vt.& vi. 去取, 去拿 B. n. 节目, 程序 C. n. 领袖, 领导 D. vt.& vi. 相信认为 8、swing A. vt. 挥舞, 摆动 B. vt. 追猎, 猎取 C. vi. 游泳 D. vt. 分发

9、gradually A. n. 段; 部分, 部门 B. adv. 逐渐地 C. adv. 廉价地 D. n. 移居者 10、injure A. vt. 追猎, 猎取 B. n. 水塘, 水池 C. vt. 损害, 伤害 D. n. 恩惠, 好意 11、petrol A. vi. 巡逻 B. adj. 特别的, 专门的 C. vt. 违反(规定) D. n. 汽油 12、landowner A. n. 地主, 土地所有者 B. n. 自豪 C. vt. 打断 D. adj. 幸运的 13、gymnastics A. adj. 易碎的


【本测试摘自新东方雅思国际学习中心相关教材版权归属新东方教育科技集团】 本量表是新东方英语能力测评体系的一部分,主要用来测试学生的词汇量。词汇量测试共100道题,分为 6个级别 词汇量的计算方法: Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×073 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Level 6答对的题目数×192=? 雅思考试词汇量测试量表 (注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真是词汇量无关系) Level 1 1.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不认识 4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不认识 5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不认识 9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不认识 Level 2 11.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不认识


高考英语词汇量测试题 species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. large river turned into a small due to lack of rain you mean to that I am a bad person? is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. C. invest in the bookstore is only available to students. standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. C. resource us with a song or dance A. define is difficult to to a new culture and language. of the criminal act was two years in jail can explain to you whatever information you need in about our program. A .fancy is a friend of mine;Ican trust him with all of my secrets. really me to see how much food we waste every day. C arises was not enough to prove him guilty of crime he didn’t have much money to give,he was very with his money. boy who is filled with always works hard doesn’t work in the office any longer; he from his job several years ago. letter us how and when she expected to arrive. gave him my old testbooks and received a dictionary in . film which has been to light is no longer usable. person who is can’t write his own name. were all anxious about the of the missing fisherman. A. secret B. ache D reward is the business of the police to detect and of the law courts to punish criminals. coat does not with the hat. large number of houses were burn to . we judge a person’s act, we must know all the . are many in our society such as churches,schools,hospitals,and prisons. C. journals gave his friend the of using his private car. 29. are better than words when people are in trouble. air conditioner soon the temperature of the room. did her best to fufil her as a mother. the elementary school there is often a prize for good . doctor him that his child would recover from the illness. a keen sense of smell trip to Alaska was quite a(n) for her.

2018年高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 17 含答案

2018广州天河中学高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题17 字母t 专练(1) I. 核心词汇 1. The island is shaped like a _________(三角形). 2. His ____________裤子) were slightly short. 3. It was a brave decision to change _____________(方针) in the middle of the project. 4. The TV sex educational program is aimed at t _________, not adults. 5. Modern t ________ makes it possible for people to live longer than before. 6. The government is determined to _________(解决) inflation. 7. He showed considerable _____________(天资) for getting what she wanted. 8. The university will reach its ____________(目标) of 10,000 students next year. II.熟词生义练习: 把下列句子译成汉语,注意黑体字的含义 1.The divorced woman is the talk of the street. 2.I am not familiar with chemical terms. 3.Tires are usually made of rubber. 4.Harris got a ticket for speeding. 5.It’s my treat today. III. 用方框中短语的适当形式填空 1.He ______________________the good weather to go for a walk. 2.Don’t _______ i t ________________ that I should do it. 3.She _____________________teasing her younger sister. 4.We will __________________ with the weather and go for a picnic. 5.We should _____ ____________________the proposals of our parents. IV. 单项填空 1.One of the most important questions they had to consider was _____ of public health. A. what B. this C. that D. which


词汇测试1 1.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was ________ of cheating customers . A) accused B) chargedC) scoldedD) cursed 2.Allherenergiesare__________uponherchildrenandsheseemstohavelittletimefo ranything else. A) guidedB) aimedC) directedD) focused 3.Everyone should be ___________ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to beeducated. A) attributedB) entitledC) identifiedD) justified 4.His wife is constantly finding __________ with him, which makes him very angry. A) errorsB) shortcomingsC) faultD) flaw 5.Vitamins are complex ________ that the body requires in very small amounts . A) mattersB) materialsC) particlesD) substances 6.The police are trying to find out the _______ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.A) evidenceB) recognitionC) statusD) identity 7.All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the ______ they keep from someone theytalk with. A) distanceB) scopeC) rangeD) boundary 8 Our new house is very _________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A) adaptable B) comfortable C) convenient D) available 9.John doesn“t believe in ______ medicine; he has some remedies of his own . A) standardB) regularC) routineD) conventional


一、选择题 1.(2016●苏州市)If the customer rings up for me again, please the call to the sales department . A.run through B.look through C.go through D.put through 2.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.David promised that he would co me to the party, but he didn’t ________. A.stay up B.grow up C.wake up D.show up 5.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.________, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field. A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far 8.—Have you heard that there’s a big fire near y our home last night? — Sure. Luckily, the firemen came quickly and ______ the fire. A.came out B.broke out C.put out D.cut out 9.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 10.Millie Beijing now. A.don't live in B.doesn't lives in C.don't lives in D.doesn't live in 11.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for 12.—What do you think of your English teacher? —She is a good and caring one. Though her teaching style that of most other teachers, she always has more creative teaching methods than others do. A.is similar to B.is similar as C.the same as



高考英语词汇量测试题 1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. A.idle B.solar C.extinct D.temporary 2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rain A.steam B.stream C.scream D.dream 3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person? A.apply B.reply C.supply D.imply 4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. A.recite B.purchase C. invest D.account 5.The in the bookstore is only available to students. A.discount B.recreation https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5e11659383.html,edy D.blank 6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. A.oral B.moral C.significant D.charming 7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. A.search B.source C. resource D.research 8.Please us with a song or dance


英语词汇量测试题 下面有一套词汇量调查练习(选自朱月珍和陈厚勤合编的《英语水平考试指南》(修订本))。练习中包括从一万个按词频排列的常用英语单词中随机选_出的200个单词。这200个单词分成l0组,每组20词。第1组的单词随机选自最常用的1000个单词,第Ⅱ组的单词随机选自次常用的1000个单词,以此类推,直至第X组词。做完本练习后,可以按照如下公式计算出词汇量:V=50n-(200-n)*50/(4-1) (其中V表示词汇量;n表示答对的题数) 当然,短期内重复使用这同一套练习所统计出的词汇量也许不会十分准确。不过,可以如法炮制,另外随机抽样选择200个单词编制成题使用,或者不妨将原题改造,譬如将选择项都改换成英文,等等。 I 1. agree A.欢迎 B.赞同 C.反对 D.赞许 2. beautiful A.美丽 B.丑恶的 C.美女 D.奇妙的 3. business A.繁忙 B.事务 C.匆忙 D.懒惰 4. color A.劳动 B.可可 C.颜色 D.冒号 5. did A工作 B.小伙子 C.做 D.表示 6. enjoy A.欣赏 B.羡慕 C.高兴 D.嘱咐 7. fish A.完成 B.盘子 C.鱼 D.愿望 8. glass A.草地 B.玻璃 C.班级 D.眼镜 9. high A低的 B.长的 C.重的 D.高的 10. join A.参加 B.约翰 C.大块肉 D.开玩笑 11. live A.生命 B.生活 C.活泼的 D.肝 12. moon A.中午 B.月亮 C.很快 D.语气 13. object A.事物 B.主观 C.障碍 D.主语 14. plan A.俚语 B.平面的 C.计划 D.飞机 15. really A.实现 B.已经 C.现实 D.真正地 16. sell A.告诉 B.买 C.自己的 D.销售 17. sold A.说出 B.老的 C.售完 D.冷的 18. such A.许多 B.接触 C.推 D.如此 19. thought A.虽然 B.通过 C.携带 D.思想 20. various A.各种各样的 B.继续 C.担忧的 D.单一的 Ⅱ 2l. aim A.目的 B.是的 C.援助 D.救济金 22. basket A.木桶 B.火箭 C.篮子 D.曲棍球 23. calm A.手掌 B.平静的 C.罐头 D.棕榈 24. comfort A.向前走 B.前进 C.起飞 D.舒适 25.deck A.甲板 B.颈 C.鸭子 D.码头 26. editor A.食物 B.编辑 C.计葬器 D.记者 27. feed A.野草 B.种子 C.喂养 D.感觉28. goes A.脚趾 B.斧头 C.鞋子 D.走 29 improve A.证明 B.改进 C.反证 D.延伸 30. likely A.高兴地 B.喜欢 C.类似的 D.可能的 31. mix A.馄台 B.最大值 C.最小值 D.牛奶 32.parent A.双亲 B.专利 C.天才 D.肃静 33.possibly A.具有 B.邮局 C.也许 D.邮筒 34 range A.跑步 B.范围 C.围墙 D.角度 35. satisfy A.牺牲 B.使满意 C.使熟悉 D.使伤心 36. skirt A.郊区 B.跳跃 C.裙子 D.衬衫 37. style A.典型 B.型号 C.风格 D.偷窃 38. tip A.顶部 B.笔尖C一小口 D.小费 39. weak A.虚弱 B.星期 C.顶峰 D.寻求 40. yield A.电场 B.场地 C.电焊 D.让步 Ⅲ 4l. agent A经理 B.代理人 C.店主 D.商人 42. basis A.基础 B.三级管 C.脸盘 D.基本的 43. capable A.首都 B.可能的 C.有能力的 D.无能的 44. conflict A.使面临 B.混淆 C.限制 D.斗争 45. dame A.游戏 B.一角钱 C.同样的 D.少女 46. drift A.草图 B.漂流 C.简短 D.悲伤 47. expedition A.探险 B.过程 C.超过 D.宴验 48 fright A.飞行 B.正确的 C.恐怖 D.高度 49. hesitate A.踌躇 B.匆忙 C.说明 D.国度的 50. invent A.阻碍 B.无效 C.发明 D.专利 51. lodge A.对敬 B.逻辑 C.圆木 D.供人住宿 52. museum A.博物馆 B.展览馆 C.大会堂 D.音乐 53. performance A.表演 B.完成 C.实验 D.成立 54. proof A.屋顶 B.踏水 C.同意 D.证明 55. retreat A.处理 B.欺骗 C.退却 D.进攻 56. sew A.看见 B.播种 C.缝合 D.母猪 57. stiff A.钢铁 B.硬的 C.偷窃 D.愉看 58. tool A.池塘 B.工具 C.器件 D.傻子 59. wherefore A.无论哪里 B.理由 C.向前进 D.然而 60. yonder A.蛋黄 B.较年青 C.美国人 D.那边 Ⅳ 61. advocate A.广告 B.提倡 C.装饰 D.利益 62. banker A.资金 B.宴会 C.银行家 D.河堤 63. butcher A.屠夫 B.单身汉 C.管家 D.灌术 64. code A.结尾 B.竹竿 C.冷却 D.电码


2017届高三英语词汇测试题一、语法单选(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分) 1.Despite setbacks, I believe we shall manage to complete the work schedule. A.in B.on C.ahead D.behind 2.—Is there somewhere we can discuss the matter ? —No. Let's discuss it here in the office. I think every one of us has the right to know the truth. A.in person B.in particular C.in private D.in advance 3.We must the children mentally and physically withstand the challenge they will face. A.address...by B.address...with C.equip...for D.equip...to 4.It's bad to cut in when another person is speaking and you'd better break this A.manners; custom B.manners; habit C.habit; custom D.custom; habit 5.My money . I must go to the bank to draw some of my saving out before I've none in hand. A.is running out B.has run out C.has been run out D.is being run out 6.No one in the department but Tom and I (know)that the director (retire). A.know; will B.knows; is going to retire C.knew; would retire D.has known; are going to retire 7.—Where is Peter? I can't find him anywhere. —He went to the library after breakfast and his essay there ever since. A.was writing B.has written C.has been writing D.had written 8.Three quarters of the forest burnt to ashes, and the rest cut down for construction. A.were; was B.were; were C.was; were D.was; was 9.We are confident that the environment by our further efforts to reduce pollution. A.is improved B.is being improved C.will be improved D.has been improved 10.After school we went to the reading room to do some reading, only to be told that it .


.. A a (an) art. abandon v. ability n. able a. abnormal a. aboard prep. abolish v. abortion v. about ad. prep. above prep. a. ad. abroad ad. absence n. abrupt a. absent a. absolute a. absorb v. abstract a./ n. absurd a. abundant a. abuse v. academic a. / n. academy n. accelerate v. accent n. accept vt. access n. / v. accessible a. accident n. accommodation n. accompany v. accomplish v. according to ad. account n. accountant n. accumulate v. accuracy n. accuse v. accustomed a. ache vi.& n. achieve vt. achievement n. acid a. acknowledge v. acquaintance n. acquire v. acquisition n. acre n. across prep. act n. v. action n. active a. activity n. actor n. actress n. actual a. acute a. AD n. ad () =advertisement n. adapt v. adaptation n. add vt. addicted a. addition n. address n. adequate a. adjust v. adjustment n. administration n. admirable a. admire v. admission n. admit vt. adolescence n. adolescent n. adopt v. adore v. adult n. advance v. advantage n. adventure n. advertise vt. advertisement n. advice n. advise vt. advocate v. aeroplane n. () affair n. affect vt. affection n. afford vt. afraid a. Africa * n. African a. n. after ad. prep. conj. afternoon n. afterward(s) ad. again ad. against prep. age n. agency n. agenda n. agent n. aggression n. aggressive a. ago ad. agree v. agreement n. agricultural a. agriculture n. ahead ad. aid n. AIDS n. aim n. v. air n. aircraft n. () airline n. airmail n. airplane n. airport n.
