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Part I Listening 第一部分听力


I. Listen and tick or cross(根据录音,判断正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) II. Listen and choose the sentence.(听录音, 选出与所听内容意思相符的一句话。)( ) 1. A. John is 1.65 metres tall. B. John is 1.61 metres tall.

C. John is 1.50 metres tall.

( ) 2. A. Zhang Peng played football on Sunday.

B. Zhang Peng played basketball on Sunday.

C. Zhang Peng played football on Saturday.

( ) 3. A. Mike is 50 kilograms heavy. B. Mike is 48 kilograms heavy.

C. Mike wears size 38 shoes.

( ) 4. A. Amy watched TV last weekend. B. Amy cleaned her room last weekend.

C. Amy read a magazine last weekend.

( ) 5. A. Sarah and her family went to Sanya over the winter holiday.

B. Sarah and her sister went shopping last Saturday.

C. Sarah and her mother went to Beijing over the winter holiday.

III. Listen and number.(听录音, 排序。)

( ) I went to Hainan with my family.

( ) How did you go there?

( ) What did you do there?

( ) Where did you go last holiday?

( ) By plane.

( ) We went swimming and saw the beautiful beach.

IV. Listen and finish the dialogue.(听录音,补全对话。)

A. didn’t

B. go

C. snowman

D. stronger

E. was

A: I _______ like winter before. I thought it_______ too cold. And I couldn’t

______ cycling.

B: How about now?

A: Now I am ____________, I love to ice-skate, So I like winter.

B: Me too. I like to make a _____________ in winter.

V. Listen and write. (根据提示,听音写单词。)

Part II Reading & Writing 第二部分读写


VI. Read and write.(根据划线部分的发音, 为下面的单词找家。)

VII. Read and choose.(单项选择。)

( ) 1. On the weekend, I ______ do my homework. _______ I go for a walk.

A. often; always

B. usually; Sometimes

C. pet shop ( ) 2. I like spring I can go on a picnic. .

A. for

B. because

C. and

( ) 3. is after April in a year.

A. May

B. June

C. March ( ) 4. A: Whose storybooks are there? B: .

A. It’s my.

B. It’s Mike’s.

C. They are mine. ( ) 5. Chen Jie is three years older than Amy. Which one is right, A, B, or C?

A. Chen Jie is ten, and Amy is ten, too.

B. Chen Jie is ten, and Amy is seven.

C. Chen Jie is seven, and Amy is ten.

( ) 6. A: Did you______football with Zhang Peng last week?B: Yes, I did.

A. play

B. played

C. playing

VIII. Read, choose and write.(读一读,选一选,写一写。)

1.That’s the (tallest/taller) boy in this class.

2.Your hair are longer than (mine/my).

3.Did you (do/does) your homework?

4.He is going to (have/had) an art lesson.

5.Does he like (doing /do) word puzzles and going hiking?

6.I stayed at home all weekend and (sleep/slept).

7.I (didn’t/don’t) like winter before.

8.There (was/were) no dining hall in my school ten years ago.

9.How did you go there? I (go/went) there by bus.

10.We (see/saw) lots of grapes there, but we couldn’t eat them. IX. Read and choose the correct picture. (读一读,找出合适的图片, 把字母代号写在题前括号内。)

( ) 1. My sister is a pilot.

( ) 2. John had a cold the day before yesterday.

( ) 3. He bought gifts for his mother.

( ) 4. She is sad because her cat is ill.

( ) 5. John is thinner than his friend.

X. Read and choose. (选择合适的句子补全对话,并将字母编号写在相应的横线

A. Where did you go last summer holiday?

B. No, I’m not.

C. Oh, that sounds good.

D. What are you going to do there?

E. I went there by plane.

F. Did you have a good holiday last year?

John: Hi, This is John. Can I speak to Mike please?

Mike: Hello, John. This is Mike speaking.


Mike: No, I didn’t have a good holiday at that time.


Mike: I went to Hainan last summer holiday.

John: How did you go there?

Mike: ___________________. Because it is too far.

John: Are you going to Hainan this summer holiday?

Mike: I am going to Sichuan.


Mike: I am going to take pictures and eat good food.


X I. Read and write.(阅读短文,完成下面的问题。)

My name is Lin Ling. I’m 12 years old. My friend Chen Ping is one year younger than me. Last months, we bought shoes together for our holiday. I wear size 36, she wear size 37. We bought the same style. On the holiday, we went to a beautiful small village by train. .We arrived on Monday and ate some fresh fish from the lake. On Tuesday we had some tasty fruit. Grapes are my favourite. On Wednesday we tasted some new vegetables. On Thursday I drank some carrot juice. It was fresh and healthy.

On Friday I went hiking with my friends. I was very happy this holiday.

1.How old is Chen Ping?


2.Are Chen Ping’s feet bigger than Lin Ling’s?


3.How did they go to the village?


4.What did they do on Tuesday?


5.Did they go hiking on Friday?


Part I Listening 第一部分听力共五大题同学们,你们好!六年的小学生活就要结束了,快来检测一下你有哪些收获吧!

本次英语试题共分为两部分:听力部分(Listening)和读写部分(Reading and writing)。听录音前要认真阅读题目要求,仔细观察图片,每小题录音听两遍。

I. Listen and tick or cross(根据录音,判断正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。)

1. He is a businessman.

2. He played basketball yesterday.

3. Wu Yifan is taller than the teacher.

4. Mike washed his clothes last weekend.

5. I went to the park and took pictures.

II. Listen and choose the sentence.(听录音, 选出与所听内容意思相符的一句话。)

1. How tall are you, John? I’m 1.61 metres.

2.Did you play football on Sunday, Zhang Peng? Yes, I did.

3.How heavy are you, Mike? I’m 48 kilograms heavy.

4.What did you do last weekend, Amy? I watched TV.

5.Hello! I’m Sarah. I went to Sanya with my family over the winter holiday.

III. Listen and number.(听录音, 排序。)

A: Where did you go last holiday?

B: I went to Hainan with my family.

A: How did you go there?

B: By plane.

A: What did you do there?

B: We went swimming and saw the beautiful beach.

IV. Listen and finish the dialogue.(听录音,补全对话。)

A: I didn’t like winter before. I thought it was too cold. And I couldn’t go cycling.

B: How about now?

A: Now I am stronger, I love to ice-skate, So I like winter.

B: Me too. I like to make a snowman in winter.

V. Listen and write. (根据提示,听音写单词。)

arm wall ball car



I.(每小题2分,共10分)√ × × √ ×

II. (每小题2分,共10分) B A B A A

III.(每小题1分,共6分) 2 3 5 1 4 6

IV. (每小题2分,共10分) A E B D C

V.(每个单词1分,共4分)arm wall ball car

VI.(每个单词1分,共6分)room too cool; foot look cook

VII.(每小题2分,共12分)B B A C B A


tallest mine do have doing slept didn’t was went saw

IX.(每小题2分,共10分)B C E D A

X.(每小题2分,共12分) F A E B D C


1. She is 11 years old.

2. Yes, they are.

3. They went to the village by train.

4. On Tuesday they had some tasty fruit.

5. Yes, they did.


Part I Listening 第一部分听力


I. Listen and choose.(听录音,选择你所听到的单词。)

( ) 1. A. watched B. washed C. watered

( ) 2. A. could B. can’t C. must

( ) 3. A. taller B. shorter C. water

( ) 4. A. train B. plane C. paint

( ) 5. A. family B. happy C. study

II. Listen and number. (听录音, 标序号。)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Listen and tick or cross. (听录音,判断对错。)

( ) 1. Amy went to a forest park yesterday.

( ) 2. Sarah is taller than John.

( ) 3. Lily’s mother is going to go shopping tomorrow .

( ) 4. Mike had a good time in Hong Kong.

( ) 5. Usually I go to school on foot.

IV . Listen and finish the passage.( 听录音,补全短文。)

I have a good friend. She’s Amy. She’s ________ than me. She likes ____________. Her favourite class is _________. Last year, we went to Hainan. We took pictures and _________ ________ there. We also _____________ for our friends. We had a good time.

V . Listen and write. (根据提示,听音写单词。)

Part II Reading & Writing 第二部分读写


VI. Read and write.(根据划线部分的发音, 为下面的单词找家。)

VII. Read, choose and write.(读一读,选一选,写一写。)

1. I want to buy some books. I can go to the .

2. Amy is ill. She should go to the and see a doctor.

3. I can see the movie Spider-man(蜘蛛侠) at the .

4. I am going to send a letter. I should go to the .

5. I can’t buy a book there, but I can read many books in the .

VIII. Read and choose.(单项选择。)

( ) 1. My bag is __________than__________.

A. heavier, you

B. heavier, yours

C. the heavier, your

( ) 2. A: Who are you going __________? B: With my mom.

A. to

B. with

C. on

( ) 3. A: Whose socks are they? B: They’re __________.

A. our

B. his

C. them

( ) 4. A: __________ are you going to get there? B: By ship.

A. What

B. How

C. When

( ) 5. A: Where __________ Sarah __________ from? B: Sarah is from the UK.

A. is, come

B. does, from

C. is, /

( ) 6. In our class, every student __________ a pen pal.

A. have

B. had

C. has

( ) 7. A: What did your grandfather do before? B: He __________ a teacher.

A. is

B. was

C. were

( ) 8. Zoom likes __________. It’s yum.

A. oranges

B. juice

C. grapes

( ) 9. __________ father likes listening to music.

A. The twins

B. Lily’s

C. He

( ) 10. A: Are there __________ rivers and bridges in the village? B: Yes, there are.

A. some

B. any

C. many

IX.Look and choose.(读句子,选择合适的图片。)

()1. ——What did she do?

——She washed her clothes .

( ) 2. ——Did she draw a picture?

——No,she didn’t, she cleaned her room.

( ) 3. ——How do you feel?

——I feel excited.

( ) 4. ——What does your father do?

——He is a policeman.


X.Fill in the blanks. (读体检表,完成下列句子。)

1. John is 0.04 metres ______than Wu Yifan.

2. Wu Yifan is 6 kilograms_______than Amy.

3. Amy is one year ________than John.

4. Wu Yifan is _________ year younger than Amy.

5. John is 0.02 metres _____ than Amy.

XII. Read and write.(阅读短文,完成下面的问题。)

Hello, I’m Mike. Last Saturday was October 10th. The weather was windy and cloudy. I was busy. I did my homework in the morning. I didn’t feel worried, because the homework was so easy for me. Then I went shopping with my mother. We bought some food. My mother bought a basketball for me. I was excited. In the afternoon, I visited my grandfather. He had a cold. He stayed in bed. I did housework for him. I cleaned his room, watered the flowers, washed his clothes and cooked dinner. I was tired in the evening. Did you have a busy and happy weekend? Please tell me.

1.What’s the weather like on October 10th


2.What did Mike do in the morning ?


3.Who did Mike go shopping with?

4.What did Mike do for his grandfather?

Part I Listening 第一部分听力共五大题同学们,你们好!六年的小学生活就要结束了,快来检测一下你有哪些收获


本次英语试题共分为两部分:听力部分(Listening)和读写部分(Reading and writing)。听录音前要认真阅读题目要求,仔细观察图片,每小题录音听两遍。


I. Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的单词。)

1. washed

2. could

3. water

4. train

5. family

II. Listen and number . (听录音,标序号)

1.I rowed a boat with my friends last Saturday.

2.I went to a park with my parents last week.

3.I want to fly kites.

4.W: What’s your favourite food?

M: I like noodles best.

5.W: What’s her hobby?

M: She likes playing badminton.

III. Listen and tick or cross. (听录音,判断对错。)

1.--What did Amy do yesterday?

--She did her homework at home.

2.John is 1.65 meters tall. Sarah is 1.5 meters tall.

3.--Mom , what are you going to do tomorrow ?

-- I’m going to go shopping .

4.--Where did you go on your holiday?

-- I went to Hong Kong. I’m very happy.

5.--How do you go to school?

-- I go to school by bike .

IV. Listen and finish the passage. ( 听录音,补全短文。)

I have a good friend. She’s Amy. She’s taller than me. She likes reading stories. Her favourite class is English. Last year, we went to Hainan. We took pictures and went swimming there. We also bought gifts for our friends. We had a good time.

V. Listen and write. (听音写单词。)

girl nurse hamburger bird



I.(每小题1分,共5分) B A C A A



IV.((每小题2分,共10分)A C B D E

V.(每个单词1分,共4分)girl nurse hamburger bird

VI.(每个单词1分,共6分)cow: brown now down

grow: slow snow window

VII.(每小题2分,共10分)1. bookstore 2.hospital 3.cinema 4. post office 5. library VIII.(每小题2分,共20分)1-5BBBBC 6-10CBBBB


X.(每小题2分,共10分)1. shorter 2. heavier 3. older 4. one 5. taller


1.It was windy and cloudy.

2.He did his homework .

3.His mother.

4.He did housework for him .


Part I Listening 第一部分听力


I. Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的短语或单词。)

( ) 1. A. taller B. hall C. than

( ) 2. A. sleep B. slept C. skate

( ) 3. A. washed B. watched C. watered

( ) 4. A. was B. were C. wear

( ) 5. A. baseball B. football C. basketball

II. Listen and judge. (你所听到的句子是否与图片相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F ”。)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Listen and finish the dialogue. (听录音, 补全对话。)

Liuyun: Wu Yifan, you look so happy today!

Wuyifan: Yes, I have a good time on my holiday.

Liuyun: ___________________________on your holiday?

Wuyifan: I went to Heilongjiang.

Liuyun: ___________________________

Wuyifan: I went by train.

Liuyun: What did you do there?

Wuyifan: ______________________

Liuyun: ______________________

Liuyun: I go with my parents.

Wuyifan: ______________________ .

IV . Listen and number.(听录音, 排序。)

( ) I rode a horse.

( ) Hi, Amy, how was your weekend?

( ) What are you going to do next weekend?

( ) It was good.

( ) I am going to visit my grandparents.

( ) What did you do?

V . Listen and write. (根据提示,听音写单词。)

Part II Reading & Writing 第二部分 读写


VI. Read and write.(根据划线部分的发音, 为下面的单词找家。)

VII. Read, choose and write.(读一读,选一选,写一写。)

11.--- My father works at sea, he sees lots of fish every day, he goes to work by

bike. So he is

a (pilot/fisherman).

12.--- What are his hobbies? --- He likes (dancing / dance)

and singing.

13.--- Did you (cleaned /clean) your room? --- No, I didn’t. I

watched TV.

14.--- Hi! How did you go to school yesterday? ---I ( go / went)

there by bus.

15.--- How ( heavy / tall) are you? --- I’m 50 kilograms. VIII. Read and choose.(选择。)

( ) 1. A: Hi, Amy! I want to buy some books. B: Look! There is a

over there.

A. bookstore

B. post office

C. pet shop

( ) 2. A: What’s wrong with you? B: I feel ill. A: You

should .

A. go to school

B. see a doctor

C. take a deep breath

( ) 3. It’s a light. You can go now.

A. red

B. yellow

C. green

( ) 4. A: Hello, John! What does your mother do? B: .

A. She is a coach.

B. She likes singing.

C. She lives in Beijing.

( ) 5. A: How tall are you? B: I’m 1.65 metres. I’m than you.

A: But I am than you.

A. taller, younger

B. longer, older

C. smaller, younger ( ) 6. A: What did you do last weekend, Mike? B: I and stayed at home all weekend.

A. have a cold

B. had a cold

C. has a cold

( ) 7. A: last winter holiday? B: I went to Sanya and it was beautiful there.

A. Where are you going

B. Where did you go

C. Where do you usually go

( ) 8. A: There no computers in my school ten years ago.

B: Now there many computers in my school.

A. was, is

B. are, were

C. were, are

IX. Read and choose the correct picture. (找出合适的图片, 把字母代号写在题前括号内。)

( ) 1. A: How does Mike feel?

B: Not well. He is sad. He has a cold. Let’s go to the hospital.

( ) 2. A: Who is taller, Amy or John?

B: Amy is taller than John. John is taller than Sarah.

( ) 3. A: What are you going to do next weekend? B: I’m going to take a trip.

( ) 4. Last weekend Amy stayed at home and read a book all weekend.
