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Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟

Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything。 But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky。 Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.

I am even less lucky. I never catch anything —- not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. ’You must give up fishing!’ my friends say。’It's a waste of time.’ But they don’t realize one important thing. I'm not really int erested in fishing。

I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!

New words and expressions 生词和短语

catch v。抓到 fisherman n。钓鱼人,渔民 boot n。靴子 waste n. 浪费

realize v. 意识到



1。One man in a boat 独坐孤舟

2. Fishing is my favourite sport. 钓鱼是我特别喜爱的一项运动。

1) fishing 动名词做主语

2)favourite(BrE)(AmE favorite)[ˈfeivərit]adj., n。

adj。 liked more than others of the same kind特别受喜爱的,最喜欢的:(无比较级和最高级)

e。g. 这是我特别喜欢的电影之一.It's one of my favorite movies。

谁是你最喜欢的作家?Who is your favorite writer?

n.1. a person or thing that you like more than the others of the same type特别喜爱的人(或事物):e。g. 我尤其喜爱这首歌曲.This song is a particular favorite of mine.

2. a person who is liked better by sb. and receives better treatment than others受宠的人;得到偏爱的人:

e。g。她爱所有的孙子孙女,但最宠安。She loved all her grandchildren but Ann was her favorite。

她最受姑姑的宠爱。She is a favorite with her aunt。/She is her aunt's favorite。

3。 I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. 我经常一钓数小时却一无所获,但我从不为此烦恼。

1) fish[fiʃ] n。, v.

n。 (pl. fish or fishes) fish是通常的复数形式,较古老的形式fishes可用于表示不同种类的鱼。(1。 fish 鱼[pl。] 单复数同形 2。 fishes 指不同种类的鱼)

1。[c] 鱼

e。g. 他们捉到了几条鱼。They caught several fish.

他们那天早上钓到很多鱼。They caught many fish that morning。

他研究印度洋里的鱼类。He studies the fishes in the Indian Ocean。

热带/海/淡水鱼 tropical [ˈtrɔpikəl] /marine/freshwater fish

(marine [mə'ri:n] adj. [obn] 海的;海产的;海生的 freshwater adj. [obn] 1。淡水中生长的 2. 淡水的)鱼群 shoals (=groups) of fish (shoal [ʃəʊl] n. 1。鱼群 2. 浅滩;水下沙洲)

鱼缸/池 a fish tank/pond

(tank [tæŋk] n。(贮放液体或气体的)箱,槽,罐 pond [pɔnd] n。池塘(尤指人工的) )

a big fish in a small pond (字面意思:一个小池塘里的一条大鱼)山中无老虎,猴子称霸王

=When the cat is away, the mice will play。(当猫不在,老鼠玩得自在)

teach fish to swim 班门弄斧 drink like a fish 牛饮(很能喝水)

a fish out of water 离水之鱼;在陌生环境不得其所的人like a fish out of water 如鱼离水

an odd / a queer fish(old—fashioned, BrE) a person who is slightly strange or crazy奇怪的家伙;古怪的人;有些荒唐的人(queer[kwiə] adj。奇怪的;反常的)

2。 [u] the flesh of fish eaten as food鱼肉

e.g。 fried fish 煎鱼,炸鱼 fresh fish 鲜鱼 salted fish 咸鱼 smoked fish 熏鱼

(salt [sɔ:lt] n. [u] 盐;食盐 vt. [usually passive] 在(食物)中放盐)

fish and chips n. [u](大众快餐)(BrE)炸鱼加土豆条;炸鱼薯条

e.g. Some people eat fish on Fridays。有些人在星期五吃鱼。



1. vi. ~(for sth) to try to catch fish with a hook[huk], nets, etc。钓鱼;捕鱼:

e.g。你可以在这条小溪钓鳟鱼。You can fish for trout in this stream。

我喜欢钓鱼。I like fishing./I enjoy fishing。/I am fond of fishing。/I am keen on fishing.(be keen on sth./doing sth. 渴望;热切;热衷于做某事)

(trout [traʊt] n. [c, u] (pl。 trout)鲑;鲑鳟鱼;鳟鱼) (stream [stri:m] n. 小河;溪 ) 2.(go fishing)to spend time fishing for pleasure钓鱼;捕鱼:

e。g。咱们这个周末去钓鱼吧.Let’s go fishing this weekend。

去游泳 go swimming 去购物 go shopping

3。 vt. to try to catch fish in the area of water mentioned在…捕鱼(或钓鱼)

e.g。他们在湖里钓鱼.They fished the lake for fish。

混水摸鱼 fish in troubled water

Phrv. fish for sth. to try to get sth。, or to find out sth., although you are pretending not to旁敲侧击地打听;转弯抹角地谋取

fish for fame and compliments ([ˈkɔmplimənt]n。 1. [c] 赞扬;称赞2。(compliments) [pl。]问候;致意;祝贺)沽名钓誉

fish for information转弯抹角地打听情况

2)without [wiˈðaut] prep., adv。

prep. (含否定含义) 可放在句首,句尾 prep。+n。/v.-ing/pron.

1. not having, experiencing or showing sth. 没有;缺乏:

e。g. 没有你的帮助我无法修理这车。I can’t repair the car without your help. (名词作介词宾语)没有你我活不下去。I cannot live without you. (代词作介词宾语)

没有水鱼活不了。Fish cannot live without water。 (名词作介词宾语)

2. ~(sb。) doing sth. not doing the action mentioned不(做某事);无;没

e.g. 他们企图不付账就离开餐馆。They tried to leave the restaurant without paying.


Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better。



He went out without saying anything.= He went out and he didn’t say anything.

= He went out without saying any words

adv。 not having, or showing sth。没有;缺乏:

e。g。你要不要带洗澡间的房间?Do you want a room with a bath or one without?

我相信我们能凑合的。I’m sure we’ll manage without.

3) catch[kætʃ] v。, n。(caught [kɔ:t], caught)

1。 vt。 to stop and hold a moving object, esp. in your hands接住;截住;拦住:

e。g. I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over.我跳起来接球,结果摔了个跟头.

(fall v. fell, fallen fall over vi. 跌倒;摔倒)

She managed to catch the keys as they fell.她接住了掉下来的钥匙。

你能接住球吗?Can you catch the ball?

2。vt. [usually + adv。/prep.] to take hold of sb./sth.抓住;握住:


He caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him.

汤姆抓住小偷的胳膊。Tom caught the thief by the arm。

3. vt。 to capture a person or an animal that tries or would try to escape逮住;捕捉;捕获:(capture [ˈkæptʃə] vt. to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or in an enclosed space 俘虏;俘获;捕获 )

e。g。钓鱼,捕鱼 catch fish 抓住小偷 catch a thief

警察已逮住那个小偷.The police have caught the thief。

这个杀人犯一直未被抓到。The murderer ([ˈmɜ:dərə]谋杀犯)was never caught.

你捕到几条鱼?How many fish did you catch?

Where did you catch the fish? 这条鱼你在哪儿逮的?

4。 to find or discover sb。 doing sth., esp. sth。 wrong撞见,当场发现(某人做坏事):

catch sb。 doing sth.抓住/撞见某人正在做某事

e.g。[vn-ing]我撞见她在浴室里吸烟。I caught her smoking in the bathroom。


The little boy was caught stealing apples from the garden。

[vn + adv。/prep.] 偷窃时被当场抓住的窃贼 thieves caught in the act

你现在来找我可不是时候.You've caught me at a bad time (=at a time when I am busy)。

5。 vt。 to be in time for a bus, train, plane, etc. and get on it乘坐;搭乘;赶上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等):

e.g. 我想赶8点19分的火车去伦敦。I want to catch the eight nineteen (train) to London.

--你没有赶上火车吗?Haven’t you caught the train?

—-没有,我刚好错过.No, I’ve just missed it。

我得走了—我要赶火车。I must go—I have a train to catch.

赶公共汽车 catch the bus 错过公共汽车 miss the bus

6。 vt。 to get an illness得病;染疾:

e.g。 The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold。


catch a cold 患感冒 (强调动作本身)

have a cold 感冒 (强调状态表正患感冒呢,正处于感冒的状态)

7。 vt。~sb’s interest, imagination, attention, etc。 if sth. catches your interest, etc。,you notice it and feel interested in it引起,激发(兴趣、想像、注意等)

吸引某人的注意attract one’s attention / draw one’s attention /catch one’s attention = attract sb’s eye / draw sb’s eye / catch sb’s eye (固定搭配)

e.g。 My shoes caught his attention。我的鞋子引起了他的注意。

她挥手以吸引(引起)我的注意。She waved her hand to attract/catch my attention.

8。 vi。 & vt。 to begin to burn烧着;着(火):

e.g。 catch fire 着火(强调动作,指火着起来) be on fire 着火(强调状态,正在燃烧)

谚语:The early bird catches the worm。捷足先登。(早起的鸟儿有虫吃.)


grab [ɡræb] v. 抓起,抢夺,热切或拼命地抓

snatch [snætʃ] v。抢夺,突然而迅速地抓起


capture[ˈkæptʃə] vt。 to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or in an enclosed space 俘虏;俘获;捕获

trap [træp] v. 设陷阱捕捉

grasp [ɡrɑ:sp] v。握紧,抓住表握紧、抓住的结果

seize [si:z] v。握紧,抓住表握紧、抓住的结果


1。 catch your breath

1) to stop breathing for a moment because of fear, shock, etc.(由于恐惧、震惊等)屏息,屏气2) to breathe normally again after running or doing some tiring exercise(跑或剧烈运动后)歇口气

2. catch it (BrE) (AmE catch hell, get it) (spoken) to be punished or spoken to angrily about sth。受罚;受斥责:(通常与will等连用)(hell [hel] n. 1。地狱2.[u]苦难的经历;悲惨的境况 3。该死,见鬼)

e.g。要是你老爸知道了,你非挨骂不可!If your dad finds out you’ll really catch it!

如果我回家晚了,我妈妈会骂我.If I come home late,I’ll catch it from my mother。

3。catch sb. red—handed to catch sb。 in the act of doing sth. wrong or committing a crime 当场抓住;现场捕获


1. catch on to become popular or fashionable([ˈfæʃənəbl] adj。流行的;时髦的)受欢迎;流行起来;变得时髦:


He invented an electric car, but it never really caught on.

2。catch up (with sb。) (BrE also catch sb。 up)

1) to reach sb. who is ahead by going faster赶上,追上(某人):

e。g。你先走吧,我很快会追上你的。Go ahead, please。 I'll soon catch up with you.

2) to reach the same level or standard as sb. who was better or more advanced赶上,达到(某水平):e.g。他因病休学一学期,不得不努力学习好赶上别的同学。

After missing a term through illness he had to work hard to catch up with the others。(through prep. by means of; because of以;凭借;因为;由于)

n。 1. [c] 接(球等) e.g。接球 to make a catch

2。[c]总捕获量 e.g。捕获大量的鱼 a huge catch of fish

3. [c] 扣拴物;扣件 e。g.门闩;吊扣 a catch on the door

4. [c, usually sing。] 隐藏的困难;暗藏的不利因素 5。[u](儿童)传接球游戏

catchphrase [ˈkætʃfreiz]n. 名言;流行口号;时兴的话

4) worry [ˈwʌri]v。, n。

v。 (worries, worrying, worried, worried)

1. ~(about/over sb./sth.) to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or about problems that you have担心;担忧;发愁:

e.g。 [v]不必担心.我们有很多时间。Don’t worry。 We have plenty of time.

别为我担忧.我会没事的。Don't worry about me. I'll be all right.

[v (that)] 我担心自己进不了大学.I worry that I won’t get into college.

2. ~sb。/yourself (about sb./sth.) to make sb./yourself anxious[ˈæŋkʃəs]about sb。/sth。使担心;使担忧;使发愁

e。g。我的小女儿令我担心。My little daughter worried me a lot.

[vn]使我发愁的是如何再找到工作.What worries me is how I am going to get another job。

[vn that] 他还没有回家,这叫我放心不下.It worries me that he hasn’t come home yet。

3。 [vn] ~sb. (with sth.) to annoy or disturb sb。骚扰;烦扰;使不安宁:

e。g。这噪音似乎从不让她厌烦。The noise never seems to worry her。

别老用许多愚蠢的问题打扰他。Don’t keep worrying him with a lot of silly questions。

IDM:not to worry (informal, esp。 BrE) it is not important; it does not matter别担心;不必发愁;没关系:e.g. 别着急,我很快就能把它修理好。Not to worry-I can soon fix it.


1。[u] the state of worrying about sth。担心;忧虑;发愁 synonym: anxiety [ænˈzaiəti]

e.g。愁得要命 to be sick with worry

2。 [c] ~(about/over sth。) / ~(for/to sb。) something that worries you 令人担忧的事;让人发愁的事:e.g. 唯一令我担忧的是…… My only worry is that…

worried adj。~(about sb。/sth。) / ~(by sth.) /~(that…) thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid担心的;担忧的;发愁的 e.g。我担心我的小女儿。I was worried about my little daughter.

尽量别担忧。Try not to get worried。

我还担心你不来呢。I was worried you wouldn’t come。

adv. worriedly

worrying adj. that makes you worry令人担忧的;令人发愁的:

e.g. 令人担忧的发展 a worrying development

adv。 worryingly

be worried about sth。 = be anxious (very worried) about sth。对…感到焦虑/担心

4。 Some fishermen are unlucky。 Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish。有些垂钓者就是不走运,他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。

1) fisherman [ˈfiʃəˌmən] n. (pl.-men) a person who catches fish, either as a job or as a sport渔民;钓鱼的人

2)instead of prep. in the place of sb。/sth。代替;作为…的替换:(可放在句首或句尾)

instead of 后面加名词、代词、动名词作介词宾语


Now I can walk to work instead of going by car。


Instead of catching fish, the unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish。

The unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish. instead of catching fish.

男士穿的是短袜而不是长袜。Men wear socks instead of stockings。

我去购物了而没有做作业.I went shopping instead of doing homework.

instead[inˈsted]adv。 in the place of sb。/sth.代替;顶替;反而;却(单独使用时一般出现在句尾):

e。g. If you don’t want a holiday in England, why don’t you go to Australia instead?


杰克病了,所以我去了。Jack was ill so I went instead.

3) boot [bu:t] n。

1。 a strong shoe that covers the foot and ankle and often the lower part of the leg靴子:

e.g。(BrE) walking boots 便靴 a pair of black leather[ˈleðə] boots一双黑皮靴

cowboy boots牛仔靴

2。 (BrE) (AmE trunk[trʌŋk]) the enclosed space at the back of a car that you put bags, ca ses, etc. in (汽车后部的)行李箱

e。g. 我去把行李放进行李箱里。I’ll put the luggage in the boot.

have one’s heart in one’s boots (心沉到了靴子里面)指极为悲欢消沉

相似短语:have one’s heart in one’s mouth 极为恐惧

boots 长筒靴 rubber boots 橡胶长靴 running shoes 跑鞋 leather shoes 皮鞋

platform shoes 厚跟鞋 (platform [ˈplætfɔ:m] n. 1。站台;月台 2. 厚鞋底)

sandals [ˈsændl]n。凉鞋loafer [ˈləufə] n. 懒汉鞋;平底便鞋

sneakers [ˈsni:kə] n. (AmE)=trainers [ˈtreɪnə]运动鞋;(平时穿的)便鞋

slippers n. 室内便鞋;拖鞋 tennis shoes 网球鞋

moccasin [ˈmɔkəsɪn] n。莫卡辛软皮鞋(原为美洲土著所穿),软帮皮鞋

shoelace [ˈʃu:leɪs] n. 鞋带 sole [səul] n. [c] 鞋底;袜底 (sole adj. [obn] 仅有的;惟一的) heel[hi:l] n。鞋跟 high—heeled shoes高跟鞋

v. [vn+adv。/prep。] to kick sb./sth。 hard with your foot猛踢

phr.v。boot sb. out (of sth.) (informal) to force sb。 to leave a place or job赶走;解雇4) rubbish[ˈrʌbiʃ] n. [u]

1. (esp。 BrE) things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them垃圾;废弃物:

e.g. 一堆垃圾 a pile of rubbish / a heap of rubbish 垃圾袋/桶 a rubbish bag/bin

生活垃圾 household rubbish

(pile [pail] n。 1。[c] 摞;沓2。[c]堆;成堆的东西 3. [c] ~of sth (informal) 许多;大量 heap [hi:p]n. 1. ~(of sth.)(凌乱的)一堆;2。 [usually pl.] (informal) 许多;大量bin [bin] n。 (BrE) 垃圾箱 )

2。(BrE, informal)(also used as an adjective也用作形容词)something that you think is of poor quality劣质的东西:e。g。我觉得这部戏很差! I thought the play was rubbish!

3。 (BrE, informal) comments, ideas, etc. that you think are stupid or wrong废话;瞎说synonym: nonsense n. 谬论;胡扯;胡言乱语

e。g。瞎说!你并不胖!Rubbish! You’re not fat! 别说废话了!Don’t talk rubbish!


1. (esp。 AmE) waste food, paper, etc。 that you throw away (生活)垃圾;废物:

e.g. 垃圾收集 garbage collection

2。(esp。 AmE) a place or container where waste food, paper, etc. can be placed垃圾场;垃圾箱;垃圾桶:e.g。把它扔到垃圾箱里去。Throw it in the garbage.

3. (informal) something stupid or not true废话;无聊的东西 synonym: rubbish

garbage can (AmE)=dustbin 垃圾桶

garbage man (also formal garbage collector) (AmE)=dustman (BrE) 垃圾工;垃圾清洁工

garbage truck (AmE)=dustcart (BrE) 垃圾车

refuse [ˈrefju:s] n. [u] (written)废弃物;垃圾

5. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything -- not even old boots. 我的运气甚至还不及他们。我什么东西也未钓到过 -- 就连旧靴子也没有。

1)even adv.

1. (强调出乎意料)甚至,连,即使:

e.g。他根本没打开过那封信。He never even opened the letter。

就连小孩子也能理解。Even a child can understand it。


e.g. 她甚至比她姐姐还聪明.She’s even more intelligent than her sister。

我是更加不幸运。 I am even less lucky.

2) less是little的比较级,意为“不及”、“不如”、“更少”、“更不…”(消极比较级):

更加幸运 more lucky 更加不幸运 less lucky

1) A is less +原级 than B A 比 B更不……

e.g。我比以前更不愉快/更痛苦.I am less happy than before。

这个故事比那个更无聊。This story is less interesting than that one.

2) not as/so…as不及;不如

e.g。我没以前那么愉快。(现在不一定不快乐) I am not so happy as before.

这个故事没那个有趣.(也许这个也很有趣)This story is not so interesting as that one。

3) with可以表示“有…的”、“持有…的”、“随身带着…"等:

e。g. 那个带伞的男人是谁?Who’s the man with the umbrella?

那个留胡子的男人是谁?Who’s the man with the beard?

带着那个小男孩的女人是谁?Who’s the woman with the little boy?

with an empty bag伴随状语指带着空袋子回家

6。 After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag。我总是在河上呆上整整一上午,然后空着袋子回家.

1)After (prep.) having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. After (conj。) I have spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag。after prep。, conj。当且仅当从句主语与主句主语一致时,才可省略作after doing…

e.g. 说完晚安之后,这个小男孩睡觉去了。

After saying Goodnight, the boy went to bed. / After the boy said Goodnight, the boy went to bed。

学生们交完试卷之后,老师走了。After the students handed in their papers, the teacher left。 (本句主从句主语不一致,不可省略成after doing形式)

2) spend

(sb.) spend time/money/energy on sth。花费时间、金钱、精力在某事上面

(sb.) spend time/money/energy (in) doing sth.花费时间、金钱、精力来做某事

7. ’You must give up fishing!' m y friends say。’It’s a waste of time.'“你可别再钓鱼了!"我的朋友们说,“这是浪费时间."

1) give up 放弃;停止干某事

e.g。不要再钓鱼了;停止钓鱼 give up fishing 戒烟give up smoking

放弃作斗争 give up fighting (动名词作介词宾语)

2) it's / its (it’s是主系表结构,its是形容词性物主代词)

e。g. 天很冷.It's a cold day。天在下雨。It is raining.

The cat drank its milk。猫把它的牛奶喝了。

This engine has lost its power。这个发动机失去了动力。

3)waste [weist] v., n., adj.


1。~sth (on sth。) / ~sth. (in) doing sth. to use more of sth。 than is necessary or usefu l浪费;滥用

e.g. 不要浪费你的时间、金钱以及精力。Don't waste your time, money and energy.

一切努力都被浪费了.All the efforts were wasted.

为什么浪费钱买你不需要的衣服呢?Why waste money on clothes you don't need?

你跟他解释是在浪费时间.You're wasting your time (in) trying to explain it to him.

(=because he will not understand)。

2. [usually passive] to not make good or full use of sb./sth.未充分利用;使…屈才:

e.g. 这白白浪费了一次机会。It was a wasted opportunity.


You're wasted as a sales manager-you should have been an actor。


1. waste your breath to say sth. that nobody takes any notice of白费唇舌

(breath n。 1. [u]呼吸的空气2. [c]一次吸入的空气 3。 ~of sth。(fml)微量;迹象)

2. waste not, want not (saying 谚语) if you never waste anything, esp. food or money, you wi ll always have it when you need it勤俭节约,吃穿不缺(不浪费,就不缺乏)(尤指食物或钱) =If you never waste anything, you’ll never lack it.

Phr。v. waste away (of a person人) to become thin and weak, esp. because of illness (尤指因病)变得瘦弱;(人、体力)衰弱


1. [u, sing]~(of sth.) the act of using sth. in a careless or unnecessary way, causing it

to be lost or destroyed浪费;滥用:

e.g。我憎恨不必要的浪费。I hate unnecessary waste.

多么浪费纸啊!What a waste of paper!

go to waste 变成废物

e。g. 我不愿看到好好的食物被扔掉。

I hate to see good food go to waste (=be thrown away)。

2。[sing。] a situation in which it is not worth spending time, money, etc. on sth。白费;糟蹋:a waste of …对…的浪费

这简直在浪费时间。It’s a waste of time。这是对钱的浪费。It's a waste of money.

这是在浪费感情。It’s a waste of feeling。这是在浪费食物.It’s a waste of food.

3。[u] (also wastes [pl.]) materials that are no longer needed and are thrown away废料;废物;弃物;垃圾

e.g。家庭垃圾;工业废料 household/industrial waste

(household [ˈhaushəuld]adj.家庭的 / n. 一家人;家庭;同住一所房子的人

industrial [inˈdʌstriəl] adj. 1。工业的;产业的 2。用于工业的)

4。(wastes) [pl。] (formal) a large area of land where there are very few people, animals or plants人烟稀少的地区;荒芜地区;荒原:

IDM: a waste of space (spoken) a person who is useless or no good at anything无用的人;干什么都不行的人;废物;饭桶

adj. [usually before noun]

1。 not suitable for building or growing things on and is therefore not used荒芜的;未开垦的;废弃的:e.g。一块荒地 a piece of waste ground

2. no longer needed for a particular process and therefore thrown away废弃的;丢弃的;无用的 e。

g. 污水 waste water

wastebasket (AmE)=waste-paper basket (BrE) 废纸篓;废纸箱waste paper n. [u] 废纸

wasted adj。[only before noun] (of an action行动)徒劳无功的;白费的

e。g. 我们白跑了一趟,他们不在。We had a wasted trip-——-they weren’t in。

wasteful adj。~(of sth.)浪费的;挥霍的 e。g. 对资源的大肆挥霍 a wasteful use of resources wasteland n。[c, u] 荒地;荒原;不毛之地

8。But they don't realize one important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing. I am onl y interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!然而他们没有认识到重要的一点,我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣,我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,无所事事!

1) realize [ˈriəlaiz] v。

1.(not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)(不用于被动语态,人作主语) to understand

or become aware of a particular fact or situation理解;领会;认识到;意识到

e.g。认识到自己的错误 to realize (vt.) one’s mistake=be aware of one’s mistake

[v。(that)] 我没有察觉到你那么不开心。 I didn’t realize (that) you were so unhappy。

我一看到她,就觉得不太对劲。The moment I saw her, I realized something was wrong.

她意识到他正在说谎呢。She realized that he was lying。


The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized。

[v. wh—] 我认为你没有意识到这对她是多么重要。

I don't think you realize how important this is to her。

[vn]我希望你能认识到这一罪行的严重性.I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime。

他们没有意识到一件重要的事情。They don’t realize one important thing。

[vn that] 人们意识到大家都已平安归来的时候便发出了一阵欢呼声。

There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back。

2. [vn] to achieve sth. important that you very much want to do实现;将……变为现实(可用于主动,也可用于被动语态)

e.g. 实现某人的希望 realize one’s hope

实现某人的梦想 realize one’s dream

实现某人的计划 realize one’s plan

他终于实现自己的梦想了。He realized his dream at last.

他的梦想终于被实现了。His dream was realized at last。

她从未能实现成为一名职业歌手的志向.(ambition [æmˈbiʃən] n. [u]野心;雄心;志向)

She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer。


We try to help all students realize their full potential。

(potential [pəˈtenʃl] n。 1。 [u]~(for/for doing sth.)可能性;潜在性2.[u] 潜力;潜质 adj. [obn]潜在的;可能的)

come true vi. 成为现实 (物作主语,永远没有被动语态)

e.g. 她的梦想实现了。Her dream has come true.

3. vt. [usually passive] if sb’s fears are realized, the things that they are afraid will happen,do happen(所担心的事)发生,产生:

e.g。她最担心的事发生了.Her worst fears were realized.

realization [ˌri:əliˈzeiʃn] (BrE also —isation) n。

1. [u, sing.]~(that…)/~(of sth。) the process of becoming aware of sth.认识;领会;领悟e。g。突然意识到她自己究竟干了些什么 the sudden realization of what she had done

2。 [u]~(of sth。)the process of achieving a particular aim, etc. (目标等的)实现

e.g. 政治目标的实现 the realization of political goals

词根 real adj. 真的

reality [riˈæləti] n. (pl. —ies)

1。[u] 现实;实际情况

e.g。她不肯面对现实。She refuses to face reality.

你脱离了现实。You’re out of touch with reality.

2。[c] 事实;实际经历;见到的事物:


This decision reflects the realities of the political situation。

时光旅行真的会成为现实吗?Will time travel ever become a reality?

IDM: in reality实际上;事实上:

realistic[ˌriəˈlistik]adj. ~(to do sth。) 现实的;实际的;实事求是的 opposite:unrealistic realistically [ˌri:əˈlistikli] adv。如实地;实际地

2) be interested in sth./doing sth. 对…感兴趣

e。g。杰克只对食物感兴趣。Jack is only interested in food。

我对集邮有兴趣.I’m interested in collecting stamps。

interesting adj. 令人感兴趣的(一般物作主语)

e.g。钓鱼没有意思。Fishing is not interesting.

大多数现在分词和许多过去分词都可以作形容词用。常见的以-ed和-ing结尾的成对的形容词有excited/e xciting, tired/tiring, interested/interesting, surprised/surprising,




e.g。这故事激动人心。This story is exciting. 我因这故事而兴奋。I am excited by the story.

3) sit in a boat坐在船上

IDM: be in the same boat to be in the same difficult situation处于同样的困境;同舟共济

burn one’s boat behind oneself破釜沉舟

rock the boats(informal) to do sth. that upsets a situation and causes problems (因意见不同)搅局,捣乱;惹麻烦(rock [rɔk] vi。& vt。[usually+adv。/prep。] (使)轻轻摇晃,缓缓摆动)

e.g. 有人叫她闭嘴,不要招惹是非.She was told to keep her mouth shut and not rock the boat. miss the boat坐失良机

4) at all 根本,丝毫 not at all根本不

e。g。根本就没有吃的。There is nothing(表否定) to eat at all.

我根本就不喜欢这个粗鲁的家伙。I don’t like that rude fellow at all。


单词学习 catch (caught, caught) vt. 抓到 catch fish 钓鱼,捕鱼 catch a thief 抓住小偷 catch the bus 赶公交车←→miss the bus 错过公交车 catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意力 /draw one’s attention /attract one’s attention /catch one’s eyes /draw one’s eyes /attract one’s eyes catch fire 着火(强调转变过程) be on fire 正在燃烧(强调状态) catch a cold 患感冒(强调转变过程) have a cold 正患感冒(强调状态) catch sb doing sth 抓住正在做某事的人 eg. The little boy was caught stealing apples from the garden. 那个小男孩正在园子里偷苹果被抓住。 eg. The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。 grab 抓起,抢夺,热切或拼命地抓 snatch 抢夺,突然而迅速地抓起 arrest (依法)逮捕 capture 俘虏,捕获 trap 设陷阱捕捉 grasp 紧握,抓住 seize [si:z] 握紧,抓住 catch it 被责骂,受处罚(口)(通常与will等连用) eg. If I come home late, I’ll catch it from my mother. 如果我回家晚了,我妈妈会骂我。catch up with 赶上 eg. Go ahead, please. I’ll soon catch up wi th you. 你先走吧,我会很快赶上你的。catch on (意见,时尚)受欢迎的 catch phrase 标语,引人注意的句子 fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 fish →fisherman (pl. fishermen) fish n. 鱼[C] 1) fish 鱼[pl.] 单复数同形 2) fishes 不同种类的鱼 a big fish in a small pond. 山中无老虎猴子称霸王 eg. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 老猫不在家老鼠笑呵呵。 teach fish to swim 班门弄斧 drink like a fish 牛饮 like a fish out of water 如鱼离水 an odd fish 奇怪的家伙 eg. They caught many fish that morning. 那天早上他们钓了很多鱼。 eg. He studies the fishes in the Indian Ocean. 他研究印度洋里的鱼类。 fried fish 煎鱼,炸鱼 fresh fish 新鲜鱼 salted fish 咸鱼 fish-and-chips 油煎鱼加炸马铃薯片(大众快餐)(Br.)


一、词汇 catch v. 抓到 fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 boot n. 靴子 waste n. 浪费 realize v. 意识到 ★catch v. 抓到 ①vt. 捉住,逮住,捕获 The police have caught the thief. ②vt. 抓住,握住 Can you catch the ball? ③vt. 及时赶到,赶上 catch up with 赶上,跟上 Go ahead please.I’ll soon catch up with you. ★boot n. 靴子 a pair of boots 一双靴子 ★waste n. 浪费 ①n. 浪费 a waste of… 浪费…… It is a waste of time/money/food/water. ②vt. 浪费 You are wasting time. ★realize v. 意识到 ①v. 认识,知道,明白,意识到 I went into the wrong room without realizing it. 我无意中走错了房间。 I realized that I was wrong. ②v. 实现(希望、目标、愿望等) realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想 She has realized her hope to be an actress. ③使变为事实,使发生(常用于被动语态) This plan can never be realized. 二、课文讲解 1、Fishing is my favourite sport. fishing是一个动名词,由动词+ing组成,动名词可以作主语或宾语,如eating,reading等等 ★fish ①n. 鱼(不可数名词),鱼的种类(可数)


逐句精讲新概念英语第二册第20课独坐孤舟 逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第20课 独坐孤舟 Lesson20 One man in a boat 课文内容: Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. ‘You must give up fishing!' my friends say.‘It's a waste of time.' But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all ! 本文语法:动名词 语法归纳:动名词由“V + ing”构成,是兼有动词和名词一部分性质的非谓语动词,可以通俗地理解为表达动词的含义而具有名词的词性。 动名词在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语等: 1)动名词作主语: Saving is having.节约就是财富。 Finding a good job is very difficult now.现在找一个好工作很难。 Watching television is a waste of time.看电视就是在浪费时间。 2)动名词作宾语: I am interested in dancing and travelling.我对跳舞和旅行很感兴趣。

新概念英语第二册第二十课课后习题答案详解 Lesson 20

新概念英语第二册第二十课课后习题答案详解 Lesson 20 1. b根据课文第4行 I never catch anything---not even old boots, 只有 b. nevercatchesanything 与课文实际内容 相同,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。 2.c根据课文最后一句I am only interested in sitt ing in a boat and doing nothingat all! 只有c.d oing nothing是正确答案,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。 3.b本句是对主语提问的,回答是Fishing.a. who (谁)是对主 语提问的;c. whom(谁)是对宾语提问的;d. whose(谁的)确是对 定语提问的;只有b. which 是对做主语的事物提问的,所以选b. 4.b本句是带never的否定句,只有b. anything可以用在否定 句中。而a.nothing若用在否定句中,就会使原句变成肯定意 义的句子,不符合题目意思;c. something 只能用于肯定句中;d. everything也不能用在否定句中。 5.c前面句子I am even less lucky 中的less(不及)是表 示否定意义的比较级,只有c. not so是表示否定意义的,而其他3 个选择都没有否定的意思. 6.b只有b. anempty bag 最符合语法。而其他3个选择都有 语法错误。a. a empty bag 中empty是以元音开头的, 前面不能用a 而应该用an;c. emptybag 中 bag 是可数


●LESSON 20 1.生词与短语 1)catch 表示捉到的时候,还可以用:grab,seize,hold,take hold of等等 Catch fish 钓鱼,捕鱼 Catch thief 抓住小偷 Catch the bus 赶公共汽车→miss the bus 错过公共汽车 catch one’s attention Catch one’s eyes draw one’s attention Draw one’s eyes }吸引某人注意力 attract one’s attention Attract one’s eyes catch fire 燃烧,着火(强调动作) be on fire 燃烧着的,着火的(强调状态) Catch a cold 患感冒(强调动作) Have a cold 患感冒(强调状态) Catch sb. doing sth 抓住某人正在做某事 Eg. The little boy was caught stealing apples from the garden.这个小男孩正在偷苹果被.抓住了。Eg. The early bird catches the worms. 早起的鸟儿能捕到虫子。(谚语的实际含义:捷足先登) 【同义词区分】 grab 抓起,抢夺,热切或拼命地抓 snatch 抢夺,突然而迅速地抓起 arrest (依法)逮捕 capture 俘虏,捕获 trap 设陷阱捕捉 grasp 握紧,抓住 seize 握紧,抓住 catch it 被责骂,受处罚【口】(常与will等连用) Eg. If I come home late , I’ll catch it from my mother. 如果我回家晚了,妈妈会骂我的。 catch up with 赶上(某人) eg. Go ahead , please. I’ll soon catch up with you. Catch on (意见,时尚)受欢迎的 Catch phrase 标语,引人注目的句子 2)fish Fish →fishman (pl. fishmen) Fish 鱼(c.)n..


新概念英语第二册:第20课课文详解及语法解析课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.I often fish for hours without catching anything. 我经常一钓数小时却一无所获。 without 通常表示“缺乏”、“没有”: I can't repair the car without your help. 没有你的协助我无法修理这车。 当它位于动名词前时,它表示“不曾”、“不”: They tried to leave the restaurant without paying. 他们企图不付账就离开餐馆。 John left the room without telling anyone. 约翰离开房间时不曾告诉任何人。 2.Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. 他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。 instead有“作为替代”、“反而”等含义,一般以短语形式instead of出现: Jack took part in the race instead of Tony. 杰克代替托尼参加了比赛。 Instead of sugar, he bought some salt. 他没有买糖,而是买了些盐。

副词instead单独使用时一般出现在句尾: If you don't want a holiday in England, why don't you go to Australia instead? 如果你不想在英国度假,那你为什么不去澳大利亚呢? 3.I am even less lucky. 我的运气甚至还不及他们。 less是little的比较级,意为“不及”、“不如”、“更少”: Tom has got little chocolate, and Jack has got even less. 汤姆只有一点儿巧克力,杰克则更少。 I spend less time on English than on French. 我花在英语上的时间比花在法语上的少。(cf. 第8课语法) 4.…I always go home with an empty bag. ……然后空着袋子回家。 with能够表示“有……的”、“持有……的”、“随身带着……”等: Who's the man with the umbrella? 那个带伞的男人是谁? Who's the man with the beard? 那个留胡子的男人是谁? Who's the woman with the little boy? 带着那个小男孩的女人是谁?


Lesson 20 One man in a boat 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★catch v. 抓到 catch fish, catch thief catch cold:染上感冒 catch a bus:赶车catch one's breath:摒住呼吸 catch sight of(see):看见 catch fire:着火 catch one's eyes:吸引某人注意力 ★fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 ★boot n.靴子 a pair of boots ★waste n. v. 浪费 You are wasting time. a waste of: It is a waste of time. ★realize v. 意识到 I realized that I was wrong. 实现,realize one's dream 【课文讲解】 fish一般情况下作为不可数名词用 There are a lot of fishes(表示种类)in the sea. fish(v.):钓鱼,捕鱼主语通常由名词和代词充当,以及动词+ing for+时间……表示一段时间 for hours=for some hours without (prep.) 介词后面一定要加宾语 动词+ing:1.做主语;2.做宾语 anything用在否定句中 without作为状语而出现,表示结果状语, without 后面的动作是主语来做. He went out without saying any words. Without asking for money, the boy went to school. (v.)worry sb. The house worried me. My daughter worried me. (adj.)be worried about 主语为宾语而感到担心 I was never worried about this.


新概念英语第二册第20课 新概念英语第二册第20课教案 一、教学内容: 1.复习上节课所学内容并听写 2.讲解第20课单词及课文知识点 3.完成课堂练习并讲解 二、教学目标: 1.掌握所讲单词、短语及句型的用法 2.掌握关键语言知识点和难点 三、授课过程: 1.生词和短语 ①catch (caught, caught) vt. 抓到 catch fish 钓鱼,捕鱼 catch a thief 抓住小偷 catch the bus 赶公交车←→miss the bus 错过公交车 ②fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 fish →fisherman (pl. fishermen) fish n. 鱼[C] 1) fish 鱼[pl.] 单复数同形 2) fishes 不同种类的鱼 ③boot n.靴子 a pair of boots一双靴子 ④waste vt./n.浪费 1) waste vt. 浪费 eg. Don’t waste your time, money and energy. 不要浪费你的时间,金钱和精力。 2) waste n. 浪费 a waste of 对…的浪费 eg. It’s a waste of time. 这简直是浪费时间。

⑤realize v. 意识到 real adj. 真的 reality n. 现实 1) 认识到,意识到(不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态,人做主语) eg. She realized that he was lying. 她意识到他正在说谎。 2) vt. 实现(计划等)(可用于主动,也可用于被动语态) realize one’s hope 实现某人的希望 rea lize one’s dream 实现某人的梦想 realize one’s plan 实现某人的计划 eg. He realiaed his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 → His dream was realized at last. 2. 课文讲解 I often fish for hours without catching anything. without prep. 没有 prep.+ n./v.—ing / pron. eg. He went out without saying anything. 他一言不发就走了。 用法:without前后必须保持一致。 上句相当于: He went out and he didn’t say anything. / He went out without saying any words. eg. I can not live without you. eg. Fish can not live without water. ●But this does not worry me. worry v. 使…担心 worry sb 使…担心,困扰某人 eg. My little daughter worried me a lot. 我的小女儿令我担心。 be worried about 对…表示担心 eg. I was worried about my little daughter. 我对小女儿感到担心。


新概念二册20课答案 【篇一:新概念英语第二册第二十课课后习题答案详解 lesson20】 lass=txt>lesson20 1. b 根据课文第4行 i never catch anything---not even old boots, 只有b. nevercatches anything 与课文实际内容相同,而其 他3个选择都与课文内容不符。 2.c 根据课文最后一句i am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothingat all! 只有c. doing nothing 是正确答案,而 其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。 3.b 本句是对主语提问的,回答是fishing.a. who (谁)是对主语提 问的;c. whom(谁)是对宾语提问的;d. whose(谁的)确是对定语提 问的;只有b. which 是对做主语的事物提问的,所以选b. 4.b 本句是带never的否定句,只有b. anything 可以用在否定句中。而a. nothing若用在否定句中,就会使原句变成肯定意义的句子,不符合题目意思;c. something 只能用于肯定句中;d. everything也不能用在否定句中。 5.c 前面句子 i am even less lucky 中的 less(不及)是表示否定意 义的比较级,只有c. not so是表示否定意义的,而其他3个选择都没 有否定的意思. 6.b 只有b. an empty bag 最符合语法。而其他3个选择都有语法 错误。 a. a empty bag 中empty是以元音开头的,前面不能用a 而应该用an; c. empty bag 中 bag 是可数名词,需要用an 来修饰; d. oneempty bag 不符合习惯用法,单数可数名词前通常用不 定冠词a 或an 修饰,除非表示强调才用one 修饰。因此应该选b. 7.c 只有c. all 才能使这个句子同前一句i am only interested in doingnothing.的含义相符合,all等于the things that ,可以代替doing nothing. 而其他3个选择中a. only 和d. the only 不符合语法,b. the one 不符合题目意思,不能完全表达清楚。 8.a 只有a. the one i like best 才能解释前一句的my favourite sport(我最喜爱的一项运动),而b. cd.都不符合题目的意思。 9.c 只有c. tries to catch (设法捕获)才是 a fisherman(钓鱼人) 通 常做的,而其他3个选择a. buys(买), b. sells(卖), d. keeps(保存) 都不符合题目意思,所以应该选c.


新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第20课 ★New words and expressions ☆catch(caught,caught) v.抓到 catch fish:抓鱼;catch thief:抓小偷 记住几个短语: catch a cold:感冒;catch a bus:赶上车;catch one”s breath:屏住呼吸;catch sight of=see;catch fire:着火;catch one”s eyes:吸引某人留意力 ☆fisherman n.钓鱼人,渔民 [注]不要忘了er哦 ☆boot n.靴子 a pair of boots ☆waste n.铺张 v.You are wasting time. n.a waste of It is a waste of time/money/food. ☆realize v.意识到 eg:I realized that I was wrong. 实现:realize one”s dream

★Text One man in a boat Fishing is my favourite sport.I often fish for hours without catching anything.But this does not worry me.Some fisherman are unlucky.Instead of catching fish,they catch old boots and rubbish.I am even less lucky.I never catch anything-not even old boots.After having spent whole morning on the river,I always go home with an empty bay.”You must give up fishing!”my friends say.”It”s a waste of time.”But they don”t realize one important thing.I”m not really interested in fishing.I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all! ●本课的重点是-ing形式 ☆fish n.鱼:一般状况下作为不行数名词用 eg:I have bought some fish. 在表示种类时为可数名词 eg:There are a lot of fishes in the sea. v.钓鱼-->n.fishing 主语通常由名词和代词充当。动词 ing就变成名词词性 如:eat->eating;read->reading ☆...without catching anything.

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册第20课 独坐孤舟

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第20课 独坐孤舟 Lesson20 One man in a boat 课文内容: Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. ‘You must give up fishing!' my friends say.‘It's a waste of time.' But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all ! 本文语法:动名词 语法归纳:动名词由“V + ing”构成,是兼有动词和名词一部分性质的非谓语动词,可以通俗地理解为表达动词的含义而具有名词的词性。 动名词在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语等: 1)动名词作主语: Saving is having.节约就是财富。 Finding a good job is very difficult now.现在找一个好工作很难。 Watching television is a waste of time.看电视就是在浪费时间。 2)动名词作宾语: I am interested in dancing and travelling.我对跳舞和旅行很感兴趣。 She was afraid of making mistakes.她害怕犯错误。 3)动名词作表语: His job was testing voice of the movie.他的工作是测试电影的声音。(testing在此并不构成进行时态) 对比:He was testing voice of the movie.他当时真在测试电影的声音。(was testing为过去进行时) 4)动名词作定语: peace-keeping police 维和警察;fact-finding committee 调查委员会逐句精讲: 1.Fishing is my favourite sport. 钓鱼一直是我最喜欢的一项运动。. 语言点1 fishing在此是动名词,是典型的动名词作主语的用法: 超级模仿:Running / Growing flowers / Learning is my favorite thing. 跑步/种花/学习是我最喜欢做的事。 Learning English is not easy.学英语并非是件简单的事。


新概念英语第二册:第20课课文详解及语法解析 新概念英语第二册:第20课课文详解及语法解析课文详注Further notes on the text 1.I often fish for hours without catching anything. 我经常一钓数小时却一无所获。 without 通常表示“缺乏”、“没有”: I can't repair the car without your help. 没有你的协助我无法修理这车。 当它位于动名词前时,它表示“不曾”、“不”: They tried to leave the restaurant without paying. 他们企图不付账就离开餐馆。 John left the room without telling anyone. 约翰离开房间时不曾告诉任何人。 2.Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. 他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。 instead有“作为替代”、“反而”等含义,一般以短语形式instead of出现: Jack took part in the race instead of Tony. 杰克代替托尼参加了比赛。 Instead of sugar, he bought some salt. 他没有买糖,而是买了些盐。 副词instead单独使用时一般出现在句尾: If you don't want a holiday in England, why don't you go to Australia instead? 如果你不想在英国度假,那你为什么不去澳大利亚呢? 3.I am even less lucky. 我的运气甚至还不及他们。 less是little的比较级,意为“不及”、“不如”、“更少”:

新概念英语第二册(英音新版) 第20课-独坐孤舟

新概念英语第二册(英音新版) 第20课:独坐 孤舟 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后答复以下问题。 Why is fishing the writer”s favorite sport? 为什么钓鱼是最喜爱的运动? Fishing is my favourite sport. 钓鱼是我特殊宠爱的一项运动。 I often fish for hours without catching anything. 我常常一钓数小时却一无所获, But this does not worry me. 但我从不为此苦恼。 Some fishermen are unlucky. 有些垂钓者就是不走运, Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. 他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。 I am even less lucky. 我的运气甚至还不及他们。 I never catch anything -- not even old boots.

我什么东西也未钓到过 -- 就连旧靴子也没有。 After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. 我总是在河上呆上整整一上午,然后空着袋子回家。 ‘You must give up fishing!’ my friends say.‘It”s a waste of time.”“你可别再钓鱼了!”我的朋友们说,“这是铺张时间。” But they don”t realize one important thing. 然而他们没有熟悉到重要的一点, I”m not really interested in fishing. 我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣, I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all! 我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,无所事事!

新概念英语第二册第二十课课后习题答案详解 Lesson 20

新概念英语第二册第二十课课后习题答案详解Lesson 20 1. b依据课文第4行 I never catch anything---not even old boots, 只有b. nevercatches anything 及课文实际内容相同,而其他3个选择都及课文内容不符。 2.c依据课文最终一句I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothingat all! 只有c. doing nothing 是正确答案,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。 3.b 本句是对主语提问的,回答是Fishing.a. who (谁)是对主语提问的;c. whom(谁)是对宾语提问的;d. whose(谁的)确是对定语提问的;只有b. which 是对做主语的事物提问的,所以选b. 4.b本句是带never的否定句,只有b. anything 可以用在否定句中。而a. nothing若用在否定句中,就会使原句变成确定意义的句子,不符合题目意思;c. something 只能用于确定句中;d. everything也不能用在否定句中。 5.c前面句子 I am even less lucky 中的 less(不及)是表示否定意义的比较级,只有c. not so是表示否定意义的,而其他3个选择都没有否定的意思. 6.b只有b. an empty bag 最符合语法。而其他3个选择都有语法错误。 a. a empty bag 中empty是以元音开头的,前面不能用a 而应当用an; c. empty bag 中 bag 是可数名词,须


新概念二第20课习题答案 新概念二第20课习题答案 在学习英语的过程中,习题是非常重要的一部分。通过做习题,我们能够巩固所学的知识,提高语言运用能力。而《新概念英语》是一套经典的英语教材,其中的习题也是我们学习的重要资源。本文将为大家提供《新概念英语》第二册第20课的习题答案,希望能够帮助大家更好地学习和掌握英语。 第一题:选择题 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 第二题:填空题 1. at 2. in 3. on 4. in

5. in 6. on 7. at 8. in 9. on 10. in 第三题:改错题 1. He is a friend of mine. (去掉the) 2. He is a student at a university. (去掉the) 3. He is a doctor in a hospital. (去掉the) 4. She is a teacher in a school. (去掉the) 5. He is a writer of books. (去掉the) 6. She is a member of a club. (去掉the) 7. He is a member of a team. (去掉the) 8. She is a member of a family. (去掉the) 第四题:翻译题 1. 我们在一家饭店里吃饭。 2. 他们在一家咖啡厅里喝咖啡。 3. 我们在一家电影院里看电影。 4. 他们在一家商店里购物。 5. 我们在一家医院里看病。 通过以上习题的答案,我们可以对自己的学习情况进行检验和总结。同时,通
