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小王子book review

小王子book review
小王子book review

Wendy Wen


English literature

Feb 19

Book review of Le Petit Prince

Le Petit Prince, writer named Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Although book is not the first book of the writer, this book is not only full of sediments of the writer’s life and emotion, but also talking about the essence of human life. Le Petit Prince is a fairy tale;Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s writing style is different from other writers.Those books that written by him are portrayal records of his thought and action. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s family was a traditional Catholic noble family. His parents were noble, his father worked in bank, and his mother was a housewife who has talentedin music and arts. The reason of why he wrote Le Petit Prince is no matter his family background, it is related with his identity. Antoine de Saint-Exupérywasa pilot. That is why the protagonist in Le Petit Prince is a pilot. Le Petit Prince, the number of pages is 89, published by Harcourt, the price is about ten dollars.

Le Petit Prince is a story talks about six years ago a pilot landing in the Sahara Desert caused by aircraft fault then he met the little prince. The pilot retailed adventures of the little prince in six different planets, the little prince met the king, vain man, drunkard, a businessman, lamplighter, geographer, snake, desert flower with three petals, a rose garden, switchman, trader, fox and the pilot himself.This book is a fairy tale, so that its interested audience is children.

In my opinion, Le Petit Prince is a good book. The writer used eyes of child to expose desires and pragmatic in adult world. My theme of this book review is that sometimes parents think their way is benefit to us, but they do not considertheir way is not suitable for us or it is not we want. Moreover, we think we are become knowledgeable when we growing up; the adult knows everything. Unfortunately, it is wrong, when we grow up; we probably forget

our original intention. And something immaterial, we only can understand by using heart.

At beginning of the book, the writer said he read a book, which showed a boa constrictor swallowing a wild beast. Then he drew a picture of that and asked to adults if his drawing scared them. Adults answered, why be scared of a hat. Because shape of the boa likes a hat.And the first time of the pilot met the little prince, prince orderedpilot to draw a sheep, but prince rejected all the time. In the last time, pilot drew a box and said your sheep is inside. The little prince was satisfied. I read at here, I realize that adults cannot feeling like a kid or be full of imagination anymore. Additionally, the little prince visited a businessman, who are busy that no time to raise his hand when the little prince arrived. He is busy doing make money. The little prince asked him, how many will you make, the businessman said countless. What can you do to the money said by the little prince; the businessman opened his mouth but nothing to say in reply. As far as I concerned, the desire is getting bigger and bigger as fast as people growing up. Last but not the least, the prince greeted a lamplighter; this man put out and lit the lamp again and again. Prince asked why, the lamplighter said orders are orders; there is nothing to understand. Now, I clear, this man just follow the rule blindly even do not have his own purpose. I just pick three details in Le Petit Prince, only these I know what the writer want to say and support the writer’s viewpoint.

This book likes a mirror that reflects the rational, utilitarian, confusion of adult, and emotional, innocence and love of children. As my in-depth understanding of Le Petit Prince, I argue that people should eventually preserve the state as a child, agree with the emotional values intheir childhood, advocating love. After I finish reading Le Petit Prince, I want to return to my childhood and keep this feeling, but the writer does not tell me how should I do. That is the only weakness and puzzle the writer leave us.

Le Petit Prince is an original fairy tale, the characters are not point to someone specifically, and they are describing a select group of people in the real society.

The plots of this story are independent, but they influence each other and ensemble. The theme in this story is address universal problem. The dialogue is not realistic, but it is vivid parable.

Bookreview (2)

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Is it a darkly passionate tale of love? Or should we call it a highly original gothic story? The classic novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is, in my opinion, a unique and gripping blend of these genres. Written in 1847, it is an epic family saga full of desire, hate, revenge and regret, focusing on the main characters of Heathcliff and Catherine. The atmospheric setting of the wild Yorkshire moors cleverly mirrors the violent emotions. When Catherine’s father adopts the starving orphan boy Heathcliff, Catherine’s brother Hindley feels deeply hurt and resentful. She, on the other hand, develops an immensely strong bond with Heathcliff, which becomes an all-consuming love. Upon her father’s death, Hindley becomes the head of the family and forces Heathcliff to assume the position of a servant. Despite loving Heathcliff, Catherine chooses to marry Edgar Linton, who is closer to her class and position in society. It is this decision which leads to heartbreak and tragedy, not only for them but for many others. Heathcliff could be described as an anti-hero with his rough manners and lack of control. Likewise, Catherine displays many flaws, but the reader can still empathize with these characters. In fact, this is the main reason why I believe this novel is so brilliant. It rings with truth. The reader may be horrified at the way that Heathcliff and Catherine behave, and yet, at the same time, the writer ensures that we never hate them because the reasons for their actions are crystal clear. The main part of the book relies on a narrator, Ellen Dean, who is a servant at Wuthering Heights and I think that this is a useful device which holds the complex plot together. However, Wuthering Heights is not what I would call an “easy read”. There is dense description and some of the dialogue is written in dialect, which can be difficult to follow. Nevertheless, I persevered and, all in all, I can highly recommend Wuthering Heights. I challenge you to remain unmoved after reading this exceptional book. From “Oxford Writing Tutor”, in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th ed. Classics Title: Othello Author: William Shakespeare; Marie Macaisa, Series Editor Rating: Must Read! Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc. Web Page: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/6e3448018.html, Publisher's E-mail: How to use the database of reviews


老人与海句子赏析 跟之前没有什麽区别。 24、我一定要把握住他伤口所在之处,他想。我的伤口不是问题,我可以控制住自己,但是他的伤口会让他发怒,失去理智。 25、他眺望着海面,知道他此刻是多么孤单。但是他可以看见在黑暗的深水里的棱镜和鱼线往前和那平静的波动。云朵现在贸易风,他朝前望去,看到一个飞行的野鸭在水面上的天空,模糊,然后蚀刻再次和他知道没有人是独自在海上。 26、在某种意义上,所有事物都在互相残杀。捕鱼就是要了我的老命,可是它同时也养活我。 27、不过人不是为失败而生的,他说,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。 28、你杀死它是为了自尊心,因为你是个渔夫。它活着的时候你爱它,它死了你还是爱它。如果你爱它,杀死它就不是罪过。也许是更大的罪过吧? 29、被人理解是幸运的,但不被理解未必不幸。一个把自己的价值完全寄托于他人的理解上面的人往往并无价值。 30、因为我怕我的自尊心会再一次激起我的倔脾气,而我身边又不宽裕,我请他们记下我的姓名,把书留在一边,就下了楼。那些目击者肯定对我作了种种猜测,他们一准会暗暗思忖,我花一百法郎

的高价来买这么一本书究竟是为了什么,这本书到处都可以买到,只要花上十个法郎,至多也不过十五个法郎。 31、实际上的方位只能稍微带给人少许无法忍受的感觉,但他几乎想象这是一件舒适的事情。 32、他巴不得在船头上歇一下,让鱼自顾自兜一个圈子,并不回收一点钓索。但是等到钓索松动了一点,表明鱼已经转身在朝小船游回来,老人就站起身来,开始那种左右转动交替拉曳的动作,他的钓索全是这样收回来的。 33、一个鱼食送下四十英寸的深处,第二个鱼食送下七十五英寸的深处,第三个和第四个鱼使分别送到了大海下面一百英寸和一百二十五英寸的地方去了。 34、老人和大鱼一直相持到日落,双方已搏斗了两天一夜,老头不禁回想起年轻时在卡萨兰卡跟一个黑人比赛扳手的经历。 35、靠墙放着一张三尺宽、六尺长的大桌子,奥科克和奥迪奥 ⑤制造的各种各样的珍宝在桌子上闪闪发光,真是琳琅满目,美不胜收。这上千件小玩意儿对于我们来参观的这家女主人来说,是梳妆打扮的必备之物,而且没有一件不是用黄金或者白银制成的。 36、陆地上空的云块这时候像山冈般耸立着,海岸只剩下一长条绿色的线,背后是些灰青色的小山,海水此刻呈现蓝色,深的简直发紫了。 37、我希望可以饲养这些鱼儿,他想著。他是我的兄弟。但是我必须杀掉他,还有保证强壮的身体来处理它。凭良心,他慢慢的吃


[ 标签 :标题 ] 篇一:好词好句好段摘抄大全 好词好句好段摘抄大全 好词: 光明澄静 惊天动地、 悠然神往、 桃红柳绿、 稍纵即逝、 半明半晦、 粼粼微波、凉风习习、凝立悄然、海平如镜、庞然大物、风晨雨夕、膝下怀前连 绵不断、江帆点点、手脚匆忙、谈谈笑笑繁花似锦、春色满园、春意盎然、波澜壮阔、 风急浪高、黯沉沉、喜出望外,曲曲折折、不约而同、云淡风清、憧憬、斜风细雨沁 入心脾、 好句: 夏日晚风之中,在廊下拈着针儿,心里想着刚看过的书中的言语 ??这些满含着诗意的话,沁入心脾,只有微笑。 这次出了吴淞口,一天的航程,一望无际尽是粼粼微波。凉风习习,舟如在冰上行。 到过了高丽界,海水竟似湖光。蓝极绿极,凝成一片。 爱在右,同情在左,走在生命路的两旁,随时撒种,随时开花,将这一径长途,点缀 得季花弥漫,使穿枝拂叶的行人,踏着荆棘,不觉得痛苦,有泪可落,也不是悲凉。 指点我吧,我的朋友!我是横海的燕子,要寻觅隔水的窝巢。 春何曾说话呢?但她那伟大的潜隐的力量,已这般的,温柔了世界了! 成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了 牺牲的血雨。 家是什么,我不知道;但烦闷———忧愁,都在此中融化消灭。 半夜里听见繁杂的雨声,早起是浓阴的天,我觉得有些烦闷。从窗内往外看时,那一朵白 莲已经谢了,白瓣儿小船般散飘在水里。梗上只留个小小的莲蓬,和几根淡黄色的花须。 那一朵红莲,昨夜还是菡萏的,今晨却开满了,亭亭地在绿叶中间立着。 仍是不适意!——徘徊了一会子,窗外雷声作了,大雨接着就来,愈下愈大。那朵 红莲,被那繁密的雨点,打得左右欹斜。在无遮蔽的天空之下,我不敢下阶去,也无 法可想。 雨势并不减退,红莲却不摇动了。雨点不住的打着,只能在那勇敢慈怜的荷叶上面,聚了 些流转无力的水珠。 母亲啊!你是荷叶,我是红莲,心中的雨点来了,除了你,谁是我在无遮拦天空下的荫蔽? ——————摘自《荷叶 .母亲》 这时心下光明澄静,如登仙界,如归故乡。眼前浮现的三个笑容,一时融化在爱的调和 里看不分了。 如今在海上,每晚和繁星相对,我把它们认得很熟了。我躺在舱面上,仰望天空, 深蓝的天空里悬着无数半明半昧的星。船在动,星也在动,它们 是这样低,真是摇摇欲坠呢!渐渐地,我的眼睛模糊了,我好像看见无数萤火虫在我的 周围飞舞。海上的夜是柔和的,是 静寂的,是梦幻的。我望着那许多认识的星,我仿佛看见它们在对我霎眼,我仿佛听见它

hamlet book review

Hamlet and Two Heroines Hamlet is one of the most famous play that written by William Shakespeare. It is the tragedy of tragedies. This is a story about revenging ending in perishing together. After reading through the whole play, two heroines, Gertrude and Ophelia, impress me most. In Middle Ages, women were considered as appendages of men, so were Gertrude and Ophelia. They both have close bound with Hamlet, the hero, and love him deeply. However, does Hamlet love them as much as they do? It confuses me a lot. “Are you honest? Are you fair?” In front of Ophelia’s tomb, Hamlet declares that “What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis? Whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wand’ ring stars, and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I, Hamlet the Dane”, and “I loved Ophelia, forty thousand brothers Could not with all their quantity of love Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?” Those words are aimed at refuting Laertes’s denouncement. It is more of a riposte than expression of love. Leartes imputes Ophelia’s death to Hamlet, exploding his grief with exaggerated tone. As soon as Hamlet hears his denouncement, he steps forward and wants to Prove that his is much more distressed than Leartes. I first recognize Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship from the conversation among Ophelia, her brother and her father. She believes that Hamlet loves her sincerely, but she was satirized by his father, Polonius. Then she follows Polonius’s advice, rejecting Hamlet’s letters and not meeting with him, which makes a breakthrough of their relationship. It seems that Hamlet becomes insane. In order to test his insanity, Ophelia recites what her father tells her, that makes Hamlet crazier. The death of Ophelia is a tragedy. The causes of her death include several reasons. First, Hamlet becomes “insane”and “breaks faith”. What’s worse, her father is killed and the murderer is Hamlet. What kind of affection dose Hamlet hold to Ophelia? Apparently, his love is neither a brain storm nor as much as “forty thousand brothers”. Hamlet cannot consider Ophelia as a companion and he hesitates to trust her. He loves her beauty and purity, but he cannot share his very secret with her and earn her support. What’s worse, the secret told by ghost makes mother’s image ruined. As far as he considers, Ophelia’s present beauty is not a promise to future chastity. What makes him upset is his uncertainty in his inside world. A critic commented Hamlet as “the giant of thoughts, the dwarf of actions”. He has no strong motion disclosure to Ophelia. As Hamlet describes, women are flirtations and weak-minded, which become women’s sin. While, beauty makes women easier to be tempted, so beauty becomes sin. “Frailty, thy name is woman!” When Hamlet is alone, he seldom thinks of Ophelia, but frequently thinks of his mother Gertrude. However, it is not a son’s attachment and love to mother, instead, it represents anger and hate. Certainly, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love his mother at all. It is more like a sense of stigma.


老人与海好好段好句 1、这些闪着彩虹般颜色的大气泡很美。然而它们正是海里最欺诈成性的生物,所以老人乐意看到大海龟把它们吃掉。海龟发现了它们,就从正面向它们进逼,然后闭上了眼睛,这样,从头到尾完全被龟背所保护着,把它们连同触须一并吃掉。老人喜欢观看海龟把它们吃掉,喜欢在风暴过后在海滩上遇上它们,喜欢听到自己用长着老茧的硬脚掌踩在上面时它们啪地爆裂的声音。 2、孩子看见老人每天回来时船总是空的,感到很难受,他总是走下岸去,帮老人拿卷起的钓索,或者鱼钩和鱼叉,还有绕在桅杆上的帆。帆上用面粉袋片打了些补丁,收拢后看来象是一面标志着永远失败的旗子。 3、回到船头后,他把两爿鱼肉摊在船板上,旁边搁着飞鱼。然后他把勒在肩上的钓索换一个地方,又用左手攥住了钓索,手搁在船舷上。接着他靠在船舷上,把飞鱼在水里洗洗,留意着水冲击在他手上的速度。他的手因为剥了鱼皮而发出磷光,他仔细察看水流怎样冲击他的手。水流并不那么有力了,当他把手的侧面在小船船板上擦着的时候,星星点点的磷质漂浮开去,慢慢朝船梢漂去。 4、孩子走出屋去。他们刚才吃饭的时候,桌子上没点灯,老人就脱了长裤,摸黑上了床。他把长裤卷起来当枕头,把那张报纸塞在里头。他用毯子裹住了身子,在弹簧垫上铺着的其他旧报纸上睡下了。 5、既然这鱼他看见过一回,他就能想象它在水里游的样子,它那翅膀般的胸鳍大张着,直竖的大尾巴划破黝黑的海水。不知道它在那样深的海里能看见多少东西,老人想。它的眼睛真大,马的眼睛要小得多,但在黑暗里看得见东西。从前我在黑暗里能看得很清楚。可不是在乌漆麻黑的地方。不过简直能象猫一样看东西。 6、最好稍等一会儿再把这鲯鳅开肠剖肚,这样可以让鲜血留在鱼肉里,他想。我可以迟一会儿再干,眼下且把桨扎起来,在水里拖着,增加阻力。眼下还是让鱼安静些的好,在日落时分别去过分惊动它。对所有的鱼来说,太阳落下去的时分都是难熬的。


《老人与海》读书笔记好句摘抄及感悟好句摘抄: 1、每一天都是一个新的日子。走运当然是好。不过我情愿做到分毫不差。这样,运气来的时候,你就有所准备了。 2、要保持头脑清楚,要懂得怎么才能受苦也像个男子汉的样子。 2、“不过人不是为失败而生的,"他说。“一个人可以被毁灭,但不能给打败。" 3、男孩看着老人每天驾着空船回来,心里十分难受。他总要走下岸去,帮老人搬钓绳扛鱼叉,再不是就是帮他卷拢那张裹着桅杆的船帆。那张破旧的船帆用面粉口袋补了又补,卷拢以后,看上去就像一面打了败仗的破旗子。 4、眼下可不是想你什么东西没有带的时候,想想你用手头现有的东西能做什么事儿吧。“我的闹钟就是这一把年纪,”老头儿说,“也不知道为什么,上了年纪的人都醒的很早,大概是想多拥有一点时间吧。”不管是人、是鸟,还是鱼,谁都得这样活着。 老人圣地亚哥是一位老渔民,老人与海就讲述了他在连续八十四天都没有捕到一条鱼的情况下,终于独自一人钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这条鱼庞大的像一座山丘,所以将老渔民圣地亚哥的小渔船整整拖了几天几夜叉筋疲力尽,被老人杀死绑在了小船的一头。老人返航的时候却遇到了鲨鱼,他

应用的抵抗鲨鱼的攻击。可最后回到港湾的时候,大鱼只剩下鱼头、鱼尾和一条脊骨。 这部荣获了诺贝尔文学奖和普利策奖的小说,通过这个孤独又坚强的老渔夫告诉了我们应该怎样去面对人生的各种困境,告诉了我们生命有多强大,告诉了我们心该有多宽。 5、他朝前望望,只见一行野鸭飞过水上。它们有时候给蓝天衬托得清清楚楚,有时候又影影绰绰。这时候他觉得,一个人在海上绝没有孤单的时候。 6、老人想:“它活着的时候你爱它,它死了你还是爱它。如果你爱它,杀死它就不是罪过。也许是更大的罪过吧?” 7、他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见妇女们,不再梦见伟大的事件,不再梦见大鱼,不再梦见打架,不再梦见角力,不再梦见他的妻子。他如今只梦见一些地方和海滩上的狮子。 8、“想点开心是吧,老家伙,”他说,“每过一分钟,你就离家近一步。丢了四十磅鱼肉你航行起来更轻快了。” 10、他的衬衫上不知打了多少次补丁,弄得象他那张帆一样,这些补丁被阳光晒得褪成了许多深浅不同的颜色。 11、我以前能做到的事情,现在依旧可以重新做一遍。经历过和没经历过就是不一样,大大的鱼骨架就是此次航行的战利品。 无可否认,只要是人就都会有缺陷。当一个人承认了这个缺陷并努力去战胜它而不是去屈从它的时候,无论他能否

Book Review

Book Review: They Say I Say Many College and university students often have trouble performing well in their academic writing, which is a necessary part of higher education. They cannot assert their argument critically and logically, thus making their writing less forceful and convincing. The reasons may be that cannot get helpful instruction form traditional methods which focuses on abstract principles of writing, while they themselves don’t know how to state their argument appropriately, and engage with the thought of others. The book They Say I Say by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein attempts to solve this problem that college and university students are faced with. Different from traditional books, which pay more attention to writing principles rather than practical use of them, They Say I Say offers students useful templates and directly applies them to practical writing. The book is written on the premise that good argumentative writing begins not with an act of assertion but an act of listening, of putting ourselves in the shoes of those who think differently from us (p. xiii). Its goal is to help college and university students become excellent writers and critical, independent thinkers by applying “moves”---steps to perform students’writing activities---to academic writing and offering specific methods and techniques. You mustn’t miss the first two sections of this book. They are worth reading if you want to have a general knowledge of this book. Two prefaces talk authors’intention of writing the book, innovation and improvement and also arguments on it. In introduction section, it’s clearly to know the foci of the book, and the authors


摘抄老人与海好词好句 导读: 1.他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人,至今已去了八十四天,一条鱼也没逮住。 2.他身上的每一部分都显得老迈,除了那一双眼睛。那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。 3.风在不住地吹,稍微转到东北方去,他知道这就是说风不会减退了。老头儿朝前面望了一望,但是他看不见帆,看不见船,也看不见船上冒出的烟。只有飞鱼从船头那边飞出来,向两边仓皇地飞走,还有一簇簇黄色的马尾藻。他连一只鸟儿也看不见。 4.大马林鱼开始快速地围着小渔船游动,将缆绳缠绕到了桅杆上,老人右手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力地向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静地浮在水面上…… 5、可是,老人的麻烦并未结束。死鱼的血招来了鲨鱼。它们循 着航线游来,大口大口地咬掉鱼肉。老人成功地杀死了一条鲨鱼,但鲨鱼下沉时也带走了鱼叉,不得已,老人只好凑合着用刀子、棍子、船舵与鲨鱼们搏斗。当半夜小船驶进港时,昼夜的搏斗已使老人筋疲力竭了。那条大鱼也已残缺不全,它的美丽和它那贵重的鱼肉都已不复存在。 6、老人的陋屋空空如也,老人与小孩说着晚上的饭菜(其实并不存在),谈着喜爱的棒球队,将对话日复一日继续下去。曼诺林照顾 着老人,为他买来便餐,准备好明日用的鱼饵。老人睡了,他不再像

年轻时那样老梦见狂风巨浪、大鱼、搏斗之类的事,而是梦见异域他乡和沙滩上的顽皮可爱的狮子。 7、破晓前天很冷,老头抵着木头取暖。他想鱼能支持多久我也能支持多久。他用温柔的语调大声说:“鱼啊,只要我不死就要同你周旋到底。”太阳升起后,老头发觉鱼还没有疲倦,只是钓丝的斜度显示鱼可能要跳起来,这正是他求之不得的事。他说:“鱼啊,我爱你,而且十分尊敬你。可是今天天黑以前我一定要把你弄死。”鱼开始不安分了,它突然把小船扯得晃荡了一下。老头用右手去摸钓丝,发现那只手正在流血。过了一会他的左手又抽起筋来,但他仍竭力坚持。他吃了几片金枪鱼肉好增加点力气来对付那条大鱼。 8、正在这时钓丝慢慢升起来,大鱼终于露出水里。在阳光下,这浑身明亮夺目,色彩斑斓。它足有18英尺长,比他的船还要大。它的喙长得象一根垒球棒,尖得象一把细长的利剑。它那大镰刀似的尾巴入水中后,钓丝也飞快地滑下去。 9、老人的陋屋空空如也,老人与小孩说着晚上的饭菜(其实并不存在),谈着喜爱的棒球队,将对话日复一日继续下去。曼诺林照顾着老人,为他买来便餐,准备好明日用的鱼饵。老人睡了,他不再像年轻时那样老梦见狂风巨浪、大鱼、搏斗之类的事,而是梦见异域他乡和沙滩上的顽皮可爱的狮子。 10、正当桑提亚哥目不转睛地望着钓丝的时候,他看见露出水面的一根绿色竿子急遽地附入水中。他用右手的`大拇指和食指轻轻捏

Sample book review (1)

A Review of Once a Mouse by Marcia Brown Baoya Zhang Brown, Marcia. (1961). Once a mouse…a fable cut in wood. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. As is suggested by the title, the 1962 Caldecott Medal winner Once a mouse…a fable cut in wood by Marcia Brown falls into the category of picture story books. The book tells an ancient Indian story in which a mystical hermit, mighty at magic, rescues a wretched little mouse from the beak of a hungry crow, and later transforms it into a stout cat, a big dog, and finally a royal tiger when it is threatened by a cat, a dog, and a tiger. The mouse becomes increasingly vain as it changes into larger and larger creatures and the hermit has to turn it back to its original state when it wants to kill him. This book is what a picture story book can be. As far as the content is concerned, with the subject of the evils of pride, it is appropriate for and appealing to very young children. Textwise, the number of words on each page is kept to a minimum. It is indeed a big theme with few words. The clearly patterned plot makes the story highly predictable so that when being read to, children will actively problem-solve. For all the predictability, suspense is nevertheless abundant due to the way the text is written and arranged on the pages. Consequently children’s interest will be held from the beginning to the very end. What contributes most to the superb quality of this book, however, is the illustrations that are in perfect harmony with the text. The dramatic color woodcuts achieve a fluidity of motion rarely found in the medium. Minimal as the test is, the illustrations create so clear a story line that a preliterate child will find the story easy to follow. The bold clear designs of the principle figure, the animals, and the landscape backgrounds are well created by simple masses so imaginative in concept that the woodcuts alone are a treasure of fine art. In rich jungle colors, the story of the rise and fall of the mouse is completed and extended by the pictures. The yellow green of sun through leaves and of earth, the dark green shadows, and the red that is mixed with other colors, all are compatible to the life in a forest, and help convey the mood well. Also the occasional use of visual metaphor reinforces the drama of the mouse. And even the natural texture of the long-grained plank is preserved to add depth and interesting patterns to the dramatic illustrations and help convey the mood. Other factors that lead to the high quality of the book include its powerfully attractive jacket, a nice appropriate format and a typeface that matches the illustrations. Compared with her soft delicate drawings in curved pen lines and gouache for Cinderella, the strength and rhythm that the beautiful boldly stylized woodcuts for this book possess are just outstanding. This book deserves an honorable place in the treasure house of picture story books. It makes a great read-aloud for very young children who will definitely find great pleasure in the transformations of the mouse into ever more terrifying animals and the wonderful changes of expression on the tiger’s faces as their emotions toward each other change. But for older children, much delight will be derived from both their visual experience of the work and their discovery of the profound meaning embedded in the seemingly simple story.


读书笔记大全好词好句好段 导读:好词摘录:忽如其来、兴趣盎然、善良忠厚、专横跋扈, 暴躁乖戾、贪婪自私、沉默寡言、惟妙惟肖 羞愤、登极加冕、媚态柔姿、无疾善终、蠢动怒发、酡红、鄙薄、老谋深算、伶俐、瞻仰、字酣墨饱、明净滋润 好句摘录:1、伏尔加河蓝色的水面上,桔红色的轮船在逆流而上,而一张张金色的叶片则缓缓顺流漂下。 2、我非常害怕外祖父,总觉得他的绿眼珠无时无刻不在盯着我看。 3、那曲子激昂中含着忧伤,仿佛是从高山奔流而下的河水,激荡在房间中。 4、那一张张仰起的面孔让我想起没洗的脏盘子。 5、她微笑的时候,那黑得像黑樱桃的眼珠儿睁得圆圆的,闪出一种难容的愉快光芒。 6、当你眺望这些的时候,一句话也不愿意说,愉快的惆怅充满了胸怀。 7、我们不知道什么叫死亡,所以我们不会做出装死的行为!不管遭受什么样的虐-待,我们始终是正直的昆虫,绝对不会做出欺骗他人的行为,别说是因为我们不会飞,才想出装死的伎俩!别说是因为我们跑不快,才想出装死的伎俩!我们根本不知道什么是死亡,所以

不会做出装死的行为!尤其是自杀,连想都没有想过!那种愚蠢的事情,只有卑鄙的人才会做出来! 8、海风里早含着燥热,胖人身体给炎风吹干了,蒙上一层汉结 的盐霜,仿佛刚在巴勒斯坦的死海里洗过澡。 9、天仿佛听见了这句话,半空里轰隆隆一声回答,像天宫的地 板上滚着几十面铜鼓。 好段摘录:“在她没来以前,我仿佛是躲在黑暗中睡觉,但她一出现,就把我叫醒了,把我带领到光明的地方,用一根不断的线把我周围的一切连结起来,织成五光十色的花边,她马上成为我终身的朋友,成为最知心的人,成为我最了解、最珍贵的人,是她那对世界无私的爱丰富了我,使我充满了坚强的力量以应付困苦的生活。”——在与外祖母接触的这一小段时间里,阿廖沙就下此断言,可见她的人格魅力之高。 “一种浓厚的,色彩斑驳的,离奇得难以形容的生活,以惊人的速度开始奔流了。”——那是令人窒息的、充满可怕景象,普通俄罗斯人的生活。阿廖沙的童年生活也真正拉开了帷幕。 “阳光的辐射在紫藤色的天空中扩大着,天空渐渐变蓝了。云雀飞到目力达不到的高空,在婉转地歌唱,一切鲜花和音响,像露水珠儿似的往胸里渗透,使人感到宁静的喜悦,引起人们一种想快点起床做点事情,和周围一切生物友爱地生活的愿望。”——苦难的生活并没有息灭高尔基对生活的热爱、对未来的希望。


《老人与海》赏析(原文自己找) 《老人与海》:海明威无意识欲望的表征海明威把自己的创作比做"冰山",并用"冰山原理"来形象地概括自己的艺术创作风格和技巧。他曾说:"我总是试图根据冰山原理去写它。关于显现出来的每一部分,八分之七是在水面以下的,你可省略去你所知道的任何东西,这只会使你的冰山深厚起来。这是并不显现出来的部分"。 我们知道海明威所谈到的"省略"通常体现在事件情节的节略选择,做到厚积薄发,也表现在形象的单纯、主题思想的潜藏、感情的含蓄、言辞的经济和艺术风格的朴素简洁等方面。这些都是海明威自觉有意而为之。那么在海明威的作品中,那冰山水面以下的八分之七里,是否还隐藏着作家本人未发觉但又存在的个人无意识欲望呢?从分析《老人与海》里的桑提亚哥的梦和无意识言语中,我们可得知,《老人与海》是海明威本人欲望的替换的表征。 首先,桑提亚哥的梦和幻想表现了老人自身的无意识愿望:他梦见非洲和狮子,并幻想伟大的老狄马吉奥,鸡眼和斗公鸡。老人的无意识是海明威有意建构的。根据拉康的弗洛依德学说,"无意识是在暗喻和转喻的替代置换中进行工作的,它逃避意识的的伪装,但却以梦、玩笑和艺术的形式表现自己"。在梦中,凝聚和置换掩盖无意识内容,同样,当人

们应用语言时,隐喻和转喻遮盖着主体欲望的动机。在叙述创作(在此指桑提亚哥的叙述)中,无意识内容凝聚为暗喻和替换为转喻。读者的任务是去发掘表层话语是怎样掩饰深层含义,能指是怎样分解成明显的所指和隐含的所指对象。如果梦是显相的但又是无意识的伪装镜,那么小说就是其语言的反射镜。 桑提亚哥梦见狮子主要是他无意识欲望的作用,但文本说明了拉康的理论,即无意识的构成跟语言一样。"狮子"这个词作为能指,具有外延和内涵的意义。其涵义是一只动物,但它又是"兽中之王",因而处于动物的等级制度之上。我们可以用话语来重新表达老人的梦。既然狮子作为暗喻是"梦中的最主要内容",那么桑提亚哥就是狮子,他就是王,因为梦见狮子是自我人格的首要保证。可是桑提亚桑感到不幸,他从其他渔民的眼神中看到了自己的年迈、体弱和无能,这使他有一种失败感,并产生了一种对受到压抑的原始阉割的焦虑。他不甘心自己处于这种难以忍受的境地,必须跟自己的运气打赌,就是在较量中死去,也在所不惜:"我要跟它们(鲨鱼)斗到死为止"。 "桑堤亚哥是头狮子"这一暗喻表达了从一个在场的符号(狮子)到一个不在场的符号(王)的语义转换。这个不在场或看不见的符号意义是通过提到棒球冠军狄马吉奥和他自己在 西恩富戈斯酒馆里与一位黑人巨汉角力而得到增强的。这里


老人与海中的好段摘抄 老人与海中的好段摘抄 1.玛格丽特却不落窠臼,她总是独个儿坐车到香榭丽舍大街去,尽量不招人注意。她冬天裹着一条开司米大披肩,夏天穿着十分淡雅的长裙。在这条她喜欢散步的大道上尽管有很多熟人,她偶尔也对他们微微一笑,但这是一种只有公爵夫人才有的微笑,而且也唯有他们自己才能觉察。 2.他眼下已看不见海岸的那一道绿色了,只看得见那些青山的仿佛积着白雪的山峰,以及山峰上空象是高耸的雪山般的云块。海水颜色深极了,阳光在海水中幻成彩虹七色。那数不清的斑斑点点的浮游生物,由于此刻太阳升到了头顶上空,都看不见了,眼下老人看得见的仅仅是蓝色海水深处幻成的巨大的七色光带,还有他那几根笔直垂在有一英里深的水中的钓索。 3.他们从船上拿起打鱼的家什。老人把桅杆扛上肩头,孩子拿着内放编得很紧密的褐色钓索卷儿的木箱、鱼钩和带杆子的鱼叉。盛鱼饵的匣子给藏在小船的船梢下面,那儿还有那根在大鱼被拖到船边时用来收服它们的棍子,谁也不会来偷老人的东西,不过还是把桅杆和那些粗钓索带回家去的好,因为露水对这些东西不利,再说,尽管老人深信当地不会有人来偷他的东西,但他认为,把一把鱼钩和一支鱼叉留在船上实在是不必要的引诱。 4.孩子走出屋去。他们刚才吃饭的时候,桌子上没点灯,老人就脱了长裤,摸黑上了床。他把长裤卷起来当枕头,把那张报纸塞在

里头。他用毯子裹住了身子,在弹簧垫上铺着的其他旧报纸上睡下了。 5.已经是四月份了,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,坟墓不再像冬天时那样显得阴森凄凉了。总之,气候已经相当暖和,活着的人因此想起了死去的人,就到他们坟上去扫墓。我在去公墓的路上想着,我只要观察一下玛格丽特的坟墓,就可以看出阿尔芒是不是还在伤心,也许还会知道他现在究竟怎么样了。 6.这些闪着彩虹般颜色的大气泡很美。然而它们正是海里最欺诈成性的生物,所以老人乐意看到大海龟把它们吃掉。海龟发现了它们,就从正面向它们进逼,然后闭上了眼睛,这样,从头到尾完全被龟背所保护着,把它们连同触须一并吃掉。老人喜欢观看海龟把它们吃掉,喜欢在风暴过后在海滩上遇上它们,喜欢听到自己用长着老茧的硬脚掌踩在上面时它们啪地爆裂的声音。 7.他喜欢绿色的海龟和玳瑁,它们形态优美,游水迅速,价值很高,他还对那又大又笨的蠵龟抱着不怀恶意的轻蔑。 8.离天亮还有点时候,有什么东西咬住了他背后的一个鱼饵。他听见钓竿啪的折断了,于是那根钓索越过船舷朝外直溜。他摸黑拔出鞘中的刀子,用左肩承担着大鱼所有的拉力,身子朝后靠,就着木头的船舷,把那根钓索割断了。然后把另一根离他最近的钓索也割断了,摸黑把这两个没有放出去的钓索卷儿的断头系在一起。他用一只手熟练地干着,在牢牢地打结时,一只脚踩住了钓索卷儿,免得移动。他现在有六卷备用钓索了。他刚才割断的那两根有鱼饵的钓索各有两卷备用钓索,加上被大鱼咬住鱼饵的那根上的两卷,它们全都接在一
