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1. 本段对话是在导师与学生 Sandra 之间进行,导师对 Sandra 的小组计划给出反馈信息。导师首先指出 Sandra 应该避免排字排版以及格式错误。关于写作本身,导师也提出了意见, 总体来说,他觉得 Sandra 经常为使用复杂结构和长句而使用它们。结果呢,即使文章中有分段、副标题,要跟上 Sandra 的想法还是有点困难(Generally speaking, I feel you’ve often used complex structures and long sentences for the sake of it and as a consequence... although your paragraphing and inclusion of subheadings help... it’s quite hard to follow your train of thought at times)。generally speaking 意为“总体来说”,相似的表达方式还有frankly speaking, 意为“坦率地说”。for the sake of意为“为了...... ”,如:for the sake of convenience 意为“为了方便起见”。as a consequence 意为“因此,结果是”,相当于 as a result。train of thought 意为“一连串的想法”,train 在此意为“一系列”。

2. Sandra 问导师觉得她的计划是否全面了(Do you find it comprehensive enough?),导师回答说还好(yes and no)。yes and no 用来表示你无法就某个问题给出一个确切的答案。后面导师给出了解释,Sandra 的确在内容方面涉及了好几个不同的话题,但是它们并不都是密切相关的。

3. Sandra 有点惊讶,她以为从实地考察的角度出发,只需要考虑砂岩高原和悬崖(I thought from the perspective of a field trip, one thing I needed to focus on was the sandstone plateaux and cliffs themselves)。from the perspective of 意为“从......的角度来看”,focus on 意为“聚焦”。

4.it’s hardly surprising that tourists flock to see the area(成群的旅游者都去参观这个地区一点都不值得惊讶)。hardly 意为“几乎不”,表否定意义,表达同一意思的词语还有 rarely。 flock 在此处为动词,意为“成群地去,聚集”,如果说人们 flock to a place 表示“许多人都去那个地方,因为那个地方很有吸引力”。有一句谚语叫做 Birds of a feather flock to- gether.(物以类聚,人以群分)。flock 还可作名词,意为“羊群,(飞禽、牲畜等的)群”, a flock of 意为“一群”,如 :A flock of customers waited for the store to open.(一群顾客等着商店开门。)

5.The hardships they endured trying to save their territory from the invading settlers.(他们经历的苦难使他们保护了自己的领土免受殖民者入侵。)save...from... 意为“防止;避免”,表达类似意思的短语还有 keep/protect/preserve... from...。

6.Sandra 介绍纳瓦霍族的一些值得参观的风景、特色。最后导师问“还有什么值得参观的(what else is worth visiting there)”。be worth (doing) sth. 意为“值得做某事”,相似的短语还有 be worthy to do sth. / be worthy of sth. 另外,it is worthwhile to do sthit is worthwhile do- ing sth. 也表示同样的意思,意为“值得做某事”。


Question 21 答案 A

听前预测 :定位词为 tutor、Sandra’s proposal,选项关键词分别为 re-order、content page、 more information。?

题目解析 :由于题干中有 the tutor thinks,所以本题答案应重点关注 tutor 的观点,出题句为 I’ve made a few notes on the proposal about things which could have been better sequenced(我已经在需要重新排序的地方做了一些批注)。此处 sequence 为“排序”的意思,对应 A 选项里的 re-order。

Question 22 答案 C

听前预测 :定位词为 easer to follow,选项关键词分别subheadings、more paragraphs、shorten sentences。?

题目解析 :出题句为 ...it’s quite hard to follow your train of thought at times. So cut them down a bit, can you?(有时很难跟上你的思路,最好能缩减一些,行么?)hard 对应题干的 easier, cut down 对应选项 C 里的 shorten。

Question 23 答案 A

听前预测 :定位词为 problem、formatting, 选项关键词分别为 points...not identified, heading...not clear,page numbering...not...appropriate way。?

题目解析:根据题干中的定位词formatting,本题不难定位,出题句为you’ve remembered to include headers and footers, which is good, but listing ideas clearly is important.(有页眉页脚非常好,但清晰地把观点罗列出来更重要。)headers and footers 为“页眉页脚”的意思,而 but 之后往往才是表达的重点。

Question 24 答案 B

听前预测 :定位词为 Navajo National Park,选项关键词分别为 articles、movies、photographs。

题目解析 :本题不难定位,出题句为 My father was a great fan of cowboy films and the Wild West so I was subjected to seeing all the epics...(我父亲是牛仔电影的超级粉丝,我深受其影响, 因此也看了很多这类的经典电影)。be subjected to 意为“受到影响”,epics 指“史诗般的作品”, 原文中的 films 对应 B 选项中的 movies。


Questions 25-27 答案 B C F (IN ANY ORDER)

听前预测 :题干定位词为 agree to include。?

题目解析 :由于是多项选择题,要重点关注以下三个方面 :


剑桥雅思4Test4 听力 Sectio n-1答案+解析 剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section 1 答案+解析 Section 1 谈话场景:筹备告别会。人物关系:关系亲密的同事。谈话话题:讨论将给要离开的同事 开告别会的有关事宜:时间、地点、邀请人员、礼物等。 交际与语言表达 1.这部分考查的是一个日常生活场景一一为要离开的同学/同事举办一个告别晚会。其中涉及到活 动举办的地点和时间、邀请人员、何时发岀邀请、活动项目以及需携带的物品等。 2. “1 think a hotel will probably work out rather expensive, and I 've been looking at the College Dining Room. ”我觉得去酒店太贵了,我一直在考虑学校的餐厅。“work out ”表示“解决,解答,做出,制订出,消耗完”的意思。例如:It will work out rather expensive. 这样做成本很高。 “be looking at ”表示“留心,注意”。 3. “ We usually go round with an envelope during coffee break, don 't we? ”我们通常在喝 咖啡的休息室带着信封顺便过去,不是吗?“Coffee Break”这个词早在1952年就出现在报刊上了,《咖 啡的益处》中说:“只需清晨的一杯咖啡就足以使我们拥有顺利度过一天的好心情。这也正是工作休息时 间喝咖啡的意义所在。”管理者发现“Coffee Break ”作为一种办公室文化,不但可以激发员工的创意和 灵感,提升工作的热情与专注,而且还是一种特殊的沟通方式。现在公司开设的“Coffee Break ” 都是了解咖啡、互相沟通、提升公司形象的良好模式。接待客户抑或朋友小聚,如果您可以不经意间对咖啡的“前世今生”侃侃而谈,那必将令对方刮目相看。而为客户提供一杯贴心的现磨咖啡,更是对客户表示尊敬、 拉近彼此距离的法宝。


Section1 Question 1 答案 Milperra? 听前预测 :提示词为 address,此处应填地址。? 题目解析 :本题难度不大,按照拼写记录下来即可得分。英文地址顺序是由小到大,普通为:门牌号+路名+区域名。紧记该模式,听录音之前,可以达到精确预测目。 Question 2 答案 First Class Movers? 听前预测 :提示词为 shipping agent,此处应填机构名称。? 题目解析 :所听即所得,机构名称属于专有名词,答案应大写首字母。 Question 3 答案 28 November? 听前预测 :定位词为 arrival,提示词为 date,此处应填日期或星期。? 题目解析 :本题出题句为 It left on the 11th of October and got to Sydney on the 28th of November(货品 10 月 11 号寄出,11 月 28 日到悉尼)。要注意区别出发时间和到达时间,本题强调 arrival(到达),故答案为 28 November。 Question 4 答案screen? 听前预测:定位词为television,提示词为the...needs to be replaced,此处需填名词(单数)。 题目解析:原文中用TV替代了题干中television,出题句为It isn’t an electrical problem. The screen has a huge crack in it so it’s unusable(不是电路问题,屏幕有一种大裂缝,所以看不了)。从而得知是 screen 需要修理。 Question 5 答案 bathroom?

剑桥雅思 Test 听力Section答案+解析

剑桥雅思4T e s t3听力S e c t i o n1答案+解析谈话场景:租房场景。 人物关系:租房中介咨询员以及租房者。 谈话话题:交流租房信息,房源、客户要求、客户信息以及房租等问题 交际与语言表达 1. 租房场景是Section 1 的高频场景。学生若住在学校公寓,离教室和图书馆都比较近,相对方便一些。若住在当地人家里( host family),房租一般比学校便宜,而且可以深入到当地人生活中,深入沟通,感受文化;若选择和同学或朋友一起在外租房,大家可以在生活上互相照应,在学习上经常一起交流心得体会,了解不同的文化和思维方式。 2. “I was studying general English in Adelaide and now I’m doing Academic English, because I’m trying to get into Medicine next year.”我在阿德莱德的时候学的是通用英语,现在我学的是专业英语,因为明年我准备开始学医了。一部分没有过语言关的留学生会选择先读语言学校,然后再攻读学位。有些攻读硕士学位并要更换专业的学生还需要读一些“bridge courses”( 衔接课程). 3. “Would you like to live with a family or do you think that a single person would be better for you? Do you have any women living alone, retired women?”你喜欢和一个家庭一起住还是觉得一个人单独住更合适?你那儿有单独居住的退休女士吗?“single person”指“一个人”,“single”还有“单身”的意思,例如:Married people usually have a different view of life from single people. 已婚的人与单身的人通常有不同的人生观。“live alone”表示“单独居住”,例如:I live all alone but I never feel lonely. 我虽孑然一身, 但从不感孤寂。 4. “Most families do that on an honor system, but you have to wait and see.”大多数家庭都是用信用制度来付电话费,到时候你就知道了。留学期间,如果住在当地人家里或者和同学合租房,大多数房东不太愿意为了给学生出租一段时间的房子另行申请一个新的电话号码,一般房东和房客共用一个号码,付费的时候,靠大家自觉。 剑桥雅思4Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 Question 1 1.5 years 观察所给图表,可知此对话是关于住房申请的问题。需填信息分别为:在澳大利亚居住的时间、目前住址、目前课程,以及所需住房的时间段。此题一定要注意题目要求。题目要求的是每空所填单词不得超过三个,所以在填空的时候,不能把原文一字不变地照搬下来。原文提到“a year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney”,实际上填空的时候,考生可以将其简化为“1. 5 years”。

剑桥雅思6 Test1 听力 Section1考点+解析

雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑6 Test1 听力 Section1考点+解析,需要本单元写作教程培训的考生,请点击:剑6 Test1 task1 写作范文-“About water use worldwide”。 文本及疑难解析 1. They've got a lot of facilities we don't have and vice versa. 他们有很多我们这里没有的设备,反之亦然。 Vice versa在这里的意思是“我们也有很多他们没有的设备”。 2. We're currently running a range of yoga classes,too. 我们目前也提供一系列的瑜伽课程。 本句中range不直接翻译为“范围”,例如:This range of collection is of great surprise.这一系列的收藏太让人惊喜了。另外,run在此句中可以理解为“正在运行”,更为常用的词义为“经营”,例如:It's challenging to run a business all by oneself. 3. We'll also have a fully-licensed restaurant by the end of the year. 年底时我们会有一家完全得到许可经营的餐厅。 此处fully-licensed理解为“手续齐全的”。 4. …oh,no,I'm sorry,it's just gone up by£50,sorry about that… 哦,非常抱歉,现在涨了50镑。 go up by的意思是“涨了多少钱”。 5. Well, that's Silver—it's the same as Gold except you have to pay a small fee of £ 1 per lesson for any you do and you can only use the center at certain times. 那就是银卡,除了每一节课要付1英镑和中心设施有时间限制外,银卡和金卡是一样的。 6. Well,it's still rather more expensive than I thought. 可这依然比我想象的贵得多。 rather在这里起强调作用,也可以用far more expensive表达相同的意思。 7. Ah,then the Bronze scheme would probably suit you best. 那么铜卡应该最适合你。 8. We book you in for an assessment with an instructor,who will show you how to


Section1 剑桥雅思5Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 谈话场景:售车中心购车咨询。 人物关系:售车中心工作人员与购车客户。 谈话话题:购买合适的汽车,讨论车况细节以及客户信息。 交际与语言表达 1. 本篇文章主要讨论购车咨询过程中的细节问题,这也是雅思生活场景听力试题中经常涉及的内容之一,考生对一些常用的买车购车以及汽车的词汇和表达法要耳熟能详,并且还要了解填写顾客情况调查表时所涉及的一般常用问题。 2. 在售车中心,或者在一般性商场,工作人员或者是销售人员都会主动向顾客问好,并且通常会说: How can I help you? 或Can I help you, Sir/ Madam? 或者是Is there anything I can do for you? 考生在听到这一问题后,应首先反应到下面的对话应该是属于买家与卖家的对话。 3. Had you got any particular make in mind? 您心里是否已经有了特别钟意的( 汽车) 牌子了? 许多考生可能不知道、或者没有留意到make 这个词在这句话的实际意思,但该词直接影响到第一题的答案。事实上,如果我们事先注意到题目的设置,我们就会知道make 在这里是指“汽车牌子”。 4. Any idea? 您有什么想法/ 意见吗? 该句是地道的口语表达,两个人在说话的时候都有针对前文的省略语,很多地方必须理解说话人

上句话才能理解下一句,这在口语中很常见,所以考生一定要对这种省略语倍加注意。这句话如果补充完整应该是: Do you have any idea of the engine size? 下文中a 1. 4 should do 和I don’ t think I need a 1. 6 or anything 以及Mileage? Roughly? 都是如此。 5. I presume you’ d want a manual? …but I assume that’ d be OK? 这两个问句都是售车人员在征求顾客的意见,其中presume 和assume 都等于think,但售车人员在问这两句话时一般都是期望得到顾客肯定的答复。 6. Have you given that any thought? 您是否考虑过这一点? give thought to sb./ sth. 意思是:考虑某人或某事。 7. I think I’ ll go for that. 我想我还是选择那个吧。 go for sth. 意思是:选择某事物,这里的go for 等同于prefer。 8. The cash price is going to be somewhere in the region of seven and a half thousand. 现金支付的话大约是7, 500 英镑。考生要注意该句中出价的表达方法和黑体部分,这句话可以简单地表达为The cash price is going to be about 7, 500。下句Are you in a position to pay cash?您是否愿意现金支付? 同样可以简单地表达为Are you going to pay cash? 注意这两种表达方式的区别。 9. Could I have your full name? 请问您的全名是什么? 这样的问法要比What’ s your name? 有礼貌的多。类似的说法还有Is there any possibility that I can have/ get your name?


名师点题剑桥雅思8听力: 1. 本段对话发生在两个学生之间。一开始 Nina 就冲 George 喊“你终于回来了呀,不知道多少人打电话给你了”(Glad you’re back. Loads of people have phone you)。glad 之前省略了 I am,口语一般不说 I am glad,比如“很高兴见到你”可以直接说 Glad to meet you。 loads of sth. 是英式英语,不太正式,口语中常用,相当于 a lot of sth.。 2. George 耐心给 Nina 解释说“我去图书馆看报纸了,回来的路上遇见了有趣的事情——夏季节日演奏的西班牙音乐”。Nina 说“听起来不错哦(sounds great)”,George 建议说“要不我们去看看,给自己放松一下(Shall we go then? Spoil ourselves?)”。spoil 一般意为“宠爱, 溺爱”,但是此处 spoil 意为“友好地对待”。spoil oneself 意为“善待自己”(to look after someone in a way that is very kind or too kind)。 3.Nina积极响应了George的提议,不过George又提出了一个问题,票价不便宜。于是Nina

说“如果那样的话我们就坐在正前方,到时候就看得比较清楚(in that case we could sit right a 、t the corner—we’d have a really good view)”。In that case意为“在那种情况下”。case做名词,有“案件,事实,例子”之意,关于case的短语有:a case in point意为“例证,恰当的例子”;as is often the case意为“这是常有的事”;in any case 意为“无论如何,总之”;in case意为“如果,万一,假如”;in case of意为“如果发生......”;in no case意为“绝不”;just incase意为“以防万一”。Have a good view 意为“清楚地看到”,have a good view of sth. 还可表示“对......有很好的看法”的意思。 4. Nina 与 George 一起填表,George 说他不擅长数字(I’m really bad at numbers)。be bad at 意为“不擅长......”,而 be good at 意为“擅长......”。 5. George 问 Nina 对那些歌手的看法(how do you feel about the singer)。how do you feel about... 意为“认为......怎么样”,还有两个句型也表达同样的意思,用于征询别人的意见: How do you think of ... ? / How do you like... ? 6. Good heavens 意为“天哪”,感叹词,用于口语中,表示惊讶或生气。相似的短语有 : Heavens (above)。 7. $10.50 对 Nina 与 George 来说有点贵,所以 George 才会发出 Good heavens 的感叹。Nina 说“真希望我们是学生,因为学生与老人是半价”。George 说“要是我们是学生多好啊(if only...)”。if only 表示由于客观条件限制,为某事不太可能或完全不可能实现而感到惋惜或遗憾的复杂情绪,常用虚拟语气。如 :If only I were as clever as you.(要是我像你一样聪明该多好啊)。if only 还可引导条件句,通常用来表示说话人对某事所寄予的某种强烈愿望,相当于 as long as。英语中还有 only if,一般用来引导条件状语从句,表示“只有......才,唯一的条件是......”的意思。 名师点题剑桥雅思8听力: Question 1 答案 C 听前预测 :题干定位词为 lobby,特别要注意题干动词 saw 的时态(一般过去时);三个选项的关键词分别为 group、display 和 video。题目解析 :该题难度不大,video 属于原词重现。 Question 2 答案 B 听前预测 :题干定位词为 sit at the back,三个选项的关键词分别为 see、hear 和 pay。题目解析 :该题难度不大,hear the whole thing better 和 hear clearly 的同义替换很容易就可以听出来。 Question 3 答案 48 North Avenue 听前预测 :提示词为 address,此处应填数字 + 街道。题目解析 :本题所填单词不难,但考


C8Test 1 Section 1 A: Hi,George! Glad you're back. Loads of people have phoned you. B: Really A: I felt just like your secretary! B: Sorry! I went into the this afternoon to have a look at a and I came across something really interesting A: What A book B: No,a from a festival - mainly music. Look,I've got it here. A: music I really love the. Let's have a look. So what's this ‘Guitarrini' B: They're really good. They had a with all the highlights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the,so I heard them. They play fantastic instruments - and flutes and old kinds of. I've never heard anything like it before. A: Sounds great. B: Okay. Shall we go then Spoil ourselves A:Yes,let's. B: The only problem is there aren't any cheap . . . it's all one . A: Well,in that case we could sit right at the front - we'd have a really good . B: Yeah,though I think that if you sit at the back You can actually hear the whole thing better. A: Yes. Anyway we can decide when we get there. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- A: So will you fill in the or shall I B: 1'11 do it. Name: George O'Neill. : ,West sea. Do you remember our new postcode Still can't remember it. A: Just a minute - I've got it written down here. Do you need the too B: Please. I'm really bad at . A: . So,let's book two for Guitarrini.


剑桥雅思8听力答案解析-Test1Section3 剑8下载:,还有更多剑桥雅思8听力解析哦! 剑桥雅思8听力原文解析: 1. 本段对话是在导师与学生 Sandra 之间进行,导师对 Sandra 的小组计划给出反馈信息。导师首先指出 Sandra 应该避免排字排版以及格式错误。关于写作本身,导师也提出了意见, 总体来说,他觉得 Sandra 经常为使用复杂结构和长句而使用它们。结果呢,即使文章中有分段、副标题,要跟上 Sandra 的想法还是有点困难(Generally speaking, I feel you’ve often used complex structures and long sentences for the sake of it and as a consequence... although your paragraphing and inclusion of subheadings help... it’s quite hard to follow your train of thought at times)。generally speaking 意为“总体来说”,相似的表达方式还有frankly speaking, 意为“坦率地说”。for the sake of意为“为了...... ”,如:for the sake of convenience 意为“为了方便起见”。as a consequence 意为“因此,结果是”,相当于 as a result。train of thought 意为“一连串的想法”,train 在此意为“一系列”。 2. Sandra 问导师觉得她的计划是否全面了(Do you find it comprehensive enough?),导师回答说还好(yes and no)。yes and no 用来表示你无法就某个问题给出一个确切的答案。后面导师给出了解释,Sandra 的确在内容方面涉及了好几个不同的话题,但是它们并不都是密切相关的。 3. Sandra 有点惊讶,她以为从实地考察的角度出发,只需要考虑砂岩高原和悬崖(I thought from the perspective of a field trip, one thing I needed to focus on was the sandstone plateaux and cliffs themselves)。from the perspective of 意为“从......的角度来看”,focus on 意为“聚焦”。 4.it’s hardly surprising that tourists flock to see the area(成群的旅游者都去参观这个地区一点都不值得惊讶)。hardly 意为“几乎不”,表否定意义,表达同一意思的词语还有 rarely。 flock 在此处为动词,意为“成群地去,聚集”,如果说人们 flock to a place 表示“许多人都去那个地方,因为那个地方很有吸引力”。有一句谚语叫做 Birds of a feather flock to- gether.(物以类聚,人以群分)。flock 还可作名词,意为“羊群,(飞禽、牲畜等的)群”, a flock of 意为“一群”,如 :A flock of customers waited for the store to open.(一群顾客等着商店开门。) 5.The hardships they endured trying to save their territory from the invading settlers.(他们经历的苦难使他们保护了自己的领土免受殖民者入侵。)save...from... 意为“防止;避免”,表达类似意思的短语还有 keep/protect/preserve... from...。 6.Sandra 介绍纳瓦霍族的一些值得参观的风景、特色。最后导师问“还有什么值得参观的(what else is worth visiting there)”。be worth (doing) sth. 意为“值得做某事”,相似的短语还有 be worthy to do sth. / be worthy of sth. 另外,it is worthwhile to do sthit is worthwhile do- ing sth. 也表示同样的意思,意为“值得做某事”。 剑桥雅思8听力答案解析:


剑桥雅思听力超详细解析(1) 场景背景介绍 在国外留学时,学生在学习过程中经常要针对某一专题找资料,整理之后在课堂上以演讲的方式展示给大家。老师经常布置这类任务,有的还要评分。 在这段对话中,由于是第一次课堂演讲,所以不评分。因此,男生听到这个消息后会说“Good news”。 本节必背词汇、词组 presentation n. 针对某一专题发表的演讲overhead projector 投影仪 assess v. 评估scale n. 规模 historical a. 历史的resource n. 资源 geographical a. 地理的brochure n. 小册子 overview n. 综述literacy n. 识字,读写能力;有学问 nope ad. (口语)不encyclopaedia n. 百科全书 seminar n. 研讨会enthusiastic a. 有激情的,热情的 positive a. 确定的,肯定的tutorial n. 指导课,个别指导 词汇拓展 assignment n. 作业survey n. 调查,研究 deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期questionnaire n. 调查问卷 extension n. 延期 文本及疑难解析 1. No...not this time round...because it's the first one...you know. 不,这一次不评分,你知道,因为这是第一次。 该句的难点:“this time round”的意思就相当于“not this time”。另外“you know”没有什么具体含义,只是一个口头禅。


HOUSE-RENTING People landlord / landlady (女)房东 tenant房客 agent/agency中介 host family接待家庭 guest客人 neighbour邻居 mover 搬家公司 Fees rent 租金 deposit 押金 utility bills 水电费 water / gas / electricity / telephone bill weekly/monthly每周的/每月的 refundable可退回的 insurance保险 contract合同,合约 reference number 参考号 Location位置 downtown / city centre市中心 suburbs / outskirts 郊区 urban/rural area市区/郊县 address 地址 north北, south南, east东, west西 northwest西北;southwest西南 northeast东北;southeast东南 northern北边的

district 区域 road/street/avenue街道 Accommodation 住宿 property房产 furnished and equipped 家电齐全 decorated 装潢的 guest house招待所 homestay 寄宿家庭 flat / apartment公寓 studio apartment单身公寓 single room单人间 twin room 双人间(两个床) triple room 三人间 Preference pet 宠物 refreshments/ snack点心 special food / dietary requirement对于食物特殊要求food allergies/ be allergic to 对…食物过敏 vegetarian素食主义者 seafood海鲜 Facility / Equipment / Apparatus 设备 Belongings 财产 living room客厅 bedroom 卧室 dining room饭厅 kitchen厨房 kitchen-diner


剑8听力Test3Section3原文+答案解析 今天,雅思为各位雅思考生带来剑8听力Test3Section3原文+答案解析,希望可以帮助广大雅思考生轻松备考雅思。更多雅思备考信息,请关注上海雅思培训。 剑8解析: 剑8听力Test3Section3原文+答案解析: SECTION 3 谈话场景 :作业讨论?人物关系 :老师和学生?谈话话题 :老师针对 personal statement 的具体情况和学生交谈 名师点题剑桥雅思8听力: 交际与语言表达 1. 本段对话是在女教师与Paul之间展开,开始女教师询问Paul在南美的工作经历。女教师问Paul是否担心语言障碍(language barrier),Paul 回答说不担心,而且他后来还在那里教英语(In fact, I ended up teaching English there)。end up doing sth. 意为“以...结束, 告终”,还可以用end up with sth. 来表示同样的意思。end还可以做名词,意为“结束”, in/at the end (of)“在...的最后”。 2. I see.口语中常用,意为“我明白了”。see在此处与understand同义。 3. Paul后来介绍了自己在南美的工作。南美旅游业发达,Paul就带领游客游览火山附近的景观。女教师问Paul从中学到了什么(What do you think you learned from your experi- ence?),do you think在此是插入句。女教师认为Paul的经历给他提供了一个绝佳的机会去了解社区生活(It must have been a great opportunity to examine community life)。must ?have been 表推测,意为“一定”。 4. Paul说这的确是一个好机会,不过最初让当地人接受自己还是很难。It was a very remote ?village and some of them were reluctant to speak to me.(那个村庄很偏远,村民不愿意和我说话)。reluctant为形容词,意为“不愿”,短语be reluctant to do sth. 意为“不愿做某事”; 相似短语有be unwilling to do sth.,也表示“不愿做某事”。 5. 不过,渐渐地情况有所改观(things soon improved),最让Paul惊讶的是村民和他呆在一起时感到舒服,也不那么多疑了(What struck me was that when people became more comfortable with me and less suspicious, ...)。what 在此引导主语从句,struck 是 strike 的过去式,意为“打动”。 6. Paul 对女教师说他的项目经理给了他很多建议和指导,女教师问他的项目经理是否擅长管理(And was he good at managing too?)。短语 be good at 意为“擅长......”;反义短


剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section3答案+解析 推荐:剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section1答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析 谈话场景:学习场景 人物关系:男女学生 谈话话題:讨论莎士比亚細改编觀的作业展示 交际与语言表达 1.“…in one of his books he came up with a straightforward classification of film adaptations based on how faithful they are to the original plays and novels.(在他的一本书中,他提出了一种关于电影改编简单易懂的分类,那就是看这个改编忠于原著的程度。)”其中come up with sth.意为“提出…观点”;base on意为“基于”,在此可以理解为“以…为标准” 2.“Next I want to say something about how plays may be chosen for adaptation because theyve concerned with issues of the time when the film is made.(接着我想说一下当一个剧本和电影拍摄所处时期议题相关时,这些剧本会在什么情况下被改编成电影。)”其中concern with意为“与……相关”。 3.“It was a very loose adaptation, using the same situation and story, but moving it to 16th century Japan instead of the 16th century Britain. (这不是一个严谨的改编,因为它虽然用到相同的故事情节,但是却把故事的背景从16世纪的英国换成了16世纪的日本。)”其中loose本意为“松散的”,在此loose adaptation可以理解为“没有严格按照原剧本改编的”。 4.“…there are loads of special effects, but no unifying interpretation of the play. All show and no substance (这个版本里用到了大量的特技,但是并没有一个统一的主题。全是炫技,没有实质性的东西!)”,其中loads of相当于lots of,意为“大量的”;substance 本意为“物质”,在此理解为“实质性的东西。” 答案解析 Question 21 答案 classification 听前预测:定位词Giannetti;提示词book、a、adaptations,此处应填单数名词。 题目解析:我们先后听到了定位词Giannetti和提示词book,然后听到了答案对应信息he came up with a straightforward classification of film adaptations ,其中came up with 对应题干containing,因此答案为 classification。 Question 22 答案 worst

剑桥雅思8 听力文本听写版

Test 1 Section 1 Hi gorge, glad you’re back, loads of people have phoned you. Really? I felt just like your secretary. Sorry, I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper and I came across something really interesting. What? A book? No. a brochure from a summer festival, mainly Spanish music. Look, I’ve got it here. Spanish music? I really love the guitar. Let’s have a look. So what’s this group guitarrini They’re really good. There had a video with all the highlights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the library, so I heard them. They play fantastic instruments, drum and flutes and old kinds of guitars. I’ve never heard anything like it before. Sounds great Ok, shall we go then, spoil ourselves Yes, let’s The only problem is there aren’t any cheap seats. It’s all one price Well, in that case, we could sit right at the front, we’d have a really good view. Yeah, though I think that if you sit at the back, you can actually hear the whole thing better. Yes, anyway, we can decide when we get there. So will you fill in the form or shall I I’ll do it, name, address 48 north avenue west sea Do you remember our new postcode, still can’t remember it Just a minute, I’ve got it written down here. Ws62yh, do you need the phone too Please. I’m really bad at numbers 01674553242, so let’s book 2 tickets for guitarrini Ok, if you’re sure 7.5 each is all right. How do you feel the singer I haven’t quite decided. But I’ve noticed something on the booking form


剑桥IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1 1.shopping / variety of shopping 2.guided tours 3.more than 12 / over 12 4.notice board 5.13th February 6.Tower of London 7.Bristol 8.American Museum 9.student newspaper 10.Yentob 11.coal firewood 12.local craftsmen 13.160 14.Woodside 15.Ticket Office 16.Gift Shop 17.(main) Workshop 18.Showroom 19.Cafe 20.cottages 21.A 22.C 23.E 24.B 25.G 26.F 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.B 31.cities / environment 32.windy 33.humid 34.shady / shaded 35.dangerous 36.leaves 37.ground 38.considerably reduce / decrease / filter 39.low 40.space / room TEST 2 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. Cathedral 7. Markets 8. Gardens 9. Art Gallery 10. climb the tower / see the view 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. collecting data / gathering data / data collection 22. 1,500 23. 5 24. 3,000 – 4,000 25. B 26. C 27. Mehta 28. Survey / Research 29. London University / London University Press 30. 1988 31. C 32. A 33. mass media / media 34. academic circles / academics / researchers 35. specialist knowledge / specialized knowledge 36. unaware 37. individual customers / individual consumers / individuals 38. illegal profit / illegal profits 39. D 40. E
