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高中英语第一节课 摘要:本文旨在探讨如何上好高中英语第一节课。 由初中升入高中,学生是带着新奇和喜悦的心情踏入校园的,周围的一切对于他们来说都充满新鲜感。他们无论从心理上和生理上都渴望着成功,渴望着得到他人的尊重和认可。而英语作为第二外语,虽然在小学就学过,然而他们进入高中的成绩却参差不齐,两级分化非常严重。新教材的改革又突出了英语的重要性与实用性,这一点对于农村的普通中学老师来说尤其感到头疼。 研读新课标,现代课程价值的取向是“以学生的发展为本”,从学生的发展出发,在注重培养学生基础能力的同时,进一步培养学生的创造性学习和发展性学习能力,开发学生的智能,培养创新精神。正如H·G·Windows所说:“教与学不是一个过程对等的两端,不像买与卖,给和取。因此,不能把教的一方看成是施动者,把学的一方看成是受动者。正确的关系是学的一方施动,教的一方助动”。 与新课程同行,要提高课堂效率,就得集中关注学生,发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力;提倡语言实践、体验、参与和交流,发展语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识等基本素养。因此,作为教师,在高中一年级的第一堂课中就开始引导学生学好英语,便显得特别重要。 一.用好开场白,让学生熟悉老师。适当地用英文开场白能使你的学生相信你有水平教好他们。面对新老师,学生往往有很大的好奇心,通过互动形式的自我介绍,让学生基本认识老师,拉进师生间的距离,便于今后的师生合作。 T: Hello! Ss: Hello! T:Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: I’m your new English teacher. Do you know about me? Ss: No! T: OK. Let me introduce myself.


Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet all of you here! Welcome to Suning V ocational School! Do you like your new school?Today you are proud of Suning V ocationalSchool. I believe tomorrow School will be proud of you! Have you adapted to the new environment, and Have you make some new friends here? Maybe some of you miss your old friends, miss your former teachers, or maybe some of you are homesick, right? It’s quite normal, but you should adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. 一、This is a place where you will have studied for 3 years. Is it a long time? As far as I’m concerned, it’s quite short. But it’s one of the most important periods in your life. So seize the day, seize the hour. Our class is like a big and warm family, everyone is friendly here. If you have some problems, you can ask your classmates or your teachers for help. 二、Now, let me introduce myself briefly. My name is Chen Rong Jun ,your new English teacher of this term. If you like, you can call me Ms Chen. I graduated from the university and started to work in 2000 and up to now, I have been teaching for 14 years. I have some experience in teaching and managing a class. I got along well with the Ss before and I believe that we will also get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends. 三、In my spare time, I have many interests,such as reading, surfing the internet, travelling, etc. Travelling is my favorite hobby, it can make me relax and broaden my horizon. 四、For my work, I’ll try my best to be a good teacher. I always believe nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 五、Now, let’s talk about English. Do you like English? How is your English? I hope all of you are good at English, your English is good, great, excellent, learning English is interesting, easy, just a piece of cake,not a challenge. 六、Learning English is China’s most sad behavior, but we have to learn it. There are many reasons for us to learn English well. Firstly,English is an international langu age and it is the most widely used language in the world, It has been said that over 75% of the word’s TV programs and 80% of the information on the internet use English. With the development of our country, more and more foreigners c ome to China and more and more Chinese are going abroad.The communication of foreigners and us needs the language tool---English. Secondly,English is one of the most important subjects at school or the university. If you want to get good marks and want to enter a good university in three years, you must learn it well. Thirdly,English can help you get a better job in the future, if you can learn English well, you will have more chances to succeed. Fourthly,English has been used everywhere in our daily life. For example,


如何上好高一的第一节英语课 我们知道,上好一节课的先决条件是教师要有扎实的基本功,同时还须要用心的备好课,既要备教材,备教法学法,还需备学生及偶发事件等,另外还要注意上 课的一些技巧,才能为自己的课堂锦上添花。根据以上的教学法指导思想,我在面对新高一生上第一节英语课时采用了“首节课五步法”教学。作为一名英语教师,结合以往的教学经验,我在课前做了精心的准备,如整洁的穿戴,得体的衣 着会给学生的第一视觉留下美好的印象,让学生产生一种亲和,敬佩和友善的感觉,为今后教学工作的顺利开展设下伏笔,使整堂课的教学过程严谨而有序,收到了理想的教学效果。 首先,初步的介绍。(First Introduction)(3-5分钟) 初步的介绍的内容包括欢迎大家进入高一,自我介绍,高一英语课程的特点和变化等。 初步介绍的形式应该尽量简洁明了,言简意赅,幽默风趣而又不失儒雅风范。如自我介绍中简略的介绍自己的从教经历(学生对此很感兴趣)毕业院校,家乡和你希望学生对你的称呼(你的姓氏、英文名,以便日后课前的问候)通过这样初 步的介绍让学生认识了你,拉近了你和学生的距离。 第二步,自由谈。(Free Talk)(大约15分钟) 趁热打铁,刚刚学生认识了你,也是一个很好的示范,我们课堂要讲究互动,这 一步让学生也谈谈他们自己,主要围绕以下几方面让学生张口,感受一下英语的魅力,表达自我,可就学生刚刚暑假结束让他们在自我介绍后,谈谈他们的暑假生活,他们的兴趣爱好,朋友家人,未来计划(上高一的打算)等等,这一步不 必限定内容,让学生有话可说,让学生上讲台自由表达,每人可进行2—3分钟的小演讲。从这一步也可以观察出班级里面一些英语学习的活跃分子和一些擅长 表达的学生,如果需要挑选课代表和英语学习小组长这也是个很好的发现的手 段,课前准备好他们的座位表做好记录。实践证明,这一步若引导的好,让他们 有话敢说,可以很好的活跃课堂气氛,为进入下一环节做好铺垫。 第三步,提出新要求、新希望。(Present New Requirement& Hope)(3-5分钟)


高一英语第一课 熟悉英语学习常规 作为一个高中英语学习者,最重要的一课就是熟悉英语学习常规。我们常说细节决定成败,常规就是细节的具体体现。学习常规既是学习的指南同时也是学习策略的体现以及学习方法的渗透。好的学习习惯往往是从常规中开始并逐渐形成的,所以必须给予高度的重视并切实地践行。以下是我们接下来英语学习的一些常规,希望能给大家在英语学习方面起到一定的帮助和指导作用。

学习 时段 基本要求 课前(预习)1.学习新单词,掌握形、音、义、词性并进行联想记忆; It's not your ability but your attitude(态度) that determines your altitute(高度) in life. pretty actress / ugly clown 2.对新课文难点,疑点给予标示(词、句、段); 3.了解单元话题相关的背景知识;(appendix) 4.尝试归纳各单元语法的基本用法和规则.

课中 1. 专心听讲;勤于思考; 2.认真记笔记(应视重要与否 来记,如记重要的搭配、重要 句型、词语辨析等); 3.积极参与课堂活动,如举手 提问、答问、合作讨论、发言 等. 课后(复习)1.复习当天或单元所学内容(如看或整理当天笔记,对自己的难点和易错点做特殊标记并保证“回头率”、摘录课本或课外优美的词、句、段落等);善于总结、反思(所学

知识;存在的问题及难点;应如何改进和解决); 2.完成当天的家庭作业;并根据自己实际水平和弱项有计划地补充适当难度的练习;3.建立错题库(将练习或测试中的错题进行整理,收录到错题库中并就一两道题目进行深刻反思并分析错因和对策); 4.用文件夹或文件袋有条理地整理和收藏练习以及测试卷,确保随时拿得到。


高一英语第一课熟悉英语学习常规 作为一个高中英语学习者,最重要的一课 就是熟悉英语学习常规。我们常说细节决 定成败,常规就是细节的具体体现。学习 常规既是学习的指南同时也是学习策略的 体现以及学习方法的渗透。好的学习习惯 往往是从常规中开始并逐渐形成的,所以 必须给予高度的重视并切实地践行。以下 是我们接下来英语学习的一些常规,希望 能给大家在英语学习方面起到一定的帮助 和指导作用。 学习 基本要求 时段

课前(预习)1.学习新单词,掌握形、音、义、词性并进行联想记忆; It'snotyourabilitybutyour attitude(态度)thatdeterminesyour altitute(高度)inlife. prettyactress/uglyclown 2.对新课文难点,疑点给予标示(词、句、段); 3.了解单元话题相关的背景知识;(appendix) 4.尝试归纳各单元语法的基本用法和规则. 课中 1.专心听讲;勤于思考; 2.认真记笔记(应视重要与

否来记,如记重要的搭配、重要句型、词语辨析等);3.积极参与课堂活动,如举手提问、答问、合作讨论、发言等. 课后(复习)1.复习当天或单元所学内容(如看或整理当天笔记,对自己的难点和易错点做特殊标记并保证“回头率”、摘录课本或课外优美的词、句、段落等);善于总结、反思(所学知识;存在的问题及难点;应如何改进和解决);2.完成当天的家庭作业;并根据自己实际水平和弱项有

计划地补充适当难度的练习; 3.建立错题库(将练习或测试中的错题进行整理,收录到错题库中并就一两道题目进行深刻反思并分析错因和对策); 4.用文件夹或文件袋有条理地整理和收藏练习以及测试卷,确保随时拿得到。 早读/晚读1.大声朗读词汇和课文(正确+流利);记忆单词、词组和基本句型; 2.朗读或背诵优美文句、文段;(教材中,练习中,报纸


I. Read the listening materials and time it. Now class, I’d like to tell you about your final examination next week. As you know, the test will cover everything we have learned this year from the start of the term all the way until your last unit. That might sound like a lot of material to study, so I have some tips that I will share with you. First, plan ahead. Don’t wait till the night before the test to start reviewing. That will not work and you will be very upset with your results. We have a total of eight units. I suggest studying one unit every night for the next week. We have ten days until the exam so you will have plenty of time if you choose to do it this way. Second, focus on studying only the most important topics we’ve discussed. Studying is mostly about using your time well. You cannot possibly remember everything so just review the main points. The two days before the exam will be review sessions where we review together in class. Please prepare any questions you have for those days. Otherwise, I will be available during lunch and after school for one hour every day until the exam. Good luck and keep a positive attitude. Success is what you make of it. II.Read the listening materials again and answer the following questions. Now class, I’d like to tell you about your final examination next week. ⑤As you know, the test will cover everything we have learned this year from the start of the term all the way until your last unit. That might sound like a lot of material to study, ①so I have some tip s that I will share with you. First, plan ahead. Don’t wait till the night before the test to start review ing. That will not work and you will be very upset with your result s. We have a total of eight units. I suggest studying one unit every night for the next week. We have ten days until the exam so you will have plenty of time if you choose to do it this way. Second,②focus on studying only the most important topics we’ve discussed. Studying is mostly about using your time well. You cannot possibly remember everything so just review the main points. ③The two days before the exam will be review sessions where we review together in class. Please prepare any questions you have for those days. Otherwise, I will be available during lunch and after school for one hour every day until the exam. Good luck and keep a positive attitude.④Success is what you make of it. 1. Can you remember what these words and phrases mean? Para1: ①final___________ ②material___________ ③all the way___________ ④share …with sb.___________ Para2: ①result___________ ②choose___________ ③plan ahead___________ ④ a total of ___________ ⑤plenty of___________ Para3: ①main points___________ Para4: ①success___________ ②Good luck___________ 2. Can you guess the meanings of these words, phrases and sentences? Para1: ①cover___________ ②tip ___________ ③As you know___________ Para2: ①work___________ ②be upset with___________ Para3: ①focus on___________ Para4: ①review___________ ②session___________ ③otherwise___________ ④available___________ ⑤keep a positive attitude___________ ⑥Success is what you make of it. ___________________________________ 3. Can you guess the meaning of the word cover in the following sentences? ①The top of the mountain is cover ed with thick snow. ___________ ②His book cover s a lot of information. ___________ ③China cover s an area of 9600000 square kilometers. ___________ ④They stopped for the night after cover ing a distance of 200 li. ___________ ⑤Does $1,000 cover the bill? ___________ ⑥The reporter was sent to cover the match. ___________ ⑦We all know that lies can not cover facts. ___________ 4. Try to analyse (分析) the following sentences patterns. ①…, so I have some tip s that I will share with you. (Para1) ②…,focus on studying only the most important topics we’ve discussed. (Para3) ③The two days before the exam will be review sessions where we review together in class. (Para4) ④Success is what you make of it. (Para4) ⑤As you know, the test will cover everything we have learned this year from the start of the term all the way until your last unit. (Para1)


高中英语第一节课(预备课) ---学好英语的要求 为了更好学好英语,使师生之间的配合更密切,更协调,提高学习效率。我先介绍课本的结构并提出今后学习英语的要求,征求大家的意见,修改后请大家遵照执行。 一、课本的编排、要求和目的: 1、学生用书(The student’s book)分五个单元,半个学期。 第一部分、热身(warming up) 本部分内容鼓励学生自由讨论,活用学过的知识,为下面的新内容做好铺垫。可以是多种形式,如对话、讨论、看图填空、回答问题、智力测验等。第二部分、读前(pre-reading) 本部分是提出与课文有关的问题,启发学生预测课文的内容,展开简短的讨论,然后通过阅读验证自己的推测。目的是鼓励学生独立思考,阐述不同的看法。 第三部分、阅读(reading) 本部分是着重培养学生的阅读能力和提高阅读技巧,文章中将呈现大部分的词汇和主要的语法结构,要求学生通过学习和作业掌握; 第四部分、理解(Comprehending) 本部分一般有两、三道题目检查学生对阅读课文的理解程度。形式有正误判断、多项选择题、定要点、分析文章的主旨和作者的态度等。有表层理解,检查学生对文中事实、情节、主要信息、要点等是否清楚;有深层理解,要求学生从字里行间分析出作者的观点、态度、主旨、意图,确定标题,判断其文体特征等。 第五部分、语言学习(Learning about Language) 对出现在前面阅读里新的语言现象,如词汇、语法等,自己单独找出书中的重点语言项目。通过练习来掌握。 第六部分、语言运用(Using language) 该部分围绕中心话题的听说读写设置了综合性练习,有listening,speaking 和writing等。目的是扩充学生有关话题的跨文化交际的信息,拓宽学生的视野。另一方面为学生提供综合运用语言的空间。第七部分、小结(Summing Up) 该部分要求学生自己学会归纳总结各单元里学到的内容,包括生词、习惯有语及语法结构,学生也可以相互讨论合作完成。目的 在于提高学生的自主学习意识,促使学生提高运用适合自己的认知策略。第八部分、学习建议(Learning Tips) 本部分重点培养学生建立自己的学习策略。课本就学习方法提出一些建议,以指导学生改进学习方法,更好运用学习策略,优化学习方式。学生可以利用课后的“课文注释”、“语法”、“各单元单词和习惯用语”、“词汇表”
