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Getting Up 起床用语

1. It’s morning time. What a great day! 天亮了,天气真好。

2. Wake up, boys and girls. It’s six twenty now.醒醒,孩子们。现在是六点二十分。

3. It’s time to get up. 该起床了。

4. Change your clothes, please. 请换衣服。

5. Put on your pants


6. Do not forget to button up. 别忘了扣扣子。

7. Be sure to flip down your collar. 看看领子翻好了没有。

8. Roll up your sleeves, please. 卷好袖子。

9. Do not wear your shoes on the wrong feet. 不要把鞋子穿错了。.

10. Open the window and air the room. 开窗透气。

11. Look in the mirror. 照镜子。

12. Comb your hair. 梳头。

13. Hurry up, boys and girls. 赶快,孩子们。

14. It’s time to make your bed. 该整理内务了。

15. Tidy up your blanket. 整理毛痰(被子,衣服,枕头)。

16. Put away your sandals, boys and girls. 放好凉鞋,孩子们。

Washing 洗漱用语

1. It’s time to brush your teeth now. 现在该刷牙了。

2. Slowly, like this. 慢点,就这样。

3. Rinse your mouth and don’t swallow the water. 漱口,不要把水吞了。

4. Wash your face, your eyes, nose, ears and your neck.


5. Don’t get your clothes wet. Bend your waist. 不要把衣服弄湿了。

6. Use some soap, your hands are dirty. 用肥皂洗,你的手很脏。

7. Wring out your towel after you use it. 用完毛巾后,拧干毛巾。

8. Put everything in order. Put up the towel. 有顺序地放好东西。挂好毛巾。

9. Don’t forget to flush the toilet after use. 用完厕所,不要忘了冲。

10. Pull up your pants. 拉好裤子。

Curricular Activities 晨炼用语

1. Line up, boys and girls. 排队。

2. four lines. Follow me, please. 排四队,跟我来。

3. Attention! 立正。

4. Eyes front! Ready, front! 向前看。

5. Hand in hand. 手拉手。

6. March time. March! 原地踏步,走。

7. Left, right, left. 一二一。


Let's cook dinner! 让我们做晚饭吧!

What will we make? 我们做什么好呢?

Let's make pizza and salad. 我们就做比萨和沙拉吧。

How nice! Pizza and salad for dinner. 太好了,晚上吃比萨和沙拉.

Let's make some more. 我们再做一些吧。

What should I make for dinner? 晚饭做什么好呢?

Mom, what are we going to make tonight?妈妈,我们今晚要做什么菜? Curry and rice. What do you think? 咖喱饭。你觉得呢?

That sounds nice. I can peel the potatoes first.


Really! Oh, honey, you are so sweet. I'll chop up this carrot.


Is breakfast ready? 早餐做好了吗?

I'm cooking. 我在做呢.

Yes, It is. 做好了.

Not yet. 还没呢。

How soon can you get it ready? 还要多久才能做好呀?

How soon will it be done? 还要多久才能做好呀?

I'll be ready in a few minutes. 再过几分钟就好了。

In about five more minutes. 再有5分钟吧。

How's it going, mom? 饭做得怎么样了,妈妈?

Just great. Almost done. 好了。快做完了。

You can eat just as soon as this soup cools down.


I'd like to taste it now. 我想现在尝一尝。

You can't taste it yet. 你还不能尝。

I would let you ,but it is not ready yet.我会让你尝,但现在还没好呢。Why not? 为什么不能?

It's still missing something. 还缺东西呢!

I can't wait! 我等不及了!

Isn't it ready yet? 还没好么?

This knife cuts well, doesn't it? 这刀挺好使的,是不是?

It sure does. 真挺快的。

The water is boiling! 水开啦!

Honey,just turn down the stove. 亲爱的,把煤气炉调小就好。

Heat the milk by yourself, I will fry an egg for you.


What's that smell? 这是什么味儿?

Oh, no! Something's burning. 噢,不好!是什么糊了吧。

A little spring onion and it will be just right! 加点葱味道就好了! It's no use! 没用的!


一、Wash up, it's time to eat. 洗洗手,该吃饭了。

Time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。

Come and get it! 开饭啦!

I'm coming. 这就来啦!

I'll be right there. 我马上就去。

Finally. 终于吃饭喽!

Breakfast (Lunch/Supper)is ready! 饭好了!

Hurry up. We're already begun our breakfast.

快点, 我们已经开早饭了。

We've been expecting you! 我们正等你。

Would you help me set the table? 你能帮我准备餐具吗?

I'd be happy to. 乐意之至。

I'm happy to do it. 我非常乐意呢。

It's my pleasure. 那是我的荣幸。

Help me set the table. 你收拾一下桌子

Put bowls and chopsticks on the table. 摆一下碗筷。

Add rice please. 再把米饭盛出来。

Hand out the chopsticks(the plates). 放筷子(盘子)。

Come sit at the table. 过来坐在桌旁。

Take a seat please, make yourself at home. 请坐,随便一点。

Help yourself. 你自己吃/别客气。

Please go ahead. 请先吃吧。

Please (help) yourself. 请先吃吧。

Let's eat. 我吃了啊。

Shall we begin? 可以吃了吗?

二、I'm home. 我回来了。

Welcome home. 你回来了。

Did you have a good time? 今天过得愉快吗?

How did it go today? 今天怎么样?

How was school today? 今天在学校过得如何?

It was great! I made some friends. 很棒啊!我交了一些朋友。

Can I go out to play? 我可以出去玩儿会儿吗?

Of course, off you go. 当然可以,去吧!

I'm going to cram school now. 我去补习学校了啊。

I'm tired. 真累啊!

I'm exhausted. 我精疲力尽了。

It's good to be home. 还是家好哇。

二、Washing your hands 洗手

Wash your hands before dinner. 吃饭前先洗手

Wait a minute please, Mommy will get the water and soap for you.等一下,妈妈去拿水和香皂。

Here they are. 拿来了。

Now, put your hands in the water. 把你的手放进水里。

Do you feel cool? 是不是觉得很凉啊?

The water is cool, isn't it? 水很凉,是不是?

Wet your hands and put on the soap. 把手弄湿,然后抹香皂。

Rub your hands together. Look, here come the bubbles!


Look! The bubbles are dark now. 看! 泡沫变黑了。

Your hands are too dirty and make the bubbles dark.


Now , put your hands into the water again. 把你的手再放进水里。Wash off the bubbles. 把手上的泡沫洗干净。

Ok, your hands are clean now. 好了,手洗好了。

Let mommy dry your hands. 妈妈把你的手擦干。

Left hand , and then right hand. 左手,然后右手。

Your hands are sticky. 你的手很脏。

Wash your hands immediately. 马上去洗手。

Use soap to wash your hands. 用香皂洗手。

I have done my hands. 我洗过手了。

Turn the tap off, when you have down. 洗完手后,把水龙头关了。

Dry your hands with your towel. 用毛巾把手擦干。

Show me your hands, are they clean? 让我看看你的手干净了吗?

Did you wash your hands well? 手洗干净了吗?


Mum: Matt, Amy, breakfast is ready.

(Matt, Amy, 早餐准备好了。)

Matt: OK! Oh, Amy, hurry up!


Amy: I'm here. Mummy, what do we have this morning?


Mum: We have bread, ham, banana, milk, orange juice(桔汁) and cookie. What would you like?


Amy: Very nice. I like everything.


Matt: Where is my dad?


Dad: I'm coming. Good morning, everyone.


Matt: Good morning,Dad.


Dad:breakfast is goog !


Mum: Thank you .





I love my family


Mimi: I love my family.

Mimi: I love mommy and daddy.

Mimi: I love my sister.

ChinChin: I love grandma and grandpa.

Buba: Hi.

Buba: I love my brother.

Buba: I like to play with my brother.

Costa: I have a sister.

Costa: I don't like her.

Costa: I want a brother.

Costa: I want to play with a brother!

Coco: I have a brother.

Coco: I don't like him.

Coco: I want a sister.

Coco: I want to play with a sister!


















I'm in a hurry

Tutti: Hey,Latty.

Latty: Tutti.

Tutti: Where are you going?

Latty: Don't ask me anything. I'm in a hurry.

Tutti: Why are you in a hurry?

Latty: Do you happen to know where the bathroom is around here? Tutti: It's right behind the building, Hurry up.

Latty: Thank you. See you.











1.It’s time for morning exercises.


2. Let’s play on the ground.


3.Be careful.


4.Be slowly, take easy.


5.Please say bye-bye to your mummy.


6.Hello, nice to meet you.


7.Look at the blackboard.


8.You are right.


9. Let’s go downstairs.


10.Hand in hand.


11. You are the winner.


12. Let’s go back to the classroom.


https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7b4303394.html,e soap to wash your hands.


14. It’s time for lunch.


15.Don’t spill your foods on the table.



1.What does your mother do?


Sophie: Does your mother work?

Billy: Yes,she does.

Sophie: What does your mother do?

Billy: She's a dentist.

Billy: What about your mother?

Sophie: My mother is a housewife.

Billy: Sounds good! I don't like working moms.

Sophie: Why?

Billy: My mother is always busy.

Sophie: Billy,look at this. A housewife is always busy,too.











2.What is your cellphone number?


Sophie: Billy,I'm taking a survey for my homework. Sophie: Do you have a cell phone?

Billy: Yes,I do.

Sophie: What is your cellphone number?

Billy: 010-U GO AWAY.

Sophie: What!

Billy: That's my number.

Billy: U GO AWAY. Eight-four-six- two-nine-two-nine.苏菲:比利,我正在为我的家庭作业做一项调查。




比利:010-U GO AWAY。



比利:U GO AWAY。8-4-6-2-9-2-9。

3.It's not behind the sofa


Billy: Where is my cell phone?

Billy: I can't find it.

Sophie: Look by the TV.

Billy: It's not by the TV.

Sophie: Look behind the sofa.

Billy: It's not behind the sofa.

Sophie: Okay. I'll call you.

Billy: Oops!

Sophie: It is in your pocket!

Billy: Why is it in my pocket?












Tom: let's play a game.

Marie: This is so great!

Tom: what game to play better?

Marie: I really want to know.







Tom: there is too much homework today. Mother: you can eat first homework again. Tom sounds great.

Mom: I got your favorite dish.

Tom thank you, mum.








Tom: Mom, today reading time.

Mom. Are you ready?

Tom: ready, start now.

Mom: OK, I'll give you a good book.

Tom thank you, mum.







一、You can't miss it


Jun: Pardon me,Ma'am. I seem to be lost.

Jun: Can you give me some directions?

Lady: Sure. Where do you want to go?

Jun: Can you tell me the way to the church?

Lady: Oh,that's easy. You turn right at that corner and go straight for four blocks.

Jun: That is easy. Thank you very much.

Lady: Wait,there's more. Then you turn right again,walk straight.

Lady: Until you come to the park and turn left.

Jun: I see.

Lady: Then you'll come to a large intersection.

Lady: You walk up Sherman Avenue until you come to a bus stop.

Jun: A bus stop?

Lady: Yes. Take the No.4 bus and get off at the fifth stop. You can't miss it.

Jun: Thank you very much.

Lady: You're welcome.

Jun: Taxi!



















Bill: I don't like this movie. Will you change the channel,Honey? Nancy: It will be over soon,Bill. Just be patient.

Bill: But the football game starts at 2:00. I want to see it.

Nancy: If I change the channel now,I'll miss the end.

Bill: Let me watch the game,and I'll wash the dishes.

Nancy: Shh! This is the most interesting part.

Bill: Please let me watch the football game. I'll do anything you want. Nancy: Anything?

Bill: Anything.

Nancy: Ok. Do into the bedroom and turn on the radio.

Bill: Is that all?

Nancy: Yes. You can listen to the football game in the bedroom.













三、At a drugstore


Fred: Say,Jun. Let's stop off at a drugstore for a hamburger.

Jun: At a drugstore?

Fred: Sure. At some drugstore you can buy anything from an aspirin to an overcoat. Jun: Really? I didn't know that.

Fred: Here's wone right here.

Jun: This is a drugstore? It looks like a supermarket!

Fred: Look! They're selling neckties over there.

Jun: Say,they look nice.

Fred: Pardon me,miss. How much are these neckties?

Salesgirl: They're $2.00 each,or $5.00 for three. How many do you want,sir? Fred: Give me six,please.

Salesgirl: That comes to $10.00,sir.

Fred: 7,8,9,I have just $10.00.

Jun: Hurry up,Fred. I'm starving!

Fred: Ok,Jun. But I'm out of money. Can you treat me?


















幼儿园常用英语口语100句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好,早上好~ 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好,下午好~ 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了,我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字,我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见,明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗, 我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗,我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下~ 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈 / 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫 什麽名字, 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮~ 2. You are clever! 你真聪明~ 3. You are good! 你真棒~ 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好~ 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐~ 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐~ 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐~


幼儿常用英语口语汇总 幼儿学英语口语,重在增加输出,整句和简明口语表达,增加英语口语视频频率,都是提高幼儿英语口语高效的实用方法。瑞思学科英语为大家整理了幼儿常用口语和对话例句,方便小朋友们进行英语口语练习。 I.Reception入园接待 1.Hi!/ Hello!你好! 2.Good morning.早上好。 3.Hello,nice to meet you./ Nice to see you.你好,见到你真高兴。 4.How are you? I am fine,thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 5.Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy.请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。 6.Come in,please.请进。 7.Come on./ come here,please.请过来。 8.Take off your coat.脱掉外套。 9. Please put on your morning check-card.请把晨检牌带好。 II.Group Activity集体活动 1.Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 2.Let’s start.让我们开始。 3.Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? 谁能告诉我?谁能回答? 4.Look at me.看着我。 5.Look at the blackboard.看黑板。 6.Be quite./ Keep quite.保持安静。

7.Sit well./ Sit nicely.坐好。 8.Put up your hand./ Put down your hand.把手举起来/ 把手放下。9.Stop talking.别说话。 10.Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白吗? 11.Read with me.和我一起读。 12.Return to your seat.回座位。 13.Stand up./ Sit down.起立/ 坐下。 14.Listen carefully.仔细听。 15.Listen to me./ Listen to the music.听我说/ 听音乐。 16.Say it in English.用英语说。 17.Do you know? 你知道吗? 18.Let’s play a game.让我们来做游戏。 19.Let’s write / draw something.让我们来写点什麽/ 画点什麽。20.Let’s dancing / singing.让我们来跳舞唱歌。 21.Let’s listen to a story.让我们听个故事。 22.Let’s listen to the tape.让我们听磁带。 23.Let’s watch TV / a play.让我们看电视/ 看表演。 24.Let’s say it together.让我们一起说。 25.What did you hear? 你听到什麽了? 26.Who has finished? 谁做完了? 27.Who want to try? 谁想试试? 28.How do you know? 你怎麽知道的? 29.Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个? 30.Put your hands on your knees.把手放在膝盖上。31.Attention.注意。 32.You are right.你是正确的。 33.You are so good!你真棒! 34.Paint it in red.把它涂成红色。 35.Open / close your book,please.打开/ 合上你的书。


1 / 6 国际大班日常英语 Receptionxx接待 Good morning.早上好 Did you have a good sleep last night 你昨晚睡得好吗 Did you have a good time on your weekend 周末过得好吗 Please take off your coat, and hang it up.请脱下衣服,把它挂起来。put your bag on the shelf.把书包放在架子上。 Li Li, say “Bye-Bye ”to yourdaddy/mommy/grandma/grandpa.李丽,跟爸爸/妈妈/奶奶/爷爷说再见。 Come in the classroom, lease.请进教室 Breakfast (早餐) It's time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。 Please wash your hands.请洗手。 Today, we have milk and bread for our breakfast.今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。 Wipe your mouth.擦嘴。 Please rinse your mouth after eating.吃完东西请漱口。 Call the Roll(点名) Let's call the roll.我们点名吧。Who is not here 今天谁没到 How many kids are there today今天来了多少小朋友呢 Let's count!one、two、three……我们一起数一数,1,2,3…….

Morning Exercises(早操) 2 / 6 It's time to do morning exercises.现在是早操时间. Let's go out and line up.一起出去排队。 One line /Two lines, please.请排成一队/两队。 Attention.立正!(one two) March in your place, one two one…原地踏步。一二一……Hands on the shoulders.手搭(前面小朋友)肩膀。 Let's go back to the classroom!我们回教室吧! One by one, please.一个接一个。 No pushing。请不要推。 Please don't be crowded.不要挤。 Area Teaching(区域活动) Now it's time for us do some activities.现在我们要进行一些活动。You can choose any area you like.你可以选择你喜欢的区域。You can choose any toys you want.你可以选择你喜欢的玩具。Please be kind to each other.要友好相处。 Please take good care of the books/toys.要爱护图书/玩具。Please return your book back to the bookshelf.请把书放回去书架。Please put the toys back to where it belongs.请把玩具放回原处。Now please tidy up your table.现在请收拾桌子。 Teaching Activities(集体教学活动)


《幼儿教师实用英语口语》教学计划 学时数:36学时(课内)?????课程实践学时数:18(课内)? 适用专业范围及层次:全日制中职学前教育专业?考核方式:考试?? 一、教学目的和要求? ??? 《幼儿教师实用英语口语》是学前教育学生的必修课,教材《幼儿教师实用英语口语》主要以任务性和交际性为原则,采用任务驱动模式,以幼儿园一日生活常规为主线,紧扣幼儿教育健康、语言、科学、社会和艺术五大领域主题。通过相关语言知识的学习和技能的训练,提高学生英语口语表达能力,为其日后能胜任幼儿园教学工作打好基础。? ???? 本课程旨在帮助学生学习英语基础知识,重点培养听、说等语言技能,初步形成幼儿英语的应用能力;激发和培养学生学习的兴趣,提高学生学习的自信心,帮助学生掌握学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,提高自主学习能力,引导学生了解和认识幼儿英语学习方法,培养正确的情感、态度和价值观面向就业。? 本课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力、口头表达能力和幼儿英语教学能力,通过本课程的学习,学生应该达到下列要求:? (一)、听? 1)能听懂简单叙事和熟悉话题的口头陈述;?能听懂幼儿活动场景中的活动安排及对话;?能听出说话者的不同态度和情感;? 能根据日常生活和幼儿活动场景中的多步骤指令做出相应反应;?能理解所听日常交际对话的大意;? 2)能借助图片、图像和视频等听懂幼儿活动场景中的简单活动和安排;?能根据简单课堂教学用语做出反应;? 能利用关键词捕捉信息(如姓名、电话号码和职业等) (二)、说 能在有准备的情况下,就一般话题作口头陈述和转述;?能对日常询问和要求做出恰当反应;? 能就日常生活和幼师职业相关话题进行交流;?能给出多步骤的指令;? 能通过询问解决交际中的疑惑;?能借助肢体语言进行日常会话;?能简单描述个人和日常生活情况。?


国际大班日常英语 Reception入园接待 Good morning.早上好 Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗? Did you have a good time on your weekend? 周末过得好吗? Please take off your coat, and hang it up.请脱下衣服,把它挂起来。 put your bag on the shelf. 把书包放在架子上。 Li Li, say “Bye-Bye ”t o your daddy/mommy/grandma/grandpa. 李丽,跟爸爸/妈妈/奶奶/爷爷说再见。 Come in the classroom, lease. 请进教室 Breakfast (早餐) It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。 Please wash your hands.请洗手。 Today, we have milk and bread for our breakfast.今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。Wipe your mouth. 擦嘴。 Please rinse your mouth after eating.吃完东西请漱口。 Call the Roll(点名) Let’s call the roll.我们点名吧。Who is not here? 今天谁没到? How many kids are there today?今天来了多少小朋友呢? Let’s count!one、two、three……我们一起数一数,1,2,3……. Morning Exercises(早操) It’s time to do morn ing exercises.现在是早操时间. Let’s go out and line up.一起出去排队。 One line /Two lines, please.请排成一队/两队。


问候 1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, nice to see you! 2、Welcome to our kindergarten! 3、What’s the weather like? It’s sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy. 4.Whatdayisittoday?It’sMonday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday. 点名 5、Is everyone here? 6、When I call your name, please stand up and say “hi”. 7、Is here? Who is not here ? 生活常规 8、Boys, girls ,two lines! Line up! 9、Attention。One two! 10、Come here. 11、Go back to your points. 12、Keep quiet/silent. 13 、Stop fighting。 14、Take turns. One by one. 15、Look out./Watch out. 16、Thank you .It doesn’t matter. 17、Let’s play together. 18、Eyes on me. Eyes on you. 19、Clap your hands. One two, one two, three. 20、Don’t’ push. 游戏及活动 21. Let’s play a game. Join us. 22、Are you ready? One, two, three, go! 23、Who wants to try? Let’s me try. 24、Please follow me. 25、I ’ll divide you into two groups. You are Group .Are you sure? 26、When I call you, Please come here/stand up. 27、Never mind. Try again. 28、Hurry up. 29、Clap your hands/wave your arms/shake your body. 30、Nod your hands/Open your mouse. 31、Show your little hands, please shake. 32、Open your books, please turn to . 33、Read after me. Ok? 34、Listen carefully. 35、Your are too noisy. Please stop. 36、Return your seats. 37、Good job. Brilliant idea. 38、You are smart/so cool. 39、I agree with you. 课程开始及休息 40、It’s time for class./Let’s begin our class. 41、Let’s have a break./Break time.


幼儿园常用英语口语100句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈 / 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什麽名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好! 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! 10. Wonderful! 太棒了! 11. I am the winner! 我是胜利者! 12. I am the first! 我是第一名! 13. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 14. You are welcome! 欢迎你! 15. How beautiful! 多美呀! 16. How funny! 多有趣呀! 17. Wow! It’s so nice! 哇!它太好了。 18. It’s a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天! 19. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝! 20. Wow! It’s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了 / 太可爱了! 21. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩 / 男孩。 22. You are so sweet. 你是非常可爱的。 23. You look very smart. 你看起来非常聪明。 24. I wish you a Merry Christmas!我祝你圣诞快乐! 25. I wish you a Happy New Year!我祝你新年快乐! 26. Miss Li, you are very beautiful!李老师你真漂亮! 27. I love you!我爱你! (三)道歉。 1. I am sorry. 对不起。 2. Never mind. 没关系。 (四)洗浴进餐。


```````````` 实用儿童英语口语300 句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什么名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我 很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什么名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。

```````````` 13. Very nice! 非常好! 14. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 15. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 16. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 17. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! 18. Wonderful! 太棒了! 19. I am the winner! 我是胜利者! 20. I am the first! 我是第一名! 21. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 22. You are welcome! 欢迎你! 23. How beautiful! 多美呀! 24. How funny! 多有趣呀! 25. Wow! It ’s so nice! 哇!它太好了。 26. It ’s a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天! 27. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝! 28. Wow! It ’s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了/ 太可爱了! 29. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩/ 男孩。 30. You are so sweet. 你是非常可爱的。 31. You look very smart. 你看起来非常聪明。 32. I wish you a Merry Christmas !我祝你圣诞快乐! 33. I wish you a Happy New Year !我祝你新年快乐! 34. Miss Li, you are very beautiful !李老师你真漂亮! 35. I love you !我爱你!


幼儿常用英语口语 I.Reception入园接待 1.Hi!/ Hello!你好! 2.Good morning.早上好。 3.Hello,nice to meet you./ Nice to see you.你好,见到你真高兴。4.How are you? I am fine,thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。5.Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy.请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。6.Come in,please.请进。 7.Come on./ come here,please.请过来。 8.Take off your coat.脱掉外套。 9.Please put on your morning check-card.请把晨检牌带好。 II.Group Activity集体活动 1.Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 2.Let’s start.让我们开始。 3.Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? 谁能告诉我?谁能回答? 4.Look at me.看着我。 5.Look at the blackboard.看黑板。 6.Be quite./ Keep quite.保持安静。 7.Sit well./ Sit nicely.坐好。 8.Put up your hand./ Put down your hand.把手举起来/ 把手放下。9.Stop talking.别说话。 10.Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白吗? 11.Read with me.和我一起读。 12.Return to your seat.回座位。 13.Stand up./ Sit down.起立/ 坐下。 14.Listen carefully.仔细听。 15.Listen to me./ Listen to the music.听我说/ 听音乐。 16.Say it in English.用英语说。 17.Do you know? 你知道吗? 18.Let’s play a game.让我们来做游戏。 19.Let’s write / draw something.让我们来写点什麽/ 画点什麽。20.Let’s dancing / singing.让我们来跳舞唱歌。 21.Let’s listen to a story.让我们听个故事。 22.Let’s listen to the tape.让我们听磁带。 23.Let’s watch TV / a play.让我们看电视/ 看表演。 24.Let’s say it together.让我们一起说。 25.What did you hear? 你听到什麽了? 26.Who has finished? 谁做完了? 27.Who want to try? 谁想试试? 28.How do you know? 你怎麽知道的?


少儿英语口语必备100句 少儿英语启蒙口语内容必不可少,在日常生活中的各个场景下,配合肢体语言,频繁输入英语口语会加深孩子对英语的认知能力,同时孩子还能自觉模仿英语口语发音,增加口语输出。瑞思学科英语按照不同生活场景,整理了少儿英语口语的常用句,方便在课外随时练习英语,提高口语水平。 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning. Good morning! 早上好!早上好! 2. Good afternoon. Good afternoon! 下午好!下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我()岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (Lanlan) 你叫什么名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什么名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。

1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好! 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! 10. Wonderful! 太棒了! 11. I am the winner! 我是胜利者! 12. I am the first! 我是第一名! 13. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 14. You are welcome! 欢迎你! 15. How beautiful! 多美呀! 16. How funny! 多有趣呀! 17. Wow! It’s so nice! 哇!它太好了。 18. It’s a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天! 19. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝! 20. Wow! It’s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了/ 太可爱了! 21. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩/ 男孩。


幼儿园教师常用英语口语48句问候 1. Hi ! / Hello! 你好! 2. Good morning . 早上好。 3. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. 你好,见到你真高兴。 4. How are you ? I am fine, thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 5. Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy. 请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。 6. Come in , please. 请进。 7. Come on . / Come here, please. 请过来。 8. Please take off your bag . 请脱掉书包。 点名 9. Is everyone here ? 是不是每个人都在啊? 10. When I call your name, please stand up and say “hi”. 当我喊到你的名字,请起立并说hi . 11. Is XXX here? XXX 在吗? 生活常规 12. Is everyone here ? 是不是每个人都在啊?来。 13. Thank you . It doesn’t matter. 谢谢,没关系的。 14. Let’s play together. 我们一起玩吧。 15. Clap your hands. One two, one two, three. 鼓掌,一二,一二三。 游戏及活动 16. Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。 17. Are you ready ? One, two, three, go! 准备好了吗?一二三,开始!


幼儿园常用英语口语100句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1、Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2、 Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3、How old are you? I am (four)、您几岁了?我(四)岁。 4、What is your name?Myname is(lanlan) 您叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5、 See you tomorrow? Seeyou tomorrow、明天见?明天见。 6、 Are you OK? Yes, I am OK、您还好吗? 我挺好得。 7、Hi, howare you? I am fine, thank you、嘿,您好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8、Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9、 Bye-bye mum / daddy、再见妈妈/爸爸。 10、Good-bye再见。 11、Excuseme, what is your name?打扰一下,您叫什麽名字?12、See you nextweek、下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1、You are beautiful! 您真漂亮! 2、You are clever! 您真聪明! 3、 Youare good! 您真棒! 4、Great! / Good! / OK!好。 5、 Very nice! 非常好! 6、Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7、 Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8、Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9、 Thank you very much!非常感谢您! 10、Wonderful! 太棒了! 11、I am the winner!我就是胜利者! 12、I am the first! 我就是第一名! 13、You are beautiful! 您真漂亮! 14、You are wele! 欢迎您! 15、Howbeautiful! 多美呀! 16、How funny! 多有趣呀! 17、Wow! It’sso nice! 哇!它太好了。 18、It’s a nice day! 这就是一个很好得一天! 19、Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我得上帝! 20、 Wow! It’s so nice /lovely!哇!它太棒了 / 太可爱了! 21、 Nicegirl / boy、好女孩 / 男孩。 22、 Youare sosweet、您就是非常可爱得。 23、 You look very smart、您瞧起来非常聪明。 24、Iwish you a Merry Christmas! 我祝您圣诞快乐! 25、 I wish you aHappy New Year!我祝您新年快乐! 26、 Miss Li, you are very beautiful!李老师您真漂亮! 27、 I love you! 我爱您! (三)道歉。 1、I am sorry、对不起。 2、 Never mind、没关系。 (四)洗浴进餐。


少儿启蒙英语口语常用句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning. Good morning! 早上好!早上好! 2. Good afternoon. Good afternoon! 下午好!下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我()岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (Lanlan)你叫什么名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Y es, I am OK你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什么名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒!

4. Great! / Good! / OK!好。 5. Very nice!非常好! 6. Happy New Y ear!新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday!生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐! 9. Thank you very much!非常感谢你! 10. Wonderful!太棒了! 11. I am the winner!我是胜利者! 12. I am the first!我是第一名! 13. You are beautiful!你真漂亮! 14. You are webome!欢迎你! 15. How beautiful!多美呀! 16. How funny!多有趣呀! 17. Wow! It ' s so 哇be!它太好了。 18. It ' s a nice这是一个很好的一天! 19. Oh, my god / goodness!哦,我的上帝! 20. Wow! It ' s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了/太可爱了! 21. Nice girl / boy.好女孩/ 男孩。 22. You are so sweet .你是非常可爱的。 23. You look very smart.你看起来非常聪明。


幼儿园教师常用英语口语 I. Reception入园接待1. Hi! / Hello! 你好!2. Good morning. 早上好。3. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. 你好,见到你真高兴。 4. How are you? I am fine, thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 5. Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy. 请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。 6. Come in, please. 请进。 7. Come on. / come here, please. 请过来。 8. Take off your coat. 脱掉外套。 9. Please put on your morning check- card. 请把晨检牌带好。 II. Group Activity集体活动1. Are you ready? 准备好了吗?2. Let’s start. 让我们开始。3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me\\? 谁能告诉我?谁能回答? 4. Look at me. 看着我。 5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安静。7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把手举起来/ 把手放下。9. Stop talking. 别说话。10. Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白吗?11. Read with me. 和我一起读。 12. Return to your seat. 回座位。13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起立/ 坐下。14. Listen carefully. 仔细听。15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music. 听我说/ 听音乐。16. Say it in English. 用英语说。17. Do you know? 你知道吗? 18. Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。19. Let’s write / draw something. 让我们来写点什麽/ 画点什麽。20. Let’s dancing / singing. 让我们来跳舞唱歌。21. Let’s listen to a story. 让我们听个故事。22. Let’s listen to the tape. 让我们听磁带。23. Let’s watch TV / a



Greeting幼儿园早晨问候语 1.Good morning / afternoon. 早上好 / 下午好! 2.Hello, Anna! Nice to see you. 你好,安娜,很高兴见到你。 3.How are you today 你今天好吗 4.Are you OK / fine 你还好吧 5.Would you like to open you mouth? Open your mouth, please. 请张开嘴巴。 6.Show me your tongue, please. 伸出舌头,让我看看。 7.What’s wrong here? 这里怎么了 8. What’s wrong with your face / arm… 你的脸\胳膊…怎么了 9. Please come in. And say “Good-bye” to y our mum(mother) / dad(father). 请进,跟妈妈 / 爸爸说再见。 10.Please take off your hat.

把帽子摘了。 11.Take off your coat, and fold it here. 把外套脱下来,叠好放到这里。 12.Please put your clothes here. 把衣服放到这里。 13.Did you have a good weekend? 周末过得好吗 14.Please sit here to read. 坐下来看一会儿书吧。 15.Good morning, Andy. Come and take a seat by yourself. 早上好,安迪!来,自己找个座位坐下。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7b4303394.html,e inside. 到里面来。 17.Stay outside for a moment. 在外面呆一会儿。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7b4303394.html,e here, rinse your mouth with the brine and clean your hands. 来,用淡盐水漱口、洗手 -Games玩游戏:146.Boys and girls, listen to me now. 孩子们,现在听我说。 147. Today, we are going to play a game. 今天我们要做一个游戏。


Unit 1 Arrival Reception (入园接待) Teaching Aims (教学目标) 经过本单元的学习,学生应: 1) 掌握幼儿入园接待的重点句型; 2) 能用本单元单词、句型创设入园场景。 Section One Key Sentences (重点句型) 1. Good morning. / Morning. 早上好。 2. —How are you? 你好吗? —I’m fine, thank you. And you? 我很好, 谢谢。你呢? 3. You look great. 你看上去很棒。 4. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 5. Take off your coat, fold it and put it here. 脱掉外套,叠好放在这里。Section Two Dialogues (对话) Dialogue 1 Teacher: Good morning. Child: Good morning. Teacher: What’s your name? Child: I’m Teddy. Teacher: Nice to meet you, Teddy. Child: Nice to meet you, too! Teacher: Welcome to the kindergarten. You look great. Child: Thank you. Teacher: Please say goodbye to your daddy and mummy. Child: Goodbye, daddy. Bye-bye, mummy. Parents: Bye-bye, honey. Notes: 1. Good morning. 是“早上好”的意思,是日常问候语。 类似的问候语还有: “Good afternoon.”(下午好)“Good evening.”(晚上好)“Good night.”(晚安)。 2. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Nice 也可以替换成“Good”、“Great”、“Glad”, 意思不变。 3. You look great. 你看上去很棒。 look 是连系动词,表示“看起来……”的意思。 e.g. She looks happy. 她看上去很幸福。 Our classroom looks beautiful. 我们的教室看起来很美。 Dialogue 2 Teacher: Good morning, James. Child: Good morning, Madam.
