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被动刷题不可取, 制霸雅思阅读选择题需主动出击。给大家带来了如何制霸雅思阅读选择题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



句子1:It seems that the viewer can sense the artists’ vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.


A mostly favour works of art which they know well.

Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.





题目:Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate that people

A mostly favour works of art which they know well.

Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.

原文出题点:Angelina Hawley-Dolan, of Boston College, Massachusettes, responded to this debate by asking volunteers to view pairs of paintings - either the creations of famous abstract artists or the doodles of infants, chimps and elephant. They then had to judge which they preferred. A third of the paintings were given no captions, while many were labelled incorrectly-volunteers might think they were viewing a chimp’s messy brushstrokes when they were actually seeing an acclaimed masterpiece. In each set of trials, volunteers generally preferred the work of renowned artists, even when they believed it was by an animal or a child. It seems that the viewer can sense the artist’s vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.

出题模式一,其实就是雅思选择题的本质所在。出题模式二是正常的雅思考试的出题模式,配上抽象的主题和很多看似简单又读不懂的无关信息,以此来加大考试的难度,这就是雅思考官出题的套路。出题模式一和二一对比,大家就明白了,其实选择题,真正的难点在于:同学们往往不能准确定位出考官的出题点到底是哪一句子。烤鸭们一般可以大概定位到题目出题“面”--- 段落,但是,却不能准确定位“点”--出题的句子。所以,很多同学常常有需要读一整段或是两个段落来解一个选择题的错觉。




1.考查实验相关的题目,一般重点都是考实验的结果,重点直接去文中快速锁定实验的结果,一般表结果的关键词是:findings, ...found that..., It seems that..., it would seem that....

正常来说:当讲到某个实验的时候,文中的行文顺序:WHY 该实验的背景/目的--HOW该实验如何进行--WHAT实验对象在实验做了什么或是如何表现的---Results/Findings。所以,当提到某个实验时,一般会有2-3句来讲实验的why, how和what,结果往往放在最后。解题时,直接快速跳到实验后边去看实验的结果。

如上题所示:题目问Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate...(他的实验结果表明....), 文中,段落前几句描述的都是跟实验相关的内容,到最后一句It seems that..., 才是结果。考生们在做题前,如果能够非常清晰的了解这个特点的话,就可以高效准确的解题了。




3.如果题目提问中出现段落的,如果是问段落大意,就看段落主题句,快速把握段落主旨。出现段落,但不问主旨的,一定要先定好段落中具体细节,再解题。如: According to the eighth paragraph, how was the geography of the region significant? 题目中提到第8段,但是不能看一整个段落解题,还要定位到关键词geography 所在的句子,理解后再做题。




例如:anthropology is the scientific study of man。


In slang the term "jam" constitutes a state of being in which a personfinds

himself or herself in a difficult situation。

同样,从雅思阅读上下文的定义可知jam一词在俚语中的意思是“困境”。定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with,

beconsidered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent,



This reading test contains 10 questions. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen and paper.

Read the passage below and answer questions 1-10.

What you need to know about Culture Shock

Most people who move to a foreign country or culture may experience a period of time when they feel very homesick and have a lot of stress and difficulty functioning in the new culture. This feeling is often called ‘culture shock’ and it is important to understand and learn how to cope with culture shock if you are to ada pt successfully to your new home’s culture.

First of all, it’s important to know that culture shock is normal. Everyone in a new situation will go through some form of culture shock, and the extent of which they do is determined by factors such as the difference between cultures, the degree to which someone is anxious to adapt to a new culture and the familiarity


雅思阅读选择题解题技巧 雅思阅读选择题解题技巧这篇*系统地给大家讲解一下雅思阅读当中选择题这种题型的有关知识点,其中包括雅思阅读选择题的题型要求和特点,做题步骤和解题技巧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思阅读选择题解题技巧 雅思阅读选择题解题技巧为大家带来雅思阅读中最常见的 一种题型之一——选择题的解题方法和技巧的总结。选择题是我们非常熟悉也是雅思阅读的高频常客之一。虽说选择题无论随便乱选一个选项都有25%的正确率,如果掌握了正确的做题方法和步骤,就有机会达到100%正确率。 Multiple Choice(选择题) 题型要求 这是一个传统题型,大家都很熟悉。但就是这种大家都熟悉的题型,IELTS考试也要弄出新花样:四选一和多选多两种。 四选一,选项肯定是四个。即要求从A、B、C、D四项中选择一个最符合题意的选项。

多选多,选项肯定是五个或五个以上,而正确答案的数目肯定在两个以上。 哪个更难呢?很多同学会好不犹豫地说是多选多。实际上,多选多很容易,是一种简单题型。它具有以下几个特点: (1) 正确答案的数目是已知的。在题目的要求中会告诉你要选出几个选项。题目要求中常WHICH FOUR,WHICH THREE 等字样。 (2) 答案在原文中是集中出现的,对应原文中的例举。找着一个答案,其余几个就在它的前后不远处。 我们举一个中文阅读的例子来说明。*如下: 帕金森症是一种顽症。它是由大脑中缺乏一种叫多巴胺的化学物质引起的。(后面删减100字)很多名人深受其苦。比如,我们的改革的总设计师邓小平、拳王阿里、以故数学家陈景润等等。(后面删减100字) 题目是:以下哪三个人得过帕金森症? A. 邓小平 B. 里根 C. 拳王阿里



Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto


选择题解题技巧 一分类:四选一(单选),多选多, 主旨题 一单选题(得分题) 二顺序性:有序 三解题步骤 1.读题目和选项, 划定位词。 注意:1选项快看 2选项主要关注各项不同处(谓语就不同的话,主要关注谓语即可,宾语略看或不看. 另外,还要关注各项感情色彩的不同!!!) 2.复记题目和选项关键词 为毛? 因为若记得好,文中看到时能立马反映出,直选法,正确率高) (***小标题题,匹配题,选择三类看的内容多,不像填空判断摘要填空,只是一两句,所以要复记) 3.回原文定位考点。 4.比较原文与选项,确定答案. 注意:(**与原文用词太简单一致(尤其形容词动词)的要小心。 3. 正确选项多有同替。) 四直选法和排除法 直选法:看到与某选项含义接近的原文,直接选!(又快又准),不关注剩余项的对错和理由(每题四个点,时间不够的!) 排除法: 都没把握,才用排除法(排除毫无关系和冲突的)(比较费时间),排除很不靠谱的,剩下的是只能是答案. 五注意事项: ●选择题里常有些好定位的题(如明定/根据第五段),挑出来先做,不要按正常顺序做. ●题目不好定位时,选项中常有名定如大写,数字,用选项内容定位 ●避免根据自己的认知自行选择, 尽量在原文在找到考点,正确率高 ●选择题特点是阅读量大,关键是读题读文快,并尽量读一遍就理解 ●若这组题目都无明定,都不好定位,读2,3题关键词,一起定位,效率高(其他题型也是)●选择题正确答案是与原文最接近的一个,即使其他三个也与原文有关。 ●注意选项中是否有both…and…或者all of the above ,若有很可能选它们(出现不多)●注意题干中是否有EXCEPT字样 例如:Many cities are included in this program EXCEPT________



Selling Digital Music without Copy-protection Makes Sense A. It was uncharacteristically low-key for the industry’s greatest showman. But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple,on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music” has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music,which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft. Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another. Apple’s DRM system, called FairPlay, is the most widespread. So it came as a surprise when Mr. Jobs called for DRM for digital music to be abolished. B. This is a change of tack for Apple. It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers. Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling), any iTunes buyer will be deterred from switching to a device made by a rival firm, such as Sony or Microsoft. When French lawmakers drafted a bill last year compelling Apple to open up FairPlay to rivals, the company warned of “state-sponsored piracy”. Only DRM, it implied, could keep the pirates at bay. C. This week Mr. Jobs gave another explanation for his former defence of DRM: the record companies made him do it. They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM. They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised. Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly. All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation. So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected?“This is


雅思阅读判断题应该怎么做 雅思阅读中比较让人苦恼的问题就是判断题,哪怕是久经考场的同学,对于雅思判断题也不能保证高的答对率。接下来就请跟着新通教育小编来一起学习雅思阅读判断题的答题技巧。 判断题分为两种形式:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN;YES/NO/NOT GIVEN。尽管表现形式不同,前者考信息,后者考观点,但是我们在进行判断的时候实质是一致的。 TRUE=YES=agree=一致;FALSE=NO=contradict=不一致=抵触; NOT GIVEN=if there is no information on this (未提及型);NOT GIVEN=if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (证据不足型); 雅思考试判断题的考点其实是有规律可循的,在定位好的前提下,需要熟悉判断题中的考点,以快速找到问题之所在,进行判断。一般来说,一道判断题通常考查一或两个考点,常考的考点为: 1.是非考点 2.数字考点 3.绝对考点 4.比较考点 做题步骤: 1、勾题目要求 1

2、勾定位词、考点词 3、两题一组、扫读全文、查找定位词考点词 4、与题干判断 判断题特点: 1、判断题是顺序题 2、同时定位两题 3、True 、False、Not Given百分百出现 4、True 42% False 38% Not Given 20% 区分定位词与考点词: 1)考点词仅在判断题中出现,定位词在每种题型中都有 2)考点词是考官出题点所在位置 3)定位词是主题,先主题后考点,找准两者即可 更多问题请关注新通教育官网。 一、考点词 1、是非考点词:be /can后面的部分 The parents of top athletes have often been successful athletes themselves. 定位词:parents 考点词:successful 2、表程度:only 、all Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy. 2


雅思考试阅读部分全解析 无论是A类还是G类, 雅思的阅读与国内\国际现今流行的各种重大考试有很大的区别。其广泛的选材范围、多样的出题形式、艰涩的段落和句法结构、冗长的篇幅和无处不在的生词对于考生的语言实力和解题技巧提出了严峻的考验。但是,回顾这么多年的考试历程,雅思并没有跳出语言测试的樊篱。换言之,雅思就是在有限的时间里测试考生的语言实力和应试技巧。 一、概述 I.文章的篇幅 长篇幅是雅思阅读文章的突出特点。每段文章至少700字以上,7、8个段落也算正常。 阅读目的就是为理解服务,应试型阅读就是为解题服务。雅思阅读中的题目虽然貌似复杂,其实归结起来无外乎主旨题与细节理解题。而解题的过程实际上是略读、扫读和细读这三大技巧的综合。雅思考试的阅读很有限,一个小时读三篇文章,每篇文章的阅读和解题时间非常短暂。因此,我们要坚持两点论和重点论相结合的原则,使用略读的技巧在短时间内抓住文章的中心思想、段落大意和长句的要旨。然后,仔细阅读文章之后的题目,并从中找出关键词或词组,同时迅速扫读,确定题目答案在原文中所对应的大致范围。然后对相关语段进行仔细阅读。这样,可以避免或减少对文章中干扰信息的阅读,从而节省时间,提高阅读效率。 II.文章的选材范围 剑桥大学考试委员会秉承剑桥大学的作风,奉行高等教育的精英主义理念,反复强调非专业原则和国际化两条原则,体现考试的公平和公正、严肃和全面的特点,所选的文章大多源于世界主流媒体,如Economist , Financial Times,Guardian;政府各部门的社会发展报告,联合国机构的年度报告;某些著名的协会杂志(带有官方色彩),如Info;英国及欧洲的专业杂志如Arts Management,Arts Education等;70%的自然科学文章选自National Geographic, New Scientist, Science, Popular立场Science和Nature杂志;80%的重大事件(非政治经济),重大发明都选自美国国家地理杂志(National Geographic) 雅思是一种语言考试,不是专业测试。因此,为了让不同政治经济体制,不同肤色,不同文化背景的人能平等参与,法律及专业性较强的医学,生物学,哲学,文学,艺术等的文章已经不再作为其考查范围。以下几个方面的内容经常作为考点出现:世界范围的就业状况;世界范围内的教育状况,经济发展的问题,


雅思阅读选择题四种解题技巧 雅思阅读选择题总会用各个选项来迷惑人,下面教育优选来为大家分享雅思阅读选择题的解题技巧 1. 如果一个选项合乎题意,还要看其它选项中是否有both…and、all of theabove 的字样。 我们举一个中文阅读的例子: 原文:如果你随便停车,要罚你款,还要把你的车拖走。 题目:如果你随便停车,将: A. 被罚款 B. 你的车被拖走 C. 没事儿 D. both被罚款and你的车被拖走答案:D 如果选项中有一个是all of the above,它是正确选项的可能性很大。Both…and是正确选项比all of the above小一些。总之,如果一个选项合乎题意,不要马上选。看一眼其余选项中是否有both…and,all of theabove的字样。 2. 注意题干中是否有not,except的字样。 题干中有这些词时,通常是将它们大写并使用黑体,特别醒目。如果不注意看,必然答错题。

如前面的关于帕金森症的中文阅读文章,可能出一道四选一的题目: 题目:下面的人得过帕金森症EXCEPT A. 邓小平 B. 里根 C. 拳王阿里 D. 陈景润答案:B 3. 干扰选项的特点 做选择题的过程就是与干扰选项做斗争的过程。清楚干扰选项的特点,就能做到百战百胜。干扰选项特征如下: A. 无 选项中所讲的内容在原文中根本不存在,或找不到语言依据。要注意,答题的唯一依据是原文,不能凭借自己的知识或主观想象。 B. 反 与原文相矛盾的选项。这时要注意题干或原文中是否有NOT、EXECPT等词,也要注意反义词。 C. 满 含有“绝对意义”的词汇如must、always、all、will的选项,一般为错误选项。选项中含有“相对意义”的词汇如can、may、sometimes、some、not always,一般为正确答案。也就是说,越是模棱两可、含含糊糊,越可能是正确答案,因为它适用的范围更广。这条规律的适用性很强,实践证明它的准确率在90%以上。 D. 偏 似是而非,与原句部分相似的选项。这是不太容易排除的。


2019年11月4日雅思阅读机经真题答案及解析 一、考试概述: 本次考试的文章两篇新题一篇旧题,第一篇描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究了古代人的生存方式,第二篇是讲了利用心理学对课堂行为实行研究,第三篇是讲非语言交流的,人类除了用语言交流,其他手势、行为等的非语言形式也很重要 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Human Remain in Green Sahara 题型:判断题4 +简答题3+填空题6 新旧水准:旧题 文章大意:描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究古代人的生存方式。 参考文章: Human Remain in Green Sahara A On October 13,2,000, a small team of paleontologists led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago clambered out of three battered Land Rovers, filled their water bottles, and scattered on foot across the toffee-colored sands of the Tenere desert in northern Niger. The Tenere,on the southern flank of the Sahara, easily ranks among the most desolate landscapes on Earth. The Tuareg,turbaned nomads who for centuries have ruled this barren realm, refer to it as a


雅思阅读是非无判断题技巧系列讲解 作者:不详发布时间:2009-09-01 16:20:48来源:网络 文章正文网校课程调查热评论坛 回溯历次雅思考试,判断题都是一个不可或缺的重要题型;虽说目前几次考试作为雅思元老的它已经越来越被变化多端的配对题夺去风头,但判断题仍是一个烤鸭们绝不能小觑的题型。作为一种被研究得很彻底的方法题,希望大家通过从本次开始的18讲Yes/No/Not Given专题,熟识它、洞悉它、最后在雅思战场上征服它。今天我们开始“是”型判断题的解题方法介绍。 作为我们是非无判断题的第一讲,和大家说的第一句话就是要明确答案的写法。是”T”吗?”True”吗?都不完全正确。因为对于任何和标准答案不一致的写法,严谨的雅思考官都有理由因“看不懂”而批错,如果这次偏偏有10道判断题,那平时不注意小节的你只能surrender your happiness to the mercy of foreigners。所以最安全的写法永远是”TRUE”,”FALSE”,”NOT GIVEN”(或”YES”,”NO”),即按照题目要求的大写并拼写完全正确,见任何一套标准雅思试卷之判断题之前的Instruction。 {温馨提示} Yes”,“No”,“Not Given”和“True”,“False”,“Not Given”只是考试形式的区别,在判断方式上并没有本质不同。 作为一种技巧性很强的题型,判断题的高正确率无非掌握两点:定位和判断准则。请大家记住我们今天马上要讲授的True的第一种判断依据:题目是原文的同义表达。让我们按照由易到难的顺序来看3个例子。首先是简答的同根词之间的替换: {原创范例} 原文:Computers are gaining in popularity, despite their cost. 题目:Computers are more popular than they used to be. 解答:TRUE 原文告诉我们电脑的popularity(人气)是上升的,大家立刻脑海里出现一条上升的曲线;而题目中“电脑比过去要流行”,即它的受欢迎程度也是上升的。于是两条曲线吻合,所以是一个标准的TRUE。 有时候同义表达之间的差异会相当大,而除了名词的同义表达外,数量类型的同义表达也需要注意: {原创范例} 原文:The majority of lecturers find their jobs very rewarding. 题目:Many lecturers get satisfaction from their work. 解答:TRUE rewarding来自reward,表示“有意义的工作”,即get satisfaction; 而原文的the majority of(绝大部分)完全能够包含题目的many(很多)。 {温馨提示} 雅思判断的TRUE往往和原文面貌全非,因为考官做了大量的paraphrase。 如果在句子中间还出现了较为生僻的单词,则在同义表达识别的基础上还需要运用词汇的猜测等技能: {原创范例} 原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise. 题目:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying. 解答:TRUE 题目中的are unable to与原文中的are at loss to是同义词,题


今天下午试讲的稿子。当然,十分钟讲了其中的一小部分。其实一直也是觉得自己无才成为雅思老师,但是年轻人嘛,我还是去了。给我电话的那个人力资源的人说---“我们如果觉得你适合,可以对你进行后期培训的”现在想想,面试过程被面试的D老师牵着走了。导致被其误导。不够自信。一大败笔。“姜还是老的辣”。(好久没用这句话了):han2第一篇挫作,从一个考雅思的考生要升级到研究雅思的老师,我想我现在还没有那个资格和条件在这里说是一篇“作”吧,就当作我的第一篇家庭作业。希望对烤鸭们有所帮助。敬请批评指正。继续再接再厉。为了实现某个梦想。努力努力! 雅思考试阅读理解T/F/NG题型初析 静至境 (一)雅思阅读A类阅读考试:时间1小时,由三篇独立的文章组成,(八种题型)每篇的文章长度在700--1200字,40题。其中至少有一篇文章为文科类型(与社会、经济等文科专业有关),另外两篇涉及理、工、农、医,一般与科技有关。 (二)该题型的重要性:先看一份题型统计表剑3剑4剑5T/F/NG534160(总题量:160题)08年雅思A类阅读考试的三巨头题型:Matching,T/F/NG,SummarP (三)如何考查?(五)考查点:a百分比附近b大写字母、斜体字、粗体字附近c例子:人物言辞、引经据典、数据1)数字考查数字精确度(年份、人数、份数)推断数字剑4T2Q17原文:Ina1983nationalhealthsurveP,1.9%ofpeoplesaidthePhadcontactedachiro practor,naturopath,osteopath,acupuncturistorherbalistinthetwoweekspri ortothesurveP.BP1990,thisfigurehadrisento2.6%ofthepopulation.题目:Between1983and1990thenumberofpatient’svisitingalternativetherap


雅思阅读summary填空题是雅思阅读题中常见题型, 在阅读考试中占较大的比重. 同时也是众多考生头痛的一种题型. 因为此题型不仅考查考生快速准确理解阅读文章的主旨能力, 也考查考生对定位,同义转化以及语义间逻辑关系的灵敏度. 总的来说, 雅思阅读summary填空题主要有两种形式: 一种是单词填空式, 这种形式主要针对文章全文或者部分段落写出的一篇摘要, 空出若干空格, 要求考生从文章中寻找相应的单词进行填空; 另一种是单词选择式, 就是在第一种形式的基础上, 额外提供了一个词库, 要求考生从词库中选词填空. 下面环球雅思的老师将详细讲解如何快速而有效的解答这两种形式的summary填空题. 单词填空式 解题策略 对于单词填空式题, 一般把握三个关键信息: 逻辑关系词, 语法属性, 定位. 首先, 观察空格前后是否有语义间有逻辑关系的连接词, 即逻辑关系词推断. 这类表示空格前后内容逻辑关系的连接词主要包括:

①表示因果关系的词, 如because, as, since, for, due to, thanks to, as a result of等. 在考试中, 在因果关系中除了一些连接词的衔接外, 还有一些表示因果关系的大词, 如trigger, breed, induce, engender, generate, be responsible for, affect, determine等, 这些词在语义中隐含了因果关系. 所以也是考生在解题中值得注意的. ②表示转折关系的词, 如but, however, while, yet, instead, rather, whereas等 ③表示让步关系的词, 如despite, in spite of, although等 ④表示并列关系的词, 如and, both…and…, neither…nor等 ⑤表示举例关系的词, 如such as, for example等 观察有无这类词的目的在于为了回原文定位时, 能缩小寻找范围, 使定位更加准确. 在文章阅读中, 题目中的某些单词会进行同义转换而变得面目全非,但是句意不会变,语义关系不会变,这是最可靠的定位依据。从而逻辑关系词对于考生在解题中把握语义间的内在关系起了关键作用. 如剑桥4 Test 2 Passage 1 Lost for words 一篇中的summary 题中This great variety of languages came about largely as a result of geographical ___Q1______. But in today’s world, factors such as government initiatives and ____Q2_____ are contributing to a huge decrease in the number of languages. One factor which may help to ensure that some endangered languages do not die out completely is people’s increasing appreciation of their ____Q3_____.


Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years,European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution,laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted, not immobilised, by this setback. D. In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty —the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union”and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances,the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto it) they will already be halfway towards committing themselves to a new treaty. All that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary declaration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional


雅思阅读判断题的解题技巧分享 判断题是雅思考试的常见题型,也是难度很大的题型。在普通培训类考试中最多达22题,在学术类考试中也不少于6题。目前有逐渐增多的趋势。其中True/False/Not Given 多见于General Training Module, Yes/No/Not Given 则多见于Academic Module, 因为Yes/No/Not Given最初是为学术类设计的。很多考生对判断题时常束手无策,特别对False和Not Given 易混淆。要攻克判断题的难关,我们要分析它的命题规律,找出考察点,有的放矢,才能提高解题准确率。美联英语学习网整理雅思阅读判断题的解题技巧,就带大家一起学习一下。 首先,我们来看一看判断题的设题模式。 从设题模式可以看出雅思考试的考察点基本上可分为两大类: 1)信息点对应,即细节的对应和观点的对应。例1:It rained heavily everywhere in North China. Q: It rained in Beijing. 例2. Many people believe that the IELTS candidates must attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test. Q: The author believes that the IELTS candidates should attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test. 2) 简单的推理、总结和归纳能力;基本语言知识和常识。雅思考试从命题角度不像TOEFL 和GRE那样将不同的考察点置于专门题型中,而在一种题型中可能出现几个方面的考察点。但有一点考生要记住:由于雅思考试是一种语言能力的测试,它不考察专业知识,不考察阅读文章以外的背景知识(除基本常识以外,如简单的地理知识)。下面我们来看一看T/F/NG 的基本定义: True(Yes): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点一致。 例:1. It rained heavily everywhere in North China. Q: It rained in Beijing. 2. By trying to do a better job of teaching, computer scientists may learn quite a lot themselves. Q: Computer scientists are likely to learn a lot from teaching. False(No): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突或排斥。 例: You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. Not Given: 问题中的信息点或观点在原文中未提及,可能正确也可能不正确,界定范围模糊。 例:It rained heavily in most areas in North China. Q: It rained in Shanghai. 或It rained in Beijing. F和NG的根本区别在于F肯定与原文发生冲突和排斥,而NG则没有。例:You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说去上海可有两种方式供选择,而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突。又例:You can go to Shanghai by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说可以乘飞机去上海,但并没有说这是不是唯一的选择,可能是也可能不是。而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点没有出现矛盾和冲突。 解题方法:根据判断题的命题规律和考察角度,我们可以运用简单推理和语言技能分析考察点来作出判断。可从以下几个主要方面考虑: 1. 界定题中考察点和原文对应部分的范围或概念以及相互关系 如果范围或概念一致,并有从属、相容的关系,一般为True。如果范围或概念不一致,并出现冲突则为F。如果范围或概念界定模糊,或范围或概念不一致,但又没有直接冲突则选NG。对NG题原文中没有直接对应句,但可能有干扰句,一般可将干扰句看作参考对应句。 例:You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane.


雅思阅读剑5教研任务 Test1 Passage 1 1-3.A题干中的all过于绝对化,所以不选,B题干中only太过于绝对,亦不选。C题干中说到字典出名因为参与的人众多,而我们在文章第四段第11行可以找到Johnson decided he did not need an academy…这句话足以证明当时并未招聘很多编撰人员。D题干中提到约翰逊字典主要集中于当代文本中的语言,我们可以在文章第六段第三行Johnson wrote the definitions ….to his own t ime 找到对应点,还可以在文章第六段倒数第三句中找到living一词跟题干中的contemporary一词属于同义替换。E题干中的time limit与文章第六段中的第九行deadline一词属于同义替换。F题干中提到在字典编撰的过程中忽略了以前的字典编撰者的工作,而我们在文章第六段第十行找到he had to draw on the best of all previous dictionaries,正好矛盾。G题干中提到约翰逊字典讲述了词义的细微差别,我们在文章第六段倒数第三句找到shades ,而这个词就是题干中subtleties的同义替换。H题干中提到字典的定义以原创著称,而我们在文章第六段第八行找到he did not expect to achieve complete originality,正好矛盾,故不选。

4. 根据所要填的空的前后词a number of, who,我们可以推知此空要填的是关于人的复数名词首先在定位词,根据特殊定位词1764,我们在第四段最后迅速找到1764,然后找到第五段第一句话…..copying clerks would work…因此正确答案为copying clerks or clerks. 5.根据特殊定位词40000,迅速在文章第六段进行定位,而题干中的did not have 直接对应文章中的without,所以答案为library。此外,在这段话中,available与文章中的to hand 对应,in excess of 与over对应,hailed与recognized as 对应。 6. 根据特殊定位词James Boswell,迅速在文章第八段最后一句找到定位,而题干中的bring即为confer的同义替换。 7.根据特殊定位词King,迅速在文章最后一段找到定位,而题干中的grant即为offer的同义替换。 8.首先划出定位词middle class,抓住growing,increased demand关键字,在文章第三段第一句找到对应,题干中的growing跟increase对应这一句中的两个rise。故答案是正确的。 9.划出定位词Johnson, death,抓住more well known关键字,我们在文章第三段第八行找到DR Johnson,…..as well as in his own time as in ours.这句话表明他当时跟现代都享有盛
