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Batter splatter (2)

Chirstmas adventure (3)

Dad’s grand plan (4)

Don’t be silly (5)

Homework (6)

In the garden (7)

Kipper and the giant (8)

Land of the dinosaurs (9)

Mirror island (10)

Olympic adventure (11)

Paris adventure (12)

Robin Hood (13)

Rotten apples (14)

Ship in trouble (15)

The go-kart race (16)

The house that Jack built (17)

The laughing princess (18)

The outing (19)

The Samosa thief (20)

The shiny key (21)

The treasure chest (23)

The stolen crown 1 (24)

The stolen crown 2 (25)

Wild weather (26)

Batter splatter

batter [?b?t?] 面糊

splatter [?spl?t?] 溅泼

pancake [?p?n?kek] 烙饼,薄煎饼flour [fla?r] 面粉

careful [?kerfl] 仔细的,小心的important [?m?p?rtnt] 重要的visitor [?v?z?t?(r)] 访问者;参观者stir/stirring/stirred [st?] 搅拌lumpy [?l?mpi]满是疙瘩的,粗糙的

bowl [bo?l]碗

land/landed 降落,落下来Frying ['fra???] 油炸,油煎toss [t?s] 扔,抛

slid [sl?d] 滑动,滑行(slide)bin [b?n] 箱子,垃圾箱

have another go 再试一次

stuck [st?k] 被卡住的; 被…缠住的

ceiling [?sil??] 天花板

slipped [sl?pt]打滑(slip) headteacher [hed'tit??r]校长currant[?k?r?nt]小葡萄干

tidy [?ta?di] 整洁的

headache [?h?d?ek]头疼

Chirstmas adventure

Christmas [?kr?sm?s]圣诞节


excited[?k?sa?t?d]兴奋的,激动的hard[hɑrd]困难的; 硬的; decoration [?d?k??re??n]装饰

turn off关掉;

programme[?pro?ɡr?m, -ɡr?m]程序; 计划; 节目

present/gift[?pr?znt]现在; 礼物later[ ?le?t?r]

until [?n?t?l]

Father Christmas

bring [br??]带来,携带

special [?sp???l]特别的skateboard[?ske?tb?rd]滑板ring/rang [r??]戒指,铃声,门铃bell 铃铛

funny [?f?ni] 有意思的,有趣的disappointed [?d?s??p??nt?d]失望的;


computer [k?m?pjut?]电脑asleep [??slip]睡着的


chair [t?er]椅子

date[det]日期; 约会,椰枣December

night 晚上





cheer [t??r]欢呼,喝彩; 愉快

Dad’s grand plan


holiday[?hɑl?de?]假日,节日wait [we?t]等候

round[ra?nd]圆形的,到处; 在周围

laugh [l?f]笑

sigh[sa?] 叹气;


meeting[?mit??]会议; 聚会


sure [??r]确信的,确实的

pack [p?k]打包



whispered ['w?sp?d]耳语的,低语的

drive/drove [dro?v]驾驶

middle [?midl]中部,中间

take turns轮流

moan [mo?n]悲叹; 抱怨change[t?end?] 改变seat [sit]席位,座位

maybe[?mebi]也许; 可能

thirsty [?θ?rsti]口渴的; 渴望forget/forgot/forgotten [f?r?gɑtn]忘记

sick[s?k]恶心的; 晕船

bump [b?mp] 碰撞,冲撞; 颠簸; roof [ruf,r?f]屋顶

rack [r?k]行李架; 支架

hedge [h?d?]树篱

pants[p?nts]短裤; <美> 裤子cottage[?k?tid?] 小屋,村舍stream [strim] 河流,小河

great [ɡret] 伟大的,杰出的soot [s?t, sut] 煤烟,烟灰; 油烟chimney [?t??mni] 烟囱

crow [kro?]乌鸦;

Don’t be silly

silly[?s?li] 傻,蠢的; 糊涂的surprise [s?r?pra?z]惊喜,惊奇plastic[?pl?st?k]塑料


buy/bought[b?t]购买playground [?ple?ɡra?nd] 操场know/knew[nu]知道

adder[??d?]加法器,蝰蛇additional[?'d???nl]额外的sum [s?m]总数; 算术donkey[?dɑ?ki]驴catch[k?t?, k?t?] 赶上; 接住,抓animal [??n?m?l]动物,兽rescue[?r?skju]营救,救援quietly[?kwa??tl?]平静地

phone [fo?n]电话

playtime ['ple?ta?m] 游戏时间,娱乐时间;

move [muv]移动,搬动

goose [ɡus] 鹅,雌鹅

yell [j?l] 叫喊,大声叫


my goodness[?ɡ?dn?s]天啊gander[?ɡ?nd?]雄鹅shoo [?u] 嘘!走开!field [fild]田;场地; 运动场wave[wev]波浪,挥手arm[ɑrm] 胳膊; 武器


fruit [frut]水果gooseberries[?gu:s?beri:z]醋栗


homework[?ho?mw?rk]家庭作业half-term [h?f t?m]期中假keep坚持做,保持

autumn [??t?m]秋天



nature [?net??] 自然; 天性worry[?w?ri]烦恼,担心

odd[ɑd]古怪的; 奇数的; garden[?gɑrdn]花园,菜园sunbed[?s?n?b?d]太阳灯浴浴床shed[?ed] 棚

summer [?s?m?]夏天laboratory [?l?br?t?ri]实验室project [?prɑd?ekt]计划

collect [k??l?kt] 收集

leaves [livz]树叶,花瓣crayon['kre??n]彩色蜡笔或粉笔rub [r?b] /rubbing擦


bark [bɑrk]吠叫seed[sid]种子


breakfast [?brekf?st]早餐

hang/hung [h??]悬挂

secret[?si:kr?t] 秘密mushroom[?m???rum]蘑菇amazing [?'me?z??]令人惊异的colour[?k?l?]颜色


track[tr?k] 小路,小道;痕迹powder [?pa?d?] 粉,粉末mix[m?ks]混合

paste [pest]面团; 糨糊

pour [p?r]倒

plaster [?pl?st?rd]灰泥

shape [?ep]形状; 模型



wrap [r?p]包; 缠绕

shooting star流星

In the garden

sandpit[?s?nd?p?t] 沙坑

grass [gr?s]草

jungle [?d???ɡ?l]丛林; mountain[?ma?ntn]山

climb [kla?m] 攀登; 爬

top [tɑp]顶部;最高的

bottom [?bɑt?m]底部; 末端; 臀部

desert[?dez?rt]沙漠; 荒地

bottle [?bɑtl] 瓶子

frighten [?fra?tn] 使惊恐

paw [p?] 爪子; 手

strawberry [?str?beri]草莓

so do I 我也是lump [l?mp]块,团; 肿块

lick [l?k]舔


flowerpot [?fla??rpɑt] 花盆

hide/hid [h?d]隐藏( hide的过去式)

giant [?d?a??nt]巨人;巨大的


Kipper and the giant

programme[?pro?ɡr?m]程序; 计划; 节目


giant [?d?a??nt]巨人;特大的,巨大的

village[?v?l?d?]村民; 乡村always[??lwez]总是


foot/feet [fit]脚

shake/shook [??k]摇

see/saw [s?]看见

signpost [?sa?npo?st]指示牌,标志杆; 路标


tiny[?ta?ni]极小的,微小的throw/threw [θru]投

another [??n?e?]又一个; 再一个perhaps[p?r?h?ps]也许


stone[sto?n]石头; 宝石

towards [t?rdz]朝,向



Land of the dinosaurs

dinosaur[?da?n??s?r]恐龙dragonfly [?dr?ɡ?n?fla?]蜻蜓footprint[?f?t?pr?nt]脚印photograph[?fo?t?gr?f]照片crack[kr?k]破裂,打开

hatch out [h?t? a?t]孵出

hide [ha?d]隐藏; 躲避

tooth/teeth [tiθ]牙

stick[st?k]粘贴;棍棒apatosaurus [??p?t??s?:r?s]梁龙enormous[??n?rm?s]巨大的; 庞大的

museum [mju?zi?m]博物馆

hurt[h?rt]损害; 使受伤





Mirror island

mirror [?m?r?]镜子

island [?a?l?nd]岛

draw [dr?]绘画

pattern[?p?t?rn]模式; 花样show [?o?]给…看;展览

pirate [?pa?r?t]海盗,强盗

hair [her]头发,毛发


terrible [ ?ter?bl]可怕的; 危害极大的

captain[?k?pt?n]船长,机长alone [??lo?n] 独自地; 孤独地; crew [kru]全体工作人员; 全体乘务船员

treasure[?tr???]金银财宝; 宝藏useless [?jusl?s]无用的,无效的map [m?p]地图



spade[sped]铁锹,铲子dig/digging/dug [d?ɡ]挖掘; hole [ho?l]洞,孔

chest [t??st]胸部

find/found [fa?nd]发现gold[go?ld]金

silver [?s?lv?]银

sail [sel]航行

rescue[?r?skju]营救,救援ship [??p]船

flash [fl??]闪光


shave [?ev]剃须,剃毛haircut [?herk?t]理发; 发型

Olympic adventure

Olympic Games奥林匹克运会; tomorrow [t??mɑro?]明天



race[res]赛跑; 竞争


Greece [ɡris]希腊

male[?mel]男; 雄性动物

as long as…

follow [?fɑlo?]跟随;接着

guard [gɑrd]警卫



shield [?ild]盾;保护

winner[ ?w?n?]获胜的人

prize [pra?z]奖赏


crown [kra?n]王冠; 花冠

disc [d?sk]圆盘; 唱片boring[?b?r??]无聊的together[t??ɡ?e?]同时listen [?l?s?n]听


take part参加


twig [tw?ɡ]细枝,嫩枝display[d??sple]展览,陈列

Paris adventure


picture [?p?kt??]照片,画像;图画

Eiffel[?aif?l] Tower埃菲尔铁塔tall [t?l]高大的

model[?mɑdl]模型;模特儿paint[pent]颜料,涂料,绘画sheet [?it]床单,毯子,纸


finish [?f?n??]完成;结束;吃光ago 以前

invent [?n?v?nt]发明,创造;虚构step[st?p]步,脚步,踏,踩hall [h?l]过道,大厅

torch[t?rt?]火把,火炬;手电筒mile [ma?l]英里;很远的距离competition[?kɑmp??t??n]竞争;比赛

plug [pl?ɡ]塞子;插头,插入loud [la?d]响亮的,大声的bang[b??]砰


lift [l?ft]举起,抬起

brilliant[?b r?lj?nt]明亮的,美好的;闪耀的;才华横溢的Monsieur[m??sj?]先生,绅士

Robin Hood

Pantomime[?p?nt??ma?m]哑剧; 童话剧; 手势

guitar [ɡ??tɑr]吉他; 六弦琴recorder [r??k?rd?(r)] 录音机make a face 做鬼脸lost[l?st]失去的; 迷路的grab/grabbed [ɡr?b]抓住rope [ro?p]绳


Rotten apples rotten[?rɑtn]腐烂的; 恶臭的; 堕落的; 极坏的horse [h?rs]马;

cheap [t?ip]便宜的,廉价的;

heavy [?h?vi]重的,沉重的,大量的

carry [?k?ri]运送; 搬运

empty [??mpti]空的,空虚的

ride [ra?d]乘,骑,驾

greedy [?ɡridi]贪吃的; 贪心的

rein [ren]勒缰绳使(马)停步; 驾驭

park[pɑrk]泊车,公园; 停车场

sway [swe]摇摆; 歪

noise[n??z]噪音; 嘈杂声

drunk [dr??k]醉的; 陶醉的

mind [ma?nd]介意;心,精神

bring/brought [br?t]带来

present [?pr?znt]现在; 礼物

good turn善意的或友谊的行为,恩惠; 好事

Ship in trouble

trouble [?tr?b?l]麻烦

zip [z?p]拉链; 精力

wire[wa??r]金属丝; 电线

scary[?skeri]使人惊慌的; 胆小的scared [skerd]恐惧的; 惊恐的; cliff[kl?f]悬崖,峭壁

storm[st?rm]暴风雨,暴风雪path[p?θ]小路,路; 路线crutch[kr?t?]拐杖

lifeboat[?la?fbo?t]救生艇,救生船hurt [h?rt]损害; 使受伤;疼痛danger[?dend??]危险; 危险物station[?ste??n]车站; 所,局

load [lo?d]负荷; 负担

pole [po?l]极点,顶点;用篙撑船crash[kr??]碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌

lash [l??]鞭挞,鞭子; 责骂; cannon [?k?n?n]大炮; 机关炮; 榴弹炮shoot[?ut]/shot拍摄; 射击

tie [ta?]打结,系上

pulley [?p?li]滑轮(组),滑车; 皮带轮;


swing [sw??]/swung


The go-kart race



notice[?no?t?s]通知; 留心

race[res]赛跑; 竞争;

tell/told[to?ld]讲; 知道; 讲述

old [o?ld]老的; 古老的; 以前的;

shed[?ed]棚,库;流出; 流下


plan [pl?n]计划; 打算

hill [h?l] 小山,山冈; 斜坡


in front of在……前面


wheel [wil]轮子; 旋转;

silver [?s?lv?]银; 银币


toss[t?s] 扔,抛;

coin [k??n]硬币;


prize [pra?z]奖赏; 战利品

The house that Jack built

build [b?ld]/built建造,营造;


upstairs [??p?sterz]楼上的downstairs[?da?n?sterz]楼下的; brick[br?k]砖,砖块

floor[fl?r, flor]地面,地板

wall[w?l]墙; 屏障

concrete [?kɑ?krit]混凝土


tile [ta?l]瓦片,瓷砖

roof [ruf,r?f]屋顶,房屋beautiful[?bjut?f?l]美丽的,美好的space [ spes]空间,太空

spade [sped]铁锹,铲子

fill[f?l]填满…的量; 充分



smooth[smue]光滑的; 流畅的plonk[plɑ?k]随意放下; 砰然扔下; 重重地坐下; 不经意地坐下; scrape[skrep]擦,刮shiny [??a?ni]发光的,光亮的pile[pa?l]桩; 一堆

smash [sm??] 打碎; 撞击nail [nel]钉子; 指甲




The laughing princess

princess[?pr?ns?s]公主; 王妃

try [tra?]尝试,实验;


click [kl?k]喀哒声; 点击

mouth [ma?θ]口; 出入口

fall over/fell over被…绊倒; 意外


bone [bo?n]骨头

drop/dropped落下; 投下

cushion[?k???n]垫; 垫子

what a pity太遗憾了

hear/heard [h?rd]听到,听见

The outing push [p??]推,推动

set off出发; (使)开始

shout [?a?t]大叫;

toilet ['t??l?t]洗手间

kick [k?k]踢


lion[?la??n]狮子; 名人


fed up对…感到厌烦;烦透了,




camera[?k?m?r?]照相机; 摄影机apatosaurus[??p?t??s?:r?s]长脖子


lovely [?l?vli] 可爱的; 令人愉快


The Samosa thief

thief [θif]小偷,盗贼

twins [tw?nz]双胞胎

think/thought [θ?:t]思想; 想法last [l?st]持续

kitchen [?k?t??n]厨房


hungry [?h??ɡri]饥饿的; 渴望的tummy[?t?mi]胃,肚子

turn[t?rn]转动; 转变

shelf[??lf]架子,搁板; 棚

rush [r??]冲; 匆忙


clue [klu]线索; 提示

garage [g??rɑ?]车库; 汽车修理站bedroom[?b?d?rum]卧室

grin [ɡr?n] /grinned咧嘴笑


trot [trɑt] 小跑

guess[ɡ?s]猜测; 推断

clever[?kl?v?]聪明的,灵巧的greedy[?ɡridi]贪吃的; 贪心的tonight [t??na?t]今晚,今夜



7-1 Red Planet 7-2 Lost in the Jungle 7-3 The Broken Roof 7-4 The Lost Key 7-5 The Willow Pattern Plot 7-6 Submarine Adventure 7-7 The Motorway 7-8 The Bully 7-9 The Hunt for Gold 7-10 Chinese Adventure 7-11 Roman Adventure 7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle 7-13 The Power Cut 7-14 Australian Adventure 7-15 The Riddle Stone Part 1 7-16 The Riddle Stone Part 2 7-17 A Sea Mystery 7-18 The Big Breakfast 7-19 The Joke Machine 7-1 Red Planet Wilf came to play with Chip. They made a rocket ship out of bits and pieces. The rocket ship looked quite good. Wilf and Chip played in the rocket ship. They pretended to be spacemen. “The rocket is going to take off,” said Wilf. “Five…four…three…two…” Floppy ran up. He wanted to get in the rocket ship with Wilf and C hip. “Go away, Floppy,” called Chip. “The rocket is going to take off!” Nadim came to play. He had his computer with him, but he liked the look of the rocket ship. He wanted to play in it too. Just then, it began to rain. “There’s not room for all of us,” said Chip. “Let’s go inside and play with Nadim’s computer.” They played a game on the computer. It was called Red Planet. They had to land a rocket on the planet. Wilf and chip crashed the rocket. Nadim didn’t. he was good at the game. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. Chip and Wilf pulled Nadim away from the computer and ran into Biff’s room. “Come on,” called Chip. “It’s time for an adventure.” The magic took them to a rocket ship. It took Floppy too. The rocket looked as if it was about to take off, but the door was open. Nadim wanted to look inside the rocket. “Come on,” he called. Chip didn’t want to go inside. “It may not be safe,” he said. “Why not?” said Nadim. “This is a magic adventure.” They went inside the rocket. There was nobody there. “Look at this computer,” said Nadim. Floppy jumped up and put his paw on a button. Five…four…three…two…one. The rocket began to take off. Up it went and out into space. “Oh no!” said Chip. “I don’t know where we’re going.” They began to float about inside th e rocket. Nadim found some boots. He put them on. “We must put these boots on,” he said. “They will keep us down on the floor.” They went to the window and looked out. They saw a big red planet. “We are going to land on that planet,” said Nadim. “We will soon be there.” Nadim made the rocket land. “I wouldn’t like to do that again,” he said. “It’s a good job Nadim knows about computers,” thought Wilf. “I wouldn’t like to crash here.” There was red dust all over the planet. There were red rocks and red mountains. Floppy didn’t like the look of it. He began to bark and bark. “There are no trees,” he thought. They wanted to go outside and look at the planet. They found a space buggy. They looked in the space buggy and found some spacesuits. “Let’s put these spa cesuits on,” said Wilf. “Then we can go outside.” “Do you think it will be safe outside?” asked Chip. “I don’t know,” said Wilf. They went out on the planet in the buggy. The buggy bumped over the rocks and the red dust flew up. “I don’t like this,”



牛津阅读树2 2-1 A New Dog. Kipper wanted a dog. Everyone wanted a dog. everyone[英][?evriw?n]pron.每人,人人They went to the dogs’ home. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big. Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was too strong. strong[英][str??]adj.强壮的 Everyone liked this dog. They took the dog home.

2-2 The Dream. dream[英][dri:m]vi.梦想;做梦 Biff couldn’t sleep. sleep[英][sli:p]vi.睡,睡觉 Dad told her a story. story[英][?st?:ri]n.故事,传说 The story was about a dragon. Biff dreamed about the dragon. It was a nasty dragon. It was a very nasty dragon. nasty[英][?nɑ:sti]adj.肮脏的 Biff had to fight it. fight[英][fa?t]vi.战斗 Biff went downstairs. downstairs[英][?da?n?ste?z]adv.在楼下Mum told her a story. The story was about a dolphin. dolphin[英][?d?lf?n]n.海豚


牛津阅读树级本目录 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

牛津阅读树1(31本)目录 1-1 Big Feet. 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. 1-3 Hide and Seek. 1-4 Kipper's Diary. 1-5 Look at Me. 1-6 Reds and Blues. 1-7 Good Gog. 1-8 See Me Skip. 1-9 The Ice Cream. 1-10 The Mud Pie. 1-11 What a DIN! 1-12 Floppy's Bone. 1-13 One Wheel. 1-14 The Box of Treasure 1-15 The Sandcastle 1-16 Go Away, Cat.1-17 Go On ,Mum! 1-18 Look After Me. 1-19 Presents for Dad. 1-20 Top Dog. 1-21 What Dogs Like 1-22 Goal! 1-23 Making Faces. 1-24 What a mess! 1-25 Shopping. 1-26 The Journey. 1-27 Fancy Dress. 1-28 Push! 1-29 The headache. 1-30 The pet shop 1-31 At the Park.

1-1 BIG Feet. Come and look at this. Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad. 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry. 1.floppy[英] [?fl?pi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek. Can you see us? Can you see me? Yes, I can see you.


7-1 Red Planet 7-2 Lost in the Jungle 7-3 The Broken Roof 7-4 The Lost Key 7-5 The Willow Pattern Plot 7-6 Submarine Adventure 7-7 The Motorway 7-8 The Bully 7-9 The Hunt for Gold 7-10 Chinese Adventure 7-11 Roman Adventure 7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle 7-13 The Power Cut 7-14 Australian Adventure 7-15 The Riddle Stone Part 1 7-16 The Riddle Stone Part 2 7-17 A Sea Mystery 7-18 The Big Breakfast 7-19 The Joke Machine 7-1 Red Planet Wilf came to play with Chip. They made a rocket ship out of bits and pieces. The rocket ship looked quite good. Wilf and Chip played in the rocket ship. They pretended to be spacemen. “The rocket is going to take off,” said Wilf. “Five…four…three…two…” Floppy ran up. He wanted to get in the rocket ship with Wilf and Chip. “Go away, Floppy,” called Chip. “The rocket is going to take off!” Nadim came to play. He had his computer with him, but he liked the look of the rocket ship. He wanted to play in it too. Just then, it began to rain. “There’s not room for all of us,” said Chip. “Let’s go inside and play with Nadim’s computer.” They played a game on the computer. It was called Red Planet. They had to land a rocket on the planet. Wilf and chip crashed the rocket. Nadim didn’t. he was good at the game. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. Chip and Wilf pulled Nadim away from the computer and ran into Biff’s room. “Come on,” called Chip. “It’s time for an adventure.” The magic took them to a rocket ship. It took Floppy too. The rocket looked as if it was about to take off, but the door was open. Nadim wanted to look inside the rocket. “Come on,” he called. Chip didn’t want to go inside. “It may not be safe,” he said. “Why not?” said Nadim. “This is a magic adventure.” They went inside the rocket. There was nobody there. “Look at this computer,” said Nadim. Floppy jumped up and put his paw on a button. Five…four…three…two…one. The rocket began to take off. Up it went and out into space. “Oh no!” said Chip. “I don’t know where we’re going.” They began to float about inside the rocket. Nadim found some boots. He put them on. “We must put these boots on,” he said. “They will keep us down on the floor.” They went to the window and looked out. They saw a big red planet. “We are going to land on that planet,” said Nadim. “We will soon be there.” Nadim made the rocket land. “I wouldn’t like to do that again,” he said. “It’s a good job Nadim knows about computers,” thought Wilf. “I wouldn’t like to crash here.” There was red dust all over the planet. There were red rocks and red mountains. Floppy didn’t like the look of it. He began to bark and bark. “There are no trees,” he thought. They wanted to go


6-1 In the Garden 6-2 Kipper and the Giant 6-3 The Outing 6-4 Land of the Dinosaurs 6-5 Robin Hood 6-6 The Treasure Chest 6-7 A Fright in the Night 6-8 Rotten Apples 6-9 The Laughing Princess 6-10 Christmas Adventure 6-11 The Go-Kart Race 6-12 The Shiny Key 6-13 Paris Adventure 6-14 The Stolen Crown Part 1 6-15 The Stolen Crown Part 2 6-16 Ship in Trouble 6-17 Homework! 6-18 Olympic Adventure 6-19 Dad’s Grand plan 6-20 Mirror Island 6-21 Don’t Be Silly 6-1 In the Garden Kipper went into Chip’s room and picked up the magic key. The key began to glow. “Oh help!” said Kipper. Kipper ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip. “Help!” he called. “The key is glowing.” Biff and Chip were playing with Wilf and Wilma. They were playing in the sandpit.


5-1 The Magic Key 5-2 Pirate Adventure 5-3 The Dragon Tree 5-4 Gran 5-5 Castle Adventure 5-6 Village in the Snow 5-7 The Whatsit 5-8Underground Adventure 5-9 Vanishing Cream 5-10 It’s Not Fair 5-11The Great Race 5-12 A Monster Mistake 5-13 The New Baby 5-14 Camping Adventure 5-15 Scarecrows 5-16 Noah’s Ark Adventure 5-17 A New Classroom 5-18 Mum to the Rescue 5-19 Sleeping Beauty 5-20 The Adventure Park 5-21 Kipper and the Trolls 5-22 Safari Adventure 5-23 Dad’s Run 5-24 Drawing Adventure 5-1 The Magic Key The box was by Chip’s bed. Something was glowing inside it. Chip looked at the box. “It’s magic,” he said. Chip ran into Biff’s room. “Biff,” he called. “Look at the box.” Biff and Chip looked at the box. Something was glowing inside it. They opened the box. They looked inside. “It’s magic,” they said. A key was in the box. The key was glowing. “It’s a magic key,”said Biff. She picked up the key and the magic began. Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh help!” said Biff. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip looked at the room. Everything looked big. “Look at my big slippers,” said Biff. “Everything looks big.” Chip picked up a pencil. “Look at this big pencil,” he said. Biff picked up a pin. “Look at this big pin,” she said. They looked at the house. It looked like a big house. The windows were glowing. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip ran to the house. They looked in the window. Biff went to the door. She pushed and pushed, but she couldn’t get in. They went to the window. Chip pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t get in. Something was coming. Chip picked up the pin. “Oh help!” he said. It was a little mouse. Biff and Chip looked at the mouse. The mouse ran away. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. Biff picked it up. Biff and Chip got bigger and bigger and bigger. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Oh help!” said Chip. “It’s the magic,” they said. The magic was over. “What an adventure!” said Biff and Chip. 5-2 Pirate Adventure Biff was looking at a book. The book was about pirates. “I don’t like pirates,” she said. Wilf and Wilma came to play. They went to Biff’s room. They looked at the little house. “It’s a


牛津阅读树2 2-1 A New Dog. Kipper wanted a dog. Everyone wanted a dog. everyone[英][?evriw?n]pron.每人,人人 They went to the dogs’ home. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big. Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was too strong. strong[英][str??]adj.强壮的 Everyone liked this dog. They took the dog home.

2-2 The Dream. dream[英][dri:m]vi.梦想;做梦Biff couldn’t sleep. sleep[英][sli:p]vi.睡,睡觉 Dad told her a story. story[英][?st?:ri]n.故事,传说 The story was about a dragon. Biff dreamed about the dragon. It was a nasty dragon. It was a very nasty dragon. nasty[英][?nɑ:sti]adj.肮脏的 Biff had to fight it. fight[英][fa?t]vi.战斗 Biff went downstairs. downstairs[英][?da?n?ste?z]adv.在楼下 Mum told her a story. The story was about a dolphin. dolphin[英][?d?lf?n]n.海豚 Biff dreamed about a dolphin. 2-3 New Trainers. trainer[英] [?tre?n?] n.运动鞋,跑鞋


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6-1 In the Garden 6-2 Kipper and the Giant 6-3 The Outing 6-4 Land of the Dinosaurs 6-5 Robin Hood 6-6 The Treasure Chest 6-7 A Fright in the Night 6-8 Rotten Apples 6-9 The Laughing Princess 6-10 Christmas Adventure 6-11 The Go-Kart Race 6-12 The Shiny Key 6-13 Paris Adventure 6-14 The Stolen Crown Part 1 6-15 The Stolen Crown Part 2 6-16 Ship in Trouble 6-17 Homework! 6-18 Olympic Adventure 6-19 Dad’s Grand plan 6-20 Mirror Island 6-21 Don’t Be Silly 6-1 In the Garden Kipper went into Chip’s room and picked up the magic key. The key began to glow. “Oh help!” said Kipper. Kipper ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip. “Help!” he called. “The key is glowing.” Biff and Chip were playing with Wilf and Wilma. They were playing in the sandpit.


牛津阅读树级本目录 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

牛津阅读树1(31本)目录 1-1 Big Feet. 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. 1-3 Hide and Seek. 1-4 Kipper's Diary. 1-5 Look at Me. 1-6 Reds and Blues. 1-7 Good Gog. 1-8 See Me Skip. 1-9 The Ice Cream. 1-10 The Mud Pie. 1-11 What a DIN! 1-12 Floppy's Bone. 1-13 One Wheel. 1-14 The Box of Treasure 1-15 The Sandcastle 1-16 Go Away, Cat.1-17 Go On ,Mum! 1-18 Look After Me. 1-19 Presents for Dad. 1-20 Top Dog. 1-21 What Dogs Like 1-22 Goal! 1-23 Making Faces. 1-24 What a mess! 1-25 Shopping. 1-26 The Journey. 1-27 Fancy Dress. 1-28 Push! 1-29 The headache. 1-30 The pet shop 1-31 At the Park.

1-1 BIG Feet. Come and look at this. Come and look at this. Is it a big monster Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur Come and look at this. Is it a big giant No. It is Dad. 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry. 1.floppy[英] [flpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek. Can you see us Can you see me Yes, I can see you. Can you see me Yes, we can see you. Can you see me Yes, we can see you. We can all see Dad. 1-4 Kipper's Diary. Monday: It was a wet day. Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops. Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park. Friday: It was a fun day. 2.Kipper [人名] 基珀 1-5 Look at Me. Look at me, Mum. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no!


7-1RedPlanet 7-2LostintheJungle 7-3TheBrokenRoof 7-4TheLostKeR 7-5TheWillowPatternPlot 7-6SubmarineAdventure 7-7TheMotorwaR 7-8TheBullR 7-9TheHuntforGold 7-10ChineseAdventure 7-11RomanAdventure 7-12TheJigsawPuzzle 7-13ThePowerCut 7-14AustralianAdventure 7-15TheRiddleStonePart1 7-16TheRiddleStonePart2 7-17ASeaMRsterR 7-18TheBigBreakfast 7-19TheJokeMachine 7-1RedPlanet WilfcametoplaRwithChip.TheRmadearocketshipoutofbitsandpieces.Therocketshiplookedquitegoo d.WilfandChipplaRedintherocketship.TheR pretendedtobespacemen.“Therocketisgoingtotakeoff,”s aidWilf.“Five…four…three…two…”Flopp Rranup.Hewantedtogetintherock etshipwithWilfandChip.“GoawaR,FloppR,”calledChip.“Therocketisgoingtotakeoff!”Nadimcametopla R.Hehadhiscomputerwi thhim,buthelikedthelookoftherocketship.HewantedtoplaR inittoo.Justthen,itbegantorain.“There’s notroomforallofus,”saidChip.“Let’sgoinsideandpla Rwith Nadim’scomputer.”The RplaRedagameonth ecomputer.ItwascalledRedPlanet.TheRhadtolandarocketontheplanet.Wilfandchipcrashedtherocke t.Nadimdidn’t.hewasgoodatthegame.Suddenl R,themagickeRbegantoglow.ChipandWilfpulledNadi mawaR fromthecomputerandranintoBiff’sroom.“Comeon,”calledChip.“It’stimeforanadventure.”Th emagictookthemtoarocketship.IttookFloppRtoo.Therocketlookedasifitwasabouttotakeoff,butthed oorwasopen.Nadimwantedtolookinsidetherocket.“Comeon,”hecalled.Chipdidn’twanttogoinside.“I tmaR notbesafe,”hesaid.“Wh R not?”saidNadim.“Thisisamagicadventure.”The Rwentinsidetherocket .TherewasnobodR there.“Lookatthiscomputer,”saidNadim.Flopp Rjumpedupandputhispawonabutt on.Five…four…three…two…one.Therocketbegantotakeoff.Upitwentandoutintospace.“Ohno!”saidC hip.“Idon’tknowwherewe’regoing.”The Rbegantofloataboutinsidetherocket.Nadimfoundsomeboot s.Heputthemon.“Wemustputthesebootson,”hesaid.“The R willkeepusdownonthefloor.”The Rwentto thewindowandlookedout.TheR sawabigredplanet.“Wearegoingtolandonthatplanet,”saidNadim.“W ewillsoonbethere.”Nadimmadetherocketland.“Iwouldn’tliketodothatagain,”hesaid.“It’sagoodjobN adimknowsaboutcomputers,”thoughtWilf.“Iwouldn’tliketocrashhere.”Therewasreddustalloverthe planet.Therewereredrocksandredmountains.FloppR didn’tlikethelookofit.Hebegantobarkandbark.“Therearenotre es,”hethought.The Rwantedtogooutsideandlookattheplanet.TheRfoundaspacebugg R.TheRlookedinthespacebuggR andfoundsomespacesuits.“Let’sputthesespacesuitson,”saidWilf.“Th enwecangooutside.”“Do R outhinkitwillbesafeoutside?”askedChip.“Idon’tknow,”saidWilf.The Rwent outontheplanetinthebuggR.ThebuggR bumpedovertherocksandthereddustflewup.“Idon’tlikethis,”t houghtFloppR.“I’mnotmadeforspaceadventures.”Suddenl Rthegroundcrackedandabigholeopened up.“Ohhelp,”saidChip,Wilf,andNadimasthebugg Rfellintothehole.TheRfelldownanddowninsidethep lanet.“Idon’tlikethis,”thoughtFlopp R.“Iwanttogohome.”The Ralllandedwithabump.ThebuggRlande dwithacrashandbrokeintwo.TheR wereinsideabigcave.“Whataplace!”saidWilf.“Lookatit.”Chiplooked atthebuggR.“It’sbroken,”hesaid.“It’shadit!”“Howwillwegetbacktotherocket?”Flopp Rbegantobark.T hereweresomecreaturesinthecave.TheRlookedlikefunnR littlepeople.“Ohno!”saidNadim.“Lookatth em!IhopetheR likeus.”Thecreatureslookedatthebo Rs.TheRclimbedonthebrokenbuggRandpulledou


牛津阅读树2级1-36册绘本翻译合辑篇 stage2-1 Mokey Tricks stage2-2 Hey Presto stage2-3 It's the Weather stage2-4 Naughty Children stage2-5 A Sinking Feeling stage2-6 Creepy-crawly stage2-7 What is It stage2-8 The Lost Puppy stage2-9 New Trees stage2-10 Up and Down stage2-11 The Little Dragon stage2-12 The Band stage2-13 The Big Egg stage2-14 Poor Floppy stage2-15 Put it Back stage2-16 In a Bit stage2-17 A Present for Mum stage2-18 The hole in the Sand stage2-19 The toy’s Party stage2-20 New Trainers stage2-21 A New Dog stage2-22 What a Bad Dog stage2-23 The Go-kart stage2-24 The Dream stage2-25 Floppy's Bath stage2-26 The Baby-sitter stage2-27 The Water Fight stage2-28 Kipper’s Balloon stage2-29 Spots! stage2-30 Kipper's Birthday stage2-31 Kipper's Laces stage2-32 The Wobby Tooth stage2-33 The Foggy Day stage2-34 Biff's Aeroplane stage2-35 Floppy the Hero stage2-36 The Chase


牛津阅读树级 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

牛津阅读树2 2-1 A New Dog. Kipper wanted a dog. Everyone wanted a dog. everyone[英][?evriw?n]pron.每人,人人 They went to the dogs’ home. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big. Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was too strong. strong[英][str??]adj.强壮的 Everyone liked this dog. They took the dog home.

2-2 The Dream. dream[英][dri:m]vi.梦想;做梦Biff couldn’t sleep. sleep[英][sli:p]vi.睡,睡觉 Dad told her a story. story[英][?st?:ri]n.故事,传说 The story was about a dragon. Biff dreamed about the dragon. It was a nasty dragon. It was a very nasty dragon. nasty[英][?nɑ:sti]adj.肮脏的 Biff had to fight it. fight[英][fa?t]vi.战斗 Biff went downstairs. downstairs[英][?da?n?ste?z]adv.在楼下 Mum told her a story. The story was about a dolphin. dolphin[英][?d?lf?n]n.海豚 Biff dreamed about a dolphin. 2-3 New Trainers. trainer[英] [?tre?n?] n.运动鞋, 跑鞋
