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1. Tim and I are good friends, and we keep our secrets to _________(we).

2. The girl lost her money on her way home yesterday. How _______ she was! ( care )?

3. My cat weighs two kilos. But I don’t know my son’s ___________. (weigh )

4. Tom has the _________ milk of us three. ( little )

5. Amy is becoming much _________after playing softball. (health)

6. ________ (幸运的是), he was not hurt badly.

7. They got the first place, so they were the __________(获胜者)of the football final.

8. We will remember the _________ (令人愉快的)trip forever because we really had a good

time during the trip.

9. Jim is ill. He has to take some ________( 药)three times a day.

10. The _______ ( 广告)in this newspaper are more interesting than those in that one.


( )1. John is ______ honest boy. He has ______useful book.

A. an ; an B .a ;a C .a ;an D .an ;a

( )2. Most of the workers like driving or riding to work,______ I like walking.

A. and

B. so

C. but

D. or

( )3.---Why not join us in the game, Kitty ?---________, but I have to do my homework first.

A. Let’s go

B. I’d like to

C. Yes, please

D. It’s a pleasure

( )4. --________ terrible weather it is! --The radio says that it’ll get _________later.

A. What a ; bad

B. What; worse

C. How; bad

D. How a ; worse

( )5.Is there _______ about animals on the Internet?

A. special something

B. something special

C. special anything

D. anything special

( )6. Don’t speak to him like that , he’s only an___________ boy.

A. 8 years old

B. five-year-old

C. eleven-year-old

D. eight-years-old

( )7. The number of the students in Woodland School__________ than before.

A. are more

B. are larger

C. is fewer

D. is smaller

( )8. I don’t want the bananas. They smell _____.

A. well

B. good

C. terrible

D. badly

( )9. Do you think some special dogs can do things __________ man?

A. as well as

B. as good as

C. as soon as

D. as careful as

( )10. What did you do in the garden? I watched John ______ his bike.

A. to mend

B. mended

C. mend

D. mends

( )11. The trip from the school _____ about half an hour by coach. It was too ______.

A. spends; bored

B. takes; bored

C. spent ; boring

D. took; boring

( )12. ----How did Daniel 1earn how to make a homepage? ----Oh,he .A.taught himself B.learnt himself C.learn by himself D.taught by himself ( )13. He looks so tired ______ too much computer work.

A. because his

B. because of

C. because it’s

D. because for

( )14. ----Which of the two boxes is heavier? ----This one is heavier than .

A. another

B. the other

C. others

D. other

( )15. He ________ his homework today.

A. need to finish

B. needs finishing

C. needn’t to finish

D. doesn’t need to finis h


1. The 2008 Olympic games_____(take) place in Beijing ,all the Chinese are looking forward to it.

2. The Greens will fly back to their home tomorrow, so they are busy ______(pack) their bags.

3. It is important for wild animals __________ (build) more reserves.

4. Keep ______ (work) on the problem, you will solve it soon.

5. Last Sunday, Mum made me ________ (do) some washing at home.

6. It’s 4:30 p.m. The students of Class 4 _______(play) football on the playground.

7. Mother asks him ______ (not forget) to lock the door when he leaves home.

8. There’re so many wonderful clothes in the shop, so she can’t decide which one


9. They wanted to run away but we _______(catch) them in the end.

10. Linda’s mother will come back if she ________ (finish) her work this week.


1. 我们应该鼓励孩子们保护动物。

We should__________ children __________ __________ animals.

2. 我愿意和我的朋友分享快乐。

I’m ______ _______ ________my joy ________ my friend.

3. 我决定呆在家里上网,不出去购物了。

I _______to stay at home and search the Internet _______ _____ _______ shopping.

4. 在下了车之后,他们不再感到恶心了。

After they _______ ________ the coach, they didn’t feel ______ _______ ________.

5. 西蒙的衬衫和迪克的衬衫颜色一样。

Simon’s shirt ________________________________________.

6. 你到那儿后,请尽快给我打电话。

After you arrive there, please call me____________________________.




[最新]小学科学三上作业本答案(供参考) 植物单元 1、我看到了什么 活动记录: 树皮光滑、灰褐色、树杆有大可乐瓶那么粗、叶子大大的上面绿油油的背面暗红色等等 课堂练习: 称重的方法不打勾,其他都可以打勾。 2、校园的树木 活动记录(略) 判断题 1、ⅹ 2、√ 3、√ 4、ⅹ 3、大树和小草 活动记录: 1.(简图略),狗尾草的特点:茎细长、柔软,在地上有点躺倒的,叶子长长的有15——20厘米,宽只有1—2厘米,顶点有一个毛茸茸的象狗尾巴一样的果实,果实长3—7厘米,根细细的,轻轻一拔都断在地中。狗尾草最高有1米左右。根像胡须 2.(略) 课堂练习 选择题1、B 2、B 3、C 4、观察水生植物 活动记录: 1.用简图画一种水生植物(略) 2.以水葫芦和金鱼藻举例 大树 高大 茎很硬 叶片宽阔 寿命长 小草 矮小 茎软 叶子细长居多 寿命短 …… 有生命 有根、茎、叶 会开花、有种子 需要阳光、水分、和空气 会长大…… 水葫芦 浮在水面 叶柄膨大 会开花 叶片较大 金鱼藻 长在水底 叶片细小 没看到开花 …… 生长在水里 有根、茎、叶 需要阳光、水分、和空气 会长大……

选择题1、C 2、B 3、A 5植物的叶 活动记录: 1统计(略) 图略 叶芽嫩叶老叶枯叶 6植物发生了什么变化 活动记录(略) 1多项选择题(1)ABCF (2)ABCDF 2狗尾草叶片会慢慢枯黄,直至死亡。 7、植物有哪些同特点 活动记录: 1陆生植物:樟树、凤仙花、茶花、菊花、桂花、梧桐树等 水生植物:水葫芦、金鱼藻、浮萍、水花生、茭白等 相同点:生长在一定的环境里,需要阳光、空气和水分,都会生长,都会有后代… 2种子→发芽→幼苗→生长→花蕾→开花→结果→枯死 单元练习 1选择题。(1)ⅹ(2)ⅹ(3)√(4)ⅹ(5)ⅹ(6)√ 2选择题。(1)C (2)E 3、B 3(略) 4简答题 (1)水生植物和陆生植物相同的生长需要是:水、阳光、空气、相适应的生存环境。 (2)本单元的观察植物的方法有:运用感管观察,看、摸、闻,运用工具观察,比较等。


小学二年级语文寒假作业布置 【导语】寒假不仅仅应只是让孩子玩的快乐,要知道语文是一个积累过程,通过不断积累,来摄取相应知识。从而锻炼语文上的识字与写字能力、创新能力、学习习惯养成、写作能力、阅读理解能力、口语交际能力等等。以下是整理的《小学二年级语文寒假作业布置》,希望帮助到您。小学二年级语文寒假作业布置篇一1、读一读:每天坚持课外阅读30分钟以上。 提示:随着年级的升高,阅读内容应该逐渐由图画书向文字书转变,建议假期阅读书籍的字数大约600000字。读后应该有所收获,愿意与家人朋友交流阅读所得,根据读书情况填写《快乐读书卡》,开学后与同学们交流。 2、练一练:描摹临写二下《写字课》1-16课,认真地描两个写两个不写词。 提示: 1、学着读帖,看清每一笔所在的位置;注意看清笔顺、结构,让每个字都漂漂亮亮的。 2、开学后进行“小小书法家”的评比。班上部分已经选上的同学可以直接写钢笔字。 3、经过练习,进步明显的孩子,家长也可批准其进行钢笔练习。 4、建议家长给写钢笔字的孩子讲讲写钢笔的要领,并在行动中规范:用力不要过大,不划破字;握笔姿势正确;干净整洁。 3、写一写:完成1-2个日记。

参考内容: (1)过年真 (2)相亲相爱一家人 4、说一说,做一做。 为亲人朋友真诚而适宜的祝福。建议家长记下来。小学二年级语文寒假作业布置篇二必做作业: 1、背诵《经典诵读》本学期所学内容。(古诗和部分弟子规) 2、每天读书半个小时以上。(日记或作文,少儿读物),每天摘抄一个优美词语和一个优美的句子。家长要记录。 3、完成所订的《假期作业》。 4、默写古诗:《山行》《夜宿山寺》《望庐山瀑布》惠崇《春江晓景》《所见》《回乡偶书》《山村》《古朗月行》《咏鹅》《画鸡》《登鹳雀楼》《锄禾》《梅花》(共十三首) 5、两篇小练笔。(一篇写春节见闻,另一篇自定,孩子口述家长打印) 选做作业:(根据孩子的具体情况任选一项) 1、每天练一篇铅笔字。(顶格写,横平竖直,大小统一) 2、《阅读训练80篇》一天一篇 3、语文基础知识强化。(语文天地,小卷) 其他: 1、坚持每天锻炼身体半个小时以上。(跳绳、跑步、游泳等) 2、完成“走进社会大课堂“实践活动


初二牛津英语寒假作业集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

8A牛津英语寒假作业(5) 一、单项选择 ( )1. He never tells lies, so he is _____ honest boy. It’s not good to be _____ dishonest one. A. a , an B. an , a C. /, a D. an ,the ( )2. When his father London, he went to see the Big Ben. A. arrived B. reached C. got D. arrived to ( )3. Let’s enjoy the song “Yesterday once more”. It sounds A. bad B. sadly C. well D. wonderful ( )4. __________ nature reserves _________ us learn more about protecting animals. A. Studying , helps B Studies , to help C. Study , helping D. Studying, help ( )5. Red-crowned crane is a kind of bird. A. endanger B. danger C. endangered D. dangerous ( )6. I am in places of in Nanjing. A. interesting, interest B. interested, interest C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested ( )7. “X plus Y is more than Fifteen percent.” This sentence can also write as “_________” A. X+ Y>15% B. X+Y≥15% C. X+Y=15% D. X+Y<15% ( )8. The floor is quite wet, my teacher asked us _________ quickly. A. to mop up it B. mopped it up C. to mop it up D. mop it up ( )9. If we keep the land, giant pandas will have to live. A. to take, anywhere B. taking, anywhere C. to take, nowhere D. taking, nowhere ( )10. If someone shows good manners to others, he is a ________ person. A. impolite B. polite C. rude D. dispolite ( )11. He wears small, round glasses and they make him _________ smart. A. to look B. to be C. looks D. look ( )12. He was all wet when he got home, because he his umbrella in the underground. A. took B. forgot C. left D. brought ( )13. The number of cranes in the world is getting these years. A. less B. much C. little D. smaller


小学科学六上《作业本》参考答案 工具和机械单元 1.使用工具 1.判断题。(1)√(2)√ (3)X 2. 工具名称:剪刀、尖嘴钳(钳子)、筷子订书器、螺丝刀、折叠刀。 用途很多(略) 2.杠杆的科学 1、(1)支点;用力点;阻力点。 (2)费力;不省力也不费力;省力。 2.(因图片位置关系,点很难做到精确) 阻力点支点用力点支点 (1) 用力点 或阻力点阻力点 或用力点 省力不省力也不费力 (2)不省力也不费力:右边第二格挂3个,或第三格挂2个 费力:右边第一格挂6个 3.杠杆类工具的研究 1、连线。 2、(因无作业本上的图,用文字表示:手握处为用力点、夹着东西处为阻力点。 支点 支点支点

3、省力的:剪刀、老虎钳、开瓶器、压水井的压杆、核桃夹、裁纸刀 费力的:理发剪刀、火钳、镊子、筷子等 不省力也不费力的:天平、翘翘板等 4.轮轴的秘密 1、填空。(1)轮轴。(2)省;费。(3)省。 2、(图已换,请在相应地方标识:指处粉线所指为轮,蓝线所指为轴) 螺丝刀方向盘 扳手 水龙头 门把手 辘轳 5.定滑轮和动滑轮

1、填空。定、动、定 2、定滑轮动滑轮 3、 4、如题2的组装图。组装后,前图为动滑轮、后图为定滑轮。 6.滑轮组 1、填空。(1)滑轮组(2)省力,改变力的方向(3)省力 2、 3.填空。(1)①③④(2)②③④(3)④,②③,① 7.斜面的作用 1、选择题。(1)A (2)A (3)B 2、都是。 8.自行车上的简单机械 1、填空。(1)链条和两个齿轮子(2)2 (3)快;慢。 2、 自行车把手 脚蹬杠杆 刹车轮轴 螺丝滑轮 车轮和车轴斜面 后架上的弹簧夹 车铃的按钮 3、(1)杠杆、轮轴、滑轮(定滑轮、动滑轮、滑轮组)、斜面 (2)改变用力情况(省力、费力); 改变力的方向; 给人类工作带来方便,如:起到了“延长”手臂的作用、方便拿取等。


小学寒假作业布置方案 20XX年寒假作业指导方案 1、指导思想: 引导学生度过一个愉快而有意义的寒假,全面提升学生的假期生活质量。拒 做整天在家看电视、大吃大喝打游戏的小宅男小宅女。 假期作业达到学科协调适量、形式新颖开放、突出实践能力、课外发展特长的目的。要求各学科遵循各科教学特点,为学生科学设置作业。作业设置要体现实践性、综合性、探究性和开放性,注重对学生动手操作能力、社会实践能力和创新意识、创新人格、创新能力的训练,强调“知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观”三方面的整合,努力提高假期作业的目的性、针对性和实效性。 2、组织作业布置: 在年级主任和教研组长的组织下同年级同科目共同商议内容形式。 3、与学生家长沟通: 给学生家长写一封信讲明作业要求,让家长与孩子共同完成寒假作业,起到监督和督促的作用。开学后学生须拿来有家长签字的寒假生活记录表。附:学生寒假生活记录表 4、作业组成:

作业布置分为两大块:常规作业和创新作业 5、作业布置原则: 作业布置尽量遵循少笔头、多实践的原则。 小学部尽量少布置书面作业,应适量布置些有趣味、有意义、富有新意的实践作业; 中学部可有适量精选的书面作业寒假期间可以与同龄人结伴共同学习,亦可有富有意义的实践作业、动手作业; 高中部必须有适量的书面作业,尽可能独立思考、独立完成,遇到难题亦可和同学商量、询问老师。 6、寒假作业检查 开学后教务部要进行寒假常规作业检查和最佳创意作业评选活动。 学校年级寒假学习指导 尊敬的家长: 您好! 濮阳建业国际学校年级在学校的正确领导、全体师生的共同努力和你们的支持下,顺利完成了一学期工作,在此谨向家长们表示衷心的感谢,并希望在下学期工作中得到你们更多的支持和配合。 学期临近结束,寒假又将开始,为了帮助学生度过一个健康、文明、安全、有意义的寒假,现将主要学习要求安排如下:


七年级英语寒假作业试卷四 一、单选题。 ( )1. She wants to buy ____ food, but she doesn’t have ____ money. A. some, some B. some, any C. any, some D. any, any ( )2. I want to buy a tie ___my father ___a birthday present and I must give it to him by myself. A. for, as B. to, as C. for, from D. with, from ( )3. May I have a look_______your new photos, Millie?A at B for C. to D. after ( )4. ______ of this year’s cards _____ two yuan. A. Every, cost B. Every, costs C. Each, cost D. Each, costs ( )5. - ____ there a pair of shoes under the bed? -Yes. _____the shoes yours, Johney? A. Is; Is B.Is; Are C. Are ;Is D. Are; Are ( )6. - How many _____ are there over there? -There are about twenty. A. student B. sheep C. boy D. girl ( )7. People there usually use elephants ______ farm work. A. to do B. doing C. does D.do ( )8.There ______ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them. A. is B. are C.has D. have ( )9. ----Mary, ________ do you use your pocket money?----I often help the children in poor areas. A. how B. what C. who D. where ( )10. ---- The park is a good place _____ a rest. ---- Good idea. A. have B. having C. to have D. to having ( )11.- Your green sweater _____ this pair of trousers. - I think so. But I really like this sweater. A. don’t go together with B. don’t come up with C. doesn’t go well with D. doesn’t fit well with ( )12. ---- The book is very ______.---- Yes, the students are ______ in it. A.interesting, interesting B. interesting, interested C.interested, interesting D.interested, interested ( )13.My mother is good at . She is a good dancer. A. dancing B. dancer C. dance D. dances ( )14. - Can you do this Maths problem? -Yes, I ________. A. am B. do C. does D. can ( )15. —Your skirt is very nice. —__________. A. Not nice B. Thank you C. Here you are D. Here it is. 二、词汇 A.根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 1. I’d like _________ (buy) some stamps for him. 2. I will go __________(shop) with my mother this evening. 3. There’s something interesting in________(today) newspaper. 4.The man with glasses ________(be)Mr.Wang. 5.She needs her sister _________(carry) the school bag for her. 6. Mother’s Day_________(come) up. I want to buy a present for my mother. 7. Oh, I forget to take my IC card. Please _________(wait) for me. 8. That pair of shoes_________(be) Tom’s. 9. There __________(be) a pen and two books on the desk. 10. I hate_________(shop) in the shopping mall.


修订版小学科学作业本参考答案(六下) 微小世界单元 一、放大镜 1、判断题。 (1)√(2)√(3)√(4)×放大镜的放大倍数与放大镜大小没有必然的联系,只与放大镜的凸度有关(5)×通过近视镜的镜片看到的图像时缩小的。(6)√ 2、选择题。 (1)C(2)C、D 3、小制作。(略) 二、放大镜下的昆虫世界 判断题。 (1)√(2)×蟋蟀的耳朵长在足的内侧(3)×放大镜下并不能清晰地看到(4)×苍蝇在竖直光滑的玻璃上不会滑落主要跟它的足的结构有关(5)√ 资料阅读 A 三、放大镜下的晶体 判断题。 (1)√(2)√(3)×不一定,有些晶体很大的(4)√(5)×玻璃不是晶体 资料阅读 (1)B(2)C 四、怎样放得更大 1、填写观察记录。(略) 2、判断题。 (1)√(2)√(3)√(4)×显微镜的放大倍数是有限的(5)√ 3、选择题。 (1)A(2)B(3)B 五、用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(一) 1、填图题。 BEDAC 2、判断题。 (1)×整个洋葱放到显微镜下,反而看不到它的精细结构。(2)√(3)×最早发现细胞的是罗伯特胡克(4)×载玻片移动的方向与从目镜里看到的物体图像移动的方向是相反的(5)√(6)√ 六、用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(二) 1、填表。(略) 2、填空题。 (1)细胞(2)细胞 3、资料阅读

(1)√(2)×人体最大的细胞是卵细胞,最小的是血小板(3)√(4)√(5)×人体内寿命最长的细胞是大脑和神经细胞。(6)√ 七、用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(三) 1、判断题。 (1)√(2)√(3)√(4)√ 2、连线题。 3、填空题。 (1)我还知道的微生物有:(喇叭虫)、(眼虫)、(衣藻)等。 (2)这些微生物都是生物,是因为它们与其他生物一样: □能吃东西 √□都有细胞组成 √□都会对外界的刺激产生反应 □都会制造食物 √□都会繁殖 √□都会排泄 八、微小世界和我们 1、活动记录(略) 2、小制作。(略) 单元练习 1、填空题。 (1)厚、薄(2)细毛、足、复(3)晶体(4)触角 2、判断题。 (1)×在没有显微镜以前,人们还依靠放大镜来观察世界。(2)√(3)×自然界中有规则形状的固体才是晶体(4)√(5)√(6)√ 3、选择题。 (1)C (2)C (3)A (4)C (5)B (6)B (7)C (8)A 4、排序。 2、4、 3、5、1、6、7 变形虫 鼓 藻 草履虫 船形硅藻


小学语文寒假作业设计 五班寒假作业姓名: 愉快的寒假生活即将开始了。同学们在享受寒假生活的同时,要让自己有所收获。 1. 用“爱”献一份亲情; ( 1 )给家人(或者和爸爸、妈妈一起)做一顿饭; ( 2 )给家人洗一次衣服; ( 3 )亲手给长辈(爷爷奶奶、外公外婆、爸爸妈妈)洗一次脚; ( 4 )大年初一早上向父母、长辈问好; ( 5 )(当面或者通过电话和网络)给长辈、师长、亲友、同学拜年; 2. 用“心”做一本文摘 ? 所选文章以短小精悍为限,以励志、说理、亲情、人情,做人之道为文摘标准。长篇的如果心有不舍,可以自己缩写。讲究排版、文章的布局和合理的插图,巧用豆腐块。也可选上自己的得意之作。最后,给自己编辑的文摘取一个好听的名字,设计一个漂亮的、简洁的或意味深长的封面、封底。 ? 收集十条灯谜。 ? 摘录春联三副以上,背诵。 3. 用“勤”充实每一天

( 1 ) 有计划地做好寒假作业。 ( 2 ) 阅读金波爷爷的书,并选择一本自己喜爱的书进行阅读。 ( 3 ) 了解一个古今名人的成长、成才、成功之道。 ( 4 ) 了解家乡春节习俗、家乡的变化: ? 采访:长辈们小时候是怎样过春节的?过春节时最难忘的一件事是什么? 根据采访写好采访稿。 ? 沟通:压岁钱的来历: 你和小伙伴们怎样合理使用压岁钱? 根据采访写好采访稿。 作文:《寒假里的新鲜事》 4.用“趣”活化语言 听磁带,模仿语音语调,朗读每单元内容. 收集家中有英文标注的物品名称,写在作业本上(中英文)。 上网查找,收集5条英语谚语或5个浅显易懂的英语小笑话,写在作业本上。(中英文) 将本学期学过的,家中有的物品单词做成卡片,贴在该物品上. 阅读一些英文版的儿童读物,拓宽自己的知识面. 5.用“动”强身健体


8A牛津英语寒假作业(4) 一、单项选择 ( )1. It’s necessary ______ us ______ read English every day. A. of, to B. for, to C. for, for D. to, to ( )2. She likes _____ her joy ______ her friends. A. share, with B. sharing, with C. share, for D. sharing, for ( )3. Do you think British students spend___ time ___ their homework than Chinese students? A. less, doing B. less, to do C. fewer, doing D. fewer, to do ( )4. It was getting dark. There were ______ people in the street. A. less and less B. fewer and fewer C. less and fewer D. fewer and less ( )5. He finds _______ to make a paper ship. A. it easy B. that easy C. it easily D. that easily ( )6. We have got everything ready. So we need _______. A. something else B. else something C.nothing else D. else nothing ( )7. The teacher told us to leave school early ______ the snow got worse. A. but B. so C. because D. and ( )8. If Jim ______ free tomorrow, I’ll ask Tom instead. A. isn’t B. won’t be C. won’t D. doesn’t ( )9. ----Did you buy the camera yesterday? ----No. I didn’t buy it ____ my aunt would give me one. A. until B. because C. if D. before ( )10. The teacher is coming. Stop ______ and keep ______. A. to talk, quiet B. talking, quiet C. to talk, quietly D. talking, quietly ( )11. Our government provided food and money____ the people in the disaster areas. A. for B. with C. to D. on ( )12. There will be a strong ______ tomorrow and it will be quite ______. A. wind, wind B wind, windy C. windy, wind D. windy, windy ( )13. The news report is about ______ a month ago. A. what he happened B. what he happened to C. what happened him D. what happened to him ( )14. The capital of the USA is_______. A. London B. New York C. Bangkok D. Washington DC ( )15. --- My brother fell off his bike and hurt his legs. --- ______. A. That’s too bad B. He is too careless C. He should be careful D. I am sorry to hear that ( )16. The land is _______ after a heavy rain. A. much weter B. much wetter C. more weter D. more wetter ( )17. The sunlight came in ______ the window. A. through B. across C. in D. with ( )18. What did you do in the garden? I watched John ______ his bike. A. to mend B. mended C. mend D. mends ( )19. The big box is ______ heav y and I can’t carry it. A. much too B. too much C. so much D. very too ( )20. Daniel thinks climbing is ______ diving. A. so excited as B. as excited as C. so exciting as D. as exciting as 二、完型填空 It was December 25, 1972. Marie, a 13-year-old Australian girl, was very happy. It was 1 and Marie’s mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins(硬币)into 2 . The four small coins were for good 3 .


日期:2月2日(星期一)评价:一、看拼音写汉字 kǒng quèwǚyóu xìzhāo hūróng máo chuān dài piāo yáng jìng l ǐyáo huàng shèng kāi wán shuǎyìběn zhèng jīng guān chá huā bàn fèn lìzhōng yúbiàn zi yǒng qì二、读一读,选择正确的答语,在序号上打勾。 1. Let ’s eat the birthday cake! A.Great! B.Thank you. C.You are welcome. 2. Have some juice! A.No, thanks. I like Coke. B.You are welcome. C. I’m fine.Thank you. 3. Look! I have a rabbit .A.Cool! B.Ok! C.I’m 9. 4. May I have a look? A. Sure, here you are. B. Thank you. C. Well. 5 . What’s your name? A. My name is Chen jie. B. How are you? C. This is my friend.

三、读一读,写数字。 1. one+two=( ) 2. three+four=( ) 3. four + six= ( ) 4. nine + one = ( ) 5. eight + seven = ( ) 四、口算 506-258= 456+96= 755+174= 600-138= 67+485= 1306+295= 五、想想算算 1、方方和圆圆用同一个数做除法,方方用12去除,圆圆用15去除,方方除得的商是32还余6。圆圆计算的结果应该是多少?(2)小红家养了一些鸡,黄鸡比黑鸡多13只,比白鸡少18只。白鸡的只数是黄鸡的2倍。白鸡、黄鸡、黑鸡一共有多少只? 六、小知识 1、《三十六计》是体现我国古代卓越军事思想的一部兵书,下列不属于《三十六计》的是:( ) A、浑水摸鱼B、反戈一击C、笑里藏刀D、反客为主 2、《弟子规》中来劝谕人们要尊敬父母的这句话是:父母教,();父母责,()。


小学一年级语文寒假作业设计 一、阅读1—2本课外书“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”一本好书就是一个好朋友.快乐的假期,让我们享受阅读的快乐。 写话:每周写2次写话练习(2句以上),可以将生活中听到的、看到的、想到的有趣的事情记下来。 二、预习新课文。把新书全部读一遍,要求认识生字表一的生字、背诵的部分全部读熟(包括8个识字内容) 三、改正一个缺点进步就是优秀。每改正一个缺点,你就离成功更进了一步。 四、学做一件家务事。(洗衣、拖地、做一个菜等) 每个人都是家庭中重要的一员,每个人都要为家庭尽一份自己的责任.让我们通过自己的努力,让家庭变得更温馨吧! 五、“孝心服务”——为父母服务一次(如洗脚、按摩等) 六、做一件开心的事,并记录下来其实,快乐就在我们身边.它需要我们的发现,需要我们的创造.让我们用手中的笔画下我们的快乐吧! 七、写一手漂亮的字“字如其人!”假期中让我们用心练字,用心写字。相信明年我们再见面时,你们一定会给张老师一个惊喜!亲爱的孩子们,老师期待着! 八、为爸爸妈妈做一件己所能及的事。 九、坚持做运动,每天锻炼30分钟,可以是跳绳,可以是拍皮球,可以是跑步等,运动项目很多,可自选一项。 十、每天10道数学题(计算(也可出20以外的)、加减混合题、看图列式题都可以)。在家长的协助下,用卡纸做漂亮的一个钟面,直径18厘米左右,要求有12个数字,分针和时针,可自行设计形状和图案。预习数学书。 最后祝家长们新年快乐!工作顺利!阖家欢乐!祝孩子们在新的一年里健康快乐!学习更上一层楼! 正月十九开学 小学一年级语文寒假作业设计 一、阅读10本以上课外书“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”一本好书就是一个好朋友.快乐的假期,让我们享受阅读的快乐。 二、写10篇日记,可以将生活中听到的、看到的、想到的有趣的事情记下来,不少于200字,不能应付。 三、预习新课。把新书全部读一遍,要求认识生字表一的生字、背诵的部分全部读熟(包括8个识字内容),每天写一课生字,写2遍,写清是哪课生字。假期回来进行识字写字比赛。 四、改正一个缺点进步就是优秀。每改正一个缺点,你就离成功更进了一步。 五、学做一件家务事。(洗衣、拖地、做一个菜等) 为爸爸妈妈做力所能及的事,每个人都是家庭中重要的一员,每个人都要为家庭尽一份自己的责任.让我们通过自己的努力,让家庭变得更温馨吧! 六、做一件开心的事,并记录下来其实,快乐就在我们身边.它需要我们的发现,需要我们的创造.让我们用手中的笔画下我们的快乐吧! 七、写一手漂亮的字“字如其人!”假期中让我们用心练字,用心写字。相信明年我们再见面时,你们一定会给老师一个惊喜!亲爱的孩子们,老师期待着! 八、注意安全。人的生命只有一次,注意自身安全,学会自我保护,构建美好生活。 九、坚持做运动,每天锻炼30分钟,可以是跳绳,可以是拍皮球,可以是跑步等,运动项目很多,可自选一项。 十、每天10道数学题。预习数学书。 开学后进行优秀作业评选,优秀学生评选,老师相信你就是最优秀的孩子! 孩子们年龄还小,自制力比较差,请家长们督促孩子学习,假期是孩子进步、提高的大好机会,不要让孩子白白浪费美好的时间,让孩子有所学、有所获!请家长每天检查孩子的作业并签字。 最后祝家长们新年快乐!工作顺利!阖家欢乐!祝孩子们在新的一年里健康快乐!学习更上一层楼! 正月十九开学


牛津少儿英语第四册寒假作业(一)复习1至3单元 Let's go 4 ---U 1 一. listen and circle the word(听音选出你听到的句子) 1. A. the big balloon B. the bigger balloon 2.A. the blue balloon B. the green book 3.A. the younger boy B.the younger girl 4.A. the shorter boy B. the taller girl 5. A. Yes, she is . B. No , she isn’t. 二.fill in the blanks(写出比较级) tall_________ young_________ big_________ long_______ short ________ old _________ small __________ 三.Choose the right answer 1.Where do you live? I ______ Rosewood. A. is living in B. living in C. live in 2.How old are you? I’m eight _________. A. old years B. years old C. year old 3.I have ______ brother and ______ sisters. A. two / one B. one / two C. one / two 4. I don’t have ______ brothers ______ sisters. A. any / or B. some/ or C.any / and 5. Do you have any brothers or sisters? A. Yes, I am. B. No , I don’t. C. Yes ,I have. 6. The purple balloon is big. The red ______blue balloon is _______ A. or / big B. and/ biger C. and / bigger 7. ______ one is shorter ? The car is shorter. A. What B.Which C. Where 8. Is the dog smaller? No, it isn’t. It’s _______. A. bigger B. biger C. big 9. I have a brown and white dog. Do you have a dog,______? A. two B. too C. to


四年级科学寒假作业 四年级科学寒假作业同学们,下学期我们还将继续遨游在科学殿堂中,等待我们探究学习的是《电》、《新的生命》、《食物》、《岩石和矿物》尽量向哥哥姐姐们借阅一下四下的科学书,了解一下里面的知识选择一个你最感兴趣的单元,制作一份科学小报三、四年级综合实践活动表班级姓名寒假到了,我们一起帮家人分担家务吧?你会买菜吗?会择菜洗菜吗?会自己下一碗好吗?我们一起动手,过个快乐充实的假期吧1、和妈妈一起买菜三、四年级玩转科学之“开心动手”亲爱的同学们:寒假快乐哦!在这个假期中科学组的老师们为大家带来了“开心动手”的活动,希望大家都能快乐地参与到活动中来,开心动手,玩转科学!2、科技创新之“纸模型设计与制作”活动四年级科学寒假作业检测一、假期里你吃过的食物中有哪些营养素?你是怎样做到饮食健康的?四年级科学寒假作业1、观察家中小灯泡的构造,并画下灯泡结构图2、编写一份小报主题为“各种各样的花”或“一种开花植物的一生”3、任意选取寒假中的3天,记录下每天吃的食物以及食物包装上的信息,并以表格的形式将食物按照熟食生食、主食副食、植物类动物类 3种方法分类4、阅读《中国少年儿童百科全书》、《科学探索者》浙江教育出版社第三版《电与磁》、《地表的演变》分册四年级数学上册寒假作业一、计算题1、口算105-5×2+3= (105

-5)×2+3=105-5×(2+3)= 105-(5×2+ 3)=50+90÷(2×3)= (50+90)÷2×3= 50+90÷2×3= (50+90÷2)×3=7×7÷7×7= 52+25-52+25= 100-50×2= 70×10-400=320+80×3= 100+100×0= 72÷9×48÷8= 64÷64×7=44×2 = 14×80= 69 万+15万= 87万一17万= 400×8 = 50×80= 5600÷80= 6900÷300= 32+45= 26-17= 465+365= 102-68= 13×5= 25×4= 120×2= 206×2= 25× 40= 25×8= 570÷30= 360×400= 720÷20= 4200÷600= 1000÷50= 25×80= 125×8= 125× 80= 17×3= 170×30= 51÷3=2、估算402×8 ≈ 89×31 ≈ 821÷19 ≈598÷29 ≈ 51×4≈ 42×91≈ 102×39≈ 352÷48≈ 122÷21≈ 180 ÷89≈3、笔算下面各题147 ×28 420÷40 800÷4094÷27414÷78792÷36978÷16 760×23 702÷14 510÷82 859÷62 639÷57 999÷83 156÷32 220÷74 140÷18357÷52 239 ÷17 376÷47 621÷23 239÷26 462÷34 34×65714×26620×252080÷68 5768÷18 3654÷74 8600÷40 39 ×203 466+544= 1000-463= 225÷15= 585÷45= 256 ÷16= 462÷3= 735÷35= 444÷22= 875÷25=

2018-2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业一(无答案) 牛津版 (6)

七年级英语寒假作业三 一、单项选择 ( )1. -_______woman is David's mother? - The one in the red coat. A. What B. Which C. Who D. Where ( )2. I know_______ and her sister. _______ are my friends. A she; They B. her; Them C. her; They D. she; Them ( ) 3. The football match is really _______ and everyone is very ________. A. exciting; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; exciting D. excited; excited ( )4. - Would you like _______ orange juice? -_______. I'm not thirsty. A. some; No, thanks B. some; Yes, please C. any; No, thanks D. any; Yes, please ( )5. (2012 .温州)Peter is my best friend. He often helps________ with Science, A. me B. you C. him D. her ( )6. The books are on the desk. Can you see _______? A it B. they C. them D. their ( )7. - Are the rulers _______? - Yes, they're _______. A. your; our B. yours; my C. your; my D. yours; mine ( )8. Look, the films(胶卷)are on the ground. Can you _______ for me? A. pick them up B. pick up them C. pick it up D. pick up it ( )9. Miss Gao is_______ teacher. She teaches _______ Chinese. A our; our B. our; us C. us; our D. my; our ( )10. Kobe is my favourite basketball player. I really like A. he B. him C. his D. her ( )11. - Excuse me, is this _______ new camera? - Yes, it's _______. A. your; my B. your; mine C. yours; my D. yours; mine ( )12. (2012.绵阳) Everyone in the hall knew me, but I did not know _______. A. him B. her C. them D. those ( )13. (2012.咸宁)- Jim, can you_______ this word in Chinese? - Yes, I can_______ a little Chinese. A speak; say B. say; speak C. tell; speak D. talk; say ( )14. -_______ do you go to school every day? - I walk to school every day. A. How B. When C. What D. Why ( )15. This is Amy. _______ has short hair and _______ are good friends. A. She; we B. Her; our C. Her; us D. She; us 二、完形填空 Li Lei is a student 1 Class Two, Grade Seven. He likes football very 2 . He often plays it after school. And he often goes home 3 . His home is 4 his school. His mother doesn't worry 5 him. One Sunday morning Li Lei goes to a shop 6 his mother. The shop is very 7 . There are many things 8 it. They get some things. Then his mother says to Li Lei, "What do you 9 ?" "I want to get a red blouse," says Li Lei. "A red blouse?" asks his mother. "You are a 10 . You can't wear a red blouse. " Li Lei smiles, "OK, please get me football clothes. " ( )1. A at B. in C. on D. from ( )2. A good B. fine C. well D. much
