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be +动词不定式(即be + to do sth.)的用法如下:


When are you to leave for home你什么时候回家?

She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚.

The Queen is to visit Japan in a week’s time.女王将于一周后访问日本.

这种结构也可用于过去.was / were to do sth.表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,而非计划;was / we re to have done sth.表示未曾实现的计划.例如:

I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了.

They said goodbye,little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了.

We were to have told you,but you were not in.我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家.

2.表示“应该”,相当于should,ought to.例如:

You are to report to the police.你应该报警.

What is to be done应该怎么办呢?

3.表示“必须”,相当于must,have to.例如:

The letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须亲手交给他.

You are to do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前你得先做完作业.


If we are to be there before ten,we’ll have to go now.如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走.


Am I to go on with the work要我继续完成这项工作吗?

What are we to do next我们下一步该怎么办?

6.用于否定句,表示“禁止”,相当于mu stn’t.例如:

The books in this room are not to be taken outside.这个室内的书籍不得带出室外.

You are not to smoke in the reading-room.你不可以在阅览室里吸烟.


The news is to be found in the evening paper.这条消息可以在晚报上见到. Such people are to be found everywhere.这种人到处都有.

She is nowhere to be found.在哪里也找不着她.

to do sth.用于if或even if / even though从句中,表示对未来的假设.例如:

If I were to tell you that I killed him,would you believe me要是我告诉你是我杀了他,你会相信吗?

Even if the sun were to rise in the west,I would never do such a thing.即使太阳从西边出来,我也决不做这种事.

to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任)与be to let(待出租)两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义.例如:

Which driver is to blame for the accident这事故是哪个司机的责任?

This house is to let.这房子要出租.


have been looking for the boy all the afternoon but he is nowhere _____.

see be seen?

early as his second film,Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting,th e one that ___ world famous.

become to become become?

just saw John at the bookstore.

----That’s strange; I didn’t think he ____ back until tomorrow.

come to come coming to come?

final examination ___early July.

to be held to be taken place?

going to hold be to take place?

the sun ___ tomorrow,what would we do?

not to raise not rise?

not rise not to rise?

new hospital was to ____ in this district,but the money wasn’t collected ye t.

been built built built?

at these .

’s going to rain ’s raining?

is to rain can rain?

do you think ____ for the failure of their marriage.

blame be blame to blame to be blamed?

you nor he ____ to the front.

to be sent to be sent to be sent to send?

____ to bed when there was a knock at the door.

going to to go about to go?

we ____ again next week?

----Yes,let’s make it next Wednesday.

; to meet ; be to meet?

; meet ; meeting?

students,we ____.

’t smoke no t to smoke?

’t smoking ’t smoke?




高中英语动词不定式用法大全(名师总结必考语法知识点,值得下载) 英语动词的非谓语形式为三种:动词不定式、动名词和分词。非谓语动词没有人称和数的变化。 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,其结构为“to+动词原形”,其中to 不是介词,而是动词不定式的符号,称为小品词,动词不定式没有人称和数的变化。动词不定式和其后面的名词等构成不定式短语,在句子中可以用作主语、表语、宾语、补足语、定语、状语等。 一. 作主语例如: To be a doctor is hard. 做医生很难。 To learn English well is not easy. 学好英语不容易。 To say is to believe.眼见为实。 动词不定式(短语)作主语时,为了避免句子的头重脚轻,可以用“it”作形式主语,而把真正的主语--动词不定式(短语)放在句子的后部。例如上面的句子可以表示为: It is hard to be a doctor. It is not easy to learn English well. 再如: It’s important to pla nt trees in spring. 如果动词不定式的动作是谁做的,可以在动词不定式前面加一个由介

词for引导的短语,称为不定式的复合结构。例: It’s good for us to read English aloud in the morning. 对我们来说每天早晨大声读英语是很有益的。 It is important for students to use English every day. 对学生来说每天使用英语是很重要的。 二. 作表语:(在形式上,位于系动词后的就是表语。从含义上讲,表语是回答主语“是什么”或“怎么样”的语法成分。) 动词不定式(短语)作表语常用于系词be的后面。例: His work is to drive a car. 他的工作是开车。 My job is to feed animals. 我的工作是饲养动物。 Her ambition is to be a doctor. 她的理想是当医生。 三. 作宾语 动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语,能以动词不定式作宾语的动词有:begin, start, want, forget, remember, show, learn, like, hate, love, ask等。例: I want to tell you a story. 我想给你讲个故事。 They begin to work at eight every morning. 他们每天早晨8点开始工作。 Don’t forget to lock the door.别忘了锁门。 Would you like to go and have a picnic with us tomorrow?明天和我们一


动词不定式的用法有哪些? 动词不定式在中学英语中应用非常广泛,一方面在句中可起名词、形容词或副词的作用,同时也可在句中作主语、宾语、定语、状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式的形式是:to +动词原形,但to有时要省去。而动词不定式在具体运用时用不用to,取决于谓语动词的用法。现就以下几方面介绍如下: 一、不定式结构 1. 带to的不定式结构能直接跟带to的不定式结构的动词主要有:want, expect,plan,begin,start,ask, tell, hope, learn, try, decide, forget, remember, like, love, stop, go, come等。 如:I want to go to the movies with you. 我想跟你一起去看电影。 Don’t forget to turn off the light before you leave. 在你离开之前别忘了关灯。 注意:动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加not,即not to do sth.。 如:Dave told me not to wake up Kate. 大卫告诉我别叫醒凯特。 2. 不定式有时和一连接代(副)词一起构成宾语。 如:I don’t know what to say.我不知道说什么。 3. 不带to的不定式结构以下几种情况使用不带to的动词不定式: (1)在固定词组had better之后。注意:had better的否定形式是had better not do sth.。 如:You had better go home now. 你最好现在回家。 It’s cold outside. You’d better not go out. 外面很冷,你最好不要出去。 (2)在let, make, see, feel, watch, hear,have等感官或使役动词后,要跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。 如:I made them give me the money back. 我迫使他们把钱还给我。 I didn’t see y ou come in. 我没看见你进来。 (3)在引导疑问句的why not之后。Why not+不带to的不定式是Why don’t you do的省略,可以用来提出建议或劝告。 如:Why not take a holiday?=Why don’t you take a holiday? 为什么不休个假呢? (4)不定式动词在介词but, except, besides后面时,如这些介词前有实义动词do的各种形式,则后接不带to的不定式,否则带to。 如:I have no choice but to accept the fact. 除了接受这个事实我别无选择。What do you like to do besides swim? 除了游泳你还喜欢做什么? (5)为了避免重复,不定式可省去to。 如:I’m really puzzled what to think or say. 对于想什么或说什么,我真


不定式短语在句中分析与翻译的实例(1) 不定式短语 动词不定式是学习英语的难点之一,也是构成长句的一个重要因素。不定式有自己的宾语、状语和补足语,组成不定式短语。在分析句子时要把不定式短语看作一个整体。不定式在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补足语。 不定式短语在句中分析与翻译的实例 1.Y ou will remember that the materials which combine to make a mixture do not completely lose their individual qualities.They do not do so because their molecules are not broken up and built into new molecules with new qualities. 你们要记住,组成混合物的各种物质完全没有失去它们各自的性质。它们之所以这样,是因为它们的分子并没有分解,没有形成具有新性质的新分子。(不定式短语to make a mixture是谓语combine的结果状语。) 2.The moon's pull causes water in the oceans to be a little deeper at the point closest to the moon and also at a point farthest from themoon,on the oppositeside of the earth. 月球的引力会引起近月点处和地球另一端的远月点处海洋的海水略深一些。(cause sth.To do sb,“引起……作……”。to be alittle deeper...作water宾语补足语。) 3.It is also a familiar fact that a force is required to slow down or stop a body which is already in motion,and that a sidewise force must be exerted on a moving body to deviate it from a straight line. 要使一个已经运动的物体慢下来或使其停止运动就需要作用力;要使该物体偏离直线运动,就需要横向作用力,这也是大家所熟悉的事实。(it是形式主语,代替that引出的两个主语从句。不定式短语to deviate...1ine是目的状语,其中it代替the moving body。) 4.Though only l07 elements have been discovered,they combine in enough different ways to make the millions and millions of different things in the world. 虽然只发现了107种元素,但是这些元素以不同的方式化合在一起就会形成世界上无数的千差万别的东西。(不定式短语to make...作结果状语,说明enough。) 5.Since we have already associated flow of charge or current with the existence of potential difference,it becomes of interest and importance to establish a quantitative relation between these two quantities. 因为我们已经把电荷的流动即电流与电位差的存在联系起来,因而在这两个量之间确立一种数量关系就成为重要而值得注意的问题了。(不定式短语to establish.一quantities是主语,it是形式主语。)

2017年中考英语专题复习 动词不定式(试题部分含答案)

动词不定式 动词不定式 不定式:to + 动词原形 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 动词不定式的基本形式是"to + 动词原形",有时可以不带to。动词不定式(或不定式短语)没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语。动词不定式仍可保留动词的特点,即可以有自己的宾语和状语。动词不定式同它的宾语或状语构成不定式短语。如:to read the newspaper, to speak at the meeting 等 动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语: 注:作主语用的动词不定式常常为it替代,动词不定式(或短语)放在后面。例如: It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It took us three days to do the work. 动词不定式的否定形式由"not+动词不定式"构成. 如: Tell him not to be late. The policeman told the boys not to play in the street.

4) 不定式省去to的情况: 在感官动词see,watch,look at,hear,listen to,feel和使役动词make,have,let等所接的宾语中(不定式做宾语不足语),不定式应省去to。但是在被动语态中不能省。如: Let me listen to you sing the song. He watched his son play computer games. I saw him run away.------He was seen to run away. The boss make the workers work the whole night.----The workers were made to work the whole night. 5) 动词不定式和疑问词连用 动词不定式可以和疑问词what ,which, how, where, when 等连用,构成不定式短语。如: The question is when to start. I don't know where to go . He showed me how to use a computer. What to do is a big problem. 例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松! 翻译下列句子,说出句中不定式的作用: 1. To grow plants is very important. 2. It is so nice to hear your voice. 3. My dream is to be a pilot. 4. He began to read and write at the age of five. 5. The teacher asked me to speak more loudly. 6. Tom came to see me last night. 7. I am glad to see you. 8.Have you got anything to say? 9.There are many places to see in China. 10.I asked him not to open the window. 11. I don't know what to buy for you.


动词不定式用法大全 英语动词的非谓语形式为三种:动词不定式、动名词和分词。非谓语动词没有人称和数的变化。 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,其结构为“to+动词原形”,其中to 不是介词,而是动词不定式的符号,称为小品词,动词不定式没有人称和数的变化。动词不定式和其后面的名词等构成不定式短语,在句子中可以用作主语、表语、宾语、补足语、定语、状语等。 一. 作主语例如: To be a doctor is hard. 做医生很难。 To learn English well is not easy. 学好英语不容易。 To say is to believe.眼见为实。 动词不定式(短语)作主语时,为了避免句子的头重脚轻,可以用“it”作形式主语,而把真正的主语--动词不定式(短语)放在句子的后部。例如上面的句子可以表示为: It is hard to be a doctor. It is not easy to learn English well. 再如: It’s important to plant trees in spring. 如果动词不定式的动作是谁做的,可以在动词不定式前面加一个由介词for引导的短语,称为不定式的复合结构。例: It’s good for us to read English aloud in the morning. 对我们来说每天早晨大声读英语是很有益的。 It is important for students to use English every day. 对学生来说每天使用英语是很重要的。 二. 作表语:(在形式上,位于系动词后的就是表语。从含义上讲,表语是回答主语“是什么”或“怎么样”的语法成分。) 动词不定式(短语)作表语常用于系词be的后面。例: His work is to drive a car. 他的工作是开车。 My job is to feed animals. 我的工作是饲养动物。 Her ambition is to be a doctor. 她的理想是当医生。 三. 作宾语 动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语,能以动词不定式作宾语的动词有:begin, start, want, forget, remember, show, learn, like, hate, love, ask等。例: I want to tell you a story. 我想给你讲个故事。 They begin to work at eight every morning. 他们每天早晨8点开始工作。 Don’t forget to lock the door.别忘了锁门。 Would you like to go and have a picnic with us tomorrow?明天和我们一


不定式用法详解 定义:在句子中充当除了谓语以外的各种句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。 非谓语动词有三种:不定式,动名词,分词。 注:非谓语动词具有时态和语态的变化,可以同否定词not连用,构成否定形式,可以带宾语,状语,补语。非谓语动词的名词,形容词,副词的特征;可用在句中做主语,宾语,补语,状语,和定语等。 —不定式(原形动词前加to, 构成动词不定式。不定式不做谓语,属于非谓语动词) 不定式的时态,语态 一般式:不定式所表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作或状态同时发生或几乎同时发生或存在。但多数情况下是在谓语动词所表示的动作之后发生。 e.g :They often watch us play football. (同时) She hopes to go there again. (之后发生) 完成式:不定式所表示的动作或状态发生在谓语动词所表示动作或状态之前。 e.g : I’m glad to have seen your mother yesterday 注:1)用在intended, expected, meant, hoped. promised, wanted, planned. wished. thought, desired, was, were等后,表示过去没有实现的愿望,期待或计划的等,也用来表示先于谓语动词发生的动作或状态。 e.g: He wanted to have met (=had wanted to meet) you at the airport,but he didn’t get there in time. 他原想去机场接你(事情已经发生),但他没及时赶到那儿。(没接成) e.g: We planned to have done (had planned to do) good deeds for the poor people last month. 我们原计划上个月为贫困的人们作些好事。(没作成)。

新教材1.1 Lifestyles 动词不定式练习含答案

Unit 1 Life choices Lesson1 lifestyles 动词不定式测试 一、用所给动词的正确形式填空 1、George returned after the war, only ________ (tell) that his wife had left him. 2、Heavy rain struck Guangzhou in May, ________ (cause) people traffic problems. 3、We mustn't pretend__________________(know)what we don't know. 4、She pretended__________________(read)a novel when I came into the room. 5、The boy pretended__________________(finish)his homework. 二、根据所给汉语意思完成 句子 1.He is said ________ ________ ________ a new novel. 据说他写了一本新小说。 2. I wanted the letter________ ________ ________ at once. 我要这封信立刻打出。 3. They are said to__________ __________ __________in that area. 据说他们正在那个地区建房子。 4. Then the cold-blooded animal had no choice but ______ ________ _______and sleep. 然后,冷血动物没有别的选择只好躺下睡觉。 5. I think it possible ______ ______ _______ ________ ____him. 我认为跟他和睦相处应该是没有问题的。 三、句型转换 用"疑问词+不定式"改写下列句子 1、How we should do it was discussed last night. ____________________________ was discussed last night. 2、I didn’t know where I should go. I didn’t k now ____________________________. 3、The difficulty was how we should cross the river. The difficulty was ________________________________ .


巧记跟不定式和动名词做宾语的动词用法 语法体现语言的规律,学好英语离不开语法学习。其中,动词的用法是重点,也是难点。对于谓语动词和非谓语动词的用法,学生普遍感到困难。学生感到50多个动词,用法难以掌握,但调整了单词的排列顺序,根据汉意编写顺口溜会方便记忆: (一)跟不定时作宾语的动词有: 打算(intend)计划(plan)和期盼(expect/desire) 假装(pretend)喜欢(would like/love/prefer)表祝愿(wish) 决定(decide)同意(agree)来帮助(help) 设法(manage)说服(persuade)不拒绝(refuse) 好像(seem/appear)答应(promise)做努力(attempt) 选择(choose)询问(ask)多学习(learn) 告诉(tell)失败(fail)也付得起(afford) 不定式宾语要牢记! (二)跟动名词作宾语的动词有: 考虑(consider)完成(finish)多练习(practise) 避免(avoid)冒险(risk)求建议(suggest/recoomend) 面对(face)喜欢(enjoy/appreciate)和介意(mind) 允许(allow)承认(admit/permit)或放弃(give up/abandon) 推迟(put off/delay/postphone)逃避(escape)不原谅(excuse/pardon)提及(mention)坚持(keep/insist on)要想象(imagine/fancy) 还有词组feel like 和can’t stand! 瞧!,我们就这样快快乐乐地记住了吧! (三)在动词remember, try, regret, forget, need/want/require, stop, mean等后跟动名词V-和不定式意义不同,巧记一句话(记住努力;后悔忘记;需要停止;很有意义),学习采用对比法: remember to do something记着去做某事(现在还没有做) remember doing something记着曾做过某事(以前做过某事) try to do something努力、尽力做某事 try doing something试着做某事(看能否达到预期的结果) stop to do something开始做某事(停下正在做的事,开始做另一事) stop doing something停止做某事(停止正在做的事) regret to do something对将来做的事感到遗憾、惋惜 regret doing something对已经做过的事感到后悔


动词不定式的基本用法 一、概述 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,它能起名词、形容词和副词的作用,在句子中作主语、宾语、定语、表语、宾语补足语和状语。其形式如下:(主动形式) ◆一般式(not)to do 一般现在时表示的动词有时与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,有时发生在谓语动词的动作之后。 He seems to know this. 我希望再见到你。_____________________________________________________ ◆完成式(not)to have done 完成时:表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。 He seems to have caught a cold. 很抱歉给你带来这么多的麻烦。____________________________________________ ◆进行式(not)to be doing 进行时:表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。 He seems to be eating something. 他假装在学习。_______________________________________________________________ 二、动词不定式的语法功能 (一)作宾语 1) 动词+ 不定式 The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。 我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案。 ____________________________________________________________________ ★常用的动词有afford, aim, appear, agree, arrange, ask, decide, bother, care, choose, come, dare, demand, desire, determine, expect, hope, fail, happen, help, learn, long(渴望), mean, manage, offer, ought, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, wish… 2)动词+疑问词+ to Please show us how to do that. 请演示给我们如何去做。


英语动词不定式大全 动词不定式是一种活跃的非谓语动词。它在句中起的是名词。形容词或副词的作用,可在句子中作主语。宾语。定语。状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式的形式是"to +动词原形",但to有时要省去。动词不定式在具体运用时,用不用to,取决于谓语动词的用法: 一。带to的不定式结构 1.我们学过的能直接跟带to的不定式结构的动词主要有:want, ask, tell, hope, learn, try, decide, forget, remember, like ,love, stop, go, come 等。 2.动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加not,即not to do sth.。例如: Jim told me not to wake up Kate.吉姆告诉我别叫醒凯特。 二。不带to的不定式结构 以下几种情况使用不带to的动词不定式: 1.在固定词组had better之后。注意:had better的否定形式是had better not do sth.。例如: You had better go home now.你最好现在回家。 It's cold outside. You'd better not go out.外面很冷,你最好不要出去。 2.在let,make,see, feel, watch,hear等感官或使役动词后,要跟不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如: I made them give me the money back.我迫使他们把钱还给我。 I didn't see you come in.我没看见你进来。 3.在引导疑问句的why not之后。 "Why not+不带to的不定式"是Why don't you do…的省略,可以用来提出建议或劝告。例如: Why not go with us。为什么不和我们一起去呢。 Why not take a holiday。=Why don't you take a holiday。为什么不休


英语不定式解析 英语语法教错的概念有很多,提到英语中的“不定式”啊,大家是再熟悉不过了。稍微有一点英语底子的人都会说:“不定式”啊,这个谁不会,就是在动词原形前加to呗。 我再往下问您,它为什么叫“不定式”呢?这里的“不定”二字是咋个不定呢? 这一下就没准把很多人给问蒙了。 也许有人会说:“这个问题呀,还真从来没想过,反正在英语里见到to v的样子就叫不定式,谁管它咋个不定法呢。” 我看呀,不是一些同学没搞明白,就连大多数英语老师也蒙在鼓里呢。您可别小看了“不定式”这么个通俗名词,就因为当初翻译的时候名字起得不好,它就成了学英语中的大难点,类似的事情在英语语法学习中比比皆是。 近百年来中国的英语老师们可是花了不少的精力来解释“不定式”的用法,可就是没人敢拍着胸脯说对这个难题清楚了,这一切就因为当初“不定式”这个词是望文生义翻译错的。 什么,翻译错了!? 对,翻译错了,这事您就没想到吧。让我们来分析一下。 “不定式”的英文原词是“infinitive”,fin这几个字母是一个词根,有“边界”的意思,翻译成汉语应该是“画地为界”,也可简单地翻译成“确定、界定、界线、边缘线”等意思。如define是“确定了界线”的意思,因而表示“定义”;如finish是“终点线”的意思,因而表示“完成。”因此当翻译语法书的前人们看见了“infinitive”这个词时,便把它生硬地翻译成了“不定式”,因为in有“不”的意思,这个翻译方法很容易使人误联想为“不固定的式样”。 而其实呢,不定式的样子是最固定的,就是to后面加上个动词原形,并且几乎永远不变样,你瞧,我马上就给你举几个例子。 “I wanted to talk to you at that moment, Mary.” “He is going to attend the meeting.” “The children hope to play on the playground.” 你看以上句子中的to v的样子多固定啊。因此,to v最好叫“不变式”,或干脆就直接叫“固定式”,这才是最符合它原样的名字,也最容易使学英语的人们一目了然地认识它和会用它。名字搞对了,再讲解它的用法就很简单了,甚至举几个例子就可以讲清楚。如: My duty is to study English.(to study相当于一个名词,当表语,放在表语位置上) To study English is my duty.(to study相当于一个名词,当主语,放在主语位置上) I begin to study English.(to study相当于一个名词,当宾语,放在宾语位置上) My method to study English is very special.(to study相当于一个形容词,当定语,放在所修饰的名词method后面) I came to Beijing to study English.(to study相当于一个副词,当状语,放在句子尾) 也就是说,纠正了名字的干扰和困惑后你几乎不用任何多想就可以学会这个以往最难得语法点——把它当一个普通的万用词用就是了,大家都不好意思说学不会。可如果把它叫了“不定式”你再试试看,就好像把一个女人叫成了“女男人”,单单这名字一迷惑,简简单单的语法就变成了大难题了。 那么,好生生的“不变式”(或“固定式”)以前怎么就硬给叫成了“不定式”呢,为了解开这个历时百年的谜团,我们还真得追根溯源地刨根问底,说说百年前的语法翻译误会。 英语语法和汉语语法不一样。在咱们的汉语语法中,一个动词老是一个样子,例如,“你昨


动词不定式用法小结 动词不定式用法小结 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,其结构为“to+动词原形”,其中to不是介词,而是动词不定式的符号,称为小品词,动词不定式没有人称和数的变化。动词不定式和其后面的名词等构成不定式短语,在句子中可以用作主语、表语、宾语、补足语、定语、状语等。 一. 作主语例如: To be a doctor is hard. 做医生很难。 To learn English well is not easy.学好英语不容易。 动词不定式(短语)作主语时,为了避免句子的头重脚轻,可以用“it”作形式主语,而把真正的主语--动词不定式(短语)放在句子的后部。例如上面的句子可以表示为: It is hard to be a doctor. It is not easy to learn English well. 再如: It’s important to plant trees in spring. 如果动词不定式的动作是谁做的,可以在动词不定式前面加一个由介词for引导的短语,称为不定式的复合结构。例: It’s g ood for us to read English aloud in the morning. 对我们来说每天早晨大声读英语是很有益的。 It is important for students to use English every day. 对学生来说每天使用英语是很重要的。 二. 作表语: 动词不定式(短语)作表语常用于系词be的后面。例: His work is to drive a car.他的工作是开车。 My job is to feed animals.我的工作是饲养动物。 Her ambition is to be a doctor.她的理想是当医生。 三. 作宾语 动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语,能以动词不定式作宾语的动词有:begin,start,


动词不定式(专项练习及详解) 1. The teacher told them ________ make so much noise. A. don’t B. not C. will not D. not to 2. Tell him _______ the window. A. to shut not B. not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut 3. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ______. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to 4. Mrs Smith warned her daughter ________ after drinking. A. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive 5. The patient was warned _______ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating 6. The workers want us ________ together with them. A. work B. working C. to work D. worked 7. I saw him _______ out of the room. A. go B. had gone C. has gone D. goes 8. They knew her very well. They had seen her _______ up from childhood. A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow 9. I’ve heard him _______ about you often. A. spoke B. speaks C. speak 10. Though he had often made his little sister _____, today he was made _____by his little sister. A. cry;to cry B. crying;crying C. cry;cry D. to cry;cry 11. He was made _________. A. do it again B. done it again C. doing it again D. to do it again 12. John was made _______ the truck for a week as a punishment. A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing 13. Paul doesn’t have to be made _______. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning 14. There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind _____ to buy. A. what B. which C. how D. where 15. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know _________. A. where to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which 16. “ Have you decided when ________?” “ Yes, tomorrow morning.” A. to leave B. to be leaving C. will you leave D. are you leaving 17. Last summer I took a course on ________. A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made 18. He doesn’t know ______ to st ay or not. A. whether B. if C. either D. if he will 19. She pretended _______ me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen


2012年1月6日星期五 用动词不定式翻译下列句子: 1.学习英语最好的方法就是多听多说多写和多读。 2.我学习英语的最大的难题就是我不知道如何上课记笔记。 3.如何提高我的英语仍然让我迷惑不解。 4.你能给我些如何提高听力能力的建议吗 5.去哪里远足还是个问题。 6.我认为学好英语并不容易。 7.成为一名好歌手的秘密之一就是要不停地练习唱歌。 8.我认为经常与外国人谈话非常有益。helpful. 9.你认为课前预习功课,课后复习功课重要吗 10.我今天下午的一项工作就是读两本英语杂志。 11.我们正在讨论明天坐火车还是乘飞机去上海。 12.什么时候去野炊要看天气。 13.我们正在谈论明天到那里度假。

14.我的梦想就是将来在这个岛屿上建一座漂亮的房子。island岛屿 15.提高写作能力的的最佳方法就是每天记日记。 16.最好的学习方法之一就是坚持课后复习功课。 17.我在考虑如何将这句话翻译成汉语。 18.我一次有一次地劝他不要抽烟但他不听。 19.我对如何理解这篇课文非常感兴趣。 20.很荣幸和你在一起工作。 答案: 1.The best way to learn English is to listen more, speak more, write more and read more. to learn English 作定 语修饰the best way; to listen…..and read more 作表语2.My biggest problem with the study of English is that I don’t know how to take notes in class. how to take notes in class 作宾语 3.How to improve my English still puzzles me. how to improve my English 主语 4.Could you give me some advice on how to improve my listening ability how to improve my listening ability 介 词宾语


English语法之不定式及名词后加动词不定式 在English语法中,动词不定式是动词的一种不带词形变化从而不指示人称、数量、时态的形式。基本形式是to+动词原形,部分词和词组不带to也表达不定式。之所以叫做不定式,是因为动词不被限定、或者说不被词形变化所局限。不定式属于非谓语动词,即不能单独作谓语。但它毕竟是动词,所以有动词的属性,也可以理解此类动词形式为不定式状态的动词。动词不定式及其短语有自己的宾语、状语,虽然动词不定式在语法上没有表面上的直接主语,但它表达的意义是动作,这一动作一定由使动者发出,这一使动者称之为逻辑主语。 动词不定式可以作多种句子成分。 在外语学习的课程中,"动不式"的一般现在时被称作“词典用词”,因为它一般被用作词典中该动词的词头。 对于英语来说接不定式的单词多为“打算”“计划”“希望”“将要”等表示未来的动词。同样与不定时表示不同的动词不定式表示正在进行,一般性或经常发生性的行为。 A.不带to的不定式有四种情况: 1、1、let, make, have等使役动词后。 例如: Let us go!出发 The boss made the child labors work the whole night.老板逼迫童工整夜 劳作 注意:这些情况在被动语态中,不可省to. 例如:The child labors were made to work the whole night. 2、would rather, had better后。

例如:You had better stay at home.你最好呆在家 3、w hy…/w hy not…后。 例如:Why not have a happy rest on Sunday? 不定式的否定式是not to do.. / never to do..,不带to的不定式的否定式是not do.../ never do.. 例如:His parents tell him never to drive after drinking.他的父母告诉他酒后严禁驾驶 4.感官动词see, watch, look at, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find,notice等后作宾语补足语。 例如: I saw her dance.我看到她在舞 除以上四种情况之外,都不得省略to B. 动词不定式的复合结构 动词不定式的复合结构是“for sb. to do sth. / of sb. to do sth.” for / of引出不定式动作的逻辑主语。这种结构在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语等。不定式复合结构的介词用for还是of,主要决定于前面形容词的性质。一般说来,of前面的形容词是careful, clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, wise等,既说明人的特性,又说明不定式动作的特性。for前面的形容词是dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, heavy, important, interesting, necessary等,一般说明不定式动作的特性,不说明人的特性。 例如:
