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look at the sky from the bottom of a well

there is a frog. he lives in a well and he never goes out of the well. he thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.



one day a crow comes to the well. he sees the frog and says, frog, let s have a talk.


then the frog asks, where are you from?


i fly from the sky, the crow says.



the frog feels surprised and says, the sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. how do you fly from the sky?


the crow says, the sky is very big. you always stay in the well,

so you don t know the world is big.

乌鸦说:天空很大。只不过你一直呆在井里,所有不知道世界很大。the frog says, i don t believe.


but the crow says, you can come out and have a look by yourself.


so the frog comes out from the well. he is very surprised. how big the world is!



乌鸦surprised:感到惊讶的believe:相信world:世界go out of:从出来

10.as as:和一样


the house of 1000 mirrors

long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known

as the house of 1000 mirrors. a small, happy little dog learned

of this place and decided to visit. when he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. he looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. to his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. he smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and firendly. as he left the house, he thought to himself, this is a wonderful place. i will come back and visit it often.

in this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. he slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. when he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. as he left, he thought to himself, that is a horrible place, and i will never go back there again.

all the faces in the world are mirrors. what kind of reflections

do you see in the faces of the people you meet?












51个少儿英语小故事:守财奴the miser守财奴

a miser sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which

he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at daily. one of his workmen observed his

frequent visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements. he soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and digging down, came to the lump of gold, and

stole it. the miser, on his next visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to make loud lamentations. a neighbor, seeing him overcome with grief and learning the cause, said, pray do not grieve so; but go and take a stone,

and place it in the hole, and fancy that the gold is still lying there. it will do you quite the same service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did not make the slightest use of it.










51个少儿英语小故事:这是我的包it s my bag


it s sunday. there are many people in the bus. and an old man

is looking here and there. he wants to find an empty seat. then he finds one. he goes to it. a small bag is on the seat. and a young man is beside it.




is this seat empty? asks the old man.

这个座位有人吗? 老人问道。

no, it s for an old woman. she went to buy some bananas, says the man. well, let me sit here, please, i ll leave here when she comes back.




the bus starts. she hasn t come, but her bag is here. let me give her the bag. then the old man throws the bag out.



the young man shouts, don t throw it! it s may bag!



laugh out of the other side of your mouth


chunyu kun (淳于髡) lived in the state of qi (齐国) during the warring states period (战国,475-221 bc).he was wise, humorous and eloquent. he skillfully advised the king on many occasions and successfully went to many states as an envoy.



in the year 349 bc, the state of chu (楚国) dispatched a large force to attack qi.


the king of qi sent chunyu kun to the state of zhao (赵国) to ask for help, with a lot of valuable gifts.


the king of zhao accpeted the gifts gladly and sent a hundred thousand troops to help qi.


the king of chu withdrew his army that very night as soon as

he got the news.


the king of qi was released and pleased with chunyu kun. he

set a banquet for celebration.

齐威王松了一口气,十分满意淳于髡的表现,并决定设宴为他庆功。during the meal, the king asked chunyu kun, how much wine can you drink before you re drunk, sir?


knowing the king had a bad habit of drinking all night, chunyu kun decided to take this chance to admonish the king. so he replied, i get drunk when i drink ten litres or hundred.

他幽默地回答说:我有时喝一升酒就会醉,有时喝一百升酒才会醉。puzzled, the king askked, since you are drunk after ten litres, how can you finish another ninty litres?



chunyu kun then explained that he could drink different amounts of wine under different conditions. he said, this

occurs to me that when you drink to your limit, you get so

drunk that you lose your sense; once joy reaches its height, then it s sorrow s turn. this is the rule for everything. whatever you do, you are bound to end up in the opposite direction

when you exceed the limits.

51个少儿英语小故事:小猪搬西瓜the pig watermelon

in spring, the mother pig took the little pig lulu to the foot of

the mountain. they planted some watermelon.

when summer came, there were many big round watermelons

in the field.

one day, the sun was burning like a fire, it was terribly hot on

the ground. the mother pig said to the little pig: lulu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok? lulu said happily: ok! no problem.

then he ran to the watermelon field. when he got to the field, he was happy to find so many big green watermelons. he chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the vine. then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to

carry it home.

wow!it s so heavy! lulu tried several times, but he failed. and

he was socked with sweat. he wiped his sweat off and decided

to have a rest.

suddenly he saw the monkey pipi. he was playing with a hoop. lulu patted his head and said: i ve got it. he thought,the round hoop can roll, the watermelon round too,then it can roll too.he then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly.

at last he got home with the watermelon.the mother pig knew

the story, she exclaimed: my child, you re really clever!




有一天,太阳光火辣辣地照着大地,天啊,可热了。猪妈妈对小猪说:噜噜,你到咱们的地里摘个大西瓜回来解解渴吧! 小猪噜噜高兴地说:好吧! 说完就往西瓜地里跑。到了地里一看。呵,到处躺着大西瓜,水灵灵的,真惹人喜爱!噜噜挑了个最大的摘了下来。它双手



哟,好重呀! 噜噜试着抱了几次都没有抱起来,还累得满头大汗。







51个少儿英语小故事:铁匠与小狗the blacksmith and dog

those who will not work deserve to starve.






蛋吗? 你这家伙,总是在我卖力工作时,蜷缩起来睡觉,可是,只要我一停下来吃点东西,你就清醒地摇着尾巴过来讨饭吃。


once upon a time, there were four mice that lived in a wall in the field.

summer was coming, and so the mice came out of the wall to collect berries, nuts, corn and straw. everyone was working very hard, day and night.

everyone was working very hard, except, frederick.

why aren t you working, frederick? his friends asked him.

oh,but i am. frederick told them. i m collecting the sunshine for the cold, dark winter.

a few days later his friends asked him again why aren t you working,frederick? oh, but i am. frederick told them. i m collecting colors for the long, grey winter.

a few days later his friends asked him again why aren t you working, frederick? oh, but i am. frederick told them. i m collecting words for the long, quiet winter.

soon, the first snow came, and the four mice went back into the wall.

they ate their berries and they ate their nuts and they ate their corn and they ate their straw. but time passed, and time passed, and soon there were no more berries, and soon there were no more nuts and soon there were no more corn and soon there were no more straw.

now the winter was cold and dark, long and quiet. the mice were sad and hungry. then they remembered frederick.

hey, frederick, can you show us what you collected for the winter.

ok, said frederick, close your eyes. here is my sunshine for the cold, dark inter. and frederick b

began to tell his friends some stories, and the mice to feel warmer and warmer.

great, frederick! how about the colors and the words?

ok, said frederick, close your eyes and he told them about theblue skies, and he told them about the red poppies, and he told them about thegreen grass, and he told them about the purple berries, and he told them about theyellow corn of summer.

that s wonderful, frederick, thank you. said the mice. we ve learnedsomething about you , they told him.

what do you think they learned?





弗雷德里克,你为什么不工作? 他的朋友们问他。


弗雷德里克说, 我在为寒冷的深冬收集阳光呢。

几天过后,他的朋友们再一次问道,弗雷德里克,你为什么不工作? 他的朋友们问他。


弗雷德里克说, 我在为漫长的灰白色冬天收集色彩呢。

几天过后,他的朋友们再一次问道,弗雷德里克,你为什么不工作? 他的朋友们问他。


弗雷德里克说, 我在为漫长寂静的冬天收集言语呢。






好的, 弗雷德里克说,闭上你们的眼睛。这里有我为寒冷冬天收集的阳光。



好的, 弗雷德里克说,闭上你们的眼睛。他开始给他们夏天蓝色的天空、红色的罂粟花、绿色的小草、紫色的浆果和黄色的玉米粒。





i have nine little goldfish .eight goldfish are all orange and one is black .i like the black one best. we call it xiao hei .its body is black .it has two big and round eyes, a small mouth ,and a big tail. though it s very small ,it swims fast .

i often feed them and change water for them. we are good friends .



猫咪钓鱼a cat is fishing

a cat goes to a river every day. he wants to go fishing. but he can t catch any fish.


one day, he goes to the river as usual. suddenly a fish comes out. he catches the fish. he is very happy. he forgets to put the fish in the basket. he dances and sings. he shouts, i have a fish! i have a fish! all his friends come to see him.

一天,他像往常一样去了河边。突然一条鱼浮出了水面。他捉到了那条鱼。他非常开心。他忘记把鱼放到篮子里去了。他又唱又跳,叫道:我捉到一条鱼!我捉到一条鱼! 他所有的朋友都过来看。where is your fish? let us have a look at it. his friends say.



it s there, near the bank. the cat answers. but he can t find the fish. when he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.





story 1 three good friends

one day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. this time he sees a lion under a tree. the lion runs at him. he is afraid and falls into the river. he can’t swim. he shouts. the rabbit hears him. he jumps into the river. the rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. luckily, an elephant comes along. he is very strong. he helps the rabbit and monkey. three friends are

very happy. they go to the elephant’s home. then, three of

them become good friends.







story 2 the old man and the old cat

an old man has a cat. the cat is very old, too. he runs very quickly. and his teeth are bad. one evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. he catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. the mouse runs away.

the old man is very angry. he beats his cat. he says: “you are a fool cat. i will punish you!” the cat is very sad. he thinks:“when i was young, i worked hard for you. now you don’t like me because i’m too old to work. you should know you are old, too.”








story 3 spring in the green season

spring is coming. spring is the first season of the year. in china, spring comes in february. it is still cold, but it is getting

warmer and warmer. the days get longer and longer. the leaves on the trees begin to turn green. then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground. spring is also sowing time season.




story 4 look for a friend

sam is a little fish. he lives in the sea. he is very lonely. he wants to have a friend. the friend looks like him. sam sees an ink fish. the ink fish has eight legs. he doesn’t look like sam. so sam goes away. sam meets a shark. he wants to say hello to the shark. the shark opens his big mouth. sam runs away quickly. sam is tired and hungry. he wants to have a rest. then he sees a round fish. she says to him. “hello! would you like to be my friend?” sam answers: “of course! but you are sound. i am flat.” the round fish days: “but we are both fishes.”

sam thinks and says, “you are right. let’s be friends.” they become good friends.







少儿英语小故事带翻译 故事一般都和原始人类的生产生活有密切关系,他们迫切地 希望认识自然,于是便以自身为依据,想象天地万物都和人一 样,有着生命和意志。以下是为您整理的《少儿英语小故事带翻译》,希望大家能够喜欢。 少儿英语小故事带翻译篇一 The Ugly Duckling IT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools. It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the country. In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand upright. The spot was as wild as the centre of a thick wood. In this snug retreat sat a duck on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was beginning



简单幼儿英语启蒙小故事:时钟说 The alarm clock by the bed rings at seven a.m. 床边的闹钟在早上7点钟响起。 This clock says it is time to wake up. 这个时钟说到时间醒来了。 The kitchen clock ticks at 8:30 a.m. 厨房的时钟在上午8点半滴答地响。 This clock says it is time to go to school. 这个时钟说到时间上学了。 The timer goes off after ten minutes. 在10分钟以后计时器响起。 This timer says it is time to get the cookies out of theoven.这个计时器说到时间把饼干从炉子里面拿出来了。 The Coo-Coo clock on the wall coo-coos at ten a.m. 在墙上的咕咕时钟在上午10点钟咕咕响。 This clock says it is time to have a snack. 这个时钟说到时间吃小吃了。 The clock in the tower strikes at noon. 中午的时候在塔楼里面的时钟敲打着。 This clock says it is time to eat lunch. 这个时钟说到时间吃午饭了。 The clock at the school rings at three-thirty p.m. 在下午3点半学校的时钟响起。 This clock says it is time to go home. 这个时钟说到时间回家了。 The clock near the soccer field shows it is six p.m. 足球场边的时钟显示下午6点钟了。 This clock says it is time to eat dinner. 这个时钟说到时间吃晚饭了。 The grandfather clock chimes at nine p.m. 在晚上9点钟落地大座钟打钟报时。 This clock says it is time for bed. 这个时钟说到时间就寝了。 Good-night! 晚安!


幼儿园短小的英语故事 幼儿英语故事对激发幼儿学习英语兴趣,培养幼儿的听、说及交际等诸方面的能力有 着不可或缺的作用。本文是,希望对大家有帮助! A Spendthrift, who had wasted his fortune, and had nothing left but the clothes in which he stood, saw a Swallow one fine day in early spring. Thinking that summer had come, and that he could now do with out his coat, he went and sold it for what it would fetch. A change, however, took place in the weather, and there came a sharp frost which killed the unfortunate Swallow. When the Spendthrift saw its dead body he cried, “Miserable bird! Thanks to you I am perishing of cold myself.” 一个败家子因为挥霍无度白白耗费了所有的财产。在一个早春的日子里,除了身上的 衣服之外,已经别无所有的他,看到一只燕子。他心里想着,应该是夏天来临,可以不再 需要身上的外套了。于是,他出去卖掉外套,换点什么东西。不料,天气骤变,忽然降临 的一场霜冻死了不幸的小燕子。败家子看到燕子的尸体后,大喊道:“可怜的小鸟!都是 因为你,我才会跟着挨冻呀。” In the Chinese classic Zhuangzi, there is a legend like Once upon a time, a gigantic fish named Kun lived in the North Sea. No one knew how large it actually was. This fish could change itself into Peng a roc,a huge bird measuring thousands of kilometers in length. When the bird spread its wings, it looked like huge clouds in the sky. It could, in one stretch, fly from the North Sea to the South Sea on the other side of the globe, and soar up to 90,000 li 45,000 kilometers in the heaven. The bird can surely fly over a long distance without stopping. Now people use this idiom to wish others have a successful career or a bright future. 在《庄子》一书中有这样一个故事: 45,000很久很久以前,北海里住着一条巨大的鱼,名字叫鲲kūn。没有人知道它到底有多大。这条鱼能够变成鹏péng,一种庞大的鸟,有几百万米长。鹏鸟展开翅膀就像天空里的一大片云。它能一口气从北海飞到地球另一边的南海。当它展翅高飞的时候,它可以 冲上90000里45000公里的高空。毫无疑问,这种鸟一次能飞过很长的距离。人们用 “鹏程万里”这个成语来祝愿别人事业顺利,前途光明。 A Peacock taunted a Crane with the dullness of her plumage. “Look at my brilliant colours,” said she, “and see how much finer they are than your poor feathers.” “I am not denying,” replied the Crane, “that yours are far

幼儿英语故事A Haircut

幼儿英语故事A Haircut It was time for a haircut. Lenny didn’t even have to look in the mirror. Even though he was going bald, he knew that he needed to cut his hair every two weeks. He had a "tongue" of hair on the top of his head. His hair was thinning at the crown. He still had plenty of hair on the sides and back. It was what they call "salt and pepper," a mixture of gray hair and dark brown hair. It was only a few years, he figured, until the salt and pepper became just salt. He never let his hair grow for more than two weeks. The longer it got, the worse it looked, he thought. He spread a newspaper over the bathroom sink so that no hair went down the drain. He plugged in the clippers and started cutting his hair. He started at the back of his head, went to the sides, and finished on the top. Every minute or so, he had to clean the hair out of the blades with an old toothbrush. Finished, he picked up a hand mirror to check out the back of his head. Everything looked okay. He carried the newspaper back out to the kitchen and shook the hair clippings into the trash can. Then he took a shower.


少儿英语哲理小故事带翻译:望洋兴叹 When autumn came, all the water in the large and small rivers rose higher and flowed into the Yellow River. 一到秋天,大河、小河里的水都涨了起来,流入黄河,河面顿时显得非常宽广。 The surface of the River at once appeared much wider, On one side of the bank, one couldn’t see the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/aa9220518.html, cattle and sheep on the opposite side. The River deity Hebo was therefore immensely proud and considered himself the greatest in the world. 在河岸的这边,一眼望不见对岸的牛羊。黄河的河伯所以得意洋洋,自以为是天下最伟大的了。 Hero followed the Yellow River to the North Sea. Then he looked at himself and felt he could not see the bounds of the sea. Then he looked at himself and felt he was so tiny and insignificant. He sighed and said to Hairuo, the deity of the North Sea. 河伯顺着黄河来到了北海,朝东一望,望不见海的尽头,再看看自己才觉得自己很渺小。他叹了口气,对北海之神海若说: “Asa the saying goes, a person who has gained a little learning tends to regard himself as the wiset person under the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/aa9220518.html, sky. I am just that kind of person. Seeing how broad and great you are today, I have come to realize how insignificant and ignorant I am. If I didn’t meet you , I’m afraid I would I would always be laughed at by people with knowledge.”


简短的幼儿英语小故事 导语:幼儿英语教学对于现代小朋友来说是很有必要的。但是很多家长因为各种原因而不得其法。下面是小编推荐的简短的幼儿英语小故事,对于培养幼儿英语能力很有帮助的哦! 篇一:狼来了Once there was a boy who lived on a farm. Every day he had to take his father’s sheep to a hill. One day he tried to play a trick on the other people. He said to himself. I will call “wolf. wolf.” then everyone come to help me. It will be fun when they find out there is no wolf after all. So he cried: “wolf .wolf.” and everyone ran to help him. When they came he just said: “there is no wolf. It was only a joke.” He did this three times. Then one day a wolf really came. “Help! Help! The wolf is here.” called the boy. But everyone said: “No you know that there is no wolf. He is just calling us for fun. There is no danger.” So they did not go to help the boy. The wolf killed all the sheep then. 从前,有一个住在农场里的孩子。每天,他都要带他父亲的羊到山上去放。 一天,他想对其他人开一次玩笑。他自言自语说


幼儿英语故事全集(中英双语) 本幼儿英语故事全集(中英双语)包括:幽默故事(1-7页)、普通小故事(7-40页)。激发小朋友们学英语的兴趣,帮助他们提高成绩。最好每天背一篇,会有不错的效果的O(∩_∩)O 英文幽默故事: There was a guy who went into a shop to buy a parrot. There werethree parrots in the shop. One was $5,000; another one, $10,000; and the third one, $30,000. The customer asked the owner, “How come this guy is $5,000? That?s so expensive for this kindof parrot.” The owner said, “Because I have trained him and he can talk.” So the customer asked him, “How about this guy? What can he do that mak es him so expensive?” The owner said, “Well, apart from talking, he can also do some amusing actions,like dancing and so on. That?s why he?s so expensive.” Then the customer said, “How about the third one? What canhe do that makes him so expensive?” The ow ner of the shopsaid, “I don?t know. Normally, I have never heard him talk, nor dance, nor whistle, nor sing, nothing at all! But the other two call him …The Boss.?” 老板最大有个人到一间商店买鹦鹉。店里有三只鹦鹉,其中一只卖五千元,另一只卖一万元,还有一只卖三万元。顾客问老板:「为什么这只要卖五千元?这个价钱对这种鹦鹉来说太贵了!」老板说:「因为我有训练他讲话。」顾客又问:「那这只呢?他会做什么?为什么要卖这么贵?」老板说:「他除了会说话之外,还会表演一些有趣的动作,好比说跳舞等等,所以才卖这么贵。」顾客接着又问:「那第三只呢?他会做什么?为什么要卖这么贵?」老板说:「我不知道。我从没听过他讲话、吹口哨或唱歌,也没看过他跳舞,什么都没有!不过另外两只叫他:『老板!』」 Where is the egg? Teacher:Can you make a sentence with the word "egg"? Student:Yes.I ate a piece of cake yesterday. Teacher:Then where is the “egg"?


100个儿童英语故事阅读:你的车怎么了 Something Is Wrong with Your Cars Robert was a clever young man and got on well with his classmates .They all liked him and played with him though he often boasted .He was strong and often had sports .He hoped to join the army when he left the middle school .Bad luck !His leg was hurt in a traffic accident and he couldn’t walk .He had to go to his home village and help his father to manage the farm .He read a lot of books on farming and did well in it .He got much money and bought a few farms next to hs and ten years later he became the richest farmer in his village . Once Robert net several friends in the capital .Some of them were famous in their country .They knew nothing about their lame friend .It made him unhappy and he asked them to visit his farm .They agreed and went there with him .They saw a beautiful house with a big garden when they got there .They found he had a lot of sheep ,pigs and cows .Robert and his family warmly received the guests from London .The next morning he took them to his farm .It was so large that they couldn’t see the other end and it surprised them all . “It’ll take you two days to reach the other end of my farm by car !”Robert said happily . “I think something is wrong with your cars !”one of the guests said with a smile . 100个儿童英语故事阅读:愚蠢的小鸡 A Foolish Chicken Christmas was coming .Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children .His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her


英语故事短文带翻译-小红帽 There once was a cute little girl, who met with like, but her favorite was her grandmother, and there was nothing she wanted to give her something. Once she gave her a velvet, Little Red Riding Hood, worn on her head just right. Since then, the girl no longer willing to wear any other hat, so always called her “Little Red Riding Hood.” One day her mother Little Red Riding Hood, said: “Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine to your grandmother, she is ill, weak, and they will do better now take advantage of the day yet. heat, and quickly leave it in a good way to go, do not run, do not leave the path, or you may fall, so the grandmother could not get anything on. to grandma’s house, do not forget to say ‘good morning’, also Do entered the room look east look west. “ “I’ll be careful.” Little Red Riding Hood to her mother, and gave her hand on it. Grandma lived in the village outside the forest, Little Red Riding Hood from the house there is a long way. Little Red Riding Hood had just entered the wood, a wolf met her. Little Red Riding Hood did not know the wolf is the bad guy, so is not afraid of him. “Hello, Little Red Riding Hood,” Wolf said. “Thank you, Mr. Wolf.” “Little Red Riding Hood, Whither away so early?” “I’m going to grandma’s house.” “What have you got in your apron?” “Cake and wine. Yesterday was baked some cakes, poor sick grandmother, eat some good things in order to recover.”


The lion and the mouse 狮子与报恩的老鼠 When a lion was asleep狮子睡着了, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.有只老鼠在他的周围爬上爬下,很快吵醒了狮子,狮子很生气,一把抓住了老鼠 "Forgive me, please." cried the little mouse. “饶了我吧,”老鼠请求说"I may be able to help you someday." “也许有一天我能帮上你的忙呢。” The lion was tickled at these words.He thought, "How could this little mouse help me?" 狮子觉得很好笑,他想:“这只小老鼠怎么能帮上我的忙?”However he lifted up his paws and let him go.但他还是抬起爪子放他走了。 A few days later, the lion was caught in a trap. 不久,狮子被陷阱困住了。The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king猎人们想将活狮子献给国王, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon.就把他捆在一棵大树上,然后去找马车。 Just then the little mouse passed by这时,老鼠路过这里, and saw the sad lion看到了绝望中的狮子.He went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. 他走过去,很快啃断了绳索,说:"Was I not right?" asked the little mouse. “我虽小,可是我也能帮上你的忙。”


100字以内的经典儿童英语故事 The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young." 【译文】 老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因 为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠, 不过,它咬不住这只老鼠。所以,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫 咬不了它。 于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意 为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住 老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。” A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for


儿童英语小故事50字带翻译:守株待兔 Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in the field of radish, he was too tired to day is sweat. Just then, he saw a rabbit, a head of bump in next to a tree. The farmers walked over a look, the rabbit and killed. The man was pleased, picked up the hare, in the evening he ate the hare. He think: if there is a rabbit to eat every day it would be great! Don’t work the next day, he went to the field, sitting in the tree an inferior, hope to have the hare ran, killed himself in a tree. He waited day after day, the hare didn’t come, all the turnip farmers. “Waiting” is from the story. “Plant” here is the “tree”. This idiom has two meanings. A metaphor is someone accidentally happened as experience, still firmly hold on to. A metaphor is people are reluctant to work conscientiously, delusional get unexpected harvest. 从前,有个农民在田里种萝卜,他累得满头都是汗水。正在这时,忽然跑来一只野兔,一头撞在旁边的大树上。农民走过去一看,兔子撞死了。那个人很高兴,把野兔捡了起来,晚上他把野兔吃了。他想:要是每天都有一只野兔吃该有多好啊! 第二天,他到地里不劳动了,坐在大树下等着,希望再有野兔跑过来,自己撞死在大树上。 他等了一天又一天,野兔没有再来,农民的萝卜全都枯死了。 “守株待兔”就是从这个故事来的。“株”在这儿就是“树”。这个成语有两个意思。一个是比喻有人把偶然发生的事情当作经验,还牢牢守住不放。一个是比喻有人不愿切实地工作,妄想得到意外的收获。


简单幼儿英语小故事30字带翻译-懂礼貌的小兔 The hot summer comes, the bird cries in the tree, “hot, hot!” The beautiful white rabbit wearing beautiful flower skirt, humming a song, scampered up the bridge. It’s going to go to the opposite side to pick mushrooms. At this time, it is seen that the goat is also ready to cross the bridge. The bridge is very narrow, only a person to cross the bridge. The little white rabbit saw, stopped and said: “the goat you cross the bridge!” Say that finish, it’s back down from the bridge. Uncle goat wearing glasses, on crutches on the bridge and walk slowly. Uncle goat slipped and almost fell, frightened rabbit shouted loudly: “Uncle goat, be careful!” Goat’s uncle over the bridge, feeling the head of the small white rabbit: “you are a g ood boy!” 炎热的夏天来了,小鸟在树上叫着:“热呀,热呀!”美丽的小白兔穿着漂亮的花裙子,哼着歌,蹦蹦跳跳地上了桥。它要到对面去采蘑菇。 就在这时候,它看见对面的山羊伯伯也准备要过桥。小桥很窄,只能一个人过桥。小白兔看见了,停下脚步,大声说:“山羊伯伯您先过桥吧!”说完,它就从桥上退了下来。山羊伯伯戴着眼镜,拄着拐杖在桥上慢慢地走着。山羊伯伯一不小心差点摔到了,吓得小白兔大声地喊:“山羊伯伯,小心一点过桥!” 山羊伯伯过了桥,摸着小白兔的头夸奖道:“你真乖!”


幼儿英语故事教学 教学目标:了解幼儿英语故事活动的意义和特点,理解幼儿英语故事活动的基本原则;掌握幼儿英语故事活动的方式和技巧;明确幼儿英语故事活动的教学步骤,理解幼儿英语故事 活动的注意事项。 教学重点:掌握幼儿英语故事活动的方式和技巧;理解掌握幼儿英语故事活动的教学步骤。 教学方法:课堂讲授法、讨论法、范例引导法、示范法 教学内容: 第一节幼儿英语故事活动概述 一、幼儿英语故事活动的意义和特点 (一)幼儿英语故事活动的意义 1.以小见大,寓教育于启发之中。 2.英语故事活动能很好地解决幼儿的学习兴趣和学习动机问题。 3.扩展幼儿的词汇量,培养他们自觉获取语言材料的能力。 4.培养幼儿善于倾听的技能和良好的语感。 5.整合相关的学习内容。 6.能够很好地渗透文化意识。 (二)幼儿英语故事活动的特点 1.题材广泛,主题单纯。 2.情节生动,结构紧凑,易于表演。 3.叙事为主,语言口语化,句型重复化,重点词句反复练习。 二、幼儿英语故事活动的基本原则 (一)尽量使用英语,适当利用母语的原则 在起始阶段的英语故事活动中,全英文的活动可能会降低教学效率,也容易使听不懂的幼儿产生挫折感和畏难情绪。目前比较一致的看法是遵循“尽量使用英语,适当利用母语”的教学原则。应该对母语采取一种更为宽容的态度,不要使听故事的活动变为困难重重的语言练习活动。 (二)大剂量感知和积累幼儿英语故事的原则

教师应该提供大量的、全面平衡的幼儿英语故事,利用餐前饭后等闲暇时间让幼儿进行感知和积累,以寻求一种熏陶和潜移默化。 (三)重视过程的原则 教师应以学习英语词句为手段, 激发幼儿创造性的认知能力、情感、人格特征和身体动作技能的发展。 (四)融入感情的原则 教师要用生动、形象的语言说话,注意语调的抑扬顿挫,以此来增强幼儿的想象力、创造力,也会在无意中给予幼儿优美的语言熏陶。 (五)主体活动性原则 改变常见的老师讲,幼儿听,然后提几个问题,在老师指定的范围内学习词句、记忆情节的做法,发挥幼儿的主体性,尽可能把英语故事活动设计成幼儿的各种自主活动。 (六)直观性原则 1.教具直观。 2.言语直观。 3.体态直观。 (七)重复性原则 故事中反复出现的简单、有趣、易学的句子,孩子们会有意识或无意识地跟着老师或录音重复,并能轻而易举的记住,甚至会不经意的运用得恰到好处。 (八)理解性原则 教师呈现给幼儿的语言(言语性的)从内容上看有两类,一类是熟悉的,幼儿已经接触过、并已基本掌握的,另一类是幼儿比较陌生的,或是刚接触但尚未掌握的,或是未接触过的。前一类语言内容教师可直接以纯语言的形式呈现给幼儿,不会影响幼儿对语义内容的理解,同时还会强化他们已知的语言内容。后一类语言需要教师配合多种手段呈现给幼儿。 三、幼儿英语故事活动的方式 (一)给幼儿讲故事 用英语故事组织活动首先是为了让孩子们能够在听故事中获得乐趣。为此,他们只需听懂故事的大意或主线,而不必听懂故事中的每一个词。在讲故事时,说话是自发式的、自然的,用很自然的语调使故事听起来很真实;讲故事时我们会不时注视着孩子,观察他们是否都听懂,还会


幼儿园中班英语教案:大灰狼和小羊的故事 幼儿园幼儿园中班英语教案:大灰狼和小羊的故事,希望对幼儿学习有所帮助,仅供参考。 活动目标: 1、引导并鼓励幼儿在感受不同类型音乐的基础上大胆地表现出自己认为的善与恶的形象。 2、通过活动,引导幼儿学习新授单词:wolf。 3、引导幼儿体验英语活动带来的乐趣。 活动准备: 情景创设(森林)、小羊的头饰若干、大灰狼的衣服、磁带 活动过程: (一) 情景创设(复习部分动物单词) 出示小羊的头饰, ,Who is it ? 今天我们就来做sheep做游戏,(幼儿与教师一起带头饰) Who are you ? We are sheeps. (音乐……):今天我们又要来做游戏了,Are you happy? ( It’s carrot …… go go go ——carrot carrot eat eat eat. It’s grass ……go go go ——grass grass eat eat eat. That’s mushroom …… ——mushroom mushroom eat eat eat (二) 新授单词wolf (沉重地音乐……)guess guess ,Who will coming? (tiger 、lion、elephant、bear……) Look,Who is coming?

It’s a WOLF. 纠正幼儿对新单词的发音。 Wolf 长得什么样?是怎么走路的? 幼儿跟着音乐学wolf。Wolf wolf 大灰狼…… (三) Game 《Wolf and sheep .》 (欢快地音乐……)sheep sheep jump jump jump.…… (沉重地音乐……)Who is coming ? Wolf ,wolf is coming .……sheep ,we are go home!……Wolf go back! (重复一次) (欢快地音乐……赶走大灰狼)

英语动物小故事带翻译 有教育意义

英语动物小故事带翻译有教育意义 故事一: One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a vi sit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell. 一天,老师带学生到养鸡场参观,当他们走近孵化器时,刚好一只小鸡 破壳而出。 "It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, i sn't it?" the teacher said. “看见一个小生命从蛋壳里出来,岂不是很奇妙的吗?”老师说。 "Yes, sir." said one of the boys, " but it would be more wonderf ul if we knew how a chick gets in to its eggs hell before hand." “是的,老师。”一个男学生说,“可是,如果我们知道它是怎样事先钻进 蛋壳里的那就更奇妙了。” 故事二: Good and evil 善与恶 Weak forces of good and evil was expelled to the sky. Asked Ze us is good at, how can we return to earth to. Zeus told him that we should no t and go, one by one of the world to visit it. Evil and people very close, so one after a no ther to find them. Good because down from the sky, on the very slow to very slow. 参考译文: 力量弱小的善,被恶赶走到了天上。善于是问宙斯,怎样才能回到人间去。 宙斯告诉他,大家不要一起去,一个一个的去访问人间吧。恶与人很相近, 所以接连不断地去找他们。善因为从天上下来,所以就来得很慢很慢。 故事三: A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do no t want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dus t. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then h
