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Toilet paperClothes—hanger衣架卫生纸Comb Pillow枕头梳子

Bath tub Pillowcase枕袋浴缸

Bath被子Quilt towel浴巾


Bath mat地巾Extra bed加床

Shower cap:床垫Mattress浴帽

硬床垫Hardmattress Bath robe浴袍

软床垫mattressSoft Hairdryer吹风机

Tap Laundrylist洗衣单水龙头

Coffee洗衣袋bagLaundry table茶几Bed-head Laundry洗衣店床头

Electric针线包kitSewing kettle电热水壶薯片Chips Towel毛巾


文具盒Folder Conditioner护发素

信纸paper牙刷Toothbrush Writing

信封Toothpaste Envelope牙膏


Drawer抽屉Mineral water矿泉水

Switch Vanity/dressing table梳妆台开关

Switch board控制板Bed cover床罩


Bedside table行李床头柜Luggage

Door请勿打扰bell门铃notDo disturb


TV remote controlcardBreakfast早餐卡电视遥控器双人床bed Ashtray烟灰缸size King

垃圾桶火柴Rubbish binMatches

手电筒Flash light Tea茶


壁灯鞋拔子board lampWall Shoes

卧室room熨斗Iron Bed


数据线落地灯lampFloor lineData

门镜猫眼Tablelight台灯Peep hole

灯杆shade插头Adapter Lamp

被罩cover接线板code Extension Quilt

请勿吸烟卡变压器Transformer cardsmokingNo 椅子Chair床裙Bedskirting



Rubber mat Shoe basket鞋筐防滑垫

Hook门堵挂衣钩Door stopper


Shower马桶Toilet bowl淋浴

Shower cap浴帽闹钟Alarm clock

Shower curtains浴帘挂画pictureWall

Wash Ball pen圆珠笔Basin面盆

Basinshine水池,盆子mitt/paper擦鞋布Shoe 褥子,床垫子padBed剃须刀Razor/Shaver

床头板Candybottle糖果盅boardBed head 购物袋Shopping安全链chainSafety bag

纱帘scale体重秤Sheer curtainBathroom 取电器insertKey托盘Tray


窗台小酒吧barMini Sill



皂碟dish门把手Doorhandle Soap

衣刷bag Sanitary brushClothes卫生袋



Wall paper墙纸Spoon勺子

Recorder录音机扶手椅chair Arm

Shower head喷头口杯Mug

Tissue paper box茶杯Cup面布纸盒

Note Mirror镜子pad记事本,便条。Computer Washer洗衣机电脑




西红柿梨tomato pear

枣(去核枣菠萝pittedChinesepineapple date )date西瓜watermelon










水蜜桃杏子honey apricot peach

香瓜、甜瓜油桃musk nectarinemelon


杨梅石榴waxberry red pomegranate bayberry 桂圆榴莲longan jackfruit

沙果槟榔果crab areca nutapple


枇杷猕猴桃fruit kiwi Chinese loquator gooseberry柑橘tangerine


蟠桃peach flat番石榴guava

荔枝litchi:家畜)肉、蔬菜类(livestock 南瓜(倭瓜)cushawpumpkin猪肉pork

羊肉甜玉米mutton Sweet corn

羔羊肉牛肉lamb beef



冬瓜(()白菜waxcelery cabbagegourdChinese Chinese

)cabbage莲藕lotus root


萝卜radish油菜cole rape




豌豆pea青椒green pepper

马铃薯(土豆)potato四季豆、青刀豆garden bean

黄瓜cucumber银耳silvery fungi

苦瓜pear balsam腱子肉tendon

秋葵okra肘子pork joint

洋葱onion茴香(茴香油药oil fennelfennel 用)芹菜celery

鲤鱼芹菜杆carpcelery sticks

咸猪肉地瓜bacon sweet potato



茶叶蛋牛蒡great burdockTea eggs

火腿水萝卜summer radishham

芋头竹笋bamboo shootTaro

山药艾蒿yam Chinese mugwort

鱼翅绿豆shark mung bean fin

黄花毛豆beansoy daylilygreen

松花蛋皮蛋瘦肉preserved eggs lean meat 开胃菜肥肉appetizer speck

牛排黄花菜()steak daylily bud day lily 里脊肉豆芽菜filletsproutbean

燕窝丝瓜nest bird's towelgourd

肉丸子咸菜(泡菜)ballsmeat pickle


虾仁Prawns Peeled蟹足claws crab

小虾龙虾shrimp lobster

对虾、大虾小龙虾prawn crayfish

鱿鱼蟹squid crab

海参鳖、海龟cucumberturtle sea


鲅鱼鲍鱼abaloneculter sea-ear


虾籽牡蛎shrimp egg oyster

鲢鱼、银鲤鱼鱼鳞chub scalesilver carp 黄花鱼海蜇croaker jellyfish yellow


醋花椒vinegar ashprickly Chinese

色拉油酱油oil salad soy

调料盐seasoning fixing saucesalt

砂糖加碘盐sugar granulated iodizedsalt

红糖糖sugarbrown sugar

冰糖白糖Sugar refinedsugar Rock

芝麻酱Sesame sauce soy

芝麻酱沙拉pasteSesame salad

芝麻油()辣椒oilpepperhot red Sesame

咖喱粉)胡椒(curryblack pepper


酵母粉辣根horseradishyeast barm

黄椒葱()Yellowonions shallot pepperSpring 肉桂姜gingercinnamon


香草精料酒vanilla extract cooking wine 面粉蚝油oystersauceflour


:)主食类(food staple

三明治sandwich黄油(白塔油)butter 油菜米饭rice rape

饼干粥()souprice cookies congee

馒头汤soup steamed bread

饼(蛋糕)饺子cake dumpling


奶酪比萨饼cheese pizza

馄饨皮方便面wonton skinnoodle instant

高筋面粉面包Strongbread flour



白薯甘薯青稞sweet highland barley potato

凉粉(高粱)bean jelly broomcorn kaoliang 糯米江米春卷sticky Spring rollrice

粟肉馅饼mincedpieChinese corn

枳橙糙米ricecitrange Brown

淀粉玉米starch corn

蛋挞馅儿eggstuffing tart

:)干果类(fruits dry

腰果果脯nuts Cashew preserved fruit


葡萄干无花果raisin fig cordial

开心果榛子filberthazel pistachion

巴西果栗子brazilchestnut nut

菱角核桃荸荠和国内(chestnut walnutwater,


酒水类():beverage红酒wine red凉开水cold boiled water 汉斯啤酒白酒white wineHans beer

浓缩果汁白兰地concentrated brandy juice

冰镇啤酒葡萄酒iced(chilled)sherry beer

札幌(日本啤酒)软饮料汽水Sapporo)(soda 爱尔啤酒(美国)(盐)汽水ale sparkling water 级牛奶果汁grand AA milkjuice

班图酒冰棒bantu lollyIce-beer

半干雪利啤酒beerdry sark

参水牛奶酸奶blue yoghurt milk


生啤酒鸡尾酒draft beercocktail

白啤酒豆奶white soymilkbeer

苏格兰大麦酒豆浆barley-bree<>milk soybean 咖啡伴侣七喜mateUP7coffee



棒棒糖冰淇凌ice bonboncream

防腐剂茶(沏茶)preservative the tea tea make

圣代冰淇淋话梅plum prune candied sundae

巧克力豆锅巴marble rice crustchocolate barley


布丁pudding)(冰棒(冰果)frozenice sucker :)中式早點(sum dim

烧饼割包rollsClay oven Steamed sandwich

饭团油条Rice Friedbreadstick and vegetable roll 蛋饼韭菜盒Egg cakesleekFried dumplings

皮蛋水饺100-year Boileddumplings egg

咸鸭蛋蒸饺Salted duck dumplingsSteamed egg

豆浆馒头Steamed bunsSoybean milk


稀饭油饭porridge Rice Glutinous oil rice

糯米饭白饭GlutinousPlainrice white rice

卤肉饭鳝魚面Eel noodles pork riceBraised

乌龙面蛋炒饭Seafood noodles with eggriceFried


地瓜粥mustard green noodlescongeepotato Sweet

牡蛎细面馄饨面Oyster thin Wonton&noodlesnoodles 板条刀削面Flatnoodles Sliced noodles

米粉麻辣面hotRice noodlesnoodles Spicy

炒米粉麻酱面Fried ricepasteSesame noodles noodles 冬粉鸭肉面Green bean Duckwith noodlesnoodle


鱼丸汤酸辣汤soupFishball Sweet&sour soup

馄饨汤貢丸汤Wontonball soupsoupMeat

猪肠汤蛋花汤Pork soup Egg&vegetableintestine soup 肉羹汤蛤蜊汤Pork thicksoupClams soup

鱿鱼汤牡蛎汤Squid soup Oystersoup

花枝羹紫菜汤Squid soup Seaweedthick soup


熊掌素菜vegetables paw bear's

肉羹鹿脯meat of deerbroth


酒店用品的中英文对照 酒店客房用品 Curtains 窗帘Clothes —han ger 衣架Pillow枕头Pillow case 枕袋 Quilt被子 Bla nket 毛毯Extra bed 加 床Mattress :床垫 Hard mattress 硬床垫Soft mattress 软床垫Laundry list 洗衣单Laundry bag 洗衣袋Laundry 洗衣店Sewing kit针线包Towel毛巾Shampoo洗发水Con ditio ner 护发素Toothbrush 牙刷Toothpaste 牙膏Soap香皂 Tissues 面巾纸 Toilet paper 卫生纸 Comb梳子 Bath tub 浴缸 Bath towel 浴巾Face towel 小方巾 Bath mat 地巾 Shower cap 浴帽 Bath robe 浴袍 Hairdryer吹风机 Tap 水龙头 Coffee table 茶几 Bed —head 床头 Electric kettle 电热水壶Chips薯片 Slippers 拖鞋 Folder文具盒 Writi ng paper 信纟氏Env elope 信封 Wardrobe 衣柜

Drawer抽屉 Vani ty/dress ing table 梳妆台Bed cover 床罩 Sheet床单 Luggage 行李 Do not disturb 请勿打扰Light bulb 电灯泡 Breakfast card 早餐卡 Ashtray 烟灰缸 Matches 火柴 Tea茶 Coffee 咖啡 Shoes board 鞋拔子 Iron 熨斗 Ironing board 熨衣板 Floor lamp 落地灯 Table light 台灯 Adapter 插头 Exte nsion code 接线板 Tra nsformer 变压器Chair椅子 Trolley 工作车 Min eral water 矿泉水Switch开关 Switch board 控制板 Safety box 保险箱 Bedside table 床头柜 Door bell 门铃 Livi ng room 客厅 TV remote control电视遥控器King size bed 双人床Rubbish bin 垃圾桶 Flash light 手电筒 Key hole 取电器 Wall lamp 壁灯 Bed room 卧室 Twin beds 成对单人床 Data line数据线 Peep hole 门镜猫眼Lamp shade 灯杆


手机电路图中英文对照 手机电路图中英文对照 A A 模拟 AB 地址总线ACCESSORIES 配件ADC 模拟到数字的转换ADDRESS BUS 地址总线 AFC 自动频率控制 AFPCB 音频电路板 AGC 自动增益控制 AGND 模拟地 ALARM 告警 ALERT 振铃 ALRT 铃声电路 ALRT-VCC 振铃器电源 ANTSW 天线开关 AOC-DRIVE 自动功率控制驱动AUDIO 音频 AUX 辅助 AVCC 音频供电 APC 音频处理芯片GSM-LNA275 900MHz低噪声放大器电压() GSM-PINDIODE 功率放大器输出到匹配电路的切换控制信号 GSM-SEL 频段切换控制信号之一(900 MHz) G-TX-VCO 900MHz发射压控振荡器 H Hex 十六进制 Hamonic Filter 谐波滤波器 HAND SET 手持机 HARDWARE 硬件 HOOK 外接免提计算机 HEAD-INT 头戴耳机控制 I Insert Card 插入卡 Initial 初始化 IMSI 国际移动用户识别码 IWF 各种业务功能接口 I/O 输入/输出 ICTRL 供电电流大小控制 IFLO 中频本振 INFRARED RAY 红外线 INT 中断 K KEYBOARD 键盘 KEY 键、键控 KHz 千赫兹 KBC 按键列地址线 L

ANT 天线 AUC 鉴权中心 A/D 模拟/数字转换AUTO 自动 A/L 音频/逻辑板ACCESS 接入 APC 自动功率控制 B BIT 比特 BURST 突发脉冲串BCCH 广播信道 BW 带宽 BUSY 忙 BUS 总线BARRING 限制 BCD 二/十进制码BPF 带通滤波器Block Digram 方框图Backlight 背光LPF 低通滤波器 LCD 液晶显示器 LCD DATA 显示屏数据 LCD EN 显示屏使能 LCD WR 显示屏写入 LINE 连接线、线路 LO 本振 LOCK 锁定 LOGIC 逻辑 LOOP FLITER 环路滤波器 LSPCTRL 扬声器控制 M MIN 移动用户电话识别码 MSN 机械序列号 MIC 拾音器 MS 移动台 MODEM 调制解调器 MENU 菜单 MOD Freq 调制频率 MCLK 主时锺 MDM 调制解调器 MEMORY 存储器 MISO 主机输入从机输出(摩托罗拉)Mixed Second 第二混频 MOBILE 移动 MOD 调制 MODIN 调制I信号负 MODIP 调制I信号正 MODQN 调制Q信号负 MODQP 调制Q信号正 MOSI 主机输出从机输入 MPU 主处理单元(中央处理器)MUC 主控制单元


建筑材料供应合同(中英文) 建筑材料供应合同(中英文) CONTRACT OF PURCHASE BUILDING MATERIAL 买方 Buyer (以下简称“买方”hereinafter, the “Buyer”)地址 Address : 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 卖方 Seller : 地址 Address : 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax :

本合同经买、卖双方友好协商后在年月日签订。根据本合同签订的条款,买方同意向卖方购买、卖方同意向买方提供下列轻钢结构系统建筑材料一套(以下简称“钢结构”): This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller on ___________, 1997 after friendly negotiations. The Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from the Seller, and the Seller hereby agrees to sell to the Buyer, the following set of metal building system (hereinafter, the “Metal Building System”) on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract: 第一条项目名称Article 1. Name of Project 1.1 本项目名称为:The name of this project is: 1.2 本项目位于(以下简称“工地现场”)。 This project is located at (hereinafter, “the Site”). 第二条卖方供货范围Article 2. Scope of Supply from Seller 2.1 在提供钢结构时,卖方应负责: In supplying the Metal Building System, the Seller shall be responsible for: 2.1.1 设计并制造供应本项目地面以上的全部钢结构(详见附件一);及 the design and manufacture of this project’s entire above-ground structure (see Attachment 1 for details); and 2.1.2 所提供钢结构部件及材料的□必要包装□运输□运输的保险。


碳钢弯头 Carbon Steel Elbow 不锈钢弯头 Stainless Steel Elbow 高压弯头 High-Pressure Elbow 同心异径管 Concentric Reducers 偏心异径管 Eccentric Reducers 高压异径管 High-pressure Reducers 不锈钢等径三通 Stainless Straight Tee 碳钢等径三通 Carbon Straight Tee 不锈钢等径四通 Stainless Straight Cross 高压三通 High-pressure Tee 锻制三通 Forged Tee 异径接头 Template 管帽 Caps 法兰flange 长径和短径弯头 long and short radius elbows 同心和偏心异径接头 concentric and eccentric reducers 等径和异径三通 straight and reducing outlet tees 大小头 CONCENTRIC REDUCER 相等的三通Tee Equal 等径三通Straight Tee 异径三通Reducing Tee 等径四通Straight Cross 90°短半径弯头90°SS Elbow(SR) U型管Return Bend

90°长半径弯头90°SS Elbow (LR) 高压厚壁弯头Thickness Elbow 盲法兰Blank Flange 弯管Bends 翻边stub ends 异径接头reducers 公称通径 nominal diameter 外径(mm) outside diameter 中心距至端面的距离 center to end 理论重量(kg/pcs) approx weight 类种description 标准Standard 类型Design 材质Material 双丝头 Nipple 同心异径短节 SWAGE Nipple 活接头 Union PLUG HEX HEAD六角管堵 PLUG HEX HEAD SCRD六角螺纹管堵 MPT螺纹 RC螺纹螺桩 stud SWAGE (CONC)同 心异径短节 单承口管箍 Half-Coupling 异径管箍Coupling, Reducing 盲板 Blind Flange 带双圈的盲板spectacle blind 偏心的Ecentric 等径直通equal coupling 内牙直通 female coupling 外牙直通 straight tube with outside 90等径弯头 90 equal elbow 45等径弯头 45 equal elbow


1 Directional protection 方向保护 2 Distance protection 距离保护 3 Over current protection 过流保护 4 Pilot protection 高频保护 5 Differential protection 差动保护 6 Rotor earth-fault protection 转子接地保护 7 Stator earth-fault protection 定子接地保护 8 Over fluxing protection 过励磁保护 9 Back-up protection 后备保护 11 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸 12 Start up/Pick up 起动 13 Breaker 断路器 14 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关 15 Current transformer 电流互感器 16 Potential transformer 电压互感器

17 Dead zone/Blind spot 死区 18 Vibration/Oscillation 振荡 19 Reliability 可靠性 20 Sensitivity 灵敏性 21 Speed 速动性 22 Selectivity 选择性 23 Step-type distance relay 分段距离继电器 24 Time delay 延时 25 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁 26 Incorrect tripping 误动 27 Phase to phase fault 相间故障 28 Earth fault 接地故障 29 Through- fault 穿越故障 30 Permanent fault 永久性故障 31 Temporary fault


店客房用品配备标准: 1毛巾 全棉,白色为主,素色以不褪色为准,无色花,无色差,手感柔软,吸水性能好,无污渍,无明显破损性疵点。符合FZ/T 62006的规定。普通毛巾纱支:地经纱21s/2,纬纱21s;优质毛巾纱支:地经纱32s/2,纬纱32s。 注:21s = 29tex,32s=18tex。 1.1浴巾 四、五星级规格:不小于1400mm*800mm,重量不低于600g。 1.2面巾 四、五星级规格:不小于700mm*350mm,重量不低于140g 。 1.3地巾 四、五星级规格:不小于750mm*450mm,重量不低于350g。 1.4方巾 b)四、五星级规格:不小于320mm*320mm,重量不低于55g。 1.5浴衣 棉制品或丝绸制品。柔软舒适,保暖。 淮安欣洁毛巾制造有限公司——酒店用品毛巾专业生产厂家 【本毛巾厂生产的纯棉毛巾全部采用环保型活性漂染工艺,质地柔软、色泽鲜艳、不褪色、无异味、花型新颖。是宾馆酒店、桑拿浴场、礼品公司、外贸公司等长期合作的优秀毛巾供应商。采用100%全棉纱线织制。】 2软垫 平整,弹性适宜,无污损。 四、五星级 规格:不小于2000mm*1100mm。 3床上用品 3.1床单 全棉,白色为主,布面光洁,透气性能良好,无疵点,无污渍。符合FZ/T 62007的规定。 四、五星级:纱支不低于32s,经纬密度不低于6080,长和宽度宜大于软垫700mm。 注:20s= 29tex,32s=18tex。6060=236/236,6080=236/318.5。 3.2枕芯 松软舒适,有弹性,无异味。 四、五星级:规格不小于750mm*450mm。 3.3枕套 全棉,白色为主,布面光洁,无明显疵点,无污损,规格与枕芯相配。 四、五星级纱支不低于32s,经纬密度不低于6080。 3.4毛毯 素色为主,手感柔软,保暖性能良好,经过阻燃、防蛀处理,无污损。规格尺寸与床单相配。应符合FZ61001的规定。 四、五星级:精纺纯毛制品。 3.5床罩 外观整洁,线型均匀,边缝整齐,无断线,不起毛球,无污损,不褪色,经过阻燃处理,夹


【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】 【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】 【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】 【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】 【Timber 木材】 【Metallic Materials 金属材料】 【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】 【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】 【Paint 油漆】 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 【Discipline 专业】

【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书 planning proposals 设计任务书 design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图 information drawing 设计基础资料 basic data for design 工艺流程图 process flowchart 工程地质资料 engineering geological data 原始资料 original data 设计进度 schedule of design


英文缩写对照表 英文缩写英文全称中文全称 AGC Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制 AVC Automatic Voltage Control 自动电压控制 BIPV Building Integrated Photovoltaic 光伏建筑一体化 CIM Common Information Model 公共信息模型 CMS Customer Management System 客户管理系统 CSR Controlled Shunt Reactor 可控并联电抗器 DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统 DSCADA Distribution Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 配电监控系统DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing 光通信集成式密集波分复用EENS Expected Energy Not Serve 电量不足期望值 EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划 FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化 FACTS Flexible AC Transmission Systems 柔性交流输电系统 FCB Fast Cut Back 机组快速切负荷 FCL Fault Current Limiter 故障电流限制器 GDP Gross Domestic Product 国民生产总值 GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关 GIS Geographic Information System 地理信息系统 IEC International Electro-technical Commission 国际电工委员会 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气电子工程师协会IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor 绝缘栅双级型功率管 IP Internet Protocol 互联网协议 IPTV Internet Protocol Television 网络电视 LCAM Life Cycle Asset Manager 资产全寿命周期管理 LLS Lightning Location System 雷电定位系统 MPLS Multiple Protocol Label Switch 多协议标签协议 Ofgem Office of Gas and Electricity Markets 天燃气与电力市场办公室 OMS Outage Manamgement System 故障管理系统 PFTTH Power Fiber To The Home 电力光纤到户 PLC Power line Communication 电力线通信 PMS Production Management System 生产管理系统 PMU Phasor Measurement Unit 相量测量单元 PSS Power System Stablizer 电力系统稳定器 RTU Remote Terminal Unit 远程终端单元 SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监视控制系统SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字系列 SOA Service-Oriented Architecture 面向服务框架 SSSC Static Synchronous Series Compensator 静止同步串联补偿器STATCOM Static Synchronous Compensator 静止同步补偿器 SVC Static Var Compensator 静止无功补偿器


The application of constructional material 建筑材料的应用 The availability of suitable structural materials is one of the principal limitations on the accomplishment of an experienced structural engineer. Early builders depended almost exclusively on wood, stone, brick, and concrete. Although iron had been used by humans at least since the building of the Egyptian pyramids, use of it as a structural material was limited because of the difficulties of smelting it in large quantities. With the industrial revolution, however, came both the need for iron as a structural material and the capability of smelting it in quantity. John Smeaton, an English civil engineer, was the first to use cast iron extensively as a structural material in the mid-eighteenth century. After 1841, malleable iron was developed as a more reliable material and was widely used. Whereas malleable iron was superior to cast iron, there were still too many structural failures and there was a need for a more reliable material. Steel was the answer to this demand. The invention of the Bessemer converter in 1856 and the subsequent development of the Siemens-Martin open-hearth process for making steel made it possible to produce structural steel at competitive prices and triggered the tremendous developments and accomplishments in the use of structural steel over the next hundred years. The most serious disadvantage of steel is that it oxidizes easily and must be protected by paint or some other suitable coating. When steel is used in an enclosure where a fire could occur, the steel members must be encased in a suitable fire-resistant enclosure such as masonry, concrete. Normally, steel members will not fail in a brittle manner unless an unfortunate combination of metallurgical composition, low temperature, and bi-or triaxial stress exists. Structural aluminum is still not widely used in civil engineering structures, though its use is steadily increasing. By a proper selection of the aluminum alloy and its heat treatment, a wide variety of strength characteristics may be obtained. Some of the alloys exhibit stress-strain characteristics similar those of structural steel, except that the modulus of elasticity for the initial linearly elastic portion is about 10,000,000 psi (700,000 kgf/cm*cm) or about one-third that of steel. Lightness and resistance to oxidation are, of course, two of the major advantages of aluminum. Because its properties are very sensitive to its heat treatment, care must be used when riveting or welding aluminum. Several techniques have been developed for prefabricating aluminum subassemblies that can be readily erected and bolted together in the field to form a number of beautiful and well-designed shell structures. This general procedure of prefabrication and held assembly by bolting seems to be the most promising way of utilizing structural aluminum. Reinforced and prestesses concrete share with structural material. Natural cement concretes have been used for centuries. Modern concrete construction dates from the middle of the nineteenth century, though artificial Portland cement was patented by Aspidin, an Englishman, about 1825. Although several builders and engineers experimented with the use of steel-reinforced concrete in the last half of the nineteenth century, its dominant use as a building material dates from the early decades of the twentieth century. The last fifty years have seen the rapid and vigorous development of prestressed concrete design and construction, founded largely on early work by Freyssinet in France and Magnel in Belgium. Plain (unreinforced) concrete not only is a heterogeneous material but also has one very serious defect as a structural material, namely, its very limited tensile strength, which is only of the order of one-tenth its compressive strength. Not only is tensile failure in concrete of a brittle type, but likewise compression failure occurs in a relatively brittle fashion without being preceded by the forewarning of large deformations. (Of course, in reinforced-concrete construction, ductile behavior can be obtained by proper


酒店用品的中英文对照酒店客房用品 Curtains 窗帘Clothes—hanger 衣架Pillow 枕头 Pillow case 枕袋Quilt 被子 Blanket 毛毯 Extra bed 加床Mattress:床垫 Hard mattress 硬床垫Soft mattress 软床垫Laundry list 洗衣单Laundry bag 洗衣袋Laundry 洗衣店Sewing kit 针线包Towel 毛巾Shampoo 洗发水Conditioner 护发素Toothbrush 牙刷Toothpaste 牙膏Soap 香皂Tissues 面巾纸 Toilet paper 卫生纸Comb 梳子 Bath tub 浴缸 Bath towel 浴巾 Face towel 小方巾Bath mat 地巾Shower cap 浴帽 Bath robe浴袍Hairdryer 吹风机 Tap 水龙头 Coffee table 茶几 Bed-head 床头Electric kettle 电热水壶Chips 薯片 Slippers 拖鞋 Folder 文具盒 Writing paper 信纸Envelope 信封Wardrobe 衣柜

Drawer 抽屉 Vanity/dressing table 梳妆台Bed cover 床罩 Sheet 床单 Luggage 行李 Do not disturb 请勿打扰Light bulb 电灯泡Breakfast card 早餐卡Ashtray 烟灰缸 Matches 火柴 Tea 茶 Coffee 咖啡 Shoes board 鞋拔子 Iron 熨斗 Ironing board 熨衣板 Floor lamp 落地灯 Table light 台灯 Adapter 插头 Extension code 接线板Transformer 变压器 Chair 椅子 Trolley 工作车Mineral water 矿泉水Switch 开关 Switch board 控制板 Safety box 保险箱 Bedside table 床头柜 Door bell 门铃 Living room 客厅 TV remote control电视遥控器King size bed 双人床Rubbish bin 垃圾桶 Flash light 手电筒 Key hole 取电器 Wall lamp 壁灯 Bed room 卧室 Twin beds 成对单人床 Data line 数据线 Peep hole 门镜猫眼 Lamp shade 灯杆 Quilt cover 被罩 No smoking card 请勿吸烟卡Bed skirting床裙 Fax form 传真纸

手机电路图英汉翻译 英汉对照

模数转换 地址线 音频 自动频率控制控制基准频率时钟电路在手机电路中只要看到字样则马上可以断定该信号线所控制地是主时钟电路该信号不正常则可能导致手机不能进入服务状态严重地导致手机不开机有些手机地标注为文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 自动增益控制该信号通常出现在接收机电路地低噪声放大器被用来控制接收机前端放大器在不同强度信号时给后级电路提供一个比较稳定地信号文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习告警属于接收音频电路被用来提示用户有电话进入或操作错误 铃声电路 放大器 先进地移动电话系统 天线用来将高频电磁波转化为高频电流或将高频信号电流转化为高频电磁波在电路原理图中找到就可以很方便地找到天线及天线电路文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 天线开关控制信号 自动频率控制通常出现在手机发射机地功率放大器部分(摩托罗拉手机比较常用) 自动功率控制参考电平 专用应用集成电路在手机电路中.它通常包含多个功能电路提供许多接口主要完成手机地各种控制文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 鉴权中心 音频 辅助 音频供电 背光 平衡不平衡转换 频段 频段选择只出现在双频手机或三频手机电路中该信号控制手机地频段切换 基带信号 电源 电池电压 广播信道 接收数据信号 发射数据信号 背景灯控制 偏压常出现在诺基亚手机电路中被用来控制功率放大器或其他相应地电路 屏蔽罩 发光 基站 基站控制器 频段切换 基站收发器 电池尺寸在诺基亚地许多手机中若该信号不正常会导致手机不开机 缓冲放大器常出现在电路地输出端 通信总线

蜂鸣器出现在铃声电路 带宽 卡 码分多址多址接人技术一种通信系统容量比更大其微蜂窝更小手机所需地电源消耗更小所以手机待机时间更长文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 小区 蜂窝 信道 检查 充电正电源 充电电源负端 时钟出现在不同地方起地作用不同若在逻辑电路则它与手机地开机有很大地关系在卡电路则可能导致卡故障文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 复制 金属氧化半导体 编译码器主要出现在手机地音频编译码电路 列地址线出现在手机地按键电路 串口 连接器 联系服务商 代码 耦合 覆盖 表示鉴相器地输出端 控制信号输出 发射控制输出端 中央处理器在手机地逻辑电路完成手机地多种控制 晶振 片选 数模转换 数据 数据总线 外接电源输入 直流接通 数字通信系统工作频段在频段该系统地使用频率比更高也是数字通信系统地一种它是地衍生物地很多技术与一样文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 频段选择信号 功率放大器输出地信号 射频接收信号 调解 检测 数字址 数字 二极管


一次性用品One-time items美 ['a?t?m] 洗发水Shampoo [英][??m?pu:][美][??m?pu] 护发素conditioner 沐浴露Shower Gel 英 [d?el] 美 [d??l] 润肤露Body Lotion [英][?b?di ?l?u??n][美][?bɑdi ?lo??n] 洗手液hand washing 牙具dental 英 ['dent(?)l] 美 ['d?ntl] 牙刷Toothbrush 英['tu?θbr??] 美['tuθbr??] 牙膏Toothpaste 英['tu?θpe?st] 美['tuθpest] 香皂soap 英 [s??p] 美 [sop] 圆珠笔ballpoint pen 铅笔pen 梳子Comb 英 [k??m] 美 [kom] 剃须用品shaving kit 英 ['?e?v??]美 ['?ev??] 剃刀razor 英 ['re?z?] 美 ['rez?] 须膏shaving cream [英][??eivi? kri:m][美][??ev?? krim] 女宾袋(卫生袋)sanitary bag 英 ['s?n?t(?)r?] 美 ['s?n?'t?ri] 针线包sewing kit 英 ['s????]美 ['so??] 浴帽shower cap 浴盐Bath Salt 英 [s??lt; s?lt] 擦鞋布shoe mitt /shoeshine cloth 鞋油海绵shoeshine sponge 英 [sp?n(d)?] 美 [sp?nd?]

丝瓜络Loofah 英['lu?f?] 美 ['luf?] 护理包Care packages 棉签cotton bud; cotton swab [b?d] ;[英][sw?b] /[美][swɑb]棉球Tampons['t?mp?n; -p?n] 棉片Cotton sheet 指甲锉Nail file [英][ne?l][美][nel];[fa?l] 牙线Floss 英 [fl?s] 美 [fl?s] 牙签Toothpick 英['tu?θp?k] 美['tuθp?k] 茶包tea bag 咖啡包coffee bag 糖包Sugar packets 火柴matches 吸管Straw 英 [str??]美 [str?] 调酒棒Swizzle stick 英[ ?sw?zl st?k ] 美[ ?sw?z?l st?k ] 筷子套Chopsticks sets 英 ['t??pst?ks] 美 ['t?ɑp,st?ks] 便签纸Paper notes 一次性杯套Disposable cup [d?'sp??z?b(?)l]/ [d?'spoz?bl] 杯盖Cup cover 杯垫Coasters 英 ['k??st?] 美 ['kost?] 耳塞Earplug 英 ['??pl?g] 美 ['?rpl?ɡ] 旅行套装Travel Set/suit [英][su:t][美][sut] 布草类


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Housing Problems and Options for the Elderly 1. Introduction Housing is a critical element in the lives of older persons. The affordability of housing affects the ability of the elderly to afford other necessities of life such as food and medical care. Housing that is located near hospitals and doctors, shopping, transportation, and recreational facilities can facilitate access to services that can enhance the quality of life. Housing can also be a place of memories of the past and a connection to friends and neighbors. Housing with supportive features and access to services can also make it possible for persons to age in place. In this session, we will be examining housing problems and


abrasion-Proof component of burner 燃烧器耐磨件arm-brace 撑脚 ash conditoner 调灰器 basket removal panel 元件盒检修护板 BDV blow down valve 疏水阀,排污阀 blind 堵板 blind flange 法兰堵板/盲板法兰(盖calling 催交 campell diagram 叶片埃贝尔曲线 dado 墙裙 daily service fuel tank level switch 日用油缸液位掣 damage 损毁 damper 挡板 damper linkage 风闸联动装置 damper motor 风闸马达 damping mat 阻尼垫 dangerous earth potential 危险性对地电势dashpot 减震器 data transmission 数据传输 DC/AC converter 直流电/交流电转换器dead 不带电 dead weight 自重 decanter 沉淀分取器 declaration of conformity 符合标准声明decommissioning 解除运作;停止运作decompression chamber 减压室 decorative lighting 装饰照明;灯饰 deep bore well pump 深钻井泵 defect liability period 故障修理责任期;保用期 defectograph 钢缆探伤仪;故障检查仪defence in depth 纵深防御 definite sequence 固定次序 deflection 偏转;挠度 deflector sheave 折向轮;导向轮 defrost timer 防霜时间掣defrost unit 溶雪组合 dehumidifier 抽湿机 deleterious substance 有害物质 delivery and return air temperature 送风及回风温度 delivery connection 出油接头 delivery pressure 输出压力 demand side management 用电需求管理demand side management agreement 用电需求管理协议 demand side management programme 用电需求管理计划 dent 凹痕 dental instrument 牙科仪器 dental scaler 洗牙具 Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 行政部〔机电工程署〕Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 部门安全组〔机电工程署〕 deposition 沉积物 depth measuring facility 深度测量装置derating factor 额定值降低因子 derust 除锈 descale 清除氧化皮 design current 设计电流 design parameter 设计参数 designated employee 指定雇员 detachable grip 可拆除的夹扣 Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors 注册电业承办商分行详情申报 deterioration 变质;变坏 Deutsche Industrie Normen [DIN] 德国工业标准 device 器件;装置 dewatering 脱水;排水 diaphragm 膜片;隔板 dielectric strength test 电介质强度测试diesel fuel tank 柴油燃料缸 diesel oil 柴油 differential gasket 差速器衬垫differential lock 差速器锁
