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每年的圣诞节,英国女王都会向公众发表圣诞演讲(Christmas message),这已经成为了英国传统圣诞节的重要组成部分。




























女王圣诞讲话的官方名称是“女王殿下最仁慈的演讲”(Her Maj esty’s Most Gracious Speech)。



The Queen's speech in full

Sixty years ago today, a young woman spoke about the speed of technological change as she presented the first television broadcast of its kind. She described the moment as a landmark.

Six decades on, the presenter has 'evolved' somewhat, as has the technology she described. Back then, who could have imagined that people would one day be watching this on laptops and mobile phones – as some of you are today. But I'm

also struck by something that hasn't changed. That, whatever the technology, many of you will be watching this at home.

We think of our homes as places of warmth, familiarity and love; of shared stories and memories, which is perhaps why at this time of year so many return to where they grew up. There is a timeless simplicity to the pull of home.

For many, the idea of 'home' reaches beyond a physical building –to a home town or city. This Christmas, I think of London and Manchester, whose powerful identities shone through over the past twelve months in the face of appalling attacks. In Manchester, those targeted included children who had gone to see their favourite singer. A few days after the bombing, I had the privilege of meeting some of the young survivors and their parents.

I describe that hospital visit as a 'privilege' because the patients I met were an example to us all, showing extraordinary bravery and resilience. Indeed, many of those who survived the attack came together just days later for a benefit concert. It was a powerful reclaiming of the ground, and of the city those young people call home.

We expect our homes to be a place of safety – 'sanctuary' even – which makes it all the more shocking when the comfort

they provide is shattered. A few weeks ago, The Prince of Wales visited the Caribbean in the aftermath of hurricanes that destroyed entire communities. And here in London, who can forget the sheer awfulness of the Grenfell Tower fire?

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who died and those who lost so much; and we are indebted to members of the emergency services who risked their own lives, this past year, saving others. Many of them, of course, will not be at home today because they are working, to protect us.

Reflecting on these events makes me grateful for the blessings of home and family, and in particular for 70 years of marriage. I don't know that anyone had invented the term platinum' for a 70th wedding anniversary when I was born. You weren't expected to be around that long. Even Prince Philip has decided it's time to slow down a little – having, as he economically put it, 'done his bit'. But I know his support and unique sense of humour will remain as strong as ever, as we enjoy spending time this Christmas with our family and look forward to welcoming new members into it next year.

In 2018 I will open my home to a different type of family: the leaders of the fifty-two nations of the Commonwealth, as they gather in the UK for a summit. The Commonwealth has

an inspiring way of bringing people together, be it through the Commonwealth Games – which begin in a few months' time on Australia's Gold Coast –or through bodies like the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra & Choir: a reminder of how truly vibrant this international family is.

Today we celebrate Christmas, which itself is sometimes described as a festival of the home. Families travel long distances to be together. Volunteers and charities, as well as many churches, arrange meals for the homeless and those who would otherwise be alone on Christmas Day. We remember the birth of Jesus Christ whose only sanctuary was a stable in Bethlehem. He knew rejection, hardship and persecution; and yet it is Jesus Christ's generous love and example which has inspired me through good times and bad.

Whatever your own experiences this year; wherever and however you are watching, I wish you a peaceful and very happy Christmas.


英国女王伊丽莎白2009年圣诞致辞 Each year that passes seems to have its own character. Some leave us with a feeling of satisfaction, others are best forgotten. 2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular those facing the continuing effects of the economic downturn. 过去每年似乎都各具特点。一些年份让我们心满意足,一些年份则最好忘却。2009年对很多人来说都不好过,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。 I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by the casualties suffered by our forces serving there. Our thoughts go out to their relations and friends who have shown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss. 我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。 But, we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making, in conjunction with our allies. 但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友作出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。 Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and across the Commonwealth - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore - are currently serving in Afghanistan. 英国和包括加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3万名士兵在阿富汗服役。 The debt of gratitude owed to these young men and women, and to their predecessors, is indeed profound.我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激。 It is 60 years since the Commonwealth was created and today, with more than a billion of its members under the age of 25, the organisation remains a strong and practical force for good. 今年是英联邦成立60周年,今天其成员国25岁以下人口超过10亿,为它保持长久的强大和实用提供了力量源泉。 Recently I attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago and heard how important the Commonwealth is to young people. 最近我刚刚参加了在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的英联邦政府首脑会议,听到联邦对年轻人是多么重要。 New communication technologies allow them to reach out to the wider world and share their experiences and viewpoints. For many, the practical assistance and networks of the Commonwealth can give skills, lend advice and encourage enterprise. 新的通信技术使他们能够接触到更广阔的世界,分享他们的经验和观点。对于许多人来说,英联邦的实际援助与网络可以提供技能,给予意见和鼓励进取。 It is inspiring to learn of some of the work being done by these young people, who bring creativity and innovation to the challenges they face.


2017圣诞晚会主持词 下面是由cn人才网整理的圣诞节晚会主持词,包括圣诞晚会开场白、节目串词和闭幕词,欢迎阅读。 圣诞节晚会主持词(一) 甲:在那遥远的两千多年前,有一对虔诚信仰上帝的夫妇,他们生活在小亚细亚的巴勒斯坦地区。 女:丈夫是个诚实质朴的木匠,妻子是位虔诚信仰上帝的贞女。 男:他们在圣城耶路撒冷附近,白冷城郊外的山洞中,一个不荒废的马厩里,生下了一个的婴儿。 女:在哪荒凉的郊外,没有喧哗的吵杂声,没有亲朋的欢呼声。 男:只有婴儿的啼哭声和婴儿父母对上天的赞颂声。 女:多么美妙的时刻! 男:多么令人欣喜的时刻! 女:这个新生的婴儿就是耶稣! 男:就是被称之为救世主的耶稣! 女:耶稣诞生了! 男:这个被传送了两千年的耶稣,给人类留下了博爱的思想,给人类带来了不朽的救恩。 女:他更给我们建立了教会,让他的思想世世代代有人捍卫。 男:我们就是捍卫耶稣思想的人,我们就是维护他教会的人。 女:在这个举世欢腾的时刻,我们要讴歌赞颂!

男:我们要高歌欢呼! 合:2014年圣诞晚会现在开始! 男:此时此刻我们按耐不住内心的欢乐,因为我们认识了人类的救主。女:此时此刻我们无法表达我们对上帝的赞颂! 男:让我们用歌喉唱出对上主的赞歌, 女:让我们用欢快的舞蹈来表达我们的心声。 1、在圣诞之夜,孩子们都在期盼圣诞老人的莅临,而圣诞老人要乘着雪橇,梅花鹿儿戴着铃铛,发出清脆的声音,使人倍感温馨。请欣赏由孩子们表演的舞蹈:铃儿响叮当 2、圣诞节已经成为家喻户晓的伟大节日,在这个普世欢腾的节日里,人们张灯结彩鼓舞欢欣,互相传递着救恩的喜讯。请欣赏舞蹈:张灯结彩 3、是上帝创造了世界,是耶稣救赎了世界,我们理当赞颂上主,我们要上主献出我们的赞歌。请欣赏诗朗诵:主的赞歌 4、天主教会是普世公教会,不论肤色、不分民族、不分国家,甚至超越民族、超越国家、超越肤色。在我国的西藏也拥有两千多名基督徒,他们在雪域高原用藏族固有的传统赞颂伟大的天主。下面请欣赏:藏舞 5、相声,向来是我们中国人的曲艺艺术。这是中国人所独有的艺术形式,它会给人带来美的享受。借着幽默的言辞,诙谐的表演,给人带来笑声。下面请欣赏相声:多愁 6、当我们感到疲倦时,我们多么想躺下休息休息。当我们要赶往要去的地方,我们多么想插上翅膀飞。天主最初创造了天使,天使有一双美丽的翅膀,他们来去迅速,来去自如。啊!我们多么希望有一双隐形的翅膀,让我们驰骋飞翔。请欣赏儿童独唱:A、隐形的翅膀;B、红山果


At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree. 每年此时,没有什么情景比一棵圣诞树上闪烁的灯光更让人感到欢乐祥和。 The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread. 人们对圣诞树的喜爱要部分归功于我的曾曾曾祖父母——维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王。这张温馨的图片公布后,很多家庭都想要一棵自己的圣诞树,这一习俗也很快普及开来。 一年一度最美英音:英女王2015圣诞致辞 In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife. We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders; and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities. 1949年,初为军嫂的我在马耳他度过圣诞节。多年以来,我们多次

英国女王2015圣诞致辞(中英双语 英汉对照)

英国女王2015圣诞致辞 (中英双语英汉对照) Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2015 At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree. 每年此时,没有什么情景比一棵圣诞树上闪烁的灯光更让人感到欢乐祥和。 The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread. 人们对圣诞树的喜爱要部分归功于我的高祖父母——维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王。这张温馨的图片公布后,很多家庭都想要一棵自己的圣诞树,这一习俗也很快普及开来。 In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife. We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders; and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities. 1949年,初为军嫂的我在马耳他度过圣诞节。这此后多年,我们多次故地重游,上个月还在那里召开英联邦领导人会议。今年我还会晤了另一批领导人,“女王青年领袖”,这是一个鼓舞人心的团体,每个人都是各自英联邦社区的希望。 Gathering round the tree gives us a chance to think about the year ahead -- I am looking forward to a busy 2016, though I have been warned I may have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice. 聚在圣诞树旁,我开始展望来年。我盼望着2016年忙忙碌碌,尽管有人说,我可能不止一次两次听到生日歌。(2016年是伊丽莎白女王九十岁生日,届时多场庆祝活动。) It also allows us to reflect on the year that has passed, as we think of those who are far away or no longer with us. Many people say the first Christmas after losing a loved one is particularly hard. But it’s also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for. 圣诞树让我们回首过去的一年,于是我们想到了那些远离我们的人。很多人说失去平生所爱后的第一个圣诞节是最艰难的,可此时也该想想我们要感恩的人。 It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." 今年,我们确实面对了诸多黑暗时刻。可《约翰福音》有一句充满希望的话这样说,圣诞赞歌中常常朗诵,“光明照亮了黑暗,黑暗却无法蒙蔽光明。” One cause for thankfulness this summer was marking seventy years since the end of the Second World War. On VJ Day, we honoured the remaining veterans of that terrible conflict in the Far East, as well as remembering the thousands who never returned. 我们心怀感恩的一件事是今年夏天是二战结束七十周年纪念。在对日作战胜利日,我们给在远东作战的在世老兵们授勋,同时也缅怀数千名没有归来的战士。 The procession from Horse Guards Parade to Westminster Abbey must have been one of the


2017年圣诞晚会主持词 一、开始: 李:敬爱的老师, 杨:亲爱的同学们, 合:大家好! 李:此时室外寒气袭人,室内却是暖意融融。 杨:今天是大家盼望已久的一天,在这特别的时刻让我们向老师和同学致以最诚挚的祝福,祝大家身体健康、万事如意! 李:今天,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享这段快乐时光。 杨:因为浪漫的圣诞,让我们接受这无尽的祝福。 李:因为我们有理想导航, 杨:因为我们有奋发向上的翅膀。 李:所以我们可以义无反顾地飞翔, 杨:为了理想,我们没有理由不放声歌唱。 合:四年级圣诞及欢送联欢会现在开始。 合:HAPPY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY CHRISTMAS! 二、介绍来宾 (杨)首先,我很荣幸的向各位介绍一下今天的佳宾陆老师,同学们,让我们用热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示欢迎! 感谢陆老师的到来! (李)陆老师明天就要结束实习返回学校了,短短的几个月的时间,我们与陆老师结下了很深的师生情、朋友情,我们永远不会忘记老师带给我们的欢乐。

(杨)那么就让我们用我们最美的歌声和舞蹈表达对老师满满的敬意和不舍吧! 节目单: 1、蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。下面请欣赏第一个节目男生和女生合唱《凉凉》 2、《搞笑课堂》 3、男:感谢养育我们的父母女:感谢教育我们的老师 男:滴水之恩当涌泉相报,让我们都拥有一颗感恩的心 女:请欣赏张奥京带来的歌曲《感恩的心》 4、男:一个天真的小女孩儿,一对慈祥的父母,相依偎坐在草原,天上月光皎洁,地上鲜花朵朵,阵阵风儿吹过,带来一阵芬芳,一片温馨,这就是幸福的家庭,是咱们蒙古族的吉祥三宝!下面请欣赏女生带来的舞蹈《吉祥三宝》。 5、游戏 6、女:中华武术名扬海外,中华儿女,笑傲天下,作为中国的精魂,千万年来武术被誉为强身健体,伸张正义的民族象征,下面,请欣赏《武术》表演。 7、张老师 8、女:谁和什么?这句话充满了疑问,但到底发生了什么事了?请欣赏小品《谁和什么》。 9、男:兜兜转转朝花夕拾却已迟,寻寻觅觅醉生梦死又一世下面请欣赏歌曲《九张机》


圣诞致辞 原来圣诞节已经到了,从来我都不会对它有任何期盼,也只是个普通的日子而已,那就普通过。不过,我也不会放弃任何一个会让自己开心的机会。昨天已经给昔日好友发了短信,不算过节,只是借个机会送去祝福,希望他们快乐,是他们让我知道,朋友,是一辈子的事。 送出祝福,也是件幸福的事。 平安夜,怎样过的呢?普通。费了好大的劲把衣服给洗了,然后还能干吗,看电影呗。途中班主任勇哥还买了苹果让人送来,又大又红,赚了。快关灯时小船才玩够了回来,带了好些好吃的,好像平静的寝室热闹起来了。她去教堂了,与一帮好友,在她身上我看到了快乐,能与好友一起是件哈恩幸福的事。教堂应该很多人吧,长这么大了都还没去过,一定很热闹。 记得郭敬民写过一句话,“热闹是他们的,我什么也没有”,不知他在写下这句话时是何种心情,我只知道,我想起这句话时,心中无限凄凉,同时,也许有一丝孤寂吧。很奇怪,总会在热闹或该热闹的时候突然沉默,然后看着周围,想着自己是多余的,热闹是他们的。就这样,又一次远离人群,或人,或心。 我是个很少追忆从前的人,所以一但陷入回忆,便难以自拔。躺在床上,眼睛瞪得老大,即使闭上了也很清醒,脑中飘过的是过往,好友们的笑脸,甚至是些微不足道的小事,更多的好像是些沉重的东西。缅怀过去?似乎又是在感慨现在。

昨天已经过去,今天必然到来。 起床后就不停地唱歌,都是周杰伦的,很久以前的,会让我有种回到当初的感觉。苦了瑶瑶和玲玲,好些年没听了,严重走调,难得她们没有把我杀了。 太多的时候,我,或者我们,总会挂念、想起远在他方的朋友,怀念我们的曾经,但似乎忽略了身边的,我们的现在,这是怎样的一个大错。上自习,看着正认真看书的瑶瑶和玲玲,想起还在九教值班的小船、在风雨中测量的娟子,我很感激,感谢老天让我身边总有很多善良的人、美好的事,是他们总陪伴在我身边,温暖而甜蜜。一条条短信发出去之后,一种名叫幸福的感觉荡漾开来。 已不能坚持看书了,收拾好东西,回到寝室,坐到电脑前…… 很多时候会有些感触,可总来不及写下来,或者是不想写。快乐的事吗?本想与众人分享,但他们似乎也只是一旁观者的身份路过,他们的快乐并没有增添一分。伤心难过的事吗?那只会引起读者的哀思,每看一次便沉重一分,这不是我想要的。只记下来自己看吗?如韩寒所说,有发表了文章却没有稿费的感觉,还真不爽。但这次,我必须记下来,挨个发出去。没有稿费?不,它已尽在我囊中。


演讲原文: At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree. The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread. 每年的这个时候,只需几个场景就会唤起欢乐美好的感受,尤其是圣诞树上闪烁的灯光。 而圣诞树的普及,很大程度上是因为我的曾曾祖父母——维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王。 当年,在他们这张深触人心的画发布之后,很多家庭也想要他们自己的圣诞树,这个习俗很快流行了开来。 In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife. We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders, and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities.


2017英国女王圣诞节演讲稿中英对照版 导读:本文2017英国女王圣诞节演讲稿中英对照版,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 在英国的传统里,每年有几百上千万的观众忠实地守候在电视前,看女王徐徐道来一年中的大事件,听她用睿智而坚定的话语鼓舞和安慰大家,让观众的心里充满了对新一年的希望。下面来说说英国女王圣诞节演讲稿中英对照版。 女王圣诞讲话的官方名称是“女王殿下最仁慈的演讲”(Her Majesty’s Most Gracious Speech)。 女王在讲话里提到了科技的进步,幽默地提到她随科技自己的进化,她尤其强调了60年来不变的东西--- 家给人带来的温暖和庇佑--- 不变的东西才更打动她的内心。 她在演讲中提到了家给她的支持,尤其是和菲利普亲王七十年的婚姻。她在讲话中,幽默地说到,不知是谁发明了七十年“白金婚”的说法,当她出生的时候,其实没人指望她能活这么久。她还尤其提到明年有一位新的家庭成员的加入,很明显,亨利王子明年将和梅根·马克尔大婚,作为王子的老奶奶,她给予了热情的欢迎和祝福。 中英文对照 Sixty years ago today, a young woman spoke about the speed of technological change as she presented the first television broadcast of its kind. She described the moment as

a landmark: 六十年的今天,一位年轻的女士(女王幽默地说她自己),第一次通过电视,广播了她的讲话。她谈到了科技进化的速度,并把那个时刻称做是里程碑。 Television has made it possible for many of you to see me in your homes on Christmas Day. My own family often gather round to watch television, as they are at this moment. And that is how I imagine you now. 电视的出现,让大家过圣诞节的时候,坐在家里也能看到我。我的家里人也经常围坐在一起看电视,比如现在。我想,你们现在也是。 Six decades on, the presenter has evolved somewhat, as has the technology she described. Back then, who could have imagined that people would one day be watching this on laptops and mobile phones, as some of you are today? 六十年过去了,当年的通过电视广播演讲的女士自己,如她所描述的科技一样,也多少成长了一些。回到那个时候,谁能想到,你们今天会通过电脑或手机来观看我的圣诞演讲呢? But I'm also struck by something that hasn't changed - that whatever the technology, many of you will be watching this at home. 但是,我也被那些不曾改变的东西所触动,比如,无论科技怎么进化,你们大多数人都会在家观看我的演讲。


圣诞致辞 原来圣诞节已经到了,从来我都不会对它有任何期盼,也只是个普通的日子而已,那就普通过。不过,我也不会放弃任何一个会让自己开心的机会。昨天已经给昔日好友发了短信,不算过节,只是借个机会送去祝福,希望他们快乐,是他们让我知道,朋友,是一辈子的事。 送出祝福,也是件幸福的事。 平安夜,怎样过的呢?普通。费了好大的劲把衣服给洗了,然后还能干吗,看电影呗。途中班主任勇哥还买了苹果让人送来,又大又红,赚了。快关灯时小船才玩够了回来,带了好些好吃的,好像平静的寝室热闹起来了。她去教堂了,与一帮好友,在她身上我看到了快乐,能与好友一起是件哈恩幸福的事。教堂应该很多人吧,长这么大了都还没去过,一定很热闹。 记得郭敬民写过一句话,“热闹是他们的,我什么也没有”,不知他在写下这句话时是何种心情,我只知道,我想起这句话时,心中无限凄凉,同时,也许有一丝孤寂吧。很奇怪,总会在热闹或该热闹的时候突然沉默,然后看着周围,想着自己是多余的,热闹是他们的。就这样,又一次远离人群,或人,或心。 我是个很少追忆从前的人,所以一但陷入回忆,便难以自拔。躺在床上,眼睛瞪得老大,即使闭上了也很清醒,脑中飘过的

是过往,好友们的笑脸,甚至是些微不足道的小事,更多的好像是些沉重的东西。缅怀过去?似乎又是在感慨现在。 昨天已经过去,今天必然到来。 起床后就不停地唱歌,都是周杰伦的,很久以前的,会让我有种回到当初的感觉。苦了瑶瑶和玲玲,好些年没听了,严重走调,难得她们没有把我杀了。 太多的时候,我,或者我们,总会挂念、想起远在他方的朋友,怀念我们的曾经,但似乎忽略了身边的,我们的现在,这是怎样的一个大错。上自习,看着正认真看书的瑶瑶和玲玲,想起还在九教值班的小船、在风雨中测量的娟子,我很感激,感谢老天让我身边总有很多善良的人、美好的事,是他们总陪伴在我身边,温暖而甜蜜。一条条短信发出去之后,一种名叫幸福的感觉荡漾开来。 已不能坚持看书了,收拾好东西,回到寝室,坐到电脑前…… 很多时候会有些感触,可总来不及写下来,或者是不想写。快乐的事吗?本想与众人分享,但他们似乎也只是一旁观者的身份路过,他们的快乐并没有增添一分。伤心难过的事吗?那只会引起读者的哀思,每看一次便沉重一分,这不是我想要的。只记下来自己看吗?如韩寒所说,有发表了文章却没有稿费的感觉,还真


英国女王2009圣诞致辞(中英文) 圣诞致辞是英国王室传统。1932 年,当时的英国国王乔治五世首次发表圣诞节讲话。77 年之后,现年83岁的女王身穿天蓝色服装,饰以钻石珍珠胸针,戴着珍珠项链,面带微笑,继续她第57 次圣诞致辞。 Each year that passes seems to have its own character. Some leave us with a feeling ofsatisfaction, others are best forgotten. 2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular thosefacing the continuing effects of the economic downturn. 过去每年似乎都各具特点。一些年份让我们心满意足,一些年份则最好忘却。2009 年对很多人来说都不好过,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。 I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by thecasualties suffered by our forces serving there. Our thoughts go out to their relations and friendswho have shown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss. 我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。 But, we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making, inconjunction with our allies. 但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友作出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。 Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and across the Commonwealth- Canada,Australia, New Zealand and Singapore- are currently serving in Afghanistan. 英国和包括加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3 万名士兵在阿富汗服役。 The debt of gratitude owed to these young men and women, and to their predecessors, is indeedprofound. 我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激


Each year that passes seems to have its own character. Some leave us with a feeling of satisfaction, others are best forgotten. 2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular those facing the continuing effects of the economic downturn. 过去每年似乎都各具特点。一些年份让我们心满意足,一些年份则最好忘却。2009年对很多人来说都不好过,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。 I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by the casualties suffered by our forces serving there. Our thoughts go out to their relations and friends who have shown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss. 我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。 But we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making, in conjunction with our allies. 但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友作出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。 Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and across the Commonwealth - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore - are currently serving in Afghanistan. 英国和包括加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3万名士兵在阿富汗服役。 The debt of gratitude owed to these young men and women, and to their predecessors, is indeed profound. 我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激。 It is 60 years since the Commonwealth was created and today, with more than a billion of its members under the age of 25, the organisation remains a strong and practical force for good. 今年是英联邦成立60周年,今天其成员国25岁以下人口超过10亿,为它保持长久的强大和实用提供了力量源泉。 Recently I attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago and heard how important the Commonwealth is to young people. 最近我刚刚参加了在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的英联邦政府首脑会议,听到联邦对年轻人是多么重要。


2017年圣诞节晚会主持词 2017年圣诞节晚会主持词 导语:圣诞节开party做晚会最适合不过,学校可以举办,商家可以举办,酒吧,酒店都是非常适合的。下面是小编给大家整理的圣诞节晚会主持词,仅供参考。 2017年圣诞节晚会主持词篇1 女:夜色阑珊、流光溢彩 男:星河灿烂、圣诞祝福,亲爱的各位来宾、各位朋友女:女士们、先生们 合:大家晚上好! 女:圣诞佳节喜相逢,平安之夜欢乐多! 男:今天我们在圣诞之夜元旦即将到来之际,相约我们有美服装有限公司,共度佳节。 女:是啊,让我们把祝福珍藏在心中, 合:感受圣诞给您带来的这非同凡响的一刻。 男:在这一刻,我们远在韩国的社长也发来祝福,让我们用最热烈的掌声有请有美服装有限公司的经理金永燮先生代表社长为晚会致开幕祝词。

女:我要代表全体职工对社长远来的祝福表示衷心的感谢,有美的发展离不开厂长的辛苦,下面有请李厂长致圣诞祝词。 男:对于领导的希望和关心我们也有着自己的感激和祝福,下面请我们的职工代表宋娜小姐上来送上我们对有美的祝福。 女:因为相聚,让我们分享这快乐的时光, 男:因为浪漫的圣诞让我们承载无尽的祝福, 女:愿圣诞老人把我们今晚许下的所有心愿 合:一一实现。 男:亲爱的朋友们,真心的祝愿您 合:圣诞快乐! 男:圣诞暨元旦狂欢歌舞晚会现在开始,自古以来,男儿的志向就是保家为国,首先请欣赏裁剪班全体男生带来的合唱《精忠报国》。 女:我们都是离家在外的人,离家的人总是思绪万千,下面请欣赏杨世平的歌曲《离家的孩子》。 男:离家在外,平安就是福,平安就是父母的期待,对于有美我们也是一样的祝福,下面就请马晶丽送上对有美的〈祝你平安〉。


圣诞节领导讲话稿优秀篇 圣诞节是西方的重要节日,节日将至,下面是特意准备的圣诞节领导讲话稿优秀篇,供各位阅读,希望内容对您有所帮助和启示。最后,在此祝各位圣诞节快乐。 【范文一】 小朋友们,你们好,这几天大街上到处挂满了和圣诞节有关的东西,什么圣诞老人啦,圣诞树啦,用糖果和姜饼搭成的姜饼屋啦,真令人眼花缭乱。 小朋友们,你们知道什么是圣诞节吗?每年的12月25日,是西方教徒纪念诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。从12月24日到1月6日为圣诞节节期,是一年中最盛大的节日,就像我国的春节。 每年的12月24日,是平安夜!在美国,晚上,全家人会团聚在客厅,围在圣诞树旁唱歌跳舞,互送礼物。他们还把家门口的树上都挂上彩灯,比谁有创意。灯一亮,很远就能看见闪闪发亮的树的轮廓,非常漂亮。孩子们晚上会在壁炉上悬挂圣诞袜,因为据说圣诞老人会驾着驯鹿雪橇,满载着礼物,送给这一年来表现很好的小朋友。他会悄悄地从烟囱爬进屋内,把礼物塞进挂在床头的袜子里。当然,实际上,这些礼物都是爸爸妈妈塞进袜子里的。过了平安夜就是圣诞节!你们看我今天特地戴了一个圣诞帽,圣诞节那天我们可以在枕头旁边放一只袜子,等圣诞老人晚上偷偷的放礼物进去,圣诞节是外国人一年中最盛大的节日,就象我们中国的新年一样,都会有很隆重的仪式。 圣诞节也是我们小朋友狂欢的节日,我们可以一起唱圣诞歌,和

好朋友一起互相赠送礼物,说祝福的话。 圣诞节的到来,也是新年的到来,马上我们中国的新年就要来了,在这里,我们要祝所有的小朋友和老师们圣诞快乐,新年快乐! 【范文二】 尊敬的各位领导、各位商会会员: 晚上好! 今晚是商会"情系会员,助力发展"新年联谊会,也是西方一年一度的圣诞节。在这温馨、美丽、快乐的夜晚,我们集聚xxx酒店,共度良辰美景,请允许我首先谨代表xxx商会及本人,向在座的各位领导、外国友人,致一声:"圣诞快乐,MerryChristmas!" xxx商会,成立于xx年9月29日,成立以来,在各界领导的大力关怀下,健康成长,目前已拥有会员单位xxx家。商会的成长得益于各级领导和各界人士的关心和支持,得益于商会会员的共同努力,得益于全体商会成员的齐心协力。在此,我代表商会,对在座的各位表示由衷的敬意和深深的感谢。 各位会员,即将过去的xx年,"稳中求进、改革创新"可谓是今年我国经济工作的核心内容,国内经济潜在增长率下行,要素禀赋情况发生变化,银行金融贷款紧缩,各类矛盾隐患和不确定性共存,中小企业生存压力加大;从国际上看,发达经济体宏观指标总体改善,部分新兴市场国家经济增长也有所趋稳,世界经济恢复步伐加快,外贸形势得到一定程度改观,对于我国中小企业而言是机遇,因此,面对国内外经济环境错综复杂的大背景,我国中小企业困境和机遇并存。


英国女王圣诞节讲话稿中英对照版 女王圣诞讲话的官方名称是“女王殿下最仁慈的演讲”(Her Majesty’s Most Gracious Speech)。让观众的心里充满了对新一年的希望。下面来说说英国女王圣诞节讲话稿中英对照版。 女王在讲话里提到了科技的进步,幽默地提到她随科技自己的进化,她尤其强调了60年来不变的东西 --- 家给人带来的温暖和庇佑 --- 不变的东西才更打动她的内心。 她在演讲中提到了家给她的支持,尤其是和菲利普亲王七十年的婚姻。她在讲话中,幽默地说到,不知是谁发明了七十年“白金婚”的说法,当她出生的时候,其实没人指望她能活这么久。她还尤其提到明年有一位新的家庭成员的加入,很明显,亨利王子明年将和梅根·马克尔大婚,作为王子的老奶奶,她给予了热情的欢迎和祝福。 中英文对照 Sixty years ago today, a young woman spoke about the speed of technological change as she presented the first television broadcast of its kind. She described the moment as a landmark: 六十年的今天,一位年轻的女士(女王幽默地说她自己),第一次通过电视,广播了她的讲话。她谈到了科技进化的速度,并把那个时刻称做是里程碑。 Television has made it possible for many of you to see me in your homes on

Christmas Day. My own family often gather round to watch television, as they are at this moment. And that is how I imagine you now. 电视的出现,让大家过圣诞节的时候,坐在家里也能看到我。我的家里人也经常围坐在一起看电视,比如现在。我想,你们现在也是。 Six decades on, the presenter has evolved somewhat, as has the technology she described. Back then, who could have imagined that people would one day be watching this on laptops and mobile phones, as some of you are today? 六十年过去了,当年的通过电视广播演讲的女士自己,如她所描述的科技一样,也多少成长了一些。回到那个时候,谁能想到,你们今天会通过电脑或手机来观看我的圣诞演讲呢? But I'm also struck by something that hasn't changed - that whatever the technology, many of you will be watching this at home. 但是,我也被那些不曾改变的东西所触动,比如,无论科技怎么进化,你们大多数人都会在家观看我的演讲。 We think of our homes as places of warmth, familiarity and love - of


Text of the Queen's Christmas message Each year that passes seems to have its own character. Some leave us with a feeling of satisfaction, others are best forgotten. 2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular those facing the continuing effects of the economic downturn. I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by the casualties suffered by our forces serving there. Our thoughts go out to their relations and friends who have shown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss. But, we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making, in conjunction with our allies. Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and across the Commonwealth - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore - are currently serving in Afghanistan. The debt of gratitude owed to these young men and women, and to their predecessors, is indeed profound. It is 60 years since the Commonwealth was created and today, with more than a billion of its members under the age of 25, the organisation remains a strong and practical force for good. Recently, I attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago and heard how important the Commonwealth is to young people. New communication technologies allow them to reach out to the wider world and share their experiences and viewpoints. For many, the practical assistance and networks of the Commonwealth can give skills, lend advice and encourage enterprise.
