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Take a walk

Think that daily walks are exercise for old people? Think again. Taking a fast walk for as little as 30 minutes a day can greatly improve your overall physical health and even have a positive effect on your mental condition. Walking can fit into any guy’s lifestyle and is generally considered as a way to stay in shape. Consider the benefits of walking:

Walking helps you maintain a healthy weight. Since the only real way to lose weight is to increase the amount of calories you burn, the benefits of fast walking for at least 30 minutes a day help you take off pounds. It may not happen so fast if you run three miles a day, but over time you will find yourself in much better shape than if you spend that half an hour sitting on the couch watching TV or at the computer.

Walking strengthens muscles. When you walk, you work your muscles. In fact, walking brings into motion almost as many muscle groups as running or swimming. You will end up getting similar benefits in your muscle tone as well.

Walking helps to reduce stress and calm your emotions. Psychologists have long known that you feel better after a long walk. Getting your body moving lets out endorphins (内啡肽) that help you deal with tension from a long day or a stressful life. If you put a nice walk at the end of an otherwise stressful routine, you will find a lot of mental benefits that you won’t get if you just start to deal with your family responsibilities after a hard day’s work.

Adding a daily walk to your routine is not as interesting a choice as finding a tennis partner for three sets or joining a gym and increasing the latest exercise program. But it is a simple, healthy and totally free way to add exercise to your day no matter what your schedule or

76. physical 77. shape 78. burn/consume 79. strong 80. brought

81. reduces/releases 82. Moving 83. benefit 84. Conclusion/ Summary

85. free


任务型作文 一、何为任务驱动型作文? “任务驱动型作文”源自于西方国家日常语言教学和写作教学的“任务型语言教学法”,这种语言教学法是基于建构主义理论而提出的,其核心是在明确“任务”的前提下,完成语言交际——口语或书面语表达。 这种教学法,根据完成任务过程中所产生的互相影响把任务分成五类:(1)拼板式任务:此类任务要求学生把散乱的若干信息拼成一个整体; (2)信息差任务:两个或两组学生有互补作用的信息,为了完成交际任务,双方必须协商以探清对方的信息; (3)解决问题式任务:给学生一个问题及一系列信息,让其找到一个解决问题的方案。 (4)做决定式任务:给学生一个可能有几种结局的问题,让他们通过协调和讨论选择一种结果,进行论述; (5)交换意见式任务:学生参与讨论、交换意见,但无须达成一致。 国内一些学者在“任务型语言教学法”的基础上,增加“驱动”一词,用于作文教学。在此基础上,教育部考试中心的张开在对2015年高考作文的命题特点及相关问题解读的一篇题为《注重题型设计,强化教育功能》的文章中,明确提出了2015年高考作文的两道题目均属于“任务驱动型作文”,并对其概念做出阐释: “试题往往是给学生创作出一个情境,出现对立性的问题,让考生通过写作,提出解决处理问题的想法和方案……如今年作文中‘写信’‘权衡与选择’等任务型指令,着力发挥试题引导写作任务的功能,使考生在真实的情境中辨析关键概念,在多维度的比较中说理论证。” 他认为,在材料型作文中增加任务驱动型指令,能“较好地解决了材料型作文的泛角度与阐释型作文收缩性之间的矛盾”,是在承继材料作文“自主空间大、立意角度自然、多元”等传统优势的基础上,又在避免套作、宿构方面进行了新的尝试和探索。 我们不妨重温一下2015年两套课标卷作文题目中的“任务指令”: 2015新课标全国一卷:女儿举报老爸(材料作文) 一位父亲在高速公路开车打电话,旁边的孩子一再提醒,父亲不要拨打电话,可是父亲不听劝阻,最终孩子选择报警。警察前来后对父亲进行批评教育,此事引起社会争议。以此为内容,写一封信800字的信。可选择给违章当事人、女儿、警察写。 2015新课标全国二卷:谁最有风采(材料作文) 当代风采人物评选活动已产生最后三名候选人。小李,笃学敏思,矢志创新,为破解生命科学之谜作出重大贡献,率领团队一举跻身为国际学术最前沿。老王,爱岗敬业,练就一手绝活,变普通技术为完美艺术,走出一条从职高生到焊接大师的“大国工匠”之路,小刘,酷爱摄影,跋山涉水捕捉时间美景,他的博客赢得网友一片赞叹:“你带我们品位大千世界”“你帮我们留住美丽乡愁”。这三个人中,你认为谁更具风采?请综合材料内容及含义作文,体现你的思考权衡与选择。要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题,不要套作,不得抄袭。


作文专讲 作文是英语学习中的重点, 也是难点。要想写出流畅的作文, 必须多欣赏优秀范文,熟悉文章体裁,了解文章框架,形成写作套路,积累精美语言。只有记诵一定量的优秀范文, 才能保证写作的流畅输出! 同学们要注重错句改正及优秀句子的积累, 注重优秀范文的背诵和写作, 大家一定要积极参与其中, 不断提高自身对英语的感悟能力和使用能力! 要写出好的作文, 平时必须多看范文, 多分析范文。积累有用的词汇、词组和句型。每次作文评改后发回来,要及时改正所犯的错误, 以后不要再犯同样的错误。好的作文必须经过千锤百炼, 多练习多归纳多进步! “ 读写任务” 的写作过程: 1把握阅读材料的结构、思路、观点与意图; 2概括阅读材料的观点(论证过程 3在“ 写作内容” 的引导下写作。 在写概括的时候 , 不能添加自己的见解, 但是要用自己的语言概括。要做到开门见山,语言简洁 . 如果给的阅读材料是一个故事, 应该用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么, 不能拖泥带水,而且要看原文是否有讲述该故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。如果是说明性或描述性短文 , 你就必须用概括的文字来说明某种现象。 如果是议论文的阅读短文 , 则要尽可能客观简要地转述阅读材料的观点。 在议论部分 ,第一段开头语: 1 According to the passage, we know… 2 This article is mainly about… 3 The writer states that…

4 The passage tells us that… 第二段 :过渡词引出主题句 ---自己的观点 ---理由? 开头用语: ? I do agree with the author… ? In some way, I agree with …, but… ? This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical.? It is definitely not like that. As a matter of fact, …? From my personal angle alone… ? In my opinion,… ? From my personal point of view… ? As far as I’m concerned… 第三段 [最后一段 ] : 总结句开头用语: ? In conclusion,… ? In short,… ? To make a long story short,… ? In general,… ? In a word,… ? In belief,… ? On the whole,…


丁有宽小学语文读写结合法 ----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需------------- 文档下载最佳的地方丁有宽小学语文读写结合 一、语文教改的实验历程从1951 年开始,丁有宽老师先后在26个教学班进行了八轮教改实验,经历了初试,再试,验证,深究四个阶段,逐步形成了以“记叙文为主体的读写结合五步系列训练”小学语文教学新体系。丁有宽老师的”读写结合法“是学用结合的具体体现。近半个世纪,丁老师的语文教改经历了一个艰苦的历程。这个历程可分为两个时期:第一个时期,从1951年春到1963年秋;第二个时期,从1963年秋到现在。 (一)“文道统一,教书育人”的实验(1951年—1962年)这个时期又分为两个阶段: 1、第一个阶段(1951年秋到1958年春),试验课题是“生动讲读,有机结合,教书育人”。教学主要把语文课和班级活动结合起来,结合学生生活中的事指导作文教学。 2、第二阶段(从1960年到1963年),进行“文道统一,教书育人”的试验。丁老师写《坚持文道统一,培养读写能力》、《浅谈咬文嚼字教学》、《怎样指导课外阅读》等教学论文阐明自己的教学成果和教学方法。

(二)“以记叙文为主,读写结合,培养读写能力”的实验(1963年秋至今)这个时期分为五个阶段: 1、初试阶段:(从1963年秋至1968年),丁老师在这阶段总结了6条经验: 第一,以读带写,以写促读; 第二,从篇着眼,从句入手; 第三,打好基础,从“有法”到“无法”; 第四,从仿到作,从放到收; 第五,从述到作,从说到写; 第六,因材施教,典型引路。 2、再试阶段(从1974年至1981年秋),丁老师提出“读书、观察、作文三结合”和“以记叙文为主,坚持读写结合,培养自学能力”的实验课题,在教法上,每教一段、一篇或一组课文,就引导学生调查访问,实地观察,撰写赞扬好人好事的宣传稿。这次试验的着力点在指导学生读写训练上,做到有的、有序、有点和有法,使学生真正做学习语文的主人。在作文教学上,丁老师提出“寻美作文,练文炼人”的主张。 3、验证阶段(从1981年秋至1983年春)。提出“以记叙文为主,坚持读写结合,培养学生自学、自得、自写、自改的能力”的实验课题。在 三、


训练四 1 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填人最恰当的单词。 This year, about 2300 teenagers from all over the world will spend about 10 months in US homes. At the same time about 1300 American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and learn the rest of the world. Here is a 2-way student exchange in action. Fred ,19,spent last year in Germany with George’s family .In turn , George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in American. Fred ,a lively young man ,knew little German when he arrived. But after 2 months of studying ,the language become easy for him. School was completely different from what he had expected and it was much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took 14subjects instead of 6 that were usually taken in the US. Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was the law. All the activities were done with the family rather than individually. Fred found the food to be too simple at first. He also missed having a car. “Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out to have a good time. In Germany, you walk but you soon learn to like it.” At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his own ideas. “I suppose I should criticize American schools,” he says, ”It is far too easy for our level but I have to say that I like it a lot. In Germany, we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many activities . I think that maybe American schools are better than in training their citizens. There ough t to be some middle ground between the two.” 2 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填人最恰当的单词。 The family sphere(范围) used to be defined by its isolation from the public realm. There was the public male realm(领域)of "rational accomplishment" and cruel competition, and the private female and child-rearing sphere of home, intuition(直觉)and emotion. The private realm was supposed to be isolated from the realities of adult life. For both better and worse, television and other electronic media tend to break down the difference between those two worlds. The membrane around the family sphere is much more permeable(可渗透的). TV takes public events


读写任务型写作,主要有两种writing styles,即:读记叙文写议论文:读议论文写记叙文。整篇文章由转述+表述(己述)构成,它充分展示考生的概括能力和语言能力. I.请阅读下面段落,概括全篇,并找出与之搭配的概括技巧。 Skill 1:Omit(省略) the details Skill 2 : Omit the repetitions Skill 3: Omit the example Skill 4:Use general(概括性) words instead of specific(具体的) words Skill 5:Put the main points of a dialogue in indirect speech 1.You can think of a way to manage your temper. Here are the tips: 1)We should try to calm down and figure out what we are really upset about. 2)Keep a diary. It can help you understand more about yourself and your feelings. 3)We can try to talk with our best friends to release stressful emotions. 概括:_______________________________________________________________ 2. Nowadays more and more teenagers try to be more independent from their parents and sometimes become very rebellious. They always want to wear long and strange hair style, which their parents complain about a lot. They also spend too much time on the Internet and playing computer games. 概括:_______________________________________________________________ 3. Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly, ―You put too much salt on your food, Paul. It’s not at all good for you!‖ Paul put down his knife and frowned, ‖Why on earth not! If you didn’t have salt on your food it would taste awful…like eating wood or sand…just imagine bread without salt in it 概括:________________________________________________________________ 4. She bought a lot of vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and some eggs. She intended to invite all his friends for her birthday party at the weekend. 概括:__________________________________________________________________ Suggested answer: 1. Skill 3;There are many tips for you to manage your temper as follows. 2.Skill 1;Nowadays there is an increasing tendency that more and more teenagers try to behave independently and differently. 3.Skill 5;Kate asked Paul not to use too much salt on his food and told him many advantages of it. 4.Skill 4;To hold her birthday party at the weekend, she bought a lot of vegetables. II.请阅读下面文章,用30 个词左右概括全篇内容。 1. Advertising can be a service to customers. This is true when ads give reliable information about the goods advertised. Such information is needed if the customer is to make a wise choice when he buys something. It is useful because it can help the customer know more about the kinds of goods available in the shops. Printed ads do this job best. Customers can collect them and compare them. They can be used to check against the actual goods in the shops. Some ads are not very useful to the customers. Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs, they set out to make him want unnecessary things by doing ads cleverly. The people who produce them understand our weakness. They set out to make us believe that what they advertise will make us cleverer, prettier, more handsome, if only we use it .For example, the voice on TV says, ―By using our SKII, it makes your skin crystal.‖ The screen shows a series of pictures

高考任务驱动型作文 7种方法+7篇范文

高考遇到任务驱动型作文:7种方法+7篇范文助你轻松拿满分! 将近一年的高三教学实践中,我对任务驱动型作文有了一点粗浅的认识,写下了这份心得,不足之处,敬请指教! 一、条陈理由,彻解问题 “任务驱动型作文”写作的基本框架 任务驱动型作文的全称是叙事体新材料任务驱动型作文。其实质也就是有些地方所说“时评类”作文,其本质还依然是材料作文,只是在材料的基础上,增加了明确的指向性任务,意在增强写作的目的性、防止套作。这种作文题重在考查学生对一事物或社会现象的态度与看法,思维的深度与广度,表达的清晰与晓畅。因此,在写作这类作文时,有些基本的东西是必不可少的,只有具备了其中的基本要素,才能达到要求;只有具备了其中的基本框架,才能在考场中立于不败之地。 任务驱动型作文的基本框架有哪些构件组成呢?笔者认为,有如下五部分。 就是在审题的基础上,明确立意,选择写作的角度,拟定一个有抢眼的题目。这个标题应尽量是从材料中抽取而出的“核心立意”,并就此选取材料中关键词句加以组合而成的简洁短语或句子。尽力不用态度而用看法或观点。能运用约定俗成的词句加以改造更为上策。能标新立异就更加理想。 正文第一段就用“引述+表态+ 观点”的形式,以达到“闪亮登场”的效果。引述可是直接的,也可以是间接的,但必须是有针对性的。表态一定要坚决、果断和明确。观点的呈现,不要拖泥带水,而要开门见山。 有了态度与观点,没有理由就站不住脚。因此,作文的第三步必然阐述你的理由。阐述一定要具有条理性,就是分点;还要注意内容的层次性,如由浅及深,由表及里,有具体到抽象等。如此才能展示一个学生思维的深广度。 这个步骤一般的同学很难发挥。到底要怎样才能深入呢?笔者认为,最基本的办法就是针对问题提出可行的有时代意义的解决方法,即解决问题。另外,还可以“横向拓展” “纵向挖掘”和进行简易的批驳。尤其是反驳,可以预设反方,然后,进行委婉的劝说,以体现作者思维的周密性,达到任务型作文“文明说理”的要求。 任何一篇文章都要考虑其现实意义,如果没有了现实意义,该文章就逊色许多。因此,学生习作也好,考场作文也好,联系实际是必需的。但是,这一环节不能太婆婆妈妈,应如一部乐曲演奏完毕,戛然而止、曲终人散、回味无穷。 一篇习作具备了上述五个部件构建而成,已是有模有样、中规中矩,若能加上一些必备的调味品,如菜肴之于姜葱蒜,而后定然可取得高分好评。 【实例品析】阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 为了督促学生学习,某职业技术学院的焦老师想出在课后用微信发红包的“新招”,对出勤率高、学习成绩好和上课认真的同学,都发了红包。此举一出,他的课学生没一个逃课,课堂气氛活跃,师 生关系变好。此事传出,该校老师和学生表示认可,觉得这个做法有新意。媒体报道后,引发争议,有家长明确反对老师这种做法,认为用“钱”引导学生上课,会让孩子变得功利,使教育变味。 对以上这件事,你怎么看?请就焦老师、学生或家长的表现,表明自己的态度,阐述自己的看法。要求综合材料内容及含意,选好角度,确定立意,完成写作任务。 范文: 教书育人也应有“新招”(标题简洁、响亮) 为了督促学生学习,某职业技术学院的焦老师想出在课后用微信发红包的“新招”,对出勤率高、学习成绩好和上课认真的同学,都发了红包。此举一出,师生认可,又在社会上引发了争议,还有家长认为这样会使教育变味。我认为,焦老师是个敢于创新的老师。在如此沉闷的教育背景下,教书育人也的确应该有新招,才能激活教育的正能量。(引述+态度+观点) 首先,传统的育人方式是以班级集体授课制为主,以灌输为主的应试教育让学生们抵触厌烦,远远达不到教育的目的。在这样的情况下,老师们“八仙过海,各显神通”,采用一些新的顺应时代的招数,本是理所应当的,只有不断更新方法,才能不断激活学习的动力。 其次,微信发红包的新招效果明显。大焦老师的课没有一个逃课,课堂气氛活跃,师生关系很好。暂且不论其效果的持久性,但就这点,已经证明新招的可行性。 其三,如果能把“发红包”这种新事物与传统的教书育人方法有机整合起来,还可以给人们提供一种新的思维和教育理念。如在互联网时代,用好移动技术,对学生进行时时处处地引导与教育,定能激发出无数的能量。因此,焦老师的新招肯定能在教育界激发波波涟漪。(分点分层阐述理由) 有家长明确反对老师这种做法,认为用“钱”引导学生上课,会让孩子变得功利,使教育变味。的确,现代学生本就生长在“物欲横流”的环境中,一味用钱去引导学习,极有可能变得功利,使教育变味。但是,教育不能因存在某种风险而畏首畏尾或举步不前。只要是“在课后”,“用小钱”,方式恰当,不变本加厉,在红包激励的同时仍以精神感化、正面教育为主线,发红包这样的新举动一定能在教育中起到重要的激活辅助作用。(预设反方,简易批驳) 古语云:亲其师,信其道。发红包能让学生更亲近其师,“信其道”就不言而喻了。又云:教学相长。学生的学习热情因红包而唤起,那么,学生的热情必然会影响老师的激情,终将达到“相长”的目的。教师的魅力关键在于学术与人格。一个教师若能紧紧依靠自身的学术与人格魅力,辅以新巧的方法,定能让各种因素相得益彰,形成合力,促进教书育人功能的巨大提高。(横向拓展) 如今,我国的教育因各种原因而困难重重,多几个像焦老师那样不甘平庸、敢于创新的老师,拿出更多的新招,必然能冲破重重阴霾,走向教育强国的康庄大道。(联系实际,快速收尾) 【点评】这一篇习作基本按照五部分基本框架来写,说理清晰,有条理,有深度,也有广度,适度的引用名言,具有较强的时代意义,是一篇难得的考生值得参照的优秀作文。 二、依事设问,分层论述 面对叙事体新材料任务驱动型作文,许多同学不知所措,莫衷一是。在此,介绍一种十分基本实用的方法,即“依事设问,分层论述”,它既能解决无话可说的问题,又可以凭此提升深入阐述事理的能力。 方法指导: 1.依据任务梳理材料,选定角度,表明你的态度,发表你的看法或观点。 2.从材料出发,引述材料,分析并提出新颖、与众不同的中心论点(标题)。


第二节:读写任务(共1小题,满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文 What Is Anger? We all know what anger is, and we’ll all felt it; whether as a fleeting(短暂的) annoyance or as full-fledged rage (盛怒). Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive(破坏性的), it can lead to problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. And it can make you feel as though you’re at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. Ange r is “an emotional state the varies in intensity(强度) from mild irritation to intense fury(愤怒) and rage(恼怒),” according to Charles PhD, a psychologist who specializes in the study of anger. Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and billogical changes; when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenalin(肾上腺素), and nor adrenalin(降肾上腺素). Anger can be caused by both external(外部的) and internal (内部的) events. You could be angry at a specific person (such as a coworker or supervisor) or event ( a traffic jam, a canceled flight), or your anger could be caused by worrying or brooding (沉思) about your personal problems. Memories of traumatic (创伤的) or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings. 【写作内容】 1. 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约为30词左右; 2. 就“How to deal with anger?”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120词左右; (a)表述许多人容易生气及其危害; (b)如何有效地控制或减轻愤怒情绪。 【写作要求】 你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 读写任务 The passage tells us what anger is. It may have positive or negative influence on humans.


读写任务写作答案 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

一篇完整的读写任务型写作,应该包括三部分,即概括、正文、结尾。 1、概括:文章第一段为概括段,根据阅读材料的体裁和内容,一般用一两句 话,约30个词进行提炼归纳原材料的中心主题。 2、正文:这部分要根据写作内容要点来分段,一般写作内容有几个要点就分几 段,而且,每段的主题句最好放在段首,然后用一些支撑句进行必要的拓展,即主题句+拓展内容。 3、结尾:可以是总结,也可以是强调主题中心句等。 (一)如何写好概括 记叙文的概括 先通过阅读材料,找出所给材料的六要素,再按一定的逻辑关系将六要素串联起来,组成能体现文章中心的一两句话,如:何时(when)何地(where)谁(who)做了什么事情(what),结果怎样(how)或为什么会这样(why)。用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么,不能拖泥带水讲细节,而且最好讲出故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。注意人称和时态(一般原文用是什么时态,概括就用什么时态)的使用。切忌罗列细节或掺入个人思想。 例1: 阅读下面短文,然后以约30个词概括其内容要点。 After graduating from college, I decided to try for a job at a radio station, and then I would become a sports announcer. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station, but got turned down every time.


高考任务驱动型作文种 方法篇 内部编号:(YUUT-TBBY-MMUT-URRUY-UOOY-DBUYI-0128)

高考遇到任务驱动型作文:7种方法+7篇范文助你轻松拿满分! 将近一年的高三教学实践中,我对任务驱动型作文有了一点粗浅的认识,写下了这份心得,不足之处,敬请指教! 一、条陈理由,彻解问题 “任务驱动型作文”写作的基本框架 任务驱动型作文的全称是叙事体新材料任务驱动型作文。其实质也就是有些地方所说“时评类”作文,其本质还依然是材料作文,只是在材料的基础上,增加了明确的指向性任务,意在增强写作的目的性、防止套作。这种作文题重在考查学生对一事物或社会现象的态度与看法,思维的深度与广度,表达的清晰与晓畅。因此,在写作这类作文时,有些基本的东西是必不可少的,只有具备了其中的基本要素,才能达到要求;只有具备了其中的基本框架,才能在考场中立于不败之地。 任务驱动型作文的基本框架有哪些构件组成呢?笔者认为,有如下五部分。 就是在审题的基础上,明确立意,选择写作的角度,拟定一个有抢眼的题目。这个标题应尽量是从材料中抽取而出的“核心立意”,并就此选取材料中关键词句加以组合而成的简洁短语或句子。尽力不用态度而用看法或观点。能运用约定俗成的词句加以改造更为上策。能标新立异就更加理想。 正文第一段就用“引述+表态+观点”的形式,以达到“闪亮登场”的效果。引述可是直接的,也可以是间接的,但必须是有针对性的。表态一定要坚决、果断和明确。观点的呈现,不要拖泥带水,而要开门见山。

有了态度与观点,没有理由就站不住脚。因此,作文的第三步必然阐述你的理由。阐述一定要具有条理性,就是分点;还要注意内容的层次性,如由浅及深,由表及里,有具体到抽象等。如此才能展示一个学生思维的深广度。 这个步骤一般的同学很难发挥。到底要怎样才能深入呢?笔者认为,最基本的办法就是针对问题提出可行的有时代意义的解决方法,即解决问题。另外,还可以“横向拓展”“纵向挖掘”和进行简易的批驳。尤其是反驳,可以预设反方,然后,进行委婉的劝说,以体现作者思维的周密性,达到任务型作文“文明说理”的要求。 任何一篇文章都要考虑其现实意义,如果没有了现实意义,该文章就逊色许多。因此,学生习作也好,考场作文也好,联系实际是必需的。但是,这一环节不能太婆婆妈妈,应如一部乐曲演奏完毕,戛然而止、曲终人散、回味无穷。 一篇习作具备了上述五个部件构建而成,已是有模有样、中规中矩,若能加上一些必备的调味品,如菜肴之于姜葱蒜,而后定然可取得高分好评。 【实例品析】阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 为了督促学生学习,某职业技术学院的焦老师想出在课后用微信发红包的“新招”,对出勤率高、学习成绩好和上课认真的同学,都发了红包。此举一出,他的课学生没一个逃课,课堂气氛活跃,师生关系变好。此事传出,该校老师和学生表示认可,觉得这个做法有新意。媒体报道后,引发争议,有家长明确反对老师这种做


2012-2013高考复习写作专题 方法措施 此类要点中常含“怎么办”,“如何/怎样(应付、处理、解决)”“采取什么措施”“对解决……,你有什么建议”等字眼。 常用句型: 1.In order to…, we are supposed to take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.… 2.What needs to be done urgently is...最紧迫的事情是…… 3.Here are some suggestions on how to deal with... 在处理……, 这里有一些建议。 4.The ways to...can be suggested as follows. 建议解决……的方法如下。 5.In my view, to..., effective measures should be taken without delay. 依我看, 为了……必须刻不容缓地采取有效措施。 6.It is high time that we should... 是我们该……的时候了。 7.Let’s take immediate action to... before it is too late. 让我们趁早立即采取行动…… 8.To begin with, ...Besides, https://www.sodocs.net/doc/bb15914563.html,st but not least, ... 首先, ……其次, ……最后但同样重要的…… 9.First of all,...What’s more, ...Finally, ... 首先, ……其次, ……最后, …… 10.For one thing, ... For another...一来…… 二来…… 11.With these measures taken, we can surely... 通过采取以上措施, 我们一定能…… 12.Only by adopting the above measures can human beings live in harmony with animals.只有通过 采取上述措施, 人类与动物才能和谐相处。 典型范文: △你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习(2010广东) Here are some suggestions on how to encourage children to study. To begin with,it will be wise for parents to be friends with your children, so that they will follow your suggestions.Besides, I think it a good idea to build up children’s confidence, which plays an important part in their https://www.sodocs.net/doc/bb15914563.html,st but not least, it is a good and pleasant environment that creates a good student, so it is important for parents to set up a good environment for children to study. △假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应(2009广东) If I were the animals, I would certainly feel annoyed and disturbed by the endless zoo-visitors who like to hug me and photograph with me.What’s worse,if unbearable, I would even bark or show my teeth to the children. Worst of all,it would be likely for me to attack or even bite the visitors when sometimes held too tightly.In a word, I would be rather unhappy if I were the animals. 控制性操练: ●假如你看到有人摔倒, 你会怎么做? 首先,直接回答,写好主题句:假如我看见有人跌倒,我会停下来伸出援助之手。 然后,细说原因,拓展主题句:if not, … might die or seriously injured/helping others is our responsibility/we also need others’ help when in danger/helping others is helping yourselves (范文)If I saw a person ahead fall down, I would stop to give a hand because first of all, if all the people avoid getting involved and walk away, the person might not get necessary help or first aid, which might bring unexpectedly serious consequences. What’s more, offering help to those who are in need is our responsibility. Why should we hesitate when a small act might make a big difference to your fellow men? ●你认为应对考试紧张的。

高考英语读写任务记叙文专题导练 新课标 人教版

高考英语读写任务记叙文专题导练 (一) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Everyone has an experience they would rather forget. Some are embarrassing, some are moving, and some teach us a lesson. Here is a story of mine. Last Sunday I went fishing. After setting up my fishing rod(钓鱼竿)with bait(钓鱼的饵), I sat down on the bank of the lake. But two hours later, I didn’t catch any fish. I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff(收拾东西), preparing to go back home. Just then, I saw an old man sitting near me. To my surprise, his basket was full of fish, so I went over to him, wanting to know why. “Excuse me, but how long have you sat here?” I asked. “About four hours,” he answered. “Four hours?” I could believe my ears. “Yes. It’s very important to be patient,” the old man said. “ Don’t consider fishing a tiring sport. Just enjoy it.” Suddenly, I understand what he said. I must learn to be patient. Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently. I felt a fish touch the bait, but I didn’t move and waited for the right moment to reel it in(卷收钓鱼线). At last, I caught it. This made me very happy. In the following six hours, I caught over 10 fish. On my way home, I thought what had happened on the bank. I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience. [写作内容] 1)以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2)然后以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写你认识到耐心的重要性的一次经历,并包括以下要点: a)叙述你认识到耐心的重要性的一次真实或虚构的经历; b)你是如何认识到耐心的重要性的; c)耐心对你的生活、学习有什么影响。 [写作要求] (1)可以参照阅读材料的篇章结构,组织故事,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; (2)标题自定。 [评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 Title_______________________________ Sum up概括[关于所读的短文的梗概(约30词): _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________A transitional sentence or paragraph(过渡句或过渡段): _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ A narrative(记叙文(关于同一主题的) [按题目内容要求]): _______________________________________________________________________________
