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Unit 4 Word Pretest

1.underlie [

Vt.1)To lie or be beneath.位于....之下

eg.Shale underlies the coal. 页岩层在煤层下面。

2)To be at the bottom of;serve as the base of,as of an argument or theory;support.位于...的底部,为(辩论、学说等)的基础支撑。

eg.What motives underlies his act.他行动的动机是什么?

The principles which underlie our foreign policy are sound.作为我们外交政策基础的原则是健全的。





1)Vi. adopt as a belief.同意,赞成(to)

eg.He could not subscribe to their unfair plan.他不能赞同他们不公平的办法。

【subscribe to sth.同意,赞成】

2)Vi.To sign a paper in token of promise to give a certain sum,or to take and pay for sth. as a book.认捐,认购,订阅,预约(书等)(to)

eg.We subscribe to several magazines.我们订阅数种杂志。3)Vi.预订,认购(for)

eg.Renew the magazines that I subscribed for another year.


to subscribe for bonds.认购公债

4)Vt.To give or promise(a sum of money)for some object,by writing one's name.


eg.I have subscribed 20,000 dollars for the institute.我为该机构已捐助了两万美元。

5)Vt.Write one's name(on)签署

eg.Has he subscribed his name on the papers?他在文件上签名了吗?

【subscribe oneself as.把自己的名字签作....】


1)NOUN.A signed written agreement between two or more parties(nations) to perform some action.契约,盟约,合同eg. ....the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights......公民权利和政治权利公约

2)NOUN (Bible)an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior

from them in return.圣约

3)Vi. Enter into a formal agreement.订立盟约、契约

eg.They covenanted in loyalty to the king.他们订立盟约以效忠国王。


eg.They covenanted that their hostages would be present.他们保证他们的人质将到场。


NOUN.An annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event.苦难,磨难。

Eg.....the trials and tribulations of everyday life.日常生活的磨练与艰难。

Tribulation consciousness忧患意识

5.flies in the face of (contrary)与...相反的,背道而驰的


Vi.consent reluctantly;yield.屈服,死,被压垮(to)

eg.Many of them succumbed to their injuries.他们之中的许多人受伤不治而死。

...to succumb to a disease因患病而死


1)NOUN。Clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular


eg.He wore the garb of a scout.他穿了一身童子军的装束。2)Vt.Provide with clothes or put clothes on.穿扮,穿衣。Eg.The priest was garbed in black.牧师穿着黑衣服。


1)NOUN.An outbuilding with a single story;used for shelter or storage.小屋,棚。分水岭

Eg.....a garden shed.一个园艺工具棚

2)V.Get rid of.摆脱

Eg.Some of the trees were already beginning to shed their leaves.有些树已经开始落叶了。

3)V.pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities.流出

4)Eg.to shed tears.涌出泪水

【shed of领先】


V.detect with the senses;recognize;pick out.识别,领悟,辨别eg.We discerned a sail on the horizon.我们看见了地平线上的一张帆。

She is incapable of discerning right from wrong.她不能分辨是非。





















1.What is the main idea in this passage? Answer:One who wants to understand history has three kinds of models to choose.ModelA

is progress model.Model B:fatalism model.Model C:miracle model.

2.Which models for understanding history do you prefer?

Answer:My opinion resembles Model C,but there is a great difference.I think the decay period is a deposit of achievement,from quality to quality,and then,we are in achievement period.Marxist philosophy tells us that everything is progressing in contradiction.Achievement and decay is relative.Each time we reach a new golden age,we achieve a higher height.

3.How to translate“Marxist histories...no bility..”in paragraph 3?


4. What’s the main idea of paragraph 9and 10?

Answer:the author prefers some affects of Models C and tells us to think critically

about whether the period is achievement or decay.

泛读教程参考答案 Unit1-10

CONTENTS Unit 1 University Student Life (1) Unit 2 Culture Shock (2) Unit 3 Movie (3) Unit 4 Food (4) Unit 5 Business (5) Unit 6. Sports (6) Unit 7 Shyness (7) Unit 8 Native People (8) Unit 9 Bible Stories (10) Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays (11)

Unit 1 University Student Life Word Pretest 1—8 DBBCDDAB Reading Comprehension 1—6 FTFTFFTF Vocabulary Building rationally in a way based on… established accepted… various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful… master overall recreation way of spending… estimate calcula te … routine regular, usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. Strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize 5. finalize 6. necessarily 7. physically 8. highly Close favorable, their, respected, professors, authority, role, expect, need, several, changes SECTION B 1—8 DCCBCBDD SECTION C 1—8 DABDCBCA

英语泛读教程Unit Two

Unit Two French and English 1.cosmopolitan : someone free from local or national prejudices 2.caricature :a likeness or representation of anything so exaggerated or distorted as to appear ridiculous or comical 3.cynicism : contempt for and suspicion of human nature 4.gnat : extended to other small insects 5.chivalry : bravery and courtesy 6.deface : to obliterate 7.battery : a number of cannon or other offensive weapons with their equipment 8.pageant : display 9.blaze : a bursting out or active display 10.dwell on : to rest attention on 11.bulk : the greater part ;a mass 12.imitate : to copy or take as a model 13.obstinately : stubbornly 14.peculiarity : individuality 15.vice : a fault 16.obscenity : disgust ; indecency 17.avarice : eager desire for wealth ; covetousness 18.superficial : not deep 19.knave : a serving boy ; a dishonest or deceitful man , a rogue 20.indolence : laziness ; causing little or no pain 21.reap : to cut down as grain 22.pluck : to pull 23.snobbishness : the characteristic of a person who sets too much value on social standing , wishing to be associated with the upper class and their mores , and treating those viewed as inferior with condescension and contempt 24.repulsive : causing disgust 25.plagiarize : to steal from (the writings or ideas of another) 26.hospitality : (friendly welcome and) entertainment of guests 27.unconscious : not self-conscious ; unaware 28.base : low in place, value, estimation or principle 29.amiable : lovable; friendly; love-inspiring 30.mediaeval : of the Middle Ages https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c59242663.html,rgess : a bestowal or distribution of gifts; generosity, magnanimous spirit or manner 32.subtle : delicate, refined 33.elusive : deceptive 34.vicarious : not experience personally but imagined through the experience of others 35.plentitude : fullness; completeness; plenteousness 36.barricade : a temporary defensive barrier(to block a street)


Unit 7 Word Pretest: 1.Feminine['f?m?n?n] adj 1.Qualities and things relate to or are considered typical of women, in contrast to men. 女性的,阴性的 eg : But are the ads about self-care and feminine indulgence all that much better? 但是那些关于自我照顾和女性放纵的广告真的有那么好吗? 2.Bias[?bai?s] v and n V. someone means to influence them in favor of a particular choice (影响某人)使偏心;使产生偏见 eg :We mustn’t allow it to bias our teaching.我们不允许它使我们的教学产生偏见。 N. a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favor that person or thing. 偏见 eg: Knowing her political bias, we discounted most of her story.由于了解她的政治偏见,我们对她的大部分报道都持怀疑态度。 3.Segregate ['s?ɡr?ɡet] v

To segregate two groups of people or things means to keep them physically apart from each other. 隔离,分开 eg: A large detachment of police was used to segregate the two rival camps of protesters.一大队分遣警察被派来隔离两群敌对的抗议者。 4.Stereotype ['st?r??ta?p] n and v N. a stereotype is fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing. 模式化形象,成见 eg: There’s always been a stereotype about successful businessmen. 对成功的商人们总有偏见 V. if someone is stereotyped as something, people form a fixed general idea or image of them, so that it is assumed that they will behave in a particular way. 把…模式化;对…产生成见 eg : He was stereotyped by some as a renegade.他被一些人带着成见视为一名背叛者。 Segregate installation 隔离设施 5.Enforce [?n'f?rs] v




课程教案 课程名称: 《英语阅读》(一) 课程性质: 必修课 课程类型: 公共课 上课时间: 2017至2018学年第1学期 授课对象: 英语教育专业 2017级6班 英语翻译专业2017 级3、4班 教师姓名: 杨静 所属系院: 外国语学院 成都师范学院教务处制

教案样式(试用稿)使用说明 1.教案不等同于讲稿,它应反映教学设计、教学过程和教学内容(讲稿)。 2.一门课程的教案由“课程总体教学安排”、若干的“分次教案”、“课程教学学期总结”三部分组成。“分次教案”按上课的自然次数划分。 3.每一分次教案由一张“教学设计”页和若干张“授课内容”页两部分组成。“教学设计”主要包括教学目标、重点与难点、教学方式与手段及各教学引入、讲解、作业等环节的总体安排。“授课内容”是对各教学环节的详细教学内容、教学方法等的安排及教学提示设计。为减轻书写负担,已尽量简化了教案首页的项目,有的项目还可根据具体情况酌情简写。 4.全套教案有一封面,供最后装订时使用。封面上的“课程类型”是指公共课、基础课、专业基础课、专业课等,“课程性质”是指必修、限选、选修等。 5.版面尺寸按A4设计,以便于携带与存档。 6.制作教案时,可使用网上的电子样本或者印刷稿纸。“讲稿页”上的“讲课内容”可以完全手工书写,也可以打印或粘贴ppt。若拟使用ppt,可以直接在ppt 环境下“打印内容”按“讲义(每页3幅幻灯片)”打印输出,此时能直接得到省去表头的“讲稿页”,在它的左侧将有3幅幻灯片,右侧则自动生成了书写“备课札记”的横格线。“备课札记”供填写注释、讲课的提示语等使用。 7.本教案格式是针对我校多数专业类的课堂教学设计的,对于一些特殊类型或有特殊教学方式的课程,可酌情修改或自行规范教案格式。




Unit 4 Word Pretest 1.underlie [ Vt.1)To lie or be beneath.位于....之下 eg.Shale underlies the coal. 页岩层在煤层下面。 2)To be at the bottom of;serve as the base of,as of an argument or theory;support.位于...的底部,为(辩论、学说等)的基础支撑。 eg.What motives underlies his act.他行动的动机是什么? The principles which underlie our foreign policy are sound.作为我们外交政策基础的原则是健全的。 过去式:underlay 过去分词:underlain 现在分词:underlying 2.subscribe 1)Vi. adopt as a belief.同意,赞成(to) eg.He could not subscribe to their unfair plan.他不能赞同他们不公平的办法。 【subscribe to sth.同意,赞成】 2)Vi.To sign a paper in token of promise to give a certain sum,or to take and pay for sth. as a book.认捐,认购,订阅,预约(书等)(to)

泛读教程一Unit 11 Advertising1

Study the Text 1.Word-pretest (8') Give Ss 5m to guess the words' meaning in the given context. Dissemination: spread (宣传,散布,流传) Sustainable development: 可持续发展 Constitute: form, compose Decode: convert code into ordinary language. Relevant words: encode, code Routine: established practice Pebble: a small smooth rounded rock, or a stone feels and looks like an egg Conversely: on the contrary, vice verse 2.Read the text in 10m and try to find answers to the following questions: (18') 1)why is it (international advertising) a communication process? In advertising, some messages is spread to target audience, and a successful advertising can have target audience actively respond to it/ trigger off response. 2)Since it is a communication process, what's the senders and the receivers? Advertisers and advertising agencies, the receivers are the target audiences who differ from country to country. 3)Since it's a process, what steps will/does it involve? Choose a proper message, encode the message in a suitable way, sent the message through a effective media, trigger off a response from the audiences. 4)What factors will influence the communication? Languages, the level of literacy, color association, cultural context and so on 3.Difficulty sentences in the text (6') 1)Target audiences differ from country to country in terms of how they interpret symbols, (how they) respond to humor or emotional appeals, as well as in levels of litercy an d the language spoken. 来自不同的国家的目标观众在解释信号和对幽默和情感呼唤的回应都有所不同,他们的文化程度以及使用的语言也不同。 2)The first sentence in third paragraph
