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展望未来3 Unit1 part1

展望未来3 Unit1 part1
展望未来3 Unit1 part1

Unit 1 Patterns of life

Part 1 Changes


Topic: Changes in surroundings

Grammar: used to do

Skills: Reading: people’s memories

Listening: a monologue

Writing: about changes

Speaking: giving opinions and reasons


Step 1. Warming up—Free talk: changes around us

Have you found any changes around you? Senior school life, new look of city…What influence do they have on you?

Step 2. Getting Started& listening—changes in East London

I.Look at the pictures of an area of London called ‘Docklands’

Describe the pictures


Where is Docklands?

When was it busy? How busy?

What happened in the 1950’s and 1960’s?

What happened in 1980’s?

III.Further introduction --Background notes

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb9093353.html,nguage Study

1.dock: n. 码头,船坞v. 靠码头,入坞

We can faintly see a coal dock.


Ships cannot dock outside garages.


Step 3. Reading Ex.3-5

I.Read the texts and match with topics

II.Read again and finish Ex. 4

2. Contradict: be against sth.

be in contradiction with

eg. The report contradicts what we heard yesterday.


3. play an important role in

III.Listen to the reading of the texts and further understand some


1)You could travel to any place in the world just by looking at the different

ships that passed.

2)In those days, the river was alive.

3)…to see the pleasure boats returning from their trips to the seaside.


IV.Word Study Ex. 5 and more

4. Words for different kinds of boats

Tug 拖船

Police launch 水上警察巡逻快艇

Sailing barge 驳船

River bus 水上客船

Pleasure boat 游乐船

5. jobs

Conjuror: a person who performs magic tricks

Stevedore: a person who works at the docks 码头工人= docker

Foreman: a person who is responsible for other people at work 工头

6. magical: adj. of strange power, mystery or charm 神奇的,魔术的

Words have a magical power.

言辞有不可思议的力量。Magic n.

Magician = conjuror

7. ships of all sizes and nationalities 大小不一的各国船只

8. alive: full of life and spirit 活跃,充满生机

she was wonderfully alive for her age.

The lake was alive with fish.


9. depend on imagination

10. see film shows

11. traveling van:

12. pull… out of

(conjure v. The magician ~d a rabbit out of his hat.)

13. wash house: a room or building used for washing, esp.clothes 洗衣房

14. fill up: make or become full

He has filled up the tank with petrol.


Fill up this form, please.


The room soon filled up with people.

15. domestic water: 家庭生活用水

Of home/ household: ~ animal, ~ servant, ~ trouble 家庭纠纷

Of one’s own country: ~ affairs/issues 国内问题

V.Group work

Change the texts into a short play by a name of life in docklands in the past.

Prepare it in a group of 5 (father, mother, children , neighbors); settings include riverside, a park and a house

Step 4 Grammar ---Used to Ex. 6-7


Negative : didn’t use to , never used to

Question: Did you use to …? Where did you used to ?

Practice: Ex 7.

Make a dialogue about your childhood, including home, school, free time, family holidays, etc.

Step 5 Listening


Check the meaning of the words in Ex. 8

II.Listen and try to get a general idea of the monologue

III.Second listening for more details

IV.Third listening to finish Ex. 9. 2

1. A review of what is mentioned in texts

2. Find out more about docklands

V.More useful language points


16. relevant: adj. connected with

Oppo. Irrelevant

These issues are directly ~ to the need of slow learners.

What you say is not relevant to the subject.

17. skilled adj. having or needing skill

~ workmen; ~ jobs

Skillful: having or showing skill

A skillful team player

18. professional : adj. well-trained


~ advice/ painter/ standard

19. purchase: buy

They have just purchased a new house in the country

Purchasing power

20. constitute: to make up, form

Seven days ~ a week.

21. sink v. (sank, sunk) to fall to a lower lever or position

22. estate n. a piece of land on which buildings have all ben built together in a planned way 房地产

Real estate

Industrial estate

23. desert v. to leave empty

They deserted their homes and fled to the hills.

24. thrive v. to develop very well and be healthy, be successful

My uncle has a thriving business.

25. close-knit adj. tightly bound together by social , political, religious beliefs and activities 紧密的,志同道合的

People who move from small close-knit villages to large cities often feel lonely and friendless.


26. tend to

27. go quiet: become quiet

28. at its most active

29. an awful lot of

30. community spirit

31. for instance

Step 6 writing –Ex. 10

展望未来第一册 一单元周考题

Test of Unit 1 for Junior 2 Name: Score: Class: Paper A I.Multiple Choice (1*25) 1.How much is the poster on this shelf? A.What the price is the poster on this shelf? B.What’s price is the poster on th is shelf? C.What’s the price of the poster on this shelf? 2.Several bowls of salads are still available at the moment. A.providing B. serving C. served 3.Go to the cafeteria immediately, or you will miss your lunch. A.quickly B. at once C. fast 4.What’s Jim’s job? A.What is Jim? B. Who is Jim? C. What’s Jim doing? 5.The famous places in Sichuan include Jiuzhaigou, Wuhou Temple and Mount. Qingcheng. A.place of interest B. places of interests C. places of interest 6.We usually meet our family and friends at ___________ at the airport. A.Arrival B. Arrivas C. Arrivals 7.Polly comes from __________. She speaks ____________. A.America, American B. Britain, British C. China, Chinese 8.It is twenty minutes by car from my home to the park. A. twenty minutes drive B. a twenty-minute drive C. twenty-minutes’ drive 9.I’d like a cup of coffee before work. A.to drink a cup of coffee B.drinking a cup of coffee C.to drinking a cup of coffee 10.Flight EU370 to Phuket is now boarding at ___________. A.the Gate One B. the first gate. C. the once gate 11.Little Sammy is trying to put these pictures of a story ____ the correct order. A.in B. on C. at 12.Passengers _______ Dalian travelling ______ Flight AC102 is now boarding. A.to, on B. for, at C. for, on 13.Excuse me. Would you please show me the way _____ the bus station? A.for B. on C. to 14.I have only two ________. It is not enough for a meal at KFC. A.yuans B. dollars C. pound 15.The ticket ________________ meals and transportation in the park. A.don’t include B. not including C. doesn’t include 16.These are the symbols ______ airport facilities. A.for B. at C. of 17.Li Yifeng ________________ an on-line chatting App these days.


展望未来的句子 1、团结协力共铸辉煌,展望未来蓝图宏伟。 2、展望未来,我会以百倍的热情去工作,去学习,去努力,去奋斗。 3、有了对阳光的憧憬,幼苗奋力生长,于是迎接它的是温暖的阳光。 4、有了对人生的憧憬,我们勇敢坚强,于是迎接我们的是美丽的人生! 5、通过全体员工的精诚努力,协同奋进,开拓进取,公司未来发展一定前程似锦。 6、有工作忙碌的感觉真好!这就是在状态。向往集团更好的明天,这就是有**! 7、过去的种种,都已是昨日,总结经验,继续上路,才能战网未来,创造更好的业绩! 8、人总是那样感性,值得怀念的太多,思念永远不会停止,曾经的美好如今的陌生未来的谈然。 9、我将以更好的状态更认真的态度更饱满的精力,去创造,去拼搏,去努力,和企业一起成长! 10、让我们在春天里播下理想的种子,在秋天里收获辉煌的希望。高唱胜利的凯歌,共创美好的明天。 11、我将以更好的状态、更认真的态度、更饱满的精力,去创造,去拼搏,去努力,和企业一起成长!

12、人总是那样感性、值得怀念的太多、思念永远不会停止、曾经的美好、如今的陌生、未来的谈然。 13、新的一年意味着新的起点新的机遇新的挑战。我们办公司全体成员决心再接再厉,使工作更上一层楼。 14、我们要敢于面对,不退却,为了美好的未来,就算有无数荆棘阻挡,我们相信柳暗花明,我们就不能放弃。 15、青春里,经过的人和事,爱过的人疼过的人,会是一生的朱砂志。所以我用最从容的姿态,笑看流年妖饶…… 16、回首过去,我们思绪纷飞,感慨万千;立足今日,我们胸有成竹,信心百倍;展望未来,我们引吭高歌,一路欢笑。 17、在全体员工的共同努力下,上下一心,艰苦奋斗,同舟共济,全力拼搏,我们公司一定能够创造出更加辉煌的业绩! 18、团结一心,**协力,勤奋工作,把各方面的工作做的更好,努力开创工作的新局面,为我公司的发展作出新贡献。 19、展望未来,相信,我国航天事业是前途无限的啊!放飞我的梦想,让梦想追随着祖国的航天事业,飞向太空,飞向未来…… 20、只要你不懈地挖掘自己的钻石宝藏,不懈地运用自己的潜能,你就能够做好你想做的一切。你就能够成为自己生活的主宰。 21、我们哭过笑过,我们沮丧过奋发过感慨过,甚至畏惧过退缩过,但是我们从来没有真正放弃,我们始终在向前,一直在成长。 22、积极行动,团结一心,爱岗敬业,奋力开拓,以更加饱满的热情,以更加昂扬的斗志,为实现公司年度目标任务而努力奋斗!


English Test for Junior Two Unit 5 Book One I. Multiple choices (10 scores) 1. This idea sounds fantastic. Let?s do it at once. A. nasty B. well C. great D. special 2. My home is 90 minutes by car from my school. A. one and a half hour by car B. one hour and a half drive C. one and a half hours? drive D. a ninety-minutes by car 3. She always gets to her office at 9 o?clock in the morning. A. arrives to B. arrives in C. arrives D. arrives at 4. A large number of books are provided in our library. A. much B. a lot C. a few D. lots of 5. Susan works _____ a marketing manager at Brentwood Engineering _____ weekdays. She goes to a video clu b _____ the weekend. A. for, at, at B. as, at, on C. as, on, at D. at, on, at 6. --- __________ is the station from the city center? --- It?s only ten minutes. You can walk straight there. It?s quite near. A. How long B. How far C. How near D. How much 7. I don?t want any homework, but I _______________ do it every day. I have no choice. A. must B. have to C. can D. need to 8. Henry is good at playing _____ table tennis and ____ violin. A. the, / B. the, the, C. /, / D. /, the 9. Next to the window________ with some cushions on it. A. a sofa is B. is sofa C. is a sofa D. sofa is 10. The picture looks ________. If you look ________, you can find a small bird in the tree. A. good, careful B. well, carefully C. well, careful D. good, carefully II. Fill in the blanks with proper preposition or adverbs. (10 scores) ? Look! A dog is running after a cat ___1___ the roof of the house. ? Our teacher?s office is ___2___ the ground floor of the teaching building. ? The little boy asks his mum for a big box to keep his toys ___3___. ? My brother usually plays the saxophone ___4___ his leisure. ? There is a big television ___5___ the front of my classroom. ? There are some shelves on the wall ___6___ books and plants. ? In my bedroom, there is a desk beside my bed ___7____ a computer on it. ? There are four rooms in James? flat, ___8____ a small kitchen. ? A flat ___9___ two bedrooms is usually for a family __10___ two to three people. III. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the words given in the brackets. (15 scores) ? The ___1___ (roof) of those houses are made of wood and the _____2___ (shelf) in those rooms are wooden too.

演讲稿1 《缅怀过去,展望未来》

尊敬的老师们、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是:《缅怀过去,展望未来》 同学们,当每年的这个时候,历史的风总会翻起79年前的那一页。把那冰雪覆盖的1935年,那悲痛岁月里的冷嗖嗖的日子展现在我们眼前,往事不堪回首。成长在新时代的我们,不能沉溺于过去痛苦的阴霾里,我们要为祖国的繁荣昌盛出谋划策。 亲爱的同学们,当我们从电视屏幕上看到我国选手夺得世界冠军,五星红旗冉冉升起在运动场上的时候,当我们从电视上看到我国载人飞船奔向宇宙的时候,当我们从报纸上了解到社会建设突飞猛进的时候,我们怎能不热血沸腾、心潮澎湃,又怎能不从心底感到作为一个中国人的骄傲。 每一个有良知的中国人都应该热爱自己的祖国,因为,她是我们祖祖辈辈生活的地方,她已有五千年悠久的历史,灿烂辉煌的文化,她有九百六十万平方公里的锦秀山河,她还有优越的社会主义制度,一心为民族的共产党的领导。 然而,仅仅有一颗爱国之心是远远不够的,还要知道怎样爱国,作为青年学生的我们,爱国就是要把自己的成长、成才同祖国的前途命运紧密地联系起来,立爱国之志,成报国之才,刻苦攻读,增长才干,为将来成为祖国的社

会主义建设的栋梁之才打下坚实的基础。 曾几何时,我们的祖国饱经沧桑,历尽磨难,她成了帝国主义倾销鸦片的场所,成了军阀混战的战场,成了帝国主义瓜分世界的赌场,成了野心家们争权夺势的赛场。她曾遍体鳞伤,千疮百孔。每一寸土地都被烙上深深的血痕,每一张容颜都布满了惊恐的阴霾。此时此刻,祖国母亲的多少英雄儿女,他们求索奋斗、折戟(jǐ)沉沙、浴血疆场、马革裹尸……数十年的煎熬,数万万同胞的奋斗,终于换来了天安门城楼那一声惊天动地的声音——“中国人民从此站起来了”!从此,伟大的中华民族这一东方巨龙,载着改革开放的旗帜,载着中华民族的憧憬,正以惊人的速度向前飞奔! 如今,这片热土早已是天翻地覆慨而慷,龙腾虎跃今胜昔了。同学们,少年强则国强,祖国人民在期盼着我们,时代赋予的责任和使命,我们怎能忘记?周恩来有“为中华之崛起而读书”的鸿志,我们又怎甘落后?让我们行动起来,点燃心中那团火焰,为祖国的繁荣昌盛做儿女最大的贡献。 我的讲话完毕,谢谢大家!


回首过去展望未来 新学期新目标新计划 初一()班新学期主题班会 一、回首上学期 播种习惯,我们收获了行为;播种汗水,我们收获了成果。走过的一学期,对于我们每个人都是一种进步。从顽皮的孩子渐渐成长为懂事的少年,从不会自理的“皇帝”“公主”成长为独立生活的强者……老师和家长都欣喜地看到了你的进步,自然也关注着你的不足。在新的学期里我们一定要认清自己,保持优点,取长补短。 二、学期英雄榜 1、学习优胜者: 2、三好学生: 3、学科之星 语文之星: 数学之星: 英语之星: 4、综合表现之星 守纪之星: 勤奋之星: 劳动积极分子: 三、读故事讲感悟 开学第一天,古希腊大哲学家苏格拉底对学生们说:“今天咱们只学一件最简单也是最最容易做的事儿。每人把胳膊尽量往前甩,然后再尽量往后甩。”说着,苏格拉底示范了一遍。“从今天开始,每天做300下。大家能做到吗?” 学生们都笑了。这么简单的事,有什么做不到的?过了一个月,苏格拉底问学生们:“每天甩手300下,哪些同学坚持了?”有90%的同学骄傲地举起了手。 又过了一个月,苏格拉底又问,这回,坚持下来的学生只剩下八成。 一年过后,苏格拉底再一次问大家:“请告诉我,最简单的甩手运动,还有哪几位同学坚持了?”这时,整个教室里,只有一人举起了手。这个学生就是后来成为古希腊另一位大哲学家的柏拉图。

听完这个故事后,你有什么想法,怎样的心得? 世间最容易的事是坚持,最难的事也是坚持。说它容易,是因为只要愿意做,人人能做到;说它难,是因为真正能做到的,终究只是少数人。 成功在于坚持,这是一个并不神秘的秘诀。 四、计划是实现目标的前提 百无聊赖地坐在桌前,对着那一摞摞厚重的教科书、参考书、习题册呆望了一会儿,从中捡出一本,乱翻了几页,从中挑出一道题,结果半个小时也没能做出结果,然后只有没好气地把它再丢回书堆中去,再捡起一本……在这简单的重复劳动中,时间匆匆而过。 这样的经历,你是否有过?这是心理空虚和急躁的表现:一方面想抓紧时间,努力学习; 另一方面,又常常举棋不定,不知从何下手,往往由于一些小难题而自暴自弃。 面对这种困境,我们该采取怎样的办法? 最好的解决方法,就是使学习具有“计划性”。计划是实现目标的前提,没有计划,目标就成了水上浮萍,没有根基。做事没有计划,结果不是“眉毛胡子一把抓”,就是“盲人摸象”一样,只见树木,不见森林。生活对于没有计划的人来说,就是“走一步看一步”,“当一天和尚撞一天钟”。 怎样制定适合自己的学习计划? 作战讲究“知己知彼,百战不殆”。学习也是一场战斗,计划就是做到“知己”,因为要制定出符合自己实际情况的学习计划,必须要“知己”。 “知己”包括三层含义:明确地估计自己的能力,了解当时学习情况,明确学习的目标。做到“知己”后,我们就可以制定计划了。 别人告诉你的方法是很难完全套用的。只有自己去试着做,摸索出自己的完整方法,才是最有用的。而别人告诉你的方法,最多只能充当一个指路标的作用。所以,不要过于重视它的形式。只要是能达到目的的计划都是好计划。 (1)要让自己知道,每天你具体干些什么,知道每周、每月的安排等。一句话,就是做到心中有谱。 (2)计划的安排应合理、科学,尽量不要让你的时间浪费。应该说明的是,不浪费时间并不是把所有时间都用来学习,也不是说打球、洗衣服等时间都是浪费。很多事不能不做,但要放在合适的时候做,黄金时间都应用来学习。 有同学说:老师,要我们做计划你都念叨一百遍了,它真的那么有用么?好处是什么? 严格遵守学习计划有很多好处: 1.学习计划表可以帮助你克服惰性和倦怠,尤其是当它配合一个自我奖励制度时会更加有效。 2.如果你能按部就班、循序渐进地完成你的学习,那么学习便不会给你带来太大的压力。 3.学习计划表可以确保你不会浪费时间,使你有时间做其他该做的事。 4.学习计划表可以使你了解自己的学习进度,让你清楚地知道哪些事等着做;又可以帮助自己对先前的学习做个评价。

展望未来课文重点笔记unit 1

Look Ahead 复习笔记Unit 1 一。词汇(必考内容,请大家好好复习) piano (n); video cassette; disco (n) ; toilet (n) ; restaurant (n) ; hamburger (n) ; violin (n) ; hotel(n); reception (n) ; saxophone (n) ; cassette (n) ; Arrivals (n pl.) ; bus stop (n) ; camera (n) ; capital (n) ; Departure (n pl.) ; diary(ies) (n) ; dollar (n) ; double (adj.) ; facility(ies) (n) ; guidebook (n) ; information (n) ; international (adj.) ; jazz (n) ; map (n) ; meal (n) ; minute (n) ; nationality(ies) (n) ; nightclub (n) ; passport (n) ; postcard (n) ; poster (n) ; pound (n) ; private (adj.) ; single (adj.) ; souvenir (n) ; tourist office (n); reasonable(adj);available(adj); souvenir(n) the United American Washington D.C. States of America Japan Japanese Tokyo Britain British London France French Paris Germany German Berlin Greece Greek Athens Ireland Irish Dublin Italy Italian Rome Poland Polish Warsaw Portugal Portuguese Lisbon Spain Spanish Madrid Turkey Turkish Ankara Australia Australian Canberra Egypt Egyptian Cairo 二词语解释 1. Reasonable adj. fair and sensible E.g. Mike’s points were reasonable 2. Available adj. 1. ready for use 2. not busy E.g. My bike is not available, it is being repaired. The doctor is not available now. 3. souvenir [,su?v?'n??] n. an object that you keep to remind yourself of a special occasion or place you have visited. E.g. a souvenir shop / souvenir T-shirts The local shopkeeper sell souvenirs to travellers.


展望未来第一册Unit1-8复习题 Multiple choice (unit1-unit8 part one) 1. ___________is that pair of tights on the shelf? I don’t know. ______ it’s very expensive. A. What price, may be B. What’s the price, perhaps C. Which price, May be D. How much, Maybe 2. I’d lik e Fiona ________ the heavy bag for me. Because in our opinion she is ________ girl in our class. A. carry, fat B. to carry, fattest C. carries, the fattest D. to carry, the fattest 3. There are _______ shampoo in the bottle. Let’s buy ____ next time when we go shopping. A. few, a few B. a little. little C. little, a little D. little, a few 4. A large number of single bedrooms are also available in the hostel for international students. A. provide B. served C. serve D. include. 5. The ladies in purple are all from ______, and they speak ___________. A. American, American B. America, American C. America, English D. American, English 6. It’s quite_____ for that old man _____during the winter nights.


小学新教师述职报告-回顾过去,展望未来 (1) 小学新教师述职报告-回顾过去,展望未来 去年八月,怀着一腔热血、十二分的激清,来到崭新的龙都小学,在新的环境、新的岗位工作快一年了,蓦然回首,顿觉一年光阴弹指一挥间,往事历历在目。为了总结得失,以利今后进一步改进和提高,现将近一年工作小结于后: 一、思想方面 认真学习党的教育方针政策,遵守国家的法律法规,深刻领会十六大报告和三个代表的重要思想,关心国家大事,热爱忠诚党的教育事业,爱校如家,切实树立校兴我荣,校衰我耻的思想,想为学校所想,急为学校所急。 二、工作方面 本年度,我主要负责教育务日常工作,分管科技、文科教学教研等。回顾起来,主要作了以下工作: 1抓教学常规,使各项教学工作入正轨 开学之初,提前作了新生的分班、教师工作安排、编制好各班和教师的课程表,各班教学用书的分发,保证师生到校第一天能够正常开展教学学习工作。 根据学校实际,制订了课堂教学常规管理办法,教学质量目标考核管理办法,坚持了平常的巡视和检查,使教学常

规有法可依,有章可循,入格到位。本年度,我共检查教案5068节,作业批改350次,听课91节。 20XX年秋期,组织学校行政人员对一年级组进行了为期一天的集体视导,对该年级的师资水平、教学工作、常规工作、体卫工作、师德师风、学生状况等方面进行了较为全面的了解,进行了视导工作小结,通报了视导情况,对该年级组和学校的教学工作起到了指导作用。 2抓培训提高,促进教师整体水平上台阶 我校是一所新成立的学校,办好龙都小学,是领导关心、群众观注、社会期盼的一件大事。振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。我校教师来自全县各个学校,年青教师居多,各个学校的素质教育观、人才观、学生观、质量观的认识和要求不一。为使全校教师紧跟时代步伐,站在素质教育的潮头浪尖,整体战斗力跃上一个新的台阶。我同学校其他领导一起,做了以下工作: 组织每位新教师上一堂经过精心准备亮相课,为教师们提供一个展示自我、相互学习的舞台。本年共上亮相课32节,可以说,作课教师和听课教师都有不同程度的收获和体会。 组织了新课程理论和系列学习,即时传递国内课程改革最新理念、动态、研究成果。让广大教师运用新课程的思想指导实际的教育教学工作。


总结过去展望未来的句子大全 过去的事情我们是无法改变的,但是我们可以总结过去,这是我为大家带来的总结过去展望未来的句子大全,希望对大家有所帮助。 总结过去展望未来的句子大全一、回首过去,我们思绪纷飞,感慨万千;立足今日,我们胸有成竹,信心百倍;展望未来,我们引吭高歌,一路欢笑。 二、我们现在应该做的是做的好的地方,反省做的不好的地方,然后以最佳的状态投入到新的学习中去,想想古往今来的伟人,谁不是经历过无数的磨难,谁不是历尽千辛万苦,谁不是在一次一次的跌倒之后又顽强不屈地站起来,所以,作为中学生的我们更应该坚强地站起来,跌倒并不可怕,可怕的是一蹶不起,我们要有信心,要有坚韧不拔的毅力,努力拼搏,展望属于我们的未来。 三、我们现在应该做的是总结做的好的地方,反省做的不好的地方,然后以最佳的状态投入到新的学习中去,想想古往今来的伟人,谁不是经历过无数的磨难,谁不是历尽千辛万苦,谁不是在一次一次的跌倒之后又顽强不屈地站起来,所以,作为中学生的我们更应该坚强地站起来,跌倒并不可怕,可怕的是一蹶不起,我们要有信心,要有坚韧不拔的毅力,努力拼搏,展望属于我们的未来。 四、回首过去,我们思绪纷飞,感慨万千;立足今日,我们胸有成竹,信心百倍;展望未来,我们引吭高歌,一路欢笑。 五、其实很简单,就像放风筝,把握住手中的那根线,然后放飞它,放飞自己的梦想,就算线断了,也不用奇怪,因为那没什么,每一个阶段都有一个奋斗的目标,就算是失败了也没有什么,捡起梦想的风筝,继续放飞,相信自己总有一天,会越飞越高,越飞越远,最后到达自己梦想的天堂。 六、回首昨天,我们问心无愧,尽管太多的苦涩融进了昨日的犁铧,尽管太多的忧伤充斥着我们的心灵,尽管太多的无奈写在我们的脸上,尽管太多的精力挥洒在昨日的流程上。


一、活动主题:把握现在,展望未来 “把握现在,展望未来” ——大学生生涯规划讲座策划书 二、活动目的及意义:为了让同学们更清楚地了解自我,认清现实,在短暂的大学生活中更好地为自己定好位,能够严格的规划自己的生活,为自己以后有更好的舞台发展奠定良好的基础。 三、活动时间:20nn年5月18日晚上7:30(待定) 四、活动地点:出版楼201教室(待定) 五、演讲人:韦内灵主任 六、参与人员:08级社会体育全体同学 七、工作安排: (一)活动前期工作: 1、由班团委讨论,集中同学的意见,策划活动及分配任务。 2、召开讲座前期的动员大会。 3、讲座的前期宣传,主要以海报的形式进行宣传。 4、印发策划书及相关的文本材料。 5、准备好讲座所需的道具。 6、邀请嘉宾及通知与会人员。 7、制作嘉宾牌。

8、申请会场。 (二)活动当天流程: 1、主持人介绍本次讲座的意义及大会的流程。 2、主持人介绍本次讲座的嘉宾,宣布讲座正式开始。 3、韦内灵主任进行如何规划大学生生涯的演讲。 4、欢送嘉宾。您现在阅览的是XX/谢谢您的支持和鼓励!!! 5、由辅导员韩磊老师对大会进行总结。 6、主持人宣布大会结束。 (三)活动后期工作: 1、收拾、整理会场。 2、指导、监督与会人员进行大学生生涯规划工作。 八、经费预算: 1、矿泉水:2瓶×元= 3元 2、海报制作:2元 3、嘉宾牌制作:2元 总计:7元 九、预期效果:希望通过本次活动,让同学们明确自己在大学生涯中的目标,能更好地规划自己的大学生涯。 十、其他: 1、5月12日(周二)通知班团委关于召开讲座的相关事宜。

2、5月15日(周五)中午确定所有的嘉宾是否出席大会。 3、海报必须在5月14日(周四)展出。

look ahead 1 unit 9 展望未来1 unit9

Unit 9 Spare time I.Write the proper forms of the words given. 1. danger n. ______________(adj.) 2. expensive adj. _____________ _____________(ant.) 3. excite v. _____________ ____________(adj.) 4. relax v. ____________ ____________(adj.) 5. create v. ____________(adj.) _____________ ___________(n.) II. Put the Chinese into English. 1. 在某人的空闲时间 2. 在跑道上 3. 收到某人的来信 4. 写信给某人 5.把…从…取下来 6. 在网球场 7. 在山里8. 被用作 9. 尽可能快(早)10.照顾某人 III. Chooose the best answer. 1.You can have a trip to the cinema _______ your spare time. A. at B. of C. in D. with 2.________ more details, contact me ______ 68459. A. for, by B. of, on C. by, on D. for, on 3.Did you see the film? It’s really _________. A. a good fun B. good funs C. much fun D. good fun 4.The show is very _______. A. difficult B. interested C. relaxed D. interesting 5.which word’s “ing” form is different from the others? A. swim B. hit C. ride D. get 6.Drama, cartoon, comedy, which is your _______? A. much favorite B. like more C. favorite D. more favorite 7.Please keep an eye on my dog when I’m out. A. look for B. look into C. look up D. look after 8. This beautiful school is ________ in the mountains. A. setting B. situate C. set D. situating 9. ----Can we play tennis ______ the running reack? ----Of course not. A. in B. on C. for D. of 10. ---What’s he doing? ---He ______ the photo. He loves it so much. A. is looking at B. be looking C. has seen D. looks for 11. Why ______ books so loud at midnight? Your roommate needs to sleep then. A. read B. reading C. to read D. has read 12. I’d like you t o ________ the words after me, then I can check your pronunciation. A. speak B. repeat C. tell D. talk 13. I feel quite well. What _____ you? A. of B. about C. for D. with\ 14. ---Do you like ______? ----Yes, I like i t very much, for it’s cool in water and good exercise. A. swimming B. running C. cycling D. studying


一年级展望未来图片与作文 有失败也会有成功,有咸淡的泪水当然也少不了甜美的微笑,有失落才构成昨日缠绵的歌,有忧伤才会有昨日焕发的浪漫色彩。我们一起来看看展望未来的作文与图片吧。 初中展望未来黑板报资料:展望未来的名言 合抱之木,生于毫木;九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。—老子 老当益壮,宁移白首之心;穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。—王勃 身如逆流船,心比铁石坚。望父全儿志,至死不怕难。—李时珍 壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。—陆游 千年精卫心平海,三日於虎气食牛。—陆游 持其气,无暴其志。—《孟子》 人之学也,不志其大,虽多儿何为。—苏辙 心吾志也,而不能至者,可以无悔矣,其孰能讥之乎?—王安石 夫夷以近,则游者众;险以远,则至者少。而世之奇伟、瑰怪、非常之观,常在于险远,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能

至也。—王安石 业无高卑志当坚,男儿有求安得闲?—张耒 惟有志不立,直是无箸立处。—朱熹 学者须立志,今日所以悠悠者,只是把学问不曾做一件事看,遇事则且胡乱恁地打过了,此只是志不立。—朱熹君子之志,所虑者岂止一身,直虑及天下千万世。小人之虑,一朝之虑。不遑其身。—程颐 志不立,天下无可立之事。岁百工技艺,未有不本于志者。志不立,如无舵之舟,无衔之马,飘荡奔逸,何所底乎?—王守 展望未来 在2088年,人们的科技越来越发达,人们上月球也是一件易如反掌的事。 这不,又来了一辆月球班车。这种车子小巧玲珑,却能坐200多个人。我一进入车内,便闻到了一股扑鼻的芳香。这种车采用了最新型发动机,以每秒500千米的速度开向月球。没过多少时间,我便来到了月球。 整个月球一片生机勃勃,到处欢声笑语。你看!月球的不远处是一个自然风景区,里面有一座高大挺拔的蝶山,山上开满鲜花,仿真蝴蝶在这片花海中舞蹈。这些蝴蝶一点也不怕人,反而会与人们玩耍。在蝶山旁有一个湖泊,湖水清澈见底,一只只天鹅高傲地抬着头,在水里跳芭蕾。湖面有

展望未来1 单词表

《Look Ahead 1》Vocabulary ——ByRightEar Lesson1 1 radio ['reidi?u] n.收音机 2 jeans [d?i:nz] n.牛仔裤 3 piano [pi'?n?u, 'pjɑ:n?u] n.钢琴 4 jazz [d??z] n.爵士乐 5 videocassette ['vidi?uk?set] 录像带 6 disco ['disk?u] n.迪斯科舞厅 7 toilet ['t?ilit] n.厕所 8 CD [?si:'di:]n.激光唱片 9 restaurant ['rest?r?nt] n.餐厅 10 computer [k?m'pju:t?] n.电脑 11 guitar [gi'tɑ:] n.吉他 12 television ['teli?vi??n,?teli'vi??n] n.电视(机) 13 hamburger ['h?mb?:g?] n.汉堡包 14 chips [t?ips] n.炸土豆条 15 violin [?vai?'lin] n.小提琴 16 sandwich ['s?nwid?,'s?ndwit?] n.三明治 17 rockmusic [r?k'mju:zil] 摇滚乐 18 pizza ['pi:ts?] n.(意大利)馅饼 19 lemonade [?lem?'neid] n.柠檬汽水 20 coffee ['k?fi] n.咖啡 21 hotel [h?u'tel] n.旅馆 22 salad ['s?l?d] n.色拉 23 reception [ri'sep??n] n.接待处 24 saxophone ['s?ks?f?un] n.萨克斯管 25 cassette [k?'set] n.录音带 26 telephone ['telif?un] n.电话 27 camera ['k?m?r?] n.照相机 Lesson2 1 a [e,ei,?] indef.art.一(个) 2 and [?nd,?nd] conj.和 3 arrivals [?'raiv?lz] n. (pl.)到达 4 bag [b?g] n.包 5 book [buk] n.书 6 busstop ['b?st?p] n.公共汽车站 7 cafe ['k?fei] n.咖啡馆 8 camera ['k?m?r?] n.照相机 9 capital ['k?pitl] n.首都 10 cassette [k?'set] n.录音带 11 CD [?si:'di:]n.激光唱片 12 country ['k?ntri] n.国家 13 departures [di'pɑ:t??z] n.(pl.)离开 14 diary ['dai?ri] n.日记(本) 15 dollar ['d?l?] n.美元

展望未来1 单词表

《Look Ahead 1》 Vocabulary ——By Right Ear Lesson 1 1 radio ['reidi?u] n.收音机 2 jeans [d?i:nz] n.牛仔裤 3 piano [pi'?n?u, 'pjɑ:n?u] n.钢琴 4 jazz [d??z] n.爵士乐 5 video cassette ['vidi?uk?set] 录像带 6 disco ['disk?u] n.迪斯科舞厅 7 toilet ['t?ilit] n.厕所 8 CD [?si:'di:] n.激光唱片 9 restaurant ['rest?r?nt] n.餐厅 10 computer [k?m'pju:t?] n.电脑 11 guitar [gi'tɑ:] n.吉他 12 television ['teli?vi??n, ?teli'vi??n] n.电视(机) 13 hamburger ['h?mb?:g?] n.汉堡包 14 chips [t?ips] n.炸土豆条 15 violin [?vai?'lin] n.小提琴 16 sandwich ['s?nwid?, 's?ndwit?] n.三明治 17 rock music [r?k 'mju:zil] 摇滚乐 18 pizza ['pi:ts?] n.(意大利)馅饼 19 lemonade [?lem?'neid] n.柠檬汽水 20 coffee ['k?fi] n.咖啡 21 hotel [h?u'tel] n.旅馆22 salad ['s?l?d] n.色拉23 reception [ri'sep??n] n.接待处24 saxophone ['s?ks?f?un] n.萨克斯管 25 cassette [k?'set] n.录音带 26 telephone ['telif?un] n.电话 27 camera ['k?m?r?] n.照相机 Lesson 2 1 a [e, ei, ?] indef.art.一(个) 2 and [?nd, ?nd] conj.和 3 arrivals [?'raiv?lz] n. (pl.)到达 4 bag [b?g] n.包 5 book [buk] n.书 6 bus stop ['b?st?p] n.公共汽车站 7 cafe ['k?fei] n.咖啡馆 8 camera ['k?m?r?] n.照相机 9 capital ['k?pitl] n.首都10 cassette [k?'set] n.录音带 11 CD [?si:'di:] n.激光唱片 12 country ['k?ntri] n.国家 13 departures [di'pɑ:t??z] n.(pl.)离开 14 diary ['dai?ri] n.日记(本) 15 dollar ['d?l?] n.美元


unit 4 Food and drink In a restaurant 1.in total=in all=totally=altogether 总共 2.thank you for your custom =thank you for your coming =thank you for your vitis 谢谢惠顾 3.thank you for doing sth.感谢你做某事 4.thanj you for not doing sth.感谢你没做某事 5.要菜单:Can I have the menu,please May I have a lool at the menu,please? 回答:Of course/Sure/Certainly 6.点餐:I'd like... 7.问客人要点什么:What would you like to eat/drink? Would you like something to eat/drink? 8.ask for sth 要某物 9.ask sb for sth 向某人要某物 10.ask sb to doing sth 要求某人做某事(普遍使用) 11. ask sb in doing sth 说服某人做某。。有些强制性,用法比较特殊Food around the world 1.aroud =all over 2.问名称:What's the name of it? What's its name? What' it called?

What do you call it? 3.问来此哪里:Which country/Where is it from? Which country/Where does it come from? 4.问材料:What is ...made of? What are the ingredients of ...? 5.注意名词可不可数! Preparing food 1.hundred/thousand/million/billion 前面不管数字多大都不能加s 2.hundreds of成百上千 thousands of成千上万 3.practise doing sth 练习做某事名词:practice 4.Is/Are there...?那里有...吗? 5.注意量词的搭配见书p33 6 6.think of sb/sth 想某人、某物 Development 1.on sale 上市 2.for sale 待售 3.homemade = made at home 4.something +adj 一些...的东西 5.different kinds of各种各样 6.adj+enough 足够...的 7.by fax 用传真 8.take a message for sb接电话的为电话那头的人留言给她想找的人 9.leave a message to sb 直接给某人留言 10.at the beginning of 在起点
