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英文版宏观经济学复习提纲 Chapter 1 Economics Foundations and Models

英文版宏观经济学复习提纲 Chapter 1 Economics Foundations and Models
英文版宏观经济学复习提纲 Chapter 1 Economics Foundations and Models


Economics: Foundations and Models

Chapter Summary

People must make choices as they try to attain their goals. These choices usually imply accepting tradeoffs among various competing objectives. Economic models are simplified versions of some aspects of economic life. Economists construct models and use them to analyse economic issues. Economics focuses on the decisions buyers and sellers make through markets.

Every society faces the economic problem of having limited resources. Therefore, society can produce only limited quantities of goods and services. Societies face trade-offs, particularly when answering the three fundamental questions any economy must answer:

What goods and services will be produced?

How will the goods and services be produced?

Who will receive the goods and services produced?

Societies organise their economies in two main ways to answer these questions. A society can have a centrally planned economy characterised by extensive government decision making. Or a society can have a market economy in which the decisions of households and firms interacting in markets allocate resources. All high-income democracies have market economies. Market economies tend to allocate resources more efficiently than do centrally planned economies, but efficient outcomes may not be perceived as fair. Determining what is a fair or equitable outcome calls for the application of normative economic analysis - what ought to be. Positive economic analysis is concerned with what is. While most or all economists can agree on the results of positive economic analysis, their opinions often differ on what ought to be.

Microeconomics is the study of how individual choices are made by households, business firms and government. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. The Appendix to Chapter 1 provides a review of basic mathematical tools and techniques that will be applied through the textbook.

Learning Objectives

When you finish with this chapter you should be able to:

1.Discuss these three important ideas: People are rational. People respond to incentives. Optimal

decisions are made at the margin. Economists use these ideas to analyse the way people make decisions. These ideas are especially important in analysing what happens in markets, which is the primary focus of economic analysis.

2.Understand the issues of scarcity and trade-offs, and how the market makes decisions on these

issues. Every society must answer these questions because the resources they have to produce goods and services are scarce. Even nations with abundant supplies of natural resources cannot produce enough goods and services to satisfy the desires of all its citizens. Therefore, societies face tradeoffs.

Producing more of one good or service means producing less of another good or service.

2 Chapter 1

3.Understand the role of models in economic analysis. Economics models are simplified versions of

reality used to analyse real world issues. Economic models are used to explain issues such as whether or not outsourcing has been good or bad for the Australian economy. This is a complex question that requires more than one model to explain different aspects of the issue.

4.Distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economic decision-making is grouped

into two areas. Microeconomics is the study of how households and firms make choices, interact in markets and how the government attempts to influence their choices. Macroeconomics studies the economy as a whole, including topics such as inflation, unemployment and economic growth. Chapter Review

Chapter Opener: Water scarcity and its consequences

Although water is essential to life, many parts of Australia are facing a relative scarcity of water. Our use of water, therefore, involves choices about how best to use what water we have in the most efficient manner possible.

The textbook describes how economics is used to answer many important questions. All of these questions reflect a basic economic fact of life: people must make choices as they try to attain their goals. These choices reflect the trade-offs made necessary by scarcity. Scarcity is the most fundamental economic concept. The resources available to any society (for example, land and labour) to produce the goods and services its citizens want are limited. Choices have to be made with respect to which goods and services will be produced and who will receive them.

Helpful Study Hint

The chapter opener describes an economic issue related to the theme of the chapter. You will find other special features throughout the textbook. An article from the CSIRO is cited at the end of the chapter in a feature titled An Inside Look. This boxed feature of the text analyses a topic related to the chapter opener using a magazine or newspaper article. Questions are included at the end of each article to test your knowledge of the topic. Building a Foundation: Economics and Individual Decision Making

Economics examines how people interact in markets. A market refers to a group of buyers and sellers of a good or service and the institution or arrangement by which they come together to trade. Economists make three important assumptions about the way people interact in markets. First, people are rational. This means that buyers and sellers use all available information to achieve their goals. Second, people act in response to economic incentives. Third, optimal decisions are made at the margin. The terms “marginal benefit” and “marginal cost” refer to the additional benefits and costs of a decision.

Economists reason that the best, or optimal, decision is to continue any activity up to the point where the marginal benefit equals the marginal cost.

3 Economics: Foundations and models

Helpful Study Hint

The image many people have of a market is a supermarket, neighbourhood store or shopping mall. But some markets do not have an easily identifiable image. Many people make online purchases with their computers. In these markets buyers and sellers do not see each other and may be located hundreds of miles from one another. For some goods (for example, books and CDs) is it not necessary for buyers to see or test merchandise before they buy it. For other goods (clothing, food, automobiles) some personal contact is important. In many of these cases sellers have a physical location to which buyers must travel to try out the product. There are also markets in which sellers travel to their buyers. (Door-to-door salespeople are one well-known example.)

In the movie Wall Street Gordon Gekko (a ruthless businessman played by Michael Douglas) proclaims “Greed is good.” You should not assume that the phrase “people respond to economic incentives” means that people are greedy. The phrase “people respond to economic incentives” is an objective statement or a statement shown to be true rather than a belief or opinion. In contrast, Gordon Gekko’s statement was subjective; he stated his opinion that “greed is good.” Economists do not believe people are motivated solely by monetary incentives. Many people voluntarily devote their time and financial resources to friends, family members and charities. The first Solved Problem is at the end of this section of the textbook. Each Solved Problem illustrates one of the chapter’s learning objectives through a real world example. A multi-step process is used to show how the problem is solved. One or more additional Solved Problems, different from any that appear in the textbook, are included in each chapter of the Study Guide.

Scarcity, trade-offs and the economic problem that every society must solve

The basic economic problem any society faces is that it has only a limited amount of economic resources and so can produce only a limited amount of goods and services. Societies face trade-offs when answering the three fundamental economic questions:

1.What goods and services will be produced?

2.How will the goods and services be produced?

3.Who will receive the goods and services?

Societies organise their economies in two main ways. A centrally planned economy is an economy in which the government decides how economic resources will be allocated. From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union was the most important centrally planned economy. Today there are few such economies. Examples are Cuba and North Korea. A market economy is an economy in which the decisions of households and firms interacting in markets allocate economic resources. Australia, the United States, Canada, Western Europe and Japan all have market economies. Privately owned firms must produce and sell goods and services consumers want to stay in business. An individual’s income is determined by the payments he receives for what he has to sell.

4 Chapter 1

Helpful Study Hint

In a planned economy government officials or “planners” are responsible for determining how much of each good to produce, who should produce it and where it should be produced. In contrast, in a market economy no government official determines how much corn, wheat or potatoes should be produced. Individual producers and consumers interact in markets for these goods to determine the answers to What? How? and Who? The role of government in a market economy is similar to that of an umpire in a baseball game. Government officials can pass and enforce laws that allow people to act in certain ways but do not participate directly in markets as consumers or producers.

The Modern “Mixed” Economy

The high rates of unemployment and business bankruptcies of the Great Depression caused a dramatic increase in government intervention in the economy in Australia and other market economies. Some government intervention is designed to raise the incomes of the elderly, the sick and people with limited skills. In recent years government intervention has expanded to meet social goals such as protection of the environment and the promotion of equal opportunity. The expanded role of government in market economies has led most economists to argue that Australia and other nations have mixed economies rather than market economies.

Market economies tend to be more efficient than planned economies. There are two types of efficiency. Productive efficiency occurs when a good or service is produced at the lowest possible cost. Allocative efficiency is a state of the economy in which production reflects consumer preferences. Specifically, every good or service is produced up to the point where the last unit produced provides a marginal benefit to consumers equal to the marginal cost of producing it. But inefficiency does occur in markets. There are three reasons why. First, it may take time for firms to achieve productive efficiency. Second, governments may reduce efficiency by interfering with voluntary exchanges in markets. Third, production of some goods may harm the environment when firms ignore the costs of environmental damage.

Society may not find efficient economic outcomes to be desirable. Many people prefer economic outcomes they consider fair or equitable even if these outcomes are less efficient.

Helpful Study Hint

There are many examples of government regulation of private markets in Australia. The sale and use of cocaine and other drugs is illegal and the sale of alcohol is allowed only to people 18 years and older.

Economic Models

Models are simplified versions of reality used to analyse real-world situations. To develop a model, economists generally follow five steps.

1.Decide on the assumptions to be used in developing the model.

2.Formulate a testable hypothesis.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d813493192.html,e economic data to test the hypothesis.

4.Revise the model if it fails to explain well the economic data.

5 Economics: Foundations and models

5.Retain the revised model to help answer similar economic questions in the future.

Models rely on assumptions because models must be simplified to be useful. For example, models make behavioural assumptions about the motives of consumers and firms. Economists assume that consumers will buy goods and services that will maximise their satisfaction and that firms will maximise their profits.

An economic variable is something measurable that can have different values, such as the wages of software programmers. A hypothesis is a statement that may be correct or incorrect about an economic variable. An economic hypothesis usually states a causal relationship. For example, “outsourcing leads to lower wages for software programmers” means that an increase in the amount of outsourcing will reduce the wages of software programmers. Positive analysis is analysis concerned with what is. Normative analysis is analysis concerned with what ought to be.

Helpful Study Hint

For a good explanation of what a model is and how models are used in economics, read the first section of the Appendix to Chapter 1. A feature introduced in Chapter 1 of the text - Making the Connection – has a discussion on the role of economists in formulating policy by one of Australia’s most prominent economists, Dr Fred Argy. Making the Connection features in other chapters relate concepts described in the text to recent business stories. Positive economic analysis deals with statements that can be shown to be correct or incorrect by examining facts. If your instructor stated that “It is snowing outside” it would be easy to determine whether this statement is true or false by looking out a window. Normative analysis concerns statements of belief or opinion. If your instructor stated that “It should be snowing outside today” (because she wanted to go skiing that evening) this statement could not be proven wrong because it is a statement of her opinion. It is important to recognise the difference between these two types of statements.

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Microeconomics is the study of how households and businesses make choices, how they interact in markets, and how the government attempts to influence their choices. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, including topics such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

Helpful Study Hint

The feature Don’t Let This Happen to You! appears in this and other chapters to show you how to avoid mistakes often made by economics students. In this chapter the difference between positive and normative economic analysis is described using Australian minimum wage law.

Appendix: Using Graphs and Formulae

Graphs of One Variable

Bar charts, pie charts and time-series graphs are alternative ways to display data visually. Figures 1A.1 and 1A.2 (pages 24-25 of textbook) illustrate how relationships are often easier to understand with graphs than with words or tables alone.

6 Chapter 1

Graphs of Two Variables

Both microeconomics and macroeconomics use two-variable graphs extensively. You need to understand how to measure the slope of a straight line drawn in the graph. The slope of a straight line can be measured between any two points on the line because the slope of a straight line has a constant value. Slope can be measured as the change in the value measured on the vertical axis divided by the change in the value measured on the horizontal axis. In symbols, the slope formula is written as Δy/Δx . The formula is also described as “rise over run.” The usual custom is to place the variable y on the graph’s vertical axis and the variable x on the horizontal axis. Formulas The formula for a percentage change for a variable between two time periods is:

t t-1t-1

(X - X )x 100X The formula for the area of a rectangle is:

base x height.

The formula for the area of a triangle is:

? x base x height.

Solved Problem

Chapter 1 includes a Solved Problem that supports learning objective 1 (“Discuss these three important ideas: People are rational. People respond to incentives. Optimal decisions are made at the margin.”). The following Solved Problem supports another of this chapter’s learning objectives.

Solved Problem 1.2 Supports Learning Objective 2: “Understand the issues of scarcity and trade-offs, and how the market makes decisions on these issues”.

Giving Advice to New Government Leaders

Suppose that a developing nation is experiencing a change in government leadership. Prior to this change the nation had a centrally planned economy. The new leaders are willing to try a different system if they can be convinced that it will yield better results. They hire an economist from Australia to advise them and will order their citizens to follow this advisor’s recommendations for change. The economist suggests that a market economy replace central planning to answer the nation’s economic questions (what , how and who ?).

(a) What will the economist suggest the leaders order their citizens to do?

(b) Do you believe the leaders and citizens will accept the economist’s suggestions?

Solving the Problem

Step 1: Review the chapter material. The problem concerns the choice of economic system a nation must

7 Economics: Foundations and models make so you may wish to review the section titled “Centrally Planned Economies versus Market Economies” on page 8.

Step 2: What will the economist suggest the leaders order their citizens to do? Because market economies allow members of households to employ self-interest to select occupations and purchase goods and services, and for production of goods and services to be done by privately owned firms who respond to their own self-interest, the rulers would be told to not issue any orders. Government officials should have no influence over individual decisions made in markets.

Step 3: Do you believe the leaders and citizens will accept the economist’s suggestions? Even democratically elected rulers, especially those with previous experience with significant government involvement in the nation’s resource allocation, will find it difficult to accept the new system. They may wonder how self-interested individuals will produce and distribute goods and services so as to promote the welfare of the entire nation. This new system requires a significant reduction in government influence in people’s lives. History has shown that government officials are often reluctant to give up this influence. Acceptance is most likely when the rulers have some knowledge and experience with the successful operation of a market economy in other countries. Most ordinary citizens are more likely to accept the economist’s suggestions because they will have more freedom to pursue their own economic goals. However, those who benefited from the previous system will resist change.


(Answers are provided at the end of the Self-Test.)

Multiple-Choice Questions

1.Which of the following statements best describes scarcity?

a.Scarcity studies the choices people make to attain their goals.

b.Scarcity is a situation where unlimited wants exceed limited resources.

c.Scarcity is an imbalance between buyers and sellers in a specific market.

d.Scarcity refers to a lack of tradeoffs.

2.When you think of an arrangement or institution that brings buyers and sellers of a good or service

together, what are you thinking of?

a.Marginal analysis

b. A market


d.Rational behaviour

3.Which of the following is not among the fundamental economic questions that every society must


a.What goods and services will be produced?

b.How will the goods and services be produced?

c.What goods and services will be exchanged?

d.Who will receive the goods and services produced?

4.In what type of economy does the government decide how economic resources will be allocated?

a.In a market economy

b.In a mixed economy

c.In a centrally planned economy

d.In none of the above

8 Chapter 1

5.Which of the following is the best classification for the economies of the United States, Canada, Japan,

and Western Europe?

a.Market economies

b.Mixed economies

c.Centrally planned economies

d.None of the above

6.Which of the following is achieved when a good or service is produced up to the point where the

marginal benefit to consumers is equal to the marginal cost of producing it?

a.Productive efficiency

b.Allocative efficiency



7.Which of the following terms summarises the situation in which a buyer and a seller exchange a product

in a market and, as a result, both are made better off by the transaction?

a.Productive efficiency

b.Allocative efficiency

c.Voluntary exchange


8.Which of the following best describes the characteristics of models used in economics?

a.Models are approximations to reality that capture as many details as possible.

b.Models are usually complex abstractions of reality that simulate practical problems.

c.Models are demonstrations of how economic concepts and theories accurately predict real


d.Models are simplifications of reality that include only essential elements and exclude less

relevant details.

9.What is the purpose of an economic hypothesis?

a.To establish a behavioural assumption

b.To establish a causal relationship

c.To make a statement based on fact

d.To determine the validity of statistical analyses used in testing a model

10.What type of economic analysis is concerned with the way things ought to be?

a.Positive analysis

b.Marginal analysis

c.Normative analysis

d.Rational behaviour

11.Which of the following is an example of a positive question?

a.Should the university offer free parking to students?

b.Should the university provide more financial aid assistance to students?

c.If the college increased tuition, will class sizes decline?

d.Should the college cut tuition to stimulate enrolments?

9 Economics: Foundations and models 12.What type of assessment is one where a person’s values and political views form part of that


a. A positive assessment

b. A normative assessment

c. A microeconomic assessment

d. A macroeconomic assessment.

13.Which of the following covers the study of topics such as inflation or unemployment?



c.Both micro and macroeconomics give equal emphasis to these problems.

d.None of the abov


14.What is the stock of computers, factory buildings, and machine tools used to produce goods better

known as?

a.Physical capital



d.Goods and services

15.Refer to the graph below. What is the value of the slope of this line?

a.Minus five

b.Minus one-fifth

c.Minus one

d.There is insufficient information to compute the slope of this lin


10 Chapter 1

16.Refer to the graph below. How many variables are involved in explaining the move from point A to

point C on this graph?




d.More than three, at least four

17.Refer to the graph below. What is the best descriptor of the relationship between disposable personal

income and consumption spending?

a. A positive relationship

b. A negative relationship

c. A relationship that is sometimes positive and sometimes negative

d. A relationship that may be positive and negative, but sometimes neither positive nor negative

11 Economics: Foundations and models 18.Refer to the figure below. What can be said about the value of the slope of this curve?

a.The value of the slope is greater between points i and j than between points g and h.

b.The value of the slope is greater between points g and h than between points i and j.

c.The value of the slope is the same between any two points along the curve.

d.It is difficult to establish the value of the slope because the relationship is not linear.

19.Let V1equal a value in period 1, and V2 equal a value in period 2. What is the rate of growth between

periods 1 and 2?

a.[(V1 + V2)/2]x100

b.[(V2 - V1)/V1]x100

c.(V2 - V1)/(V1 + V2)

d.V2 - V1

12 Chapter 1

20.Refer to the graph below. What is the name of the area contained in rectangle A?

a.Total cost

b.Total revenue


d.Average cost

Short Answer Questions

1.Why do economists distinguish financial capital from physical capital?

2.Explain the difference between productive efficiency and allocative efficiency.

3.Economists rely on economic models and tests of hypotheses to analyse real-world issues. The use of

models and hypothesis testing is common in the natural sciences, such as physics and chemistry. Yet economics is considered a social science, not a natural science. Why?

13 Economics: Foundations and models

4.Write an example of a positive and a normative statement.

5.Duncan Grant, a first-year economics student at the University of Western Australia, claimed that fresh

water is a necessity for all human beings. When asked by his economics instructor if he would be willing to buy a 1 litre bottle of water for $5.00, Duncan declined. What economic principle would explain Duncan’s refusal to buy something that he insists is a necessity?

True/False Questions

T F 1. Stating a hypothesis in an economic model is an example of normative analysis.

T F 2. An entrepreneur is someone who is hired to manage a business firm.

T F 3. Economists assume that human beings respond only to economic incentives.

T F 4. In a centrally planned economy the goods and services produced are always distributed equally to all citizens.

T F 5. Equity is achieved when economic benefits are equally distributed.

T F 6. A mixed economy is an economy in which the three fundamental questions (What? How?

Who?) are answered by a mixture of consumers and producers.

T F 7. Both market economies and centrally planned economies face trade-offs when producing goods and services.

T F 8. When economists assume people are rational, this means that consumers and firms use available information in order to achieve their goals.

T F 9. Government intervention in the Australian economy increased dramatically as a result of the Great Depression.

T F 10. Economists use normative analysis to argue that the minimum wage law causes


T F 11. Microeconomics is the study of how households and firms make choices, how they interact in markets and how the government attempts to influence their choices.

T F 12. The slope of a straight line is the same at any point.

T F 13. To measure the slope of a nonlinear curve at a particular point one must draw a straight line from the origin to the point. The slope of this line is equal to the slope of the curve at that


T F 14. All societies face the economic problem of having a limited amount of economic resources.

T F 15. Economic models can help analyse simple real-world economic situations but are of little value in analysing complicated economic situations.

14 Chapter 1

Answers to the Self-Test

Multiple-Choice Questions

Question Answer Comment

1 b This is the textbook definition of scarcity.

2 b The question is precisely the definition of a market.

3 c The three questions are: What goods and services will be produced? How will the

goods and services be produced? Who will receive the goods and services produced?

4 c A centrally planned economy is an economy in which the government decides how

economic resources will be allocated.

5 b A mixed economy is an economy in which most economic decisions result from the

interaction of buyers and sellers in markets, but where the government plays a

significant role in the allocation of resources.

6 b This is a state of the economy in which production reflects consumer preferences; in

particular, every good or service is produced up to the point where the last unit

produced provides a marginal benefit to consumers equal to the marginal cost of

producing it.

7 c This is a situation that occurs in markets when both the buyer and the seller of a

product are made better off by the transaction.

8 d Economic models are simplified versions of some aspects of economic life used to

analyse an economic issue.

9 b An economic hypothesis is usually about a causal relationship, or how one thing

causes another.

10 c Normative analysis is analysis concerned with “what ought to be.”

11 c This question objectively examines a relationship between tuition and class sizes, or

“what is.”

12 b A normative statement is a matter of “what ought to be,” not “what is.”

13 b Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, including topics such as

inflation, unemployment and economic growth.

14 a In economics, capital refers to physical capital.

15 b Along this line, the value of the slope is the same between any two points. As an

example, as we move from B (55, 14) to C (60, 13), the value of rise is (14-13) = 1

and the value of the run is (55 ? 60) = ?5. Then, the value of the slope is ?1/5.

16 a The movement from A to C is explained by one and only one thing: a change in

price. The (price, quantity demanded) combination at A is different from that at C,

but the movement from A to C is explained by a change in only one variable: price.

17 a An upward sloping line shows that the relationship between two variables is

positive. The variables change in the same direction.

18 b As you move upward along the curve, the value of the slope decreases.

19 b This is the formula for computing a percentage change.

20 b Total revenue equals price x quantity, which is the area of the rectangle.

Short Answer Responses

1.Economists distinguish financial capital and physical capital because only physical capital (for example,

machinery, tools and buildings) is a productive resource. Financial capital includes stocks, bonds and holdings of money. Financial capital is not part of a country’s capital stock.

2.Productive efficiency is the situation in which a good or service is produced at the lowest possible cost.

Allocative efficiency is a state of the economy in which production reflects consumer preferences. Every good or service is produced to the point at which the last unit provides a marginal benefit to consumers

15 Economics: Foundations and models

equal to the marginal cost of producing it.

3.Economics, unlike physics and chemistry, is a social science because it applies the use of models and

hypothesis testing to the study of the interactions of people.

4.Positive statements are statements or facts, or statements that can be proven to be correct or incorrect.

Example: “John Howard was the first Prime Minister of Australia.” (This is obviously a false statement).

A normative statement is an opinion or a statement of what should or ought to be. Example: “Australia

should elect a female as Prime Minister.”

5.The principle that best describes Duncan’s refusal to pay for the bottle of water is marginal analysis. The

total benefit to people from fresh water is very high but the marginal benefit of water - the benefit to Duncan from an additional 1 litre of water - is very low. Duncan probably is not very thirsty. If Duncan had not had anything to drink for two days the benefit to him of the next litre of water he drinks will be much higher.

True/False Answers

1. F

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. F People differ on what they believe is equitable or fair.

6. F A mixed economy is one in which government influence on the choices of buyers and sellers is

greater than in a market economy.

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. F Economists would use positive economics analysis to address this issue.

11. T

12. T

13. F The slope of a point on a nonlinear curve is measured by the slope of a tangent to the curve at that


14. T

15. F


第十二章国民收入核算 1.宏观经济学和微观经济学有什么联系和区别?为什么有些经济活动从微观看是合理的,有效的,而从宏观看却是不合理的,无效的? 解答:两者之间的区别在于: (1)研究的对象不同。微观经济学研究组成整体经济的单个经济主体的最优化行为,而宏观经济学研究一国整体经济的运行规律和宏观经济政策。 (2)解决的问题不同。微观经济学要解决资源配置问题,而宏观经济学要解决资源利用问题。 (3)中心理论不同。微观经济学的中心理论是价格理论,所有的分析都是围绕价格机制的运行展开的,而宏观经济学的中心理论是国民收入(产出)理论,所有的分析都是围绕国民收入(产出)的决定展开的。 (4)研究方法不同。微观经济学采用的是个量分析方法,而宏观经济学采用的是总量分析方法。 两者之间的联系主要表现在: (1)相互补充。经济学研究的目的是实现社会经济福利的最大化。为此,既要实现资源的最优配置,又要实现资源的充分利用。微观经济学是在假设资源得到充分利用的前提下研究资源如何实现最优配置的问题,而宏观经济学是在假设资源已经实现最优配置的前提下研究如何充分利用这些资源。它们共同构成经济学的基本框架。 (2)微观经济学和宏观经济学都以实证分析作为主要的分析和研究方法。 (3)微观经济学是宏观经济学的基础。当代宏观经济学越来越重视微观基础的研究,即将宏观经济分析建立在微观经济主体行为分析的基础上。 由于微观经济学和宏观经济学分析问题的角度不同,分析方法也不同,因此有些经济活动从微观看是合理的、有效的,而从宏观看是不合理的、无效的。例如,在经济生活中,某个厂商降低工资,从该企业的角度看,成本低了,市场竞争力强了,但是如果所有厂商都降低工资,则上面降低工资的那个厂商的竞争力就不会增强,而且职工整体工资收入降低以后,整个社会的消费以及有效需求也会降低。同样,一个人或者一个家庭实行节约,可以增加家庭财富,但是如果大家都节约,社会需求就会降低,生产和就业就会受到影响。 2.举例说明最终产品和中间产品的区别不是根据产品的物质属性而是根据产品是否进入最终使用者手中。 解答:在国民收入核算中,一件产品究竟是中间产品还是最终产品,不能根据产品的物质属性来加以区别,而只能根据产品是否进入最终使用者手中这一点来加以区别。例如,我们不能根据产品的物质属性来判断面粉和面包究竟是最终产品还是中间产品。看起来,面粉一定是中间产品,面包一定是最终产品。其实不然。如果面粉为面包厂所购买,则面粉是中间产品,如果面粉为家庭主妇所购买,则是最终产品。同样,如果面包由面包商店卖给消费者,则此面包是最终产品,但如果面包由生产厂出售给面包商店,则它还属于中间产品。 3.举例说明经济中流量和存量的联系和区别,财富和收入是流量还是存量? 解答:存量指某一时点上存在的某种经济变量的数值,其大小没有时间维度,而流量是指一定时期内发生的某种经济变量的数值,其大小有时间维度;但是二者也有联系,流量来自存量,又归于存量,存量由流量累积而成。拿财富与收入来说,财富是存量,收入是流量。 4.为什么人们从公司债券中得到的利息应计入GDP,而从政府公债中得到的利息不计入GDP? 解答:购买公司债券实际上是借钱给公司用,公司将从人们手中借到的钱用作生产经营,比方说购买机器设备,这样这笔钱就提供了生产性服务,可被认为创造了价值,因而公司债券的利息可看作是资本这一要素提供生产性服务的报酬或收入,因此要计入GDP。可是政府的公债利息被看作是转移支付,因为政府借的债不一定用于生产经营,而往往是用于弥补财政赤字。政府公债利息常常被看作是用从纳税人身上取得的收入来加以支付的,因而习惯上被看作是转移支付。 5.为什么人们购买债券和股票从个人来说可算是投资,但在经济学上不算是投资? 解答:经济学上所讲的投资是增加或替换资本资产的支出,即建造新厂房、购买新机器设备等行为,而人们购买债券和股票只是一种证券交易活动,并不是实际的生产经营活动。人们购买债券或股票,是一种产权转移活动,因而不属于经济学意义的投资活动,也不能计入GDP。公司从人们手里取得了出售债券或股票的货币资金再去购买厂房或机器设备,才算投资活动。 6.为什么政府给公务员发工资要计入GDP,而给灾区或困难人群发的救济金不计入GDP? 解答:政府给公务员发工资要计入GDP是因为公务员提供了为社会工作的服务,政府给他们的工资就是购买他们的服务,因此属于政府购买,而政府给灾区或困难人群发的救济金不计入GDP,并不是因为灾区或困难人群提供了服务,创造了收入,相反,是因为他们发生了经济困难,丧失了生活来源才给予其救济的,因此这部分救济金属于政府转移支付。政府转移支付只是简单地通过税收(包括社会保险税)把收入从一个人或一个组织手中转移到另一个人或另一个组织手中,并没有相应的货物或劳务的交换发生。所以政府转移支付和政府购买虽都属政府支出,但前者不计入GDP而后者计入GDP。 7.为什么企业向政府缴纳的间接税(如营业税)也计入GDP? 解答:间接税虽由出售产品的厂商缴纳,但它是加到产品价格上作为产品价格的构成部分由购买者负担的。间接税虽然不形成要素所有者收入,而是政府的收入,但毕竟是购买商品的家庭或厂商的支出,因此,为了使支出法计得的GDP和收入法计得的GDP相一致,必须把间接税加到收入方面计入GDP。举例说,某人购买一件上衣支出100美元,这100美元以支出形式计入GDP。实际上,若这件上衣价格中含有5美元的营业税和3美元的折旧,则作为要素收入的只有92美元。因而,从收入法计算GDP时,应把这5美元和3美元一起加到92美元中作为收入计入GDP。 8.下列项目是否计入GDP,为什么? (1)政府转移支付;(2)购买一辆用过的卡车; (3)购买普通股票;(4)购买一块地产。 解答:(1)政府转移支付不计入GDP,因为政府转移支付只是简单地通过税收(包括社会保险税)把收入从一个人或一个组织手中转移到另一个人或另一个组织手中,并没有相应的货物或劳务的交换发生。例如,政府给残疾人发放救济金,并不是因为残疾人创造了收入;相反,是因为他丧失了创造收入的能力从而失去了生活来源才给予其救济的。 (2)购买用过的卡车不计入GDP,因为卡车生产时已经计入GDP了,当然买卖这辆卡车的交易手续费是计入GDP的。


宏观经济学B卷答案 一、名词解释(10分每小题2分) 1GNP:国民生产总值。某国身份家的公民在一定时期内运用生产要素所能生产的全部最终产品的市场价值。 2、税收乘数:税收增加一个单位所引起的均衡国民收入增加的倍数。 3、货币流动偏好:由于货币具有使用上的灵活性人们宁肯牺牲利息收入来保持财富的心理倾向。 4、LM曲线:货币市场均衡时L m =,此时反映利率r和国民收入y之间对应关系的曲线。 5、扩张性的货币政策:货币当局通过改变货币供给m或利率r等金融杠杆进而使国民收入增加的政策。 二、单项选择(20分每小题2分) 1——5 DDADB 6——10 BBABC 三、简答题(20分每小题5分) 1、在其他条件不变的前提下,如果国家增加政府转移支付,IS曲线将如何移动, 请画图分析并说明理由。 答:在三部门经济中,IS曲线为 1 e g t tr r y d d αβββ ++-+- =-,当其他条 件不变,政府转移支付tr增加时,纵截距 e g t tr d αββ ++-+ 增大,斜率不变, 所以IS曲线向右上方平移。 2、什么是汇率?汇率有几种标价法?并举例说明。 答:汇率是一国货币交换另一国货币的比率。有直接标价法和间接标价法。直接标价法如:1美元=6.19人民币;间接标价法如:1人民币=1/6.19美元。 3、宏观经济政策目标是什么?为达到这些目标可采用的政策工具有哪些? 宏观经济政策目标包括充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长和国际收支平衡。工具有财政政策和货币政策。财政政策又包括扩张性的财政政策和紧缩性的财政政策。货币政策又包括扩张性的货币政策和紧缩性的货币政策。


第一章宏观经济学的课后答案 复习题 1、由于整个经济的事件产生于许多家庭与许多企业的相互作用,所以微观经济学和宏观经济学必然是相互关联的。当我们研究整个经济时,我们必须考虑个别经济行为者的决策。由于总量只是描述许多个别决策的变量的总和,所以宏观经济理论必然依靠微观经济基础。 2、经济学家是用模型来解释世界,但一个经济学家的模型往往是由符号和方程式构成。经济学家建立模型有助于解释GDP、通货膨胀和失业这类经济变量。这些模型之所以有用是因为它们有助于我们略去无关的细节而更加明确地集中于重要的联系上。模型有两种变量:内生变量和外生变量,一个模型的目的是说明外生变量如何影响内生变量。 3、经济学家通常假设,一种物品或劳务的价格迅速变动使得供给量与需求量平衡,即市场走向供求均衡。这种假设称为市场出清。在回答大多数问题时,经济学家用市场出清模型。 持续市场出清的假设并不完全现实。市场要持续出清,价格就必须对供求变动作出迅速调整。但是,实际上许多工资和价格调整缓慢。虽然市场出清模型假设所有工资和价格都是有伸缩性的,但在现实世界中一些工资和价格是粘性的。明显的价格粘性并不一定使市场出清模型无用。首先偷格并不总是呆滞的,最终价格要根据供求的变动而调整。市场出清模型并不能描述每一种情况下的经济,但描述了经济缓慢地趋近了均衡。价格的伸缩性对研究我们在几十年中所观察到的实际GDP增长这类长期问题是一个好的假设。 第二章宏观经济学数据 复习题 1、GDP既衡量经济中所有人的收入,又衡量对经济物品与劳务的总支出。 GDP能同时衡量这两件事,是因为这两个量实际上是相同的:对整个经济来说,收入必定等于支出。这个事实又来自于一个更有基本的事实:由于每一次交易都有一个买者和一个卖者,所以,一个买者支出的每一美元必然成为一个卖者的一美元收入。 2、CPI衡量经济中物价总水平。它表示相对于某个基年一篮子物品与劳务价格的同样一篮子物品与劳务的现期价格。 3、劳工统计局把经济中每个人分为三种类型:就业、失业以及不属于劳动力。一 失业率是失业者在劳动力中所占的百分比,其中劳动力为就业者和失业者之和。一 -I、奥肯定理是指失业与实际GDP之间的这种负相关关系。就业工人有助于生产物品与劳务,而失业工人并非如此。失业率提高必定与实际GDP的减少相关。舆肯定理可以概括为等式:实际GDP变动百分比-3%-2×失业率的变动,印如果失业率保持不变,实际GDP增长3% 左右。这种正常的增长率是由于人口增长、资本积累和技术进步引起的。失业率每上升一个百分比,实际GDP一般减少2个百分比。一 问题和应用一 1、大量经济统计数字定期公布,包括GDP、失业率、公司收益、消费者物价指数及贸易结余。GDP是一年内所有最终产品与劳务的市场价值。失业率是要工作的人中没有工作的人的比例。公司利润是所有制造企业税后会计利润,它暗示公司一般的财务健康情况。消费者物价指数是衡量消费者购买的物品的平均价格,它是通货膨胀的衡量指标。贸易结余是出口物品与进口物品之间的价差。一 2、每个人的增值是生产的物品的价值减去生产该物品所需的原材料的价值。因此,农夫增值是1美元,面粉厂的增值是2美元,面包店的增值是3美元。GDP就是总的增值,即为6 美元,它正好等于最终物品的价值。一 3、妇女与她的男管家结婚,GDP减少量等于男管家的工资。这是由于GDP是衡量经济中所有人


《宏观经济学》模拟试题及参考答案 第Ⅰ部分模拟试题 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1、平均消费倾向表示与之比。 2、在二部门经济中,均衡的国民收入是和相等时的国民收入。 3、宏观财政政策包括政策和政策。 4、交易余额和预防余额主要取决于,投机余额主要取决于。 5、宏观货币政策的主要内容有调整法定准备金率、、。 1、消费支出、可支配收入。 2、总支出、国民收入。 3、财政支出、财政收入。 4、国民收入、利息率。 5、调整贴现率、在公开市场上买卖政府债券。 二、判断题(下列各题,如果您认为正确,请在题后的括号中打上“√”号,否则请打上“×”号,每题1分,共10分) 1、财政政策的内在稳定器有助于缓和经济的波动。() 2、从短期来说,当居民的可支配收入为0时,消费支出也为0。()。 3、消费曲线的斜率等于边际消费倾向。() 4、当某种商品的价格上涨时,我们就可以说,发生了通货膨胀。(), 5、投机动机的货币需求是国民收入的递增函数。() 6、当投资增加时,IS曲线向右移动。() 7、在IS曲线的右侧,I


第十二章国民收入核算 1. 宏观经济学和微观经济学有什么联系和区别为什么有些经济活动从微观看是合理的,有效的,而从宏观看却是不合理的,无效的 解答:两者之间的区别在于: (1) 研究的对象不同。微观经济学研究组成整体经济的单个经济主体的最优化行为,而宏观经济学研究一国整体经济的运行规律和宏观经济政策。 (2) 解决的问题不同。微观经济学要解决资源配置问题,而宏观经济学要解决资源利用问题。 (3) 中心理论不同。微观经济学的中心理论是价格理论,所有的分析都是围绕价格机制的运行展开的,而宏观经济学的中心理论是国民收入(产出) 理论,所有的分析都是围绕国民收入(产出)的决定展开的。 (4) 研究方法不同。微观经济学采用的是个量分析方法,而宏观经济学采用的是总量分析方法。 两者之间的联系主要表现在: (1) 相互补充。经济学研究的目的是实现社会经济福利的最大化。为此,既要实现资源的最优配置,又要实现资源的充分利用。微观经济学是在假设资源得到充分利用的前提下研究资源如何实现最优配置的问题,而宏观经济学是在假设资源已经实现最优配置的前提下研究如何充分利用这些资源。它们共同构成经济学的基本框架。 (2) 微观经济学和宏观经济学都以实证分析作为主要的分析和研究方法。 (3) 微观经济学是宏观经济学的基础。当代宏观经济学越来越重视微观基础的研究,即将宏观经济分析建立在微观经济主体行为分析的基础上。 由于微观经济学和宏观经济学分析问题的角度不同,分析方法也不同,因此有些经济活动从微观看是合理的、有效的,而从宏观看是不合理的、无效的。例如,在经济生活中,某个厂商降低工资,从该企业的角度看,成本低了,市场竞争力强了,但是如果所有厂商都降低工资,则上面降低工资的那个厂商的竞争力就不会增强,而且职工整体工资收入降低以后,整个社会的消费以及有效需求也会降低。同样,一个人或者一个家庭实行节约,可以增加家庭财富,但是如果大家都节约,社会需求就会降低,生产和就业就会受到影响。 2. 举例说明最终产品和中间产品的区别不是根据产品的物质属性而是根据产品是否进入最终使用者手中。 解答:在国民收入核算中,一件产品究竟是中间产品还是最终产品,不能根据产品的物质属性来加以区别,而只能根据产品是否进入最终使用者手中这一点来加以区别。例如,我们不能根据产品的物质属性来判断面粉和面包究竟是最终产品还是中间产品。看起来,面粉一定是中间产品,面包一定是最终产品。其实不然。如果面粉为面包厂所购买,则面粉是中间产品,如果面粉为家庭主妇所购买,则是最终产品。同样,如果面包由面包商店卖给消费者,则此面包是最终产品,但如果面包由生产厂出售给面包商店,则它还属于中间产品。 3. 举例说明经济中流量和存量的联系和区别,财富和收入是流量还是存量 解答:存量指某一时点上存在的某种经济变量的数值,其大小没有时间维度,而流量是 指一定时期内发生的某种经济变量的数值,其大小有时间维度;但是二者也有联系,流量来自存量,又归于存量,存量由流量累积而成。拿财富与收入来说,财富是存量,收入是流量。 4. 为什么人们从公司债券中得到的利息应计入 GDP而从政府公债中得到的利息不计入 GDP 解答:购买公司债券实际上是借钱给公司用,公司将从人们手中借到的钱用作生产经营,比方说购买机器设备,这样这笔钱就提供了生产性服务,可被认为创造了价值,因而公司债券的利息可看作是资本这一要素提供生产性服务的报酬或收入,因此要计入GDP可是政府 的公债利息被看作是转移支付,因为政府借的债不一定用于生产经营,而往往是用于弥补财政赤字。政府公债利息常常被看作是用从纳税人身上取得的收入来加以支付的,因而习惯上 被看作是转移支付。


宏观经济学试题库 第一单元 一、单项选择题 1、宏观经济学的中心理论是() A、价格决定理论; B、工资决定理论; C、国民收入决定理论; D、汇率决定理论。 2、表示一国在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值的总量指标是() A、国民生产总值; B、国内生产总值; C、名义国民生产总值; D、实际国民生产总值。 3、GNP核算中的劳务包括() A、工人劳动; B、农民劳动; C、工程师劳动; D、保险业服务。 4、实际GDP等于() A、价格水平除以名义GDP; B、名义GDP除以价格水平; C、名义GDP乘以价格水平; D、价格水平乘以潜在GDP。 5、从国民生产总值减下列项目成为国民生产净值() A、折旧; B、原材料支出; C、直接税; D、间接税。 6、从国民生产净值减下列项目在为国民收入() A、折旧; B、原材料支出; C、直接税; D、间接税。 二、判断题 1、国民生产总值中的最终产品是指有形的物质产品。() 2、今年建成并出售的房屋和去年建成而在今年出售的房屋都应计入今年的国民生产总值。 () 3、同样的服装,在生产中作为工作服就是中间产品,而在日常生活中穿就是最终产品。 () 4、国民生产总值一定大于国内生产总值。() 5、居民购房支出属于个人消费支出。() 6、从理论上讲,按支出法、收入法和部门法所计算出的国民生产总值是一致的。() 7、所谓净出口是指出口减进口。() 8、在三部门经济中如果用支出法来计算,GNP等于消费+投资+税收。() 三、简答题 1、比较实际国民生产总值与名义国民生产总值。 2、比较国民生产总值与人均国民生产总值。 3、为什么住房建筑支出作为投资支出的一部分? 4、假定A为B提供服务应得报酬400美元,B为A提供服务应得报酬300美元,AB商定相 互抵消300美元,结果A只收B100美元。应如何计入GNP? 第一单元答案: 一、C、A、D、B、A、D; 二、错、错、对、错、错、对、对、错; 三、1、实际国民生产总值与名义国民生产总值的区别在于计算时所用的价格不同。前者用不变价格,后者用当年价格。两者之间的差别反映了通货膨胀程度。 2、国民生产总值用人口总数除所得出的数值就是人均国民生产总值。前者可以反映一国的综合国力,后者可以反映一国的富裕程度。 3、由于能长期居住,提供服务,它比一般耐用消费品的使用寿命更长,因此把住房的


第一章结论 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:超长期;总供给曲线;实际GDP的趋势线;长期;总需求曲线;产出缺口;中期;菲利普斯曲线;潜在产出;短期;增长率;通货膨胀;增长理论;经济周期;消费价格指数;总供给-总需求模型 2.长期中为什么产出水平只取决于总供给? 3.短期中为什么产出水平只取决于总需求? 第二章国民收入核算 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:GDP;GNP;GDP缩减指数;CPI;PPI;生产要素;最终/中间产品;名义GDP/实际GDP;通货膨胀;名义利率/实际利率 2.下列交易的价值是否应当计入国内生产总值(GDP)?为什么? (1)顾客在饭店支付餐费。 (2)一家公司购买一幢旧楼。 (3)一家供应商向制造个人计算机的公司出售计算机芯片。 (4)一位消费者从交易商手中买进一辆汽车。 3.国内生产总值(GDP)高是否一定意味着福利状况好呢?在评价经济福利状况时还应考虑哪些因素? 4..假定某经济社会有A、B、C三个厂商,A厂商年产出5000美元,卖给B、C和消费者。其中B买A 的产出200美元,C买2000美元,其中2800美元卖给消费者。B年产出500美元直接卖给消费者,C年产6000美元,其中3000美元由A买,其余由消费者买。 (1)假定投入在生产中用光,计算价值增加; (2)计算GDP为多少; (3)如果只有C有500美元折旧,计算国民收入。 5.假定GDP是6000美元,个人可支配收入是5100美元,政府预算赤字是200美元,消费是3800美元,外贸赤字是100美元,求: (1)储蓄S是多大; (2)投资I是多大; (3)政府支出是多大? 第三章增长与积累 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:增长核算方程;柯布-道格拉斯生产函数;趋同;全要素生产率;索洛剩余;新古典增长理论;稳态均衡; 2.索络增长模型能否有助于解释趋同现象?



想当初管理学死掉后对《市场营销》的担忧,班上又一个人都不认识,那种无助。这些题目,本来只是想浏览哈,看看不懂的就了事。打开电脑后想起下载那天有童鞋说要答案,又正好能力范围之内。本着助人为乐的精神,填了一下,仅供参考,希望能帮到有需要的童鞋。另外,不接受批评与抱怨哈! 1.菲利普斯曲线描述------之间的关系。1 (1)失业与通货膨胀 (2)失业与产量 (3)总需求与总供给 (4)通货膨胀与产量 (5)就业与通货膨胀 (6) 2.随着人均资本增加,如果人均资本的增加并未导致人均产量的较小增加, 则--------抵消了-------的影响。2 (1)收益递减规律,劳动力增长 (2)收益递减规律,技术进步 (3)劳动力增长,较低投资 (4)技术进步,收益递减规律 (5)技术进步,劳动力增长 3.如果经济低于充分就业水平,---------能使经济更接近于充分就业。4 (1)政府支出或税收的削减。 (2)政府支出的削减或税收的增加。 (3)政府支出和税收的等量削减。 (4)政府支出的增加或税收的削减。 (5)政府支出或税收的增加。 4.依据凯恩斯货币理论,货币供应增加将:2 (1)降低利率,从而减少投资和总需求。 (2)降低利率,从而增加投资和总需求。 (3)提高利率,从而增加投资和总需求。 (4)提高利率,从而减少投资和总需求。 (5)提高利率,从而减少投资和增加总需求。 5.以下哪种情况会引起沿着货币需求曲线向下的移动?1 (1)利率上升。 (2)国民收入的增加。 (3)货币供应的减少。 (4)国民收入的减少。 (5)利率下降。 6.为了减少货币供给,中央银行会使用-------的方法。5 (1)降低商业银行向中央银行借款所要支付的利率。


第一章宏观经济学导论习题及参考答案 一、习题 1.简释下列概念: 宏观经济学、经济增长、经济周期、失业、充分就业、通货膨胀、GDP、GNP、名义价值、实际价值、流量、存量、萨伊定律、古典宏观经济模型、凯恩斯革命。 2.宏观经济学的创始人是()。 A.斯密;B.李嘉图; C.凯恩斯;D.萨缪尔森。 3.宏观经济学的中心理论是()。 A.价格决定理论;B.工资决定理论; C.国民收入决定理论;D.汇率决定理论。 4.下列各项中除哪一项外,均被认为是宏观经济的“疾病”()。 A.高失业;B.滞胀; C.通货膨胀;D.价格稳定。 5.表示一国居民在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务 的市场价值的总量指标是()。 A.国民生产总值;B.国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值;D.实际国内生产总值。 6.一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市 场价值根据价格变化调整后的数值被称为()。 A.国民生产总值;B.实际国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值;D.潜在国内生产总值。 7.实际GDP等于()。 A.价格水平/名义GDP;B.名义GDP/价格水平×100; C.名义GDP乘以价格水平;D.价格水平乘以潜在GDP。 8.下列各项中哪一个属于流量?()。 A.国内生产总值;B.国民债务; C.现有住房数量;D.失业人数。 9.存量是()。 A.某个时点现存的经济量值;B.某个时点上的流动价值; C.流量的固体等价物;D.某个时期内发生的经济量值。 10. 下列各项中哪一个属于存量?()。 A. 国内生产总值; B. 投资; C. 失业人数; D. 人均收入。 11.古典宏观经济理论认为,利息率的灵活性使得()。 A.储蓄大于投资;B.储蓄等于投资; C.储蓄小于投资;D.上述情况均可能存在。 12.古典宏观经济理论认为,实现充分就业的原因是()。 A.政府管制;B.名义工资刚性; C.名义工资灵活性;D.货币供给适度。 13.根据古典宏观经济理论,价格水平降低导致下述哪一变量减少()。 A.产出;C.就业; C.名义工资;D.实际工资。 14.在凯恩斯看来,造成资本主义经济萧条的根源是()。 A.有效需求不足;B.资源短缺; C.技术落后;C.微观效率低下。


宏观经济学题库及答案 1.宏观经济学的创始人是(A)。 A.斯密; B.李嘉图; C.凯恩斯; D.萨缪尔森。 2.宏观经济学的中心理论是(C)。 A.价格决定理论; B.工资决定理论; C.国民收入决定理论; D.汇率决定理论。 3.下列各项中除哪一项外,均被认为是宏观经济的“疾病”(D)。 A.高失业; B.滞胀; C.通货膨胀; D.价格稳定。 4.表示一国居民在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值的总量指标是(A)。 A.国民生产总值; B.国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值; D.实际国内生产总值。 5.一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值根据价格变化调整后的数 值被称为(B)。 A.国民生产总值; B.实际国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值; D.潜在国内生产总值。

6.实际GDP等于(B)。 A.价格水平/名义GDP; B.名义GDP/价格水平×100; C.名义GDP乘以价格水平; D.价格水平乘以潜在GDP。 7.下列各项中属于流量的是(A)。 A.国内生产总值; B.国民债务; C.现有住房数量; D.失业人数。 8.存量是(A)。 A.某个时点现存的经济量值; B.某个时点上的流动价值; C.流量的固体等价物; D.某个时期内发生的经济量值。 9. 下列各项中哪一个属于存量?(C)。 A. 国内生产总值; B. 投资; C. 失业人数; D. 人均收入。 10.古典宏观经济理论认为,利息率的灵活性使得(B)。 A.储蓄大于投资; B.储蓄等于投资; C.储蓄小于投资; D.上述情况均可能存在。

11.古典宏观经济理论认为,实现充分就业的原因是(C)。 A.政府管制; B.名义工资刚性; C.名义工资灵活性; D.货币供给适度。 12.根据古典宏观经济理论,价格水平降低导致下述哪一变量减少(C)。 A.产出; B.就业; C.名义工资; D.实际工资。 13.在凯恩斯看来,造成资本主义经济萧条的根源是(A)。 A.有效需求不足; B.资源短缺; C.技术落后; D.微观效率低下。 14.下列各项中不是流量指标的是(D) A.消费支出; B.PDI; C.GDP; D.个人财富。 15.在国民收入核算账户中,下列各项中除了哪一项外均计入投资需求(D)。 A.厂商购买新的厂房和设备的支出; B.居民购买新住房的支出; C.厂商产品存货的增加; D.居民购买股票的支出。


宏观经济学复习重点 一、名词解释。 1.国内生产总值(GDP ):是在一个国家领土范围内,一定时期内所生产的全部最终产品和劳务的市场价值的总和。P428 2.均衡产出:和总需求相等的产出称为均衡产出或收入。P446 3.乘数:国民收入变动量与引起这种变动量的最初注入量的比例。P462 4.投资乘数:指收入的变化与带来这种变化的投资支出的变化的比率。P463 5.产品市场均衡:是指产品市场上供给与总需求相等。P486 6.IS 曲线:一条反映利率和收入间相互关系的曲线。这条曲线上任何一点都代表一定的利率和收入的组合,在这样的组合下,投资和储蓄都是相等的,即i=s ,从而产品市场是均衡的,因此这条曲线称为IS 曲线。P487 7. 凯恩斯流动性偏好陷阱:凯恩斯认为当利率极低时,人们为了防范证券市场中的风险,将所有的有价证券全部换成货币,同时不论获得多少货币收入,都愿意持有在手中,这就是流动性陷阱。P495 8.LM 曲线:满足货币市场的均衡条件下的收入y 与利率r 的关系的曲线称为LM 曲线。P500 9.财政政策:是指政府变动税收和支出以便影响总需求进而影响就业和国民收入的政策。P517 10.货币政策:是指政府货币当局即中央银行通过银行体系变动货币供给量来调节总需求的政策。P518 11. 挤出效应:指政府支出增加(如某一数量的公共支出)而对私人消费和投资的抵减。P523 12. 自动稳定器:也称内在稳定器,是指经济系统本身存在的一种会减少各种干扰对国民收入冲击的机制,能够在经济繁荣时自动抑制通胀,在经济衰退时自动减轻萧条,无须政府采取任何行动。P546 13.经济滞胀:又称萧条膨胀或膨胀衰退,即大量失业和严重通货膨胀同时存在的情况。P572—576 14.通货膨胀:指一般物价水平在比较长的时间内以较高幅度持续上涨的一种经济现象。P612—616 15.菲利普斯曲线:反映通货膨胀率与失业率之间关系的曲线。短期曲线表现为一条向右下方倾斜的曲线,表示在短期里通货膨胀率与失业率存在一种替代关系。长期曲线表现为一条垂直的曲线,表示在长期里失业率与通货膨胀率之间,是一种独立的关系。P625—632 16.自发消费:与收入变动无关的消费。即使收入为0,也需要的消费。 17.经济增长:经济增长:指一国一定时期内生产的产品和提供的劳务总量的扩大。表现为GDP 或者人均GDP 的增长。 18.中间产品:指购买后不是用于最终消费,而是用于转卖或进一步加工的商品和劳务。 19.资本深化:人均储蓄超过资本广化或人均储蓄在与补充原有资本折旧和配备新工人后)而导致人均资本上升的情况。 1.消费的决定:家庭的消费支出主要由什么因素决定? 答:主要由家庭的当年收入决定。某个家庭当年收入越高,其消费支出就会越大。这主要从消费函数c=a+by 中可以看出。 其他影响因素还有:1、家庭财富拥有量,财富越多则当年的消费就越高。2、家庭成员一生中的总收入,一生中的总收入越大则任何一年的消费量都会增大。3、周围人群的消费水平,周围人群消费水平越高,则本家庭受影响越大,看齐的心理使得本家庭的当年消费越大。 2.平衡预算乘数在哪些情况下等于1? 答:平衡预算指政府预算收入等于预算支出。在国民收入决定理论中,平衡预算指政府支出G 来自于等量的税收T (即G=T )。政府支出G 和税收T 对国民收入的影响作用可以通过乘数来反映。 在四部门经济中, 要使平衡预算乘数=1,应当是0,0==γP t ,即是在只有消费者、企业和政府的三部门经济中没有内生变量的税收。或者在消费者、企业、政府和国际市场构成的四部门经济中,没有内生变量的税收和进口。 3.经济学家认为轻微的通货膨胀对经济扩张有利,试说明理由? 答:坚持这种观点的经济学家认为,由于在经济活动过程中,为节约交易成本,劳资双方喜欢签订长期劳动合同关系,原材料供求中喜欢签订长期购销合同,由于这种长期劳动合同和原材料供求合同存在,使厂商工资成本和原材料成本相对稳定,而通胀又使产品价格上升,从而使使厂商的实际利润增加,刺激厂商增加投资,扩大生产,全社会产量和就业都增加。 4、试说明图中A 、B 两点的经济涵义。 r%


精品文档 1.In the United States real GDP is reported each quarter. a.These numbers are adjusted to make them measure at annual and seasonally adjusted rates. b.These numbers are adjusted to make them annual rates, but no adjustment for seasonal variations are made. c.These numbers are quarterly rates that have been seasonally adjuste d. d.These numbers are at quarterly rates and have not been seasonally adjusted. 2.The price of CD players increases dramatically, causing a 1 percent increase in the CPI. The price increase will most likely cause the GDP deflator to increase by a.more than 1 percent. b.less than 1 percent. c. 1 percent. d.It is impossible to make an informed guess without more information. 3.If increases in the prices of U.S. medical care cause the CPI to increase by 2 percent, the GDP deflator will likely increase by a.more than 2 percent. b. 2 percent. c.less than 2 percent. Assume that the closing price was also the average price at which each stock transaction took place. What was the total dollar volume of Gillette stock traded that day? a. $912,840,000 b. $91,284,000 c. $9,128,400 d. $912,840 7.Suppose that in a closed economy GDP is equal to 10,000, taxes are equal to 2,500 Consumption equals 6,500 and Government expenditures equal 2,000. What are private saving, public saving, and national saving? a. 1500, 1000, 500 b. 1000, 500, 1500 c. 500, 1500, 1000 d. None of the above are correct. economic growth. d. All of the above are correct. 6.Use the following table to answer the following 精品文档


一、1、在一般情况下,国民收入核算体系中数值最小的是: A、国内生产净值 B、个人收入 C、个人可支配收入 D、国民收入 E、国内生产总值 2、下列哪一项应计入GDP中: A、面包厂购买的面粉 B、购买40股股票 C、家庭主妇购买的面粉 D、购买政府债券 E、以上各项都不应计入。 3、计入GDP的有: A、家庭主妇的家务劳动折算合成的收入 B、拍卖毕加索作品的收入 C、出神股票的收入 D、晚上为邻居照看儿童的收入 E、从政府那里获得的困难补助收入 4、在下列各项中,属于经济中的注入因素是 A、投资; B、储蓄; C、净税收; D、进口。 5、政府支出乘数 A、等于投资乘数 B、比投资乘数小1 C、等于投资乘数的相反数 D、等于转移支付乘数 E、以是说法都不正确 6、在以下情况中,投资乘数最大的是 A、边际消费倾向为0.7; B、边际储蓄倾向为0.2; C、边际储蓄倾向为0.4; D、边际储蓄倾向为0.3。 7、国民消费函数为C=80+0.8Y,如果消费增加100亿元,国民收入 A、增加100亿元; B、减少100亿元; C、增加500亿元; D、减少500亿元。 8、如果政府支出增加 A、对IS曲线无响应 B、IS曲线向右移动 C、IS曲线向左移动 D、以上说法都不正确 9、政府税收的增加将 A、对IS曲线无响应 B、IS曲线向右移动 C、IS曲线向左移动 D、以上说法都不正确 10、位于IS曲线左下方的收入与利率的组合,都是 A、投资大于储蓄; B、投资小于储蓄;

C、投资等于储蓄; D、无法确定。 11、当经济中未达到充分就业时,如果LM曲线不变,政府支出增加会导致 A、收入增加、利率上升; B、收入增加、利率下降; C、收入减少、利率上升; D、收入减少、利率下降。 12、一般地,在IS曲线不变时,货币供给减少会导致 A、收入增加、利率上升; B、收入增加、利率下降; C、收入减少、利率上升; D、收入减少、利率下降。 13、如果现行产出水平为10万亿元,总需求为8万亿,可以断定,若经济不是充分就业,那么: A、就业水平将下降 B、收入水平将上升 C、收入和就业水平将均衡 D、就业量将上升 E、就业水平将上升,收入将下降 14、在流动陷阱(凯恩斯陷阱)中 A、货币政策和财政政策都十分有效 B、货币政策和财政政策都无效 C、货币政策无效,财政政策有效 D、货币政策有效,财政政策无效 E、以上说法都不正确 15、如果实施扩张性的货币政策,中央银行可采取的措施是 A、卖出国债; B、提高法定准备金比率; C、降低再贴现率; D、提高再贴现率; 16、如果名义利率为6%,通货膨胀率为12%,那么实际利率是 A、6%; B、18%; C、12%; D、-6%。 17、自发投资增加10亿元,会使IS曲线 A、右移10亿元 B、左移10亿元 C、右移10亿元乘以支出乘数 D、左移10亿元乘以乘数 18、由于经济萧条而出现的失业属于: A、摩擦性失业 B、结构性失业 C、周期性失业 D、自愿性失业 19、如果某人刚进入劳动力队伍尚未找到工作,这是属于 A、摩擦性失业 B、结构性失业 C、周期性失业 D、自愿性失业 20、根据哈罗德的分析,如果有保证的增长率大于实际增长率,经济将: A、累积性扩张 B、累积性萧条 C、均衡增长


宏观经济学复习题及答案 一、名词解释: 1、GDP与GNP GDP国内生产总值是指在一定时期内,一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值。 GNP国民生产总值是指一个国家地区的国民经济在一定时期内以货币表现的全部最终产品(含货物和服务)价值的总和。 2、CPI与PPI CPI消费者物价指数是对一个固定的消费品篮子价格的衡量,主要反映消费者支付商品和劳务的价格变化情况。 PPI生产者物价指数是用来衡量制造商出厂价的平均变化的指数。 3、财政政策与货币政策 财政政策指国家根据一定时期政治、经济、社会发展的任务而规定的财政工作的指导原则,通过财政支出与税收政策来调节总需求。 货币政策指中央银行为实现其特定的经济目标而采用的各种控制和调节货币供应量或信用量的方针和措施的总称,包括信贷政策、利率政策和外汇政策。 4、经济增长与经济发展 经济增长通常是指在一个较长的时间跨度上,一个国家人均产出(或人均收入)水平的持续增加。 经济发展是一家摆脱贫困落后状态,走向经济和社会生活现代化的过程。

5、挤出效应指政府支出增加所引起的私人消费或投资降低的效果。 6、结构性失业与结构性通货膨胀 结构性失业尽管劳动市场有职位空缺,但人们因为没有所需的技能,结果继续失业,也就是由于劳动力的供给和需求不匹配而造成的失业。 结构性通货膨胀是指物价上涨是在总需求并不过多的情况下,而对某些部门的产品需求过多,造成部分产品的价格上涨的现象。 7、适应性预期与理性预期 适应性预期是指人们在对未来会发生的预期是基于过去,在估计或判断未来的经济走势时,利用过去预期与过去实际间的差距来矫正对未来的预期。理性预期是在有效地利用一切信息的前提下,对经济变量作出的在长期中平均说来最为准确的,而又与所使用的经济理论、模型相一致的预期。 二、简答: 1、简述国民收入核算的两者基本方法。 答:1、支出法核算国民收入 就是通过核算在一定时期内整个社会购买最终产品和劳务的总支出,即最终产品和劳务的总卖价来核算国民收入的方法。产品和劳务的最后使用,除了家庭部门的消费,还有企业部门的投资,政府部门的购买及外贸部门的净出口。因此,用支出法核算国民收入,就是核算经济社会(指一个国家或一个地区)在一定时期内消费、投资、政府购买以及净出口这几方面支出的总和。 2、法核算国民收入


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宏观经济学 宏观经济学的概念 1 【单选题】在宏观经济学中,商品总产量是指(A)。 A、GDP B、恩格尔系数 C、基尼系数 D、戴尔指数 2 【单选题】谁最早给宏观经济学下定义(D) A、马歇尔 B、凯恩斯 C、萨缪尔森 D、夏皮罗 3 【多选题】下列关于宏观经济学说法正确的是(ABC)。 A、研究社会经济活动各种总量关系 B、以整个国民经济活动为研究对象 C、研究社会经济活动变化规律 D、采用个体分析的方法 4 【判断题】《就业、利息和货币通论》是宏观经济学的创始人马歇尔的 代表作。(×) 5 【判断题】宏观经济学中研究的价格就是CPI。(√) 合成谬误和市场非出清 1 【单选题】零售商对价格调整时所产生的(C)叫菜单成本。 A、成本下降 B、额外收入 C、成本负担 D、收入下降 2 【单选题】下列说法中,关于合成谬误正确的是(C)。

A、合成谬误中,总体等同于个体的叠加 B、合成谬误中,每个人个体其实都是非理性的 C、合成谬误是宏观经济学中的理论 D、合成谬误是微观经济学中的理论 3 【单选题】为什么会银行挤兑( D) A、国家经济崩溃 B、货币大量贬值 C、银行经营不善 D、社会谣言传言 4 【判断题】宏观经济学认为,市场总能找到供应和需求的平衡点,从而导致市场出清。(×) 5 【判断题】每个人在银行挤兑过程中采取的是一种理性的举动。(√)市场失灵和国家干预 1 【单选题】凯恩斯的着作是宏观经济学的发端。(C) A、《货币改革论》 B、《论概率》 C、《就业、利息和货币通论》 D、《凡尔塞和约的经济后果》 2 【单选题】宏观经济学的观点包括(B)。 A、市场组织应当是自由放任的 B、经济运行需要国家干预 C、市场应当完全依靠“看不见的手” D、需求和供给能达到均衡而促使市场出清 3 【单选题】下面哪一项是帕累托有效性的含义(C) A、需求曲线和供给曲线的不均衡点 B、需求曲线的最高点 C、需求曲线和供给曲线的均衡点 D、供给曲线的最高点
