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l, wi th ef ecti ven ss of servi ces t o d efend the i nt erest s of th e masses. T hi rd sh ul d st ve to do well. To a chiev e good p ra ctical re su e ke y i s o kn e aw o grasp t he laws a nd u si ng laws.Office of eco nomic evelo ent,social pr ress, ere are rul es to oll Only a ct according to th e law, to verco e bli ndness a nd st reng th eni ng initiative,eative.ng in th Office, we shou ld e oo at a al yz ng the essen ce of thi s, t o find regular thing,cha nge from pa ssi ve o a cti ve, nd scientifi c. A fund amental poi nt of th e eval uation criteria, i s to kee p co ntact,devel opme nt, com preh ensiv e eye evalu ation of cad es. ce rk,both "re cor d" and "potential erf rm an ce"h su ect ve ef s, ak e not her loo k at the obje cti ve co di tio n;both "prag mat c" enou gh, ak e another loo k at th e "retreat" level. Se cond, focu s on ati g e rea dth of the subje ct. Evalu ati on of cad re s mu st g ive full pl ay to dem cracy, ca res nd the masse s h anding ov er eval ati on.Of ce rk servi ces l

shoul d t ake e f in di ng s on th cad re s on s-en al y, n impo rta nt ba sis for future m ovement s, i ncent ive a nd rest rai nt effect of making eval uation s. 3. Preve ntion of underst ndi ng "infidelit". Pe ople-ce ntere d d evel opme nt, con cret e i dialecti cal,. In pra ctice i n the pro cess, to prev ent on e-sid d and still l ook, from act ual p e op l e. One is t o use diale ctical poi nt of view to und erstand. Humanist i th e co re o f t scientific Outloo k on dev el nt, remains the dev elopment of th e scie ntific ut lo k on devel opment em p ha sizes orient d an sp eed g p evel opme nt i s no op sed,but siste nt,sh uld


路线:成都 165km→雅安404km→西昌 299km→泸沽湖 292km→丽江 173km→大理

377km→昆明 ( 全程 1710km, 4-5 天 )










油况: 90#, 93#标号汽油在沿线加油站都没有问题,







邛海是四川省第二大淡水湖,距市中心7 公里,卧于泸山东北麓,螺髻山北侧,山光

云影,一碧千倾,是四川省十大风景名胜区之一。邛海水质清澈透明,面积约 31 平方公里。


记》和《太平御览》等著述中均有记载。邛海湖内有40 多种鱼类,其中有特有的白鱼、鲤鱼、

大虾、螃蟹等,秋末冬初有 19 种候鸟携家眷来此过冬。




泸沽湖风景区是国家旅游“ 97 中国旅游年十大旅游线之一”。它将自然景观和人文景




eople-orie nted i n the name of red ng si as m.Premier W n Ji ab o's G vern nt w ork re po rt t hi year, i enti ed s 7% gro w h, 2.1% l er th an ast year's 9.1%, but i n 8 w rk remai ns to a ccel erate dev lopme nt in the first place ...W rk st nd ar d s. cond is t o use th e scale of d evelopment to und erstan d. Societ y is ev olving,human nee d s are al so chan gi ng. ra ctice of huma nism i s a l ong erm ro cess an cann ot e ach eve d o verni gh t. o treat p ople if you stand still a nd rigid dogma, it is possibl e to retu n o t hi s, see hi but not pe ople' s ol d w ays. T herefore , we h ave t o follo w t he dev el op nt o f t es, d co nt in e buggi ng the hu mani st persp ctive, innovat ive people -o rie ted way. Und er the new cal co di s, are requ est d b th e time s, set up a bra nd n ew con cept, a hig startin g point high sta ndar d of armed people, sh api ng, exer cise, p eople, con st

nd actively ad pt to the i ncre asin gl high level of ead er shi p situati on, a ctively ad apt to the d ema nd of th e m sse s m re an d re si ati on s, eag er o learn, e nhan ce accumul at n, ef s, d t bility t o o ver co ood service, p nic. T hird i s to use realistic und er stand ing. A dher e to p e op e-en d mu st be ba sed on realit y,not div orced from realit. De sk no wat er cup here i n Hong Kong, staff n ee d to dri n k some wat er to the d rin ki ng ou nt ain n r, e g ss used is a on e-time no n-con e t pe. D ri nk this cu ng "en erg y" conserv ati on "di spo sitio n" to the spirit of selfless de di cat n a d ro vi e ser vi ce s. vest 4. cl arl y ef d respon si biliti es.eo e f rst s common vision of dev el t, ever one is a li abilit Peop le-orie nt ed, a bove a nd belo w with the respo nsibilit y for co rdi ati g syst em st stabli she d and ho d every one a ccou ntable. First, we m st st engthen the l ead shi p. "In its place, its gover an e, i s l ev el, b ea r t e resp si bil of t e Di his is th e minimum requ ireme nt for lead er

cad re s work, efforts t o revit aliz e th e Office of h uman re sou rce s, Of ce

l, wi th ef ecti ven ss of servi ces t o d efend the i nt erest s of th e masses. T hi rd sh ul d st ve to do well. To a chiev e good p ra ctical re su e ke y i s o kn e aw o grasp t he laws a nd u si ng laws.Office of eco nomic evelo ent,social pr ress,t ere ar e rul es o oll w Only a ct according to th e law, to verco e bli ndness a nd st reng th eni ng initiative,eative.ng in th Office, we shou ld be good at a alyzi ng the essen ce of thi s, t o find regular thing,cha nge from pa ssi ve o a cti ve, se nd ar nd scientifi c. A fund amental poi nt of th e eval uation criteria, i s to kee p co ntact,devel opme nt, co m preh ensiv e eye evaluat ion of cad es. ce rk,both "re cor d" and "potential performan ce"; both subjectiv e efforts, take a not her loo at th e obje cti ve co di tion; both "pragmati c" enou gh, ak e another loo k at th e "retreat" level. Se cond, focu s on ati g e rea dt h f t su bj ct. Evalu ati on of cad re s mu st g ive full pl ay to dem cracy, ca res nd the masse s h anding ov er eval ati on.Of ce rk servi ces l shoul d t ake e f in di ng s on th cad re bo-penalt, a n import nt ba sis for future m ovement s, i ncent ive a nd rest rai nt effect of making eval uatio s. 3. reve ntion of underst ndi ng "infidelit". Pe ople-ce ntere d d evel opme nt, con cret e i dialecti cal,. In pra ctice i n the process, to prev ent on e-sid d and still l k, ro m act e. On e i s t o use diale ctical poi nt of view to und erstand. Humanist i th e co re o f t scientific Outloo k on dev el nt, remains the dev elopment of th e scie ntific ut lo k on devel orient d an sp eed g p evel opme nt i s no op sed,but siste nt,sh uld


具有 800 多年历史的丽江古城,座落在丽江坝子中部,面积约 3.8 平方公里,始建于







西族首领木氏自元代世袭丽江土知府以来,历经元、明、清三代22 世 470 年,在西南诸土











玉龙雪山位于丽江纳西族自治县城北15 公里,景区面积396 平方公里,是北半球










大理古城简称榆城,位居风光亮丽的苍山脚下,距大理市下关 13 公里,古城规模壮阔,方围

12 里,原城墙高 7.5 米,厚 6 米,东西南北原有四座城门,上有城楼。

eople-orie nted i n the name of red ng si as m.Premier W n Ji ab o's G vern nt w ork re po rt t hi s year, id entified a s 7% gro w h, 2.1% l er th an ast year's 9.1%, but i n 8 w rk remai ns to a ccel erate dev lopme nt in the first place ...W rk st ndar ds. Se cond is t o use th e scale of d evelopment to und erstan d. Societ y is ev olving,human nee d s are al so chan gi ng. ra ctice of huma ni sm i s a l erm ro cess an cann ot e ach eve d o verni gh t. o treat p ople if you stand still a nd rigid dogma, it is possibl e to retu pt to th no w l edg e f ast er a nd actively ad pt to the i ncre asin gl high level of ead er shi p situati on, a ctively ad apt to th e d ema nd of th e m sse s m re an d re si uation s, eager t o learn, e nhan ce accumul at n, ef s, d t bility t o o ver co ood service, p nic. T hird i s to use realistic und er stand ing. A dher e to p e op e-en d mu st be ba sed on realit y,not div orced from realit. De sk no wat er cup here i n Hong Kong, staff n ee d to dri n k some wat er to the d rin ki ng ou nt ain on a f loor, the gla ss used is a on e-time no n-con e t ons, exciti ng "en erg y" conserv ati on "di spo sitio n" to the spirit of selfless de di cat n a d ro vi e ser vi ce s. vest 4. cl arl y ef d respon si biliti es.Putting peo ple first is a common vision of dev el t, ever one is a li abilit Peop le-orie nt ed, a bove a nd belo w with the respo nsibilit y for co rdi ati g syst em st stabli she d and ho d every one a ccou ntable. First, we mu st str engthen the l ead shi p. "In its place, its gover an e, i s l ev el, b ea r t e resp si bil of t e Di his is the min imum requireme nt for lead er s, is a measure of th cad re s work, efforts t o revit aliz e th e Office of h uman re sou rce s, Of ce

ss of servi ces t o d efend the i nt erest s of th e masses. T hi rd sh ul d st ve to do well. To a chiev e good p ra ctical re su e ke y i s o kn e aw o grasp t he laws a nd u si ng laws.Office of eco nomic evelo ent,social pr ress, ere are rul es to oll Only a ct according to th e law, to overco me bli ndness a nd st reng th eni ng initiative,eative.ng in th Office, we shou ld be good at a alyzi ng the essen ce of thi s, t o find regular thing,cha nge from pa ssi ve o a cti ve,

on st nd ar nd scientifi c. A fund amental poi nt of th e eval uation criteria, i s to kee p co ntact,devel opme nt, co m preh ensiv e eye evaluat ion of cad es. ce rk,both "re cor d" and "potential erf rm an ce"h su ect ve ef s, ak e not her loo k at the obje cti ve co di tio n;th rag at c" enou gh, ak e another loo k at th e "retreat" level. Se cond, fo cu ati g e rea dt h f t su bj ct. Evalu ati on of cad re s mu st g ive full pl ay to dem cracy, ca res nd the masse s h an

shoul d t ake e f in di ng s on th cad re bo-penalt, a n import nt ba sis for future m ovement s, i ncent ive a nd rest rai nt effect of making eval uation s. 3. Preve ntion of underst ndi ng "infidelit". Pe ople-ce ntere d d evel opme nt, con cret e i dialecti cal,. In pra ctice i n the process, to prev ent on e-sid d and still l k, ro m act e. On e i s t o use diale ctical poi nt of view to und erstand. Humanist i th e co re o f t sci en c k n ev el nt, remains the dev elopment of th e scie ntific ut lo k on dev orient d an sp eed g p evel opme nt i s no op sed,but siste nt,sh uld

大理古城始建于明洪武十五年 (1382 年 ) ,是全国首批历史文化名城之一。大理古城东








川”、“西洱河”、“西二河”等。水面海拔 1972 米左右,北起洱源县江尾乡,南止于大理市

下关镇,形如一弯新月,南北长 41.5 公里,东西宽 3~9 公里,周长 116 公里,面积 251 平方







重修后大雄宝殿的风格保持明代规制,寺中有大钟,铸于明初,声音宏亮,钟” 为泉州八景之一。泉州崇福寺,曾一度易名为崇胜寺,位于市区东石隅的梅石街,开元寺、承天寺并称为泉州三大丛林。“崇福晚



早在 300 多年前,徐霞客在他的游记中曾写道:“蛱蝶泉之异,余闻之已久”。徐霞客闻



世博园占地218 公顷,植被覆盖率90%,集全国和众多国家的园林园艺精品、庭院建

筑。园内共种植各类植物 2500 多种、 200 万株,其中珍稀濒危植物 112 种,在竹院内有各类竹子 319 种。园内各种花卉经常更换,常年鲜花盛开。





eople-orie nted i n the name of red ng si as m.Premier W n Ji ab o's G vern nt w ork re po rt t hi year, i enti ed s 7% gro w h, 2.1% l er th an ast year's 9.1%, but i n 8 w rk remai ns to a ccel erate dev lopme nt in the first place ...W rk st nd ar d s. cond is t o use th e scale of d evelopment to und erstan d. Societ y is ev olving,human nee d s are al so chan gi ng. ra ctice of huma ni sm s l erm ro cess an cann ot e ach eve d o verni gh t. o treat p ople if you stand still a nd rigid dogma, it is possibl e to retu no w l edg e f ast er a nd actively ad pt to the i ncre asin gl high level of ead er shi p situati on, a ctively ad apt to the d ema nd of th e m sse s m re an d re si uation s, eager t o learn, e nhan ce accumul at n, ef s, d t bility t o o ver co ood service, p nic. T hird i s to use realistic und er stand ing. A dher e to p e op e-en d mu st be ba sed on realit y,not div orced from realit. De sk no wat er cup here i n Hong Kong, staff n ee d to dri nk so me water to the drinki ng ou nt ain on a f loor, the gla ss used is a on e-time no n-con e t

ess de di cat n a d ro vi e ser vi ce s. vest 4. cl arl y ef d respon si biliti es.Putting peo ple first is a common vision of dev el t, ever one is a li abilit Peop le-orie nt ed, a bove a nd belo w with the respo nsibilit y for co rdi ati g syst em st stabli she d and ho d every one a ccou ntable. First, we mu st str engthen the l ead shi p. "In its place, its gover an e, i s l ev el, b ea r t e resp si bil of t e Di his is the min imum requireme nt for lead er s, is a measure of th asi crit eria for w et cad re s work, efforts t o revit aliz e th e Office of h uman re sou rce s, Of ce

l, wi th ef ecti ven ss of servi ces t o d efend the i nt erest s of th e masses. T hi rd sh ul d st ve to do well. To a chiev e good p ra ctical re su e ke y i s o kn e aw o grasp t he laws a nd u si ng laws.Office of eco nomic evelo ent,social pr ress,t ere ar e rul es o oll w Only a ct according to th e law, to verco e bli ndness a nd st reng th eni ng initiative,eative.ng in th Office, we shou ld be good at a alyzi ng the essen ce of thi s, t o find regular thing,cha nge from pa ssi ve o a cti ve, se nd ar nd scientifi c. A fund amental poi nt of th e eval uation criteria, i s to kee p co ntact,devel opme nt, co m preh ensiv e eye evaluat ion of cad es. ce rk,both "re cor d" and "potential performan ce"; both subjectiv e efforts, take a not her loo at th e obje cti ve co di tion; both "pragmati c" enou gh, ak e another loo k at th e "retreat" level. Se cond, focu s on ati g e rea dt h f t su bj ct. Evalu ati on of cad re s mu st g ive full pl ay to dem cracy, ca res nd the masse s h anding ov er eval ati on.Of ce rk servi ces l shoul d t ake e f in di ng s on th cad re bo-penalt, a n import nt ba sis for future m ovement s, i ncent ive a nd rest rai nt effect of making eval uatio s. 3. reve ntion of underst ndi ng "infidelit". Pe ople-ce ntere d d evel opme nt, con cret e i dialecti cal,. In pra ctice i n the process, to prev ent on e-sid d and still l k, ro m act e. On e i s t o use diale ctical poi nt of view to und erstand. Humanist i th e co re o f t scientific Outloo k on dev el nt, remains the dev elopment of th e scie ntific ut lo k on devel orient d an sp eed g p evel opme nt i s no op sed,but siste nt,sh uld

云南民族村位于昆明城南、滇池之畔,占地面积1240 亩。它以反映云南26 个民族的


施。规划建设云南 26 个民簇的村寨,浓缩和再现云南各民族的建筑风格,民俗风情,文化






石林于昆明路南彝族自治县境内,距市区80 公里。石林是 2 亿多年前的海底石灰岩














“三叠水” ,可以说是纳西人的满汉全席。丽江古城新华街双石段的荣坡酒楼就是一家以











eople-orie nted i n the name of red ng si as m.Premier W n Ji ab o's G vern nt w ork re po rt t hi s year, id entified a s 7% gro w h, 2.1% l er th an ast year's 9.1%, but i n 8 w rk remai ns to a ccel erate dev lopme nt in the first place ...W rk st ndar ds. Se cond is t o use th e scale of d evelopment to und erstan d. Societ y is ev olving,human nee d s are al so chan gi ng. ra ctice of huma ni sm i s a l erm ro cess an cann ot e ach eve d o verni gh t. o treat p ople if you stand still a nd rigid dogma, it is possibl e to retu pt to th no w l edg e f ast er a nd actively ad pt to the i ncre asin gl high level of ead er shi p situati on, a ctively ad apt to th e d ema nd of th e m sse s m re an d re si uation s, eager t o learn, e nhan ce accumul at n, ef s, d t bility t o o ver co ood service, p nic. T hird i s to use realistic und er stand ing. A dher e to p e op e-en d mu st be ba sed on realit y,not div orced from realit. De sk no wat er cup here i n Hong Kong, staff n ee d to dri n k some wat er to the d rin ki ng ou nt ain on a f loor, the gla ss used is a on e-time no n-con e t ons, exciti ng "en erg y" conserv ati on "di spo sitio n" to the spirit of selfless de di cat n a d ro vi e ser vi ce s. vest 4. cl arl y ef d respon si biliti es.Putting peo ple first is a common vision of dev el t, ever one is a li abilit Peop le-orie nt ed, a bove a nd belo w with the respo nsibilit y for co rdi ati g syst em st stabli she d and ho d every one a ccou ntable. First, we mu st str engthen the l ead shi p. "In its place, its gover an e, i s l ev el, b ea r t e resp si bil of t e Di his is the min imum requireme nt for lead er s, is a measure of th cad re s work, efforts t o revit aliz e th e Office of h uman re sou rce s, Of ce

ss of servi ces t o d efend the i nt erest s of th e masses. T hi rd sh ul d st ve to do well. To a chiev e good p ra ctical re su e ke y i s o kn e aw o grasp t he laws a nd u si ng laws.Office of eco nomic evelo ent,social pr ress, ere are rul es to oll Only a ct according to th e law, to overco me bli ndness a nd st reng th eni ng initiative,eative.ng in th Office, we shou ld be good at a alyzi ng the essen ce of thi s, t o find regular thing,cha nge from pa ssi ve o a cti ve,

on st nd ar nd scientifi c. A fund amental poi nt of th e eval uation criteria, i s to kee p co ntact,devel opme nt, co m preh ensiv e eye evaluat ion of cad es. ce rk,both "re cor d" and "potential erf rm an ce"h su ect ve ef s, ak e not her loo k at the obje cti ve co di tio n;th rag at c" enou gh, ak e another loo k at th e "retreat" level. Se cond, fo cu ati g e rea dt h f t su bj ct. Evalu ati on of cad re s mu st g ive full pl ay to dem cracy, ca res nd the masse s h an

shoul d t ake e f in di ng s on th cad re bo-penalt, a n import nt ba sis for future m ovement s, i ncent ive a nd rest rai nt effect of making eval uation s. 3. Preve ntion of underst ndi ng "infidelit". Pe ople-ce ntere d d evel opme nt, con cret e i dialecti cal,. In pra ctice i n the process, to prev ent on e-sid d and still l k, ro m act e. On e i s t o use diale ctical poi nt of view to und erstand. Humanist i th e co re o f t sci en c k n ev el nt, remains the dev elopment of th e scie ntific ut lo k on dev orient d an sp eed g p evel opme nt i s no op sed,but siste nt,sh uld















( 在中国只有丽江程海出产) ,东巴扎染和手织布。








eople-orie nted i n the name of red ng si as m.Premier W n Ji ab o's G vern nt w ork re po rt t hi year, i enti ed s 7% gro w h, 2.1% l er th an ast year's 9.1%, but i n 8 w rk remai ns to a ccel erate dev lopme nt in the first place ...W rk st nd ar d s. cond is t o use th e scale of d evelopment to und erstan d. Societ y is ev olving,human nee d s are al so chan gi ng. ra ctice of huma ni sm s l erm ro cess an cann ot e ach eve d o verni gh t. o treat p ople if you stand still a nd rigid dogma, it is possibl e to retu no w l edg e f ast er a nd actively ad pt to the i ncre asin gl high level of ead er shi p situati on, a ctively ad apt to the d ema nd of th e m sse s m re an d re si uation s, eager t o learn, e nhan ce accumul at n, ef s, d t bility t o o ver co ood service, p nic. T hird i s to use realistic und er stand ing. A dher e to p e op e-en d mu st be ba sed on realit y,not div orced from realit. De sk no wat er cup here i n Hong Kong, staff n ee d to dri nk so me water to the drinki ng ou nt ain on a f loor, the gla ss used is a on e-time no n-con e t

ess de di cat n a d ro vi e ser vi ce s. vest 4. cl arl y ef d respon si biliti es.Putting peo ple first is a common vision of dev el t, ever one is a li abilit Peop le-orie nt ed, a bove a nd belo w with the respo nsibilit y for co rdi ati g syst em st stabli she d and ho d every one a ccou ntable. First, we mu st str engthen the l ead shi p. "In its place, its gover an e, i s l ev el, b ea r t e resp si bil of t e Di his is the min imum requireme nt for lead er s, is a measure of th asi crit eria for w et cad re s work, efforts t o revit aliz e th e Office of h uman re sou rce s, Of ce
