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六年级英语下册Unit 1 作业单 一、写出相应的单词 更强壮的更矮的更高的年龄更大的更年轻的 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 更大的更重的更长的更瘦的更小的 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 二、按要求写单词 tall(反义词)_____ strong(比较级)____older(反义词) _____funnier(原形)______ heavy(比较级)_____ thin(比较级)_______ bigger(原形)______ long(比较级)_____ 三、根据中文完成句子 1. 我比我的弟弟大三岁. I'm than my brother. 2. 这棵树要比那棵树高. This tree than that one. 3. 你比他矮四厘米. You are than he. 4. 谁比你重? than you. 5. 他比你更强壮. He is than you. 四、将句子补充完整 1. 我比你瘦。I am ___ ___ you . 2. 今年他两岁了。He is two_____ ____this ___. 3. 你比我高吗?____ you ____than ___? 4. 你喜欢哪只猴子呢?———monkey ___you like ? 5. 我的手比你的手大。My hands are ___than ___. 五、根据要求对句子进行变换 1. His friend is 145 cm tall.(对划线部分进行提问) __________________________________________________ 2. I am 45 kg.(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________ 3. She is 12 years old .(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________

全新版大学英语IV Unit1作业

Unit One Class____________ Number___________ Name_________________ Score______________ 1. The Labor Party’s electoral strategy, which was based on a tactical (战术的)_______with other smaller parties, has proved successful. 2. My brother was not badly hurt, but he injured his leg and had to _______around for a few weeks. 3. The New York fire fighters’____deeds in rescuing the September 11 victims were celebrated across the country. 4. By a _______of good luck, Carol, who had been buried in the rubble for more than 20 hours, came out alive. 5. The aircraft was subjected to a test of temperatures of ________ 65 degrees Celsius and plus 120 degrees. 6. Tax incentives will be used to attract companies to the western ______of our country away from the east coast. 7. The opening speeches sounded more like______of war than offerings of peace. 8. After a three-day ______ by the police, the terrorists who had seized the restaurant had to give in. 9. China is the largest country in the world population. 10. In spite of all the difficulties, we should with our efforts to win the negotiation. II. Multiple choice Choose the one that best completes the sentence from the four choices given. (40%) 11.In 1941, Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, ____ an attack against the Soviet Union, as Russia then was called. A. sent B. did C. got D. launched 12. They should hire a more accountant than the one they currently have. A. effective B. sufficient C. efficient D. respective 13. “____” by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to “scorch the earth” in front of the German invaders. A. caught guard B. caught off C. caught up with D. caught off guard 14. The manufacturers had to raise their prices because of the increase in the cost of materials. A. raw B. original C. rough D. primitive 15. Napoleon ____ pressing on to Moscow, 448 kilometers away. A. took over B. took the gamble of C. took out D. took in 16.In the spring of 1812, Napoleon ____ an army of six hundred thousand men on the borders of Russia. A. assembled B. got C. owned D. together 17. By_____ Mr. Chen is a taxi driver. A. profession B. work C. occupation D. employment 18. It does not change the fact that she was the doctor ______ for the failure of the operation. A. guilty B. obliged C. accounting D. responsible 19. The shock of her daughter’s death ______ her unable to remain calm. A. caused B. had C. enabled D. rendered 20. The basic aim of the establishment of this institution is the _____ of H7N9. A. fight B. conquest C. treatment D. work III. Reading comprehension (20%) Road courtesy(礼貌) is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most levelheaded and good tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to get their revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior. On the other hand, a little courtesy goes a long way towards relieving the tensions and frustrations of motoring. A friendly nod or


第十四章异变图形创意设计 学习目标: 设计基础课程中图形创意 专业设计课程中的图形创意 造型艺术课程中的图形创意

14.1、设计基础课程中的图形创意 1、平面构成: 通过对图形创意的形式的学习,掌握了图形符号、图形构成形式和图形转换的规律,在实施平面构成作业时便可以更好地发挥学生各自的想像空间,并将点、线、面的相对性及其各自的视觉特征和描绘技能运用在平面构成的练习中,使所学的概念性知识在实际的练习中得到体现。 2、色彩构成: 在图形创意中运用色彩构成的规律,特别是色彩的知觉这一特征,例如,色彩的冷暖感、轻重感、前进和后退感等,在创意中发挥色彩的具象性和抽象性。还可以利用图形的各种表现手法,丰富传统的色彩构成练习方式,从而使色彩构成教学多元化。 3、立体构成 在立体的空间里,作为形态的立体物没有像平面空间那样具有固定的外形轮廓,而是随着视线的移动,立体物象的形会产生变化,立体构成可以使图形创意的表现空间得到拓展。另外,作为立体形态的立体物,对于形态的构成、形态的物质材料、形态塑造所使用的加工工具等都提出了更新的要求。 4 、图案:形态、色彩和构成是形成图案的三大要素。图案的形态即基本形是图案的关键部分,基本形的形成是艺术家取其生活的图形灵感,经过艺术加工完成的。利用图形创意的一些形式,如共生图形、换置图形、悖理图形、矛盾空间图形等形式和描绘技巧、图片处理等表现手法,创造出一种有实用功能性的视觉图形形象。 5 、字体设计:以往的设计基础课程作业,由于缺乏应变和思维发展空间,学生完成起来盲目、乏味。图形创意的导入无疑给这些单调的作业带来了更多的想像空间和趣味性,对丰富设计基础课程的内容和视觉传达形式的表现、深化,起到了积极的作用。 14.2、专业设计课程中的图形创意 1 、广告设计:图形以其特殊的魅力成为广告设计中的视觉中心元素,它能够下意识地左右广告的传播效果、引起人们的注意和激发消费者的阅读兴趣。 2、包装设计:图形创意在包装上的应用使其具有亲和力,同时也能加深消费者对该产品的印象。 3 、书籍装帧设计:封面是书籍的脸,是书籍在卖场与读者无声交流的第一程序,用图形的方式来取悦读者是一种非常见效的手段。 4 、商业摄影:商业摄影是一种具有商业动机和商业行为的摄影活动方式,它要求在摄影的技术上和画面创意处理艺术上都追求一种个性的存在。 5 、LOGO设计:LOGO设计要求设计师在设计过程中不但要考虑到企业或品牌的个性化,而且也要同时传达企业经营理念和战略目标,以及有最佳的传播力和最强的视觉识别性。视觉识别是一种非语言性的传播形式,但它在速度、信息容量上都占有重要地位


图形创意设计的几种表现 图形可以理解为除摄影以外的一切图和型。图形以其独特的现象力,在版面构成中展示着独特的视觉魅力。图形是在平面构成要素中形成广告性格及提高视觉注意力的重要素材。图形能够下意识地左右广告的传播效果。图形占据了重要版面,有的甚至是全部版面。图形往往能引起人们的注意,并激发阅读兴趣,图形给人的视觉印象要优于文字,合理的运用图形符号。 图形作为设计的语言,要注意把话说清楚。在处理中必须抓主主要特征,注意关键部位的细节。否则差之百,失之千里。比如苹果、西红柿、桔子等在体量差不多,但实际上却有很大不同,这就要在处理中住它们各自不同特征。 创意的图形表现是通过对创意的中心的深刻思考和系统分析,充分发挥想象思维和创造力,将想象、意念形象化、视觉化。这是创意的最后环节,也是关键的环节。从怎样分析、怎样思考到怎样表现的过程。由于人类特有的社会劳动和语言,使人的意识活动达到了高度发展的水平,人的思维是一个由认识表象开始,再将表象记录到大脑中形成概念,而后将这些来源于实际生活经验的概念普遍化加以固定,从而是外部世界乃至自身思维世界的各种对象和过程均在大脑中产生各自对应的映像。这些影响是由直接的外在关系中分离出来,独立于思维中保持并运作的。这些印象以狭义语

言为基础,又表现为可视图形,肢体动作,音乐等广义语言。 奇、异、怪的图形并非是设计师追求的目标,通俗易懂、简洁明快的图形语言,才是达到强烈视觉冲击力的必要条件,以便于公众对广告主题的认识、理解与记忆。 在一定的艺术哲理与视觉原理中,创意通过上下几千年纵横万里想象与艺术创造。作为复杂而妙趣横生的思维活动的创意,在现在的图形创意、广告设计中,它是以视觉形象出现的,而且具有一定的创意形式。 图形本身是视觉空间设计中的一种符号形象,是视觉传达过程中较直接、教准确的传达媒体,它在沟通人们与文化、信息方面起到了不可忽视的作用。在图形设计中,符号学的运用,影响着图形设计的表形性思维的表诉。也正是由于它的存在,使平面图形设计的信息传达更加科学准确,表现手法更加丰富多彩。 意大利著名符号学家艾柯提出:将符号定义为任何这样一种东西,它根据既定的社会习惯,可被看作代表其他东西的某种东西 ---- 一个记号x代表并不在的y,成语雁泥鸿爪生动准确地表述了符号的概念,鸿雁在泥沼与雪地上留下的爪印,使人们得知曾有鸿雁经过这里的事实,并且可由此推断出鸿雁的大小多寡等信息。爪印,是记号x,而鸿雁是并不在的y。符号学,正是研究符号规律的科学。 赛车场地中,设计者将转弯处的墙壁涂成黑黄相间条纹


八年级下册unit 1 作业 一、单项选择 ( )1. What’s wrong _____ John? A. with B. to C. for D. on ( )2. What’s _____ with you? A. the wrong B. trouble C. matter D. the matter ( )3. “What’s wrong with you?”“I don’t feel _____.” A. good B. well C. illness D. sadly ( )4. He is _____ heavy because he eats _____ sugar. A. too much … too much B. too much … much too C. much too … much too D. much too … too much ( )5. If you have a _____, you should go to see a dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C. toothache D. sore throat ( )6. The old man has _____. A. only three tooths B. three only tooths C. only three teeth D. three only teeth ( )7. “ What’s the matter with you?”“ I have _____.” A. a sore throat B. sore throat C. a throat sore D. throat sore ( )8. Open your _____ and say “Ah”. A. nose B. mouth C. eye D. hand ( )9. There is something wrong with my _____. I can’t see


长沙学院艺术设计系教案(2015~2016学年第2学期) 课程名称图形创意设计 授课班级2015视觉传达 教研室视传教研室 主讲教师阎彦 职称讲师

▲训练目的: 激发学生灵感,提高视觉表现能力。训练思维想象的速度与创意表现能力。培养学生对事物的观察力和记忆力,以及对物体进行系统、连贯的思维的能力。 示范图: 三元素:△□○ ▲课题内容:三元素的联想 ▲教学要求: 1.要求各元素形似或意象 2.作业量及尺寸:A4.至少12个相关图形。 ▲训练目的: 设计元素本身源于生活,以三元素为依据,通过联想捕捉生活中的相似视觉形象,有意识地引导学生对周边的事物、物体发生兴趣,并加以观察,再用艺术的手法加以表现。 示范图: 眼球 ▲课题内容:眼的联想 ▲教学方式: 通过提问的方式,使学生明白:眼的功能是什么?除了动物有眼外,物体是否也有眼睛?(与眼球同形、同质的东西)。启发学生的思维,培养学生善于对周围熟悉的物

体进行拟人化的思考能力,提问会使学生得到一系列的答案。在学生做作业前,解剖眼球体并介绍画法。 ▲教学要求: 1.寻找与眼球相似的物形并将之取代,要求视觉上的合理与感觉上的幽默 2.作业量及尺寸:要求在A4纸上作出20个图形 ▲训练目的: 通过最能激发学生灵性的元素------眼的训练,培养学生元素替换的能力,以及对某一物进行概括、刻画的能力。如:蛇、蜗牛。 示范图: 条码 ▲课题内容:条码的联想 ▲教学方式: 1.提问:直线的意义?提示:从心理学、美学、哲学、形态学角度考虑。 2.用15分钟的时间每人画出3个自然界和生活中与直线有关的物体。 3.点评后再每人画出与条码元素相结合、或相互取代的完整的形图。 ▲教学要求: 抓住条码规范的秩序感觉,寻找生活中的物体并予以取代。要求结合自然。 作业量及尺寸:10个图形,A4 ▲训练目的: 1.直线是设计中广为采用的元素,富有个性。以直线为切入点,增加学生对各 种成型特性的理解。 2.设计不是单纯的在平面上再现原物,而是要将各式无形的东西归纳为有形的 的东西,并表现为观众易接受与理解的画面。 3.从最单纯的直线引发出最丰富的联想,引导逻辑思维的能力。 示范图:

寒假作业 unit1

英语寒假作业(unit1) 编者:陈静审稿:曾辉 建议完成时间:30分钟总分:100分自测得分:_______ 家长签名:______ 一、请写出以下十五个短语(30分) 1.去度假_______________ 2.相当多____________ 3.为考试学习______________ 4. 尝起来味道好____________ 5. 想要做某事_______ 6.重要的事情_____________ 7. 因为_____________ 8. 到达______________ 9.写日记_______________ 10.去爬山_______________ 11.到海边去___________ 12.参观博物馆__________________ 13. 去夏令营____________ 14. 一碗米饭__________ 15. 弄清楚_________________ 二、请将以下五个句子翻译成英文。(10分) 1.我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。______________________________________ 2.我和家人今天早上到达长沙。______________________________________________ 3.有许多新的建筑物在我们农村。___________________________________________ 4.我大部分时间呆在家里看书和放松。________________________________________ 5.我们等了一个多小时火车因为有很多人。___________________________________ 三、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. Mike decided__________the museum this Sunday. A.visit B.visits C. visiting D. to visit ( )2.---David, don’t forget to bring your umbrella, or you will get_________.---OK, Mom. A.cold B. dry C. wet D. warm ( )3. Zhang Wei didn’t come to school________his illness. A.because of B. because C. so D. that ( )4.---Mom, I’ve got_________important to tell you.---What’s up? A.Nothing B. anything C. something D. everything ( )5. I will call you as soon as I arrived in Kunming. A.reach to B. get to C. get D. arrive ()6.There are quite students in our school learn chemistry in English. A.some B.many C.a few D.a lot ()7.When summer comes, a lot of people feel like _____ to have fun. A.to swim B.swim C.swam D.swimming ()8.He didn't read the book______,although he had ______. A.careful enough;enough time B.carefully enough;enough time C.enough careful;enough time D.enough carefully;time enough ()9.The fantastic music made the students______relaxed.


三年级下册Unit1 Part A 班级姓名 一、选出各国家的国旗和相应的建筑物。 1. UK 2. USA 3.China 4.Canada 5.Australia ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A B C D E a b c d d e 二、按顺序默写出下列4个单词: 猫爸爸包手 三、看单词,写中文 new friend USA UK China Canada boy girl 四、选择题 ()1 .Amy is a _______ . A.boy B.girl C. father ( ) 2. Mike is from __________. A . UK B. Canada C. China ( ) 3. Hi, I’m Amy . I’m from_______. A . UK B. Canada C. USA ( ) 4 .当你家来了客人,你要表示欢迎,你应该说:_________. A. Come here! B. Welcome! ( ) 5. 你想知道一位新朋友来自哪里,你可以问:__________? A. How old are you ? B. Where are you from? ( ) 6 . We have two new A . friend B. friends ( ) 7. I’m from the . A .USA B. China C. Canada

Unit 1 Part B 一、选出不同类的单词: ()1. A. she B. he C. friend ()2. A. Canada B. teacher C. student ()3. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/fb13441174.html, B. Amy C. Australia ()4. A. boy B. girl C.pupil ()5. A. today B. China C. USA 二、我是小小翻译家: 1. Where are you from ? ________________________ 2. He’s a teacher. _______________________ 3. She’s from the UK . _________________________ 4. I’m from Australia . _________________________ 5. She’s a new student . __________________________ 三、帮动物找家。 A B C D 四、选择题 ()1 .Amy is a _______ . A.teacher B.student ( ) 2. This is Mr Jones. He is a __________. A.teacher B.student ( ) 3. This is Mike. ____ ‘s from Canada. A . She B. He ( ) 4 .This is Miss White . ____________ A. He’s a teacher . B. She’s a teacher.


初二英语第一周周末作业(8AUnit1)姓名 一、词汇 A) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成下列单词。 1. Tom isn't h______, we never believe what he says. 2. You can read many ______(杂志) in the reading room. 3. My friend often shares his j_______ with me. 4. Our teachers are always w_______ to help us with our study. 5. We should be r______ to help old people in need any time. 6. Wei Hua is g__________. She always shares her things with others. 7. Living in this old, small flat must make you feel much ___ __(糟糕). 8. My English teacher has a good sense of h__________. 9. He is 1.80 meters in h__________ 10.My brother wants to be a __________ (社会的) worker. 11. I never feel _________ (无聊的) when my sister is with me. 12.I’d like to tell Millie everything because she can keep s_______. B) 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1.Skiing is as _______(danger) as diving. 2. The _______(weigh) of Millie is 53kg. 3.Yao Ming looks (fat) than before. 4.Playing football is ________ (healthy) than watching TV. 5. It took me _________ (little) than a week to finish the work. 6. He tells _________ (fun) jokes and always makes me laugh . 7. .I like her bright, (smile) eyes. C、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He finished (play) football at six p.m.. 2. Lucy, (not stay) at home tomorrow. 3. My father always (teach) me how to study English last term . 4. It’s seven o’clock. Everyone (read) English. 5. Don’t worry. I will tell you how (use) the computer.. 6..I hope you (come)next Friday. 7. Li Lei always make us _________ (laugh) . 8.He often ________(knock) our books and pens off the desk. 9. My mother is a good cook . She is good at _______ (cook). 10.I will go to the park if it ______ (not rain) tomorrow. 二、单项选择 ()1.It's known that Suzhou is __________ in the world. A. one of the most beautiful countries B. one of the beautiful countries C. one of the most beautiful cities D. one of the most beautiful city ()2. Jenny is so kind that she often _____her toys with her friends. A. shows B. gives C. shares D. brings ()3. My friend Jack looks fine, he always ______a smile _____his face.


Unit 1 I. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in 1. Silk is ____ from rayon in every respect. 2. I believe your story without _____. 3. The escaped prisoner’s _____ is still unknown. 4. This concert will no doubt ____ his growing reputation. 5. The president stresses that a realistic attitude must be ____ toward this issue. 6. The gala contains a wild ____ of dance, singing, and poetry recitals, etc. 7. The red figure in the ____ is the artist’s mother. 8. Journalists who were ____ about the incident raced to the scene. 9. The government _____ to limit car imports from other countries. 10. Did the film ____ your expectation? II. Combine the pair of sentences into one, choosing the proper linking 2. ____ I have to walk all the way I’ll get there. 3. ____ you understand this rule, you’ll have no further difficulty. 4. ____ all his efforts to restore their friendship they parted eventually. 5. Nothing more was heard from him ____ we began to wonder if he was dead. III. Correct the error in each of the sentence: 1. The words must be written very carefully in order to make the foreigners understand them well. 2. Despite that she has had the amputation after the earthquake, the girl hasn’t lost her will to live. 3. He finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all. 4. That whether he remains alive is still a mystery. 5. To drive at full speed on a busy street is very dangerous. IV. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. There is no evidence that antibiotics or anti-viral medicines help, _____ doctors can offer only supportive care. A. so B. but C. still D. yet 2. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, ______ by the police each time. A. had been captured B. being always captured C. only to be captured D. unfortunately captured


图形创意设计的表现 图形可以理解为除摄影以外的一切图和型。图形以其独特的现象力,在版面构成中展示着独特的视觉魅力。图形是在平面构成要素中形成广告性格及提高视觉注意力的重要素材。图形能够下意识地左右广告的传播效果。图形占据了重要版面,有的甚至是全部版面。图形往往能引起人们的注意,并激发阅读兴趣,图形给人的视觉印象要优于文字,合理的运用图形符号。 1、图形设计语言 图形作为设计的语言,要注意把话说清楚。在处理中必须抓主主要特征,注意关键部位的细节。否则差之百,失之千里。比如苹果、西红柿、桔子等在体量差不多,但实际上却有很大不同,这就要在处理中住它们各自不同特征。 创意的图形表现是通过对创意的中心的深刻思考和系统分析,充分发挥想象思维和创造力,将想象、意念形象化、视觉化。这是创意的最后环节,也是关键的环节。从怎样分析、怎样思考到怎样表现的过程。由于人类特有的社会劳动和语言,使人的意识活动达到了高度发展的水平,人的思维是一个由认识表象开始,再将表象记录到大脑中形成概念,而后将这些来源于实际生活经验的概念普遍化加以固定,从而是外部世界乃至自身思维世界的各种对象和过程均在大脑中产生各自对应的映像。这些影响是由直接的外在关系中分离出来,独立于思维中保持并运作的。这些印象以狭义语言为基础,又表现为可视图形,肢体动作,音乐等广义语言。 “奇”、“异”、“怪”的图形并非是设计师追求的目标,通俗易懂、简洁明快的图形语言,才是达到强烈视觉冲击力的必要条件,以便于公众对广告主题的认识、理解与记忆。

在一定的艺术哲理与视觉原理中,创意通过上下几千年纵横万里想象与艺术创造。作为复杂而妙趣横生的思维活动的创意,在现在的图形创意、广告设计中,它是以视觉形象出现的,而且具有一定的创意形式。 2、平面图形设计与符号的本质联系 图形本身是视觉空间设计中的一种符号形象,是视觉传达过程中较直接、教准确的传达媒体,它在沟通人们与文化、信息方面起到了不可忽视的作用。在图形设计中,符号学的运用,影响着图形设计的表形性思维的表诉。也正是由于它的存在,使平面图形设计的信息传达更加科学准确,表现手法更加丰富多彩。 意大利著名符号学家艾柯提出:将符号定义为任何这样一种东西,它根据既定的社会习惯,可被看作代表其他东西的某种东西---- 一个记号X代表并不在的Y,成语“雁泥鸿爪”生动准确地表述了符号的概念,鸿雁在泥沼与雪地上留下的爪印,使人们得知曾有鸿雁经过这里的事实,并且可由此推断出鸿雁的大小多寡等信息。爪印,是记号X,而鸿雁是并不在的Y。符号学,正是研究符号规律的科学。 赛车场地中,设计者将转弯处的墙壁涂成黑黄相间条纹的图案,借以提醒车手集中注意力,警惕发生意外。这是因为每当人们看到黑黄相间的条纹时,都会不自觉的产生畏惧感和警惕性,这种感觉或不仅仅来自于图案色彩本身具有的视觉特性,可能也与黑黄色条纹使人们产生对虎或是蜜蜂等可能给人带来危险的动物的联想有关,人们对这样的图形的畏惧与警惕是人们共同生活经验中对老虎或蜜蜂的畏惧与警惕的延续;相同的绿色,却常会使人们产生心旷神怡的愉悦感,仿佛置身于茂密的丛林与清新的空气之中,而生命在自然的环境下也得以健康的生长。因此,绿色,被更多的运用于医药,环保等关于生命领域的设计课题中。


爱德外国语学校校本作业(unit1单元练习) 一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共8小题;共8分) 1. We studied in No.1 M School in 2007. 2. Four and four is e . 3. This is our f lesson. So I don't know all your names. 4. What's your t number? It's 555-0192. 5. --- What's five and two? --- It's s . 6. I have a good f . Her name is Jane. 7. What's your l name? 8. Hi, Cindy. Nice to m you. 二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共5小题;共5分) 9. Four of the (九) computers in our office broke down, so we had them repaired. 10. I have two new (朋友). They're Sammi and Pat. 11. This is my friend. (她) is English. 12. I go to (学校) at 7 in the morning and go (家) at 4 in the afternoon. 13. She sits in the (中间的) of the classroom. 三、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) My name 14 Lily. I am eleven. I'm 15 American. I'm a new student in Class Six, 16 , No. 3 Middle School. I have 17 hair and big 18 . My teacher is Miss Zhou. She is 19 , nearly 1.7 metres. 20 hair 21 short and black. I 22 happy today, because I 23 a lovely(可爱的) bird in our garden(花园). I like it very much. 14. A. am B. is C. are D. be 15. A. a B. an C. the D. from 16. A. grade one B. Grade One C. grade One D. Grade one 17. A. long blond B. blond long C. a long blond D. a blond long 18. A. eyes B. eye C. foot D. ear 19. A. tall B. high C. long D. short 20. A. Her B. She C. The D. His 21. A. am B. is C. are D. be

大学英语第五册Unit 1作业答案

第五册第一单元选词填空B5U1P7 1) The bank has discovered that on any _____ day, transactions in cash seldom exceed one million. given 该银行发现每天现金交易都很少超过一百万元。 2) One could tell _____ that she was not the kind of person who would give up easily. at a glance 人们一眼就能看出她不是那种会轻言放弃的人。 3) Applicants for this position need _____ in at least one foreign language. fluency 这个职位需要至少一门外语流利的求职者。 4) _____ patience, the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved. Given 只要有耐心,这个物种的人工繁育是可以实现的。 5)So far we have had perfect weather. The yield of the crop, _____, will hit a new record this year. hopefully 目前为止天气很好,今年庄稼产量很

有希望创历史新高。 6) An employment contract should _____ the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms. define 劳动合同应该用明确的条款界定雇佣方和受雇方的权利和义务。 7) “How did you get the information about this author?”“I _____ him _____in Who’s Who.”looked…up 你是怎么得到这个自己的信息的? 我在《名人录》中查到的。 8) It’s _____ talking to him because he never listens. no good 跟他说没用,因为他从来不听劝。 9) The author of the article quoted my words out of _____ in order to mislead the readers. context 这个作者把我的话断章取义,用来误导读者。
